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How this makes you feel ?

Virtual ghost

Complex paradigm
Jun 6, 2008
If you don't mind I would like to do a little psychology test using a video and a philosophical topic.

[YOUTUBE="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9ZnUmUxvWo&feature=related"]A Short History in Nuclear Arms[/YOUTUBE]

What was the efect of this video on your emotional state ?
Why your answer to the last question is what it is? Is it because of the ideas in this video or is it because of artistic impression created with a mix of picture and music in the background ? (or both/something alse)
(I am especially interested in opinions of NJs)


Watching this video was far from pleasant, as you can imagine. Because this was real, it really happened. I feel saddened because human kind is capable of doing horrible things even if very little is actually gained. But, at the same time, the power displayed is also fascinating. Again, because it is created by mankind. The idea of total destruction at the push of a button is...interesting. The simultaneous powerfulness and helplessness of human race.

I think it's the combination of both the ideas in the video and the artistic impression. The way the music and the images were combined emphasized it a great deal more.
I definitely grimaced during the part when the lyrics had "rotten flesh" and the image of a burning body displayed during that. This made it very real.


Let's make this showy!
Nov 11, 2008
If you don't mind I would like to do a little psychology test using a video and a philosophical topic.

What was the efect of this video on your emotional state ?
Why your answer to the last question is what it is? Is it because of the ideas in this video or is it because of artistic impression created with a mix of picture and music in the background ? (or both/something alse)
(I am especially interested in opinions of NJs)

Well, I'd say the first 2 replies to this thread had an effect on my attempted emotional state, as I felt I was expected to feel a certain way. As I watched the video, all it did was trigger Si and Ne. I didn't "feel" emotional. As I watched the video, I thought of older video games I used to play that took place during war eras, such as Battlefield 1942, Vietcong, Soldier of Fortune, etc. I was just like...oh, cool planes!

But, then as the video went on and I listened to the lyrics, I couldn't make out some of the lyrics, but it sounded like one of the lines was, "Has the world become a battlefield"? My first thoughts were, "We're capable of this destructive power, but everyone still has their own free will to create this stuff. That's where you sit and hope the person has the kind of morals to refrain from mass destruction. Still, it's just a matter of outsmarting other people to either use the weapons or stop the person from using the weapons." Then, it frustrated me thinking about the destruction and turmoil that happens in the world as a result of conflicted opinions. That's what depresses me. "I'm going to blow up your country...because we disagreed!"

Anyway. I know you wanted NJs, but that's the ISTJ opinion. It mostly made me think about some experiences I've had with NFPs that think I'm fucked up for not having intense feelings of sorrow watching the movie. I prefer my analysis. :)

Virtual ghost

Complex paradigm
Jun 6, 2008
Well, I'd say the first 2 replies to this thread had an effect on my attempted emotional state, as I felt I was expected to feel a certain way. As I watched the video, all it did was trigger Si and Ne. I didn't "feel" emotional. As I watched the video, I thought of older video games I used to play that took place during war eras, such as Battlefield 1942, Vietcong, Soldier of Fortune, etc. I was just like...oh, cool planes!

But, then as the video went on and I listened to the lyrics, I couldn't make out some of the lyrics, but it sounded like one of the lines was, "Has the world become a battlefield"? My first thoughts were, "We're capable of this destructive power, but everyone still has their own free will to create this stuff. That's where you sit and hope the person has the kind of morals to refrain from mass destruction. Still, it's just a matter of outsmarting other people to either use the weapons or stop the person from using the weapons." Then, it frustrated me thinking about the destruction and turmoil that happens in the world as a result of conflicted opinions. That's what depresses me. "I'm going to blow up your country...because we disagreed!"

Anyway. I know you wanted NJs, but that's the ISTJ opinion. It mostly made me think about some experiences I've had with NFPs that think I'm fucked up for not having intense feelings of sorrow watching the movie. I prefer my analysis. :)

I said that I am especially interested in opinions of NJs (because of Ni) but I am interested in all replys people are willing to give me.


Let's make this showy!
Nov 11, 2008
I said that I am especially interested in opinions of NJs (because of Ni) but I am interested in all replys people are willing to give me.

I kind of did it also to be annoying. :p It was honest, though!


Active member
May 5, 2007
What was the effect on my emotional state?

The video represented man at his worst:
A perpetual state of stupidity.


That chalkboard guy
Jun 15, 2009
I'd say any emotional effect from that video on me was from the "music" (if you'll call it that) playing in the background.

I took that video dominantly though my Si. My mental state was mostly "I've seen that footage before" or "That particular explosion was merely a test." (And, of course, the occasional "Reminds me of using nukes in a video game.")Like Raz, I can't say I "felt" anything.

As a final note, another thing in my head was how poorly the video was done. What was the purpose of the two groups in gas masks shooting at each other, again? I suppose there could have been some message such as "Once we blow the whole world up, we're going to keep fighting, even if we have to do it in gas masks." While the concept behind that shot may be valid, it could have been executed better.


New member
Jun 13, 2009
Irritation. Disgust.

The conveyed attitude of crass, adrenaline-pumping music paired with the back to back images of death is just mind numbingly careless. I'm not impressed by anyone who gets their jollies from mass destruction of others, or by those who entertain themselves by admiring power without keeping in mind that it came at the cost of others. It makes me think, "Seriously, folks, whatever happened to the mean kids burning ants with a magnifying glass for fun? If it's display of power you want, go play on a golf course in a thunder storm."

Curiousity/Concern for the individual who put it together.

Irritation because I hate bad techno.

Pain from those who suffered.

There you have it. The self-righteous anger of a provoked idealist.:alttongue:


Nov 1, 2008
Very little if any effect. Throughout the vid I was thinking that this topic may have a bit more cultural bias than average. I was also thinking "interesting music". And watching the purty explosions. And I'm pretty sure my mind wandered away from the vid quite a bit.


Nips away your dignity
Mar 31, 2009
Instinctual Variant
The music is pretty cool. I like it.

I experience no change in emotional state watching hiroshimo blow up for the 100th time.

The past is the past. The best we can do is to prevent it from repeating if we are in the position to do so. But I don't see reason to feel sad about seeing a bunch of complete strangers get burnt alive, for if I did, I would feel sickened by myself and my hipocritisism.

Their deaths are no less horrible than the many deaths one reads about in newspapers every day. If we were to cry for the deaths in Hiroshima. People who we did not know. Than we should cry for all the people we do not know that die daily. We'd be crying 24/7.

I don't see anyone doing that. So what makes hiroshima any worse than all the other murders and atrocities one doesn't cry for?

I especially loathe it when people use events like this as political leverage for the wrong reasons.

But do I have trouble watching that movie? No, not at all.


Nips away your dignity
Mar 31, 2009
Instinctual Variant
Oh and I am glad we are capable of such destruction.

Such potential for desctruction and our choice of restraint, is a pivotal point in the evolution of humankind.

Throughout the centuries, we've been at war. Never in history, has mankind united against murder, until this day as a race, we still have not. And I don't see that change for a long time. But now since the atombomb. We've been seeing just how destrictive we can be. Now, an atombomb or shooting someone with a gun is no different to me. And both are equally as wrong. But the thought of people shooting each other has never in the past been enough to get the general population to disregard it from being an option.

But funnily, the show at Hiroshima has had that effect on humankind. We see someone get shot we say "aww", we see hundreds of thousands or people get blown to ash and we're like "omg, never again."

So maybe we're just that kind of race.


New member
Jun 13, 2009
Their deaths are no less horrible than the many deaths one reads about in newspapers every day. If we were to cry for the deaths in Hiroshima. People who we did not know. Than we should cry for all the people we do not know that die daily. We'd be crying 24/7.

Hmm. I suppose the difference for me is simply that I don't set the deaths of everyone else who dies all the time to music and watch it for funsies. It happens, and I agree, one certainly would be silly to spend a lifetime sobbing over it. At the same time...I have a tough time imagining the merit of setting, say, photos of dead puppies (because I find the cuteness of puppies quite astonishing) to YoYo Ma for entertainment.

Wait. No. I might actually laugh at that.:blush:

So maybe we're just that kind of race.

Man, that'd be cool. I hope you're right. :)

Little Linguist

Striving for balance
Jun 23, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Music: Awful - I hate it; it is distracting, inappropriate, and grating

Visuals: Impressive, but not evoking an emotional reaction; the repetition makes me think it's more of a propaganda film - things intended to evoke an emotional reaction generally don't.

Thoughts (Stream of Consciousness): What is the physics behind this? Where were the other bombs tested? The visuals look peculiar. Would this music stop already? I wonder what causes this wave. I should look up nuclear explosions in Wikipedia. They showed this already. Are there any facts here or just visuals and awful music? Why is it called the history of nuclear war - this isn't history! These are visuals. Who made this? What did they want to say other than 'nuclear war is bad,' which by the way, we knew already. Perhaps I should look for a better documentary on nuclear war. What did Antisocial want to hear? Oh brother, he probably wants to hear how awful nuclear war is. But it's pretty fascinating. Better not say that or else everyone will think I'm psycho. But who cares because it's the truth. So I will say it. Damn it, they showed that already too. It's like a badly-made propaganda film. I hate this music, someone should shoot the band who made that. How weird that I'm thinking things like that while watching violence? Is there a connection? Surely someone will say that video games desensitizes people and the violence on TV. Maybe he wanted to see how many people or what types react with disgust. Well I can't help it if I'm not like my type. I wonder what the others will say. DAMN IT THEY SHOWED THAT ALREADY. The music STILL SUCKS. When will this bloody thing be over? Hmm, I wonder what the comments are like. 'Wow, it was beautiful,' well in a perverted way it sort of is. 'It's because of people like you that we have nuclear war, you idiot.' Well, that's not very realistic. Hmm, 5:20. That is lasting a long time. Those skulls look pretty intact for a nuclear ground zero. I don't think it came from that. I've seen that famous house being blown apart a lot - I think it was in the film A Beautiful Mind. YES exactly on the cassette or whatever on the TV when he was 'cracking codes.' Music still sucks. It doesn't fit at all. *sigh* Oh, wow, my husband took the laundry out of the washing machine. Cool. Whew, maybe it will be dry by tomorrow. I hope the discussion goes well. Whew, good it's over.

Feelings: The film sucked, but it does make you marvel at the destructive power of man. Makes you think that if man harnessed that power and did good things, we'd be in a much better spot. But that's just too idealistic, so we'll probably destroy each other in a hundred years - or the planet (and therefore, each other). Or the planet will just shake us off like a bad case of fleas or something like that that George Carlin said.

I hope that is what you wanted. If not, feel free to ask questions to have me clarify if that helps your project at all.

By the way, most people seem to think I'm ENFP (see the thread ENFP? under the first category), but I am not sure. As you can see, I'm 50/50 T/F and 50/50 J/P, so I guess that means I could participate because I could theoretically be an ENTJ, but I'm not. Anyway, there you go.

Oh, yeah, I forgot the bit about - weird ass guys in gas masks having nothing to do with the rest, which reminds me of Peguy's profile picture of guys in gas masks, which reminds me of WWI, which is related to WWII, which reminds me of the debate we had on dropping the bombs on Hiroshima in 12th grade, which reminds me of....(voice trails off in the background)

Second impression: I wonder if watching movies activates my S? Maybe that's why I enjoy them because they give my N a break? Do I have an N reaction? An S reaction? Both? Both would make sense because I'm a balanced N...maybe?


Nips away your dignity
Mar 31, 2009
Instinctual Variant
By the way, I find the lyrics of the song pretty good too. Very fitting.

For centuries and centuries
I walked along their battlefields
Rotten flesh and burned soil
Is all what they have left

A strange desire for destruction
Can be felt at all these places
An awful waste of resources
All for their killing machinery

A world all made of battlefields
A world all drowned in blood
A world which will not last forever
Is all that we have got

A world all made of battlefields
A world all built for wars
And now we take the battlefields
Far out to the stars

They get better year by year
With a frightening efficiency
Killing thousands in one strike
By pushing just one button

So I have been everywhere
From the jungle to the mountain
And even in the deepest sea
I saw the signs of a past war

Little Linguist

Striving for balance
Jun 23, 2008
Instinctual Variant
By the way, I find the lyrics of the song pretty good too. Very fitting.

The lyrics were fitting, but the music was atrocious. Bah!

And it takes a lot for me to say that, because I usually focus on the lyrics rather than the beat. But it just pissed me off so much that I couldn't focus on the lyrics that much.


Oh, yeah, I forgot the bit about - weird ass guys in gas masks having nothing to do with the rest, which reminds me of Peguy's profile picture of guys in gas masks, which reminds me of WWI
Probably because my profile picture is of WWI. ;)


New member
Jun 13, 2009
The lyrics were fitting, but the music was atrocious. Bah!

And it takes a lot for me to say that, because I usually focus on the lyrics rather than the beat. But it just pissed me off so much that I couldn't focus on the lyrics that much.

I have to second that. It was like screeching "I love you" or muttering "I'm so excited". I'm glad you posted the lyrics, fluffywolf, as I actually liked them. I think some music style/subject matter combos are just doomed to being misunderstood by some.

Little Linguist

Striving for balance
Jun 23, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Probably because my profile picture is of WWI. ;)

Yeah, I meant WWI in general, smarty pants!!! ;) Which then led to WWII and the whole thing - ach!!! You know what I meant! ;)


Nips away your dignity
Mar 31, 2009
Instinctual Variant
I suppose I'm just apathetic by nature towards that which I can not change.

By the way, the song reminds me of Sinead O' Conner's song drink before the war. Weird. :p

YouTube - Sinead O'Connor - Drink before the war

Awesome song by the way. (I love Sinead <3 )

I'd say the NF's probably would've enjoyed that song on this clip a lot more. :)