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Help me to find my type, ENTP or INTP (or maybe I am completely off)


New member
Nov 26, 2022
1) Context:
a) What is your age range and general location (Country so that cultural values can be taken into account)? Do you have any impairments that may affect the way that you answer this questionnaire? Any religious or political beliefs (or anything else along those lines) that also might have an effect?

I am 26, male and I am from Hungary, so that is in the middle of europe. I don't know any impairments that could affect. I was seeing a psychologist for 1 year, but I wasn't diagnosed with anything.
I felt depressed for a time that's why I was seeing a psychologist in the first place, but after a year I no longer feel like it. Probably the covid lockdown caused all that mental problem.
I am not religious nor I care about politics. I follow the news and I am informed about most things but I don't take anyones side. Well, I don't like our current government because from my understanding they are very corrupt.
Other than that, nothing really.

b) Which types are you currently considering? Why are you considering them and why haven't you decided on one?

I read a lot, maybe way too much about the whole personality type stuff. There is 2 reasons as to why I cannot decide. For one, when I read about the cognitive function and how they work in each position
I can see myself in most of those. Not all of those but because of this it's hard to decide. Also, it's hard to decide what my dominant function is.
For the other one, I identify myself as an ENTP the most, but I also like ENTPs in general. So, now I don't know that I am one and like them because of it, or I like them and want to be like them.
Of course not all ENTPs act the same way, every person is different, but they have their similarities. Same goes for the INTP, what I have seen INTPs and ENTPs can be similar to one another.

I have to also say that, my main motivation to find my type is growth. Since I wasn't able to be a very social person during my teen years, I couldn't get attention and peoples appreciation.
I was kind of forced to be a social chameleon so my logic was that, I need to be myself to earn peoples attention. So I thought If I get to know myself better , I'll be better at being myself, sort of.
So thats basically the reason why I started to learn this whole system and everything I can about it. So make sure I am fit into that type I need to know most of the things in the system.

2) What do you deem as your purpose in life?

A couple of things. Having fun, being content and comfortable is one that is a rather simple one.
This includes having a nice circle of friends and family.

But also, I want to entertain people and also in the meantime teach them.
I like making people laugh so one of my big goals is to be a comedian or something similar.
I hate ignorance and I think that is one of the biggest problem that exist, being ignorant. So I would use my fame and humor to teach people to see new perspectives, so they can have a more open mind.
(Also I like being the center of attention,praise and appreciation)

I don't know if I call this one a life of purpose, but I like to help people to solve their problems and progress with their lives. Progression in life is key.

3) Of the seven deadly sins, which one(s) do you relate to the most and the least and why?

If you mean by relating to actually having that sin. Then I would say Envy. I was a very envious person when I was younger, that's probably because of my insecurities.
I also have quite a bit of FOMO. So, when my friends are doing something that I am not invited to, I have this feeling being left out, unappreciated, disliked, unwanted and resentment towards them.
I keep this feeling to myself, so my friends never really know about it. So, this could be related to envy. I envy the attention other people get, its quite childish to be fair and I don't like it one bit.

What I realate to the least is Greed, because I would say I am a generous person. If I can buy, gift (something useful) or invite people to something I am very happy to do so. I like to help out, mostly my friends without too much of a second thought.

4) Analyzing your relationships with others, briefly describe:
a) The type of people you are drawn to

People who are fun, they like having fun and don't take thing too seriously. Just joke around.
Also people who have this calm and chill vibe to them. I would say It's also nice if they are open mindend, but I do have some very good friends who are also stubborn like hell.
Plus, they don't have to be very smart or anything, but I can't handle straight up dumb people.

b) The type of people who are drawn to you

I don't really know, all kinds of people, except the people who are overly serious and tense.
Also the people who think I am smart and I can solve problems.

c) The type of people you are repulsed by

Ignorant, dumb, too serious and too tense people.
People who have some emotional instability can also put me off a bit, like someone who cries too much or is very impulsive and rages a lot.
Also bossy people, I don't like people who tell me what to do and try to act like my boss, even though they are from that.
Acting smart when they have barely any idea what they are doing is also another one.

5)What are the traits in others that you admire but you cannot emulate yourself? Elaborate.

Having the ability to notice things with their eyes. When I am searching for something, then I can't notice it even if it is right in front of me, I just can't.
Being able to focus on one thing for a long period of time. I always take a break or deviate from what I am doing, because I just lose focus and energy quickly while doing it.
So I am always taking quick breakes, kind of like a quick refresh then i'll continue and I repeat it again. Although, most of the time, when it comes to doing a task.
I do it most of it in my head before I actually do it. I still take breaks but between breaks I continue the "work" in my head. Like a small plan, outline.

Having a one on one conversation. It's a tough one for me, I always need atleast one extra person to talk instead of me. Basically I need them to create topics and I can bounce off the ideas off of those topics.
I am sort of fine being on a one on one with someone if we are doing something together. Sometimes I still have the urge to invite more people. It depends on how close I am to that person.
Perhaps that is due to that, I don't like to mingle, I rather have deep conversations with people.

So yeah, people who can easily mingle and not get bored by it in a minute, I can respect that.

6) Describe your relationship with the following:
a) Anger

I don't get angry a lot to be honest. It is very hard to get me to that point, I might get frustrated but not angry.
But there are a few things that grow my level of angryness so to speak.

Ignorant people who cannot listen to any reason what so ever.
Also people who critizes others or me, based on subjective knowledge and values. If its objective then I am fine with that, but when they form their opinion that has been swayed by emotions or they have not considered other possibilites then that can anger me.
For example, someone blames you for something you did, but they don't know the full context of the situation, so they don't have the full of view of what and why it happened.
And when you know that you wouldn't have been blamed or critized, if they knew the context, then that can be infuriating.
Unbased critizism in short.

b) Shame

I don't think I felt too much shame in my life. I am not ashamed to do things that other may would think is shamefull.
For instance, I don't care too much about traditions and things alike. If I had to dress in a certain way, and I'm just going my own way of dressing, I wouldn't be ashamed of looking different.
Of course, if people go out of their way to come to and tell me that I shouldn't have done that etc. Theeen I may feel a but if guilt or shame.
Thing is I am not ashamed to be different but I feel bad If I hurt people because of it. If I care about those people of course.
Weird thing is that I care about public perception, that relates more to fear than shame.

c) Fear

Okay there are a couple of things I am "afraid" of.
Firstly, I am afraid to do the wrong thing. So I have all this thing I can do, want to do etc. but it can hard to start any of those, because I want to do them right so I research, read do all that to get it right.
How people percieve me also plays a role here, because I don't look dumb doing something.
For example dancing, I can't dance, I suck at it, I don't want to suck at it, but I move like a piece wood. So I don't want to look dumb. But If I embrace the "being fool" role, then its actually fun.
Maybe I should do that.
Also note that I was bullied in late elementary school and it affected me in highschool as well, so I became very reserver because of that, so that might play a role here.
But If I dig deep down into my mind, what I think is, I don't want to be ridiculed (unless I want to be). I want people's attention and appreciation, and I want to be wanted by others.
So I would say being left alone is also could be a fear of mine.
Losing control is also one of those, like losing an irreplacable bodypart, like an eye, is the same as losing some of my control over my life. I already don't like being commanded, but If I would lose my eyesight I might jump out of the window lol.
I am also a very competitive person, so I kind of fear failure as well. This might be one the reasons why I am afraid of doing the wrong doing, because the fear of failure.
The process of death I guess? like being bedridden, sick and having a slow and painfull death. Death itself doesn't scare me.

d) Love/passion

I wouldn't say I am a passionate person per se, but I mean I do love things... and people, and animals, I love my cat.
So, I love friends, loved ones or whoever a lot. But I have more acquaintances than friends. I can't even say that I have a very close friend (other than my girlfriend).
It's hard to form deep relationships even though I want to.
Anyway, I always try to help my friends or acquaintances. Solve whatever problem they have, I usually offer a solution to their issue.
I love to solve problems, and I love to help people.

e) Conflict

I am a conflict avoidant person. Arguing, having a debate, discussion ,is something that I am all in for. Conflict? not so much.
There are conflicts which are unavoidable of course, and I am fine with that as well, because I will manage it somehow.
But I'll always try to resolve/diffuse an issue before it becomes a conflict. But I only do that for myself or the group of people I cherish.
If some random guy wants to start to a bar fight, go head, just leave me out of it.

7) What are some of the themes that have played a prominent role in your life (ie. A struggle you've been unable to conquer, ect)?

Well, social anxiety played a huge role in my life, during late elementary school and in early to mid highschool. It started to get loose at the end, and as I learn more about myself and care less about peoples perception of the better it becomes.
Also, note that in early elementary school I was a very social kid, but once I was moved to another which I didn't want to go to. Then it all went down hill from there.

There are things that is most likely relatod to anxiety as well, such as hostile attribution bias, and some confidence problems when it comes "moving".
So, my movement can be a bit rigid when I feel anxious, for example dancing is something I like to do, but I am pretty bad at it, so I don't like to do it in public.
Even though I have a good rhythm sense (I think at least).

Perfectionism and abandonment, I tend to start off things, that I want to do almost perfectly, and when I actually reach that almost perfect plan, or more like outline on how to do it.
Then I usually abandon it, because then I have already figured it out and I am no longer interested in it.
And sometimes it is nice to finish something.
Finding my type is also one of those things, because I have been doing this on and off, thinking I found my answer then I actually didn't.

8) Answer only one of the following:
a) [College aged and above] What is your area of work/study? Why did you choose this and would you change it? If so, what would be your ideal?

I work as a software developer. I choose this area for a few reasons. For one, it's not a physical work, its a very comfortable, sit in the office or at home and work in peace.
For the other one, and this the more important one. I love problem solving. I have loved doing this for people as well, I mean problem solving. When someone cries their problem to me I always enjoyed helping them, finding a solution.
I still like to do that. But software development, and to be specific, coding/programming is a very good for that mental stimuli. Also, it is about constant learning, as a software dev we have to keep up with new technologies and there is always something to learn even if we have been using something for years.

There is one important aspect of my work that I like a lot, and that is figuring out the solution. Getting to a solution is nice but the process of getting there is also very nice.

Would I change it? Maybe. I would like to try out myself in the entertainent industry. Most probably as a comedian, because I love telling jokes and use my humor to boost the mood of people.
But more importantly, I like to have an audiance for myself and my humor. I like to feel that I made other people laugh, aaaand being famous and influencal could be nice.
Fame/Influence could serve me very well to teach people. (or just get freakin' riiiich).

I went on a tangent here, but anyway, I said maybe because software dev job also gives me the opportunity to do "public speaking". For example, we do review meetings where a lot of people joins in to see how far we have progressed in our work.
Here I had the chance a couple of times to be the host or moderator of the meeting, so I could essentially work a night talk show host, with a lot less humor and jokes.
But I do try to perform it in an enjoyable way tho.

9) When meeting a new person, what do you tend to focus on?

To make a good impression, I usually don't show my "truest" self when meeting someone new, but that means that I have to do small talk which I hate. Regardless of that I still do that and try to keep up a conversation with them in hopes of actually a starting an interesting one.
Although, I've been managing to show myself pretty early to people nowadays, my anxiety and all that is loosening up, and that is the purpose of all this anyway.
But, I still try to make a good impression, so I am trying not to be an asshole and tell a bunch of dark jokes.

10) How do you feel about humanity as a whole? What do you feel are some of the biggest problems the human race faces and why?

Humanity is both a very nice and a tragic accident of the universe. The biggest problem of humanity is that people are not informed enough. Ignorance would be the death of humanity to be honest.
Many people are not opening their mind to new information, perspectives and views. If we could just listen to each other, and objectively look at things and subjectively then we could avoid so many bad things.
But as of right now, people are ignorant and there are people who are aware of that, and they can exploit this.

11) What are some of your hobbies and interests?

Gaming, mostly gaming. Coding, surfing the web instensly for information I am interested about. Watching way too many youtube videos (and constantly switching between 3 videos stopping them midway through then switching back to finish it)
As of now not yet, but I want to get into making youtube videos (entertainmeeeeent). I said mostly gaming because there are a lot of games that can give me a good mental stimuli, that satiate my thirst for progression and also for competitive challanges.
If I want to immerse myself and get a great story I can get that. If I want to question every move of my teammates and be pissed how illogical they are in a competitive game, I can do that.
If you have money , then you can basically cure adhd with the games you buy.
Also I can definitely say that since I search everything that interests me, I have way too many random knowledge.

13) How do you usually hang out with your friend(s)? When answering, think about what activities you tend to choose, whether you hang out with one person at once or many, whether or not you initiate the interaction.

I usually hang out with at least 2 person, if not more. I don't like one on ones too much. There are exceptions of course, but there are only 2 people who I can hang out with where are comfortable not having any other people with us.
It doesn't hurt if there are more tho.
Any activity is fine as long as I am with my friends to be honest. Okay maybe not any but almost any.
We usually play video games together tho. That is the most frequent, also because we all have jobs so meeting in weekdays is harder so games it is.
But we do go out, maybe to a pub, or we look for some interesting activity. For example we went to a light art museum a week ago with some friends (we saw fancy light art stuff, looked pretty cool and interesting).
Honestly I think mostly I am the one initiating but I wish I would be invited more be my friends. Sometimes I feel left out. But it's close to a 50-50.
Before covid I was the one who always called the people together to lets go out to a pub.

14) What is more important, actions or words? Why?

Both, it really depends on the context and situation. Let's there is a story teller whose words inspire other people. Or an entertainers performance (that includes mostly speaking), may uplift others.
Action is more important, when for example I promise something, or showing love. It just has more impact.
But I would also say that those who have proved themselves with their actions, their words are more important, matters more and have more validity (most of the time).
So, in general they are the same, because action may give validity to the persons words they speak, and words may inspire other to take action.

15) Oh dear, you've been cursed by a witch! It's ok though, you get a choice on which curse you will receive. Will you choose….
b) To be immorta

This is technically not a curse. Mostly because I will become immortal but invincible. So essentially I can still die whenever I want to, but I will not die by aging, and probably from illnesses.
On a side note: Would an illness kill an immortal being? Anyway I get the benefit of living eternally and basically gain infinite knowledge.
Hell, I could do a pretty good deadpool cosplay with that. The possibilites are endless when you are immortal, although after I would lose all my friends and loved ones, I would definitely look for a way out.
Given that I can't normally die, I would have plenty of time to find a way.

Elaborate on why!

16) What do you hope to avoid being? If it helps, describe a person who embodies what you avoid/you as a villain, ect.

A anti-social person, ignorant person who loaths hise life and critizes everyone. Someone who pushes everyone away. A party killer.
A person who is too afraid to try things, and also a person who is tries to controll people.

17) How do you relate to obsession? Do you tend to "merge" with others or your interests? How do you feel about the idea of doing this?

Well, I am really interested in something then I can obsessed finding out more about it. Such as this MBTI system for example.
I don't really know how to interpret the second question but if you mean that If I deep dive into my obsessions, then I think yes, until I get enough information or get bored of it.
Or if you mean that I identify myself with others or what I am doing, then kind of yes. Which can be sometimes a hinderance.

18) Organized or messy? Plans and blueprints or impulse and surprises? What are you preferences and tendencies?

Definitely messy, or organized chaos, but mostly messy. I may start to organize something but most of the time I lose interest doing that, and then usually think that "I'll just start it over and then i'll origanize it"
which never happens to be fair.

Absolutely blueprints. I never make or care to make detailed plans but I have blueprints in my head of what or how I am going to do something. If I have to change then it's fine by me, I just create a "starting point" for myself.
Then I go off from there.

19) How do you subjectively view comfort and how do you create comfort in your life and surroundings?

Comfort is, having a life that you content with. For me it would be having my friends/loved ones around me, have to get togethers on the weekends.
Having the freedom to do whatever I want to do, these two are probably the biggest comfort in my life.
Also, a nice toilet, is essential for my comfort. It might be a bit random, but I need a nice and comfy toiler in my life.
If there is an afterlife then I want my personal space to be a giant lush wheat field, where the winds slightly blows, sun in the sky, and a nice toiler in the middle of it.
Kind of like in that Rick and Morty episode.


New member
Dec 2, 2022
Hi. I'm not as good at typing others as some people on here are. In fact, I came on here to find out what my type is. I'm pretty sure I know what my type is now. I have looked carefully at typology as a hobby over the last couple of years, including Jung's cognitive functions hypothesis. So, I could be wrong in my assessment, but I think somebody should answer your question, and I'm not without knowledge in this area.

INTPs have very low Extroverted Feeling (Fe), especially when they're in their 20's, so they haven't had much time to develop it. It sounds like you value being appreciated by others. That suggests your Fe is higher up in the function stack than it would be for an INTP. ENTPs have Fe as their Tertiary function, so it is higher up, and it's common for ENTPs to make jokes, and want to entertain their friends. It sounds like intellectual challenges are interesting to you, but entertain people interests you more. INTPs are almost all about intellectual challenges. Plus, it's common for ENTPs to start something that looks interesting, but not follow through. You are either an ENTP, or someone else with Fe above the Inferior function of your function stack. I hope that helps. Something which would be even more helpful, if you want me to help you discover your type, is for you to answer a few questions:

1. Which fictional characters do you relate to most?
2. Do you ever debate people just for fun?
3. Is your sense of humour inclined towards making fun of your friends, or is it inclined towards something else?
4. Do you like routine, or does it bore you senseless?

You might want to take using this site's personality test. I found it useful when I took it.

Your English is really good. Much better than my Hungarian. Do you mind me asking if you're bilingual?
Last edited:


New member
Nov 26, 2022
Hi. I'm not as good at typing others as some people on here are. In fact, I came on here to find out what my type is. I'm pretty sure I know what my type is now. I have looked carefully at typology as a hobby over the last couple of years, including Jung's cognitive functions hypothesis. So, I could be wrong in my assessment, but I think somebody should answer your question, and I'm not without knowledge in this area.

INTPs have very low Extroverted Feeling (Fe), especially when they're in their 20's, so they haven't had much time to develop it. It sounds like you value being appreciated by others. That suggests your Fe is higher up in the function stack than it would be for an INTP. ENTPs have Te as their Tertiary function, so it is higher up, and it's common for ENTPs to make jokes, and want to entertain their friends. It sounds like intellectual challenges are interesting to you, but entertain people interests you more. INTPs are almost all about intellectual challenges. Plus, it's common for ENTPs to start something that looks interesting, but not follow through. You are either an ENTP, or someone else with Fe above the Inferior function of your function stack. I hope that helps. Something which would be even more helpful, if you want me to help you discover your type, is for you to answer a few questions:

1. Which fictional characters do you relate to most?
2. Do you ever debate people just for fun?
3. Is your sense of humour inclined towards making fun of your friends, or is it inclined towards something else?
4. Do you like routine, or does it bore you senseless?

You might want to take using this site's personality test. I found it useful when I took it.

Your English is really good. Much better than my Hungarian. Do you mind me asking if you're bilingual?
Every feedback is appreciated (okay maybe not all of them, but most of them), so thank you. about the questions:

1. I relate to a couple of characters actually. such as Deadpool, Jack Sparrow, the Joker a bit (the one portrayed by Heath Ledger) MCU Loki (the one in the TV series, I am saying this because this one is a bit different than in the movies), but I think the one I relate to the most is John Constantine , not the movie version, but the one you can find the comic books and a few cartoon movies as well (such as Justice Leagea Dark and Dark Apokalips).
2. I think so yes, I mean I tend throw random ideas of topic out there, to my friends, and sometimes that topic evolves into a good conversation/debate. I don't think it is the most prominent thing in my life but I definitely like it. That is If I find the right people for the conversation, but luckily I have people for that.
3. I do make of fun my friends at times yes, but I do not try to harm them in any way, though sometimes I may come off as an asshole. Even though I don't mean it like that. But they usually get it. I do make fun of everything else though, making of life, beliefs, ideologies, nothing is taboo for me, I just have time it and deliver it well. I make a heck ton of puns by the way.
4. Boring, very boring, even things I do out of habit can be boring. Hell I frequently forget to brush my teeth, and now that I write this, I should wash my teeth.

Most of the personality tests gives me ENTP's as answers but I do not trust them, because once you figure out what answer correlates to what cognitive function then, you might subconsciously try to get that type.

Thank you by the way, and yes I am bilingual. I speak Hungarian as my native language and English as second.


New member
Dec 2, 2022
Something I find interesting about this site is finding people who think very differently to me. Anyway, I'm not familiar with any of these characters except Jack Sparrow, so I looked them up online. Most of them, including John Constantine, are ENTPs. I know typing yourself carries the risk of subconsciously tailoring your results, so stopping doing the tests might be a good idea if you've already tried several.

What I see is an ENTP. ENTPs are nicknamed "The debater" for a reason-they love to throw ideas into a conversation, and see how other people respond (I also find it hard to find someone who is interested in conversing about ideas, which is frustrating.) Engaging in banter is very common for ENTPs, even with people they don't know well. Finding routines boring is very common as well. That's why I asked you these specific questions. It's up to you of course, but second-guessing your type forever isn't going to be helpful. Perhaps you should pick the most likely one and stick with it.