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For those of you who still think I'm a 3w4


Staff member
Dec 23, 2009
Instinctual Variant
My gut reaction is 7 but who knows


Dec 8, 2010
Instinctual Variant
lol ESTJ 9w8???

Great! We can be lovers.


Those answers sound 7w8 as hell. Your delivery sounds 7w8 as hell, too.


Certified Sausage Smoker
Nov 26, 2008
Instinctual Variant
in response to a recent proposal by [MENTION=10082]Starry[/MENTION] in another thread

I have too much Te to be an Fi dom and I use Ne. I can see how I don't fit the stereotypical ENFP image though.
as for 9w8, I am definitely not that
- I'm core Id, not Ego
- 9s are go with the flow and "go along to get along". I am not like this at all. I have a heavy 1 fix and when I see something wrong, you will hear about it (granted, I don't constantly complain about everything, and I have learned with time how to criticize in a funny way rather than being frequently contemptuous, but my natural tendencies are really rather judgmental, to the point where I view things that don't live up to my standards as disgusting and needing to be done away with)
- I am naturally assertive. my own needs and desires are 90% of what I think of. my conceitedness borders on narcissism
- 9w8s are earthy, low key and don't draw attention to themselves. I trust I don't need to explain this point :D
I mean, when I look at my strengths and (more importantly) my weaknesses, they do not match up with 9 at all.

also, if I were an ISFP, I would not be a 9w8 ISFP, I would be a more temperamental subtype like a Sexual counter phobic 6, an 8w7 or a 1. for example. compare me to [MENTION=4515]wolfy[/MENTION]. a true ISFP 9w8 Sp/Sx. we have absolutely nothing in common.
interesting, I thought my delivery was more controlled/"civilized" than a 7w8. 7w8s have more overt, unrestrained aggression to them (like they aren't acting aggressively, they are aggressive. I definitely have aggression, and a lot of it, but it's very controlled, even when I do exercise it). granted, I am leaning wing 8 at the moment, but if I am than the 3w4 fix, 1w9 fix and Sp/Sx stacking make me look very non-7w8.


Active member
May 22, 2010
my conceitedness borders on narcissism

I'll come back and consider what you wrote when I have more time...^^^but I did want to say that I don't see you like that at all. I mean, only you know...(and I'm sure plenty of people on this site would disagree with me)...but I don't think you are conceited or narcissistic and it often feels odd to me when you actually express that. I actually see you as a really nice person. Perhaps young and going through a phase maybe (???)...but I can't buy the whole conceited thing. I'll keep looking though.


Certified Sausage Smoker
Nov 26, 2008
Instinctual Variant
This comment alone proves that you aren't 3w4. Fuck the video, lol.

my thoughts exactly, but this thread was made for attention whoring and intellectual masturbation, so watch it anyway! XD
you know that feeling when someone gives you a compliment that makes you feel kinda queezy/uncomfortable? I just got it now lol

The Great One

New member
Apr 27, 2012
my thoughts exactly, but this thread was made for attention whoring and intellectual masturbation, so watch it anyway! XD
you know that feeling when someone gives you a compliment that makes you feel kinda queezy/uncomfortable? I just got it now lol

Damn man, you make more videos than Lil Wayne. How many of these are you going to make? LOL


Certified Sausage Smoker
Nov 26, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Damn man, you make more videos than Lil Wayne. How many of these are you going to make? LOL

I only have 3 and haven't made on in over a month


Active member
May 22, 2010
my thoughts exactly, but this thread was made for attention whoring and intellectual masturbation, so watch it anyway! XD
you know that feeling when someone gives you a compliment that makes you feel kinda queezy/uncomfortable? I just got it now lol

OMG haha...I didn't mean for that to happen. Like I said...I continue to keep an eye out for it...but while I do think you have some kind of strength inside of you...I still don't see those other qualities.


Certified Sausage Smoker
Nov 26, 2008
Instinctual Variant
OMG haha...I didn't mean for that to happen. Like I said...I continue to keep an eye out for it...but while I do think you have some kind of strength inside of you...I still don't see those other qualities.

you don't need to apologize :hug:


interesting, I thought my delivery was more controlled/"civilized" than a 7w8.
Oh, you're definitely controlled--you just speak honestly, and you speak about stuff that's 'deep down,' as if you're tapping into your core. That core happens to have some pretty 7-ish answers :wink:


Active member
May 22, 2010
in response to a recent proposal by [MENTION=10082]Starry[/MENTION] in another thread

I have too much Te to be an Fi dom and I use Ne. I can see how I don't fit the stereotypical ENFP image though.
as for 9w8, I am definitely not that
- I'm core Id, not Ego
- 9s are go with the flow and "go along to get along". I am not like this at all. I have a heavy 1 fix and when I see something wrong, you will hear about it (granted, I don't constantly complain about everything, and I have learned with time how to criticize in a funny way rather than being frequently contemptuous, but my natural tendencies are really rather judgmental, to the point where I view things that don't live up to my standards as disgusting and needing to be done away with)
- I am naturally assertive. my own needs and desires are 90% of what I think of. my conceitedness borders on narcissism
- 9w8s are earthy, low key and don't draw attention to themselves. I trust I don't need to explain this point :D
I mean, when I look at my strengths and (more importantly) my weaknesses, they do not match up with 9 at all.

also, if I were an ISFP, I would not be a 9w8 ISFP, I would be a more temperamental subtype like a Sexual counter phobic 6, an 8w7 or a 1. for example. compare me to wolfy. a true ISFP 9w8 Sp/Sx. we have absolutely nothing in common.
interesting, I thought my delivery was more controlled/"civilized" than a 7w8. 7w8s have more overt, unrestrained aggression to them (like they aren't acting aggressively, they are aggressive. I definitely have aggression, and a lot of it, but it's very controlled, even when I do exercise it). granted, I am leaning wing 8 at the moment, but if I am than the 3w4 fix, 1w9 fix and Sp/Sx stacking make me look very non-7w8.

Yah...Elfboy...when I watch your video I don't get 'ENFP' or 'e7' or even 'extrovert' for that matter. And while I am in no way attempting to convince you of something you might not 'be feelin'...I'm fairly convinced (myself) you are an ISFP 9w8 with a strong 8 wing...and a powerful connection to e3. You just don't have the 'manipulative charm' or 'narcissism' or 'almost hyperactiveness' of the EP 7w8. You are actually very steady in a way, straightfoward, earthy, calm almost (it's difficult to explain). And I actually don't see you using Te to the extent you claim. I think you might be mistaking 'Fi>Se passionate-direct/straightforwardness' with being Te (and no...not every ISFP 9w8 is going to be as balanced/solid as wolfy). And you actually have some style. I don't get the whole anime thing...but aside from that...you can tell from your clothing and from some of the things you have mentioned here and there...style does seem important to you (which is a feature you would expect to see in many ISFPs and I'm merely writing this for members that would come on here and say otherwise). Anyway...I know it is not uncommon for this specific kind of ISFP 9w8 to have some issues with 'identity' (and even sexual confusion). I think what you are doing is kinda constructing an image for yourself that is 7w8 in nature...but not authentically 7w8. <--- And this is no insult. Again...you are young and this is a 'not-uncommon' ISFP 9w8 thing to do in that issues with 'oneness' can cause the 'more passionate/strong 9w8' to rebel against that so-to-speak. Here are some brief descriptions by Tom Condon taken from http://www.thechangeworks.com

Nine With an 8 Wing
Awakened Nines with an 8 wing have a modest, steady, receptive core. They are charged by the dynamism of 8 - when focused on goals they often have great force of will. Get things done, make good leaders. May have an animal magnetism of which they are only partly aware. Can seem highly centered, take what they do seriously but remain unimpressed with themselves. 8 wing can bring a strong internal sense of direction. Relatively fearless and highly intuitive. Generally not intellectual unless they have it in their background.

When more entranced, they manifest the contradictions of the two styles expressing them in sequence. Could be passively amiable like a Nine and then turn horribly blunt like an 8. One moment they are opinionated or nasty, next moment kindly and supportive. Often don't hear their voices when angry. Can have a sharp, grating edge. May be slow to anger and then explode. Or angry but don't know it; may confuse being assertive with being rude. Placidly callous - both styles support numbness. Tactless and indiscriminate and indiscreet. May be unwittingly disloyal, spilling everyone's secrets. Sexual confusion, sometimes they are driven by lust.

Nine's Connection to 3
High side brings a kind of clarity of the heart. Can suddenly see clearly and prioritize on their own behalf. Take decisive deliberate steps towards goals important to them personally. Steady persistence: when focused, Nines are unstoppable. Connection brings energy and industry and helps with appropriate social presentation. Willing to dress up and voluntarily play roles in the service of goals.

Unhealthy connection brings tendencies towards role-playing, vanity and hyperactivity. Can allow themselves to go false and be defined by a milieu. Play out roles based on the expectations of others. May get caught in vanity and take pleasure in being mistaken for an image. Can have a prince or princess-like quality, act a little entitled. Proud of what others praise, but secretly know it isn't who they really are. Underneath the image, a Nine may feel indefinite and numbly unworthy. Can be fascinated by phoniness in others, want to break through or tear it down. Their unfocused hyperactivity is a busy, active form of sleep.

Just my take on it...and in the end...not worth all that much.


Certified Sausage Smoker
Nov 26, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Yah...Elfboy...when I watch your video I don't get 'ENFP' or 'e7' or even 'extrovert' for that matter. And while I am in no way attempting to convince you of something you might not 'be feelin'...I'm fairly convinced (myself) you are an ISFP 9w8 with a strong 8 wing...and a powerful connection to e3. You just don't have the 'manipulative charm' or 'narcissism' or 'almost hyperactiveness' of the EP 7w8. You are actually very steady in a way, straightfoward, earthy, calm almost (it's difficult to explain). And I actually don't see you using Te to the extent you claim. I think you might be mistaking 'Fi>Se passionate-direct/straightforwardness' with being Te (and no...not every ISFP 9w8 is going to be as balanced/solid as wolfy). And you actually have some style. I don't get the whole anime thing...but aside from that...you can tell from your clothing and from some of the things you have mentioned here and there...style does seem important to you (which is a feature you would expect to see in many ISFPs and I'm merely writing this for members that would come on here and say otherwise). Anyway...I know it is not uncommon for this specific kind of ISFP 9w8 to have some issues with 'identity' (and even sexual confusion). I think what you are doing is kinda constructing an image for yourself that is 7w8 in nature...but not authentically 7w8. <--- And this is no insult. Again...you are young and this is a 'not-uncommon' ISFP 9w8 thing to do in that issues with 'oneness' can cause the 'more passionate/strong 9w8' to rebel against that so-to-speak. Here are some brief descriptions by Tom Condon taken from http://www.thechangeworks.com
Just my take on it...and in the end...not worth all that much.

- the steady and calm thing is learned, I used to be a total spaz (in fact, I got beat up for it lol)
- I'm too opinionated to to be a 9. there is nothing go with the flow about me (you would not have thought I was a 9 if you say me in high school, maybe 8w7 LOL)
- 9s deny their desires and preferences
- I'm WAYY too judgmental to be a 9 (hell, core 1 isn't completely out of the picture). if I'm a 9, I'm a 9 with a VERY strong 1 wing. the very thought of evil makes me seeth with anger
- I don't really relate at all to the links you posted
- I relate too much to Ne to be ISFP (if you were to have a conversation with me, you'd know what I meant, I don't shut up about various ideas and seemingly random contexts that I'm weaving into/comparing with what you're saying). just ask [MENTION=15607]The Great One[/MENTION]. we go Ne on each other for hours at a time. that said, I could see INFP with strong stress mode Te.
- Self Preservation 7s aren't nearly as spazzy, hyper and high energy as your typical 7 (which is probably a Social 7w6)
- 7w8s have a stronger connection to the gut center and have a more grounded, visceral presence to them.

for example:

Ryan Gosling: 7w8 Sp/Sx

Hugh Hefner: 7w8 Sp/Sx

also, the Sp dom description of type 7, from The Wisdom of the Enneagram

Self-Preservation Sevens

Getting Mine. In the average range, Self-Preservation Sevens are determined, energetic people, driven to make sure that their basic needs and comforts will always be met. Their attitudes and concerns tend to emphasize the practical and the material. (In the immortal words of Scarlett O'Hara, "As God is my witness, I will never go hungry again!") They tend to be ambitious and work hard to insure that options will remain open to them.

Self-Preservation Sevens are also classic consumers. They enjoy shopping, traveling, and pampering themselves, making it their business to gather information about the potential sources of enjoyment (catalogues, movie listings, travel and restaurant guides). These Sevens are especially on the lookout for sales and bargains, and like discussing these matters with friends. ("I just found the most darling mugs at the Pottery Barn.") While they enjoy socializing, Self-Preservation Sevens fear developing dependencies on others and avoid having others depend on them.

Less healthy Self-Preservation Sevens can feel impatient and panicky when their needs are not quickly met. They often experience anxieties about the loss of comforts or of material support and easily feel deprived. (Fears about going hungry are not uncommon.) They can be extremely demanding and cranky when frustrated, expecting others to meet their needs as soon as they are expressed—or even sooner.

In the unhealthy range, Self-Preservation Sevens can be extremely thoughtless and relentless in pursuit of security needs. They aggressively go after whatever they believe will make them feel more secure or stave off their anxiety, and brook no interference. Reckless with their finances and resources, spending out of control or gambling, they can be even more profligate with their own health and inner resources. They push themselves beyond reasonable limits, eating, drinking, and indulging themselves to excess.


Jul 6, 2010
i didn't watch the video. the furniture in the background hurt my eyes.
i'm disappointed your diva side allowed that monstrosity in the same
vicinity as yourself.

and i still think you're a 3. the effort you put in to be a 7 / your persona.
is so...3. and add onto that... how you have demonstrated your
understanding/lack of understanding about the enneagram...


Sep 11, 2012
I put 7w6 in the comments but I think you're more 7w8 after talking to you more and reading Wisdom of the Enneagram more closesly.



Certified Sausage Smoker
Nov 26, 2008
Instinctual Variant
i didn't watch the video. the furniture in the background hurt my eyes.
i'm disappointed your diva side allowed that monstrosity in the same
vicinity as yourself.
...more evidence I'm not a 3 :laugh:
I'm a messy person, at home at least (I'm fairly organized at school/work, but when I'm home I couldn't care less)

and i still think you're a 3. the effort you put in to be a 7 / your persona.
is so...3. and add onto that... how you have demonstrated your
understanding/lack of understanding about the enneagram...
actually, I make an effort to make my image look less 7-ish (ie, less spazy and hyperactive). I want to look confident, competent and classy so that people take me seriously and treat me with respect (though I realize this is also kinda 3-ish too lol)
feedback is great and all (in fact, I'd be perfectly happy being a 3w4, they're a cool type and I relate to a lot of aspects of it...unless you're saying I'm a 3w2, in which case I'd have to crawl back into the type closet LOL), but at least watch the video before you say I'm putting on a false image....not cool
Edit: I guess what I'm saying is, the 3-ish qualities are definitely there (3w4 is my heart fix, and frankly when I consider the other heart fixes, I'm kinda glad. in fact, I'll even say that the 3w4 Sx dom videos are generally one of the types I relate to most) but not the ones you seem to be listing. it wouldn't blow me away if my core type was 3w4 (7, 3w4 and 1w9 are definitely all in my tritype) but I just don't have the drive, focus, self consciousness or workaholic tendencies of a 3 (I'm lazy as hell, and this isn't something I'm proud to admit lol)