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Extroversion vs Introversion. What really defines E and I? Bust Stereotypes? ;).


silentigata ano (profile)
Mar 19, 2009
Yeah, I actually dislike silent moments more when I'm around new people. Because then I feel like my social ineptness is being severely criticized, like "Hey look she's awkward, I dont want to be her friend -leaves-" ): . When I'm around my good friends though, I don't mind the silence because I know that they're not criticizing me and or wondering why the heck I'm not speaking.

But yeah, I think that extroverts are more likely to want to come up with something. While introverts just hope someone else comes up with something. Which is what I hope for.
Yeah. I normally feel the same way. But I also find too much silence to be a little boring. I hope someone will come up with something, but if I ultimately have to, I say random things to get people to talk. Like, "What's up with the silence?" or other random, stupid comments like that. :p


New member
Apr 3, 2008
Yeah. I normally feel the same way. But I also find too much silence to be a little boring. I hope someone will come up with something, but if I ultimately have to, I say random things to get people to talk. Like, "What's up with the silence?" or other random, stupid comments like that. :p

Mhhm! If I have to get people to talk I say random things too, and then hope they continue so I can just nod lol. But yeah, I don't know, I tend to think that most things that are awkward are only awkward if you think it's awkward. xD So taking that into light, I guess that would be the reason why I don't mind silences, because I don't notice it's awkward, until it's blatantly awkward, yaaa. they're also not boring for me, because if im silent im usually thinking of other things, besides the boring silence.

What this has to do with introversion/extroversion i don't really know anymore. lolol. xD

alcea rosea

New member
Nov 11, 2007
I saw this interesting science program in tv where one psychology said that one difference between the extroverted and the introverted people is that extoverted people can concentrate better in noisy and distracting environment.

Based on that definition I would say I'm introverted and based on any other description, I think I'm extroverted. So, go fiture that out. :doh:


silentigata ano (profile)
Mar 19, 2009
I saw this interesting science program in tv where one psychology said that one difference between the extroverted and the introverted people is that extoverted people can concentrate better in noisy and distracting environment.

Based on that definition I would say I'm introverted and based on any other description, I think I'm extroverted. So, go fiture that out. :doh:

Based on this definition, I'm an extravert. Whatever psychologist said this is a quack. While there is a possibility that I'm an extravert, I think this really deals with the environment you grew up in. My house is constantly filled with loud TVs and screaming kids, so naturally I am used to sound while I am doing something and it does not bother me.

Lily Bart

Mar 27, 2009
There is a not-very-good book called Introvert Advantage (M. Laney) that has an interesting chapter on differing brain activity in introverts and extroverts. Very, very simply, extroverts process incoming stuff quickly through the amygdala (emotional center) and react while introverts process incoming stuff more slowly, through areas relating to speech, planning, learning, reasoning before finally going to the amygdala. Even after all that, there may not be any external reaction, because chemicals have been sent out that calm the introvert down. Meanwhile, the extrovert has sent out brain chemicals making them more stimulated. There are lots more brain differences discussed in this chapter, but that's the main one. The author also makes an argument that introverts' are low-novelty seekers because of the way their brains work and extraverts are novelty seekers, but I don't buy that -- amusements parks aren't tops on my list of things to do, but I crave intellectual novelty, either through reading or external stimuli like music, theater, etc.
Dec 9, 2008
Instinctual Variant
That on its own isn't an indication of IvE imo as plenty of introverts talk to themselves as well :D Maybe the reasons are different, not too sure of the reasons an introvert does it though so couldn't answer there.

Btw, your posting style does remind me more of other ENFPs than INFPs.
hehe I just wuv my kitteh which passed away recently :cry:.
I'm not so sure either on the reasons either so i understand.

hmm...I'm curious
I kinda got this from one or two other people.
One of them DisneyGeek :hug:.
I notice when i read some of lady x's posts. Her posting style is very similar to mine.
What to you screams ENFP posting style? probably what was mentioned earlier right from another poster who said if i went under a different name that i probably wouldn't be infp more E. They mentioned where it seems I improvise as i write and more like I'll add stuff as i go. I do actually do this bit here i didn't even think to put in till now. Is that what your referring too Trinity?

Could type effect that much, to actually have posting style be an indicator?
*seriously should just stay NFP huh? xD till all this is completely worked out*
Thanks trinity :hug:.
Woo boy i didn't notice there were this many comments :shock:.

I found some nice links that i want to see if this depicts what introversion and extroversion is.
The Need for Personal Space - Associated Content

The Truth About Introversion - Associated Content
" The question is this: at the end of the day, when you're worn down, do you want to go out for a drink with your friends or watch a movie at home by yourself? " / it's not really a matter of preference. It's simply a matter of what recharges your batteries. Well you put it that way ;) I it is then.

My responce would be after a long crazy day....chill at home read a book or watch a funny comedy. Something lowkey. Good example actually I was doing childcare work where i'd be around 20-25 kids for 6-8 hrs a day plus the workers and when i got home my one friend called me and said "hey girl, want to do something? usually i'd say sure but then i thought and i told them it was a crazy day and i'm probably just going to wind down abit." I would not want to be around anyone when all day i have been out and about.

I actually will feel considerably drained after such events. Or like when i'd got home after school, i would just chill out by slipping in my room for an hour or 2. Then after that i would come out and fill whoever is curious on my day cause i was "recharged enough" to engage again.
Definitely agree with the whole " for every hour of socialization i need to two hours to recover" oh yeah i notice that after every event/get together. I'll have fun, get down and everything but i get home...chill time ^^DD.

Does it sound like i have the right idea? Trinity? Lady x?
Introversion, Shyness, and Social Anxiety: What's The Difference? - Associated Content

More on Being Introverted in a Extroverted World - Associated Content

introverts :

making it difficult for other people to get to know them.

# absorbed in our thoughts.

# Hesitate before talking.

# Avoid crowds and seek quiet, *indeed even when not drained It's just nice*

# proceed cautiously in meeting new people.

# Get agitated if they don't get there time alone. *for me it's usually when i'm drained that i get irritated when i don't get that time to recharge. Once i get that alone time to get my energy back I'm good.*

# don't like getting disturbed. *when trying to recharge. Though sometimes i just want to be alone.

# Reflect and act in a careful way.

Think and take at the same time. *lady don't know how to spell xD sorry*
They often have trouble slowing down.
They my experience loneliness and a feeling of being
Drained when they are not in contact with people "and" the "outside world".

They are not necessarily quiet or withdrawn
They are energized by the internal world-
Like idea's, impressions, and emotions.

We needed to recharge.
Last edited:


Sugar Hiccup
Mar 20, 2009
Instinctual Variant
There is a not-very-good book called Introvert Advantage (M. Laney) that has an interesting chapter on differing brain activity in introverts and extroverts. Very, very simply, extroverts process incoming stuff quickly through the amygdala (emotional center) and react while introverts process incoming stuff more slowly, through areas relating to speech, planning, learning, reasoning before finally going to the amygdala. Even after all that, there may not be any external reaction, because chemicals have been sent out that calm the introvert down. Meanwhile, the extrovert has sent out brain chemicals making them more stimulated. There are lots more brain differences discussed in this chapter, but that's the main one. The author also makes an argument that introverts' are low-novelty seekers because of the way their brains work and extraverts are novelty seekers, but I don't buy that -- amusements parks aren't tops on my list of things to do, but I crave intellectual novelty, either through reading or external stimuli like music, theater, etc.

I liked that book, but I don't buy the novelty thing either. I think if her book dealt with the full MBTI, then you'd see how introverts differ in the way external stimuli affects them, depending on being SJs or NFs or just as individuals.

I enjoy novelty, bright lights, and hustle & bustle, as an observer, as it stirs my imagination. When it comes to interaction, I get drained very fast though.

I liked how the author noted that extroverts at some point get tired also. I know too many extroverts who think they might be introverted because they need down time sometimes. Um, that just makes you a human being who needs to rest :D. Everyone gets tired, but an introvert doesn't seek out interaction to be energized to begin with. It's an energy drain from the first second, no matter how enjoyable.

I liked her comparison of an introvert to a battery and an extrovert to solar panels. The extrovert needs to soak up outside stimuli to stay energized and runs down when alone (under "cloud cover"), and the introvert is drained by outside stimuli and needs to recharge alone.


New member
Jun 18, 2009
I enjoy novelty, bright lights, and hustle & bustle, as an observer, as it stirs my imagination. When it comes to interaction, I get drained very fast though.

Yes :yes: I absolutely love being around people...just not interacting with people. I can sit and observe and feel their feelings and process those feelings and draw conclusions and think about how I feel about those people and their actions and what it means, etc. Interaction is a whole other story. If I'm forced to interact in an extroverted manner for a long time, I'll get really drained and have to "shut down" and return to my head (or leave and be alone...whichever comes first).

Interacting with other introverts tends to help me "go" for longer, because there seems to be less pressure to talk all the time. Silence in conversation doesn't seem to affect an introvert as much. Personally, I hardly ever notice it unless someone points it out. That doesn't mean that a break from silence isn't welcome...it certainly is! Just if that break in silence isn't followed by a break in conversation, I'll get drained more easily.


May 30, 2008
Instinctual Variant
What to you screams ENFP posting style? probably what was mentioned earlier right from another poster who said if i went under a different name that i probably wouldn't be infp more E. They mentioned where it seems I improvise as i write and more like I'll add stuff as i go. I do actually do this bit here i didn't even think to put in till now. Is that what your referring too Trinity?

Could type effect that much, to actually have posting style be an indicator?

It could be in the sense that you can read primary functions to a degree, I see Ne-Fi in the randomness and adding stuff as you go part, plus the use of emoticons to ensure intent is read correctly, ENFPs are very proficient in that area :D

There are patterns in how different types write but it's just an indicator, not gospel.

I found some nice links that i want to see if this depicts what introversion and extroversion is.
The Need for Personal Space - Associated Content

Up until the part about feeling claustrophobic in crowds I could totally relate. Work generally means being surrounded by people you wouldn't necessarily chose to socialise with and even if you would it's not the kind of environment (generally speaking) where you can let your hair down so it's not going to be as comfortable as snuggling up on your couch at home.

I am very private and while being in my own space can be very relaxing and calming it's rarely energising, sitting and watching TV for example zaps me cause it doesn't engage me.

I agree with most points in this article. What do you say to this;

"it's not that all introverts are socially anxious, but rather that they just wouldn't understand why you would want to surround yourself with more people when you're already feeling drained."​
For me I know that when I'm totally drained being around people can help me. In the past I would have told friends who were feeling drained to still come out if we had plans under the guise that they'd feel better once they got there cause this is how it works for me, I understand now that isn't necessarily the case for introverts.

This is something I've posted before to describe what extroversion is to me;

When in isolation: I enjoy my own company, it’s comfortable and I can concentrate on what I want to do and get lost in my head, however, I know that I can withdraw into myself more than is healthy for me if I do this for too long, too much time on my own leads me to feeling slightly depressive and like I'm swimming underwater.

The healthiest and most productive state for me is when I get out and socialise, even for just a few hours 3-4 times a week, it doesn’t have to be substantial and activities can be more effective than being with and talking to people. Problem is I like feeling comfortable so I don’t always do this which leads to me feeling down and not wanting to go out which leads me to feeling worse and so on, once I am out and socialising I feel great and want to get out and socialise more often but making myself do this in the first place is the hard part.​

I actually will feel considerably drained after such events. Or like when i'd got home after school, i would just chill out by slipping in my room for an hour or 2. Then after that i would come out and fill whoever is curious on my day cause i was "recharged enough" to engage again.

If you do it to relax and get away from stressful situations or boring conversation then I can relate. If you do it because it re-charges you than it's an introvert thing.

Yup, sounds that way.

This part is good;

"Take going to a party as an example. An extrovert can go to a party and come home feeling invigorated. An introvert might go to a party and have a great time, but afterwards need some quiet alone to relax and recharge. A shy person might go, but feel uncomfortable and not able to enjoy themselves very much. Someone with social anxiety, however, may not even be able to bring themselves to walk through the door to get into the party."​
Dec 9, 2008
Instinctual Variant
It could be in the sense that you can read primary functions to a degree, I see Ne-Fi in the randomness and adding stuff as you go part, plus the use of emoticons to ensure intent is read correctly, ENFPs are very proficient in that area :D
*Can you tell me what you mean by " could be in the sense that you can read primary functions to a degree"
Thank you so much trinity *hug*. hmm Ne Fi. Oh and yeah i love those emoties hah XDD ^^D ^^P ;) see?

There are patterns in how different types write but it's just an indicator, not gospel.

Up until the part about feeling claustrophobic in crowds I could totally relate. Work generally means being surrounded by people you wouldn't necessarily chose to socialise with and even if you would it's not the kind of environment (generally speaking) where you can let your hair down so it's not going to be as comfortable as snuggling up on your couch at home.

I am very private and while being in my own space can be very relaxing and calming it's rarely energising, sitting and watching TV for example zaps me cause it doesn't engage me.

I agree with most points in this article. What do you say to this;

"it's not that all introverts are socially anxious, but rather that they just wouldn't understand why you would want to surround yourself with more people when you're already feeling drained."​

That is pretty true for me. If i have come back from a long day with my friends/family and either want to do something with me when i just got back i will usually say no. It all would depend on how much energy i have after all that. If i'm feeling drained i won't go to another party or event hehe.

For me I know that when I'm totally drained being around people can help me. In the past I would have told friends who were feeling drained to still come out if we had plans under the guise that they'd feel better once they got there cause this is how it works for me, I understand now that isn't necessarily the case for introverts.

This is something I've posted before to describe what extroversion is to me;

When in isolation: I enjoy my own company, it’s comfortable and I can concentrate on what I want to do and get lost in my head, however, I know that I can withdraw into myself more than is healthy for me if I do this for too long, too much time on my own leads me to feeling slightly depressive and like I'm swimming underwater.

The healthiest and most productive state for me is when I get out and socialise, even for just a few hours 3-4 times a week, it doesn’t have to be substantial and activities can be more effective than being with and talking to people. Problem is I like feeling comfortable so I don’t always do this which leads to me feeling down and not wanting to go out which leads me to feeling worse and so on, once I am out and socialising I feel great and want to get out and socialise more often but making myself do this in the first place is the hard part.​

If you do it to relax and get away from stressful situations or boring conversation then I can relate. If you do it because it re-charges you than it's an introvert thing.

Well I would do it i guess to get away from no offense to my mother :blush: what i as a teenager the discussion i considered boring. You know the " i was shopping today/i saved blank amount of money cause i got these coupons when it would originally cost me blankety blankety blank.

*she comes running at me with her chatterbox as soon as i got in the door :shock: Imagine me going "oh no...where do i run" cause some/most days are just not my days to hear that stuff details and whatnot. Just cause you already did it why do you feel the need to make a discussion about it with everyone who walks across your path mother. Would never say this to her face though hehe. you gotta love moms.*

That seemed to be a driving factor cause she wouldn't just mention it and be done hehe. She go into very long and drawn out details and repeated the same thing quite a few times.
I guess I needed to get my energy back from being out and about at school to being able to hear that but even then i'll listen for 5-10 mins after recharging and then politely shoo away...if i can :D.

Yup, sounds that way.

This part is good;

"Take going to a party as an example. An extrovert can go to a party and come home feeling invigorated. An introvert might go to a party and have a great time, but afterwards need some quiet alone to relax and recharge. A shy person might go, but feel uncomfortable and not able to enjoy themselves very much. Someone with social anxiety, however, may not even be able to bring themselves to walk through the door to get into the party."​

Yeah i can see the whole come home after a nice party and just chill out doing something solitary before bed to kinda wind down/me time. I also am pretty invigorated after a fun engaging party. Boring ones do nothing for me but I always am energized by really deep discussions about philosophical/mysterious things :wubbie: I can go quite awhile on those.
OrangeAppled :hi: said a couple things that resonated
" I enjoy novelty, bright lights, and hustle & bustle, as an observer, as it stirs my imagination. When it comes to interaction, I get drained very fast though. "

" and the introvert is drained by outside stimuli and needs to recharge alone."

And Staytuned7 :hi:

" Interacting with other introverts tends to help me "go" for longer, because there seems to be less pressure to talk all the time. Silence in conversation doesn't seem to affect an introvert as much."

* Definitely agree with ST7 :yes:. funny thing this seems to be a recent thing like i'm learning to appreciate silence for regenerative effects.
I love it when i can be silent with someone. I think i prefer Introversion cause this person that chatty on a bus I was also annoyed by endless talk about what seemed to be nothing. It was annoying but it was also draining me way faster then any discussion i've had and I was actually wanting me time in between bus trips from being out and about. I wasn't getting "me time to recharge " either :steam:...:smile:

Blame it on the boogie. Peace.
Dec 9, 2008
Instinctual Variant
feel i'm more Informing, process focused and Responding. Not initating.where do i fit

Kinda confused.

I also have gone through the functions of type book and I notice I use Te quite alot. I know i'm not directing.

I don't think it's dominant or aux either but i would think i'm an introvert.
Could a infp have a really developed Te at the age of under 25?

Which I'm starting to see i also think i prefer introversion *when drained, i do need to be alone to recharge.Prefer to be alone or doing something low key*
E versus I was I 56% E 44% on a recent test.

There i think that describes it pretty good. So pretty much it's the types that have GtG or BtS I can see both especially GtG where they mention where ideas can be like a whirlwind sometimes.
If i had to fit myself in my own mold i'd say
I am more Informing, Process focused and Responding. Not initiating.
I think this is where the trouble is hehe.

Blame it on the boogie :D.


silentigata ano (profile)
Mar 19, 2009
:hug: :wubbie: Hiya DisneyGeek *glomps dg hehe*
long time no talk, hope all is well :newwink:

Dots :D
Blame it on the boogie.

Hey, what up? :hug:

If you said that you get drained and need to be alone, you are probably introverted.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2007
My indisputable definitions:

Extroversion - the mentality that you don't want to miss out on any environmental factors (so you'll sacrifice depth of thought)
Introversion - the mentality that you don't want to under-analyze anything (so you'll sacrifice noticing environmental factors)

Extroversion - breadth
Introversion - depth
Dec 9, 2008
Instinctual Variant
My indisputable definitions:

Extroversion - the mentality that you don't want to miss out on any environmental factors (so you'll sacrifice depth of thought)
Introversion - the mentality that you don't want to under-analyze anything (so you'll sacrifice noticing environmental factors)

Extroversion - breadth
Introversion - depth

Thank you Evan :hug:
Could you tell me a bit more about the environmental factors? could you mean external involvement, people, activities, involvement in the social area?


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2007
Thank you Evan :hug:
Could you tell me a bit more about the environmental factors? could you mean external involvement, people, activities, involvement in the social area?

I mean every possible thing in the environment (this is why people say that extroverts aren't necessarily people people). It could be people, objects, temperature, whatever.
Dec 9, 2008
Instinctual Variant
I mean every possible thing in the environment (this is why people say that extroverts aren't necessarily people people). It could be people, objects, temperature, whatever.

Ahhh interesting. I like your wording better then with that meaning behind it.
Just makes more sense and doesn't get caught up in confusion.
Thanks Evan :hug:.


Jun 30, 2008
Have posted this before;

After talking about the differences between I and E elsewhere this is what I've come up as the points that stood out to me as exclusively introversion and the opposite of what an extrovert would experience;
  • The idea that you will eventually feel tired and drained even when talking to people whose company you enjoy, the conversation can be enthralling but if it goes on long enough at some point you will retreat into your head and get quiet, or if you can, leave and find your own space to recharge. At the end of socialisation you are less energised then when you started.

  • One of the reasons these conversations are draining is because your preference is to think about what is being said before responding thus you are in a way exerting more internal energy than the average extrovert.

  • In line with thinking before speaking, you do not need to verbalise thoughts in order to fully understand them.

  • You have narrower but deeper interests.

  • Exerting your energy outwardly through social interaction is your kryptonite. Your focus is on conserving energy.

Other things about disliking small talk, having a rich inner world and needing space etc are things that are not unique to introverts imo as an extrovert who feels the same way.

Based off of this I'm an extrovert.