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Explaining MBTI?


New member
Mar 6, 2009
I have a lot of friends who have absolutely no idea what MBTI is all about; many have never even heard of it.... but several are very interested. everyone always wants to know what i'm talking about when they hear me talking in MBTI-speak to some of my friends who do get it. :shock:

I am wondering how to explain MBTI to them in the simplest terms (then maybe build from there).

soooo, i'm your guinea pig! pretend i'm a kindergartener... or slow... or from mars lol :) and i just heard you babbling about ISTP this and ENFJ that, Te and Si and the four temperaments etc... explain, as best you can, what all this psychobabble means in an organized and simple fashion.

thanks! ;)


New member
Feb 23, 2009
I wish my friends were interested.. most of them think I'm crazy because I spend time on a forum talking about it :dry:

Whenever I try to explain it, I start with the what each of the 8 letters means. Then maybe give an example by describing what their type means to them. Then if they're still interested(which they never are :dry:) I would go into functions and whatever else I could think of.


Mar 20, 2008
I have a lot of friends who have absolutely no idea what MBTI is all about; many have never even heard of it.... but several are very interested. everyone always wants to know what i'm talking about when they hear me talking in MBTI-speak to some of my friends who do get it. :shock:

I am wondering how to explain MBTI to them in the simplest terms (then maybe build from there).

soooo, i'm your guinea pig! pretend i'm a kindergartener... or slow... or from mars lol :) and i just heard you babbling about ISTP this and ENFJ that, Te and Si and the four temperaments etc... explain, as best you can, what all this psychobabble means in an organized and simple fashion.

thanks! ;)

MBTI was made by a mother and daugher, Mrs Briggs and Mrs Myers.

They plagerised it from the book, "Personality Types", by Carl Jung.

Mrs Briggs and Mrs Myers had no training and no qualifications whatsoever.

So it is no surprise to find MBTI is an invalid and unreliable personality test.

And further, Carl Jung was a free and enthusiastic collaborator with the NAZI Party.

And Carl Jung wrote, "Personality Types", to complement the NAZi Somatic* Types such as Aryan, Jew, Slav, Asian and Negro.

The purpose of Somatic Types and Personality Types is to reify the person. That is, to turn the person into a thing so they can be manipulated and disposed of.

Of course Somatic Types were popular in your country before the war. But now they are too embarrassing so you have switched to Personality Types.

And as any beauty queen will tell you, "It's not about the body any more, it is about the personality - Cool!"

I am told two and a quarter million Americans do the MBTI test every year. So I can only conclude MBTI is a very successful cult. And like any cult, it has its own jargon and its own guru, Carl Jung. And of course it is completely impervious to any evidence whatsoever.

So MBTI has no more truth value than astrology or alchemy or creationism.

* The soma means the body. So Somatic Types are body types.


half mystic, half skeksis
Jan 2, 2009


Thank you for that, Victor.


Mar 20, 2008

Thank you for that, Victor.

I was expecting brickbats rather than bouquets.

After all, it is only recently that our name has been changed from MBTI Central to Typology Central.

However I think it is important to say that personality types are a legitimate form of study in the discipline of Psychology. Indeed a group of Australian psychologists have recently published a book on the measurement of personality types.

Thank you for the bouquet.

professor goodstain

New member
Feb 14, 2009
i always like to persuade people into interest of MBTI with this propaganda......

Jung invented and developed the idea of preferences in individuals for the sake of compassion due to being aware of the nazi partys labels of people by there race. It was to shift the popular belief that race was more important an issue to something more constructive. Although it didn't work then to influence some characters out of stupidity, it did turn into something of a tool for someone to get to know themselves better no matter thier race.


Mar 20, 2008
i always like to persuade people into interest of MBTI with this propaganda......

Jung invented and developed the idea of preferences in individuals for the sake of compassion due to being aware of the nazi partys labels of people by there race. It was to shift the popular belief that race was more important an issue to something more constructive. Although it didn't work then to influence some characters out of stupidity, it did turn into something of a tool for someone to get to know themselves better no matter thier race.

This would be very nice if it were true. However there is a mountain of corpses to testify to the opposite.


Active member
Feb 10, 2009
One amendment, good sir. The mother was a psychologist, the daughter was not qualified in any respect. :D

MBTI was made by a mother and daugher, Mrs Briggs and Mrs Myers.

They plagerised it from the book, "Personality Types", by Carl Jung.

Mrs Briggs and Mrs Myers had no training and no qualifications whatsoever.

So it is no surprise to find MBTI is an invalid and unreliable personality test.

And further, Carl Jung was a free and enthusiastic collaborator with the NAZI Party.

And Carl Jung wrote, "Personality Types", to complement the NAZi Somatic* Types such as Aryan, Jew, Slav, Asian and Negro.

The purpose of Somatic Types and Personality Types is to reify the person. That is, to turn the person into a thing so they can be manipulated and disposed of.

Of course Somatic Types were popular in your country before the war. But now they are too embarrassing so you have switched to Personality Types.

And as any beauty queen will tell you, "It's not about the body any more, it is about the personality - Cool!"

I am told two and a quarter million Americans do the MBTI test every year. So I can only conclude MBTI is a very successful cult. And like any cult, it has its own jargon and its own guru, Carl Jung. And of course it is completely impervious to any evidence whatsoever.

So MBTI has no more truth value than astrology or alchemy or creationism.

* The soma means the body. So Somatic Types are body types.


New member
Dec 27, 2008
All humans gather information, and process it in different ways. Two ways of doing each, to be exact.


Nov 19, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Wow, way to derail the thread guys.

When I go about explaining MBTI to people I go about it like this-

"So there is this personality theory, it's really cool. It's helped me out with understanding myself and others, my family and friends etc. It's called MBTI, short for Myers-Briggs Typing Instrument. They divide people into 16 personality types, it all makes sense too once you apply it. These types are determined by preferences, there is (insert explanation of what they mean after them) Introversion vs Extroversion, Intuition vs Sensing, Feeling vs Thinking, and Perceiving vs Judging. So if someone prefers Introversion, Intuition, Thinking, and Judging, they would be an INTJ for short." Go from there.

As for the nazi connection, this is a theory. The jews dying is separate from this theory. I don't see anywhere in MBTI where it states anything about jews dying or anything like that... they are unlinked as to how you apply MBTI etc. It's only merit is understanding where it came from, which was from some guy that worked for Hitler. Boo hoo. No one cares about that (or should care), this is a personality type matrix forum, not a forum about the holocaust. Those people died, and that's bad, but it means nothing in contrast to MBTI. So I don't see the purpose to bickering over that subject. I'd consider bringing that up trolling. The source of MBTI doesn't make it evil at all... That's irrational to think that way.

professor goodstain

New member
Feb 14, 2009
In fact propaganda is neither true nor false.

Propaganda is either plausible or implausible.

Good point. And point taken. Sometimes things are invented for the sake of tragedy. Yet some things can be taken from those inventions that aren't tragic. idk.


Mar 20, 2008
Wow, way to derail the thread guys.

When I go about explaining MBTI to people I go about it like this-

"So there is this personality theory, it's really cool. It's helped me out with understanding myself and others, my family and friends etc. It's called MBTI, short for Myers-Briggs Typing Instrument. They divide people into 16 personality types, it all makes sense too once you apply it. These types are determined by preferences, there is (insert explanation of what they mean after them) Introversion vs Extroversion, Intuition vs Sensing, Feeling vs Thinking, and Perceiving vs Judging. So if someone prefers Introversion, Intuition, Thinking, and Judging, they would be an INTJ for short." Go from there.

As for the nazi connection, this is a theory. The jews dying is separate from this theory. I don't see anywhere in MBTI where it states anything about jews dying or anything like that... they are unlinked as to how you apply MBTI etc. It's only merit is understanding where it came from, which was from some guy that worked for Hitler. Boo hoo. No one cares about that (or should care), this is a personality type matrix forum, not a forum about the holocaust. Those people died, and that's bad, but it means nothing in contrast to MBTI. So I don't see the purpose to bickering over that subject. I'd consider bringing that up trolling. The source of MBTI doesn't make it evil at all... That's irrational to think that way.

When I read, "Zein und Zeit", Being and Time, it blew my mind.

But then I discovered the author, Professor Martin Heidegger, was an enthusiastic and active member of the NAZI party. It made me look again at Existentialism.

And lo and behold Martin Heidegger's famous follower and world renowned Existentialist, Jean-Paul Satre, was a Stalinist.

So we can trace one exterminist to another exterminist.

So it seems perfectly legitimate to ask, who are the followers of Carl Jung?

Why do they want to turn themselves and others into things? Why do they want to reify themselves?

Of course I am well aware that these questions create cognitive dissonance in the minds of the followers of MBTi.

And I also know cognitive dissonance is emotional painful. So we are inclined to deny its existence or blame the messenger.

But cognitive dissonance can lead to a higher level of integration, painful though it is.


Nov 19, 2008
Instinctual Variant
I'm sorry, but I don't follow Carl Jung. I just happen to enjoy this theory. You must understand, I don't care about the nazis involved in the making of this theory. I just care about how it's applied to my life.

I don't turn people into anything. They are already themselves, this is just a tool to understand that a lot better.

By the way I know that arguing with you is pointless. This will be an interesting way to increase my post count (not that that matters).


Mar 20, 2008
I know that arguing with you is pointless.

I agree with you that arguing with you pointless - for almost no one is convinced by arguing - rather arguing is simply defensive.

And debating is also defensive.

And debating is a product of patriarchal culture.

A patriarchal culture that can't tell the difference between sympathy and empathy because it has no intention of learning to empathise.

And a patriarchal culture that is addicted to control and hates creativity.

And a patriarchal culture that loves things and hates people.

A patriarchal culture that is made for MBTI.


Nov 19, 2008
Instinctual Variant


New member
Feb 10, 2014
MBTI was made by a mother and daugher, Mrs Briggs and Mrs Myers.

They plagerised it from the book, "Personality Types", by Carl Jung.

Mrs Briggs and Mrs Myers had no training and no qualifications whatsoever.

So it is no surprise to find MBTI is an invalid and unreliable personality test.

And further, Carl Jung was a free and enthusiastic collaborator with the NAZI Party.

And Carl Jung wrote, "Personality Types", to complement the NAZi Somatic* Types such as Aryan, Jew, Slav, Asian and Negro.

The purpose of Somatic Types and Personality Types is to reify the person. That is, to turn the person into a thing so they can be manipulated and disposed of.

Of course Somatic Types were popular in your country before the war. But now they are too embarrassing so you have switched to Personality Types.

And as any beauty queen will tell you, "It's not about the body any more, it is about the personality - Cool!"

I am told two and a quarter million Americans do the MBTI test every year. So I can only conclude MBTI is a very successful cult. And like any cult, it has its own jargon and its own guru, Carl Jung. And of course it is completely impervious to any evidence whatsoever.

So MBTI has no more truth value than astrology or alchemy or creationism.

* The soma means the body. So Somatic Types are body types.

And which types, pray tell, would match up with which races?


Mar 20, 2008
And which types, pray tell, would match up with which races?

Carl Jung's mates lost WW II so the somatic types have lost their cache. And instead of the somatic types we are left with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

But still the totalitarian impulse hankers for absolute power, and so it has resurrected Jung in order to gain power over us by reifying us into psychological types.