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EJCC and Showbread's Cooking/Exercise Extravaganza!


The Devil of TypoC
Aug 29, 2008
Instinctual Variant
This weekend was AWFUL for exercise and healthy food. So much butter and sugar, and no time for the gym -- I think I either ate out or had leftover macaroni and cheese (with so freaking much butter) for almost every meal for the whole long weekend. The meals out were, IIRC:
- Pancakes and bacon
- Eggs Benedict
- An entire Chipotle burrito (when usually I'm good about saving half for another meal)

And this isn't accounting for my friend's birthday cake, which I've been trying to finish off so it won't be around the house anymore.

Getting back on the wagon by going grocery shopping today to get fixins for something healthier, then hitting the gym on the way home.

Food plans (discounting frozen leftovers):
- Miso Soba Noodle Soup with Shiitake, Tofu, & Butternut Squash (leaving out the tofu and adding ramen eggs)
- One Bowl, All Natural, No-Bake Energy Bites (making them for next Wednesday's wellness thing at work -- using crunchy almond butter, chia seeds, flaxseed, wheat flour, and sunflower seeds)
- Using this method to make these oats -- I've found I like the ingredients of the latter (tastes like no-bake cookies!) but prefer the consistency that comes from toasting and then boiling the oats before leaving them overnight. Might add frozen raspberries too, since I discovered them in my freezer a few days ago!


climb on
Oct 3, 2013
Instinctual Variant
Getting back on the wagon by going grocery shopping today to get fixins for something healthier, then hitting the gym on the way home.

Food plans (discounting frozen leftovers):
- Miso Soba Noodle Soup with Shiitake, Tofu, & Butternut Squash (leaving out the tofu and adding ramen eggs)
- One Bowl, All Natural, No-Bake Energy Bites (making them for next Wednesday's wellness thing at work -- using crunchy almond butter, chia seeds, flaxseed, wheat flour, and sunflower seeds)
- Using this method to make these oats -- I've found I like the ingredients of the latter (tastes like no-bake cookies!) but prefer the consistency that comes from toasting and then boiling the oats before leaving them overnight. Might add frozen raspberries too, since I discovered them in my freezer a few days ago!

That miso soup looks SO good! I know there are different types of miso... Which are you planning to use? I really want to make it to H-Mart this weekend!

I'm kind of in love with overnight oats. It's been the most filling breakfast I've done in a long time. I've been doing about 1/3 cup steel cut oats, 1/2 cup low-fat, plain Greek yogurt, almond mild until I like the texture, chia seeds, vanilla extract, and toasted almonds. I also added strawberries a few times. Yum. Will definitely continue to experiment with this. I think the lack of fat in my breakfasts was the reason they weren't holding me over. I need to be less afraid of high calorie breakfasts because they usually mean less snacking and smaller lunches.

I have been kicking exercises's butt. Food over the weekend was a different story... I've done a lot better this week though! I've managed to majorly cut my sugar, which has been SO HARD. I've mostly been eating the peanut slaw, other salads, turkey sandwiches, and lots of fruit as snacks. Yesterday was the exception, INTP friend came over and we made lasagna. I'll probably end up eating it again tonight because I have a lot leftover and don't want to waste it.


The Devil of TypoC
Aug 29, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Made the miso soup! [MENTION=19948]Showbread[/MENTION] I used red miso (the stronger kind IIRC) and added more of it than was called for -- just kept adding til I didn't think it was bland anymore. Had a LOT of leftover broth. Psyched for leftovers!

Mmm, overnight oats. <3


climb on
Oct 3, 2013
Instinctual Variant
Made the miso soup! [MENTION=19948]Showbread[/MENTION] I used red miso (the stronger kind IIRC) and added more of it than was called for -- just kept adding til I didn't think it was bland anymore. Had a LOT of leftover broth. Psyched for leftovers!

Mmm, overnight oats. <3

I'm going to try to go tomorrow after church, I won't be too far away. Does miso need to be refrigerated? Because the stuff will be in my car for quite awhile.

Planning to go for a run today, and then hit the wall later. Not sure about food, might make that ramen EJCC posted. Either that or a curry stir-fry with brown rice. My mom sent me Girl Scour cookies that I need to get rid of somehow. They are SO tempting. I did pretty well with sugar this week and I would like to keep that up next week too.


The Devil of TypoC
Aug 29, 2008
Instinctual Variant
I'm going to try to go tomorrow after church, I won't be too far away. Does miso need to be refrigerated? Because the stuff will be in my car for quite awhile.

Planning to go for a run today, and then hit the wall later. Not sure about food, might make that ramen EJCC posted. Either that or a curry stir-fry with brown rice. My mom sent me Girl Scour cookies that I need to get rid of somehow. They are SO tempting. I did pretty well with sugar this week and I would like to keep that up next week too.
How long is quite a while? Miso paste does need to be refrigerated, but I figure it should be fine as long as the miso paste doesn't get warm. IME soy products are fairly forgiving anyway. (My roommate left a bottle of soy sauce on the counter overnight by accident, but I've been using the stuff since then and it doesn't taste off.)


climb on
Oct 3, 2013
Instinctual Variant
How long is quite a while? Miso paste does need to be refrigerated, but I figure it should be fine as long as the miso paste doesn't get warm. IME soy products are fairly forgiving anyway. (My roommate left a bottle of soy sauce on the counter overnight by accident, but I've been using the stuff since then and it doesn't taste off.)

You're supposed to refrigerate soy sauce? :shock: :laugh: I had no idea. My mom never did and I always figured it was basically liquid salt so there was no need. Whoops.

It would definitely be a few hours. I might bring an ice chest though because I want to look at their seafood. I've been craving shrimp and it's too expensive at my regular grocery store.

Also, I just went for a 4 mile jog/walk. I'm officially going to make an appointment with the nurse on campus about getting an inhaler. My asthma was really bad when I was a kid, I was hospitalized, I had a nebulizer machine for breathing treatments, etc. I think I can make a good case for it. Breathing while running should NOT be this hard for someone who's active and not overweight. It's not even just being out of breath, my lungs feel tight, like I can't keep breath in or take a deep one. Definitely a weezy feeling, not just the "burning" sensation I've heard runners describe. And there's no second wind, they just get exhausted. But, not that my back is under control (yay PT!) I want to commit to running.


The Devil of TypoC
Aug 29, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Well shoot.

How to Store Miso Soup (5 Steps) | eHow

I guess I'll have another serving tomorrow and then throw the rest out. :(

Good thing I have a lot of miso paste and green onions left. Now I know it's probably best to make it the day of and not have leftovers.


climb on
Oct 3, 2013
Instinctual Variant
Made the miso soup and it was yummy! I think I went a little heavy on the ginger, and I also needed more miso than was called for. But, other than that I loved it! I halved the recipe because apparently miso soup doesn't keep long.

In other wonderful news I FINALLY got an inhaler! I went for a run tonight after using it and oh my gosh what a difference! I mean it still wasn't fun, but my lungs didn't get tight and give up on me. It was a more normal not used to running difficulty as opposed to being impossible to breathe. So, new goal: be able to run a 5k without stopping. I might re-download that "Couch to 5k" app. It's a gradual increase that has coaching. I tried using it before but gave up because breathing wasn't getting easier.

Since I still have 3/4 of a butternut squash leftover from the ramen I am going to make Healthy Mac and Cheese. I also have half a bunch of kale that I will probably wilt and stir into the sauce. Not sure what kind of cheese I want to use. The recipe suggests gruyere, but I might want something stronger. Thinking maybe a sharp cheddar?


climb on
Oct 3, 2013
Instinctual Variant
Made the Healthy Mac and Cheese tonight and oh my gosh it was fantastic. Like one of the best things I've ever made fantastic. For the cheese I used sharp cheddar, and I used whole wheat elbow noodles for pasta. I also added half a head of kale that I wilted in the microwave. When I served it I topped it with parmesan and some Cholula hot sauce.

I will definitely be freezing leftovers and making this again.


climb on
Oct 3, 2013
Instinctual Variant
I have a really good day of eating planned, super healthy. But all I can think about it donuts. :dry:

Breakfast/Lunch (I ate at noon)

- WW toast w/avocado
- One egg w/hot sauce
- Half a grapefruit

Going to be out running errands/studying at a coffee shop soon planning to take a snack
- Larabar
- Mandarin oranges
- Nonfat latte

- Leftover butternut squash mac and cheese

For exercise I am going to a swing dancing class later. :D

I'm trying to be really good today because I am eating brunch here tomorrow and I am SO excited. I'll probably also run again tomorrow, so that will help. I got a new pair of running shoes today. My back was sore after my runs this week, and they are about a year old so I figured it was time. Like EJCC, I have high-maintenance feet. So I had to go to an actual running store and spend $100.


climb on
Oct 3, 2013
Instinctual Variant
Ran (like actually ran the whole time) 2 miles today. :D I've been eating this since I finished off the mac and cheese. It's just kind of "meh," definite potential though. Adding kale that had been sauteed with garlic, olive oil, and a generous amount of salt helped a LOT. I have one more serving for tomorrow night's dinner. I'm eating out Friday and Saturday nights, which will not be so healthy. But I will try to compensate by eating light during the day and exercising.

Sunday [MENTION=4945]EJCC[/MENTION] and I are both making this salad, which I am REALLY excited about. Depending on frugal I feel Saturday I may sub chicken for shrimp. I'll probably also make some brown rice to go with it. I know myself well enough to know I won't be satisfied without some carbs. After that I might make some more of the Thai turkey meatballs... I really liked those.


The Devil of TypoC
Aug 29, 2008
Instinctual Variant
To give full background: Showbread and I are continuing the "twinsies" trend by 1) both subscribing to Buzzfeed Food's newsletter, and 2) choosing a recipe from that newsletter for us both to make, once a week. (If your response is "omg you guys are adorable", then you are correct.)

This past week it was "One Pot Spanish Chicken and Potatoes", from this BuzzFeed Food listicle: 21 Fresh Ideas For Chicken Dinners It required a much larger pan than I owned, or a cook that's better at browning an entire pound of chicken and an entire large sliced potato in the same pot, so that made cooking it a huge pain in the ass. Not to mention it was "meh" overall. Too monochrome -- too sweet and tomato-y. Having kale and broccoli on the side, and serving it with cheesy bread, made for a huge improvement, but if I'm going to cook a huge multi-meal dish with a ton of fresh tomatoes, I'd rather make my favorite tomato biscuit dish that Showbread would hate. :whistling:

I think part of why I felt like it needed so many additions has to do with the research that's been done recently with regards to why Indian food is so amazing -- namely, combinations of opposing flavors. Western cuisine (like Italian and Spanish food) would be totally accepting of this chicken/tomato/eggplant concoction -- but when you add bitterness (kale) to the sweetness (tomato and eggplant), it takes it to a whole other level.

Anyway. Our next dish (see below) is from this listicle: 21 Impossibly Delicious Ways To Eat Avocado For Dinner

Sunday [MENTION=4945]EJCC[/MENTION] and I are both making this salad, which I am REALLY excited about. Depending on frugal I feel Saturday I may sub chicken for shrimp.
I am also pretty damn psyched about this. I did end up buying shrimp, because it was less expensive at Trader Joe's than I expected. Will make another grocery run this weekend to get the more perishable ingredients (baby spinach, avocados, etc).

I'll probably also make some brown rice to go with it. I know myself well enough to know I won't be satisfied without some carbs.
This would have been a great opportunity to do the healthy-quinoa-substitute thing. Too bad neither of us likes quinoa all that much! :laugh:

I will probably not end up having carbs with it, but will have larger servings of the salad instead. Can't get enough shrimp and avocado...

After that I might make some more of the Thai turkey meatballs... I really liked those.
:( I wish I had better luck with that recipe. So much potential. I may have to try again with a different recipe, without such a lean meat -- they turned out so dry!!), and with the MUCH better curry paste I found at the Asian grocery.


In other news: It's going to be SUPER nice out this coming week (thank god -- I'm so tired of having all these snow days, I feel so stir-crazy and unproductive). Meaning, MORE RUNNING! We'll see if I can finally get on board with exercising more regularly, when the weather actually makes me want to go outside.

In a perfect world, my routine would involve jogging to the gym, working out there, and doing a cool-down jog/walk home, maybe three times a week, with bodyweight stuff at home and longer runs outside in the days between. But this could be very far in the future.
Last edited:


The Devil of TypoC
Aug 29, 2008
Instinctual Variant
[MENTION=10251]Red Herring[/MENTION] You mentioned you wanted to get involved with this blog -- need any tips? Have any tips/ideas for me and Showbread and our readers? I know you've got your hands full with THE FIRST TYPEC BABY ( :heart: !!! ) but just in case you were still interested.


climb on
Oct 3, 2013
Instinctual Variant
To give full background: Showbread and I are continuing the "twinsies" trend by 1) both subscribing to Buzzfeed Food's newsletter, and 2) choosing a recipe from that newsletter for us both to make, once a week. (If your response is "omg you guys are adorable", then you are correct.)

We really are though.

I am also pretty damn psyched about this. I did end up buying shrimp, because it was less expensive at Trader Joe's than I expected. Will make another grocery run this weekend to get the more perishable ingredients (baby spinach, avocados, etc).

Ooh, good! I am going to Trader Joe's tomorrow. I'll look there. :)

:( I wish I had better luck with that recipe. So much potential. I may have to try again with a different recipe, without such a lean meat -- they turned out so dry!!), and with the MUCH better curry paste I found at the Asian grocery.

What kind of ground turkey did you use? 99% lean, or 93% lean? I used the 93% because the other is basically saw dust. :ack!: I also significantly cut the cooking time because they definitely did not need 30 minutes. Oh, and I bought curry paste at H Mart. I'm excited to try it with that instead of the Thai Kitchen stuff.

Red Herring

Jun 9, 2010
Instinctual Variant
[MENTION=10251]Red Herring[/MENTION] You mentioned you wanted to get involved with this blog -- need any tips? Have any tips/ideas for me and Showbread and our readers? I know you've got your hands full with THE FIRST TYPEC BABY ( :heart: !!! ) but just in case you were still interested.

I don't have any tips to share, sorry. Until now there was relatively little I could do, but the time has come for some postnatal gymnastics to get back into shape and I plan to go swimming this week for the first time in ages. Unfortunately the only sport that ever interested me, running, is supposedly taboo until at least 3 months post partum, meaning that I's have to wait for 5 more weeks before I can put on my running shoes again.

I have almost regained my pre-pregnancy weight and am wearing my old cloths again (with the exception of one obstinate pair of jeans, grrrrr!). The vertical dark line on my belly is still visible but otherwise it is approaching its previous state. My pelvic muscles used to be very strong and still aren't back to what they used to be, but they have already improved a lot. Right now, though, my only "sport" is going for a walk/grocery shopping etc. with a 5 kg + baby tied to my body. That is a back and pelvic muscle training that's not to be underestimated! My tailbone still hurts though and sitting down can be painful as the surounding muscles easily cramp when I am carrying weight. The courses at the clinic that I meant to attend are all booked out :(

As far as food is concerned, I have to admit that - probably due to the additional energy going into breastfeeding which is usually said to be around 400-500 calories - I have a regular craving for high calory food of the unhealthy kind: sugar! My stomach is rather small, so maybe that is my body's way of making sure it gets all the extra energy in a compact form, but I'd still rather get it from a healthier source. So the question is: what coul I eat that is high calory, delivers quickly but is healthier than the sweet stuff? Nuts? Whole grain bread with cheese? I already started introducing more fruit into my diet.

Tips? Recommendations? Recipes? Excercises?


climb on
Oct 3, 2013
Instinctual Variant
As far as food is concerned, I have to admit that - probably due to the additional energy going into breastfeeding which is usually said to be around 400-500 calories - I have a regular craving for high calory food of the unhealthy kind: sugar! My stomach is rather small, so maybe that is my body's way of making sure it gets all the extra energy in a compact form, but I'd still rather get it from a healthier source. So the question is: what coul I eat that is high calory, delivers quickly but is healthier than the sweet stuff? Nuts? Whole grain bread with cheese? I already started introducing more fruit into my diet.

Tips? Recommendations? Recipes? Excercises?

I don't really know anything about postpartum recover. In terms of calorie dense compact food I think nuts would probably be a great idea! Or maybe something like these: No Bake Energy Bites. Peanut butter might be tricky to find though.

[MENTION=4945]EJCC[/MENTION] and I both made this Shrimp and Avocado Salad with Miso Dressing - Pinch of Yum this weekend. I nearly doubled the seasoning on the shrimp, didn't really measure my lime juice, and I omitted the salt from the dressing (salt and miso seemed excessive) I was very pleased with the outcome! Loved the dressing. I also crumpled some tortilla chips over top to make it a little crunchy.


The Devil of TypoC
Aug 29, 2008
Instinctual Variant
I don't have any tips to share, sorry. Until now there was relatively little I could do, but the time has come for some postnatal gymnastics to get back into shape and I plan to go swimming this week for the first time in ages. Unfortunately the only sport that ever interested me, running, is supposedly taboo until at least 3 months post partum, meaning that I's have to wait for 5 more weeks before I can put on my running shoes again.

I have almost regained my pre-pregnancy weight and am wearing my old cloths again (with the exception of one obstinate pair of jeans, grrrrr!). The vertical dark line on my belly is still visible but otherwise it is approaching its previous state. My pelvic muscles used to be very strong and still aren't back to what they used to be, but they have already improved a lot. Right now, though, my only "sport" is going for a walk/grocery shopping etc. with a 5 kg + baby tied to my body. That is a back and pelvic muscle training that's not to be underestimated!
I'm amazed at how quickly you've gotten up and around and running errands since giving birth -- I think it took twice that length of time for my parents to take me outside running errands. Good for you!

My tailbone still hurts though and sitting down can be painful as the surounding muscles easily cramp when I am carrying weight. The courses at the clinic that I meant to attend are all booked out :(
:( Shoot! I hope there'll be some openings soon. I imagine that they're as necessary as physical therapy would be for someone who's been injured.

As far as food is concerned, I have to admit that - probably due to the additional energy going into breastfeeding which is usually said to be around 400-500 calories - I have a regular craving for high calory food of the unhealthy kind: sugar! My stomach is rather small, so maybe that is my body's way of making sure it gets all the extra energy in a compact form, but I'd still rather get it from a healthier source. So the question is: what coul I eat that is high calory, delivers quickly but is healthier than the sweet stuff? Nuts? Whole grain bread with cheese? I already started introducing more fruit into my diet.

Tips? Recommendations? Recipes? Excercises?
Bread and cheese sounds great, as do nuts. Like [MENTION=19948]Showbread[/MENTION] I'd suggest peanut butter, or some other kind of nut butter. (Maybe eaten with bananas, which apparently have 120-ish calories apiece!)

Other ideas off the top of my head:

- Avocados
- Granola
- Yogurt
- Anything cooked with olive oil
- Wheat bread / brown rice / quinoa
- Potatoes

As for exercises, maybe something like these?

Postpartum Yoga Poses for Mama & Baby
Postnatal Yoga Sequence For Sore Back and Tight Hips | POPSUGAR Fitness


The Devil of TypoC
Aug 29, 2008
Instinctual Variant
[MENTION=4945]EJCC[/MENTION] and I both made this Shrimp and Avocado Salad with Miso Dressing - Pinch of Yum this weekend. I nearly doubled the seasoning on the shrimp, didn't really measure my lime juice, and I omitted the salt from the dressing (salt and miso seemed excessive) I was very pleased with the outcome! Loved the dressing. I also crumpled some tortilla chips over top to make it a little crunchy.
Ooh it really would be good with tortilla chips. I was trying to figure out what it needed, and I think that was it. Something with a crunch. (Peanuts would have been good too if I'd added them, which I didn't.)

Really liked the recipe overall. Was a LOT simpler to make than I expected! Would be a nice dinner party dish for when it gets nice and warm outside -- would taste great with lemonade and/or Arnold Palmers and/or mojitos.


climb on
Oct 3, 2013
Instinctual Variant
Running is actually happening still! I've been running 2.5-3 miles 3 times a week pretty consistently. I generally run Monday, Wednesday, then either Friday/Saturday. I'm gradually working my distance up about .2 miles at a time per recommendation of my physical therapist. I got my time for the first mile below 10 minutes! My average pace is still about 10.40, which isn't great. But, I am consistent and mostly not hating it so I count that as a win.


The Devil of TypoC
Aug 29, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Exercise news:
I almost have a workout routine! Yay!!!

Food news:
I have SO much food lying around, that I don't think I'm going to have to buy groceries this week. I have probably 3-4 servings of those burrito bowls in the freezer, plus fixins for:
- Winter Squash Carbonara with Pancetta and Sage Recipe - Bon Appetit (sans pancetta, which I don't have lying around -- might substitute spiced/marinated chicken? -- and using the leftover butternut squash/chicken broth/garlic puree from the butternut squash mac and cheese last week)
- Sesame-Ginger and Cucumber Soba Noodles - Cookie and Kate (not as good as the peanut soba noodle salad we love so much, but still tasty, and a good way to use up leftover cucumber)

And leftovers from my belated St. Patrick's Day party yesterday:
Had a belated St. Patrick's Day party yesterday! My three contributions:

Steak and Ale Pie - Foodness Gracious
- Used bacon instead of pancetta because I had it lying around

Irish Immigrant Stew | Drick's Rambling Cafe
- Added the potatoes at the same time as the beef, because the last time I made it they didn't cook enough
- Didn't add as much flour as I should have, so it wasn't a very thick broth

Chocolate Beer Cupcakes With Whiskey Filling And Irish Cream Icing Recipe - Allrecipes.com
- made two servings of frosting because one was NOT enough for all those cupcakes

The stew was good, the pie was REALLY good, and the cupcakes, as usual, were absolutely the freaking best ever. They are in the top three best kinds of cupcakes I have ever eaten.
Had one of those cupcakes for breakfast this morning. #noshameinmygame