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Avatar - Characters


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
I don't see any N at all in her personality.
She's entirely grounded and not ethereal... not xNFJ in the least. Etherealness is one of the primary qualities of NF... and especially xNFJ, although INFJ sometimes seems very grounded and can look ISFJ in how they behave.

Bottom line: Neytiri acts in the real world entirely and not in abstractions. She responds physically to things, she does NOT abstract first and then choose how to respond.

I'm not sure what else there is to say.
Maybe your other read needs rethought as well; I've never seen that movie, so I couldn't say.


New member
Oct 12, 2009
Instinctual Variant
I don't see any N at all in her personality.
She's entirely grounded and not ethereal... not xNFJ in the least. Etherealness is one of the primary qualities of NF... and especially xNFJ, although INFJ sometimes seems very grounded and can look ISFJ in how they behave.

Bottom line: Neytiri acts in the real world entirely and not in abstractions. She responds physically to things, she does NOT abstract first and then choose how to respond.

I'm not sure what else there is to say.
Maybe your other read needs rethought as well; I've never seen that movie, so I couldn't say.

Well, to tell the truth, I first saw her as an INFJ, only after the movie I realized that she might have been a Fe dom. I might return to my first guess then.

I don't know, perhaps we just have a different view of what the NFJ-SFJ stereotype implies. We're both fully entitled to it :)

I just wanted to point out that Avatar was a fantasy action movie and there was not enough space for abstract thought in the first place. My look on it is that the way Neytiri seemed very connected to nature and deity, which does seem pretty ethereal to a viewer, was kind of supposed to "substitute" for any supernatural abilities the character might have had in other fantasy worlds. Also, I see more Se than Si in her, which also belong to the NFJ archetype. If you think Si because she wasn't flexible, well, I guess no one would be flexible in her place.

It's not really about my "read", you know - it's more about the NFJ archetype in my subconscious. It might very well be slightly different from someone else's, I suppose.


Nov 19, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Avatar types!

Jake Sully- ISTP
Neytiri- No idea really but I figured __FJ
Colonel Miles Quaritch- I'm leaning towards ESTJ but ISTJ is also a possibility

Yeah I was too busy paying attention to the awesomeness of the movie to tell the character's types. I'm only 100% certain of Jake's type.


Nov 19, 2008
Instinctual Variant
I looked for it I swear! :(


Plumage and Moult
Apr 23, 2007
Just saw Avatar 3D IMAX last night and really liked it. Story was weak, but that's been commented on already.

I try not to type characters anymore because people see what they want to see in a fictional or real character but I did it anyway.

Jake: ISTP--that was some sexy ISTP!

Neytiri--inclined to agree about being a Fe-dom so either ESFJ or ENFJ. I think she was bolder and more directive than an ISFJ would be, so I'm not sold on xSFJ. I liked the hissy fit she threw when her mother told her she was to train Jake.:tongue:

I think how Space_Oddity and Jennifer are trying to glean NFJ from SFJ is interesting. I don't see NFJ as being more ethereal...it's possible to be a very grounded NFJ that doesn't sparkle in the moonlight, I don't think that's typological oxymoron. I definitely saw more Se than Si. How would either of you describe healthy Fe-Ne vs Fe-Se...that may be helpful in determining which loop she was using. Anyways, I liked her character a lot, she was very expressive so I'll be happy to claim her either way.

Dr. Grace Augustine: agree with ENTJ, she was pretty live and I think that was tertiary Se. I feel like an NTP would be more reluctant to physically engage but she didn't hesitate. And she was all about "getting her samples" and collecting data which to me implies Te-Se. I think Neytiri is a good contrast for Fe-Se.

Trudy Chacon: ESxP, she doesn't necessarily have to be a T.

Miles Quaritch
Parker Selfridge
Now these two are interesting.

Parker was very reluctant to physically engage, he liked to stay pretty and clean. That doesn't seem like Se to me, but I've run across a lot of ESTP guys with the attitude of "I'm too pretty to fight" and worried about scuffing their shoes. He was disgusted with the savages he was surrounded by, was a businessman--never seen in casual clothes, played golf, didn't give much credence to the beliefs of the indigenous people. His only god was money and the stockholders were the Olympians.

I believe Miles was pathologically aggressive and full of bloodlust. I don't think the mission necessarily mattered to him, he just liked to destroy and maim. That's why he was on Pandora because it was a new territory to be conquered and people to be crushed. I think Te-doms can be very exploratory. That label is usually tagged on to ExTPs but Te can do the same thing with different motivations. The scene where he ran out to shot at the plane with no air mask on...I can't tell if that's some determined Te or Se. He also was the one who suggested destroy Ewyah (?) to destroy their moral. May not mean anything, but he seemed to go straight for the jugular. So for him I'm willing to go ESTP or ENTJ.


Jun 26, 2008
I've seen plenty of shitty movies with nothing else to redeem them, so the fact that the visuals in this movie were amazing, even though the story was formulaic, puts it in my "good" category.

Here are my typings:

Jake- ISFP (I see a lot of people typing him as ISTP, but I think he comes off more as an F. And Neytiri's whole "strong of heart" comment made me think Fi.)
Neytiri- ENFJ or INFJ (I don't see ESFJ at all. She's all about the "energy" and the ancestral spirits, she interprets and gives importance to signs, symbols, and prophesies, and she's WAY more Se than Si.)
Grace- ENTJ or INTJ (the NTJ part is absolute in my mind. She's pushy and aggressive, and her staunch humanism- or whatever you'd call it in this context- points to tertiary Fi.)
Miles- ESTP (He's an asshole who just wants to destroy things. His lack of planning and strategy is evident in the fail that was his last mission. It seems like pure bravado was his driving motivation.)
Parker- I don't know, really. Some sort of xSTx.
Trudy- XSTP (the actress who plays her is always some sort of xSTP in her movies, so I figured that would work as a starting point. Also, technically and mechanically inclined. She was a pilot for chrissakes!)
Norm- INFP (at first I thought INTP because he was nerdy and academic, but then his random jealousy and his passive aggressive tactics seemed more INFP-like than INTP.)


Babylon Candle
Feb 10, 2008
Instinctual Variant
I think we could make good use of interaction styles (which really helps differentiate some 1-letter-off types).

Miles: ESTP (In-Charge is both ENTJ and ESTP... Te-Se or Se-Fe?...therefore ENTJ)
Trudy: ISTP (Chart-The-Course instead of In-Charge)
Norm: INFP (Behind-The-Scenes)
Grace: ENTJ (In-Charge)
Neytiri: ENFJ (ESFJ is Get-Things-Going; ENFJ is In-Charge)

Jake: ESFP (He is CLEARY Get-Things-Going:
  • He actually reminds me of some brash ENFP (also GTC) behavior that I've witnessed. Always trying to solve problems he has no business solving or has even created himself.
  • In this case though, its usually through brash "look at me!" instead of "considering the possibilities" that he 'solves' problems
  • There is no way that he is Behind-The-Scenes or In-Charge (ESTP or ISFP).
  • Between ISTP and ESFP its Chart-The-Course or Get-Things-Going. He is a man of impulsive action rather than tinkering leading to action.


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Neytiri- ENFJ or INFJ (I don't see ESFJ at all. She's all about the "energy" and the ancestral spirits, she interprets and gives importance to signs, symbols, and prophesies, and she's WAY more Se than Si.)

Aside from the frustration here, I'm rather fascinated by how everyone is using the typical "creative/mythos" card to identify someone as an N. ... just sort of watching it all unfold.

I think if people accept (1) the entire CULTURE speaks in mythos ... which means the SJs will do so as well regardless of lack of N, and (2) then compare Neytiri to Moat (the true intuitive here, and far more ENFJ), the contrast will show a difference in approach and thinking. It is just SJ thinking/processing applied to N-style topical matter.

Maybe my experience with a lot of religious ISFJs who "speak faith/mythos" all the time and look for signs constantly in the environment, just as Neytiri does, is what is giving me a different view on this one. Religious SFJs can easily "talk the spiritual talk" but they do it in different ways than N's and the underlying attitudes are different, as well as how they respond to signs.

Note that Moat is far more flexible in her sign interpretation than Neytiri. With the S types, as soon as a sign comes into being, they tend to take it at face value and in a predetermined fashion. N's are far more fluid in their handling of signs.

The biggest: Jake, once he became Turok-Mak-Toh, flipped from hero to villain and most of the SJ culture did not even have to think twice about it; the gods had spoken. The N's, especially Ni people, I think were far more aware of the implications of his actions and the choices that went into them. When everyone turned on Jake at the tree, who came back to him and let him go? Moat. She was the one who looked past the sign (Jake "using" the people) and saw his heart and heard the earnestness in his voice. Neytiri wasn't any better than the others; first she felt violated ("I trusted you, because you did and said all the 'right things' to show you were one of my people, and now I find that you knew my people would be destroyed" and then "Get away, you are not one of us.") How much more SFJ can you get?

SJ's tend to see signs and behaviors as facts; N's see signs as indicators and fluid at that.

Again, look beyond the fact she can speak in mythic language (which is external and learned) and look at how she actually behaves and what she values.


New member
Jun 11, 2008
I snuck into Avatar last night while waiting a couple hours for Brothers (sucked btw)
and got a better feeling for the characters the second time around. Upon further review...

Jake Sully - XSFP (and mentally retarded)
Neytiri - ESFJ
Dr. Grace Augustine - ENTJ (win)
Colonel Miles Quaritch - ESTJ (Te)
Trudy Chacon - ESTP (Se)
Parker Selfridge - ESTP (Ti/Se)
Tsu'Tey - ISTJ (freakin' SJ)
Norm - INFP (Fi/Ne)


Take it from one; Jake is an ISFP like Colonel Quaritch is an ENFP.


Plumage and Moult
Apr 23, 2007
Aside from the frustration here, I'm rather fascinated by how everyone is using the typical "creative/mythos" card to identify someone as an N. ... just sort of watching it all unfold.

I think if people accept (1) the entire CULTURE speaks in mythos ... which means the SJs will do so as well regardless of lack of N, and (2) then compare Neytiri to Moat (the true intuitive here, and far more ENFJ), the contrast will show a difference in approach and thinking. It is just SJ thinking/processing applied to N-style topical matter.

Maybe my experience with a lot of religious ISFJs who "speak faith/mythos" all the time and look for signs constantly in the environment, just as Neytiri does, is what is giving me a different view on this one. Religious SFJs can easily "talk the spiritual talk" but they do it in different ways than N's and the underlying attitudes are different, as well as how they respond to signs.

Note that Moat is far more flexible in her sign interpretation than Neytiri. With the S types, as soon as a sign comes into being, they tend to take it at face value and in a predetermined fashion. N's are far more fluid in their handling of signs.

The biggest: Jake, once he became Turok-Mak-Toh, flipped from hero to villain and most of the SJ culture did not even have to think twice about it; the gods had spoken. The N's, especially Ni people, I think were far more aware of the implications of his actions and the choices that went into them. When everyone turned on Jake at the tree, who came back to him and let him go? Moat. She was the one who looked past the sign (Jake "using" the people) and saw his heart and heard the earnestness in his voice. Neytiri wasn't any better than the others; first she felt violated ("I trusted you, because you did and said all the 'right things' to show you were one of my people, and now I find that you knew my people would be destroyed" and then "Get away, you are not one of us.") How much more SFJ can you get?

SJ's tend to see signs and behaviors as facts; N's see signs as indicators and fluid at that.

Again, look beyond the fact she can speak in mythic language (which is external and learned) and look at how she actually behaves and what she values.

I agree with you about the nature of the culture being very "spiritual" Neytiri could very well be an EsFJ or an EnFJ, I honestly don't see her planted very firmly in either territory. I think often with Ni people tend to think of it as mystically and ethereal and I disagree with that interpretation. I see this more with NTJs but I often find them to be very realistic and pragmatic people. Of the two INFJs and one ENFJ I know, only one (INFJ) is the stereotypical N spaz.

And another thing I noticed, which I've wished wished wished people would talk about more on the forum is extroverted judgment being conflated with Si. I notice people find it difficult to flesh out dom Te/Fe from aux Si/Ni whereas I don't see those same problems fleshing out dom Ti/Fi from aux Ne/Se and the rest. People also have the hardest time telling ESFJs from ENFJs unless the ENFJ or ESFJ is so extreme in one direction that the difference is evident. Even with me and I make no strong claim in either direction, but half of the people here think I'm an ESFJ and the other half think ENFJ. I don't think EJs and their perceiving functions have been as scrutinized as other types so there's less to go on.

I have a question though: in the same way you find the spirituality of the Na'vi culture to give the appearance of intuitiveness to Neyetri, I say that in a highly sensate culture it's necessary for intuitives to develop at least healthy mid level use of Se and Si.

For example, I find that in African-American culture there is a greater emphasis on Se, Si, and Fe than even in the larger American culture. Most of the black intuitives I know have highly developed Fe (ever seen a high Fe INTJ? Userhername and Night are the closest approximations on the forum) regardless of their intuitive personality type and the really give off a different vibe than the people here. It's just annoying to me when people hold the extremes of a type as the norms of a type, with little consideration for healthy functional development of non-preferred functions. I think that many people here are the extreme versions of their type.

Also in the tribal system of the Na'vi, I'd expect to find higher group cohesion because your tribe was your primary and probably only social unit which we refer to as Si. I know that in my African studies classes, the worst thing to be was an outcast from the tribe...not necessarily because of a violation of a Si cultural value but because your chances of surviving alone in "The Bush" were dismal and it was just more expedient and self-preservational to be in the safety of the group and that was assiduously avoided. Plus smaller, homogeneous communities tend to be naturally more tightknit than dispersed and diverse cultures, which still looks like Si.

Since this forum is mostly NPs, I also think people conflate a lot of NPness with intuitiveness. In the case of NJs, if you are a rather strong extroverted judger in addition to having Ni (and also depending on the strength of the preference for Ni) or if an NJ is comfortable with and plugs deeply into Se I think sign and symbol interpretation tends be more hardlined.

I guess this just a little microcosm of why the perception dichotomies are harder to glean especially if there's no strong preference for one or the other. I'm happy settle with Neyetri being ExFJ.


Jun 26, 2008
Aside from the frustration here, I'm rather fascinated by how everyone is using the typical "creative/mythos" card to identify someone as an N. ... just sort of watching it all unfold.

Well to be fair, I probably made my claim sound stronger than it really is for rhetorical effect. I could definitely see ESFJ, though I still think there is more evidence for ENFJ. I'll address your points individually.

I think if people accept (1) the entire CULTURE speaks in mythos ... which means the SJs will do so as well regardless of lack of N, and (2) then compare Neytiri to Moat (the true intuitive here, and far more ENFJ), the contrast will show a difference in approach and thinking. It is just SJ thinking/processing applied to N-style topical matter.

It's not just that she spoke in mythos like everyone else...it was one of the most important things to her personally. In his video logs, Jake says that "she's always going on about energy, and how it's only ever borrowed, and must be given back." (That's not word for word, but it's the idea.) You've compared her to Moat, but all that proves is that she's not as intuitive, or is not intuitive in the same way, as her. For completeness one would have to compare her to known sensors as well, like TsuTey. People are calling him ISTJ here, which I basically agree with, and you can see that the differences between him and Neytiri are fairly great. He would have killed Jake on the spot without regard for signs, and even after the spiritual leader had admitted him to their "clan" for training, TsuTey was wary and distrustful of the wisdom of Moat's decision. Neytiri is much more "spiritual" than him, which would lend some credence to an N over S typing, or at least balance out the comparison with Moat.

Maybe my experience with a lot of religious ISFJs who "speak faith/mythos" all the time and look for signs constantly in the environment, just as Neytiri does, is what is giving me a different view on this one. Religious SFJs can easily "talk the spiritual talk" but they do it in different ways than N's and the underlying attitudes are different, as well as how they respond to signs.

Note that Moat is far more flexible in her sign interpretation than Neytiri. With the S types, as soon as a sign comes into being, they tend to take it at face value and in a predetermined fashion. N's are far more fluid in their handling of signs.

Since when is "flexibility" a sign of N? Isn't that one of the signs of P vs. J?

The biggest: Jake, once he became Turok-Mak-Toh, flipped from hero to villain and most of the SJ culture did not even have to think twice about it; the gods had spoken. The N's, especially Ni people, I think were far more aware of the implications of his actions and the choices that went into them. When everyone turned on Jake at the tree, who came back to him and let him go? Moat. She was the one who looked past the sign (Jake "using" the people) and saw his heart and heard the earnestness in his voice. Neytiri wasn't any better than the others; first she felt violated ("I trusted you, because you did and said all the 'right things' to show you were one of my people, and now I find that you knew my people would be destroyed" and then "Get away, you are not one of us.") How much more SFJ can you get?

I don't see how her behavior in this instance can be definitively interpreted as SJ and not just FJ.

First of all, are you saying that Moat was the only Ni individual in the tribe? Because that is the implication of your claim that her behavior (going back to release Jake) separated her as an Ni user from the rest of the tribe.

Second, Neytiri was offended because she had been decieved by Jake's affection for her into believing that he was an honest advocate of their interests. When he hinted that he may not have been completely honest, she took that as him betraying her. All that says is that she so closely identified with her group (Fe) that she couldn't separate their interests from her own.

SJ's tend to see signs and behaviors as facts; N's see signs as indicators and fluid at that.

Again, look beyond the fact she can speak in mythic language (which is external and learned) and look at how she actually behaves and what she values.

Again, it appears (to me at least) that she values her fellow people (or...um...aliens, Navi, whatever) above all else. All this is indicative of is Fe. It is also apparent that she personally values the mythos, because she talks about it a lot. You would expect that she would have a simpler and less personal way of relating to it if she were SJ, sort of like TsuTey does. But she appears to derive a kind of personal pleasure from talking and thinking about all of that "energy" crap. I mean, she was going to be the spiritual leader to take over after Moat, so you'd think she had some propensity for it. She was going to be the shaman.

Also, she was more than willing to break the "rules" in order to be with Jake and not with her betrothed. This, though arguably insignificant, could point more to N than S (or at least SJ.)

So I don't know...I could see SJ, but I don't think these things you've mentioned are great indicators.


New member
Jan 19, 2010
Jake- ISFP
Neytiri- ESFJ
Grace- ENTJ
Colonel Quaritch- ISTJ
Parker- ESTJ


New member
Nov 22, 2008
I actually thought Jake Sully was an ISTP. And a dead sexy one at that!!! All that stoic, rugged masculinity, mmmmmmmmmm ;)


Nov 19, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Jake is definitely an ISTP. Not sure where you're getting F.


New member
Jan 19, 2010
I thought he was FOR SURE an ISFP. He has an intense well of caring for the Na'vi that no other characters seem to have, and plays the role of the Peacemaker (common ISFP role) throughout the entire film. You don't see him logically analysing his situation much, it seems to mostly be about his feeling.

I would even go as far as to say that F is his strongest suit, save for Sensing.


New member
Oct 12, 2009
Instinctual Variant
I thought he was FOR SURE an ISFP. He has an intense well of caring for the Na'vi that no other characters seem to have, and plays the role of the Peacemaker (common ISFP role) throughout the entire film. You don't see him logically analysing his situation much, it seems to mostly be about his feeling.

I would even go as far as to say that F is his strongest suit, save for Sensing.

That's not true. At the beginning, he doesn't care about the Na'Vi. At first he doesn't seem to be that feeling or value-driven at all, more like curious about everything that happens to him. It's Neytiri who "raises" him and his feeling side, disciplines him - and that suggest to me the ISTP-ENFJ "opposites attract" couple, where Neytiri is Jake's "Mentor" and makes his inferior Extraverted feeling grow strong.


Ruler of the Stars
May 6, 2009
Instinctual Variant
That's not true. At the beginning, he doesn't care about the Na'Vi. At first he doesn't seem to be that feeling or value-driven at all, more like curious about everything that happens to him. It's Neytiri who "raises" him and his feeling side, disciplines him - and that suggest to me the ISTP-ENFJ "opposites attract" couple, where Neytiri is Jake's "Mentor" and makes his inferior Extraverted feeling grow strong.

Bingo! The only thing I don't see is the introversion, I can see how he could fit ISTP, but there's nothing that I can see that rules out ESTP. Especially since it would be more realistic for him to become grow Fe wise because it's tertiary. And the way he rushes into things seems far more Se to me than someone who sits back and thinks before he acts.


New member
Jan 19, 2010
That's not true. At the beginning, he doesn't care about the Na'Vi. At first he doesn't seem to be that feeling or value-driven at all, more like curious about everything that happens to him. It's Neytiri who "raises" him and his feeling side, disciplines him - and that suggest to me the ISTP-ENFJ "opposites attract" couple, where Neytiri is Jake's "Mentor" and makes his inferior Extraverted feeling grow strong.

Yeah, you're actually right. My observational skills mustn't have been up to scratch today. :cry: