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Am I an INFP or an INFJ?


New member
Aug 18, 2007
Hey, I'll try this. I'm so confused about my type...

I know that I'm Introverted and iNtuitive. I also think I know that I'm a Feeler but I'm not sure about that. There are things in both INFP and INFJ descriptions that make me go "wtf, that's not me". But let's see... I'll write about my childhood and youth a bit because that's when the personality develops and shows at its purest. I think it would help me to evaluate my type if you could tell me your interpretation about wether this story has more Fe or Fi; more Ne or Ni; more Te or Ti.


As a child, I was very shy. I had few friends. I remember I was always smiling because I wanted to please other people, especially adults, and I had a feeling that adults wanted to see me happy. I was utterly stressed out whenever someone asked what I wanted for myself, like: "Do you want a piece of cake?" All I wanted was to please other people, so I always tried to come up with an answer that would please the other person when faced with situations like that.

I had imaginary friends and I played a lot by myself. I felt very proud when someone asked me to play with him/herself-- I wanted to scream: "Look, this person wants to play with me! I'm special! I'm accepted!" But that didn't happen very often. Usually other kids left me by myself, at times they even consciously excluded me from their plays, which left a deep sense of inferiority in me.

My teacher was mean. She didn't understand children at all. As a child, I was very slow in my movements and deep in my own thoughts (later I've been diagnosed with ADD), and my teacher interpretted that as malevolence and punished me for it. That was another thing that made me feel inferior.


As I and my peers grew, I felt somehow left behind. I still wanted to play and stay in my imaginary world. I wasn't interested in drinking, partying etc. I was shocked to find out at about 15 that other kids in my class actually drank a lot of alcohol.

I had become a little bit more extraverted and social, though, because I had made a special friend, a "best friend", and we had a nice little circle of friends. I was quite happy.

But then at about 16 something in me changed again and I became withdrawing and angry at myself. I started cutting myself. I was quite ambitious about my schoolwork. Excelling at school and being praised by teachers was the most important thing in my life at that time. Obviously I realised it because I wrote in my diary that my self-esteem was made of my school grades.

My personality

I am very absent-minded. I try to organise my life. I write notes and to do -lists and try to follow a schedule but it's difficult because I'm very forgetful and nondisciplined.

I am shy. The years of my childhood and youth have left me with an "incomplete" self-esteem. In the past few years, I have become more self-confident but I still feel and appear shy.

I am intellectual. I am interested in especially philosophy, prehistory (how life on Earth began, how we evolved from bioplasm, how different the climate has been on different eras), logic and mathematics (what infinity means, what limits are made of, how each route of reasoning leads to the same conclusions etc).

My thoughts about the world

I believe in God. I have not always believed-- I lost my faith at about 19 (because I noticed that my thinking included flaws)-- but I have started to believe again. Faith enrichens my experience of life a lot. It gives me a sense of purpose and beauty. It justifies my belief in intrinsic values. However, it continues to disappoint me to see how ugly organised religion can be. I have a vision of how beautiful shared religion could be but I don't know if masses of people will ever be able to see that. Probably not. :(

I want to do something good and valuable in my life. I have a few secret dreams that I hope will come true one day.

I want to always learn more and understand things better.

I believe in forgiveness.


So I tried to give a full description of myself in a nutshell even though it is very difficult. I had to leave some things out, and tomorrow I undoubtedly will feel that I wrote something that was incorrect or that I should have emphasized something else. But this was my best shot at describing myself at this point, and I look forward to any insights.

Thank you very much. *hug*


New member
Aug 18, 2007
Now that I read this story of mine, I think it's more INFP-ish than INFJ-ish. Hee. But I want to know other people's opinions, too. Then I'm probably going to change the last letter of my type code (the one that's under my screen name, there on the left) according to what other people think.


Active member
Nov 19, 2008
I'm leaning towards one of them, just a couple things:

When you're under stress and you start making excuses to yourself for not addresing something, which of these sounds more like you?

"I can't possibly go along with this, I don't have any reliable concepts or map to anchor myself with: it's all arbitrary and untrustworthy and meaningless. I'd be diving in without any orientation; I'd be tripped up or harmed from any random direction, and my efforts wouldn't be cumulative. I just won't budge. I'll build myself some barricades and wait for the storm to blow over."

"I can't possibly go along with this, because it makes no sense. It's filled with internal contradictions. It's crude and not true to the real principles of how this works. It's trying to shove an inappropriately a priori conceptual structure onto the reality. I will have to go by feel, and where it leads I can't know until I get there. I've got to trust this groove regardless of people's arbitrary expectations."

Also, there's a whole website actually addressed to the problem you're having, hope you find it useful :)

INFJ or INFP? a closer look


New member
Aug 18, 2007
I'm leaning towards one of them, just a couple things:

When you're under stress and you start making excuses to yourself for not addresing something, which of these sounds more like you?

- -

Also, there's a whole website actually addressed to the problem you're having, hope you find it useful :)

INFJ or INFP? a closer look

Thanks for the link! Checking it out...

Both of those descriptions sound weird to me but I think I would have to choose the latter.


Sugar Hiccup
Mar 20, 2009
Instinctual Variant
You sound INFJ to me. Sounds Fe Ni. Fi seems to have a clearer ideas of their personal beliefs and values. Your feeling seems extroverted and connected to how you affect other people emotionally. When you do speak of your internal self, it seems focused on your imagination and considering ideas, which sounds Ni to me. While Fi is very imaginative also, it tends to form definite evaluations from within, and I'm not seeing that in your description.


Babylon Candle
Feb 10, 2008
Instinctual Variant
You sound INFJ to me. Sounds Fe Ni. Fi seems to have a clearer ideas of their personal beliefs and values. Your feeling seems extroverted and connected to how you affect other people emotionally. When you do speak of your internal self, it seems focused on your imagination and considering ideas, which sounds Ni to me. While Fi is very imaginative also, it tends to form definite evaluations from within, and I'm not seeing that in your description.

i was starting to think i was crazy until i read ur post!!! how are we the only ones who see the blatant Fe!!!

I would say INFJ definitely. I was almost going to suggest ISFJ. Rather than waste people's time, I'll just quote you (because I agree with what you said).


May 3, 2009
Instinctual Variant
I saw Fe, too, for the record. But honestly I don't think there's enough info here for me to decide. I'd like to see more of her posts.


New member
Aug 18, 2007
Thank you for the responses. :)

i was starting to think i was crazy until i read ur post!!! how are we the only ones who see the blatant Fe!!!

I would say INFJ definitely. I was almost going to suggest ISFJ. Rather than waste people's time, I'll just quote you (because I agree with what you said).

Hee, N is actually the function that I'm surest of... because I love philosophy so much and am so absent-minded! I do, however, notice that often I think that descriptions of things are too vague (like, for example, all the online tests that are supposed to measure the cognitive functions have very vague and abstract questions-- in my opinion they should have more concrete examples because it is very hard to tell how the questions should be interpretted).


Supreme High Commander
Nov 16, 2009
Sounds more INFJ to me too. Kaveri seems to make judgements relative to other peoples expectations. That could be Si or Fe (or both together), but I'm leaning towards Fe on its own, as I can't see many other signs of Si. Note that she jumps straight from "I wasn't interested in drinking, partying etc." to "I started cutting myself." That suggests the on/off, 0-60 with nothing inbetween character of an inferior Se function. That would make Ni primary, which is consisted with the picture of much time spent alone in imaginative play (which is exactly how I was as a child).


New member
Aug 18, 2007
I'm going to elaborate now.

Things that make me think I'm an J:

I like things to be organised and I like to have a plan. I get stressed out if I don't have a plan.

I have a well developed introverted thinking function. I reflect on things more than the INFPs that I know would have patience to. I like to sort out the roots of a phemonenom as profoundly as possible. Then again, I wouldn't have the patience to contemplate on one thing as profoundly as I think an INTP, for example, would. Anyway, If I'm an INFP, then I'm not supposed to use introverted thinking well, right?

I can't relate to the description that says that INFPs have always had a clear value system that they believe in unconditionally. When asked what my values for myself are, I used to need a lot of time to think of an answer. I think I have now clarified my values for myself much better than I used to, but they're not really my personal values, but values that I think everyone should adhere to (everyone in their own way, of course)-- like honesty, integrity, loyalty, nature conservation etc.

I have read that INFJs tend to think in terms of "right" and "wrong", whilst INFPs tend to think in terms of "good" and "evil". I think in terms of "right" and "wrong".

Things that make me think I'm a P:

I have noticed that the situations in which I'm the most social, the most extraverted, are school lessons and intellectual discussions. When socialising with people in my free-time with no academic interests, I'm much more shy and quiet. In class, however, I'm not shy to make comments or ask questions. So, wouldn't that suggest that it's not my judging function that's extraverted, but my perceiving function? In which case I would be an INFP.

I could see myself having Se as my third function (I lurve the feeling that comes after physical excercise, when I can just concentrate on the here and the now for a while, as opposed to my usual state of oblivion regarding things around me), but I can also relate to a lot of the stuff about Si. I love traditions and I'm quite fond of some things in the past. Also, if a moment really means a lot to me, I can afterwards remember the moment very well-- how I felt, what the lighting was like, what scents there were etc. Sometimes it seems that I remember what people have said better than themselves. There are many things that I don't remember very well, though, things that my friends talk about and I'm, like, "huh? When'd that happen?" So maybe what we remember is only a matter of what we experience as important.

I don't experience strange premonitions about the future, which I'm supposed to experience if I'm an INFJ.

I've had some trouble understanding the difference between Fi and Fe but it seems that extraverted feeling is more reaching out to others and having social skills and charisma. I certainly don't think of myself as nonempathetic but sometimes I'm just very dorky in social situations. I can say some embarrassing things that I don't realise are embarrassing until afterwards. I'm just not a mother hen type of person... I guess I'm too shy for that. But I'm not sure if my feeling is introverted, either. I want to please others and be polite. (I can, however, become bitchy is someone is really mean, for example.)

It's really difficult for me to be organised even though I want to. I've been diagnosed with ADD. I read someplace that the INFP's need to organise (without much success) could be a manifestation of the Te shadow function.


New member
Oct 7, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Things that make me think I'm a P:

I have noticed that the situations in which I'm the most social, the most extraverted, are school lessons and intellectual discussions. When socialising with people in my free-time with no academic interests, I'm much more shy and quiet. In class, however, I'm not shy to make comments or ask questions. So, wouldn't that suggest that it's not my judging function that's extraverted, but my perceiving function? In which case I would be an INFP.

I don't quite see how you reach your final conclusion...I guess I wouldn't have taken the situation you described to determine whether you have an extroverted perceiving vs. judging function. (??)

Anyway this doesn't seem un-INFJ at all in my opinion.

I could see myself having Se as my third function (I lurve the feeling that comes after physical excercise, when I can just concentrate on the here and the now for a while, as opposed to my usual state of oblivion regarding things around me), but I can also relate to a lot of the stuff about Si. I love traditions and I'm quite fond of some things in the past. Also, if a moment really means a lot to me, I can afterwards remember the moment very well-- how I felt, what the lighting was like, what scents there were etc. Sometimes it seems that I remember what people have said better than themselves. There are many things that I don't remember very well, though, things that my friends talk about and I'm, like, "huh? When'd that happen?" So maybe what we remember is only a matter of what we experience as important.

INFJ's can experience this stuff too.

I don't experience strange premonitions about the future, which I'm supposed to experience if I'm an INFJ.

:doh: Nah, I don't experience 'strange premonitions' about the future either. I might have my own thoughts/suspicions about where society as a whole is headed and therefore implications of what I think the future will be like, or I may suspect that one of my relationships isn't going to last in the long run for various reasons (just a few examples), but it's nothing mystical or voodoo like the words 'strange premonitions' implies.

I've had some trouble understanding the difference between Fi and Fe but it seems that extraverted feeling is more reaching out to others and having social skills and charisma. I certainly don't think of myself as nonempathetic but sometimes I'm just very dorky in social situations. I can say some embarrassing things that I don't realise are embarrassing until afterwards. I'm just not a mother hen type of person... I guess I'm too shy for that. But I'm not sure if my feeling is introverted, either. I want to please others and be polite. (I can, however, become bitchy is someone is really mean, for example.)

'Dorky in social situations' and not being the mother-hen type implies introversion, rather than lacking Fe.

It's really difficult for me to be organised even though I want to. I've been diagnosed with ADD. I read someplace that the INFP's need to organise (without much success) could be a manifestation of the Te shadow function.

Can't relate to this so much, but there's a lot to psychology outside of mbti that'll impact your behaviors...you mention ADD, that's just one example.


New member
Aug 18, 2007
Cascadeco, I'll respond to your post now although you sent it ages ago... I read it weeks ago already but didn't have the energy to reply right away, so I'll reply now. Hope you don't mind the procrastination...

At first I'm going to say that I've decided on INFP because I have read Vicky Jo's site and, if her insights can be trusted and communication style is the best indicator of type, then that makes me an INFP... because according to this description of communication styles:
INFJ or INFP? a closer look
the INFP prefers an indirect aka informing communication style, and if I had to choose between these two styles, I would pick the informing style.

What bothers me, though, is that then Vicky Jo presents two interaction style patterns called "chart-the-course" interaction style pattern and "behind-the-scenes" interaction style pattern, and out of those I would pick the "chart-the-course" interaction style pattern, which INFJs generally prefer. All in all, it's frustrating to see that every other simple "INFP or INFJ" test makes me think that I'm an INFJ, and every other makes me think that I'm an INFP. Arrgh, that's frustrating. But if the communication style pattern is the most important indicator, then I'm an INFP.

I guess I wouldn't have taken the situation you described to determine whether you have an extroverted perceiving vs. judging function.

But... INFPs are said to have extraverted INTUITION and INFJs are said to have extraverted FEELING. Intuition is the intellectual function, right? And feeling is the function that connects to humanity and other people. So I would think that those with extraverted INTUITION act the most extraverted in situations where they get to use their intuition, for example in academic classes and intellectual discussions. And that those with extraverted FEELING would act the most extraverted in situations where they can merge with people just for the fun of it. Now, I like to merge with people, but in purely social settings I usually act introverted. But in a situation where I can use my intuition, like in intellectual conversations, I become a little more extraverted. In social settings I am shy but when there's something that tickles my curiosity, I can forget about being shy, I just ask the questions that pop into my mind etc.


Sugar Hiccup
Mar 20, 2009
Instinctual Variant
I have a well developed introverted thinking function. I reflect on things more than the INFPs that I know would have patience to. I like to sort out the roots of a phemonenom as profoundly as possible. Then again, I wouldn't have the patience to contemplate on one thing as profoundly as I think an INTP, for example, would. Anyway, If I'm an INFP, then I'm not supposed to use introverted thinking well, right?

I can't relate to the description that says that INFPs have always had a clear value system that they believe in unconditionally. When asked what my values for myself are, I used to need a lot of time to think of an answer. I think I have now clarified my values for myself much better than I used to, but they're not really my personal values, but values that I think everyone should adhere to (everyone in their own way, of course)-- like honesty, integrity, loyalty, nature conservation etc.

The bolded part suggest you are not INFP, since it miles off the mark. We don't reflect, yet we have refined value systems? :shock: :D

I think the way you describe your values sound more INFJ. INFPs tend to relate their values to themselves first, and they will accept that other people have different sets without seeing them as necessarily contradicting. I don't know exactly how INFJs work, but I'd guess that what you're saying is more of a Fe system of values, although the line is often blurry between the two. Keep in mind that INFPs may not necessarily be able to express their values clearly either if asked to do so. While Fi is a rational function just as Ti is and engages in much analysis and "deep" thought, feeling-thoughts are often harder to express. When expressed, they are often more connected to their own feeling than to others' feelings. Again, you seem to connect your values to other people as much as yourself.

I could see myself having Se as my third function (I lurve the feeling that comes after physical excercise, when I can just concentrate on the here and the now for a while, as opposed to my usual state of oblivion regarding things around me), but I can also relate to a lot of the stuff about Si. I love traditions and I'm quite fond of some things in the past. Also, if a moment really means a lot to me, I can afterwards remember the moment very well-- how I felt, what the lighting was like, what scents there were etc. Sometimes it seems that I remember what people have said better than themselves. There are many things that I don't remember very well, though, things that my friends talk about and I'm, like, "huh? When'd that happen?" So maybe what we remember is only a matter of what we experience as important.

I relate to much of this. I personally don't feel that typing by inferior functions is accurate though.

I don't experience strange premonitions about the future, which I'm supposed to experience if I'm an INFJ.

I don't think being INFJ makes you a psychic :D.

I've had some trouble understanding the difference between Fi and Fe but it seems that extraverted feeling is more reaching out to others and having social skills and charisma. I certainly don't think of myself as nonempathetic but sometimes I'm just very dorky in social situations. I can say some embarrassing things that I don't realise are embarrassing until afterwards. I'm just not a mother hen type of person... I guess I'm too shy for that. But I'm not sure if my feeling is introverted, either. I want to please others and be polite. (I can, however, become bitchy is someone is really mean, for example.)

INFJs are introverts and intuitive - not unusual for them to seem "weird" socially :tongue:. Your motivation says Fe over Fi to me though.

I notice both INFX types get embarrassed easily, but FiNe can be rather oblivious at times, and get embarrassed over strange things. NiFe sense of embarrassment seems more "accurate" even if hyper-sensitive sometimes.

But... INFPs are said to have extraverted INTUITION and INFJs are said to have extraverted FEELING. Intuition is the intellectual function, right? And feeling is the function that connects to humanity and other people. So I would think that those with extraverted INTUITION act the most extraverted in situations where they get to use their intuition, for example in academic classes and intellectual discussions. And that those with extraverted FEELING would act the most extraverted in situations where they can merge with people just for the fun of it. Now, I like to merge with people, but in purely social settings I usually act introverted. But in a situation where I can use my intuition, like in intellectual conversations, I become a little more extraverted. In social settings I am shy but when there's something that tickles my curiosity, I can forget about being shy, I just ask the questions that pop into my mind etc.

INFJs are Ni-dom, so there's no reason they would not have a preference for intellectual conversation over personal conversation - it has more to do with preferring the conceptual to the concrete than wanting or not wanting to connect emotionally (that may even be HOW INFXs connect sometimes). Introverted intuitives can probably all relate a bit to what you're describing. INFJs can correct me if I am wrong though....maybe this is INFP, but I relate to it and also cannot see why other IN types couldn't.

(I find that INFJ or INFP site confusing also, btw).


Bottom line is, you know yourself best though, or at least better than strangers on a message board ;)


New member
Oct 7, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Some people really like Vicky Jo's site; as for myself, I kind of hate it, as I think for those who are confused about whether they're INFJ or INFP in the first place, the site does an excellent job of further confusing someone.

I concluded after browsing that site, and pretty much all other mbti sites, that when you start factoring in all of the theories, throwing in interaction styles as well, it's a great recipe for disaster. :smile: By one theory you might decide you're INFP, by another theory you conclude you're INFJ. I'm not terribly convinced that all of the theories fit together seamlessly. BUT, that's just my opinion, and I'm sure there are many who fit everything they're 'supposed' to fit to a T. Others don't, however.

Kaveri said:
But... INFPs are said to have extraverted INTUITION and INFJs are said to have extraverted FEELING. Intuition is the intellectual function, right? And feeling is the function that connects to humanity and other people. So I would think that those with extraverted INTUITION act the most extraverted in situations where they get to use their intuition, for example in academic classes and intellectual discussions. And that those with extraverted FEELING would act the most extraverted in situations where they can merge with people just for the fun of it. Now, I like to merge with people, but in purely social settings I usually act introverted. But in a situation where I can use my intuition, like in intellectual conversations, I become a little more extraverted. In social settings I am shy but when there's something that tickles my curiosity, I can forget about being shy, I just ask the questions that pop into my mind etc.

I don't know..I've still never looked at it this way before! :)

Sure, INFP's have extroverted intuition, but keep in mind intuition is not their dominant function. Their dominant function is feeling, so when they extrovert they may in fact extrovert very feeling-oriented topics, just in an Ne way. INFJ's as you say have extroverted feeling, but feeling isn't their dominant mode of being...intuition is their dominant mode, what they live and breathe, as it were. So their topics of interest will be more Ni-based, but they will extrovert their thoughts/opinions in an Fe way.

(By the way, I'm not saying INFP's don't thrive off of/enjoy intellectual/intuitive conversations...just turning this around to show you can look at all of it a different way, too)

That's another way to look at it. My long way of saying that INFJ's are very much into intellectual topics/conversations, and are drawn to them. The Fe simply means they'll be more 'tactful' in how they present themselves, and also more concerned about how they come across to others, adjusting their language to the audience at hand, accommodating to others' needs, possibly not saying something they know the other person (say it's a casual acquaintance) won't agree with or they know the other person doesn't want to hear, etc etc.

Having Fe doesn't really imply super-extroversion, or comfort in social situations. INFJ's are still introverted, they're still dominant-intuitives, and while I think they can and do get along with a wide variety of people and have Fe skills/behaviors in understanding and interacting with others, their primary is intuition...and intuitive topics/concerns are what they're really interested in.

Speaking for myself, I'm socially kind of dorky, unless I really 'turn the extroversion on' before interacting...but my natural state is pretty, um, not the most socially savvy. :smile: And, I also most enjoy stimulating intellectual conversations, and that's when I can really light up. I'm dom-Ni and a J through and through, though. :)


Vaguely Precise
Sep 22, 2009
Instinctual Variant
Here's my list of differences, culled from various sources (including some forum discussions). There are a lot of threads on this topic, if you can wade through them. I've posted this before, but hope you find it useful anway:

  • Generally accepting yet a little distant when relating to others
  • Have a tendency to disappear without warning socially, even from friends
  • Extremely flexible, until you hit something of importance, then watch it!
  • Tend to not initiate social activities
  • With someone in a crisis, good at just being there for that person and accepting them
  • Tend toward very limited self-disclosure, and are cautious about expressing judgments
  • May have a negative reaction to unsolicited advice
  • Tend to be a target for the projections of others, since may not express a lot of emotions and opinions in public
  • Tend to generally be aware of their own emotional state
  • Tend to adopt relatively few import beliefs and causes, and stick with them (although not necessarily be effective about acting on them)
  • More rigid about beliefs and judgments internally

  • More externally judging
  • Can come of as harsh or critical, even though they are warm internally and mean well
  • Tend to give advice (often can't resist, if they think it will help someone)
  • Believe more in stages of relationship, with attendant responsibilities
  • With someone in a crisis, good at understanding and making suggestions for how the situation can be improved
  • May get impatient when friends wallow or act helpless in negative situations, since the INFJs can see how the situation could be fixed or improved
  • Tend toward greater self disclosure, and don't mind expressing judgments
  • May polarize others, since opinions and enthusiasms are often expressed
  • Better at getting things done externally. May wage quiet campaigns in organizations, gently but relentlessly pushing and nudging for that they believe in.
  • May occasionally be unaware of their own emotional state. May be surprised when others say (correctly) they were angry in a situation.
  • Tend to adopt beliefs and causes, yet remain open to changing them over time. Over time, this may lead to a large collection of beliefs and causes, or a serial exploration of them.
  • More flexible about beliefs and judgements internally, while sounding more absolute externally


New member
Aug 18, 2007
I think the way you describe your values sound more INFJ. INFPs tend to relate their values to themselves first, and they will accept that other people have different sets without seeing them as necessarily contradicting. I don't know exactly how INFJs work, but I'd guess that what you're saying is more of a Fe system of values, although the line is often blurry between the two. Keep in mind that INFPs may not necessarily be able to express their values clearly either if asked to do so. While Fi is a rational function just as Ti is and engages in much analysis and "deep" thought, feeling-thoughts are often harder to express. When expressed, they are often more connected to their own feeling than to others' feelings. Again, you seem to connect your values to other people as much as yourself.

INFJs are Ni-dom, so there's no reason they would not have a preference for intellectual conversation over personal conversation - it has more to do with preferring the conceptual to the concrete than wanting or not wanting to connect emotionally (that may even be HOW INFXs connect sometimes). Introverted intuitives can probably all relate a bit to what you're describing. INFJs can correct me if I am wrong though....maybe this is INFP, but I relate to it and also cannot see why other IN types couldn't.

My long way of saying that INFJ's are very much into intellectual topics/conversations, and are drawn to them. The Fe simply means they'll be more 'tactful' in how they present themselves, and also more concerned about how they come across to others, adjusting their language to the audience at hand, accommodating to others' needs, possibly not saying something they know the other person (say it's a casual acquaintance) won't agree with or they know the other person doesn't want to hear, etc etc.

Having Fe doesn't really imply super-extroversion, or comfort in social situations. INFJ's are still introverted, they're still dominant-intuitives, and while I think they can and do get along with a wide variety of people and have Fe skills/behaviors in understanding and interacting with others, their primary is intuition...and intuitive topics/concerns are what they're really interested in.

Hmm... Well, now that you guys put it that way, it makes sense that I'm an INFJ. Hee, I'm going to "change" my type to INFJ now.

Maybe I shouldn't take the MBTI so seriously, like, try to fit everything within the same model... but just go with the type that feels the best-suited overall.

Thank you for your insights, again!


Nov 19, 2008
Instinctual Variant
If you relate to this more you are INFP-

The theme is getting the best result possible. People of this style focus on understanding and working with the process to create a positive outcome. They see value in many contributions and consult outside inputs to make an informed decision. They aim to integrate various information sources and accommodate differing points of view. They approach others with a quiet, calm style that may not show their strong convictions. Producing, sustaining, defining, and clarifying are all ways they support a group's process. They typically have more patience than most with the time it takes to gain support through consensus for a project or to refine the result.

If you relate to this more you're INFJ-

The theme is having a course of action to follow. People of this stylefocus on knowing what to do and keeping themselves, the group, or the project on track. They prefer to enter a situation having an idea of what is to happen. They identify a process to accomplish a goal and have a somewhat contained tension as they work to create and monitor a plan. The aim is not the plan itself, but to use it as a guide to move things along toward the goal. Their informed and deliberate decisions are based on analyzing, outlining, conceptualizing or foreseeing what needs to be done.
