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Game of Thrones!

Jul 24, 2008
Instinctual Variant
I don't read the books but in the books, do Jaime and Brienne fall in love? Or move towards that direction?

I'm not sure if it's love, but they clearly have come to respect each other. I think in Brienne's case there is a romantic attraction, but I'm not sure if it's reciprocated from what I remember. The show has given more hints towards reciprocity.
I think I asked this a long time ago, and [MENTION=4722]Udog[/MENTION] helpfully gave some answers, but apparently Brienne betrays Jaime to save Pod but, it doesn't matter as the show has completely taken out that story.

They're pushing Brienne's story in an entirely different direction.... she never heads North to be a guest at Ramsey's wedding at all in the books.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
I'm hoping Jaime accepts he can never be the Jaime he was -- he'll never be the "best swordsman in the land" again -- yet after his minor victory here realizes that he might be able to take advantage of something he has long thought was a hindrance. Talk about Gadget Grip. What else could he do with that thing, if he just went with it?

heh, yeah, I was thinking a hidden cannon would be cool or some kind of hidden blade that he can trigger. Or maybe some kind of poison dagger thrower or something.
Jul 24, 2008
Instinctual Variant
heh, yeah, I was thinking a hidden cannon would be cool or some kind of hidden blade that he can trigger. Or maybe some kind of poison dagger thrower or something.

I think what might work the best would be something that launches a miniature beehive at opponents.


New member
Nov 21, 2008
I think what might work the best would be something that launches a miniature beehive at opponents.

I noticed that Jaime replaced the "golden hand", that ostentatious gift given by Cersei, with a molding made out of some kind black steel? Or, is he wearing a glove on that hand?

I'd like to think that his golden hand is gone, showing his transition from ego (somewhat, his snark is still there) towards humility.


Imagine getting bitch-slapped or smacked by that thing?!


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
I thought he was wearing a glove of it, that's all. I could be wrong. But I was like, "Well, at least he's TRYING to be a little secretive."

The whole grudge is so stupid.

Oberyn volunteered.
Jaime wanted Oberyn to win.
Oberyn screwed up and threw the match.
Now Ellaria wants to murder a Lannister kid who happens to be Jaime's, in retaliation, to start a war.
Jaime just wants his daughter back.
More needless death and killing
Basically, the "victims" of everyone else's machinations are now going to start killing each other.

But wait, guess whose fault it all actually is?
It's Cersie's, because she wanted to blame Tyrion for Joffrey's death.
She'd cut off her nose to spite her face.

(Actually, you could claim that Olenna caused it. Those Tyrell's... not a lot of military power, but the most socially savvy and sneaky there aside from Mace, who I suspect will soon be expunged.)
Jul 24, 2008
Instinctual Variant
(Actually, you could claim that Olenna caused it. Those Tyrell's... not a lot of military power, but the most socially savvy and sneaky there aside from Mace, who I suspect will soon be expunged.)

Actually, according to the books, the Tyrells have a larger army than the Lannisters at this point, which were heavily affected by fighting Robb's forces. I'm assuming this is still true in the show, and just hasn't really been brought to the forefront yet. They also are the only naval power left in Westeros, other than the Greyjoys.


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Actually, according to the books, the Tyrells have a larger army than the Lannisters at this point, which were heavily affected by fighting Robb's forces. I'm assuming this is still true in the show, and just hasn't really been brought to the forefront yet.


But yeah, we really haven't seen the Tyrells out yet on TV -- basically we only have seen Olenna, Loras, Margaery, and Mace, and maybe some of their underlings at the royal wedding.
Jul 24, 2008
Instinctual Variant

But yeah, we really haven't seen the Tyrells out yet on TV -- basically we only have seen Olenna, Loras, Margaery, and Mace, and maybe some of their underlings at the royal wedding.

There was that guy with the cheese. We might get into the Tyrells more as the Margaery/Cersei conflict continues.

Also regarding naval powers.... in the books, the Starks had no navy (which let them get screwed by the Greyjoys), but one of Robb's bannermen, Lord Manderly started building ships, albeit not quickly enough to protect against the Greyjoys. Lord Manderly is still around. I'm not sure if the show is going to include his storyline or not, but I hope so.

By the way, I found Oberyn's one of the most upsetting deaths in the books. I loved that character, and thought he would be a major player farther on down the line. I wanted him and Tyrion to go off on adventures and plot revenge against Cersei and Tywin. Alas, Martin, it was not to be.
Jul 24, 2008
Instinctual Variant
So do people think they're going to do a scenario at some point in the future where a plague sweeps Westeros, making things even worse and perhaps adding more wights into the mix once the White Walkers break through the wall?

The bit with the disease is in the book, too, in altered form, so I'm assuming it's pretty important if it's something they decided to keep.

Also, how awesome was Jon Snow this episode? Overall, this was a very North-centric episode. Sansa really looked like she was having a blast during that dinner party, didn't she? I'm glad they delved into the fact that Roose is just as depraved as Ramsay is, he's just smarter about it. I think that's a pretty important point. Ultimately, they truly are father and son; it's a perverse twisting of the Jon Snow/ Ned Stark thing.

Again, the previews for next week hint at more storylines that I'm utterly clueless about. Which I love.


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Jon Snow, manning up -- pretty cool. He's now moved from a character I'd roll my eyes over every time I knew an episode would focus on him to someone I find interesting to observe... but maybe that's because he's actually becoming an active versus passive character.

The Reek stuff was just nightmarish. I'm still kind of surprised he just didn't blurt out that he didn't really do what everyone thinks he's done, but ... Hmmm.. I also now understand that Roose Bolton is actually as much a psychopath as his son, except he's learned how to wear a social face to his own benefit while Ramsay just doesn't care.

I'm also seeing a collision course between Sansa, Brienne, and Stannis. I have a feeling [at least] one of those last two isn't leaving the season alive.

Oh Jorah, you'd better

Bonus question:
Where the hell is Rickard anyway? The boy has been consigned to off-screen hell for two seasons or something. Is he just going to show up at the end after everyone is dead and become the King of Westeros?
Jul 24, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Where the hell is Rickard anyway? The boy has been consigned to off-screen hell for two seasons or something. Is he just going to show up at the end after everyone is dead and become the King of Westeros?

I'm assuming he's going to become important at some point, although I'm not entirely sure how. There's some book information that I'm not sure if they're going to incorporate.

I find the dichotomy between the two Snows really interesting. Ramsay is obsessed with title and trying to become "legitimate." Jon turns down the offer to become "legitimate" even when it's presented to him. One is obsessed with having a socially acceptable mask, while the other forges his own path and carves out his own place.


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Rickon, sorry... I even lost track of his name, considering how long it's been since he appeared.

EDIT: Oh look, I'm not the only one...
'Game of Thrones' Season 5 will continue to ask 'Where's Rickon?' - Zap2it | News & Features

I find the dichotomy between the two Snows really interesting. Ramsay is obsessed with title and trying to become "legitimate." Jon turns down the offer to become "legitimate" even when it's presented to him. One is obsessed with having a socially acceptable mask, while the other forges his own path and carves out his own place.

THe apples don't fall far from the trees, I guess.

Ramsay is looking for a way to legitimatize power to satisfy his own desires. Jon sees power as a tool to be used for the common good and finds it a heavy burden to wield. Self-full vs self-less, I guess.

They did grow up under different circumstances: The Starks WERE the wardens of the north and had power, so Ned taught his children how to wield it according to this ethics, whereas the Boltons didn't have power but simply craved it. It's been an item of desire for them.


Post Human Post
Jul 30, 2010
Instinctual Variant
I'm just waiting and hoping to see Sansa to do anything to be less passive in her role of captured princess. Also, excited to see the fallout of Daenrys's announcement to be wed to Hizdahr. She has up to yet gotten much mileage from being 'available'. I kind of want to fast forward to Tyrion joining them in Meeren, if that's to actually ever happen. Is he to manage the city while she marches on Westeros, is he meant to advise her in the offense, or maybe even command an army. That would be fun.


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
I'm just waiting and hoping to see Sansa to do anything to be less passive in her role of captured princess. Also, excited to see the fallout of Daenrys's announcement to be wed to Hizdahr. She has up to yet gotten much mileage from being 'available'. I kind of want to fast forward to Tyrion joining them in Meeren, if that's to actually ever happen. Is he to manage the city while she marches on Westeros, is he meant to advise her in the offense, or maybe even command an army. That would be fun.

Not just that, but palpable irony -- he served as the Hand of the King in Westeros, got canned because he was a dwarf and essentially run out of town, and now his wits + that experience might be used to support the invasion of Westeros by the former rulers. (A Westeros arguably ruled currently by Cersei, the sister who instigated much of this to happen because she hates Tyrion so much. It's sad when you end up biting yourself in the ass.)

Anyway, I'm waiting too for Sansa to get in a good shot one of these times... she's just biding her time. But there is potential here for a little Stark justice... please, please, please.
Jul 24, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Ramsay is looking for a way to legitimatize power to satisfy his own desires. Jon sees power as a tool to be used for the common good and finds it a heavy burden to wield. Self-full vs self-less, I guess.

They did grow up under different circumstances: The Starks WERE the wardens of the north and had power, so Ned taught his children how to wield it according to this ethics, whereas the Boltons didn't have power but simply craved it. It's been an item of desire for them.

Right, but Jon Snow's status with Westerosi society (given the views most people have of the Night's Watch), is probably lower than Ramsey's. Ramsey has a higher "rank" now due to being legitimized. I think if Ramsey were to show up at the wall (without taking the black), as heir to the Warden of the North, Jon Snow would be expected to pay him a certain amount of respect and homage, despite being Lord Commander.

The thing about the Boltons also don't seem to have a clear sense of what they actually want.... the only thing they want is really more power. They don't seem to have any clue of what to actually do with that power; they just want power. They're like Littlefinger in the sense that they believe the Climb is all there is. They want to be able to say that "I'm on top," and that's basically it. (Littlefinger's motivations might be slightly different here.. I think he wants to be on top, but I think there is a part of him that actually does have some twisted affection for Sansa... perhaps he does actually believe that he's doing it for some messed up perverted version of love.)

What's the interesting question for me is if they can stay on top that way. I mean, notice how the Stark name commands a certain respect and loyalty even among the peasants, even though the family fortunes have declined. If the fortunes of the Boltons decline, do you think the surviving members of House Cerwyn (members of which were flayed by the Boltons a few weeks ago) will display any such loyalty? It's the age old question... is it better to be feared, loved or is the dichotomy not that simple?


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Oh, I just found this:


Gwendoline Christie sits in a cafe in King’s Cross station in London, drinking tea and revealing her perspective on Brienne’s surprise encounter with Sansa Stark ...

“Brienne kneels before Sansa in an exact mimic of the oath she made to Catelyn Stark,” Christie says. “And Sansa says, ‘No.’ But in the script, it says there’s the tiniest look in Sansa’s eyes. The script says the look is telling Brienne: ‘Get the f–k out of Dodge.’”

So Sansa’s rejection of Brienne—unlike Arya’s dismissal of her last season—was probably at least partly out of concern for Brienne’s safety. “We can be romantic about it and say that, in that moment, maybe there’s a connection, some part Catelyn that’s within Sansa, that’s trying to help me, to urge me on,” Christie says. “And then there’s the horse chase, which we filmed over days. Really high-speed horse chase, through the forest, rearing the horses. Daniel Portman—Podrick —is a brilliant rider and had to fake being a terrible one...”
Jul 24, 2008
Instinctual Variant
We can be romantic about it and say that, in that moment, maybe there’s a connection, some part Catelyn that’s within Sansa, that’s trying to help me, to urge me on,” Christie says. “And then there’s the horse chase, which we filmed over days. Really high-speed horse chase, through the forest, rearing the horses. Daniel Portman—Podrick —is a brilliant rider and had to fake being a terrible one...”

That's interesting. I had a hard time reading Sansa's expression. I think Sophie Turner has been awesome on the show, but I had a hard time grasping what was inside her head. It didn't look like fear, and it looked like there was some kind of conflict going on, but I wasn't sure what it was. She seems to have gained a sense, by being burned enough times, of what exactly she is getting into, so I suppose that I shouldn't have found it surprising that she still doesn't trust Littlefinger. Which means that the odds are good that she may come out on top. (I would love that, because nobody would have expected that back in season 1.)

I also think Daniel Portman's character is smarter than everyone around him seems to think. Hopefully Pod gets to do something cool at some point.

I like this part of the interview, too.

Gwendoline Christie said:
I feel very encouraged because I think my luck in being cast in these amazing projects indicates people are wanting to see a different side of women, to see women represented in a different way, and to see a celebration of the individual. Perhaps we’re moving away from a homogenized view of society. I hope there’s more interest in exploring the edges of society, or exploring those things that seem unusual. Maybe in doing that we’ll find they’re not so unusual after all.


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
That's interesting. I had a hard time reading Sansa's expression. I think Sophie Turner has been awesome on the show, but I had a hard time grasping what was inside her head. It didn't look like fear, and it looked like there was some kind of conflict going on, but I wasn't sure what it was.

Yes, I think she's kind of inscrutable sometimes. From a character perspective I can understand it, but some actors still manage to convey things by minor expressions on the face and she's still a young actress. I couldn't read her there, and just assumed she assumed Littlefinger was still the safer risk.

It does help to understand that scene better if you realize Sansa wasn't totally being a jerk but was looking out for Brienne. It also means Brienne (if she picked up on that) isn't just being stalking the Stark girls... she honestly feels like Sansa wants her help.

She seems to have gained a sense, by being burned enough times, of what exactly she is getting into, so I suppose that I shouldn't have found it surprising that she still doesn't trust Littlefinger. Which means that the odds are good that she may come out on top. (I would love that, because nobody would have expected that back in season 1.)

Yup. I really hated Sansa for quite awhile, but she has been growing rapidly in the last season and she finally has some teeth. Regardless of what happens in the end, her just being one of the small group that will remain standing will be a remarkable finish for her.

(of course, her ineptitude at the game is one reason why she survived for so long anyway; no one viewed her as a serious threat, she was mainly a pawn who could otherwise be ignored.)

I also think Daniel Portman's character is smarter than everyone around him seems to think. Hopefully Pod gets to do something cool at some point.

Yeah, if he gets axed through some trivial bit of violence, I would be disappointed.

I thought that was a great quote from Christie as well. Good for her.


New member
Nov 21, 2008
We, The North

I've been so tempted to peek in this thread, but was avoiding it since I couldn't catch last night's episode. Finally watched it, and, wow! Valyria!
The poem about its doom, intriguing. Wonder what happened to set that event? Maybe that will happen to Westeros?

I'm assuming he's going to become important at some point, although I'm not entirely sure how. There's some book information that I'm not sure if they're going to incorporate.

Hello, Mr. Cassowary (your avatar reminds me of the time my friend and I got chased by one of those mofos in Aussieland. They're assholes with an attitude problem!!! Stare at them wrong, and it's on like King Kong!)

So, Vulcan it is; seems less threatening.

WTF??!! Unicorns and Cannibals?? Why did you enjoy that SL so much? It seems so....random....

Speaking of Bran, and The Children (stage whisper), wasn't it mentioned in this episode, that the Children were the only ones to defeat the Whitewalkers in the past? Or something....The Children (at the tree in the cave where we last saw ran), were mentioned in this epi. Can't remember accurately, in what context. Gah, don't feel like rewatching the whole ep. to find out exactly how they were mentioned.

Maybe Bran is honing his skills and coming back as a surprising threat? I feel like Bran & Co., will eventually face off The Red Woman and the God of Light....

Btw, Stannis and his insistence on being grammatically correct. LOL. Loved those little glimpses into his personality.

Not just that, but palpable irony -- he served as the Hand of the King in Westeros, got canned because he was a dwarf and essentially run out of town, and now his wits + that experience might be used to support the invasion of Westeros by the former rulers. (A Westeros arguably ruled currently by Cersei, the sister who instigated much of this to happen because she hates Tyrion so much. It's sad when you end up biting yourself in the ass.)

That's something I hope really does happen, Tyrion returning and bringing Cersei to her knees.

Anyway, I'm waiting too for Sansa to get in a good shot one of these times... she's just biding her time. But there is potential here for a little Stark justice... please, please, please.

At least Sansa has not illusion about the psychopath she is marrying. Seeing "reek" and what Ramsey has done to him, she knows the type of man she is dealing with. But yeah, very fearful for her and her wedding night.

Like Ramsey's lover, I have also been admiring Sansa's fashion sense, this season. It's like Regal Gothic. Love it! Her necklace! With the pointy thick needle at the end, that she keeps clutching!!! I wonder if that will be a weapon for her, in some coming episodes? I think there's something to be said for the brief conversation about her making her own clothing. (1) That her mom lives on through her, she is remembering Catelyn, and (2) Sansa might be making some modifications to her wardrobe that has a functionality that's not apparent to the eye.....But my imagination can be running wild, too!

Loving Sansa's story arc! And the message she got about the candle/bat signal, from Brienne!

Yes, I think she's kind of inscrutable sometimes. From a character perspective I can understand it, but some actors still manage to convey things by minor expressions on the face and she's still a young actress. I couldn't read her there, and just assumed she assumed Littlefinger was still the safer risk.

Yes, I read it the same way.


Jorah, your building rapport with Tyrion and getting a touch of the grayscale, and wondering if you could get him to your princess before it takes over....sigh...I might just like you yet! Fear not, apparently there is a cure for grayscale (maybe...Stannis' daughter).

Very poetic chapter for Jon Snow! Love his dual interaction - that with Maester Aemon (that old Targaryen - love him!), and with Peter (his squire?). The Boy with his innocent idealism and the Wise old Man, and there is Jon Snow, caught between the threshold.

Echoes of Ygritte, all around him. "You know nothing, Jon Snow." (Grow up, become the man).

You're starting to know something, Jon Snow. It's a pleasure to see his arc now. He was boring before...kind of. Like Danerys.

Loved the little moments of female empowerment:
- Gilly's little speech/comeback to Samwell's patronization.
- Danerys and her right-hand maid (lover of Greyworm - they're so cute!) having that conversation. Bechdel Test, kinda pass there! I don't trust Daario as far as I can throw him! Now with Selmy gone, I'm glad she is marrying that Noble, will make Daario's position less 'secure'.
- Danerys 'asking' for the noble's hand in marriage....
- Sansa's sarcasm at dinner!
- Brienne, always, all the time, 24/7, whenever she is on screen!!

Also, why has no one figured out that the Sons of Harpy's are NOT nobles? But the peasant/slave groups dressed as nobles?
Last edited:
Jul 24, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Qre:us said:
So, Vulcan it is; seems less threatening.

Yes... I like the name because of the web of associations. There's the Star Trek reference, and also the fact that Vulcan was the Roman equivalent of Hephaestus.
WTF??!! Unicorns and Cannibals?? Why did you enjoy that SL so much? It seems so....random....

Well, a little nonsense now and then is treasured by the wisest men. In truth, there were other aspects of the storyline that I liked. I'm not going to say more because it's possible that they may work it in next season somehow.

Speaking of Bran, and The Children (stage whisper), wasn't it mentioned in this episode, that the Children

were the only ones to defeat the Whitewalkers in the past? Or something....The Children (at the tree in the

cave where we last saw ran), were mentioned in this epi. Can't remember accurately, in what context. Gah,

don't feel like rewatching the whole ep. to find out exactly how they were mentioned.

There are a few different legends circulating about the defeat of the White Walkers. One does relate that, yes, the Children of the Forest played an important role.

Maybe Bran is honing his skills and coming back as a surprising threat? I feel like Bran & Co., will

eventually face off The Red Woman and the God of Light....

Bran will be important... I'm not sure how, though. Incidentally, Bran in Welsh means raven.

Also, why has no one figured out that the Sons of Harpy's are NOT nobles? But the peasant/slave groups dressed as nobles?

That's an excellent question. I'm not sure that the books ever touched on that.

I've been so tempted to peek in this thread, but was avoiding it since I couldn't catch last night's episode. Finally watched it, and, wow! Valyria!
The poem about its doom, intriguing. Wonder what happened to set that event? Maybe that will happen to Westeros?

I think Westeros is going to deal with a major ice zombie apocalypse. By the rules of rising dramatic tension, that Wall's gotta go down at some point, and the wights and White Walkers will start spreading through the seven kingdoms, munching on brains as they go. What appears to have happened to Valyria seemed to be something quite different.

Read on for some background info:
