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Been typed as so many types, what do you think I am?


New member
Sep 19, 2014
  • What got you interested in Personality Type?

I like defining and categorising things, spend a lot of time wondering what sort of person I am. I got interested in myers briggs a few years back, since then I’ve done a lot of tests and questionnaires on forums. I find the tests are too predictable and the questionnaires are too theoretical for the most part (Asking me what I would do in a situation I’ve never been in isn’t likely to get an accurate response as I’ve never actually been in that situation. I’m more likely to say how I would like to think I’d respond no matter how realistic I’m trying to be in my answer). The results often come out differently so I’m hoping that as I gather more results, one type will stand out. I’d say which types come up most frequently but I don’t want people looking to support or disprove one type over others.

  • What kind of work do you do for a living?

I’m a student so ‘work’ isn’t really a word in my vocabulary!

  • What would constitute a perfect day for you?

Zero obligations, blazing heat, not a cloud in the sky. Waking up and having a lovely cup of tea and breakfast in the garden (waffles swimming in golden syrup, and in this fantasy day I wouldn't get a little waffle muffin top so I'd have flawless abs in my bikini!), probably having a chat with the cat or some family members (most likely the cat!) then heading down to the beach and spending a day surfing or bodyboarding in the sea with incredible waves and sunbathing (being able to re-apply my suncream on the beach without getting sand in it and having an unwanted exfoliation session).

After a few hours of that I'd go for a clifftop/countryside explore (I’m not gonna try and ‘perfect’ the conditions here, one my favourite walks I ever went on (I have a favourite hike, says a lot about me!) involved sun, rain, cloud, wind, barbed wire, deathly drops to a rocky ocean demise, awkward slippery climbs, being cut off by the tide and having to walk barefoot through a sloppy, squelchy mix of wet mud and cow poo (if you ever had that playdough toy where you turned a lever and you pushed playdough through a characters head to make ‘hair’, it was like that through my toes!), purple fingers, a refreshing shandy and glorious views! Where would the fun be in a simple sunny walk?). Then sipping cool drinks and going for fish and chips in a cute pub or on a harbour wall.

In the evening I'd want to watch a perfect sunset (with just enough cloud cover so you get that orange colour when the sun drops) with a barbecue (and seeing as this is a perfect day, this barbeque won’t be terrorised by wasps!). And on this perfect day I’d be able to get amazing photographs without some kid running in my shot or the sun throwing off the light balance and ending up with either over exposed photos or very dark foregrounds or that awful false quality you get when you use HDR on iphones.

  • What are you most grateful for in your life?

Erm, I’m going to be pretty generic here but I’m grateful for literally just being able to live the life I live. Of course I moan, doesn’t everyone, but I have no serious health problems, my family life is nuts but loving, I have good friends (not loads and loads of friends, and I’m awful at staying in touch with people and admittedly even though I’m at uni and I live on the same campus as a lot of my friends, I will ignore them for a week (nothing personal!) but I know if I ever needed them or the needed me, we’d be there for eachother), I’m not rich but I’m not truly poor, I’m reasonably clever and have some talents. Sorry to be so boring!!

  • If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be?

Back to the sickeningly sweet ‘I was so lucky about how I was raised!’ and not to sound saccharine but I had a good childhood! My parents were always supportive of whatever I wanted, they never told me I had to be a certain way. I guess the one thing I would change is that I wish they’d pushed me more. When I took up sport and got to a high level, it wasn’t because my parents pushed, it was because I made the decision and worked for it. But when I decided to quit, my parents didn’t stop me. Of course they tried to make sure I wasn’t making a regrettable decision (I do regret the decision!) but they didn’t drag me to the pool kicking and screaming. Although now I wish they had, I was a very stubborn child and once I decided I didn’t want to anymore, there was nothing in the world that could make me change my mind and pushing me would have made me push back.

  • Share an embarrassing moment in your life.

Practically every moment I open my mouth! A recent one that sticks out is being in a lab class and I was having a very weird and inappropriate conversation and my lab tutor was stood directly behind me whilst I made some disgusting comments. Embarrassing but funny.

  • Before making a phone call, do you ever rehearse what you're going to say? Why?

Always. I hate phone calls. Most of phone calls seem to be asking people to repeat what they said because I couldn’t quite hear them and after the third time still have no idea so just say ‘yes’ followed by an awkward silence. I rarely answer the phone (people who know me know to text! I have a grand total of 4 contacts in my phone) and I rehearse because otherwise the words will probably come out as gobbledygook as my brain goes faster than my mouth.

  • If you could wake up tomorrow having gained one quality or ability, what would it be?

Ooh. Either the ability to go invisible at will (I could go anywhere and wouldn’t have to worry about looking a total mess or bumping into people I know but don’t want to talk to. Or I could just go and walk through the middle of town naked and no one would know.), read minds, fly or transporting from one place to another with the click of my fingers (imagine straight from the club to bed with no standing out in the freezing cold trying to work out where your taxi is, not having to even get a taxi so saving yourself some money). Or the ability to eat and eat and eat and never gain weight. I believe that’s called having an amazing metabolism but my body hasn’t caught on.

  • Who would you want with you if you were stranded on a deserted island?

My best friend. I’d say the guy I like but then what happens if you end up pregnant on a desert island with no healthcare or medical experts or KFC for the junk food cravings? I don’t fancy going through that!

  • How would your friends describe you?

Depends which friend you ask. And when you ask them. I’m a person of extremes, that’s something they’ll probably all agree on. When I do something, I either do it well with all my effort or I don’t bother at all. All or nothing. I’m either extremely scatterbrained, jumping from idea to idea, little bit ( a lot) crazy and talkative or I’m the exact opposite. I’m blunt, to the point, not interested in talking unless it has a point, just want to do my own thing and won’t answer my door or phone (actually I never answer my door unless I’m expecting people, my best friend knows to text when she’s outside my door rather than knocking).

I’m kind of a rational procrastinator. When it comes to some problems, I’m very much ‘this is the problem, what outcome do you want, this is how you can do it. No excuses’ but then when it comes to work (writing scientific lab reports, ugh. I’m great at measuring out quantities of chemicals, breeding flies and identifying insects but I HATE having to write about and explain the theory) I am the worlds biggest procrastinator. I know how to get the work done (break it down into its components, what are they key elements? What questions do I need to answer to get the marks?) but I still just don’t do it. I’d rather do…..anything else.

I think they know I’m not a great person to make plans with. I like making plans, it makes me feel organised and prepared but when it comes down to going to hang out with a friends best friend form home or go to a club, there’s a 70% chance I’ll ‘have a terrible migraine’ or have ‘eaten some dodgy chicken’ (that really backfires when you see the person you’ve cancelled on the next day and they comment on how ill you look and they’re not surprised you cancelled because you must feel dreadful….when you actually feel fine.)

I do try and go out and have new experiences because a lot of the time it can be fun. If a friend asked me to go and explore somewhere then I’d be down. But clubs? I try and enjoy them and logically I should- I like the dancing, the music, the lights but in reality it’s just a hot sweaty room full of loud drunken strangers that try and grope you. It’s great for people ‘on the pull’ (something I’m just not comfortable doing. How do people go and hook up or go home with people they’ve met in clubs? I can’t flirt with people I don’t know (except for free stuff- get the free drink, put you hand over it as soon as the bar tender puts it down (safety first kids! Don’t get your drinks spiked!) then fake an emergency). I’m not even attracted to someone unless I really know them (Zac Efron is the exception here obviously). I have a lot of fun with my mates in my uni student union where we have our own mini clubs and I know a lot of people there but when I go out to local towns, I don’t enjoy clubbing and although I do try and enjoy myself I find myself spending most of the night with a resting bitch face and telling people to go away


New member
Feb 6, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Looking at cognitive functions, I see Se all over the place. You love to soak in your surroundings and like to be doing something thrilling. I see Ti in your response to who you would take with you on a deserted island, you said you're blunt and to the point, you're a rational procrastinator, and your job is in the science field. Plus when you said "I don’t enjoy clubbing and although I do try and enjoy myself I find myself spending most of the night with a resting bitch face and telling people to go away" that sounds like something an inferior Fe would say, in my opinion. My second guess would be ISFP, but you seem too logic based to not be a 'T'.

I'm still relatively new to typing others so if anyone disagrees with my observations, then please let me know!

Other than that, I hope this helped you [MENTION=25752]SwimmerGal97[/MENTION]


New member
Sep 19, 2014

I hope this helped you [MENTION=25752]SwimmerGal97[/MENTION]

Thanks for your reply! The types I most often get typed as are the IXXP types so I can definitely see ISTP. I find it easy to compare to the stereotypes you get on websites which aren't actually a true representation of each type (ISTP's aren't typically described as the Disney film loving types!). Ti is definitely a strong function, Fe a weaker one. But when it comes down to the perceiving functions, I have real difficulty. I can relate to all of them and I can't really distinguish Si from Se. In previous questionnaires I've done, I've been told I've got very strong Ne and have even been typed as ENFP which is practically the opposite. My first line of thought to explain that would be that I've filled in a questionnaire at a time when I'm stressed or down so inferior functions are showing more strongly, but I try and make sure I do these things when I'm feeling relaxed and happy so I'm not sure where the drastic changes come from!


New member
Feb 6, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Thanks for your reply! The types I most often get typed as are the IXXP types so I can definitely see ISTP. I find it easy to compare to the stereotypes you get on websites which aren't actually a true representation of each type (ISTP's aren't typically described as the Disney film loving types!). Ti is definitely a strong function, Fe a weaker one. But when it comes down to the perceiving functions, I have real difficulty. I can relate to all of them and I can't really distinguish Si from Se. In previous questionnaires I've done, I've been told I've got very strong Ne and have even been typed as ENFP which is practically the opposite. My first line of thought to explain that would be that I've filled in a questionnaire at a time when I'm stressed or down so inferior functions are showing more strongly, but I try and make sure I do these things when I'm feeling relaxed and happy so I'm not sure where the drastic changes come from!

I don't see ENFP. I did question if you were Fi, but I don't see any Te in your answers and you're VERY introverted. I can see where Ne might come into play in some of your answers, but I see too much Se for me to think that you're Ne-Si instead of Se-Ni.

Plus running on the assumption that you're introverted and Ne is stronger than Se, that would make you INFP or INTP. Which again with INFP, I don't see any Te in you, and INTPs don't seem to want external stimulation like how you described your perfect day. I dated an INTP for 2 years and it was next to impossible to get him to want to do anything because he liked getting lost in his head/ thoughts way more.


New member
Mar 20, 2017
I've seen a lot of Se myself but at times I've also thought: "She is similar to me" and I am INFJ...
How are you under stress?


New member
Sep 19, 2014
How are you under stress?

It depends on the type of stress. I see that as meaning two things- either a stressful situation like a crisis that requires a rapid response or longer term pressure such as work or school. If it's the crisis involving people kinda thing, I'm usually pretty good at getting in the 'zone' for a while e.g. someone has suddenly taken ill and you need to make sure they're okay and make sure they get the right care quickly (I'm desperately trying to think of examples I can give you here but the only thing I can think of is when I was in high school and a year 7 vomited repeatedly and rather violently in public and I stepped in to help :L ). If it's a short term thing I can do the rapid 'do this, this and this' kinda thing, I get an adrenaline rush from it.

If it's something like work or school I don't tend to react so well as I get worn down by the constant stress and find myself looking for ways out, questioning 'am I really doing the right thing for me?' (even though I know I'm only thinking that because I'm stressed and want to do something less stressful. It's very hard to stay motivated when you don't have much in the way of goals or life plans. Under long term stress you'll fins me looking for a job as a shepherd on an island on the outer hebrides or moving to Australia to start a new life. Or wanting to open a bakery. I'm obsessed with bakeries!). Here I can think of A-level art. I was the student from hell. Stubborn, did what I want when I want, told my teacher when I thought she was wrong. The projects in that were several months of sustained effort which I find very difficult. I can produce really good one off pieces of art, but if I'm not in the mood or I've lost interest in the topic, I won't work. I hate submitting sub-par work so if I'm not going to do it well, I don't do it. You can imagine the trouble that caused! When I'm under stress like that (or repeatedly have to do things I don't like) I tend to just shut off. I just wouldn't go to class.

I occasionally react emotionally (I will get very frustrated and probably have a rant to someone close to me because it's best to get that frustration out and move on) but my usual way of dealing with situations is to break it down. At uni if I have a report (which naturally I will have left til the night before. I could just plan my work and work my plan but for whatever reason...I don't) I'll take the approach of what is the aim? What outcome do I want and what are the components of it? What information do I have and what do I need to find out, where can I get this information etc and slowly build into that framework. That's sometimes easier said than done though, especially when every piece of information just makes you feel even more lost and confused

Rather than get moody when I'm stressed, I tend to rely on sarcasm and humour. My perspective on life is that things come to an end, nothing is permanent. In a few months I'll look back on a problem and probably won't care that much so why let myself get so stressed out over it now and this often translates into humour and connecting with other people that are failing or struggling and pretty much just having a laugh and seeing the funnier side of stressful situations. I may seem introverted but when I'm stressed, I think people actually help. It stops me spending too much time in my head and falling into a downward spiral, keeps my perspective. I don't know if it's relevant but when I'm stressed it's less of an emotion and comes more in the form of making me feel tired, very tense with bad headaches. I think everyone gets that though.


Well-known member
Sep 17, 2014
Looking at cognitive functions, I see Se all over the place. You love to soak in your surroundings and like to be doing something thrilling. I see Ti in your response to who you would take with you on a deserted island, you said you're blunt and to the point, you're a rational procrastinator, and your job is in the science field. Plus when you said "I don’t enjoy clubbing and although I do try and enjoy myself I find myself spending most of the night with a resting bitch face and telling people to go away" that sounds like something an inferior Fe would say, in my opinion. My second guess would be ISFP, but you seem too logic based to not be a 'T'.

I'm still relatively new to typing others so if anyone disagrees with my observations, then please let me know!

Other than that, I hope this helped you [MENTION=25752]SwimmerGal97[/MENTION]

You seem very good at this for someone new to it...

However, I'm seeing ESTP rather than ISTP. As you said, Se all over the place. In particular, in the longer sections, they start with Se, and then move to Ti, then Fe, then Ni.


New member
Feb 6, 2017
Instinctual Variant
You seem very good at this for someone new to it...

However, I'm seeing ESTP rather than ISTP. As you said, Se all over the place. In particular, in the longer sections, they start with Se, and then move to Ti, then Fe, then Ni.

Well thank you! The two posts you saw are the only two times I've attempted to type others. Plus I still can't seem to type myself so that adds to my lack of confidence in typing others lol.

I can see where ESTP could be her type, but I'm still feeling ISTP because she seems very introverted to me. Like her answer to making a phone call and in the last answer of the OP she wrote "not interested in talking unless it has a point, just want to do my own thing and won’t answer my door or phone"