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Mistyped TypeCentral Members


Poking the poodle
Apr 6, 2015
Instinctual Variant
When you say "check me out" ...is that just another way of saying "provide me with a tritype description"...?

I'll be honest and say it's not the most flattering of tritypes...you won't like it...I expect both you and your fellow 469 [MENTION=24643]Frosty[/MENTION] to reject it... But then again that's just what Seekers do on their extended journey back to who they truly are :wink:

Actually, this is one of the only typings that I really am pretty sure on for myself. Come to terms with it-with the tritype that tells me that I can never come to terms.

It just for me would be hard to argue for any movement anywhere else really-any shift of any fix at all. The seeker seems solidly 'me'.

Which is fix first is really what I am struggling with-if anything-and yeah probably there is an anything, so yeah I probably and know that I am constantly turning over that in my mind- but the tritype itself... Well it has wormed its way in. And I don't hate it. I don't love it. It just 'is'.

Mbti socionics and even instincts play by something different to me than 'tritype'-for whatever reason... Perhaps because they seem more definite, technical, and unmoving. But really tritype is the same at some point so... :shrug: again.

Doctor Cringelord

Well-known member
Aug 27, 2013
Instinctual Variant
Actually, this is one of the only typings that I really am pretty sure on for myself. Come to terms with it-with the tritype that tells me that I can never come to terms.

It just for me would be hard to argue for any movement anywhere else really-any shift of any fix at all. The seeker seems solidly 'me'.

Which is fix first is really what I am struggling with-if anything-and yeah probably there is an anything, so yeah I probably and know that I am constantly turning over that in my mind- but the tritype itself... Well it has wormed its way in. And I don't hate it. I don't love it. It just 'is'.

Mbti socionics and even instincts play by something different to me than 'tritype'-for whatever reason... Perhaps because they seem more definite, technical, and unmoving. But really tritype is the same at some point so... :shrug: again.

The thought of constantly seeking is...kind of depressing to me. One would never find closure or journey's end, because by their very nature, the seeker would need to keep moving and looking for their true destination. All in the metaphorical sense, not meaning physical travel, necessarily. However, the thought of finding the endpoint is also depressing. What would be left to do and learn? Then there would be no point in existing, and the best thing would be to fade or dissolve away...


Poking the poodle
Apr 6, 2015
Instinctual Variant
The thought of constantly seeking is...kind of depressing to me. One would never find closure or journey's end, because by their very nature, the seeker would need to keep moving and looking for their true destination. All in the metaphorical sense, not meaning physical travel, necessarily. However, the thought of finding the endpoint is also depressing. What would be left to do and learn? Then there would be no point in existing, and the best thing would be to fade or dissolve away...

Exactly. I always felt that... We had similar outlooks on things at times. My thoughts tend to circulate and just sort of stack-to the point where I want to run away from them... But also just am so interested-needing-compelled-to follow them through just in case I miss something-because they constantly tease me that I AM missin something-that every conclusion I come to, no matter how right- has endless flipsides of wrong. So yeah, that uncertainty is painful. And the guilt at that uncertainty... Why can't I ever just STOP and let things BE? Truly BE. Is painful. Feels like a disservice and yeah, it does bring shame in so many forms. But I can't just forget. Because if I forget... I just... I don't think I could- because something always always would be tugging at me itching me to 'remember'-remember that nothing really can be forgotten and that everything has ENDLESS shades of meaning-not all of them pleasant-but all potentially valid. And that can't be ignored. Because it is THERE. It exists. And it is fascinatingly painful.

Right now though... Definitely leaning MUCH more to acknowledging the painful. It really really just is not something that I CAN'T do. No matter how much I wish for it to stop. Thankfully-it is in better control now. Muted.

And some of the psych shit does not really feel tied to any actual thought process at all-I would say... 'Most' of it just attacks-or feels like it attacks-from elsewhere- in a way where there is no consciousness from my self to it-only thing to do is fight. But not sure that is related to tritype or just chemical imbalances or something.

Doctor Cringelord

Well-known member
Aug 27, 2013
Instinctual Variant
Exactly. I always felt that... We had similar outlooks on things at times. My thoughts tend to circulate and just sort of stack-to the point where I want to run away from them... But also just am so interested-needing-compelled-to follow them through just in case I miss something-because they constantly tease me that I AM missin something-that every conclusion I come to, no matter how right- has endless flipsides of wrong. So yeah, that uncertainty is painful. And the guilt at that uncertainty... Why can't I ever just STOP and let things BE? Truly BE. Is painful. Feels like a disservice and yeah, it does bring shame in so many forms. But I can't just forget. Because if I forget... I just... I don't think I could- because something always always would be tugging at me itching me to 'remember'-remember that nothing really can be forgotten and that everything has ENDLESS shades of meaning-not all of them pleasant-but all potentially valid. And that can't be ignored. Because it is THERE. It exists. And it is fascinatingly painful.

Right now though... Definitely leaning MUCH more to acknowledging the painful. It really really just is not something that I CAN'T do. No matter how much I wish for it to stop. Thankfully-it is in better control now. Muted.

And some of the psych shit does not really feel tied to any actual thought process at all-I would say... 'Most' of it just attacks-or feels like it attacks-from elsewhere- in a way where there is no consciousness from my self to it-only thing to do is fight. But not sure that is related to tritype or just chemical imbalances or something.


step 1) introspect, contemplate, ruminate
step 2) come to a realization. "a ha I have it all figured out! I feel whole. I have discovered my nature."
step 3) introspect more about new found self-awareness, analyze, ruminate more.. "then again, there's also this facet that I failed to consider. How does that line up with what I've learned? Have I really considered all angles or perspectives of what I thought I knew?"
step 4) begin to doubt previous truths and awarenesses, introspect more, return to where I began. rinse, wash, repeat.

It's like this with everything. Not just self-analysis. I mean, maybe it's different for you, I can't read your mind, but I find myself going in these circles with everything.


Poking the poodle
Apr 6, 2015
Instinctual Variant

step 1) introspect, contemplate, ruminate
step 2) come to a realization. "a ha I have it all figured out! I feel whole. I have discovered my nature."
step 3) introspect more about new found self-awareness, analyze, ruminate more.. "then again, there's also this facet that I failed to consider. How does that line up with what I've learned? Have I really considered all angles or perspectives of what I thought I knew?"
step 4) begin to doubt previous truths and awarenesses, introspect more, return to where I began. rinse, wash, repeat.

It's like this with everything. Not just self-analysis. I mean, maybe it's different for you, I can't read your mind, but I find myself going in these circles with everything.

Yes same with me, everything. I think it is why I can come off sort of... Confusingly at times. And why I have a very difficult time being direct. Because I really just do not want to deal with absolutes-it is very hard for me to consider them to exist in the first place---everything starts and eds with a 'but what if this...' And a 'you have to include this alternative otherwise the idea is incomplete' so explaining things can be... Can cause a bit of stumbling. Partially uncertainty and insecurity... But it is hard to be 'secure' when you feel like you are grasping at some sort of awareness... But that it is always just a fraction out of reach-continuously moving so.

But yes... EVERYTHING.

It is why I refuse to proof-read. It would legitimately be hell for me, going through every point and watching and needing to expand further on it-adding more and more layers. Nothing would ever get done-nothing-ever- so I have had to learn to accept what I view as incomplete as complete. Was a bit of a perfectionist as a kid-now it is sort of a switch I turn on and-generally off. Painful all or nothings. Painful pseudo choosing. Detatchment becomes a necessity-until it cannot be anymore. Floating until forcefully seized. Like now. Dramatic sigh.

We need our own thread.

Im making it.


Active member
May 22, 2010
Why won't I like it? You think I'm a core 4? Something is off or missing about 469 profiles. It's a tritype I've considered before. I'm not trying to be argumentative. There's just some unsettling doubt about it.

Argumentative haha. Not at all. The only thing I see above are *questions* which is as it should be.

I just wanted to quickly say at this time that I do not think you are a core 4...I believe you are as 9 as they come...it's merely that tritypes are packaged numerically and I guess left up to the buyer to sort it all out. I feel good about this tritype for you but don't know if I would say 946 or 964... I also maintain an ongoing awareness that this is merely my opinion from a distance and perhaps you are none of it at all. (let's start telling people we are perfect 10s on the enneagram and analyze the responses we get for science).

I like the questions part. And as for your other post... ISXP 9w8 can be extraordinarily rebellious and/or counter-culture... *easy rider*

Doctor Cringelord

Well-known member
Aug 27, 2013
Instinctual Variant
Argumentative haha. Not at all. The only thing I see above are *questions* which is as it should be.

I just wanted to quickly say at this time that I do not think you are a core 4...I believe you are as 9 as they come...it's merely that tritypes are packaged numerically and I guess left up to the buyer to sort it all out. I feel good about this tritype for you but don't know if I would say 946 or 964... I also maintain an ongoing awareness that this is merely my opinion from a distance and perhaps you are none of it at all. (let's start telling people we are perfect 10s on the enneagram and analyze the responses we get for science).

I like the questions part. And as for your other post... ISXP 9w8 can be extraordinarily rebellious and/or counter-culture... *easy rider*



Active member
May 22, 2010
The thought of constantly seeking is...kind of depressing the very essence of freedom to me.

*easy rider*

Life is a journey and there's really no getting around that. I think 9w8s show us how to embrace this fact by cutting their own path unapologetically.

Doctor Cringelord

Well-known member
Aug 27, 2013
Instinctual Variant
*easy rider*

Life is a journey and there's really no getting around that. I think 9w8s show us how to embrace this fact by cutting their own path unapologetically.

Do you think my 9ness is related to a need to argue/debate and correct people when I feel they speak errors of truth? Is that related to the 8 wing, or is that the 6 fix popping its ugly little head out? Maybe that need isn't as apparent in my forum interactions, but I can certainly feel it under the surface, gnawing at me.

Betty Blue

Let me count the ways
Jan 19, 2010
Instinctual Variant
That is me, isn't it? :p

I do know we have certain things in common, but I don't know that we really share a personality. It's really hard for me to type someone without observing how they interact with others irl.

As far as emotionality goes, this isn't exclusively an F trait. Ts can most certainly be sentimental, depressive, neurotic, etc.

I don't know what an "ISTJ vibe" is supposed to look like anyway. Overly serious? Hank Hill? ISTJ is one of the most common types, and there obviously aren't that many Hank Hills out there. Maybe I am mistyped, sure, but any type is more diverse than their extremes. I dunno if that sentence made any sense...

I will admit I've never identified much with Te though (or a majority of the functions for that matter). I have my own reasons for self-typing as ISTJ, but I didn't look at the functions much to do so.

At any rate, do I think Frosty is an ISTJ? Well, no. But I don't know her (or any of you) irl.

Yes! I couldn't remember you username, well done for spotting the post. It's all just speculation and stereotyping. When people ask to be typed is really the only time I ever get involved. I tend to think most people know themselves best and go with their self typing.

Edit: to clarify I wasn't saying you are not an ISTJ, you may be, honestly I don't know, if it's the type you feel fits you best then i'll go with that. I was more saying that you didn't come across as an obvious ISTJ and that it had been discussed, even by yourself.


Active member
May 22, 2010
Do you think my 9ness is related to a need to argue/debate and correct people when I feel they speak errors of truth? Is that related to the 8 wing, or is that the 6 fix popping its ugly little head out? Maybe that need isn't as apparent in my forum interactions, but I can certainly feel it under the surface, gnawing at me.

Oh it's a whole buncha stuff haha

Fi dominance, 8 wing, counterphobia <-just that alone is a recipe for "right-fighting"



Jan 8, 2015
Instinctual Variant
Yes! I couldn't remember you username, well done for spotting the post. It's all just speculation and stereotyping. When people ask to be typed is really the only time I ever get involved. I tend to think most people know themselves best and go with their self typing.

Edit: to clarify I wasn't saying you are not an ISTJ, you may be, honestly I don't know, if it's the type you feel fits you best then i'll go with that. I was more saying that you didn't come across as an obvious ISTJ and that it had been discussed, even by yourself.

Going back to the recent SJ publicity work of [MENTION=24479]themightyfetus[/MENTION] and [MENTION=23583]21lux[/MENTION], perhaps [MENTION=6554]/DG/[/MENTION] doesn't come across as a typical ISTJ because the ISTJ stereotype range is so limited? Even on this forum there are those who seem to believe procrastination goes against being a J, displays of emotion against being a T, and a thirst for knowledge and novelty against being an S.

Doctor Cringelord

Well-known member
Aug 27, 2013
Instinctual Variant
I don't think that you really understand Se (like way too many people who talk about MBTI :dry: )

it's more fleeting than a storage function for things in a way... and it's hard to even perceive if you are using your dominant function most of the time because it's so natural and such a part of how you do things. The functions of an ESTP mean that, at times, you can just KNOW things about your environment... you don't even necessarily remember looking at the object in question, but you know that it's there and what state it's in... and you know the implications of all of that... using the functions of an ESTP together well you can process data from your surroundings and your mind quickly enough that you don't even realize that you're doing it which is why acting quickly and decisively is associated with the type (and it's a mistake to associate the type with concrete abilities... I'm kind of shit at many things that one would stereotype me as being awesome at :unsure: this includes being somewhat oblivious to things like walls, injury prone and clumsy and I do have an imagination and interest in non-concrete things). No function is stand alone and to try and figure out your type by looking at them as individual things is like fighting with seaweed :shrug:

not telling you that you are one, but I AM telling you that your perceptions of the type seem a bit stereotypical and off :)

Is Se the function that makes me good at playing bass (well, good back when I played regularly) or like, when I spacing out one time in P.E. class (which was most of the time), but then someone tossed the basketball at me and I reflexively caught it and proceeded to toss it directly in the net (bear in mind I always was clumsy as fuck at sports)?

I also have really good damn rhythm (for a white boy), like, keeping a beat...to the point where if I'm singing along with a song in my head and leave the room for a few seconds but continue singing in my head, then return to where the music is audible, I am exactly in time with the song. Also good ear for learning a song. Can't read notation for shit, but I can listen to a song and figure out the notes or chords relatively fast (really good at this with bass, somewhat less so with guitar or keyboard).

Am I misunderstanding Se? or :notype:

miss fortune

not to be trusted
Oct 4, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Is Se the function that makes me good at playing bass (well, good back when I played regularly) or like, when I spacing out one time in P.E. class (which was most of the time), but then someone tossed the basketball at me and I reflexively caught it and proceeded to toss it directly in the net (bear in mind I always was clumsy as fuck at sports)?

I also have really good damn rhythm (for a white boy), like, keeping a beat...to the point where if I'm singing along with a song in my head and leave the room for a few seconds but continue singing in my head, then return to where the music is audible, I am exactly in time with the song. Also good ear for learning a song. Can't read notation for shit, but I can listen to a song and figure out the notes or chords relatively fast (really good at this with bass, somewhat less so with guitar or keyboard).

Am I misunderstanding Se? or :notype:

as Se is the function that takes in information from your environment for your other introverted functions to play with and process, it seems as though you're getting the hang of Se there ;)

note: NOBODY is completely without Se, no matter what they claim :thelook:


Potential is My Addiction
Jul 26, 2015
Fascinating conversation. Interested in hearing others opinions on the matter.

How does it feel to have ESTJ listed under your name? I couldn't even pretend to be ENTP when I listed it as mine for like, a day lol. It just didn't sit right for me, and that's not even based off relating to any typical descriptions for the type either, but on a functional basis.


Potential is My Addiction
Jul 26, 2015
as Se is the function that takes in information from your environment for your other introverted functions to play with and process, it seems as though you're getting the hang of Se there ;)

note: NOBODY is completely without Se, no matter what they claim :thelook:

I feel Se comes out in me when I'm out in nature. It's amazing to take in the scenery. Though, I feel Ne is thrown into the mix, I definitely feel that's where it's most evident for me :)


Dec 1, 2014
Instinctual Variant
How does it feel to have ESTJ listed under your name? I couldn't even pretend to be ENTP when I listed it as mine for like, a day lol. It just didn't sit right for me, and that's not even based off relating to any typical descriptions for the type either, but on a functional basis.

It makes me feel complete. I finally have a label that fits me perfectly. Never pretend to be someone you're not, Dreamer. Always be true to yourself.