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ISFP, ESFP, ENFP or neither?

What type am I?

  • ISFP

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ESFP

    Votes: 4 57.1%
  • ENFP

    Votes: 2 28.6%
  • Other

    Votes: 1 14.3%

  • Total voters


New member
Jul 18, 2013
Instinctual Variant
Hello :hi:

I’ve been trying to determine my type on my own to no avail, so I decided to register and ask for help. I always thought of myself as an introverted, but since I started taking online Jung/MBTI tests (yes, I know they’re not reliable) I score as ESFP and when taking Cognitive Functions tests, usually either ESFP or ENFP.
But the last one I took, with no rush I got ISFP. I’ve never considered that option because I always get ExxP, but the funny thing is the girl I most identify with (at least in behavior) is an ISFP. The difference is that I’m definitely more enthusiastic about things, and more outspoken in most situations. When I read about temperaments I always identify as SP, but there's a lot of me in the ENFP description.

The only thing I’m 100% positive is that I’m an Enneagram Type 8w7 (sx/so/sp/), which according to some people, can interfere in how you are typed because people tend to correlate the 9 types with MBTI. I'm including this because the type 8 main drive is to control, while people describe ISFPs as having a "go with the flow" attitude. This is the struggle I've been in for my whole life.


Things I identify with:

  • I’m highly visual, I love color pallets (I used list my color pencils when I was in primary school, divide them by group and assign them to my imaginary students) ;
  • Aesthetic in every way, beauty itself touches and inspires me;
  • I have a special thing for marveling at the sky beauty no matter what kind of weather it is and take many pictures of it;
  • The word people most associate with me is “mysterious”, but I don’t really see it;
  • People are often surprised with the things I say and do, but to me they are obviously who I am;
  • I’m very lazy unless it comes to dancing or taking a bath;
  • I need aircon and other forms of comfort like people need air;
  • I extremely value privacy, if you ever go through my stuff it’s over;
  • I always know when someone is faking it and it both pisses me off and disgusts me;
  • I detest people who think they are very smart or are cocky in any other way;
  • Uptight people who can’t let loose and have fun annoy me;
  • I can’t stand people who need to drawn attention to themselves at all times;
  • I’m allergic to jealous and condescending people;
  • I can’t deal with people who have no opinion of their own and agree with anything others say, even when it’s me;
  • I’m known for looking distant and even “cold” at times, but I’m really warm and friendly on the inside;
  • I can’t talk about my feelings with other people At ALL, unless anonymously online;
  • I usually get crazy nervous before presenting something at school, but end up being great at it, I’ve been asked if I too any course in public speech;
  • I can’t stand being interrupted;
  • Vulgar language makes me wanna leave the room;
  • I have a habit of finding music that relates to what people are going trough to make mix cds and give it to them because I think music is the best therapy;
  • I absolutely LOATH when someone drops by uninvited and unannounced;
  • When people beat around the bush or babble about, and when they finally get to the point you're like " that's it?"
  • I also would never initiate anything, though I'm more dominant (or at least independent) during relationships, I'm completely passive when it comes to making a move. I just can't do it, it's gotta come from the other person.

Things I don’t identify with:

  • I don’t go looking for conflict but I don’t shy away from it either;
  • I only sleep because I need to, I don't really like the idea of wasting time;
  • I'm humble but aware when I'm really good at something, I don't have trouble accepting praise and compliments;
    I always have a goal in mind,I don't just 'go with the flow";
  • I have no problem speaking my mind when hurt, insulted or needing/wanting something from someone, I don't swallow my feelings;
  • I like attention and me taking charge always end up happening even when I try to avoid it (but I don’t necessarily like the responsibility that comes with it);
  • I’m always attracted by sensitive and cute people, specially ones who seem to need protection and someone to stand up for them (I’ve read that ISFPs tend to prefer “strong” people who can protect them);


Things I identify with:

  • I'm very sensual, love good music, fashion, food and loong baths with all the shenanigans I have a right to;
  • I'm a very honest and direct person;
  • I'm very impulsive and can be emotional;
  • I love to play practical jokes like scaring people;
  • I sometimes act or say something eccentric just to see people's reactions;
  • I'm playful and spontaneous;
  • I talk a lot, and if I'm happy or excited I'm quite loud ant speak very fast;
  • I'm a celebratory person, I live for dates like Halloween and Christmas;
  • I have definite tastes and preferences;
  • I'm willing to take the good with the bad;
  • I'm easily upset or offended;
  • I enjoy work and work hard, as long as it's fun and I'm not left alone to do mundane tasks;
  • I need to be allowed to express myself, stay active, and collaborate with others;
  • I feel most alive when things are straight-forward, and I'm told that I'm loved;
  • I'm naturally very generous, sometimes too much;

Things I don't identify with:

  • I do hold grudges and don't forget easily;
  • I'm not aggressive or obvious when it comes to attraction, I prefer things to happen naturally;
  • I thin of other people before doing or saying things the majority of the time;
  • I can take criticism very well;
  • I rather die than waste time talking about nails, hair, cars, sports and other things like that;
  • I'm not open and trusty with strangers AT ALL;
  • I'm not narrow minded or prone to stereotyping;
  • I can take criticism well;
  • I'm not reckless when it comes to potential dangerous things, I actually can be a bit paranoid about safety;


Things I identify with:

  • I’m open-minded, imaginative, caring and outgoing;
  • I have short attention span and a big diversity of interests;
  • I’m excellent at connecting the dots, especially when it comes to people;
  • I’m unconventional, irreverent, and unimpressed by authority;
  • I’m incredibly perceptive, you can usually sense if someone has hidden motives;
  • I use lots of colorful language and expressions. I’m quite the storyteller;
  • I’m pretty good at motivating people to do things (or persuading them, I’m not really sure what is it I do, but it always works);
  • I strive for "win-win" situations;
  • I have lively sense of humor and I’m dramatic;
  • I don't care if others don't understand me, as long as I understand myself;
  • I often don't follow through with my flirting or professed feelings;
  • I’m the least likely to feel overwhelmed. I actually enjoy chaos;
  • I have a talent for evoking beautiful imagery;
  • I need freedom and room to grow;
  • I have a strong sense of purpose in life;
  • I never know where my heart will take me, but I’m willing to follow it anywhere;

Things I don’t identify with:

  • I don’t need constant validation from other people;
  • I don’t mold myself according to who I’m interacting with;
  • I’m not the type to hug or touch people unless we’re really close;
  • I always notice first thing when there’s anything remotely different in someone’s appearance, even if I can’t quite point what;
  • I’m not attracted to “dark and brooding” people at all, I’d never look at one of them twice (ENFPs are supposedly crazy for INTJs :dry:);
  • I don't know if I could ever see myself as idealist, I'm quite realistic and even cynical about people, it's very hard for me to believe someone has changed for the better;
  • I don't thin anyone would ever describe me as goofy or clingy;
  • I used to be brutally honest when my opinion was asked until recently, when I learned to have more tact. I would never lie though;
  • I'm highly visual and aesthetic, love fashion and beautiful people, though I'm sometimes too lazy to dress up;
  • When it comes to relationships, I'm not nearly as needy as the descriptions I read, I'm ok with being alone;
  • I can start relationships easily, but I'm not open at all until I feel safe;
  • I've never had problems breaking up with someone and would never hang on to an unhappy or unhealthy relationship;

I really don’t mean to stereotype anyone, but after reading not only descriptions of these types but a lot threads on their habits on this and other forums, these are the common traits found.

Loong Great Wall of Text I know, but desperate times…:cry:

I appreciate any kind of input and info. Thanks in advance.


Staff member
Dec 23, 2009
Instinctual Variant
[*]I’m not attracted to “dark and brooding” people at all, I’d never look at one of them twice (ENFPs are supposedly crazy for INTJs :dry:);

We're not all dark and brooding.

This is difficult but my guess is ENFP. I don't think ISFP 8s exist. Are you certain you're not a counterphobic 6?

Betty Blue

Let me count the ways
Jan 19, 2010
Instinctual Variant
I see a whole lotta Se Fi 8w7 sx/so... haha ummm thats about all i have so far. Some ENFP's can be more realist than others though... but it's the focus on the present, the here are now, the realness and sensations of the moment that i get when i read your post that would indicate a strong Se function. I'd probably go with ESFP over ISFP at a guess. I also wonder if you have considered ESTP?


Staff member
Dec 23, 2009
Instinctual Variant
I see a whole lotta Se Fi 8w7 sx/so... haha ummm thats about all i have so far. Some ENFP's can be more realist than others though... but it's the focus on the present, the here are now, the realness and sensations of the moment that i get when i read your post that would indicate a strong Se function. I'd probably go with ESFP over ISFP at a guess. I also wonder if you have considered ESTP?

I saw the Fi as well. I also saw some Te in there. I forgot that ESFPs are Te tertiary, so I change my mind - I agree with ESFP.


New member
Jul 18, 2013
Instinctual Variant
We're not all dark and brooding.

This is difficult but my guess is ENFP. I don't think ISFP 8s exist. Are you certain you're not a counterphobic 6?

I'm aware INTJs come in all types and forms, I just included that because there's an alarming number of threads about ENFPs apparent "fatal attraction" to INTJs, and more often than not the words "brooding" and "mysterious" are used in quite a dreamy way:doh:.

ISFPs and any other MBTI types aren't directly related to the Enneagram system. Your ennegram type is your "Why", your primal motivation and fears, while your MBTI/Socionics type is your "How" or your personality. I don't see why it wouldn't be possible for someone to have any combinationof both.

I know nothing about counterphobic 6's, will look into that.

Thanks for your input;)


New member
Jul 18, 2013
Instinctual Variant

I thought of ESTP, but I don't think I'm a T at all.

Betty Blue

Let me count the ways
Jan 19, 2010
Instinctual Variant
I saw the Fi as well. I also saw some Te in there. I forgot that ESFPs are Te tertiary, so I change my mind - I agree with ESFP.

Yah i do think ENFP is possible but i did notice that all the 'for's' listed (bullet pointed, very nice!) under ENFP are traits found in ESFP's too.... so with the info given i'm shelfing the ENFP idea for now.

Betty Blue

Let me count the ways
Jan 19, 2010
Instinctual Variant

I thought of ESTP, but I don't think I'm a T at all.

Ok no biggie, just thought it may be worth a shot, you have a precision and assertiveness i often associate with ESTP's but thats not a huge amount to go on. (could be the 8 thing)


i love
Jul 6, 2010
Instinctual Variant
Do you think more about what is going on in the environment external to your mind, or do you dwell in your own thoughts more? That's the E/I difference. Distilling it down to that should make it an easier call.

This may also help - adapted from Berens & Nardi - cognitiveprocesses.com -

Extraverted Sensing occurs when we become aware of what is in the physical world in rich detail. We may be drawn to act on what we experience to get an immediate result. We notice relevant facts and occurrences in a sea of data and experiences, learning all the facts we can about the immediate context or area of focus and what goes on in that context. An active seeking of more and more input to get the whole picture may occur until all sources of input have been exhausted or something else captures our attention. Extraverted Sensing is operating when we freely follow exciting physical impulses or instincts as they come up and enjoy the thrill of action in the present moment. A oneness with the physical world and a total absorption may exist as we move, touch, and sense what is around us. The process involves instantly reading cues to see how far we can go in a situation and still get the impact we want or respond to the situation with presence.

Extraverted iNtuiting involves noticing hidden meanings and interpreting them, often entertaining a wealth of possible interpretations from just one idea or interpreting what someone's behavior really means. It also involves seeing things "as if," with various possible representations of reality. Using this process, we can juggle many different ideas, thoughts, beliefs, and meanings in our mind at once with the possibility that they are all true. This is like weaving themes and threads together. We don't know the weave until a thought thread appears or is drawn out in the interaction of thoughts, often brought in from other contexts. Thus a strategy or concept often emerges from the here-and-now interactions, not appearing as a whole beforehand. Using this process we can really appreciate brainstorming and trust what emerges, enjoying imaginative play with scenarios and combining possibilities, using a kind of cross-contextual thinking. Extraverted iNtuiting also can involve catalyzing people and extemporaneously shaping situations, spreading an atmosphere of change through emergent leadership.


Staff member
Dec 23, 2009
Instinctual Variant
ISFPs and any other MBTI types aren't directly related to the Enneagram system. Your ennegram type is your "Why", your primal motivation and fears, while your MBTI/Socionics type is your "How" or your personality. I don't see why it wouldn't be possible for someone to have any combinationof both.

You're right they are different. However, look at this thread though and you'll see there is a correlation.

I know nothing about counterphobic 6's, will look into that.

The reason I suggested that is that I personally took numerous tests which always came back as 8. I wasn't very familiar with all the Enneagram types at the time and took it at face value. Some people on the forum questioned the 8 typing. As a result, I got professionally tested. I came out as a 6 heavy on the counterphobic side. It is a common mistyping. If you were to be an ISFP, 8 would be extremely unlikely but 6 is relatively common. However, for an ISFP, those 6s are going to be mostly phobic types and not counterphobic. I don't think anyone is purely phobic or counterphobic. There is more of a spectrum where you have a tendency towards one side or the other.


New member
Mar 20, 2011
Instinctual Variant
I dont think you can be an ENFP. I sensed the Fi, but in the ENFP list you didnt nail Ne not once...it was all light-hearted stereotypes that i'd say don't really identify the type...

whatevs. you seem quite logical and i'd peg you for a thinker, if i didn't know better (Fi) :p you also seem like an extravert, and i don't know how an ISFP can also be an enneagram type 8, doesn't really make sense in my head, and you seem very much hands-on-approach.

that leaves me with ESFP. i'm not an expert on ESFPs, but i thought they'd be more light-hearted than what i'm sensing from your writing. but i also don't think you're an ESTP. so by exclusion, i'm going to go with ESFP.


New member
Jul 18, 2013
Instinctual Variant
I dont think you can be an ENFP. I sensed the Fi, but in the ENFP list you didnt nail Ne not once...it was all light-hearted stereotypes that i'd say don't really identify the type...

whatevs. you seem quite logical and i'd peg you for a thinker, if i didn't know better (Fi) :p you also seem like an extravert, and i don't know how an ISFP can also be an enneagram type 8, doesn't really make sense in my head, and you seem very much hands-on-approach.

that leaves me with ESFP. i'm not an expert on ESFPs, but i thought they'd be more light-hearted than what i'm sensing from your writing. but i also don't think you're an ESTP. so by exclusion, i'm going to go with ESFP.

Yeah, I was really surprised when I got ISFP. Doesn't make sense to me as well but I thought I'd ought to include all possibilities:shrug:

Oh and about the ENFP stereotypes, I only included info I got from posts made by each type, so they come from ENFP themselves. I should mention I had to exclude all the "Look, something shinny! :happy2:" ones, which took a loong time.

Yeah, the lack of "light heartness" and bubbliness it's what always makes me doubt ESFP. I do think exclusion it's probably the only way to type me:D


New member
Mar 20, 2011
Instinctual Variant
Oh and about the ENFP stereotypes, I only included info I got from posts made by each type, so they come from ENFP themselves. I should mention I had to exclude all the "Look, something shinny! :happy2:" ones, which took a loong time.

No, what I mean is that from what you wrote (not what you selected) I don't think you understand what Ne is, deep down....you don't recognize it automatically. So I'm pretty sure you don't have it in you, or at least it's not your main function. This excludes ENFP for you :)

Fi, Te and Se are quite clear in you (I paid more attention to your writing and communication style than your selections, even though I did read them :)). This cognitive process combination can only mean one type-> ESFP.

If you were an ISFP, Te would have to be your last function. I identify as a 3rd function Te user and I can see that your use is similar to mine (and very diff from my gf's, for example, who's a 4th function Te user like a ISFP would be, and who basically sucks at it :)).

PS: when you say you always thought of yourself as an introvert, what do you mean? What is your definition of introvert? Because for MBTI it simply means that your dominant function is directed inwards, towards your own little world (and this, as you know, could be Fi, Ti, Si, or Ni). Is that how you feel? Because, for instance, I can be introspective, but I have no doubt that my dominant function is directed outwards.


New member
Jul 18, 2013
Instinctual Variant
No, what I mean is that from what you wrote (not what you selected) I don't think you understand what Ne is, deep down....you don't recognize it automatically. So I'm pretty sure you don't have it in you, or at least it's not your main function. This excludes ENFP for you :)

Fi, Te and Se are quite clear in you (I paid more attention to your writing and communication style than your selections, even though I did read them :)). This cognitive process combination can only mean one type-> ESFP.

If you were an ISFP, Te would have to be your last function. I identify as a 3rd function Te user and I can see that your use is similar to mine (and very diff from my gf's, for example, who's a 4th function Te user like a ISFP would be, and who basically sucks at it :)).

PS: when you say you always thought of yourself as an introvert, what do you mean? What is your definition of introvert? Because for MBTI it simply means that your dominant function is directed inwards, towards your own little world (and this, as you know, could be Fi, Ti, Si, or Ni). Is that how you feel? Because, for instance, I can be introspective, but I have no doubt that my dominant function is directed outwards.

You know for all I've read about Ne maybe I don't really get it. I thought it was about understanding the underlying essence (permanent traits) of humans and things, estimating the potential of people and things, and foreseeing possible outcomes. And also being responsible for feelings of interest and boredom? But it is said "speculates why things happen, but sees specific events as static and unchangeable". I do all the rest frequently and would say I'm pretty good at it, but the key is I see very little as unchangeable; if anything at all, except for people who start off bad. I have little faith someone I sense as bad can really change themselves, and not just behaviour for convenience.

As I said before, ISFP was an one time thing, it just proves online tests are bogus. But nice seeing you point out ISFPs problems with Te, that is my struggle with my mom, who is a textbook one :D


New member
Mar 20, 2011
Instinctual Variant
You know for all I've read about Ne maybe I don't really get it. I thought it was about understanding the underlying essence (permanent traits) of humans and things, estimating the potential of people and things, and foreseeing possible outcomes. And also being responsible for feelings of interest and boredom? But it is said "speculates why things happen, but sees specific events as static and unchangeable". I do all the rest frequently and would say I'm pretty good at it, but the key is I see very little as unchangeable; if anything at all, except for people who start off bad. I have little faith someone I sense as bad can really change themselves, and not just behaviour for convenience.

As I said before, ISFP was an one time thing, it just proves online tests are bogus. But nice seeing you point out ISFPs problems with Te, that is my struggle with my mom, who is a textbook one :D

Ne is like a wikipedia page. you read about one thing, it's connected with something else which leads you to another page, you go back to finish reading previous page...everything is connected, so you see things in patterns and you are able to have an abstract picture of the world like that, sort of a puzzle.

There's no meaning to Ne. It doesn't estimate future outcomes or the potential of things. It's just a software for your brain.

For me, it's a library of information. Like, imagine your itunes library: i've got it all in my head, unconsciously, and if i hear an element of a library i connect it with something else and something else, and it all forms part of a big puzzle.

It may become interesting when you apply those patterns to understanding how something, apparently isolated, works. But this comes automatically from you having those patterns before, and that is Ne. If you have a pattern, a net, then you can predict how an isolated event will fit into that net.

PS: my question about your introversion is not related to ISFP in particular, i mean being an introvert in general. it was you who said " I always thought of myself as an introverted". i'm trying to discard other possible introverted types for you.


New member
Jul 18, 2013
Instinctual Variant
You're right they are different. However, look at this thread though and you'll see there is a correlation.

The reason I suggested that is that I personally took numerous tests which always came back as 8. I wasn't very familiar with all the Enneagram types at the time and took it at face value. Some people on the forum questioned the 8 typing. As a result, I got professionally tested. I came out as a 6 heavy on the counterphobic side. It is a common mistyping. If you were to be an ISFP, 8 would be extremely unlikely but 6 is relatively common. However, for an ISFP, those 6s are going to be mostly phobic types and not counterphobic. I don't think anyone is purely phobic or counterphobic. There is more of a spectrum where you have a tendency towards one side or the other.

Ok,I'm back after researching.

"Structures, beliefs, allies, and authorities to put their anxiety to rest.

Our system of education teaches us to put our faith in something else —a corporation, a marriage, a trade, a profession, a religion, politics, something, one might almost say anything, which offers us a set of rules we can obey and rewards us for obedience to them. It's safer to be a domestic animal than a wild one. (Michael Korda, Power, 254.)

For Sixes, security comes from a rock-of-ages allegiance and an investment of themselves in something outside themselves which they believe will give them stability and safety. Sixes want to feel protected and secure by having something bigger and more powerful than they guiding them. IBM will do, but so will the Communist party, or the Republican party or the church. The doctrines Sixes believe are important to them, but not as important as having someone to trust and believe in.

They are the most out of touch with the ability to make decisions and act on their own without reference to a trusted person, an institution, or a belief system. While they seek the approval of those who are important to them, they resist being in a position of inferiority. Sixes make their internal stability dependent on the stability of their external environment: in other words, as long as everything in their lives is running reasonably well, they feel secure and able to cope with things.

This makes my skin crawl. I could never put my whole faith in anything outside myself. I am capable of trusting people however difficult it is, but I'd never EVER believe in any institution. I don't trust any political movements, let alone the Church. Religion is the source of most evils to me. This obviously isn't the place to discuss that and I don't wanna offend anyone, but I've said from a very early age I'd refuse to live my life by a book and feel guilty for doing what I did and desiring the things I did. My belief system is self made and is very new, I didn't use to have faith at all.

I'm really not traditional at all and I think they confine me. My biggest issue in life is my difficulty (or rather refusal) to fit in and just do my job without asking questions and making demands. I was unemployed for a long time because I'm not capable of doing things I don't enjoy for hours and work 9 to 5 not seeing joy or meaning in it. It did leave me in the air, with no financial security at all.

And approval never motivated me or really mattered, I just want people to not interfere or offer not asked for opinions and judgements. And I'm actually at my best in emergency situations where I have to think on my feet and take charge of people. I immediately feel safe and confident when things depend mostly on me.


New member
Jul 18, 2013
Instinctual Variant
Ne is like a wikipedia page. you read about one thing, it's connected with something else which leads you to another page, you go back to finish reading previous page...everything is connected, so you see things in patterns and you are able to have an abstract picture of the world like that, sort of a puzzle.

There's no meaning to Ne. It doesn't estimate future outcomes or the potential of things. It's just a software for your brain.

For me, it's a library of information. Like, imagine your itunes library: i've got it all in my head, unconsciously, and if i hear an element of a library i connect it with something else and something else, and it all forms part of a big puzzle.

It may become interesting when you apply those patterns to understanding how something, apparently isolated, works. But this comes automatically from you having those patterns before, and that is Ne. If you have a pattern, a net, then you can predict how an isolated event will fit into that net.

That's very interesting. Is it a conscious thing, or it triggers itself? I definitely have this "see patterns and connections" thing, but I can't explain it to people. Every time I try to they reaction is...:shock: Maybe it is because the connections and similarities I see are very rarely close to the surface and I usually remember what no one else does. My memory is always commented on. I've learned to never talk to anyone about my theories on things because I'm pretty sure some already think I'm crazy. And when it comes to my concept of people, I can come across as judgy.

What others don't understand is that, just because I know why people do things as they do and their sometimes sketchy motivations and can point it out, it doesn't mean I don't like them or that I'm criticizing them. Of course I don't think I'm always right, but the fact their minds never went there puzzles me.

Could you expand on this "no meaning" thing? I'm quickly realizing this searching process is probably more fulfilling and fun than the answer itself :D

Oh and about having an iTunes in your head, I'll expand on that later.


New member
Mar 20, 2011
Instinctual Variant
That's very interesting. Is it a conscious thing, or it triggers itself? I definitely have this "see patterns and connections" thing, but I can't explain it to people. Every time I try to they reaction is...:shock: Maybe it is because the connections and similarities I see are very rarely close to the surface and I usually remember what no one else does. My memory is always commented on. I've learned to never talk to anyone about my theories on things because I'm pretty sure some already think I'm crazy. And when it comes to my concept of people, I can come across as judgy.

What others don't understand is that, just because I know why people do things as they do and their sometimes sketchy motivations and can point it out, it doesn't mean I don't like them or that I'm criticizing them. Of course I don't think I'm always right, but the fact their minds never went there puzzles me.

Could you expand on this "no meaning" thing? I'm quickly realizing this searching process is probably more fulfilling and fun than the answer itself :D

Oh and about having an iTunes in your head, I'll expand on that later.

No, it triggers itself. It can actually be horrible. The minute I wake up my mind is on turbo, I have constant disparaging lines of thought, I'm unfocused, I live in my bubbly-abstract world. Then I'll decide I have to do something with my day so I try to find motivation or sort out what I want to do (Fi) which may have to be brute force sometimes (Te). But what I mean is that it's not all flowers and candy in Ne world. Yoga helps lots to keep my focus. Yup, my problem with Ne is it is an enemy of focus. That and the fact that for me nothing is definite, so I am so open to new input or information that I may doubt my decisions (Fi or Te) and go back to analyze the basis and maybe change the system.


New member
Jul 18, 2013
Instinctual Variant
No, it triggers itself. It can actually be horrible. The minute I wake up my mind is on turbo, I have constant disparaging lines of thought, I'm unfocused, I live in my bubbly-abstract world. Then I'll decide I have to do something with my day so I try to find motivation or sort out what I want to do (Fi) which may have to be brute force sometimes (Te). But what I mean is that it's not all flowers and candy in Ne world. Yoga helps lots to keep my focus. Yup, my problem with Ne is it is an enemy of focus. That and the fact that for me nothing is definite, so I am so open to new input or information that I may doubt my decisions (Fi or Te) and go back to analyze the basis and maybe change the system.

I have this thing when I hear a song about something, or someone mentions it, I start rembering others about the same theme or portraying the same situations and feelings. It happens with movies, books and people all the time too. I don’t voice it out because I know it gets annoying and sidetracking, but it’s on my mind.

My mom always laughs when we disagree about something that happened in the past, because I usually describe things like this: “You did do it. I know it because that day we ate chicken lasagna with Pepsi, it was raining lightly and House MD was on. We played poker later on, remember?”
She calls it “food memory”. Remembering things is an issue in our house, she has goldfish memory while mine is more like an elephant, except about boring but very real things like doing the dishes and running errands, which drives her nuts, it’s her forte :doh:.

I'm quite useless when it comes to practical things, getting things like chores done it's a big struggle. I know I have to, but most times than not, I ended up doing only a third of what I had in my plate that day. I totally understand you :hug:.

Last night we were making sandwiches and I told her I realized while she copies my creations, I copy her procedures. It applies to most thing I do together with others, they are interested in what I do, while I pay attention to how they do it.
Maybe I got ENFP so many times because I’m very creative and not that active, the only physical thing I do it’s dancing. My mind definitely works out more than my body :D.

I have it all figure out on my mind, but when it comes to put it to action...I frustrate people a lot, they don't understand why someone "lie me" isn't more accomplished. They are always shocked and disappointed when I say I'm not going to collage, they don't get that while I'm very intelligent and love learning, school is suffocating to me. Deadlines have been my enemies since birth and I get really bored sitting there for four hours.


New member
Mar 20, 2011
Instinctual Variant
I have this thing when I hear a song about something, or someone mentions it, I start rembering others about the same theme or portraying the same situations and feelings. It happens with movies, books and people all the time too. I don’t voice it out because I know it gets annoying and sidetracking, but it’s on my mind.

My mom always laughs when we disagree about something that happened in the past, because I usually describe things like this: “You did do it. I know it because that day we ate chicken lasagna with Pepsi, it was raining lightly and House MD was on. We played poker later on, remember?”
She calls it “food memory”. Remembering things is an issue in our house, she has goldfish memory while mine is more like an elephant, except about boring but very real things like doing the dishes and running errands, which drives her nuts, it’s her forte :doh:.

I'm quite useless when it comes to practical things, getting things like chores done it's a big struggle. I know I have to, but most times than not, I ended up doing only a third of what I had in my plate that day. I totally understand you :hug:.

Last night we were making sandwiches and I told her I realized while she copies my creations, I copy her procedures. It applies to most thing I do together with others, they are interested in what I do, while I pay attention to how they do it.
Maybe I got ENFP so many times because I’m very creative and not that active, the only physical thing I do it’s dancing. My mind definitely works out more than my body :D.

I have it all figure out on my mind, but when it comes to put it to action...I frustrate people a lot, they don't understand why someone "lie me" isn't more accomplished. They are always shocked and disappointed when I say I'm not going to collage, they don't get that while I'm very intelligent and love learning, school is suffocating to me. Deadlines have been my enemies since birth and I get really bored sitting there for four hours.

I think you're talking about Si?