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Type this guy for me. (NT?)


Lay the coin on my tongue
May 26, 2009
Instinctual Variant
I've known this guy for a few years and he's always intrigued me. He's the closest thing to a mad reactionary poet I know. I keep thinking he's an ENTP, but I'm not too sure - he may not be an extrovert. I'm pretty sure he's Intuitive and seems more like an NT than an NF.

A few points:

-He told me once that with girls he's always either totally gentlemanly to the point of being over-reserved, or totally ungentlemanly. :D (which I can also imagine as he's a bit of a drinker.) He's always been very gentlemanly with me - in fact, I found when I first met him that if anything he seemed rather shy and he can still give off that vibe. He gives off a somewhat more flirtatious vibe in writing than in person, and a generally more intense vibe. (I think there was a slight attraction between us, I definitely find him attractive, but among other things we have some fairly profound philosophical differences so nothing ever happened.) I also get the impression that he'd be more likely to say something deeply insulting and eloquent in writing, than in person...but then I haven't seen him really drunk.
-He's said that he prefers being outdoors to indoors, walking to motionless, etc. He's a poetry fanatic like me and he leans much more towards poetry recital than towards reading (I'm interested in both but I'm more on the reading side.) He had memorized something like a hundred poems by the time he was in his early twenties... He told me that last time he went to a rowdy party they burned Jimmy Savile in effigy (!) and then he ended up on a table at 3 in the morning reciting Wyatt's 'Whoso List to Hunt.' :laugh:
-His Facebook updates are rather hilarious as he'll do something like describe an annoying workmate and then say "The potted plant sitting behind me has more in common with me than I do with this subhuman." Or it will spin off into some wild reference to the poetry of William Blake or Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. He's kind of a reactionary in some ways. I think he recently described one of the most powerful modern art galleries here as being a corrosive on modern culture and then compared it unfavourably to the days of Medici patronage. He's an excellent writer and writes really impressive poetry, with a very strong feeling for rhythm and scansion.
-Loves nature.
-Seems to be drawn to rather doomed/dramatic relationships. He said something once about how girls always want to break remote controls over his head, or words to that effect. I know him because I worked with him for a few months and I actually thought he was single for a while as somehow, despite seeming a bit shy and being gentlemanly, he gave off more of a single guy vibe. I was slightly shocked when I found out (at the same time, and at least a few weeks or months in) that not only was he in a relationship but his girlfriend was expecting a baby. They did break up - although only about a year after that - and that impression I'd received also had made me think that the relationship was in some trouble already.
-Experimental mindset, took some pretty hallucinogenic drugs when he was younger at least.

I'm not sure how helpful this is. Having written all this I suspect he's more of an introvert. I also suspect that big-city life can make introverts look more extroverted; that might be partly why people often think I'm a lot more outgoing/extroverted than I am. (You're busy, you're probably out a lot, you know a lot of people.) INTP maybe? Anyway, questions and input welcome.


Lay the coin on my tongue
May 26, 2009
Instinctual Variant
Sounds a bit like an IXTP...

I thought ISTP was a possibility too. I really wonder if he's an INTP though. He seems Ne to me. His writing shows a high degree of control but he has a zany quality of spinning off from spark to spark (whether in writing or in conversation). It's not linear, that's for sure.


New member
Jun 28, 2012
Instinctual Variant
I thought ISTP was a possibility too. I really wonder if he's an INTP though. He seems Ne to me. His writing shows a high degree of control but he has a zany quality of spinning off from spark to spark (whether in writing or in conversation). It's not linear, that's for sure.

Well, no. ISTPs are quite linear due to Se and Ni, just like other SPs and NJs then they are quite much linear in their thinking. INTPs however are quite "random" due to the Ne and Si.

The thing he said about sometimes being "ungentlemanly" also kinda reminds me of the INTP self-criticism that you sometimes see. They tend to think that they are meaner than they actually are.
My INTP friend for example told me that I shouldn't touch him or anything, because he has a reflex in which he hits people when they get close. Needless to say, I've poked him more than a few times and he doesn't have that reflex, it was simply him being harsh against himself.


Lay the coin on my tongue
May 26, 2009
Instinctual Variant
Hmm interesting. He seems like quite a kind guy to me but he obviously has the talent to be harsh if he wants.

I admit that I actually find N/S the most difficult to type, in a lot of ways. (I mean generally, not just with this guy.) I'm always a bit puzzled when people seem certain about it for most people they know. Perhaps it's partly because, while I am about as convinced as I can be that I'm INFJ, I'm not heavily, heavily intuitive - or I am in certain aspects of my life, but not others.

EDIT: He has always seemed tangential to me - he even apologised jokingly once or twice for spinning something I said off into a tangent, though I was amused - and that is something I really identify with Intuitive types. I mean, I don't think Intuitives have a monopoly on it but they're more prone, probably especially Ne types. I think I go off on tangents too with Ni, but it's more drawing in various apparently unrelated things that to me are deeply related and weaving them into each other - Ne seems more like bouncing jubilantly from point to point.


New member
Jun 28, 2012
Instinctual Variant
Hmm interesting. He seems like quite a kind guy to me but he obviously has the talent to be harsh if he wants.

I admit that I actually find N/S the most difficult to type, in a lot of ways. (I mean generally, not just with this guy.) I'm always a bit puzzled when people seem certain about it for most people they know. Perhaps it's partly because, while I am about as convinced as I can be that I'm INFJ, I'm not heavily, heavily intuitive - or I am in certain aspects of my life, but not others.

EDIT: He has always seemed tangential to me - he even apologised jokingly once or twice for spinning something I said off into a tangent, though I was amused - and that is something I really identify with Intuitive types. I mean, I don't think Intuitives have a monopoly on it but they're more prone, probably especially Ne types. I think I go off on tangents too with Ni, but it's more drawing in various apparently unrelated things that to me are deeply related and weaving them into each other - Ne seems more like bouncing jubilantly from point to point.

Well yea, I mean I see my INTP friend as really "linear" (clear) in his thinking because intuitive connections are natural to me.
This kind of reminds me of when my ENTJ friend was having dinner with my family and some close friends. My entire family is made up of sensors except me and my ESFP mother commented after the dinner (when my ENTJ friend had left) that out conversations seemed so incredibly deep and I didn't understand what she was saying because I was just having a casual conversation with a friend.

Point is, maybe you need a sensor to be present that would realize when you are talking with intuition.
When I type people then I try to see if what they say is fact based or guess based, direct in the moment or indirect in the moment.
It's a difference between "I've seen these cloud formations before, it will rain soon" and "I think it will rain soon".
But the major reason for me being able to type peoples' perceiving function is because I got a lot of templates of each type. I know for example that if someone goes over the street and almost get hit by a car, they are probably intuitive.
That actually happened once... I was walking with my INTP friend and an ENFP that was his girlfriend at the time, while I was talking with her, she was just about to cross the street before I noticed something in the corner of my eye and pulled her back as hard as I could. Well, she would most likely be dead now if I hadn't.
That's the difference between a Ni and Se combination and a Ne and Si combination.


Active member
Jun 21, 2009
Reactionary? SK that's a totally normal. Not reactionary at all ;) :laugh:

Dude sounds like he's cool BTW. Although poetry buffs are all feelers are they not? Gleening music from life.


Lay the coin on my tongue
May 26, 2009
Instinctual Variant
[MENTION=7280]Lark[/MENTION]: Feeler may be more common for poets, but by no means do they have a monopoly. ;) Just as Intuitives are probably more common for poets but they can certainly be Sensors too. One of my fav poets, Louis Macneice - I'm pretty sure he was some kind of TJ and I think either ISTJ or ESTJ are very probable for him. He was very insightful but very sensory-based at the same time - and he viewed himself as someone who sort of was like a "journalist" for poetry.

[MENTION=16748]Il Morto Che Parla[/MENTION]: I must say INTJ didn't occur to me. So it's more a case of you or someone convincing me he's INTJ, rather than me convincing you he's not. ;) If I were to subscribe to stereotypes, I'd say he doesn't seem socially awkward enough or argumentative enough to be INTJ. ;) But yes, those may be stereotypes.

My mom and my brother are both IxTJ, I'm pretty convinced. I think they are either ISTJs with strong Ni or INTJs with strong Si (my brother especially seems more ISTJ to me but I'm not sure.) I don't get a similar vibe from them and from this guy. They're less social/less interested in people (my brother seems quite outgoing, but that's almost exclusively in the professional sphere as he has a lot of business contacts and does a lot of networking). They also don't give off anything resembling "flirtatious vibes" either in written form (though they are both writers) or in person. (Although maybe I just don't know about it because they're my mom and brother. :laugh: )

But I'd be open to a good case for INTJ. He just seems more xxTP to me. More flexy, maybe? He'll go off on a rant about something he feels strongly about, but then he'll kind of laugh at himself or say "oh I'd better stop before I sound too reactionary." Seems more TP than TJ to me.


Active member
Jun 21, 2009
[MENTION=7280]Lark[/MENTION]: Feeler may be more common for poets, but by no means do they have a monopoly. ;) Just as Intuitives are probably more common for poets but they can certainly be Sensors too. One of my fav poets, Louis Macneice - I'm pretty sure he was some kind of TJ and I think either ISTJ or ESTJ are very probable for him. He was very insightful but very sensory-based at the same time - and he viewed himself as someone who sort of was like a "journalist" for poetry.

I think sensing and sensitivity are vital for a good poet, most of the poets I like, writers too, are able to see, record and relate things which I miss at first glance or without tuning into it.


Lay the coin on my tongue
May 26, 2009
Instinctual Variant
I think sensing and sensitivity are vital for a good poet, most of the poets I like, writers too, are able to see, record and relate things which I miss at first glance or without tuning into it.

Some poets are extremely sensory and physical, and I would suspect that some of them at least are Sensors. They remind me more of visual artists. I think overall the poets I am more drawn to are more likely to be Intuitives.


Some poets are extremely sensory and physical, and I would suspect that some of them at least are Sensors. They remind me more of visual artists. I think overall the poets I am more drawn to are more likely to be Intuitives.

xNTP is as far as I think you can go with that information. xSTP is possible, but I am inclined towards xNTP simply because of the poetry memorizing, that reads of tertiery/inferior Si engagement i can relate to quite a bit. when i was a teen i used to have loads of favorite quotes and thoughts - of myself and others - that i'd type out and stick to my bedroom's walls and ceiling and recite to myself and others. its the kind of little Si that speaks of creating your own private mini tradition. not so different from how xNFJs tend to engage their little Se.

if you want to know what kind of NTP he is, find out when he's around other people.


New member
Mar 5, 2012
Instinctual Variant
all i have to say is it sounds likje you want to fuck him hahahaha :D


Active member
Jun 18, 2009
Instinctual Variant
This guy.

(Joke made. Rex out.)


Lay the coin on my tongue
May 26, 2009
Instinctual Variant
all i have to say is it sounds likje you want to fuck him hahahaha :D

Believe it or not, it's actually possible to find someone interesting or even attractive and not be aiming to f*** them.

I'm delighted that you enjoyed all those drinks on Amtrak so much, though.