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XNFJ or something else?


New member
Jun 28, 2012
Instinctual Variant
Tried getting some good answers over at PerC, but people either gave short comments like "you are XXXX" or they came up with a test that really had nothing to do with the functions.

So here we go (a lot of this is just copy & paste from what I've said b4, other times that I've tried being typed).

As a side note my mother is a probable ESFP, as is my sister. My dad however is an ISTJ.
This is basically how I've been typed in the about 2,5 years I've known about MBTI: ISTP -> ENTP -> ISTJ -> ENFP -> INFP -> INTJ -> INFJ -> ????
As you see I've been having some issues finding my type, lol.

1) What aspect of your personality made you unsure of your type?
That would be my bluntness at times since I have a high respect for honesty.
My ability to stand my ground when it comes to opinions (can't do it wen I'm alone however, then I just talk like a lawyer, but a little more startled kind of look )

2) What do you yearn for in life? Why?
I've never really yearned for anything to be honest, most of my goals in life has been because of the effect I've thought it would have on the people I care about.
Other than that I just seek being able to feel some joy and comfort in my life :/

3) Think about a time where you felt like you were at your finest. Tell us what made you feel that way.
Don't have any specific memory, but I always get happy when I learn something new.

4) What makes you feel inferior?
People not listening to what I'm trying to say, especially when I know I'm right.

5) What tends to weigh on your decisions? (Do you think about people, pro-cons, how you feel about it, etc.)
First I ask people close to me if it's a hard decision (or at least express what I'm thinking about doing)
Then I consider if I think it's "right" to do it
Then I think of what might be the consequence of the decision. (this is kinda a "lol" since I delude myself 90% of the time by thinking it will end better than it actually does)

6) When working on a project what is normally your emphasis? Do you like to have control of the outcome?
Yea, I like to feel as if I've been a part of it rather than to have been sitting on the side-lines.
I like to be able to make people follow how I think things should be done.

7) Describe to us a time when you had a lot of fun. How is your memory of it?
Usually the times when I've had a lot of fun has been when I've spent time with friends, I'm very demanding that way, since "long" times (that could be like an hour, lol) without my "buddies" (call them that because I don't trust them enough to call them friends) and friends can make me really anxious (I am very picky about my friends and only allow myself to call the people that are truly loyal to me "friends").

Since I don't see any opposite of this I'll add a 7b.

7b) Describe to us a time when you didn't have fun. How is your memory of it?
That would be every time my family has taken me to do any physical activity, but especially when they've taken me to an "amusement park", I can't handle the roller-coaster and stuff (might be because I'm near-sighted), last time I was on one I almost started crying of panic.

8) When you want to learn something new, what feels more natural for you? (Are you more prone to be hands on, to theorize, to memorize, etc)
I like to have conversations about it, things only really stick if I talk about it.

9) How organized do you to think of yourself as?

Not so much atm. but I'm a teenager, lol
I was extremely organized when I was younger.
might not have anything to do with it, but I always walk around with a backpack so I always got everything I need in one place.
My lockers in school has been nominated the cleanest locker by some of my buddies and friends at times.

10) How do you judge new ideas? You try to understand the principles behind it to see if they make sense or do you look for information that supports it?
If it goes against what I think then I don't really even listen to what they have to say, otherwise I might listen and discuss and if they can answer my questions, then I start to assimilate the information that has been given to me.

11) You find harmony by making sure everyone is doing fine and belonging to a given group or by making sure that you follow what you believe and being yourself?
I think I find harmony when I can speak my mind without being questioned, especially without being questioned be people close to me.

12a) Are you the kind that thinks before speaking or do you speak before thinking?
first I want to say ouch, lol
anyways, I usually start by speaking crap, then the more I talk and the more feedback I get, the more "intelligent" I sound to people (I think, lol)
or maybe it's just that I start walking my opinion towards theirs until they stop complaining.

12b)Do you prefer one-on-one communication or group discussions?
Both work just as well for me.
Irrational conversations = 1-on-1
Rational conversations = 1-on-1 or group.

I was once irrational in a group discussion, then I was on the verge of crying :/

13) Do you jump into action right away or do you like to know where are you jumping before leaping? Does action speaks more than words?
Words are slippery and can lie, an action is an action and it can never lie.
So yea, I like action rather than words.
(that's also a part of why I'm still single, lol, since I show how my I care about people with actions, rather than to spell it out for them)

14) It's Saturday. You're at home, and your favorite show is about to start. Your friends call you for a night out. What will you do?
1. I come up with an excuse for not being able to come.
2. I say bluntly that I won't because my favorite show is about to start.
3. My friends would know that I don't like having "nights out" (this is for security reasons, I'm very concerned with my personal security and the security of people close to me).

15) How do you act when you're stressed out?
I can have shout outs, but I can also be highly effective if it has to do with work/assignments.

16) What makes you dislike the personalities of some people?
Them being disloyal to me.
Being pushy to me.
Trying to make me "enjoy a long day away from home".
People that are party fanatics.
People that gives manipulative orders, like my ESFP mom usually says "I really love you... could you help me in the garden?" and if I say no it's a "HELP ME IN THE GARDEN, NOW!" kind of reaction.

17) Is there anything you really like talking about with other people?
I also like intellectual conversations.

18) What kind of things do pay the least attention to in your life
Hygiene and eating a variation of foods? LOL.
No, I'm serious awful at remembering to take a shower and I can eat the same thing everyday without getting tired of it.

19a) How do your friends perceive you?
They call me extremely loyal, sometimes they think I'm rude, blunt and other things like that. I've been called "incredibly passive-aggressive" quite a few times.
19b) What is wrong about their perception?
Nothing, that's just about what I think as well.

19c) What would your friends never say about your personality ?
I think that would be disloyal.

20) You got a whole day to do whatever you like. What kind of activities do you feel like doing?
uhm, I'd sit in-front of my computer an play games with my buddies and friends.

21) other things:
I have intensive emotions and I can go from calm to doing a shout out in a short moment.

When I tell something from my personal history I tend to miss the prologue of events and jump directly to the most intensive parts of the events, which can make me look like an overemotional prick.

When I repeat something that someone has said, I don't repeat it word-by-word, but rather by what my understanding was but what they had said.

I usually express myself (especially when I write) as a cocky person, when I got good intentions. (this is usually because I skip explaining the entire thing, but rather just at the specific task at hand).

People get annoyed because I speak and write with a cliffhanger style, never explaining things entirely. Like this:
Me: I need some help
Person: With?
Me: A thing.
Person: What thing?
Me: A thing... c'mon are you gonna help or not?

1. You are with a group of people in a car, heading to a different town to see your favourite band/artist/musician. Suddenly, the car breaks down for an unknown reason in the middle of nowhere. What are your initial thoughts? What are your outward reactions?
To star off with then I've never had a "favorite" in anything...
But let's say I do for this scenario...
My initial thought would be "huuuh?" then "OH F!".
My first outward reaction would be to ask the obvious "why did we stop?" after that I'd probably looks like this: -.-' with an urge to face palm.

2. You somehow make it to the concert. The driver wants to go to the afterparty that was announced (and assure you they won't drink so they can drive back later). How do you feel about this party? What do you do?
At first I'd look after places to hang myself to death.. then I might feel like puking because of all the drunk people there... then I'd go around with a forced smile trying to get the alcohol consumption off my mind.
Then I'd go to the driver and say "I'll stay in the car..."

3. On the drive back, your friends are talking. A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward reaction? What do you outwardly say?
Inwards reaction would range from "A-hole" to "idiot..."... I don't really have "beliefs" that I'd put in front of my friendship with someone...
At most I'd just say why I believe they are wrong... but I've learned that there's no point in doing so... instead I'd just look annoyed.
Really depends as well on what belief they clash with...
My current beliefs aren't so easy to offend so if they really tried to offend it I'd know before they did it and go into a form of lockdown mode where I start to debate why I'm right without getting hurt by their comments.

4. What would you do if you actually saw/experienced something that clashes with your previous beliefs, experiences, and habits?
I guess it's like Plato's cave...
If I realize that I didn't know the entire truth before but know more now I'd have to change my beliefs to fit reality.

5. What are some of your most important values? How did you come about determining them? How can they change?
My most important value?
You REALLY want to know.
Currently it is to give someone who loves me the love I have never been given... even if I don't love them.
I think that we all deserve to feel happiness and we need to realize on our own when a relationship with someone won't work.
I've always had a high need for closeness and this way both are winners.
They get a nice "no" which they make on their own and I get to feel loved and the closeness of someone who do.

6. a) What about your personality most distinguishes you from everyone else?
That I can be extremely stubborn, even if everyone around me is hurt? (usually need a friend close by to do this tho, or I'd just bend)
I am really honest in bursts... I called a girl fat once.. then a teacher... then I made fun of a girls political belief by accident... (but the last one is rather that I don't say everything I mean... meaning everything between A and B)

b) If you could change one thing about you personality, what would it be? Why?
That I can offend people without meaning it.
But I'd also want a death stare >.< I can't scare people off!

7. How do you treat hunches or gut feelings? In what situations are they most often triggered?
uuhm... I get hunches about peoples' mood around me...
Also get some "aha, but what if..." thinks when trying to figure out puzzles and stuff.

8. a) What activities energize you most?
Playing games

b) What activities drain you most? Why?
Parties and stuff because I just can't handle soo many people... so much movement and such social requirements!

9. What do you repress about your outward behavior or internal thought process when around others? Why?
I like to dance around and stuff when I'm alone, but I never do it in public.
I don't want to be seen as even more weird >.<

1) What aspect of your personality made you unsure of your type?
I always doubt myself and for me it's like when playing games where you got multiple classes... I just can't find one that I fit the best into >.<

2) What do you yearn for in life? Why?
I want to find a job that I don't need to stress myself out one... I want a nice wife and a comfy place to stay.
I don't want or need much. I just want to feel some for of serenity in my life.

3) Think about a time where you felt like you were at your finest. Tell us what made you feel that way.
I don't have many of those times, but it's generally when I find someone I can really talk to... it makes me feel so relaxed and happy. I feel at my finest when I feel like someone cares enough about me to talk to me.

4) What makes you feel inferior?
I feel inferior when people call me mean or say that I'm wrong without explaining why... it really hurts me.

5) What tends to weigh on your decisions? (Do you think about people, pro-cons, how you feel about it, etc.)
I think about what it means to me and if it can hurt others I think about how much and who.

6) When working on a project what is normally your emphasis? Do you like to have control of the outcome?
I don't know much about this cuz I'm usually quite excluded in a group...
I don't care about the outcome and stuff, I'm an observer and I like it.

7) Describe us a time where you had a lot of fun. How is your memory of it?
It wasn't really "fun" but rather really nice... it was in a time where I really felt like I mattered to my friends and they treated me with the loyalty that I treat them with.

8) When you want to learn something new, what feels more natural for you? (Are you more prone to be hands on, to theorize, to memorize, etc)
I usually just sit and listen...
I almost never write things down because then I forget what they are saying because I get so concentrated on writing.

9) How organized do you to think of yourself as?
Quite organized... I'd call it an organized mess, lol
I'm not much for remembering things these days such as lessons assignments etc. but I was really good at it about 5 years ago (I'm almost 20 now).

10) How do you judge new ideas? You try to understand the principles behind it to see if they make sense or do you look for information that supports it?
I try to understand the HOW if I find it interesting and then I almost automatically become really good at different aspects of it.

11) You find harmony by making sure everyone is doing fine and belonging to a given group or by making sure that you follow what you believe and being yourself?
I believe that I should stay to what I think as long as possible, but if it hurts others too much I will back down.
I never give up tho if they are bullies, but I got issues standing up for my own beliefs if confronted and I'm alone.
Then I just get slippery.

12) Are you the kind that thinks before speaking or do you speak before thinking? Do you prefer one-on-one communication or group discussions?
I usually need to speak to get an idea of what I'm talking about.

13) Do you jump into action right away or do you like to know where are you jumping before leaping? Does action speaks more than words?
I jump into action right away, lol
I once gave a teacher a comment on something he said like 5 seconds after I entered the lecture, lol.

14) It's Saturday. You're at home, and your favorite show is about to start. Your friends call you for a night out. What will you do?
I would never want to go for a night out so I'd come up with an excuse not to go.

15) How do you act when you're stressed out?
I can be very efficient... but after a while I just stop caring and just stop trying.
I sometimes get an explosive reaction when pressured too much.

16) What makes you dislike the personalities of some people?
I hate self-righteous people and I mean I REALLY HATE them.
I don't like people who aren't loyal.
I really hate arrogant people.
I really hate people who hurt others for their own fun.

17) Is there anything you really like talking about with other people?
Myself and common interests ^^
really depends on how much I know them
If I don't know them I just look at them.. I don't like to start conversations with people I don't know well.
If they're friends I find something of common interest or talk about them or me.

18) What kind of things do pay the least attention to in your life
Exercise and hygiene, lol

19) How do your friends perceive you? What is wrong about their perception? ? What would your friends never say about your personality ?
Couldn't say.
I'd say they think I'm really loyal and that I listen to them a lot... and talk a lot, lol

20) You got a whole day to do whatever you like. What kind of activities do you feel like doing?
Spend the day going between playing games and watching movies or TV-shows

My teachers keep complaining that they grade me on the process more than the result, but that I always seem to focus on the result more than the process.
My 1 year school project consisted of telling lies until 1 month before the project was to be handed in, at which tone I gave it a total of 6h work and still passed the course.

I was elected as the debater of our year when I graduated.
That was probably because I have no respect to people in higher authority than me.
I've multiple times told my principal when I didn't think a teacher did his/her job well.
I've also had that discussion directly with the teacher(s).
But that's usually when the teacher is patronizing the class.

I'm extremely stubborn, especially if I got a friend beside me.... I'm not much for being stubborn 1-on-1, but rather diplomatically and a political kind of speech (meaning that I'm saying my point in a slippery way).

People also find me very hostile, passive-aggressive which usually is that I'm so focused on helping someone that I sound angry.

I've always had an urge to help everyone when needed and I'm easily hurt when someone pushes me away when I try to help them.

I'm a gamer, but I only play for the sake of finding a nice community where I can feel like home.
I usually go for the support class then because I want to feel needed and respected and also special :p

I'm the kind of person who would rather go around and help newbies with a level capped character rather than do high-level missions.

I kinda got a "I want to help you, but if you don't want to be helped you're an ass" attitude.

This should be enough :p


New member
Jun 28, 2012
Instinctual Variant
Could you tell us more, plz thx

I believe that this just about summarize my personality

My teachers keep complaining that they grade me on the process more than the result, but that I always seem to focus on the result more than the process.
My 1 year school project consisted of telling lies until 1 month before the project was to be handed in, at which tone I gave it a total of 6h work and still passed the course.

I was elected as the debater of our year when I graduated.
That was probably because I have no respect to people in higher authority than me.
I've multiple times told my principal when I didn't think a teacher did his/her job well.
I've also had that discussion directly with the teacher(s).
But that's usually when the teacher is patronizing the class.

I'm extremely stubborn, especially if I got a friend beside me.... I'm not much for being stubborn 1-on-1, but rather diplomatically and a political kind of speech (meaning that I'm saying my point in a slippery way).

People also find me very hostile, passive-aggressive which usually is that I'm so focused on helping someone that I sound angry.

I've always had an urge to help everyone when needed and I'm easily hurt when someone pushes me away when I try to help them.

I'm a gamer, but I only play for the sake of finding a nice community where I can feel like home.
I usually go for the support class then because I want to feel needed and respected and also special :p

I'm the kind of person who would rather go around and help newbies with a level capped character rather than do high-level missions.

I kinda got a "I want to help you, but if you don't want to be helped you're an ass" attitude.
Note that about 10 years of bullying and 2 years of minor bullying and a year of harassment has quite much damaged me.


Apr 13, 2009
I believe that this just about summarize my personality

Note that about 10 years of bullying and 2 years of minor bullying and a year of harassment has quite much damaged me.
Too much noise. If you're sure of the last 3, the first letter should be the easiest.

If you had to choose between a book at home alone or socializing with a group of friends at from morning to nigh-time, EVERYDAY, for an entire month, which one would you choose?


New member
Jun 28, 2012
Instinctual Variant
Too much noise. If you're sure of the last 3, the first letter should be the easiest.

If you had to choose between a book at home alone or socializing with a group of friends at from morning to nigh-time, EVERYDAY, for an entire month, which one would you choose?

lol, I don't like reading :p
But the best week I've had was when I was 5 days away from home with my school and had my friends around 24/7
I usually withdraw quite fast tho to sit in front of the computer, which is something I need to do to recharge.

I feel energized when I can be with a close friend... even when we're not talking.

Get "a bit" competitive tho when a third person arrives so I can keep the focus of my friend of me.
But that's just a matter of environmental damage from my past.

Not 100% sure about the other 3 functions tho... it's just something that keeps coming up :p


Apr 13, 2009
lol, I don't like reading :p
But the best week I've had was when I was 5 days away from home with my school and had my friends around 24/7
I usually withdraw quite fast tho to sit in front of the computer, which is something I need to do to recharge.

I feel energized when I can be with a close friend... even when we're not talking.

Get "a bit" competitive tho when a third person arrives so I can keep the focus of my friend of me.
But that's just a matter of environmental damage from my past.

Not 100% sure about the other 3 functions tho... it's just something that keeps coming up :p

I've never heard of an introvert intuitive that didn't like reading.

Here, have fun.


New member
Jun 28, 2012
Instinctual Variant
But in the end, isn't it really something that you can't answer.
I mean, being forced to read for a month would make everyone crazy as would never be alone.


New member
Jun 28, 2012
Instinctual Variant