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What type am I? So much internal conflict!


Wake, See, Sing, Dance
Mar 23, 2012
Well you could still as easily be ENFJ though. It's not limited to ESFJ. ENFJs just seem more idealist in their delusions.

Nah my Ni is like a mewling deprived creature....starving in the corner. It's definitely a shadow function for me.

Thinking about the future is nearly always negative in my mind.


Nah my Ni is like a mewling deprived creature....starving in the corner. It's definitely a shadow function for me.

Thinking about the future is nearly always negative in my mind.

Interesting, I feel the same way about the past and Si. :D


[MENTION=15963]Aleda[/MENTION]: how do you act when stressed out?


Wake, See, Sing, Dance
Mar 23, 2012
Interesting, I feel the same way about the past and Si. :D

Well I enjoy future thinking if it is a speculation of some fictional, 'probably-not-gunna-happen' nature. Actually I do occasionally get extremely energised by thinking about future advances and things I wish to achieve in the future, but they are nearly always fairly short term.

Anything longer and I see divergent pathways, many fatalistic, although one or two are of a positive and interesting nature. On the subject of fatalistic, I am ever annoyed by my mothers overly conservationist mentality.

She acts as if not maintaining certain standards or routines will result in a breakdown of the universe and the death of the human race by a giant indescribable monster with the face of Michael Barrymore....ok I added that last bit. But the other day she moaned and claimed we would start being fined by the recycling committee of the local council because I.......PUT.....ONE.....PLASTIC.....CONTAINER......IN THE BIN.....AS OPPOSED.....TO.....THE......RECYCLING.....BOX!!!

However I realise this is somewhat of a projection of my own fatalistic thinking, which I may or may not have picked up from her.

Personally ive been developing a view that young SJ types, especially the extraverted ones, are extremely subject to their environment, so much so that an SJ from one generation will have completely different standards and opinions when compared to those SJ's of a different generation.

Of course this could easily be applied to ANY type at ANY time. However the difference is that whole ' Si = upholding traditions' idea that many people seem to have, one which ive tried to dispel for a while but instead have given up on, so instead let us pretend that I accept such a premise as true.

If this is the case then the perceptions of Si will be filtered through the framework evaluations of Fe and Te into an upholding + conservation of whatever system or tradition or 'insert context here' they happen to have been brought up with and which happens to have left the biggest impression as is Si's main component.

Thus my idea of conservation is different to that of my mum's, I have been brought up in an age of 'enlightenment', (har-de-har), an age where the values are far removed and different from those of my mothers age, therefore I am more likely to find myself upholding things which will not be considered 'SJ' because most people have trouble looking past the locked doors of what they have been told something is. For example I value individuality and creativity, because ironically that is what everyone is being raised and encouraged to value. I value difference as well as similarity, because that is what we are being raised to value...see the pattern?

Ive never understood the rather shortsighted view of people such as David 'what a cunt' Keirsey who seems to put forth the idea, (indirectly), that being of an SJ temperament or type immediately sends your mind back into an alternate timeline of standards called '1950's America'.

In any case to me; it is all about context.


Jun 26, 2010
[MENTION=15963]Aleda[/MENTION]: how do you act when stressed out?

When I'm stressed out, I'm pushy, emotional, and reclusive. I want everything to go my way and I say/do unreasonable things because of my feelings. I also hate people when I'm stressed out because I feel like everyone's worse than usual so I tend to not talk at all really. Nobody notices that it's because I'm sad so nobody actually cares for real. Which makes me ever more sad. But then I get over it and I'm not sure how. I realize I have to find a way to solve what's making me stressed out and I try to solve it. If I can't solve it, I end up even more stressed out so I try to find every possible way to solve it. If I do, I end up really happy. This cycle happens fairly often, sadly. D: Not looking for sympathy, only being honest.


Wake, See, Sing, Dance
Mar 23, 2012
[MENTION=15963]Aleda[/MENTION] Extremely sorry for hijacking your thread.

Back to your type!!!



What you say sounds about right. Sorry, I can't bold the part but paragraph 7 talks about this exact same thing. Also, the fictional speculation thing sounds a lot like tertiary Ne.

Si to me always comes in the form of bittersweet nostalgia and regret. I don't like to meet up with people from my past. :peepwall:


When I'm stressed out, I'm pushy, emotional, and reclusive. I want everything to go my way and I say/do unreasonable things because of my feelings. I also hate people when I'm stressed out because I feel like everyone's worse than usual so I tend to not talk at all really. Nobody notices that it's because I'm sad so nobody actually cares for real. Which makes me ever more sad. But then I get over it and I'm not sure how. I realize I have to find a way to solve what's making me stressed out and I try to solve it. If I can't solve it, I end up even more stressed out so I try to find every possible way to solve it. If I do, I end up really happy. This cycle happens fairly often, sadly. D: Not looking for sympathy, only being honest.

I think as a general rule of thumb, EXXJs become major control freaks under a lot of stress. They need to control the environment because the internal is chaotic so they need some sense of control. IXXJs are a bit like this but it seems more under wraps. EXXJs extrovert this need for control. The more controlling an EXXJ is, the more stressed they are. This is from my observations.


Apr 19, 2011
Instinctual Variant
Of course you can go by that, btw. Like for example I have no idea what they'd do on functions tests, but I am strongly of the belief that David Lynch and Lana Del Rey are both ISFPs that are sometimes mistyped as INFJs because they have such heavy Ni for ISFPs and can use Fe manipulatively or understand what other people use Fe for (not unusual in older Fi types, I don't think) without being Fe themselves.

What's interesting is that even Keirsey types Lynch as an ISFP, and I believe Lynch to be an ISFP more by function order, because his Se seems to come BEFORE his Ni, but his Ni is very very clear in his art work, and it's all led by his own Fi. And in a particularly Fi/Ni state, Lynch doesn't give a fuck if you "get it" or you don't, either you get him or you don't, and I don't think he minds at all if you're on the outside. Doesn't seem very Fe to me.

Lana del Rey is the same, she puts Se aesthetics before her Ni, but her conceptualism that underlies her current album seems to entirely elude some people, and she seems genuinely to not care to explain herself, and is content to live in her own construction of an Se/Ni world kind of like Lynch does (which makes it so interesting to me that someone negatively compared her to a character in a Lynch film in the comments on an article about her)...but I believe she's Fi enough that she really does not give a fuck, she knows what she's doing, and that's why her little video collages are so personal to her, I think she goes by her Fi/Se to make those collages, and what it evokes in her, while still being aware enough of what other people use Fe for (as an Fi dom) to appeal to it both sarcastically and conceptually.

Edit: Or to put it another way, in original Jungian terms, I think they both have Sensual Feeling and Speculative Thinking...I don't see the Intuitive Feeling and Concrete/Practical Thinking. If you look at it like that...really? I mean really, they have Concrete/Practical Thinking? And what are their works personified, if not first carried by Sensual Feeling?

How do you interpret this statement typologically?

'Lana Del Rey has revealed she found it "scary" when people decided they didn't like her following her rise to superstardom last year.'


May 3, 2009
Instinctual Variant
How do you interpret this statement typologically?

'Lana Del Rey has revealed she found it "scary" when people decided they didn't like her following her rise to superstardom last year.'

Well people hated on her pretty hard. I find it scary sometimes when even vindictive nerd boys on-line form little groups that hate me. If I was famous, I would find it a bit disturbing that there were large swaths of sheeple that had congregated together to not just dislike me or ignore me, but HATE ME.

I mean look at how much social anxiety she has in some of her interviews and how nervous she acted in her SNL performance (that was social anxiety, not lack of talent).

I don't think that says that she has either Fi or Fe, but just that she's a very sensitive F type...with an anxiety disorder or pathological shyness.

Do You Really Hate Lana del Rey?


Apr 19, 2011
Instinctual Variant
Well people hated on her pretty hard. I find it scary sometimes when even vindictive nerd boys on-line form little groups that hate me. If I was famous, I would find it a bit disturbing that there were large swaths of sheeple that had congregated together to not just dislike me or ignore me, but HATE ME.

I mean look at how much social anxiety she has in some of her interviews and how nervous she acted in her SNL performance (that was social anxiety, not lack of talent).

I don't think that says that she has either Fi or Fe, but just that she's a very sensitive F type...with an anxiety disorder or pathological shyness.

Do You Really Hate Lana del Rey?

I've seen a lot of these kiddie attacks on celebrities and movies on the internet this year. More than ever before. It's just a craze that started with Rebecca Black that consists primarily of hyperbole and attention-whoring.


Wake, See, Sing, Dance
Mar 23, 2012
I dont know what anyone else thinks, whether they like or dislike her, but cheers for telling me about this person, I actually like Lana Del Rey's songs.

I just listened to some on youtube and im not going to start defending or defaming her, I just enjoy the sound.

Although maybe some lyrics are a little cheesy on some songs but that isn't always the most important thing.

ps: This shows how out of touch I am with common opinions and trends lol. Not the hating or liking her part, the fact that I hadn't heard her music.


May 3, 2009
Instinctual Variant
I dont know what anyone else thinks, whether they like or dislike her, but cheers for telling me about this person, I actually like Lana Del Rey's songs.

I just listened to some on youtube and im not going to start defending or defaming her, I just enjoy the sound.

Although maybe some lyrics are a little cheesy on some songs but that isn't always the most important thing.

Well yeah if you dislike her you dislike her, but hating her seems to be a trend with some people. As if she represents ANYTHING politically or financially or otherwise important. She's not the president, she's not a senator,she's not a CEO of a corporation, she doesn't work on Wall Street, she's not even an upper class girl - she's from the middle class. She's not even a loud feminist voice like Gloria Steinham. She's a musician.

People seem to be up in arms that she was once Lizzy Grant, apparently not at all aware that Eminem was once called Marshall Mathers (no, actually I'm pretty sure he shares that info), and that Pat Benetar, new wave queen of the early 80's, started out as an opera singer and was called "too Julie Andrews to do rock and roll."

It's not unusual for a PERFORMER to change their name, or their style (David Bowie and Madonna do it every few years); and it's also completely reasonable for an artist to build an artistic image around a particular concept or aesthetic the artist likes. I mean what is an artist, a real artist, other than someone who either reinvents themselves or the world around them...or both?

Hatred of Lana del Rey weirds me out, and because I love her stuff so much I tend to go overboard defending her probably, but on the other hand it seems so illogical to me to hate someone for being ...um...a performer and an artist. Big whoop. She changed her name and her fashion....um yeah, she was a broke college student when she was Lizzy Grant, it probably took a little more cash to build the particular fashion aesthetic she really wanted to create for herself.

I'm not big on hating on these types of performers, though. I even kind of like Lady Gaga, though I don't like her as much as I like Lana del Rey.

I mean I find Justin Bieber annoying, but I don't want him to die or anything, you know.


Jun 26, 2010
I like some of her songs. I think people tend to hate her because she seems artificial. Her performance on SNL wasn't too great either.