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Stuck in IxTP Limbo

What type is Sas?

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New member
Jul 20, 2007
I know I have I, T and P but I’m doubting my S/N again.

I started off with MBTI thinking I was INTP, I read the profile which was eerily accurate and took several online tests which all came up INTP. I think those original tests should carry a lot of weight since I didn't know anything about MBTI. Once I found INTPc and #intp on IRC and spent some time there but I didn’t feel like I was among kindred spirits. So I read about Se and Ne in detail and thought maybe I’m ISTP instead.

I think the main problem is that I don’t do the things that either type likes to do. Most of the INTPs on the board seem to like higher math, programming, they’re in college, they’re way brainier than me though I am brainier than average. My brain gags on math higher than the basic four function calculator type, programming sounds like dull drudgery and I *hate* school. INTPs appear to enjoy beer bonging knowledge, I’d rather sponge up interesting facts here and there. They’re also overwhelmingly Enneagram type 5w4 and some 5w6. I’m 6w5, that’s three notches difference which seems fairly significant.

For ISTPs I hate getting my hands dirty, I’d rather avoid physical activity, I can take something apart and put it back together and have it work but meh. I’m not really into *doing* anything. No, I’m not depressed, I feel perfectly fine. Dicking around on the computer and playing games has pretty much been my sole interest for the past 9 years since I’ve had a PC.

So if the INTPs on the boards are the average and if I am an INTP then I’m a distant outlier. I’m not sure what other ISTPs are like since from what I can tell the other ISTPs on the board are kind of iffy about their types as well. But I’m defiantly not the stereotypical ISTP.

I think I read that S/N is the last function thing to establish itself and I’m almost 22 so that could be part of it. I was home schooled until I was 13 ½, completely alone, no friends. Just me, my library card and a pile of legos. Having to live more in my head may have contributed to a balanced S/N if that is the case.

I'm thoroughly confused so lets all vote on it instead. :D


Protocol Droid
Jul 1, 2007
I think you're an ISTP... you're don't have that "civilized yet wacky" air of most INTP's.

You're probably just a more Ti-Ni focused ISTP. There are examples of every Introverted type that don't really like to do things... even SP's. And from what I can tell, an ES_P can even become depressed enough to not want to go anywhere/do anything. So an "I" might not want to do things in the first place.


heart on fire
May 19, 2007
Sass, you sound a lot like my ISTP nephew. He is often in his head as well and playing computer games. He likes Civilization. His topics of conversation seem more earthy than abstract. When he's in his head, he is not poundering philosophy and abstract stuff. His dreams touch the earth more often. He is intelligent but he had a very hard time with school type work.

I think you are onto something that you've developed more N because of imposed inactivity in childhood.


insert random title here
May 8, 2007
Instinctual Variant
You sound like me when I don't have enough to do and I get bored and apathetic :laugh:

I don't really know if I'm ISTP or INTJ or something else though, so I'm pretty useless :D (at least INTP is mostly ruled out)

You don't say enough to tell between intp or istp though. I can't really say.


New member
Jul 20, 2007
That’s the thing, I don’t really have the telltale interest of either type that would nail it. I'm probably ISTP but it's the ambiguity that bothers me.


ENFJ In Chains
Nov 5, 2007
Instinctual Variant
IMO, Sass, you're ISTP with an assertive N. But I also want to point out that STPs (particularly ISTPs) have their own spooky stand-alone brand of "intuition", even when they aren't primary (or dominant) Ns.

I have a friend who's an ENTJ, but she frequently comes off as an ESTJ to those who don't know her well - her S is very active, but not her dominant function.

And you don't have to like to get your hands dirty to fit the bill. I've known other ISTPs who were cat-like in their fastidiousness and not evenly remotely N. Flipside: I've known INTPs who really enjoyed getting dirty and working with their hands, and none of them (that I knew personally) had an S worth spit. So. Anomalies that aren't so anomalous in places? Perhaps.

EDIT: I want to add that a great many ISTPs of my acquaintance have felt the same "iffy" feeling about their type. I think that's the ISTP phantom Intuition asserting itself coupled with the Perceiving which wants to leave the doors open.

alcea rosea

New member
Nov 11, 2007
I know I have I, T and P but I’m doubting my S/N again.

I started off with MBTI thinking I was INTP, I read the profile which was eerily accurate and took several online tests which all came up INTP. I think those original tests should carry a lot of weight since I didn't know anything about MBTI. Once I found INTPc and #intp on IRC and spent some time there but I didn’t feel like I was among kindred spirits. So I read about Se and Ne in detail and thought maybe I’m ISTP instead.

I think the main problem is that I don’t do the things that either type likes to do. Most of the INTPs on the board seem to like higher math, programming, they’re in college, they’re way brainier than me though I am brainier than average. My brain gags on math higher than the basic four function calculator type, programming sounds like dull drudgery and I *hate* school. INTPs appear to enjoy beer bonging knowledge, I’d rather sponge up interesting facts here and there. They’re also overwhelmingly Enneagram type 5w4 and some 5w6. I’m 6w5, that’s three notches difference which seems fairly significant.

For ISTPs I hate getting my hands dirty, I’d rather avoid physical activity, I can take something apart and put it back together and have it work but meh. I’m not really into *doing* anything. No, I’m not depressed, I feel perfectly fine. Dicking around on the computer and playing games has pretty much been my sole interest for the past 9 years since I’ve had a PC.

So if the INTPs on the boards are the average and if I am an INTP then I’m a distant outlier. I’m not sure what other ISTPs are like since from what I can tell the other ISTPs on the board are kind of iffy about their types as well. But I’m defiantly not the stereotypical ISTP.

I think I read that S/N is the last function thing to establish itself and I’m almost 22 so that could be part of it. I was home schooled until I was 13 ½, completely alone, no friends. Just me, my library card and a pile of legos. Having to live more in my head may have contributed to a balanced S/N if that is the case.

I'm thoroughly confused so lets all vote on it instead. :D

My husband is quite similar "case" as you. ;) He is probably ISTP but could be INTP/J too. His strongest funtion is absolutely Ti but that's something in common with ISTP and INTP. He has really the big picture thinking but then he has also strong Se. Based on the descriptions he is more ISTP.

Try to decide if Se or Ne would seem more familiar to you as your auxiliar funtion. It's something people can see about you maybe better than Ti.

I really can't say if you are ISTP or INTP because I haven't met you in the real life. ;)
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The Ü™

May 26, 2007
Instinctual Variant
For ISTPs I hate getting my hands dirty, I’d rather avoid physical activity, I can take something apart and put it back together and have it work but meh. I’m not really into *doing* anything. No, I’m not depressed, I feel perfectly fine. Dicking around on the computer and playing games has pretty much been my sole interest for the past 9 years since I’ve had a PC.

I would say that playing computer games constitutes as "doing" and physical activity, technically, but in a more controlled environment so that's very much in ISTP domain. But I think the reasons are different. Ti is a strategic way of thinking, so that's very much in line with video games, but an Se type is more interested in acquiring the skill, while the Ne is more interested in being creatively inspired.

As for Enneagram, Enneagram 6 seems to be pretty much open doors for all MBTI types more than any other. (Although Jung correlated it with introverted feeling.)


New member
Nov 20, 2007
I'm certainly no expert, but in the short time I've been here I've read a lot of your posts and you seem VERY down-to-earth, no-bs, and the ISTP makes sense to me. I'm not getting much N from the posts I've read. But as someone else said, you probably have strong N or perhaps you are balanced and IXTP is your type? (I'm a bit of a fence sitter myself between F and T).


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Sass, when I've read your posts, you seem more into the practical than the esoteric/whimsical, and you also have that hard tertiary Ni coming out a lot.

So you do seem to have more in common in how you process things and present yourself with ISTP, than with INTP.


My termites win
Aug 6, 2007
IMO, Sass, you're ISTP with an assertive N. But I also want to point out that STPs (particularly ISTPs) have their own spooky stand-alone brand of "intuition", even when they aren't primary (or dominant) Ns.

Yeah. I think it's the tertiary at work. Their Ni servers the role of "relief" in the positive aspect. The role of being "unsettling" in the negative aspect. At least according to Linda Berens.

Maybe that's another reason (beyond both being Chart-the-Course types) that INTJs and ISTPs are similar.

Many of my ISTP schoolmates, I had guessed as INTJs initially. "?" has posted some things on how to differentiate between them. I believe this is the link.

The same info can be found in the Understanding Yourself and Others® series of books.


Well-known member
Sep 28, 2007
I know I have I, T and P but I’m doubting my S/N again.

I started off with MBTI thinking I was INTP, I read the profile which was eerily accurate and took several online tests which all came up INTP. I think those original tests should carry a lot of weight since I didn't know anything about MBTI. Once I found INTPc and #intp on IRC and spent some time there but I didn’t feel like I was among kindred spirits. So I read about Se and Ne in detail and thought maybe I’m ISTP instead.

I think the main problem is that I don’t do the things that either type likes to do. Most of the INTPs on the board seem to like higher math, programming, they’re in college, they’re way brainier than me though I am brainier than average. My brain gags on math higher than the basic four function calculator type, programming sounds like dull drudgery and I *hate* school. INTPs appear to enjoy beer bonging knowledge, I’d rather sponge up interesting facts here and there. They’re also overwhelmingly Enneagram type 5w4 and some 5w6. I’m 6w5, that’s three notches difference which seems fairly significant.

For ISTPs I hate getting my hands dirty, I’d rather avoid physical activity, I can take something apart and put it back together and have it work but meh. I’m not really into *doing* anything. No, I’m not depressed, I feel perfectly fine. Dicking around on the computer and playing games has pretty much been my sole interest for the past 9 years since I’ve had a PC.

So if the INTPs on the boards are the average and if I am an INTP then I’m a distant outlier. I’m not sure what other ISTPs are like since from what I can tell the other ISTPs on the board are kind of iffy about their types as well. But I’m defiantly not the stereotypical ISTP.

I think I read that S/N is the last function thing to establish itself and I’m almost 22 so that could be part of it. I was home schooled until I was 13 ½, completely alone, no friends. Just me, my library card and a pile of legos. Having to live more in my head may have contributed to a balanced S/N if that is the case.

I'm thoroughly confused so lets all vote on it instead.
For the reasons that I put in bold, I think you're ISTP.
Not all ISTPs are athletic, some are more nerdy - and I mean that in the nicest way possible. :wink:



Luctor et emergo
Dec 12, 2007
Instinctual Variant
I would've thought these types were relatively easy to decide between. Especially if you take Keirsey's interpretation of them into account. The ISTP is the 'operator'. The gunslingers of the old west and the hitmen and assassins of today. Give them a tool; they will operate it. And they do it with such finesse that they look good in the process. Perfect for handiwork; from mechanics and builders to snipers. From birth, these guys are fiddling with some kind of machinery or tool, and if not, they're in the process of making it. ISTPs can be very adventurous and fun-loving; their the most common type of introverted Seven (in the Enneagram), but Fives, Sixes and many Nines can quite easily be ISTPs IMO.

The INTP is a much more in-their-head type. They're complex characters who build systems (along with the ENTP, while the xNTJs implement them) with their ideas. Much more than that, I couldn't say. You'd have to find someone with a better understanding of an INTP than me (e.g. an INTP).


New member
Aug 26, 2007
I will make fool out of myself, but I would like to suggest another option. Have you ever thought of INTJ ? The reason I am asking is this:if not knowing whether you are S or N really bothers you, if you feel that you MUST settle this, it might be very well that you are J. I personally know a professional MBTI practitioner, who says she cannot figure out whether she is INFP or ISFP, and it does not seem to bother her the slightest. She even has INFP/ISFP on her email signature and her business card. Ps can deal with this kind of ambivalence much easier thant Js.

Also, I have noticed that your posts are usually very short and to the point, while Ps tend to write longer and more complex posts (need to bring in a few more perspectives....).

As for S vs. N: if you hang out in this kind of forum, and if you are not definitely sure about your type, the most likely answer is IN.


New member
May 2, 2007
For ISTPs I hate getting my hands dirty, I’d rather avoid physical activity, I can take something apart and put it back together and have it work but meh. I’m not really into *doing* anything. No, I’m not depressed, I feel perfectly fine. Dicking around on the computer and playing games has pretty much been my sole interest for the past 9 years since I’ve had a PC.
This sounds a great deal like me when I was younger, and somewhat today. However, I have come to realize how much the physical activity and things takes some getting dirty, is quite healthy for me. I too thought that I was 6w5 for quite some time, however am sure that I have 6w5, 9w8 and 3w4 in my triad. I have posted the ISTP confusion all over the forum, but just click on my signature (ISTP) for a more expedient access. I have also posted the temperament test on various sites. Attempt to determine that if you have it narrowed to these two types. Like you I immediately had the Step II administered which resulted in a light "N" over "S". It had taken me about five years to discover my best-fit type. If you are truly 6w5 then that in it self may not satisfy you since that type looks for 100% guarantee in most things. I am curious to how you determined your enneagram type. Does this sound like you:
Sixes with a 5 wing are generally introverted and somewhat intellectual. When healthy, they often have many realms of interest as well as surprising competencies and skills. May have an original and idiosyncratic point of view. Can be bookish; some are interested in history or feel rooted in the past or related to a long tradition. Also good at predicting the future. May test potential friends for a long time but once you're in, you're in - a friend for life.

When more entranced, they may project a willed remoteness. Have a "tip of the iceberg" quality - they show little but you sense hidden dimensions, intensity and activity. Tension between needing to be seen and withdrawing for protection. Might act arrogant or cryptic or cynical when afraid.

When phobic, can be diplomatic and say things without saying them. Entranced counterphobics are either cool and loners or argumentative, tending towards violence. Can brood over injustices to them, entertain conspiracy theories, spend time alone building cases. Paranoia in private. May like secretive behind-the-scenes group activity. Sneaky vengeance, passive/aggressive toward others, self-attacking and self-destructive at home.


New member
May 2, 2007
I will make fool out of myself, but I would like to suggest another option. Have you ever thought of INTJ ?
Good points, in particularly with the 6w5. Ti-Ni and Se-Te can be look-a-likes. Also ISTP and INTJ share the same interaction style. Most likely Sass is Theorist (NT)-Improviser (SP) or Traditionalist (SJ). Yet again as I posted earlier, I hated getting my hands dirty as a child. I was not that in to school, however I did hang in there to get my Bachelors many moons ago.

miss fortune

not to be trusted
Oct 4, 2007
Instinctual Variant
I clicked INTP, not because I think that you ARE an INTP- I simply don't think that you are an ISTP! :laugh:

When I think ISTP I think Grayscale- someone who's active but still introverted! You're also much more stubborn about arguing things like your atheism argument that went on for PAGES that one time and I quit reading since I got bored with all of the arguing and such! :laugh:

I agree with Developer actually- you've always seemed more INTJ to me somehow than ISTP :thelook:- well, lets just say that you seemed introverted and thinking, but the S and the P just didn't hit me as quite right.

From what I've read you're really quite different than me! You're cautious about things, you worry about bad things happening to you if you take risks (even driving!!!) and you prefer not to move! :shock: That's TOTALLY un-me! As your extroverted counterpart I'd think that you'd be more like me than that! :)


New member
May 2, 2007
From what I've read you're really quite different than me! You're cautious about things, you worry about bad things happening to you if you take risks (even driving!!!) and you prefer not to move! :shock: That's TOTALLY un-me! As your extroverted counterpart I'd think that you'd be more like me than that! :)
That is why I honed in on the 6w5. MBTI has a couple of problems in application, in my opinion. There is very little information that shows how types interact with their environment. This is where the enneagram can be useful. The descriptions of MBTI deal with healthy types in general. The enneagram takes into account average to unhealthy personalities.
I still prescribe to Linda V. Berens and Dario Nardi’s descriptions of type, because they are quite functional. First the names have meanings. The first name is how we see ourselves and the latter, is how others see us. Since we are highly subjective in nature, we can most likely see the first name, however totally disagree with the other because it takes some objectivity. Thus, the Designer-Theorizer will see themselves as such, whereas the Conceptualizer-Director will see that they are highly conceptual and the Analyzer-Operator will first notice that they analyze. Interestingly, I could not see Operator at all in me, because of my limited view of the word. Per the thesaurus, one who operates does not necessarily pertain to mechanics. The word is synonymous with
Synonyms: abettor, actor, advocate, ambassador, assignee, assistant, attorney, broker, commissioner, delegate, deputy, doer, emissary, envoy, executor, factor, factotum, functionary, go-between, handler, intermediary, lawyer, mediary, middleman, minister, mover, negotiator, officer, operative, operator, proctor, promoter, proxy, representative, salesman, servant, steward, substitute, surrogate, worker