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I'm an ENTP, not an SJ. However, why am I not an ENTJ?


Luctor et emergo
Dec 12, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Completely ruled out SJ after having read Keirsey's chapter on Guardians

I'm closer to ESTP than ESTJ. I have little doubt that I'm an NT though. I'll decide which one when I get to the chapter on it.
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Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Right, contrary to the many tests I've taken, I'm going to call it a day and dub myself ENTP. I think that this fits me perfectly, and all this SJ bullshit does not fit. I don't even think I'm J. I think I force myself to be J; I think it's idealised. I think I'm an ENTP through and through.

ENTPs could seem J because they often push a point of view just to get a reaction and spur conversation.

I never really saw you as J. What thread were you exploring this in? I must have missed the conversation.


Protocol Droid
Jul 1, 2007
Right, contrary to the many tests I've taken, I'm going to call it a day and dub myself ENTP. I think that this fits me perfectly, and all this SJ bullshit does not fit. I don't even think I'm J. I think I force myself to be J; I think it's idealised. I think I'm an ENTP through and through.

I think you could have picked a more descriptive title (not to mention a less offensive one). Anyway, you seem like you could be an ENTP, but I'd need more information about your behavior before I could guess.

And if you don't want any input (which is what you implied), why start a thread?


Furry Critter with Claws
Sep 25, 2007
Right, contrary to the many tests I've taken, I'm going to call it a day and dub myself ENTP. I think that this fits me perfectly, and all this SJ bullshit does not fit. I don't even think I'm J. I think I force myself to be J; I think it's idealised. I think I'm an ENTP through and through.

Cool! I force myself to be P a lot of time. If I didn't I would go insane. When I was younger I was incredibly rigid and thought excessively about what I would say, and so I force myself to relax and to just get out something when I need to. I think it's a silly idea that we are the same type all the time unless we are under stress. Sometimes we just choose to be different. Do you feel that ENTP is your default type?


Luctor et emergo
Dec 12, 2007
Instinctual Variant
As a kid, ENTP was what I was. I first took an MBTI test when I was 14ish. The result was ENFP. Then I took it again a bit later and it came out as ENTP. From then on, I have always been a Thinking type.

Now, I'll turn this into a typing thread. Athenian, relax, I will change the title and I'll give you something to talk about. Jennifer, a) don't worry about having missed a typing thread; it was sort of in the introduction, and then I created another one about being an ExTJ, and b) how could you have 'never seen me as J'? I've been here for about a week.

Right, prepare for a monologue. Only the INTJs can help me now.:nerd:Just kidding.

On E/I

I've always felt that I was, at heart, Extraverted. Although I've scored Introverted quite recently, as both an INTJ and as an ISTJ, I put this more down to the way in which the questions are phrased than to the fact that I am actually Introverted. Just because I value solitude immensely, and like my space does not make me Introverted. I am Extraverted because I'm energised by meeting people. Even if, before a party or clubbing, I think "fuck, I really cannot be arsed going out tonight", when I get there it takes me a little while to adapt, and then I like it. Never love, just like. The music might be brilliant, but the combination of drinking, dancing and good music doesn't make a good night out for me. I often have the feeling that I grew up too early, and so that when I wanted to do all the stuff my age group does now, I couldn't legally, because I was too young. I much prefer sitting around and socialising and talking politics to partying. I feel more at home there; I feel it's more my scene, and I enjoy it far more than partying. Anyway, this is essentially irrelevant. What you can gather from it is that it's not a case of which scene I'm at that determines my Extraversion or Introversion, but the quality of company. The better the company, the more I enjoy myself.

On S/N

I love sensations. I love good music, good food and drink, good company (as expressed above). It energises me, and I love the energising feeling. It gives me a healthy, natural boost. By my best friend's standard, I am practical, down-to-earth and sometimes too single-minded. By society's standards, I am irregular and a bit weird. It's the way I don't give a shit about the little conventions set down by my age group. Flirting? Why? Need? If you want someone, go get them. If they like you, you will pick them up. However, I'm a massive fan of age-old tradition and values, like family, loyalty and honour; that kind of thing. I have questioned them in the past, and I find them to be the best ways of living. This is one of the reasons I have trouble seeing myself as an xSTJ. I haven't just followed these principles through and through, dogmatically. I've actually had a look at everything I believe in, and decided what is best. I have tried and almost always succeeded in living by those standards. This makes me think NT is much more likely than SJ. It's not about "just because"; it's about "because I have analysed these values, and said to myself, 'this is inherently a good way of living; it benefits society'". I hate following things unquestioningly. Firstly, I'm an 8, secondly, I trust myself and my own beliefs and opinions about a matter far more than anyone else could ever make me trust them. This is one reason why I will not be joining the army after I've finished the OTC. My worst fear is to have someone commanding me to 'shoot him'. It's not about the action; it's about being completely subjected to someone in almost every way; mentally, physically and even spiritually. It's a horrible, horrific scenario for me.

One thing I do think I've begun to lack is imagination and open-mindedness. In recent months, I've noticed this, and have begun to change it. As a kid, I used to be so open and accepting of ideas. It's only been in the past two or three years that I've become so single-minded and, more importantly, determined. My ambition has become much more concrete and ambitious, haha. I've settled on a career choice, and have been settled on this for at least a year. I used to dart around like a fickle. Okay, minor changes have occurred, such as "I might be a solicitor instead of a barrister", but the fundamental idea is there; I'm going to earn a lot of money - that is my life goal. Why do I want to do this? Because I want to enjoy the things in life that are comfortable and that give me new and wonderful sensations? To some extent, yes. But what I want to do is create a family, and give them - without spoiling them - the best quality of life I can afford them. This would bring me the utmost happiness, oh yes it would. A nice house, a wife, and two kids. You're damn right it's conventional. But at least I know why I want it, and I'm not doing it because my parents want me to. And who knows, maybe in twenty or thirty years time, my goals may change.

On T/F

This is going to be a much shorter affair. In short, I know I'm T. Grossly over-Thinking, that is. It's the only letter that has not changed (after that first Feeling one) once. I'm logical, analytic, cold and objective, and people dislike me for it. Not all people; but problems do arise. For example, earlier on this year, my cat died. I wasn't sad. My sister was really upset. As she cradled her dead body, I said 'It's just a dead body!' My mother takes this as a defence mechanism, and says I'm upset but am trying to hide it. In all truth and honesty to you people and to everyone I've spoken to about it since, this is complete shit. I was trying to reduce the intensity of the atmosphere, because I felt what I felt, and I say what I say. It really is just a dead body. There's nothing to hold onto. Let it go for god's sake. It just annoyed me, such an irrational action. Another instance; I was talking about my values and beliefs to my mother, her boyfriend and my best friend on a walk a few days ago, and I casually said 'okay, what's worse - genocide of a nation, or popping off some rounds to kill terrorists and murdering innocent civilians in the process?' to get across the point that the British Army was inherently a good institution which is there to protect us. I am very optimistic about the UK and its institutions. I think our prime ministers have always understood what they are doing and why. Anyway, at 'popping off' she kind of went 'Oh Ezra! In a half 'omfg this is hopeless' and a half serious way'. I was fine with it. Clearly she thought I was dehumanising everything. Anyway, I've never doubted my being Thinking.

On P/J

I love order. I love organisation. I love tidiness. I like routine. The thing is, I can't always be bothered to do something about chaos, disorganisation, mess or unplanned actions. Take now, for example. My room is a tip. I'll do something about it when it annoys me, or when I say to myself "Ez, you're a Judger; why isn't your room tidy?" Also, I do like some level of flexibility. But I also love planned action. I kept my work out routine up for months. It's when I've done in my arm or something and have to stop that I find it very hard to get into. I can maintain routine; I just don't always enjoy it. I much prefer new and interesting days. It makes me feel cooler.

Sorry, for the length. Now, decipher my analytical minions, decipher!


Dec 17, 2007
Congratulations on arriving to a decision!

Now I'm going to say something irrelevant.

The title of this thread made my day. Thanks, dude! :)


Luctor et emergo
Dec 12, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Why ENTJ more likely than ENTP in your opinion?


ENFJ In Chains
Nov 5, 2007
Instinctual Variant
The title alone would sway the doubters to ENTP, Mav.... *laughs* :D


Tenured roisterer
Apr 23, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Have you read my ENTP profile?


New member
May 27, 2007
I agree with Pink, the title says ENTP. ENTJ would be more strategic and not be able to resist thinking "ah, but I might offend some people with that, so in order to achieve my objective I had better make sure I don't put off potential inputters..." or something like that. ENTP would just say "fuck that". It's a sorta "let the chips fall where they may" mentality that I relate to very much :)

Also your writing style has Ne written all over it.

I think the old fashioned values is your inferior Si aspiring to the things you lack by nature. I get that too, and it's good for you if you harness it well (as it seems you have) as opposed to let it make a hypocritical "do as I say and not as I do" rule nazi, as bad Si is prone to do...

Regarding the I/E partying thing. I totally get you on that. I can do clubbing, wild parties and all that, and enjoy them. But I'm the most at home in the lounge bar with the port and the cigars (figuratively, I don't actually smoke) and the relaxed (if at times heated) conversation. But the more people, the merrier... up to a point. But yeah, just being with people generally, even in a situation I'm not mad keen on, as long as I don't hate it, it will do me more good than harm.

So yeah, though I didn't have any opinion and knew nothing about you before hand, in a 'takes one to know one' kinda way I'd put you down as ENTP from this thread.

But what Jennifer says is right though... I can come through as ENTJ at times, and get that result with about 4 out of 11 tests. Not that I'm presenting myself as the archetypal ENTP or anything. But I don't think anyone doubts my type - or at least if they do, they haven't said anything :unsure:


Luctor et emergo
Dec 12, 2007
Instinctual Variant
substitute, yep, we're the same. ENTP. All these tests where I've been getting ESTJ - they don't reflect my nature for shit. The first time I did it I got ENFP. The second time; ENTP. This reflects my true nature. From then on, shit just got skewered. The questions are phrased stupidly in every test. Every single test, 'practical' means S, 'organised' means J. I am these things, but I'm sure as hell not a prude who spends his days making lists and doing as the rules dictate. On the few occasions I've been getting INTJ; fair enough, because I know the E/I and P/J has definitely been balancing it out in recent years. But the tests are still crap. And that cognitive processes one ALWAYS brings me out as an ISTJ. Apparently I have a lot of Si. I just think it's as useless as the others; just phrased differently.

Anyway, to all others, stop getting offended about a title. It really does mean nothing. I don't understand what a pure and heavenly existence you must've been brought up in if you can't accept swearing.

In socionics, I am SLE (ESTp); in a Te/Fi (fair enough), Se/Ni valuing quadra - Beta. If you know about this, any of you, tell me if ENTP and SLE are compatible at the heart of both types, or if I need to readjust my typing.

Oh wait; forget it. I've just found out they are. Yep, Alexander the Great is an ENTP. He is also an SLE in socionics. I am Alexander the Great.


Luctor et emergo
Dec 12, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Have you read my ENTP profile?

No. I've only read one at typelogic, and another one with a pale background. I agree with most of it; the only thing I don't agree with are things like

"Question authority! (then do exactly what it tells you)" sums up the dilemma in which ENTPs may find themselves by attempting to best the tarbaby Sensing.

It's so 6ish. It doesn't apply to me at all. And there's also this shit about how the 6 is like the juggling, bumbling professor. I scoff at that, like a toff scoffs at the working class as he gallops along on his horse. Okay, I can be pretty scattered and "oh!" "ooh!" "yeah, btw!" *cuts off mid sentence* in my thinking, but I'm not one of these characters. I'm pretty damn grounded. I just have a lot of ideas that often come to me at once, and I think far quicker than I speak, so it sounds like shit, when it all makes perfect sense in my head.


Luctor et emergo
Dec 12, 2007
Instinctual Variant

It now seem to think that based on this:

extraverted Sensing (Se) ******************************** (32.1)
good use
introverted Sensing (Si) ************************* (25.5)
average use
extraverted Intuiting (Ne) **************************************** (40.5)
excellent use
introverted Intuiting (Ni) ******************** (20.2)
limited use
extraverted Thinking (Te) **************************** (28.5)
average use
introverted Thinking (Ti) ************************************* (37.1)
excellent use
extraverted Feeling (Fe) **************** (16.2)
limited use
introverted Feeling (Fi) *************************************** (39.5)
excellent use

I am INFP. This test is shit.


Wannabe genius
Jun 12, 2007
It now seem to think that based on this:

extraverted Sensing (Se) ******************************** (32.1)
good use
introverted Sensing (Si) ************************* (25.5)
average use
extraverted Intuiting (Ne) **************************************** (40.5)
excellent use
introverted Intuiting (Ni) ******************** (20.2)
limited use
extraverted Thinking (Te) **************************** (28.5)
average use
introverted Thinking (Ti) ************************************* (37.1)
excellent use
extraverted Feeling (Fe) **************** (16.2)
limited use
introverted Feeling (Fi) *************************************** (39.5)
excellent use

I am INFP. This test is shit.

It's not shit at all, you are just reading the results in a shallow way. What the test is basically saying is that you are a NP. It's too close to call between the different NP types based on the test, but I am sure you can through introspection. ;)

By the way, you are not an ENTJ because your Te and Ni is too weak. Your Ti and Ne is clearly stronger.

Ghost of the dead horse

filling some space
Sep 7, 2007
I am INFP. This test is shit.
It's not shit at all, you are just reading the results in a shallow way.
I'm divided.. this test gave results that I got from somewhere else too, INTP a few months ago. It just gets me more confused when there's some variation in the test results.

I'm not at all comfortable with this test either..


Wannabe genius
Jun 12, 2007
I'm divided.. this test gave results that I got from somewhere else too, INTP a few months ago. It just gets me more confused when there's some variation in the test results.

I'm not at all comfortable with this test either..

In order to read it properly, you need some knowledge about function theory. If not, many read it way too literary, and are not able to see what it clearly says, and what is still uncertain, based on the test. The test itself doesn't really say anything about it either, so you have to interpret the raw scores yourself for the test to be at its most valuable. The test is only as good as the one interpreting the scores.


Well-known member
Sep 28, 2007
That test isn't trustworthy. I tested 2 or 3 times as an INTP and my J is close to 75% strong.