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[SP] SPs and Details


likes this
Mar 3, 2010
Inspired from IZthe411's post...

So, I never thought I was that detail-oriented, and I often am not, but one way I have realized I notice/care about details is in an aesthetic sense. I notice things like how raindrops have collected on leaves after a storm, the shape and material of objects like dishes, the type of bottle that shampoo comes in, and things like that. In the right mood I can spend HOURS working intensely on the intricacies of something like animal fur on a drawing, going over it until I feel satisfied with the result.

In my engineering classes I’d sometimes get killed on tests for stuff like simple addition errors or forgetting to carry 2x to the next line or something. I have trouble remembering birthdays and special days like that, too… so I always thought I was bad with details, but now I’m realizing that this perception about myself maybe isn’t entirely true.

SPs (SFPs?) do you consider yourself detail-oriented? How so?


Artisan Conquerer
Jan 20, 2009
Instinctual Variant
I am detail oriented about things that matter to me.

Part of this is due to me having a mild case of OCD.

It's easy to focus on details if I care about the end result of something, and so I'm able to "obsess" on it in somewhat of a healthy manner and get the job done well.

My ADHD on the other hand blows my capacity to focus on things I am not very entheusiastic about having to do out of the water. Ooopsy. :laugh:

My P/J scores are 52/48 respectively, so I might be a little better at detail oriented things than folks that are significantly more P than J.

Finally, I am a business analyst and have specialized in developing information systems for the bulk of my 16 year career. You can't be sloppy when it comes to developing information systems. The devil is in the details, and if you don't want to create a million dollar piece of shit, you better think through all the nooks and crannies to make sure every conceivable odd event can be appropriately handled. If you're smart you build in a manual over ride so that in the event you do forget something and it manifests once you have launched into production, it does not become a show stopper, and you can patch it up in the next release, usually called the "enhancements phase." :newwink:


Jun 30, 2008
I was at the zoo today, my kids needed pics for a drawing project for school. My daughter decided that she wanted a picture of the penguin swimming. I thought I'd take it with my phone, it has a good camera. The phone went flat because I had forgotten one important detail, to charge it. I grabbed the digital camera from my wife and held it steady for ten to fifteen minutes because I got it in my head a pic of the penguin diving in would be cool. All the while getting pressure from my son and wife that we were going to run out of time.

I got the pic. I think I am more stubborn than detail oriented.

miss fortune

not to be trusted
Oct 4, 2007
Instinctual Variant
I am only detail oriented when I have to be to get my way... otherwise I'm likely to walk into traffic while admiring the higher up details on tall buildings or fall into a creek while trying to catch a lovely butterfly :blush:


Apr 6, 2008
I am detail orientated in the moment, part of why I like fishing is spotting subtle movements in the water or sensation on the line. I am poor at recalling details though.

Walking Tourist

it's tea time!
Nov 11, 2008
I am very detail oriented. I am very focused on color, shape, form in nature. I've been spending a lot of time tending to people's gardens this summer. I pull weeds and I prune bushes. It's a good time to focus on detail because I need to recognize where the poison ivy is so that I don't touch it!
As a reader, I appreciate a lot of detail and description in the books that I like.
When I'm out walking, I love to look at all of those little details around me... the shapes of the leaves, the colors, the ripples in the water, the birds...

stellar renegade

Jul 13, 2009
I'm with all the SPs who've said that they're only good at certain types of details and have bad memories. hah.

As a reader, I appreciate a lot of detail and description in the books that I like.
Yeah, dude, I can't stand it when a book only halfway describes something that just confuses me. Hello, some of us don't have enough imagination to fill in the blanks!

When I'm out walking, I love to look at all of those little details around me... the shapes of the leaves, the colors, the ripples in the water, the birds...
Dude, I have the utmost reverence and awe of nature. She is beautiful, indeed...

stellar renegade

Jul 13, 2009
Dude, there's this one pair of boobies with stars tattooed over the pierced nipples that's simply UNFORGETTABLE. :devil:

...I say this all tongue-in-cheek, of course, as I'm extremely faithful to my beloved.

But, DAMN.

Walking Tourist

it's tea time!
Nov 11, 2008
I agree that half-assed descriptions are totally annoying and confusing. I do get that Huh? reaction. And then, my feverish imagination kicks in, but the result of that is probably nothing that the author intended!!!:cheese:
Nature is amazing. I was out for a six-mile walk today, mostly along the river. It was a perfect day, with very few clouds in the sky and just a slight breeze.
I hope that you're having a good day!

Yeah, dude, I can't stand it when a book only halfway describes something that just confuses me. Hello, some of us don't have enough imagination to fill in the blanks!

Dude, I have the utmost reverence and awe of nature. She is beautiful, indeed...

Walking Tourist

it's tea time!
Nov 11, 2008
The obsession that you guys have with parts of the female anatomy is so funny! If you saw a lovely set of Boobies, would you follow them for miles and get hopelessly lost before you finally lost track of the aforementioned boobies?:D:devil:

I remember boobies with astonishing accuracy. Does that count? :thinking:

Yes. Yes it does.

Dude, there's this one pair of boobies with stars tattooed over the pierced nipples that's simply UNFORGETTABLE. :devil:

...I say this all tongue-in-cheek, of course, as I'm extremely faithful to my beloved.

But, DAMN.


Apr 6, 2008
I have a poor memory when it comes to boobs, I need to see them again and again to spark my memory, ahem. :nerd:

stellar renegade

Jul 13, 2009
I agree that half-assed descriptions are totally annoying and confusing. I do get that Huh? reaction. And then, my feverish imagination kicks in, but the result of that is probably nothing that the author intended!!!:cheese:
Nature is amazing. I was out for a six-mile walk today, mostly along the river. It was a perfect day, with very few clouds in the sky and just a slight breeze.
I hope that you're having a good day!
Wow, that sounds like the walks I used to take. hahaha. Which river? Pretty frickin' sweet, I wish I had a river to walk alongside. It was nice and sunny and breezy up here in Seattle, too! Woo! I need to take a walk in the ol' forest on a day like this sometime...

The obsession that you guys have with parts of the female anatomy is so funny! If you saw a lovely set of Boobies, would you follow them for miles and get hopelessly lost before you finally lost track of the aforementioned boobies?:D:devil:
...how ...did you ...know!? :shock:

I have a poor memory when it comes to boobs, I need to see them again and again to spark my memory, ahem. :nerd:
hah, NICE! :nice: :rofl1:

Sunny Ghost

New member
May 28, 2010
You boys. SMH. :fpalm:

Going back to the OP...

When it comes to aesthetic details I am very detail oriented. I zoom in on things in nature or art a lot. I like paying attention to things like line detail from pen or brush strokes, and fluidity of movements in nature.

With age, I've become very detail oriented to writing, too. Choosing the right word and focusing on what I really am trying to express or say; making sure to choose the right word. (My grammar still needs some work.)

Actually, with age I've probably become more detail oriented with just about everything I do. Except finances.


insert random title here
May 8, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Inspired from IZthe411's post...

So, I never thought I was that detail-oriented, and I often am not, but one way I have realized I notice/care about details is in an aesthetic sense. I notice things like how raindrops have collected on leaves after a storm, the shape and material of objects like dishes, the type of bottle that shampoo comes in, and things like that. In the right mood I can spend HOURS working intensely on the intricacies of something like animal fur on a drawing, going over it until I feel satisfied with the result.

In my engineering classes I’d sometimes get killed on tests for stuff like simple addition errors or forgetting to carry 2x to the next line or something. I have trouble remembering birthdays and special days like that, too… so I always thought I was bad with details, but now I’m realizing that this perception about myself maybe isn’t entirely true.

I'm exactly the same (even the drawing!). I never thought I was detail-oriented because I'm so absent-minded, but I notice some details, just not all of them. My roommate thinks I'm really detail-oriented because I can be really nitpicky about the way certain things are done, and I can be detail-oriented in some areas of my grad school work (powerpoint figures are perfectly lined up! great at editing papers!) but not others (careless addition mistakes, leave experiments half-finished, lose everything, forget to write things down, forget to get back to people...).

I don't really know if I consider myself detail-oriented or not, because it's only some details I notice, and I don't have that much control over whether I notice them or not. If I actively try to notice details, I'll get bored instantly and zone out and miss everything. Other times they'll jump out at me and I can't ignore them. So I don't really know.

Sunny Ghost

New member
May 28, 2010
I'm exactly the same (even the drawing!). I never thought I was detail-oriented because I'm so absent-minded, but I notice some details, just not all of them. My roommate thinks I'm really detail-oriented because I can be really nitpicky about the way certain things are done, and I can be detail-oriented in some areas of my grad school work (powerpoint figures are perfectly lined up! great at editing papers!) but not others (careless addition mistakes, leave experiments half-finished, lose everything, forget to write things down, forget to get back to people...).

I don't really know if I consider myself detail-oriented or not, because it's only some details I notice, and I don't have that much control over whether I notice them or not. If I actively try to notice details, I'll get bored instantly and zone out and miss everything. Other times they'll jump out at me and I can't ignore them. So I don't really know.
I think there's a difference between detail oriented and forgetfulness. Maybe I'm mistaken. I'm often forgetful, but focus on the details of the things before me at that moment.


Whatup, this is the only active thread in the SP Private Forum, so this is as good a place as any to post. A heads-up--we're gonna merge this forum with the SP Arthouse.


New member
Jan 1, 2014
Instinctual Variant
Inspired from IZthe411's post...

Which post is that?

So, I never thought I was that detail-oriented, and I often am not, but one way I have realized I notice/care about details is in an aesthetic sense. I notice things like how raindrops have collected on leaves after a storm, the shape and material of objects like dishes, the type of bottle that shampoo comes in, and things like that. In the right mood I can spend HOURS working intensely on the intricacies of something like animal fur on a drawing, going over it until I feel satisfied with the result.

I relate to this. It's obviously all automatically noticed/processed, these things. As for explicitly caring, well sometimes I do that too. In terms of work, I definitely do care.

In my engineering classes I’d sometimes get killed on tests for stuff like simple addition errors or forgetting to carry 2x to the next line or something. I have trouble remembering birthdays and special days like that, too… so I always thought I was bad with details, but now I’m realizing that this perception about myself maybe isn’t entirely true.

I think those are more of logical details or something. Not sensory details. I think there is a distinction to be made here. Btw I am good at these things, I like numbers.

SPs (SFPs?) do you consider yourself detail-oriented? How so?

Yes I do, mainly due to my approach of building the big picture from details. This means an automatic and broad focus on all the details. Somewhere in the background later it might add up into an insight or overview or something.

I can also be really crazily nitpicking in discussions, or I will comment on this or that detail. This is when I'm processing the details in a more serial fashion. But I still do deal with all of them.

And of course I also do the things mentioned above.

PS: if I am an ENTJ then I am sorry for hijacking your thread ;)


New member
Jan 1, 2014
Instinctual Variant
I agree that half-assed descriptions are totally annoying and confusing. I do get that Huh? reaction. And then, my feverish imagination kicks in, but the result of that is probably nothing that the author intended!!!:cheese:

Nice that you even bother with trying to fill in missing details. I don't :)

My P/J scores are 52/48 respectively, so I might be a little better at detail oriented things than folks that are significantly more P than J.

I'm actually pretty P but I'm good at being detail oriented. :eek:

I'm not quite sure if P/J is that strongly related to being oriented to detail, though I can see why you'd assume there's some correlation :)

As a reader, I appreciate a lot of detail and description in the books that I like.

This is interesting, I always skip the overly descriptive parts. I want the action instead ;)

When I'm out walking, I love to look at all of those little details around me... the shapes of the leaves, the colors, the ripples in the water, the birds...

So you are consciously aware of all that, closely looking at one thing then the other thing and so on?

What I do instead is, I just have this broad focus, I don't stop to look at all these small details, only, how to say, the more "important" ones.

I am detail orientated in the moment, part of why I like fishing is spotting subtle movements in the water or sensation on the line. I am poor at recalling details though.

Oh and that, I'm also no good at recalling details, unless there is relevant context calling for it. Then I quite readily recall details effortlessly and surprise myself with it :D

Well and with a bit of effort, I can logically structure details and then recall them at will (without needing context).

Oh and that about fishing, you almost make it sound interesting enough to me. ;) (I like that part, I mean)

I'm exactly the same (even the drawing!). I never thought I was detail-oriented because I'm so absent-minded, but I notice some details, just not all of them. My roommate thinks I'm really detail-oriented because I can be really nitpicky about the way certain things are done, and I can be detail-oriented in some areas of my grad school work (powerpoint figures are perfectly lined up! great at editing papers!) but not others (careless addition mistakes, leave experiments half-finished, lose everything, forget to write things down, forget to get back to people...).

Interesting, I'm not absent-minded like this, somehow I have this instinct reminding me of things or whatever. Like, I want to write something down, but I get distracted temporarily, but then this instinct "fires" off reminding me that I wanted to do this too, hey!

I don't really know if I consider myself detail-oriented or not, because it's only some details I notice, and I don't have that much control over whether I notice them or not. If I actively try to notice details, I'll get bored instantly and zone out and miss everything. Other times they'll jump out at me and I can't ignore them. So I don't really know.

I also don't have control over picking details. I just look at whatever jumps out more at me. I do get bored just like you, and why on earth would you or anyone need to "actively" try and notice details without a purpose?