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[ISFP] The Official Nobody Hates ISFPs Thread

stellar renegade

Jul 13, 2009
Only complaint I can really think of is how some of you overcompensate for your introvertedness by acting unrealistically social at times. Like almost creepy overly social, too nice to be real.

I know it's well-intentioned, but it's a little weird.

Oh yeah, OH YEAHHHH! This is so true.
Man I knew one just like that. I would just freeze up in awe and wouldn't know what to answer her.

Yeah, I knew one like that too, I think. She was completely and utterly quiet like 99% of the time (except once when I heard her randomly singing) but whenever we went out on an outing she was little Miss Chatterbox, friendly as all hell and the magnetic center of all the fun attraction in the area, grabbing the attention of everyone around. My friend commented on that once and said, "I didn't know Lindsay was ever like that," and I said, "Yeah, when she gets out and about she is, apparently." haha.


Jun 30, 2008
Wow, I'm quiet in environments I'm not used to. I'm pretty quiet out on the town too, too many things grab my attention. I'm loud as hell in environments I'm used to.


Protocol Droid
Jul 1, 2007
The only reason I can think of why someone would hate ISFPs is if they treat all SPs as a whole, and blame ISFPs for the stuff ESTPs do. ;)

But count me as another ISFP fan! They're great, they're still open and kind of crazy like SPs tend to be, but they're a little more sensitive and careful than some of the other SPs.

This may sound silly, but I actually think they're very similar to INFJs in one way. We tend to struggle to balance INF idealism with J practicality, while ISFPs struggle to balance IFP idealism with S practicality. That is, we both try to reconcile idealism with practicality, but in different ways and from different angles.

I could be wrong, though. Maybe I'm just imagining/projecting it?


Jun 30, 2008
I think that is a good point. There is a need to balance the two.


New member
Jun 28, 2009
This may sound silly, but I actually think they're very similar to INFJs in one way. We tend to struggle to balance INF idealism with J practicality, while ISFPs struggle to balance IFP idealism with S practicality. That is, we both try to reconcile idealism with practicality, but in different ways and from different angles.

I could be wrong, though. Maybe I'm just imagining/projecting it?
No, I've definitely felt the same. Most of my friends that I thought would test as ISFP ended up being INFJ. Well, I should have known from other signs that they were more N than S, but we got along well, they were artistic in their own ways, and their J's dont come across strong at all -- being well-balanced with perception also. With one INFJ I met, as we got to know each other we realized we had way too much in common, so it was a little weird. It might be that particular INFJ tho, since he was unusually happy compared to the 'usual INFJ'.


New member
Mar 15, 2009
I wouldn't mind a hug from all of you right now. :wubbie:


Twerking & Lurking
Sep 20, 2009
Instinctual Variant
i think ISFP's are wonderful! they really make me happy and get me going. I love seeing they're crazy sides because they convince ME to get my funk on. ;)
now supposidely im ISFP i've test both that and ISFJ. so i'll just say i love ISFP's :D
all around very happy and creative people.


Aug 7, 2009
I think another ENTJ in this thread already said this but yeah... I sometimes dislike ISFPs because they make me feel like I'm being an asshole when I really am not doing anything of the sort.


New member
Oct 9, 2009
I think another ENTJ in this thread already said this but yeah... I sometimes dislike ISFPs because they make me feel like I'm being an asshole when I really am not doing anything of the sort.

Just because you don't feel like you are being an asshole, doesn't mean that you aren't coming off as one to others.

There are a lot of things about ENTJ's that make them come off as assholes to me; ENTJ's tendency to be challenging and confrontational, their tendency not to listen to others, their extremely high standards and expectations, they tend to get involved in "win-lose" conversations, they tend to be critical of opinions and attitudes which don't match their own, they are not naturally in tune with people's feelings and reactions, they can be very harsh and intolerant about messiness or inefficiency, they tend to be controlling, and they can be very impersonal, dictatorial, or abrasive.

I'm telling my xNTJ best friend of three years tomorrow that we need to take a break for an indefinite amount of time because I am so sick of the way he treats me it is making it difficult to be his friend. I can put up with a lot, I'm a very understanding, caring, patient, forgiving person, and I don't let my feelings get hurt too easily. And he's not all bad; if he were I would not have put up with his shit for as long as I have...but I've had enough hurt. You can't treat your friends like that and expect them to stick around for very long. I guess we'll just see how things play out from there.



triple nerd score
May 30, 2009
What's this business about ISFPs not giving anyone any reasons to hate them?
You guys are heartbreakers!

I'm just bitter though.


Aug 7, 2009
Just because you don't feel like you are being an asshole, doesn't mean that you aren't coming off as one to others.

There are a lot of things about ENTJ's that make them come off as assholes to me; ENTJ's tendency to be challenging and confrontational, their tendency not to listen to others, their extremely high standards and expectations, they tend to get involved in "win-lose" conversations, they tend to be critical of opinions and attitudes which don't match their own, they are not naturally in tune with people's feelings and reactions, they can be very harsh and intolerant about messiness or inefficiency, they tend to be controlling, and they can be very impersonal, dictatorial, or abrasive.

I'm telling my xNTJ best friend of three years tomorrow that we need to take a break for an indefinite amount of time because I am so sick of the way he treats me it is making it difficult to be his friend. I can put up with a lot, I'm a very understanding, caring, patient, forgiving person, and I don't let my feelings get hurt too easily. And he's not all bad; if he were I would not have put up with his shit for as long as I have...but I've had enough hurt. You can't treat your friends like that and expect them to stick around for very long. I guess we'll just see how things play out from there.


First of all, that stuff in the first paragraph is copy pasted from personality page which I think is kind of weird if you were trying to describe your personal experiences.

Second of all, I know it is easy for you to blame your friend for the problems in your relationship, but I am sure you are not as big a victim as you make it out to be. My best friend is an infp and she works as much to adapt to my Te as I do to to adapt to her Fi. Instead of just allowing yourself to be mistreated and growing resentment all this time, did you try explaining to him very clearly how things bother you?


New member
Oct 9, 2009
First of all, that stuff in the first paragraph is copy pasted from personality page which I think is kind of weird if you were trying to describe your personal experiences.

Second of all, I know it is easy for you to blame your friend for the problems in your relationship, but I am sure you are not as big a victim as you make it out to be. My best friend is an infp and she works as much to adapt to my Te as I do to to adapt to her Fi. Instead of just allowing yourself to be mistreated and growing resentment all this time, did you try explaining to him very clearly how things bother you?

I wasn't using the personality page info to describe my ~personal~ experience, no. Yes, I have tried... many times. He brushes me off and tells me I am being stupid.


Aug 7, 2009
I wasn't using the personality page info to describe my ~personal~ experience, no. Yes, I have tried... many times. He brushes me off and tells me I am being stupid.

Well then maybe you are not telling him through the kind of approach he would understand. It sounds like you are just making him out to be the bad guy without trying to understand him at all. If he values your friendship, I am sure he would go more than out of his way to change the way he treats you if you made a solid, clear point to him about why you are affected that way.

And as for not being able to expect your friends to stick around like that... you can't make that assumption at all. There is a whole world of people who prefer direct communication to sugar-coated fluff. I'd much sooner stick around with somebody who tells me whats on their mind even if it isn't the nicest thing than somebody who keeps things quiet and grows resentment in private.


New member
Oct 9, 2009
Well then maybe you are not telling him through the kind of approach he would understand. It sounds like you are just making him out to be the bad guy without trying to understand him at all. If he values your friendship, I am sure he would go more than out of his way to change the way he treats you if you made a solid, clear point to him about why you are affected that way.

And as for not being able to expect your friends to stick around like that... you can't make that assumption at all. There is a whole world of people who prefer direct communication to sugar-coated fluff. I'd much sooner stick around with somebody who tells me whats on their mind even if it isn't the nicest thing than somebody who keeps things quiet and grows resentment in private.

You clearly don't understand me, him, or the situation. Oh well.