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[ESTJ] What do you think of ESTJs?


New member
Oct 18, 2007
I should also add that I love having ESTJ friends. If they're on your side, there's no one else I would want in my corner. I do think the good outweighs the bad.


Resident Snot-Nose
Aug 13, 2007
My dad is an ESTJ, I think. Hes a really good person, he has a lot of integrity, he always wants people to do the right thing. He is, like people say, the pillar of the community in some respects, or at least in his circles (i.e. president of board of directors at the golf club, president of the lawyers association). He is very practical and very hard working, and he definitely seperates work from play very well. He works all week, then plays golf on the weekend, and thats how he loves to do it. He was a very good sense of humour, although he doesn't spin off jokes all the time or anything.

He can lack understanding at times, and can try to make me do things how he would do them, rather than how I naturally want to. If I'm not doing things his way, eh does not like it. His motto is pretty much "do it, and do it now", and if I don't do the same, its not pretty. He is also terrible at giving praise, and can be over critical, which I think is related to a lack of understanding, too. For example, he does not understand that I'm only getting the bare minimum grades in math so that I'll pass, and thus expects me to get at least a 75 to "be on average". If I don't, he gets pissed, and rants and raves. But when I do get good marks in a class (i.e. the 92 on my last Anthropology test), it is barely acknowledged ("Thats good" ) compared to the reaction given to a bad mark. After the parent/teacher interview night he said that the teachers said good thigns about me and that I was making progress -then he began to bring up the negative things again even though the teachers didn't mention them.

However, in all, I think ESTJs are good people.


On a mission
May 30, 2007
My BFF in high school was an ESTJ.

She was my sidekick. I'd come up with crazy pranks, she'd get her hands dirty alongside me and implement them to my lead. She'd in turn use me as an "oh, Usehername, when will you ever learn to (cook/learn proper social skills so people don't think you're weird/grow up and stop being so daydreamy...)" so we both took turns leading each other. I was fine to be seen as the dreamy kid, because when it came time for a crazy plan, I was master & commander and she went along for the ride.

Also, we could avoid each other for a week and both be fine with hanging out with other friends and not care. She was cool that way.


New member
Apr 24, 2007
One of my most loyal and supportive friends is my ESTJ friend. Sometimes it's hard to put up with her (control-freak and impatient) but she has an INFP husband who balances her very nicely.


New member
Dec 14, 2007

Another thing that just came to mind - the ESTJ I know has a fantastic memory for little bits of useless trivia. He remembers the casts of obscure TV shows from 20 years ago, the name of bands that had one hit and one hit only, and probably the album that hit was on, to boot. Given, his knowledge of more recent bands/shows is less complete, but just about anything that isn't entirely obscure from 10 or 20 years ago, he knows. It never fails to astonish me.

Yes, I'm a big music fan as well - it reminds me of
myself!! LOL!!

So far, I've gotten 49 ESTJ's on various tests, 6 ENTJ and 1 INTJ.



ENFJ In Chains
Nov 5, 2007
Instinctual Variant
I like them very much. I simply don't know many my age, which I think is a shame.

Also, my mother is an ESTJ and is usually very proper, but she'd punch someone's lights out to defend me.

EDIT: She's a dead ringer in style and action to a young Debbie Reynolds. No lie.

miss fortune

not to be trusted
Oct 4, 2007
Instinctual Variant
My best friend is an ESTJ- I love her to bits!

I actually envy her ability to organize her thoughts and surroundings so much :D

Atomic Fiend

New member
Nov 16, 2007
(Healthy) ESTJs are fine, in small doses. Living with one is too much.

My moms ESTJ, and at times it can be to much, there are times when she does things that drive me up the walls, but then again if I spend to much time with anybody they start to wear on me. We're okay, she just needs to learn to keep in mind how I feel about certain things, and I need to keep in mind that she's a social animal before anything else, save for being my mom, she's good at that.


The elder Holmes
Jun 7, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Yes, I'm a big music fan as well - it reminds me of
myself!! LOL!!

So far, I've gotten 49 ESTJ's on various tests, 6 ENTJ and 1 INTJ.


You've taken an MBTI test 56 times? :shock:


no clinkz 'til brooklyn
Jun 29, 2007
I respect them, but I hate every one I've ever met except one. I think that's what ESTJs want anyway right? They don't care if they're liked -- respect is more useful.

Defer to Dwight Schrute for official ESTJ mentality. I think they may have actually used Joe Butt's analysis of the ESTJ as a template for his character.

The only reason he or the one I know are any better is because they've got Ne better than many NPs I know. His Si has been on Ne's heels lately and has since (I think) passed it in frequency of use and strength.


New member
Nov 5, 2007
I'm not really fond of ESTJ's so far. i've only met one- my history teacher, and not to offend, but he's a prick. I can't talk to him at all for he is so oppinated and he seems quite biased. He thinks he's always right and argh! he's just so aggravating!!!

You asked for oppinions so... there you go


Well-known member
Sep 28, 2007
I get the impression from some forums that people often have the wrong idea of what type of person an ESTJ is. What are y'alls views?
The biggest conflict I have had with ESTJs is that they tend to jump to conclusions on tiny shreds of "evidence". Since my leading function is Ni which gathers a ton of information before coming to a conclusion, this can cause major disagreements.

I'd LOVE to have one come over and help me clean my house though!


New member
Jun 8, 2007
I think a guy I am seeing is an ESTJ or perhaps ESFJ. I'm an ENFP and I think if he is a good representative, ESTJs are fabulous people! Not just specifically for me, but for other people in general.

Even though he has strong opinions and has no problems with confrontation, he is REALLY GOOD with people, puts people at ease, makes connections with 'everyman' quickly and makes friends easily, and is the kind of person who will interject on a stranger's behalf. And he is NOT an asshole, he doesn't try to prove how manly or better than other people he is. He has the attitude and ease of a martial arts black belt i.e how they train you to fight so that you will never have to.

(BTW, I also interject into people's lives on their behalves, but HA HA HA HA, in a different way.)

He has this very real, natural confidence that is a combination of just 1) being a decent thoughtful NICE guy but also 2) someone you respect.

And it's SO HARD to exude both at once WITHOUT trying. If you TRY to exude 'respect me but yeah, like me too b/c I'm nice' it comes off as forced. I know, b/c, uh, that's what I DO. Hahhaah.

Anyhow, I find his confidence and charm to be very refreshing, I really value authenticity and he is just SO REAL. And also a lot of fun as he seems to really live in the moment and can just kick back even though he has that SJ thing of wanting structure, keeping to schedules, and planning for the future.
Whereas I seem to like living it up, but a part of me is always preoccupied thinking about something else (even when I'm laughing it up with friends at the bar, a small part of me is always running another program in the background) and I naturally do NOT keep to schedules.

It's pretty hard to offend either of us though neither of us purposely tries to offend anyone. But it's really nice b/c together we can comfortably be honest and straightforward and act retarded and get each other's humor and laugh a lot.

I think as an intellectual NF or T/F cusp myself, I appreciate that he is thoughtful and tries to get his facts straight but also passionate. Thoughtful + passionate = hot. He actually reads a lot and enjoys learning about the world thsi way. Which is interesting to me as I write a lot and almost avoid reading books.

I think 'ESTJ' is a 'dual' for ENFP, so again, if he really is an ESTJ and a good representative of that type, I want to meet more ESTJs!


To the top of the world
Oct 5, 2007
When making decisions, they are very quick to decide, and it's extremely difficult to get them to re-analyze a decision. Being an INTJ myself, it frustrates me that they don't always analyze all of the possibilities before making a decision. For example, if I were going to purchase a computer, my tendency would be to do a lot of research, compare models and prices, and then come to a final, educated decision. My father is so driven to decide quickly that he might think of buying a computer at 9:00 AM one day and by 10:00 AM he's in the local computer store asking someone (that he has deemed competent) what the best model is. Out the door he goes at 10:30, computer in hand. Maybe the difference is that they are so trusting of people they have decided they like. I don't trust anyone to make my decisions for me - I might take into account their advice but ultimately I make the decision myself.

Strange, my dad's the opposite - he is always very sure to research what he's doing in depth before undertaking any action.

However, (strangely) I do notice the speed at which he comes to a decision is quite rapid... for example the other day we were looking at backpacks, because we decided that he needed a new one, (and I could give it to him for christmas) and we found one in the store that he quite liked.

But he wouldn't commit to that one because he didn't have any idea of what his options were - whether there'd be plenty of backpacks like the one he wanted, or none at all. So we went to another store, found not much, and went home.

The next day, it was around midday, he returns home from some errand (I'd hardly been aware he was gone) and as he's walking past my room he pokes his head in and drops the backpack on my bed.

I was surprised. Oh! He'd decided! He just shrugged and said he did some research and a company he used to like didn't seem to exist in Australia anymore, and there wasn't anything else he could really find, so he went back and got that one.

So to me, it seemed like he made the decision quite quickly (and I find most major purchases he goes out and buys within a day or two of deciding he wants to buy it - I think it's probably indicative of the fact that he's been thinking of buying one for a lot longer before he actually decides to) but it was a really quite well-informed and researched decision.

Conversely, my decision-making process is either on-the-spot or I'll procrastinate making a decision for months. ;) I envy that efficiency!


The biggest conflict I have had with ESTJs is that they tend to jump to conclusions on tiny shreds of "evidence". Since my leading function is Ni which gathers a ton of information before coming to a conclusion, this can cause major disagreements.

I'd LOVE to have one come over and help me clean my house though!

I second that sister....thus making it hell being married to one!


Well-known member
Sep 28, 2007
I second that sister....thus making it hell being married to one!
Ah. Strangely, I get along much better with ESTJ men than ESTJ women, but being married to one, well...

Be honest. He has good points, too. :)


New member
Jun 8, 2007
Ah. Strangely, I get along much better with ESTJ men than ESTJ women, but being married to one, well...

Be honest. He has good points, too. :)
I can get along with some well rounded ESTJ men.
With the true ESTJs only the INTJs seem to get along with.
They admire the arrogance and the nit picking.

The ESTJ women are insufferable. They confuse and confound. They enter the big companies as humble secretaries. In a matter of weeks they run their bosses.
The bosses are not in the know.

The ESTJ women flatter the victims. They kick everyone who is beneath them.

It is said women do not run the industry. Men do.

It is said many things.


Well-known member
Sep 28, 2007
I can get along with some well rounded ESTJ men.
With the true ESTJs only the INTJs seem to get along with.
They admire the arrogance and the nit picking.

The ESTJ women are insufferable. They confuse and confound. They enter the big companies as humble secretaries. In a matter of weeks they run their bosses.
The bosses are not in the know.

The ESTJ women flatter the victims.
They kick everyone who is beneath them.

It is said women do not run the industry. Men do.

It is said many things.
LOL!! Yes! :yes: I've seen this! You are so right!!


Pareo cattus
Jun 7, 2007
I can get along with some well rounded ESTJ men.
With the true ESTJs only the INTJs seem to get along with.
They admire the arrogance and the nit picking.

The ESTJ women are insufferable. They confuse and confound. They enter the big companies as humble secretaries. In a matter of weeks they run their bosses.
The bosses are not in the know.

The ESTJ women flatter the victims. They kick everyone who is beneath them.

It is said women do not run the industry. Men do.

It is said many things.


My dad retired as a Colonel, but my mom, (ESTJ) was always the Sargent Major.