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[INTP] Female INTPs-What do they look like?

Magic Poriferan

^He pronks, too!
Nov 4, 2007
Instinctual Variant
They are somewhat smaller in size and darker in skin. They have two horns rather than one, of which the front is particularly large. The back has a more pronounced shoulder arch, and uniquely the lip is pointed for grasping, somewhat like a tapir's.


Mar 19, 2012
Instinctual Variant
They look like Kobe Bryant, the black momba.

Oh snap sorry folks, I meant to say they look more like Aunt Jemima, the black momma (black people are the bestest)!


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Oh snap sorry folks, I meant to say they look more like Aunt Jemima, the black momma (black people are the bestest)!

You got outsmarted by Mrs. Butterworth again, didn't you?


Apr 27, 2010
Instinctual Variant
Take a look at my profile picture.

That was about 3 years ago and I've let my hair grow out.


New member
Feb 24, 2011
Father: ENFJ; Daughter: INTP

So, I've heard that being a male ENFJ is relatively rare (I've seen maybe three or four besides me in the ENFJ Cult :devil: :)). Most ENFJs are female. I've also heard that the female INTP is almost non-existant.

As I've never met my supposed match in female form, what does an emotionally healthy/mature female INTP look like personally/interpersonally?

I've heard they like making gadgets...which struck me as ISTP. Kinda a minor detail, not sure.

Furthermore, to fulfill my complete curiosity, what does a good male ENFJ-female INTP relationship look like? Anybody in the forum have that relationship or know people who do to describe it?

I don't ask because I desire to find Myers-Briggs perfection when the right one crosses my path; maturity tends to soften personality conflict differences (or unwelcome similarities), and between two mature people, any relationship can flourish.

Still, I'm admittedly curious.

I'am an INTP female, my father is an ENFJ and my younger sister is an ENFJ. When I was younger I would go to my father to go over abstract ideas. However as I aged this would happen less often in that we would both drain each other. One in that I would not accept "how things are just done" or that I would even be so 'bold' to question conventional truths that I was raised in believing. And also when I pushed to far or I would point out inconsistencies I was labeled argumentative and found guilty of over analyzing the situation. In fights I would feel that my dad was over dramatic and over emotional. While he felt that I was indifferent therefore inherently selfish.

although my father and I have clashed many times he is always the first to rise in my defense and to praise my keen intellect. My father has repeatedly told of the great potential he sees in me and pushes me constantly in meeting that potential.

I have read that ENTJ are easily offended. Well to that I have to say is that my family teases my father over situations that others would take offense of while he lightly jokes about it to. But things he can not tolerate are people who are rude, lazy or disrespectful. In that he reacts swiftly and firmly.
I have a great respect for my father even though we clash often.
Probably should tell him this myself. He is a little sentimental.


failed poetry slam career
Oct 18, 2013
Instinctual Variant
The majority of replies I get from OKCupid members are INTP females. They think that me and them are similar at first, but soon they realise we are anything but the same.


New member
Nov 30, 2013
small breast, thin, and wearing glasses. Common in library, class, laboratorium, etc :D


New member
Dec 27, 2013
Instinctual Variant
Bonjour, I am a female INTP. I have recently discovered the Myers-Briggs personalities and I have to say I am kind of glad I am not the only strange one. As to being rare I guess that explains a bit, I don't usually get on with girls. 90% of my friends are guys and we generally just nerd out, you know minecraft or something technology ish.

As for the gadget building...I have never been inclined to build gadgets. Study them maybe but not create.

I can't help you relationship wise, I have never been in a committed relationship soo...

I hope that helps, a little?


New member
Jun 4, 2016
Instinctual Variant
So, I've heard that being a male ENFJ is relatively rare (I've seen maybe three or four besides me in the ENFJ Cult :devil: :)). Most ENFJs are female. I've also heard that the female INTP is almost non-existant.

As I've never met my supposed match in female form, what does an emotionally healthy/mature female INTP look like personally/interpersonally?

I've heard they like making gadgets...which struck me as ISTP. Kinda a minor detail, not sure.

Furthermore, to fulfill my complete curiosity, what does a good male ENFJ-female INTP relationship look like? Anybody in the forum have that relationship or know people who do to describe it?

I don't ask because I desire to find Myers-Briggs perfection when the right one crosses my path; maturity tends to soften personality conflict differences (or unwelcome similarities), and between two mature people, any relationship can flourish.

Still, I'm admittedly curious.

I realise it's 2016 and it might be too late to answer this question. I honestly didn't know we were that rare xD

I'm an INTP female in a relationship with and ENFJ male, and it feels pretty natural to us. My partner is very protective and passionate, I sometimes feel guilty because he is always putting me first (whereas, I just tend to do my own thing).
He is usually a lot more romantic than me, and I'm often the "colder" one. At the beginning, I had to be careful when I made blunt remarks or not reciprocate his level affection because it lead to him feeling neglected, unloved or unwanted. He thought I wasn't showing enough emotion, when I was really just being myself. As for me, I often felt a bit smothered and annoyed with all the emotion and how intrusive it felt at the beginning of the relationship, I also used to feel that his "protectiveness" was a little bit controlling.
But over time, we came to understand how each of us show affection and take affection... so we can accommodate each other, and now I actually think we compliment each other quite well.
He is a lot more outgoing than me, so it forces me to be more social, which is good for me... otherwise, I'd just be a hermit at home playing games or something hehe.
We both always have a lot to talk about and enjoy discussing about the endless possibilities of every thing (which is important to me, as I need someone who can ramble on with me about those things). He likes the fact that I have an objective mind and can take criticism at face value without getting hurt.
And probably one of the most convenient thing is that I am the queen of indecisiveness and procrastination, and he likes to make decisions. So I kind of need that, or nothing gets done. He likes schedules and being organised, and I'm happy that at least one of us is xD haha

Neither of us are traditional at all, and we both hate gender roles and stereotypes.

As for how we look like, I don't know... human? :p


New member
Jul 22, 2016
I'm an INTP female. Most of what I look like has to do with genetics, but of course environmental factors come into play as well. Last year I was in a car accident that left me partially blind in one eye.. you can't really tell, but there's something slightly off about my face. I'm slightly overweight, as well. Thanks to a medical condition and the fact that I do enjoy food and the internet.

Luke O

Super Ape
Mar 25, 2015
Is INTP hair a thing for INTP women?


The more you know..
Oct 6, 2015
Instinctual Variant
Is INTP hair a thing for INTP women?

My sister-in-law is INTP and it applies to some level, but she's gorgeous no matter how tousle her hair gets


New member
Aug 25, 2016

My mother, ESFJ and my father, INTP were deeply in love with each other but made a boring and horrible couple.

I think they shared some metaphysical connection, for they certainly did not share much else, besides three children.

Ew, maybe it was a sexual thing.

My dad had a love/hate/love relationship with my mom whereas my mom had a hate/love/hate relationship with my dad.

Not really addressing your question really, sorry.

Oh-oh. My wife and I are this exact combination. Is there any hope :cry:


Clean Slate
Jan 5, 2016
What does a female INTP look like personally/interpersonally?

Hardly know. I don't use mirrors. I just check whether I messed up with the buttons of my coat looking at a shop window (you know, button #1 in buttonhole #2 and so forth).

Personally, a female INTP is someone who is in her own world and probably doesn't need anything from anyone (or doesn't want to admit it), therefore you'll never know how she is interpersonally (which is "awkward" most of the times).

Is INTP hair a thing for INTP women?

It is a thing, yes, on the head. It's there for some unknown reason and it needs shampoo when taking a shower.

Oh-oh. My wife and I are this exact combination. Is there any hope :cry:

I don't think couples should consider MBTI. It's personal. If you like her (you married her, so I suppose you do) and she likes you, there should not be a problem. My mother is ESFJ and my father is INTJ, and they get along well. My mother catastrophizes about everything and my dad comes with a universal solution to all her problems. In return, she buys and washes his clothes and cuts his hair. I don't get on well with ESFJs because they make me nervous, but everyone is different.

Mr Troll

New member
Dec 7, 2015
Very similar to INFPs at first glance. They are probably much more socially timid than INFPs because they are lacking good ability to approach people. Area where INFPs tend to shine.
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New member
Jan 10, 2013
Sign up for OkCupid, then search for INTP on the match results page. That will show you many profiles of INTP females and they'll be ordered by match percentage (which may be accurate if you honestly/accurately answer 300-500 questions). That said, I don't usually buy into the INTP + ENFJ, INTJ + ENFP, etc matchups. They seem like a recipe for disaster in most cases. I'm convinced good matches are among those that share the same perceiving function (in the case of Ni: INTJs, INFJs, ENFJs, and ENTJs) or that are the last two letters flipped (ENTP in the case of ENFJ). Or, they are among those sharing the bottom half of the function stack (Se - Ti = ESTP), or the manifestation of the unconscious functions (Ti inferior inverted = Te inferior = INFP or ISFP <=> INFP, as ISFP have Se and Ni, which are already in an ENFJ's conscious stack), or the 4th member, the ISTJ (inferred by applying the same bottom/unconscious rule to ESTPs and INFPs).

That leaves: INTJ, INFJ, ENFJ, ENTJ, ESTP, INFP, and ISTJ.


New member
Apr 23, 2013
Let's see. What are INTP women like...

I'm an INTP woman and pretty naturally gravitate towards all stereotypes about us, but as I get older, I've learned how to "fake it to make it" so to speak. For example, I could be quite content to wear my hair in a messy bun and rock the same pair of jeans and dark colored shirt/jacket combo every single day. In fact, I do most of the time. But I also, when appropriate, can do an ultra glam movie makeover. I actually really love fashion and have a deep appreciation for it as an art. I just fundamentally do not care enough about what other people think to be bothered to put myself together every day. I often wish I did. I love buying high quality make up and am very picky about what products I use, even though day to day I hardly wear any make up at all. My proudest feature is my hair, which is very long, but people don't realize growing my hair out was not an act of vanity, but an act of sheer laziness. When it shorter, I had to style it. Now I don't. lol. For me, making myself up and wearing feminine clothing, make up, etc and drawing attention to my physical appearance can be really fun, but it also feels artificial. It's something I do as an occasion, but not something I could feel motivated or comfortable doing on a daily basis. My appearance is something I have no insecurities about, but also something I really don't care about either.

Personality-wise, I'm pretty laid back. I think I'm pretty funny and sarcastic and I can be very warm and friendly, although it takes effort sometimes. If I'm not interested in another person, I have a hard time faking it and probably come off as aloof and rude. I am empathetic, but bad at interpreting other people's feelings. I argue a lot and enjoy debates, especially online, but I'm also a generally low conflict person and avoid personal conflict at all cost. I love to argue ideas, but I hate to argue with anyone on a personal level. I tend to just shut down rather than engage in an argument if someone is upset with me. I don't have a hard time keeping or making friends. Most of my friends are Fs and they come to me for advice a lot because they know I'll give them an honest rational assessment of a situation that will make sense. Sometimes I can be too blunt and harsh, so when someone accuses me of this, even when I think they're being way too sensitive, I just suck it up and apologize and validate their feelings. It's taken quite a long time to develop that level of maturity though. I use to be a lot more combative. I work hard at not being a robo-bitch.

I'm an artist, which isn't exactly uncommon for INTP women, but I wouldn't say I'm a typical "artsy girl." I find a lot of women who are artists make it their entire persona and can be really hippy-dippy and annoying about it. For me, art is just a thing I do. It's a deeply important part of who I am, but also not who I am, if that makes sense. It's a thing that defines who I am internally, but not something I really express externally. I'm not terribly good at self-promotion in general, which is something I dislike about myself. I have to remind myself to tell people I'm an artist sometimes. There are just so many different things I also love and am curious about that I've never felt the need to make a big deal about it, which sometimes confuses people I think. Or it causes people to underestimate how actually significant it is to who I am. The way I approach the creative process is also more "rational." Like, I only enjoy painting if I have a purpose behind the work I'm doing. I don't paint things for the sake of painting them. I wouldn't spend time just painting a still live for the hell of it. All of my work has to have a purpose, a message, an intellectual story behind it. Pretty pictures, for myself, aren't art worth making.

I don't match well with men who are F types. When I was younger, I dated a lot of them, and they all involved lots of drama and them accusing me of being selfish and insensitive. Now I'm with an atypically creative ENTJ and that's much, much healthier. In relationships I have a pretty low threshold for drama or bull shit. I'm a really caring, supportive, affectionate, sexual person. I'm open to new experiences and pretty low maintenance and independent. I like space and like to give space. That being said, it's pretty rare for me to meet anyone of the opposite sex I'm attracted to intellectually and physically, so I really hate causal dating. I get disappointed because dating lots of people out of the general population makes me feel like an alien. But once I am in a relationship, I'm in 100%. My guess is that most INTP women are this way. We are picky to begin with, place high value on anything we deem "worthy" of our approval, and therefore, once we choose you, it's pretty likely we will show unending loyalty as long as you do. I use to think I wasn't an easy person to date, but then I realized I was just dating a lot of guys who were emotional trainwrecks, overly needy or controlling, constantly bored or dissatisfied without conflict in their lives, or looking for a woman less challenging and more gendered "wife/mother material". I'm not traditionally "feminine", I am extremely opinionated, I do not do the nurturing shit... but for a confident, mature man looking for an equal, not his mother, I'm actually a pretty great girlfriend.