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[ENTP] ENTPs: What do you look for in a partner?


Apr 13, 2009
yep. Then they just become analytical jerks who like to argue all the time

Oh, if you mean people put on a facade in the beginning to enthrall and getting what they want, that falls off over time and they default to their preferred persona that no longer appeals to the other party and shatters their expectations, it's not type related, everyone can do it.


New member
Oct 4, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Oh, if you mean people put on a facade in the beginning to enthrall and getting what they want, that falls off over time and they default to their preferred persona that no longer appeals to the other party and shatters their expectations, it's not type related, everyone can do it.

Not everbody does it, well maybe for sex. Ok. Lol. But when I wanted companionship? I just disappointed or didn't click with a lot of people until I met one that was pretty cool and I wanted to hang around with him often.

Do ENTPs put on a facade? The ones I have known...wait. Yeah. A little but it's still them. Not insincere at all. Just typical extrovert bravado stuff.


Apr 13, 2009
Not everbody does it, well maybe for sex. Ok. Lol. But when I wanted companionship? I just disappointed or didn't click with a lot of people until I met one that was pretty cool and I wanted to hang around with him often.

Do ENTPs put on a facade? The ones I have known...wait. Yeah. A little but it's still them. Not insincere at all. Just typical extrovert bravado stuff.

I'm so glad you asked that. As the utmost ENTP authority spokesperson, I can share that ENTP's are perfect and not subject to any wrongdoing or otherwise human pitfalls. :coffee:


Apr 24, 2008
Do ENTPs put on a facade? The ones I have known...wait. Yeah. A little but it's still them. Not insincere at all. Just typical extrovert bravado stuff.

Putting on a fascade would furthermore need you to be a lot intrested in people so that you want to manipulate them and rise in their ranks and become their leader, but entp and people... entps are more interested in... wait I'll write more after I finished this dungeon in Fallout 4


Apr 13, 2009
That's my go to punching bag as well. ;)



Apr 13, 2009
Respect, accountability/dependability, loyalty basically. While I can't say I'm surprised - cuz Ne see all - it does disgust and baffle me the degree to which some people have the ability (need?) to be self servicing, and treat other people (an animals even) as disposable props in their lives whenever they deem fit to craft their narrative. :dry:


Well-known member
Jun 26, 2014
Instinctual Variant
ENTPs: What do you look for in a partner?

For male ENTPs: Someone who doesn't notice that the ENTP is constantly using humour to avoid responsibilities and acknowledge mistakes.


New member
Mar 6, 2016
What are your turns on and turn offs? Do you have any non-negotiables?
If you have an attitude problem that isn't a cute attitude, I can't cope. General IDGAF about anything mindset is an immediate no no. Sluttyness in public is also a turn-off.

Turn ons are original and abstract thinking, creativity, wit, intelligence is a must.

How do you flirt? Is your testing/teasing thing you do flirting or just for your own fun and games?
By being myself, whatever that is. Testing teasing is flirting to me, I do it more with people I like.

What do you think of INFPs?? Would you date one? Do we have any particularly attractive qualities to you?
I always love the way INFPs make me feel totally at ease in their company. Like there is nothing I could do or say to drive them away. Its just that they're too mellow for my liking so I wouldn't date them in the long run. But that is just me.

What are your views on sex?
Higher drive so it is not easily satisfied. Open, creative, passionate preference. One of the core pillars in a relationship.

How can someone impress you?
Intelligence, to put it short. To make me think in a new way or teach me something new I hadn't thought of.

What do you need in a relationship?
Intimacy, connection, sex, space, intelligent deep convos, partner in crime, philanthropy and life. That about sums it up.

Do you prefer monogamy?
Yes but haven't tried anything other yet. I'm open but have this one partner mindset in the long run.

Do you find it difficult to date/open up to someone?
I'm very open to people I date. If I feel like I can't be, its not going anywhere.

Do you lose interest easily? How can someone keep you interested?
I find it hard to get interested to begin with. Short physical infatuations aside. But to whom I am interested in, its usually for the long haul. I hold interest if the person is exciting, open to new things and adventures and we can both exchange thoughts and ideas and have deep convos about anything.

Does any other ENTP have a thing for ENFPs? Its weird but they're so intriguing and I love the Fi logic somehow. Just something about their demeanor that draws me in. For much of the same reasons, not the Fi, I also love INFJs and INTJs but so very rare to meet.
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Roman Empire

Nov 30, 2016
What are your turns on and turn offs? Do you have any non-negotiables?

I don't really have a gigantic list at the top of my head. But first of all we can divide it up, to make not only easier for myself, but also for you.

Physically: It is unattractive if a woman has bad hygiene and self maintenance. It is also unattractive if she is unhealthy and her main diet consist of twinkies. Women who have these 3 ingredients are often physically attractive to me: Natural, fit, & feminine.

Personality:Open minded, confident, & intelligent.

How do you flirt? Is your testing/teasing thing you do flirting or just for your own fun and games?

I flirt through teasing people. Being sarcastic. Give them some compliments, then I remove the compliment, and give them something sarcastic. It is mostly for my own amusement, but passively it is also flirting and bonding.
What do you think of INFPs?? Would you date one? Do we have any particularly attractive qualities to you?

What are your views on sex?

Very open minded views on sex. Very free spirited & experimental.

How can someone impress you?

If they can open their mouth for 5 seconds, without I find them boring. It is quite impressive.

What do you need in a relationship?

Freedom & space.

Do you prefer monogamy?

No monogamy is outdated, and bound on jealousy. I don't believe in jealousy, or in being limited. Founding your relationship on that, is the most unhealthy and unintelligent thing to do. Could never be with a monogamous person or in a monogamous relationship. I would find their insecurity highly unattractive.

Do you find it difficult to date/open up to someone?


Do you lose interest easily? How can someone keep you interested?

Yes I lose interest quickly. If people can think for themselves they are quite attractive, and it keeps me interested.


New member
Sep 1, 2015
As an INFP who has been in love with three ENTP's in my life...I can say there is magical chemistry with ENTP' and INFP's. Great sex between the ENTP and INFP as well.

In my humble opinion, ENTP's need to be able to relax in our company and be completely theirself. They need to have their multiple ideas "followed" by our Ne and appreciate our ability to "follow" them in their conversation. They tend to appreciate our ability to respect their personal boundaries by not asking them 10 million mundanely stupid questions regarding their thoughts or personal life. They will open up in time....and spill everything.

The negatives: Not many. Of all the NT types I have dated (I abhor ST's and have no chemistry with F men), I find myself always falling hard for the ENTP male. They are brilliant, imaginative, funny, genuine and caring. Sometimes, they can spread themself too thin and have crappy follow through....but they are my all time favorite! :)


New member
Jan 9, 2017
I like to have fun and good times, low maintenance, attractive


New member
Oct 19, 2011
Instinctual Variant
What are your turns on and turn offs? Do you have any non-negotiables?

Ne is generally attractive, however it shows up. Wit. Unusual perceptiveness about world/people/society. Willingness to play with me, to follow me down imaginative rabbit holes. Emotional depth and resilience. More practically, I am touched when someone lightly takes care of me in the little things. Also, I like people who find me funny, it's more attractive to me than if they make me laugh--this is a switch from typical m/f dynamic.

Non-negotiable: Any attempt to control me or curtail my fundamental independence, to change my essential nature.

How do you flirt? Is your testing/teasing thing you do flirting or just for your own fun and games?

Testing/teasing. Lots and lots of teasing. I'm also touchy-feely affectionate. However, testing/teasing is kind of my default state--I suppose you'll just see more of it if I'm interested in you.

What do you think of INFPs?? Would you date one? Do we have any particularly attractive qualities to you?

Haven't met too many male INFPs, but I am attracted to Fi if they are wise/high EQ/emotionally stable--and reasonably expressive. I don't do very well with non-expressive Fi--in fearing to offend, I tiptoe and cannot relax.

What are your views on sex?

Sex is not love. To have sex does not make me have feelings. However, romantic love requires sex and sexual attraction.

How can someone impress you?

High EQ. Emotional resilience. When they have an intense sense of who they are, and do not fear to show that--combined with caring consideration of others.

What do you need in a relationship?

Attraction--mental & emotional. Laughter. Mutual caring. Respect. Trust. Someone who give me plenty of space to be me, without any paternalism. Low drama. Ability to communicate openly and authentically.

Do you prefer monogamy?


Do you find it difficult to date/open up to someone?

No, I am very open. Not a fan of talking about sex stuff, though--I'd rather actually do it.

Do you lose interest easily? How can someone keep you interested?

It's not so much I "lose interest", as I have gathered enough data to see what the relationship would look like going forward, and can see no more reason to invest my time or caring. I don't date with serious intention, necessarily, but I do need a relationship to contain the possibility of something real and serious developing. The moment that possibility ceases to exist, that moment I am done.