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[INTJ] INTJs & Affection


New member
Oct 9, 2008
Soleil, he likes you. It doesn't get any clearer than that. I don't call anyone unless I've already previously made a commitment to do so. And I refuse to repeatedly call people, to be the one who takes the initiative all the time. I insist that it's "their turn" when I've judged myself to have fulfilled my responsibility to call and arrange/organise meet ups. That he is willing to do so, for a long period of time, signals that he really likes you. Also, the traveling to see you bit - INTJs find the most efficient ways to do things. He would not go out of his way, giving up his time and money, if he did not genuinely like spending time with you (and see a future with you).

Sorry, mental games are the primary way that INTJs deal with the world. Sometimes it's possible to break through that just with sincerity and random silliness, though. That's a tip. If an INTJ is willing to go faux-intellectual about something completely silly with you, it's a sign that they like and trust you. The intellectual games are a means of protection, or rationalising the world. If we let you in beyond that, it means that you're "in".

I also don't hesitate to cut people out of my life when I realise that it's going nowhere (exception being family). Pain in the short term is less hurtful than dragging things out with drama for a long time.

It's really interesting reading TPol's view from the other side of the pond. ;) She reads us well, and gives good advice.

He has to come here for business actually. Technically, not really for me, you see ;). One time we were sitting in a lounge (he had to do some business there) & he seemed a bit vulnerable. He was introducing me to some of his comrades. A few guys tried to hit on me & he took over (acted macho). It was odd, but I liked it. It was not like him. The first time I met him, he pretty much eye raped me, lol. He said "The eyes are the windows to the soul, I see you are trying to look away...you must be scared that I can see right through you". I received an email from him saying how he's so glad to of met me. I wasn't trying to hide anything, I'm just extremely shy & don't know what to do when people make direct eye contact. So, I just pretended like I received a text or a phone call. It was a powerful moment, wowzers! :blush:

Question: How do INTJ's feel about leaving someone alone in their space (room, office, etc.)? He left me alone in rooms a couple of times alone for hours with his laptop & all his things. He let me know that he doesn't let anyone be alone with his stuff. Lol. Seriously, I did not look into his files or through any of his stuff. I told myself not to take it personal. :shock:


Jun 23, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Might want to mention that you don't like to be left alone for long like that, but there may be a way that you could take the situation itself personally in a positive way.

The Pascuzzi

New member
Dec 11, 2008
Question: How do INTJ's feel about leaving someone alone in their space (room, office, etc.)? He left me alone in rooms a couple of times alone for hours with his laptop & all his things. He let me know that he doesn't let anyone be alone with his stuff. Lol. Seriously, I did not look into his files or through any of his stuff. I told myself not to take it personal. :shock:

it's exactly what he sounds like. it's no problem if you have an INTJ's trust, because you're not really a threat to the INTJ's personal space/inner world. in fact, the most likely case is that you're part of it, perhaps maybe even an integral part.


Jun 23, 2007
Instinctual Variant
it's exactly what he sounds like. it's no problem if you have an INTJ's trust, because you're not really a threat to the INTJ's personal space/inner world. in fact, the most likely case is that you're part of it, perhaps maybe even an integral part.

Exactly the personal way I was figuring it should be taken.


New member
Apr 19, 2008

He jokes around being very sarcastic so, I just play right back. It's all mental games! I read somewhere from an INTJ that they will flirt with everyone (including their friends or other women), but not the person they are "interested" in. Is this a common thing INTJ's do? Just wondering.

Mwell, we're more at ease, more confident, more our normal selves with other people. With a person we're interested in...we make awkward attempts at being around them while overanalysing our ususal behaviour into a tiny heap of unspontaneous and self-conscious OMGNOWTFMUSTIDOness.

At least I do.:blush:


Jun 23, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Some of you INTJs just make me want to hold you close and whisper in your ear, "I'll protect you..."


Coolatta® Enjoyer
Apr 22, 2008
Some of you INTJs just make me want to hold you close and whisper in your ear, "I'll protect you..."

Some of us rather like that. After we resist it for years I mean.


New member
Apr 19, 2008
Some of you INTJs just make me want to hold you close and whisper in your ear, "I'll protect you..."

awww :)

We need just that. Though it may take us some time to figure that out/let it happen.


Jun 23, 2007
Instinctual Variant
awww :)

We need just that. Though it may take us some time to figure that out/let it happen.

That's what it sounds like; but as I said above, I need to find a girl who wants it from me first.


New member
Dec 2, 2008
That's what it sounds like; but as I said above, I need to find a girl who wants it from me first.

We may also try very hard for a while to convince you/everyone/ourselves that we don't want/need it, when we know we do.

Yes, I know we can be fairly impossible.


Jan 14, 2008
We may also try very hard for a while to convince you/everyone/ourselves that we don't want/need it, when we know we do.

Yes, I know we can be fairly impossible.



New member
Nov 1, 2008
Edit: Once again, I'm off writing a tome while half a dozen posts leap in there in the meantime. ((laughs over the previous comments about mind control and chemicals)) I'd wondered what it was in those "vitamins" he was giving me. Aha!


Sorry, mental games are the primary way that INTJs deal with the world. Sometimes it's possible to break through that just with sincerity and random silliness, though. That's a tip. If an INTJ is willing to go faux-intellectual about something completely silly with you, it's a sign that they like and trust you. The intellectual games are a means of protection, or rationalising the world. If we let you in beyond that, it means that you're "in".

((nods)) Exactly like hubby. ((hug on your last comment, too, nonsequitur))

I've brought it up to a couple of people & they claim he's playing with my head & doesn't care about me at all.

And your instinct said? Unfortunately, it seems like INTJs are one of the least understood personalities in society. I could make a lengthy list full of accusations and misunderstandings hubby's gotten from others. I've found that, to be supportive, those close to INTJs need to see them more clearly than general society does and keep those facts in mind when society tries to contradict those facts. If you get with this INTJ, you may be the only one in his world who supports him. You'll need to strive to understand him like no other may bother to do.

I don't think these people can really understand the complexitity of an NTJ or any NT for that matter.

There aren't very many INTJs in the world, so people don't have much access to them in order to get to understand them. Plus, it seems like the personality style makes the INTJ (and perhaps a lot of INTPs) not very inclined to help the general populace to get to know them very well.

Your relationship with hubby sounds wonderful! It's a lot of work, but you sound so happy :). For a long time, I struggled with the idea of a future with him. Being an ENFP, I feel so much & it was difficult at first to take it all in. He seemed so detached from anything emotional & I questioned myself thinking maybe it was just me. The thing is I am very guarded with myself too. I been through a lot of unnecessary drama/trauma in the past & I become so weary of people & their intentions.

Keep in mind that I'm an INTP with an INTJ; plus, I really think that not all INTJs are alike. I feel I need to tell you about an ENFP that hubby had his eye on before he and I got serious. Beautiful, smart, talented, playful. Wonderful girl. He liked her a lot. She's one of the ones he talked about with me when he and I were just friends. Like you, she had gone through a lot of drama/trauma and was using him as a shoulder to lean on, and his blunt honesty was quite refreshing for her....really drew her in.

They were mutually struck with each other. I could see it. As his friend, and he asked, I advised him as well as I could when he was trying to interpret her. Likewise, as we got to know each other, I became her confidante, too. She got upset with him quite a bit, and I ended up explaining his actions to her repeatedly so as to smooth things over between them. I became a go-between for them, quite often.

For reasons unrelated to personality type or my presence, it didn't work out between them. But, we still know her and keep in contact with her because we care about her. We knew her between her first two marriages. In her second marriage, she ended up marrying an INTJ much like hubby and living several hours away from us, rather than in the same community. Their marriage lasted about a year and a half. The problem? He was too project-oriented and "distant" for her tastes. She wanted him to play and relax more often with her than he felt he could and still keep his business operating. He involved her with it as a partner, but he just wasn't emotionally accessible enough for her. She felt isolated and lonely. And, putting myself in his shoes, I'm sure her need for more than he could provide was frustrating for him. I know that, had hubby married her, this aspect between them would have made them both miserable, especially without a go-between to help them understand each other (and I wouldn't have stuck around for that). Eventually, the conflicts in her marriage escalated to the point that they parted.

Before you lose hope, personality types aren't a gospel. Interactions depend a lot on the people, no matter their particular MBTI types. And, she does have bipolar disorder. Ironically, that makes her even more fascinating to an INT, but also harder with which to deal because of the extremes.

I wanted to tell you about her because it is advisable that you look at this relationship from a logical distance, just as your INTJ is likely doing. Consider what you really want in a relationship; any relationship -- not just one with him. Make darn sure you aren't romanticizing and giving yourself higher expectations for "happily ever after" than what reality can provide. The very fact you came here to us to ask about INTJs makes me think you're doing just that, though, so that's good.

If you choose to go forward with a long-term relationship with him, I cannot emphasize enough that you have non-divisive/understanding/trustworthy friends outside the relationship to whom you can unburden your more extreme feelings....or write it out...or go for a walk...or pray...or whatever you've got to do to bring your emotions down off of a "the world is going to fall apart" level (grin). Then, when you're calmer and can view the problem with less emotion, you can approach your INTJ without overwhelming him with an avalanche of feelings. Otherwise, by the time he sorts through all your emotions to get to the "heart of the problem" in order to "fix it," he'll be exhausted (and perhaps wanting to get away from you so he can think in a place outside the dense fog of feelings) and you'll be pulling your hair out and feeling abandoned and/or like a nutcase. (chuckle)

Second emphasis: Maintain a sense of humor. Mandatory tool.
"The great secret of successful marriage is to treat all disasters as incidents and none of the incidents as disasters." -- Harold Nicolson

To be honest, I never met any intellectuals or people who really interested me so, when I met him I was drawn in. We think very similarly except he's not emotional, lol.

This is one of the reasons why I was drawn in toward hubby. Though, I'm not emotional either. This is why it concerns me when I think about someone more emotional hooking up with an INTJ who is like my INTJ. I call myself "TPol" because I'm one of the least emotional women I've ever known. Even then, though, I have moments of feeling lonely and isolated because the logic is at such a high level around here that warmth is sometimes lacking. It can get to be too much, even for someone like me.

A sense of humor tends to create a good bridge over that for us, though. When we've enjoyed a silly moment together, the warmth flows like crazy. Thankfully, most of the times when I need him to be silly to get me out of a funk, he's feeling silly...and vice versa. When we're both in a funk and not feeling like being the humorous one, that's when the hard work comes. The hard work entails really looking into each other and trying to understand their perspectives...really being there for the other. If you're both concentrating on being there for the other....understanding how the other is feeling and trying to fill their needs, the bond becomes stronger. Through the rough times, you stay holding on and you lean on the commitment you've made. Then, sure enough, you have another silly moment together that brings you even closer. Another warm moment you can remember that will keep you afloat during the next moment of rough seas.

I sound like such a dork, but he challenges my mind the way I always wanted.

You don't sound like a dork. Hubby does that for me, too. Another reason why I was drawn to him. I'd finally found someone I could relate to intellectually and not have to refrain from exercising my brain around for fear of awakening the guy's insecurities.

I want harmony, no drama! Since I've known him, I evolved so much as a person. I became more intolerant of all the bs & pretty much stepped my T game up :D. When I can make him laugh or enlighten him in some way, it's literally the best feeling.

Good. That's how hubby influenced me, too. Careful, though, that you don't lose yourself in changes in order to be what you think he wants. I am saying this more than once because it is easier to fall into "changing to please," even for a wildly independent person, around an INTJ like my hubby than one might think. You'll have to keep an eye on yourself and make sure you don't lose contact with the true you. Remember things as they are now. "Your" INTJ likes you for what he's already seen or he wouldn't be calling and making efforts to stay in touch. I doubt he wants someone he can program to be JUST what he wants. My INTJ has always liked spunk and independence. He definitely got that when he got himself captured by me! ;)

soleil said:
He asked me if I plan to live in the state I live in now long-term & if I would consider relocating somewhere else.

With my INTJ there's never a question without a reason behind it. Sounds to me like he's been thinking about how to bring you and he closer together, location-wise. Perhaps I'm wrong, but that's what that question would make me think of.

To be honest, I pretty much accepted the idea that I might be alone. If I can't have the relationship I really want then, I will be single. I am highly idealistic & have an idea of what I want already in my head. I don't want perfection or any of that nonsense, but someone I will always be stimulated by, who will evolve with me, but at the same time not try to change me. I would never try to make him into something he's not.

Yup, yup. Exactly me when hubby and I came across each other. No wonder this INTJ likes you. For this, too:
I need my own space, I appreciate & need solitude. I don't want to be a siamese twin. I have my own identity & it's very important for me to be me.

soleil said:
He said "The eyes are the windows to the soul, I see you are trying to look away...you must be scared that I can see right through you". I received an email from him saying how he's so glad to of met me. I wasn't trying to hide anything, I'm just extremely shy & don't know what to do when people make direct eye contact.

VERY similar to a couple incidents between hubby and I. He likes you.

Mwell, we're more at ease, more confident, more our normal selves with other people. With a person we're interested in...we make awkward attempts at being around them while overanalysing our ususal behaviour into a tiny heap of unspontaneous and self-conscious OMGNOWTFMUSTIDOness.
At least I do.:blush:

Tee hee. (( :wubbie:s INTJs )) ^ Hubby was that way at first, too. He was just so darn adorable. Still is. Dang....now look what you've done....I gotta go give him a squeeze again! ;)


Jun 23, 2007
Instinctual Variant
We may also try very hard for a while to convince you/everyone/ourselves that we don't want/need it, when we know we do.

Yes, I know we can be fairly impossible.

Just improbable. I accept the low likelihood, but that also makes it worth that much more should it happen.

This is an understatement. :D

I'm surprised people willingly get into relationships with us.

Some of us feel the same way about ourselves.


Feb 4, 2008
You didn't think she was intellectually compatiable with you? Why do you say that? I'm curious. So, do you feel you are drawn to ENFP's through their energy & physical attributes only? She wasn't full of personality? Blasphemy! Help me understand, brother :D. I feel the same way about calling. I am so conscious about who called who last. I called him too, but when he calls 7-8/10 I pick up. Not always the case with him so, I just wait on him. I guess I am a bit prideful, lol. . I can play the game too. It's not such a bad thing though, right?! ;)

Well, her thoughts were often a shadow and echo of her feelings which change periodically. Because I liked her, I would try and say nice things to make her feel good about herself, but I never once had an intellectual conversation with her since I've known her and I've always found difficulty expressing myself to her. Incidentally, I didn't want to get carried away and wanted to protect myself from going off into silioquys or offending her. In any event, I sensed that she could care less about intellectual pursuits and discussions so I steered away from it. She wasn't interested in critical thinking at all. And it would have required a lot of effort for me to push through with intense discussions anyway while knowing that all she wanted to talk about is her favorite sports or her friend's wedding. So I backed off, and as a consequence was unable to find common ground with this particular ENFP. As a result, we could rarely hold a conversation with eachother. She was rather flaky insofar as she'd always preoccupy herself with the next best thing. She's the type of person who would talk to someone only because she's bored and if someone hotter or more interesting came into the environment that would be her new target.


New member
Dec 2, 2008
Mwell, we're more at ease, more confident, more our normal selves with other people. With a person we're interested in...we make awkward attempts at being around them while overanalysing our ususal behaviour into a tiny heap of unspontaneous and self-conscious OMGNOWTFMUSTIDOness.

At least I do.:blush:

Yes. That.

I don't know how much of what I'm about to say is characteristically INTJ, and how much of it is just Sonata-being-silly. Definitely some of both. :yes:

INTJs like to be competent, and in control at least of their 'inner worlds'. When I start to feel something for a guy, it seems like an impending complete loss of control. I know it's been said many times that we INTJs have a soft spot under all the, well, INTJness. To be straightfoward about my feelings is to take all that other stuff away so that I'm vulnerable to whatever the other person is thinking and feeling. It's difficult. I also tend not to instinctively trust that other people's expressed feelings are genuine. So instead of letting the feelings for the other person 'win', I'll overanalyze everything and then logic myself into thinking that they don't actually like me (after all, I'm an awkward mess around them, and everything I say comes out wrong, so why would they?) This works until they do something really sweet and I go :wubbie: again and the 'hot-and-cold' cycle referenced by the OP continues.

I'm mostly thinking about a specific situation here. Once the guy moved away, I got over it, and my head was no longer going all ASDJFK;L! on a regular basis, I was able to look back at this from a good perspective and realize that I had made his life difficult (not my intention) and I could have done a lot better.

My thoughts didn't go into words quite as well as I would have liked. But there you go, my two cents on the topic.