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[INFP] INFP High School


New member
Oct 13, 2011
This is my first year of high school, and it is not fun. With me being an introvert and having over 1000 teenager in my school, i come home feeling tiered.

I hate my class because the girls are stuck up and think the world revolves around them. the boys are idiots. There are people i like and i usually around them but none of them are close.

Any advise or did you have the same experience.


New member
Oct 20, 2010
  1. Find a small group of people you get on with, and stick with them. Drop them if they start doing stupid stuff like drinking too much or doing drugs. That's what I did.
  2. Make sure your room at home is your sanctuary.
  3. Talk to anyone you think looks nice.
  4. Do an individual sport.
  5. Go to the library.
  6. Hang around outside when you can't be bothered with anything. The fresh air does you good.


New member
Mar 18, 2011
ouch... high school blows. If you're a girl it shouldn't be too bad though, I would think. When you're a sad girl people want to come save you. Don't get mean or world-weary, try to stay engaged in interesting things, find things to learn about.


Certified Sausage Smoker
Nov 26, 2008
Instinctual Variant
This is my first year of high school, and it is not fun. With me being an introvert and having over 1000 teenager in my school, i come home feeling tiered.

I hate my class because the girls are stuck up and think the world revolves around them. the boys are idiots. There are people i like and i usually around them but none of them are close.

Any advise or did you have the same experience.

:hug: :hug:
high school is rough for NFs, I'm an ENFP rather than an INFP, but perhaps some of my suggestions will be useful
- it gets better, college is much more INFP friendly :)
- studying MBTI will put you ahead of the game in terms of understanding people. I know it did for me
- don't follow the conventional wisdom of "be involved as much as possible". while it is good to be involved in 1 or 2 clubs, it is horrible advice to tell an INFP to cram their schedule full. you need plenty of time to relax, and this is okay. (I know this applies to me as an ENFP, I can only imagine for an INFP it's even more true)
- everything [MENTION=11466]Adasta[/MENTION] said
- learn to be assertive and set clear boundaries, but don't expect yourself to learn this over night.
- take good care of yourself. I'm not suggesting you look like a plastic-y cheerleader or anything of the sort, but if you dress in a way that makes YOU feel sharp and sexy, it will boost your confidence and
- people may make fun of you for being spacy or in your own little world, they're stupid :laugh:
- you certainly don't need a boyfriend, but if you can find a good guy, go for it. as an INFP, you will probably be mentally mature for your age and probably would work well with a more mature guy, perhaps 1-2 years older.
- while it's possible for you to make friends with all types and variety is a great thing, some times you will probably click well with are
- other INFPs (obviously)
- INFJs (if there are any at your school)

hope this helps


Certified Sausage Smoker
Nov 26, 2008
Instinctual Variant
ouch... high school blows. If you're a girl it shouldn't be too bad though, I would think. When you're a sad girl people want to come save you. Don't get mean or world-weary, try to stay engaged in interesting things, find things to learn about.

I'm afraid it's hard for girls too, though I agree an INFP male would probably have it a little harder than an INFP female. women tend to me more supportive; guys in high school are kinda like wolves: violent, destructive, pack instinct, dominance struggles, wanting to fuck everything that moves. I speak only of the majority of course


New member
May 18, 2011
I would try to rid myself of the assumption that all the girls are shallow and the guys are idiots. You really have to take people on a case by case basis. It'll be (at least) four years of you vs them if you maintain this mentality. What really got me through as a young infp was getting involved in service projects. I still rely on volunteerism to this day to keep my sanity. Take an art or music class. Most importantly, avoid pep rallies like the plague.


Certified Sausage Smoker
Nov 26, 2008
Instinctual Variant
I would try to rid myself of the assumption that all the girls are shallow and the guys are idiots. You really have to take people on a case by case basis. It'll be (at least) four years of you vs them if you maintain this mentality. What really got me through as a young infp was getting involved in service projects. I still rely on volunteerism to this day to keep my sanity. Take an art or music class. Most importantly, avoid pep rallies like the plague.

:yes: :yes: :yes:


New member
Apr 9, 2011
I would try to rid myself of the assumption that all the girls are shallow and the guys are idiots. You really have to take people on a case by case basis. It'll be (at least) four years of you vs them if you maintain this mentality. What really got me through as a young infp was getting involved in service projects. I still rely on volunteerism to this day to keep my sanity. Take an art or music class. Most importantly, avoid pep rallies like the plague.

OMG! I felt so embarrased when I went to pep rallies.

I kept to myself in high school, so it was kind of a blur to me. Also floated between a bunch of different social groups so I didn't have to get close to anybody. Not sure if that was the best route for me, but it kept me mostly sane.


New member
Mar 18, 2011
guys in high school are kinda like wolves: violent, destructive, pack instinct, dominance struggles, wanting to fuck everything that moves. I speak only of the majority of course

It wasn't really like that where I went, my high school was, more than anything else, nondescript. But I meant girls tend to attract people one way or another, whereas if you're a guy & you feel bad, you just brood, & people ignore you even more.

Lily flower

New member
Jun 28, 2010
Look for other people who are sitting alone. They are feeling lonely and isolated, too, and would love to have a friend. Having at least one friend makes high school so much better.


Sugar Hiccup
Mar 20, 2009
Instinctual Variant
I would try to rid myself of the assumption that all the girls are shallow and the guys are idiots. You really have to take people on a case by case basis. It'll be (at least) four years of you vs them if you maintain this mentality.

I definitely agree with this. I was a loner in HS, and it was a lonely 4 years, but I made myself that way by carrying a mentality that I couldn't relate to anyone & that no one would "get" me. I kept people at arm's length, but in my head, I was an outcast. It was all my own doing.... I came off aloof & disinterested to people, which is why I think they did not befriend me. I realize now that I was not as invisible as I thought because of people I've run into from HS who remember me better than I do them.

Don't convince yourself that you're sooo different (especially in a superior way) that there's no way you could be friends with or have anything in common with your school mates. Try to take some initiative with people.

Oh yeah, and as a side note, I did not find HS easy as a female INFP. I was not teased, but I was very isolated & felt I had no "place". I coped by skipping school a lot (which did not affect my grades because I was otherwise a good student) and getting ahead on credits so I could leave half day before lunch time the last 2 years (I really dropped out from socializing after that). I don't suggest those methods, but I'm just explaining how it was difficult for me socially.

Anew Leaf

haha, pep rallies were the devil's eggs!

I was popular in high school because I played to my strengths... without even realizing I was doing just that. I was simply nice to people and took them as they came. A lot of people I wrote off as being shallow ended up showing me their true selves and I discovered a lot of hidden depths to people because of that. I started off with just a small core of friends in one year. Then the next year I made a point of saying hi to some other girls I thought were interesting. I befriended them and then their entire group of girls. From there I just kept saying hi and smiling to people and being myself. At the beginning of my senior year, our class was broken up into about 12 different cliques. I had made friends in each of the little cliques so often I would sit wherever I wanted to on a given day at lunch, and when I did I would bring over people who normally did not associate with the other group. Eventually I didn't have to sit with both groups anymore to get them to chat with each other on occasion.

I also discovered I could be silly/funny with people and get them to laugh with me not at me, and I hammed it up quite well in that regard as well.

In contrast middle school and elementary school were absolute nightmares for me. I had no friends and was bullied on a daily basis.

So in summation I say do what works best FOR YOU and that you will be comfortable with. Whatever that is, start off small and go from there. Whether you leave highschool with 5 friends or 50... the important thing is to learn how to be comfortable in your own skin.


New member
Oct 13, 2011
I would try to rid myself of the assumption that all the girls are shallow and the guys are idiots. You really have to take people on a case by case basis. It'll be (at least) four years of you vs them if you maintain this mentality. What really got me through as a young infp was getting involved in service projects. I still rely on volunteerism to this day to keep my sanity. Take an art or music class. Most importantly, avoid pep rallies like the plague.

I know that not all the girls are shallow and all the guys are idiots but the upper classmen say that they dont like my class and one person i talked said some of the freshmen were rude and disrespectful to the upper classmen.


New member
May 18, 2011
haha, pep rallies were the devil's eggs!

Can't say I've heard that metaphor. I like deviled eggs but can anything belonging to the devil make for a positive colloquialism? Is this a regional phrase? I'm truly fascinated by this kind of thing.


Jul 6, 2010
i can't really relate to bad high school experiences.
i was like the only foreign student in an entire school
of new englanders plus it was a boarding school so i
was stuck living and going to classes with all the people.

most people at first just assumed i didn't speak english. i
looked different, i dressed different, i talked differently,
i was brought up culturally different, but i enjoyed the
differences and i was open to new experiences.

i was in jazz band, played the trombone and piano,
did varsity sports. i somehow ended up managing
the boys varsity football team in the fall, and in
winter i'd play squash with my dorky goggles and
i did crew in the spring. everything at first was out
of my comfort zone. but i'm glad i went out and did
stuff for myself. if i just sat in my room and moped
around i'd probably would have had a shitty time.

i honestly had an incredible amount of fun. i tried
everything i could. didn't care if i'd enjoy it or not,
just wanted to at least try.

i'd say not to wait for the things around you to
change in your favour -- they won't. you have
to make it happen for yourself. and a change
in attitude thinking people are either stuckup
or idiots would probably help.

it's like... would you wanna hangout with people that
assumed you were an idiot or stuckup?


Certified Sausage Smoker
Nov 26, 2008
Instinctual Variant
i can't really relate to bad high school experiences.
i was like the only foreign student in an entire school
of new englanders plus it was a boarding school so i
was stuck living and going to classes with all the people.

most people at first just assumed i didn't speak english. i
looked different, i dressed different, i talked differently,
i was brought up culturally different, but i enjoyed the
differences and i was open to new experiences.

i was in jazz band, played the trombone and piano,
did varsity sports. i somehow ended up managing
the boys varsity football team in the fall, and in
winter i'd play squash with my dorky goggles and
i did crew in the spring. everything at first was out
of my comfort zone. but i'm glad i went out and did
stuff for myself. if i just sat in my room and moped
around i'd probably would have had a shitty time.

i honestly had an incredible amount of fun. i tried
everything i could. didn't care if i'd enjoy it or not,
just wanted to at least try.

i'd say not to wait for the things around you to
change in your favour -- they won't. you have
to make it happen for yourself. and a change
in attitude thinking people are either stuckup
or idiots would probably help.

it's like... would you wanna hangout with people that
assumed you were an idiot or stuckup?

I feel like I gained more from having a lax schedule in high school. it saved me a lot of stress, gave me a lot of time to think, deal with some emotional problems by myself and avoid a lot of stupid life choices and destructive habits I saw many of my peers fall victim to
at the same time though, my lax schedule has left me with a void of life experience and I now find myself having to work much harder than before where if I had had a more full schedule in school I would probably be a little more used to it.


New member
Apr 19, 2016
Hey, I just finished my Freshman year, so I understand all of those thoughts! It may seem at times that all the girls are stuck up and all the boys are jerks, but although some are, there are many that can really change you.
Maybe, you could try looking at the situation from their perspective. If you can't do that, there's no hope because they're ESTJ. Otherwise, it shouldn't be too hard. Try to find common ground. Increase your relationship
with your existing buddies if possible.


New member
May 31, 2016
Instinctual Variant
She posted in 2011 so she's probably gone now but

Just try to remember that everyone is insecure and some girls are very needy and they act stuck up because they think it will boost their ego...but they aren't happy either. You all have the same personal struggles, you just handle it differently based off of who you are becoming and what morals you have- if any.
Some girls are gossips, shallow, total assholes. But they don't matter. Just find good friends who appreciate you and build relationships where you can be there for them and in return they will try hard to be there for you. Not just in high school but in life.

Middle school ruined my self-esteem (because I didn't know myself well enough) and when I entered freshman year I saw every bullied kid as someone I used to be, so I tried to show them how beautiful I thought they were and it turned out they didn't care about me. Then, I met real friends and now I have several different people who care about me and tell me I make THEM happy.. and one of the boys who I thought was stupid and immature at first is someone who has become a love interest. He was never perfect, but no guy was. He doesn't always respect other people (stupid boys) but he's always had some kinda strange respect for me. I didn't notice how valuable he really was to me until I opened my mind to him. He's been a stupid, selfish typical high school boy, but he truly respects me in his own dumb way and cares about my feelings. I even realized after a while that for the year I didn't notice him, he got upset every time I passed by him and didn't notice him. He seemed really shallow but the way he feels towards me shows does have depth of caring. After realizing what he could be worth, I asked him out after another year went by and we had a few short conversations and he accepted. My friends didn't like him, and people said he was a "stupid surfer who has no respect for any girls" huh. So you never know what you might find.

Sorry for posting my life story, i'm sure no one cares but I started thinking and I didn't stop.:blush:
May 19, 2017
High school. A reason to keep you off the streets for a few hours a day for four years. A soap opera for the popular kids and a lonely slog for the freaks and geeks (of which I was in both camps, freaks have more fun IMO). Public school taught all the somewhat valuable stuff in the years prior to this. It was a complete waste of time.

Anyway it wasn't anymore difficult or awkward than the rest of the journey.