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[INFJ] INFJs: What makes you tick?



I have a hard time understanding you. I don't know if I've ever known any of you and I'm trying to figure it out. You seem so different than me, but I've also had people think I'm an INFJ. (Which I obviously am not; I have zero foresight and extraverted feeling is a foreign concept. I'm always screwing up in that area. But I do have strong opinions and I often let them known.)

So... what makes you tick? What's your motivation for doing things, life? How do you pass your time? What kind of art, music do you like? What pisses you the hell off? What makes you cry, makes you happy? What are your governing principles for life?


I need to know, cause to me, you are the enigma. And I don't hear enough real stuff about you.


So... what makes you tick? What's your motivation for doing things, life? What are your governing principles for life?
Myself, people, the world, the future and how these things are all interconnected. Hope that things will get better; hope that the things I do will make things better for myself and others around me. This doesn't mean that I bend over backwards to make things happen I merely do things that I feel are right for me in hopes that they are right for me and my future. Seeking harmony is the greatest motivation to me, I would say. The progress towards "something".

How do you pass your time?
Well, my mind is constantly racing, thinking about things mentioned above. Seeking happiness, joy, laughter...contentment, improvement...striving towards the "perfection" I have construed for myself in my mind.

What kind of art, music do you like?
:laugh: It would be easier to answer what kind of art and music I don't like. Oh, wait. That would also be a difficult question to answer. I can find beauty and enjoyment in every little thing but it all depends on the mood I'm in. Things are in constant flux, some things emerge and some things subside only to emerge some time in the future. My interests change like he wind.

What pisses you the hell off?
I would have to answer myself and the people again. Myself for not progressing as fast as I could but also progressing too fast in some areas that I don't find that important at that particular time. Being inconsistent. Being unable to attain the harmony I so desperately seek.
People who seem to be unable to be considerate and think about the consequences of their actions. Deliberate actions to harm other people and also themselves.

What makes you cry, makes you happy?
Life. :)


You make me feel like such a selfish bastard. :) Maybe that's why I don't know any of you, I'd feel constant guilt for being so self-absorbed...


The Memes Justify the End
Nov 21, 2008
makes you happy?
the monty python bunny, we've been together for 3 years now <3



You make me feel like such a selfish bastard. :) Maybe that's why I don't know any of you, I'd feel constant guilt for being so self-absorbed...

Don't let yourself be fooled. At times I, for one, can be the most cold-hearted and self-absorbed bastard that puts all others to shame. :D

the monty python bunny, we've been together for 3 years now <3




New member
Jun 8, 2009
So... what makes you tick?

Isn't that what INFJs spend their lives trying to figure out? ;)

What's your motivation for doing things, life?

I think my motivation is to create relationships that matter, that are beneficial to me, beneficial to the other person, and result in both of us being able to understand ourselves in a much clearer way.

How do you pass your time?

Quietly? I work. When I'm not working, I like researching things online, reading, spending time with a small group of friends. I really want to be a spontaneous person and experience a lot of new things all of the time, but I'm too scared to do any of that on my own.

What kind of art, music do you like?

Wow. Um... I like most art. I especially like paintings and photography. I wish I were artistic, but alas. I usually say I like most music except country, bluegrass, and rap. I like classical, but I have to be in the mood. I listen to rock, both alternative and heavy metal. I like African music, Indian, and Arabic music especially.

What pisses you the hell off?

People's behavior and attitudes. I hate people that are arrogant and close-minded. I don't understand that kind of thinking. Personally, I hate when someone doesn't even attempt to understand where I'm coming from and what I mean. Manipulation pisses me the hell off.

What makes you cry, makes you happy?

What makes me cry is not attaining what I've built in my head, if that makes any sense.

What are your governing principles for life?

Um. I just try to live my life and make as few ripples as possible. I don't want to be the cause of pain or drama in anyone's life.


What makes me cry is not attaining what I've built in my head, if that makes any sense.

This makes the most sense to me of anything you've said. :) Thanks for all of it.

Would you say that INFJs are the critics/editors while INFPs are the creators, in general?


New member
Jun 19, 2009
Myself, people, the world, the future and how these things are all interconnected. Hope that things will get better; hope that the things I do will make things better for myself and others around me. This doesn't mean that I bend over backwards to make things happen I merely do things that I feel are right for me in hopes that they are right for me and my future. Seeking harmony is the greatest motivation to me, I would say. The progress towards "something".

Well, my mind is constantly racing, thinking about things mentioned above. Seeking happiness, joy, laughter...contentment, improvement...striving towards the "perfection" I have construed for myself in my mind.

:laugh: It would be easier to answer what kind of art and music I don't like. Oh, wait. That would also be a difficult question to answer. I can find beauty and enjoyment in every little thing but it all depends on the mood I'm in. Things are in constant flux, some things emerge and some things subside only to emerge some time in the future. My interests change like he wind.

I would have to answer myself and the people again. Myself for not progressing as fast as I could but also progressing too fast in some areas that I don't find that important at that particular time. Being inconsistent. Being unable to attain the harmony I so desperately seek.
People who seem to be unable to be considerate and think about the consequences of their actions. Deliberate actions to harm other people and also themselves.

Life. :)

Um. . .yes is all i have to say. . .:yes::yes::yes:


New member
Jun 19, 2009
This makes the most sense to me of anything you've said. :) Thanks for all of it.

Would you say that INFJs are the critics/editors while INFPs are the creators, in general?

No i wouldn't actually. INFJs are big idea people. We dream up things. And we dont like to be critical. Sometimes we are, but we dont like to be. Well, to clarify, we're extremely critical of ourselves. Not so much of others. And if we are critical of others, we tend to try to understand why that person is the way they are and the circumstances behind that. We tend to want to see the good in people and to forgive if possible. The creators are the big do-ers, such as ESTPs. I dont know where INFPs would fall in that spectrum. Oh and the editors are INTPs.


Jul 3, 2008
For me, I just live my life following my instinct. A lot of the time that ends up with me gibbering like a fool because my stream of consciousness takes control of my mouth (Its the flaw I just want to get rid of. I dont have as much 'vocal moderation' as a lot of INFJs seem to have.)

Really, INFJs follow a system that even they dont understand. IT doesnt always change with logical reasoning like an INFPs values tend to do. We're usually trying find our center with a blindfold on.

What makes INFJs enigmatic is that everything people ask them, they ask themselves and usually they can't answer. Like 'How are you doing?' - I look inside and think: Ergh, there isnt even a word to DESCRIBE it. Stream of consciousness could, but thats too deep for small talk and it usually makes me look dumb.


New member
Apr 26, 2007
So... what makes you tick? What's your motivation for doing things, life?

Fulfillment, mentally and emotionally. But isn't that everyone's motivation? I suppose my primary motive is to express myself and make myself understood by others. I want to reach out and touch the places within other people's minds that are not normally activated, or are hidden away underneath the piles of everyday concerns. I want to tell stories to people that describe the world beneath, inside, and outside (all at the same time) of the world around them.

How do you pass your time?

If I can, I work. I like working, either doing a regular job or illustrating doesnt much matter. I'm happiest when I'm busy working. Otherwise: I read. Play video games. Travel when I can. Explore. When I can, I like to learn how to build things. I like working with wood for some reason (it would be awesome to learn how to build my own furniture!).

What kind of art, music do you like?

Anything that sounds/looks good to me. Vague, yes, but I really don't have any definite constraints as far as genres go. However, I'm particularly partial to the Baroque, Romantic, and Surrealist art periods as well as most ancient art (and if I could do everything, I'd be an archaeologist :D). With music, I'm very fond of jazz, 60s and 70s rock, and soundtracks to movies/games.

What pisses you the hell off?

Having to watch people do very stupid things they know are stupid. Feeling like my thoughts and feelings are not valid. Being purposefully ignored (silent treatment kind of thing).

What makes you cry,

I'm a cry baby, so, any number of things. I'm easily emotionally moved. However, some specific things:

-Hard relationship discussions. (Even if nothing hurtful is said. It can take a while for a guy I'm seeing to understand that it's not always his fault if I start crying. Hard discussions, even if executed in a calm manner, can get me stirred up.)
-Feeling hopeless/worthless.
-Feeling like I have no driection.

makes you happy?

Drawing, painting, working. Being outside in the fall and smelling that woodsmoke and rotting leaf scent in the air. Being with my SO.

What are your governing principles for life?

1. Do the best you can, because that's all you can ever expect of yourself.
2. Do what you think is the right thing to do.
3. NEVER treat people who handle your food, police the roads, or handle your finances poorly. Even if you hate them and wish they'd get hit by a truck. It's just not worth it.
4. Take time out for yourself. There's nothing wrong in doing that and it's good for you.


Sugar Hiccup
Mar 20, 2009
Instinctual Variant
For me, I just live my life following my instinct. A lot of the time that ends up with me gibbering like a fool because my stream of consciousness takes control of my mouth (Its the flaw I just want to get rid of. I dont have as much 'vocal moderation' as a lot of INFJs seem to have.)

I know an ENFJ who does that :D
I imagine it's stronger in INFJs (being Ni-dom), but you guys are just quieter. SFJs tend to speak in a current stream of thought also, but their thoughts aren't as interesting :tongue:

I bet your thoughts come out more well-organized than you imagine. My thoughts seem so clear until they come out, then it's a Ne mess :D.


New member
Oct 7, 2007
Instinctual Variant
So... what makes you tick? What's your motivation for doing things, life?

Feeling I am growing as a person. A sense of movement and change, and accomplishment (not 'progress' per se, as I don't have a set pinnacle in mind that I'm striving towards - simply a lack of stagnation). Learning new things, broadening my horizons, experiencing as much as I can out of life, always trying to find meaningful relationships and connections with others. Trying to live a balanced life - all facets. Failing much of the time, but constantly keeping this in mind.

How do you pass your time?

I have been unemployed for a while now so this won't be the best representation. I do spend a lot of time just contemplating life. The nature of it, my own personality, and my relationships. I also tend to analyze a lot. So there might be an hour or two each day that I can't really account for - as I am in effect doing nothing. :) Otherwise, I read quite a lot (fiction as well as some nonfiction), I paint, love the outdoors so like getting out on walks and hikes, love photography, love nature, enjoy climbing. Traveling.

What kind of art, music do you like?

I try to appreciate all, on some level, but obviously have personal preferences. I'm a little more particular with visual art/aesthetics, as ambience is important to me and there is some art that I would never want to display in my place, just because I don't like it. Music-wise though I think I like a huge variety - from classical, to some hard rock, techno/trip-hop, world, some folk/acoustic, etc etc etc

What pisses you the hell off?

People who are absolutely inconsiderate/oblivious to other people or other lifeforms around them, and who push their own needs/self ahead of everyone else in existence. This comes in a variety of forms - superficial things/behaviors that you can observe while running errands, or on the road, or in any number of different interactions, to deeper beliefs/views of the world.

What makes you cry, makes you happy?

Crying - when I'm mad at myself or unhappy with my life or in self-pity mode, when I'm stressed out (this usually goes hand in hand with the first reason) sometimes I'll cry, I'll sometimes cry when something really moves me - it may not even be sad, I may just see some huge epic underlying 'Truth' that symbolizes or speaks to Life as a whole, and sometimes I'll cry at Beauty.

Happy - being in nature, innocence and enthusiasm, beauty, peace.

What are your governing principles for life

Trying to live my life to the fullest.
Desire for growth/change.
Tendency to be agnostic in big topics - the more you know, the less certain you can become, and less apt to really feel in a position to judge.


New member
May 23, 2009
What's your motivation for doing things, life?
I am guided by my own individuality (my thoughts, intuition, and desire to express myself). That always comes first... I have a rich inner life that I wouldn't trade for anything in this world. It is something that cannot be expressed properly through words.

I am also motivated to do good for others and to understand the human condition. My desire for doing good is tied in with my expression in my writing. I want to make a difference through literature. I feel a kinship to many authors that I have never felt with a person I've met personally. It's a desire to understand mankind and to create strong figures with ideals who conflict with the society around them. I think in most cases they're writing for themselves and so do I.

How do you pass your time?
I teach so that is incredibly time-consuming. I also write when I get time to manage it. Also creating art, playing video games from time to time, reading, and playing piano... and going on forums. :p

What kind of art, music do you like?
Hmmm... I like a variety of artists, from Kandinsky to Yoshitaka Amano. I like a dream feel to art (and yet I'm not obsessed with the Surrealists). It's just a strange combination of mark making and subject matter that will get my attention.

Music is similar... some music I just like to like it. I also enjoy instrumentals greatly because of their open-ended ness... your imagination can fill in so much when there aren't lyrics in the way. And aside from that, I'm obsessed with musicals mostly... or just any music with a strong passion behind it. Not the usual "oh no my girlfriend broke up with me" sort of lyrics. Jesus Christ Superstar, Pink Floyd, really strong, often unusual, lyrics.

What pisses you the hell off? What makes you cry, makes you happy?
Pisses me off: Ignorance, blind following (religion, government, etc), abuse of power

Cry: Animal/child cruelty (woo vegetarian), once more... ignorance... and just the constant decline in a desire to be educated in kids/teens today, also the fact that mankind will constantly be destructive and repeat the same mistakes over and over again.

Happy: EPIPHANIES... I think they're my energy despite being so few and far-between. Seeing other people being happy... playful banter just getting to an out-of-control, absolutely side-splitting level... that sort of happy just stays with you a while.

What are your governing principles for life?
1. Trust thyself above all (thanks Emerson)
2. Live as simply as you can
3. Cause no unnecessary cruelty, in a physical or emotional sense (I have such a guilt complex over the smallest things anyhow)
4. Find yourself and then express it
5. One can never have too much knowledge, but do not flaunt the knowledge you have. Knowledge becomes wisdom when you learn the time and place its appropriate.
6. Recognize all of your flaws and work diligently at trying to remove them and seek perfection in oneself.


The Memes Justify the End
Nov 21, 2008
No i wouldn't actually. INFJs are big idea people. We dream up things. And we dont like to be critical. Sometimes we are, but we dont like to be. Well, to clarify, we're extremely critical of ourselves. Not so much of others. And if we are critical of others, we tend to try to understand why that person is the way they are and the circumstances behind that. We tend to want to see the good in people and to forgive if possible. The creators are the big do-ers, such as ESTPs. I dont know where INFPs would fall in that spectrum. Oh and the editors are INTPs.

entps, do entps! !:cheese: