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[INFP] Questions for and about INFPs.


New member
Dec 29, 2007
If you are an INFP:

How do you respond to authority figures in your life? Do you generally question authority or are you pretty submissive? While I may question what goes on the reality is I tend rarely to speak up since most areas seems to work well and hence part of the status quo suppose.

How do you respond to someone talking down to you? I try to link their reason for doing the talking down and rebound the conversation onto them.

Are you very emotionally reactive? If so, are you emotionally reactive in public or just with those you are comfortable with? Used to be emotionally reactive, this mayn't be a great sense to be. These days the opposite is truer and neither in public nor at home would I become emotionally reactive but of course this may change.

Do you need a lot of attention in relationships? The opposite more so since I've learned to be low maintenance I'd most likely seek attention when its necessary but not go out of my way to get lots of attention.

Are you really sarcastic? This is possibly so yet its tapered with a dry and dark sense of humour.

Are you silly? Oh gosh yeah, though its been repressed, what can ya do brown nosed by a bunch of TJ's. To let loose the silly is impractical so has switched of that sense though would love to reignite that again, do me a world of good.

Were you shy as a child? Surprisingly no, I was the cheekiest most adorable little tyke then something happened and I turned into this incredibly shy and timid person that is still trying to learn to outgrow whatever it is that holds me back without much success.

Do people mistake your reservedness for aloofness?[/i] Certainly and then there is an awkwardness to want to speak with me since too few know how to relate.

Do you have a hard time expressing yourself verbally? This is indeed something that has been of issue. In so far its like my brain switches gears, if there are 10 then I'm skipping all over the place. Some days the verbal is great other days not so much. Been told I'd be great as a speaker though I can't see it.

Have you always felt as though you were at the same mental age as your chronological peers? Personally am relating poorly to some of my peers than others. I seem to be beyond my years in thinking at times while other times well under too. relates better with older peers.

Are you a talented writer? Unlikely, I would like to be alas am below par.

What do you want to be when you grow up (career)? This decision is still open season, for I am already grown up.


New member
Sep 15, 2008
If you are an INFP:

How do you respond to authority figures in your life? Do you generally question authority or are you pretty submissive?

On the inside I'm pretty questionable. On the outside I'm reluctantly submissive

How do you respond to someone talking down to you?

If they are speaking to me directly, I try to talk back but I usually don't do so well. If indirectly I avoid the person.

Are you very emotionally reactive? If so, are you emotionally reactive in public or just with those you are comfortable with?

With people I'm comfortable with, a lot of times. I don't think I've been put in a situation where I was emotionally reactive in public.

Do you need a lot of attention in relationships?

Never been in one, but most likely I would enjoy a lot of attention, but I will also need my space.

Are you really sarcastic?

YEP. Mostly to be funny or get off some stress when someone says something stupid. I'm usually a smart mouth with my mom and she gets mad sometimes. I wouldn't do it so much if she would just stop provoking me! :)

Are you silly?

Around people I'm close with, definitely. Otherwise I seem incredibly dull.

Were you shy as a child?

I'd say for most of my childhood, but didn't I start out that way. I was very outgoing until I was about 7. Then things started to get to me and I never came out of my shell.

Do people mistake your reservedness for aloofness?

Yeah. I'm pretty sure in high school a lot of people thought I was fake or a snob, but sometimes I really don't give a damn.

Do you have a hard time expressing yourself verbally?

Very much so. People usually don't know what I'm talking about.

Have you always felt as though you were at the same mental age as your chronological peers?

I'd say I think like I'm older, but act like I'm younger.

Are you a talented writer?

When I actually tried to write papers in school I got high scores so I guess so. I don't like to write though. I can usually wrap up my point with a sentence. It's hard to elaborate.

What do you want to be when you grow up (career)?

I don't know I'm screwed.:mellow:


silentigata ano (profile)
Mar 19, 2009
Can I be a rebel and answer the INFP survey part? :eek:


New member
Feb 27, 2009
How do you respond to authority figures in your life? Do you generally question authority or are you pretty submissive?

>>>Submissive because I know if I'm not I will get in trouble, but inside, I always question what they are telling me.

How do you respond to someone talking down to you?

>>>Defensively, and then I would just start ignoring them probably.

Are you very emotionally reactive? If so, are you emotionally reactive in public or just with those you are comfortable with?

>>>I'm very emotionally reactive on the inside but I choose to only share these reactions with people I am comfortable with.

Do you need a lot of attention in relationships?

>>>Not a lot of attention, but I do have ideals in relationships that I would like paid attention to. I find I need a mix of attention and space, because too much attention just drains me.

Are you really sarcastic?

>>>Yes. I even thought about making this answer sarcastic.

Are you silly?

>>>I can be extremely silly and do things just for the fun of doing them and seeing other people's reactions. But generally I do not let this silliness out in public unless I know the people around me.

Were you shy as a child?

>>>Very shy, although I had a good group of friends. I was always the quiet one and the listener. My doctor says I was selectively mute, but that makes it sound worse than it was IMO. I'd often play by myself and my parents would comment about how I didn't need any other kid to have fun, I could make my own fun.

Do you have a hard time expressing yourself verbally?

>>>Sometimes yes. Usually if I have enough time to plan what I am going to say and how I am going to say it, I can do it quite effectively, but spontaneous verbalization can be hard at times.

Have you always felt as though you were at the same mental age as your chronological peers?

>>>I definitely feel more mature. I act like a kid sometimes though.

Are you a talented writer?

>>>I feel I am.

What do you want to be when you grow up (career)?

>>>I'm aiming towards a career in psychology (psychologist), but when I do get there, writing on the side would be something I could also see myself doing.


New member
Aug 25, 2008
Ok, so I am one, but to be honest my knowledge of the MBTI and its types is very limited. I've been reading over MBTI Central for a couple of days now and I can see that many of you have a good bit of knowledge about the different preferences and types. Basically I just have some questions, if any of you are at all interested in answering any of them (as many or as few as you'd like, and if you have any other information about INFPs to share I'd be interested in reading it!).

If you are an INFP:

How do you respond to authority figures in your life? Do you generally question authority or are you pretty submissive?

I either "bend" or leave but I never really fight because I think that people's thoughts are their own and that I have no right to twit with them. I never felt comfortable about hierarchy though. I was always trying to find the most neutral way to talk as to erase any sign of "submission" to them. At other times, I was in a borderline god-disciple relationship because I admired them and put them on a pedestal(I still do this a lot!).
I'm always polite but never "submissive" openly that is. If something bothers me and people try to push me I just leave.

How do you respond to someone talking down to you?
Depends on the day, the weather, the color of my shoes:D.
Usually I just glare at them and they leave. Strangely that's enough most of the time. I heard I look evil so that does the trick. You know, people don't talk down to me a lot. When they do sometimes I get upset and just blow them off. At other times I just ignore them and go on with my life.

Are you very emotionally reactive? If so, are you emotionally reactive in public or just with those you are comfortable with?

Usually and to pretty much everything. I tend to not show any emotion but always have something going on. I don't like to showcase them in public usually but with someone I know then there's no problem.

Do you need a lot of attention in relationships?
Attention, no. Affection, yes! I don't like to feel smothered actually. People who overdo it bother me. I like it when people keep it off a little bit. Make me want you!:tongue:

Are you really sarcastic?
No. Except when I'm cranky or bored.
Oops, that's 75% of the time.:)

Are you silly?
Yes but only around my close friends.

Were you shy as a child?

More quiet than shy but yes I was shy. I still have to "pep talk" myself to say hello to acquaintances for some reason. I get anxious and nervous about practically anyone who comes my way.

Do people mistake your reservedness for aloofness?
All the time.

Do you have a hard time expressing yourself verbally?

Yes. I can't get anyone to listen!

Have you always felt as though you were at the same mental age as your chronological peers?

No. I feel behind the times in some areas..

Are you a talented writer?

I've been told I was by my teachers but I wouldn't want it to get to my head. I have a terrible tendency to let them get there and it always backfires.

What do you want to be when you grow up (career)?

I'm not sure yet. Something to do with tourism, marketing, charity...who knows?


New member
Mar 27, 2009
If you are an INFP:

How do you respond to authority figures in your life? Do you generally question authority or are you pretty submissive?
--I am pretty much submissive unless I think something is wrong, then I'll ask questions

How do you respond to someone talking down to you?
90% of the time I'll talk back and be snarky
10% of the time, if I really respect the person, I'll aceept what they say and stay quiet

Are you very emotionally reactive? If so, are you emotionally reactive in public or just with those you are comfortable with?
--I am moderately emotionally reactive but ONLY with people I trust hugely -- the few people I let into my "little world"

Do you need a lot of attention in relationships?
--definitely (wish I didn't)

Are you really sarcastic?
--Jee, I don't know..
How bout HEll yeah
Terribly and beautifully sarcastic

Are you silly?

Were you shy as a child?
- No, I was an extroverted child

Do people mistake your reservedness for aloofness?
-- constantly

Do you have a hard time expressing yourself verbally?
-- Very much, it's frustrating and I always say the wrong thing or express the wrong message whenever I do decide to talk.

Have you always felt as though you were at the same mental age as your chronological peers?
-- Never, I've always felt at the same mental age as those a few years older than me. I felt like those were the only people I could have a conversation with.

Are you a talented writer?
-- I've been told that, but I don't believe so. Much improvement is needed.

What do you want to be when you grow up (career)?

Psychologist/ Profiler.


Jun 2, 2009
Instinctual Variant
How do you respond to authority figures in your life? Do you generally question authority or are you pretty submissive?

i have a marked disdain for authority and heirarchy in general. i distrust it. i believe imposing order is unnecessary as people will naturally order themselves.
however, i understand well that too many voices on the same level becomes white noise and so in groups people need a figurehead with a megaphone if you will, to keep things in order.. so long as said authority figure is respectable to me i will be quite obedient. if they aren't, i simply ignore them.

How do you respond to someone talking down to you?

i hate it. i feel as if the person taking this stance must perceive me as stupid or simply easy to control , neither of which i strive for.. i certainly don't respect them in this instance and am unlikely to listen to their suggestions (unless they are common sense in which case i didnt need to be told to do anything anyway)..generally my method in response is to lay on the saccharine sweetness and hope the condescending bastard will read between the lines. if not, (s)he has just proven him/herself thick, and i have my satisfaction knowing that.

Are you very emotionally reactive? If so, are you emotionally reactive in public or just with those you are comfortable with?

i would say i am very emotionally reactive internally, but in most cases externally i take a more cool-headed approach.. i will be more emotive with those i know better, certainly, though in some cases being close to a person is a deterrent to react with emotional fervor - i find myself hesitant to hurt or conflict with those i am close to..sometimes for the best and sometimes not..

Do you need a lot of attention in relationships?

i need a lot of space, but i also need a lot of attention at times. the keyword for me is understanding.. i can accept less attention than i need if there is shared understanding. without that, though, it is difficult for me to tolerate a lack of attention.

Are you really sarcastic?


Are you silly?

if a tree falls in the forest and nobody hears it, does it still crush a bird?

Were you shy as a child?


Do people mistake your reservedness for aloofness?

often. i have been called a snob by people that don't know me well.

Do you have a hard time expressing yourself verbally?

i am good with words, or so i have been told. it depends on what i am expressing. i am good at expressing most positive emotions, decent with expressing frustration if it is a functional matter...but otherwise i tend to channel my negative emotions into written word or visual imagery. i know there is an INFP writer cliche, but there you go.

Have you always felt as though you were at the same mental age as your chronological peers?

hell no.

Are you a talented writer?

so people say. i am inclined to believe that calling oneself talented is a bit much...better to say you're almost talented and push yourself to continue improving..

What do you want to be when you grow up (career)?

historian, curator, or art preservationist


New member
Jun 2, 2009
If you are an INFP:

How do you respond to authority figures in your life? Do you generally question authority or are you pretty submissive?
Hmm. I'd say I question them if they're trying to force me to believe something I really don't believe. If it's something I feel strongly about. If it's something that doesn't really matter to me, I'll just shut up and go along with it.

How do you respond to someone talking down to you? It depends who they are. If it's a stranger or somebody I don't know well, I'll probably just be like "mhhmm" and act uninterested, and make show my thoughts are know, without actually saying them. If it's someone I know well, I'm more likely to actually say something.

Are you very emotionally reactive? If so, are you emotionally reactive in public or just with those you are comfortable with? Internally I'm very emotionally reactive. Externally, I used to be more so. These days that's lessend, but I do still have times where I react in a way I feel embarrassed about afterwards. Sometimes the emotions are so strong, they just come out no matter what. :huh:

Do you need a lot of attention in relationships? Yes.

Are you really sarcastic? I wouldn't say I'm "really" sarcastic, but I do have my times. Usually depends on who I am around and their personality.

Are you silly? With people I feel comfortable wit I definitley can be. It takes me a while to warm up though. I can be very serious.

Were you shy as a child? Umm...more quiet than shy really. I guess, sort of.

Do people mistake your reservedness for aloofness? Yes, I think so. People think I'm being rude sometimes when I'm just not. *shrugs*

Do you have a hard time expressing yourself verbally? I have a hard time getting out what I really want to say. To get people to understand it. If it's a subject that matters to me, I can talk about it intensley, but I usually feel I haven't got what I wanted to get out properly. If that makes sense?? Haha...

Have you always felt as though you were at the same mental age as your chronological peers? This is a weird one. Mentally I've always felt older. More deep, mature. But emotionally I sort of feel younger... I dunno.

Are you a talented writer? Writing has always been one, if the not the, strongest subjects for me. Even as a kid I would get told by teachers that I was talented in that area. Still could, and will, be better though. :)

What do you want to be when you grow up (career)? My dream jobs are shrink, carer, work with children, or writer.


New member
Dec 10, 2008
How do you respond to authority figures in your life? Do you generally question authority or are you pretty submissive?

Teachers I sometimes question, especially if they've gotten me angry (I hold teacher-grudges). I'm pretty submissive with my parents, though.

How do you respond to someone talking down to you?

As in.. bullying? If so, then I'm not sure. It's been a while since anything like that has happened.

If someone is yelling at me for whatever reason, I'll just sit there and take it. I freeze up and become emotionless.

Are you very emotionally reactive? If so, are you emotionally reactive in public or just with those you are comfortable with?

It depends I guess. I think I am with those I'm comfortable with.

Do you need a lot of attention in relationships?

Yeah. I need to know people are there for me. And in a romantic relationship, I need to be reminded every so often that I am loved, if not, I start worrying.

Are you really sarcastic?

If I am, I haven't noticed.

Are you silly?

When Im with people Im comfortable with. It's mostly impulsive silliness.

Were you shy as a child?

Yes, very. Now I'm just reserved.

Do people mistake your reservedness for aloofness?

I don't think so.

Do you have a hard time expressing yourself verbally?

Oh yeah. I'll be talking about something and then I'll suddenly just stop and stare because I've lost my place. I never know how to say what I'm trying to say. It's easier in writing.

Have you always felt as though you were at the same mental age as your chronological peers?

I've always felt older.

Are you a talented writer?

Other people say so, yeah.

What do you want to be when you grow up (career)?

I have no idea anymore.


New member
Oct 22, 2008
If you are an INFP:

How do you respond to authority figures in your life? Do you generally question authority or are you pretty submissive?

I generally know right from wrong and follow the generally accepted rules of law a society. Anything beyond that I view as my life and my choice. I also don't think they're any better than I am, be they a boss, cop, or parent. So I won't accept any constraint if I think I'm right.

How do you respond to someone talking down to you?

If I've done something wrong, I'm likely already aware and I'm harder on myself than anyone else is. If I'm being chastised, I'll either zone out or argue, depending on the consequences of a fight. If I'm completely unaware that i was out of line, I'll apologize, feel like a horrible human being, and adjust accordingly.

Are you very emotionally reactive? If so, are you emotionally reactive in public or just with those you are comfortable with?

Outbursts are rare. When they do come, it's over something that's progressed over time, so my arguments are well thought-out, even if emotional. Only in private, and very, very rare. Outbursts seem such a waste of energy. I'm also over it the next day and don't hold a grudge.

Do you need a lot of attention in relationships?

Probably less than most. But I'm pretty happy on my own so when I do find someone I want to know and enjoy spending time with, I do want to feel close and connected. It's important to know that I am valued, but that's pretty simple.

Are you really sarcastic?

Bitingly sarcastic, and very surly. But only around people who know me and understand I'm not serious.

Are you silly?

Quite silly, but again it only comes out around people I know.

Were you shy as a child?


Do people mistake your reservedness for aloofness?


Do you have a hard time expressing yourself verbally?

Depends. If it's business, I am very thorough and words flow quickly. If it's personal though, I want the most impact with the fewest words, and I choose my words carefully. I also feel the pressure to make sure I am understood, which I often fail at.

Have you always felt as though you were at the same mental age as your chronological peers?

Probably older. I've always been very philosophical.

Are you a talented writer?

Not as an artist. But I can get my point across eloquently, with proper grammar and punctuation most of the time. I love words...

What do you want to be when you grow up (career)?



Jun 7, 2009
If you are an INFP:
* Disclaimer – I swing back and forth between INFP and ENFP, so I maay not have the most accurate results for you…

How do you respond to authority figures in your life? Do you generally question authority or are you pretty submissive?

It depends on the type of authority figure, and what kind of authority they are trying to assert... I pretty much close down in an argument when someone is yelling, debate I’m fine with, actual arguments… not so much... I don’t really question authority, but then again, I don’t NOT question it either... I question anything which doesn’t sit well with me, and those are generally things worthy of being looked at no matter who is asserting them…

How do you respond to someone talking down to you?

Not very well, like I said previously, if it’s someone yelling at me or emotionally upset with me I pretty much freeze up and take it, it’s kind of go into my own head, I’ll feel so horrible I won’t know how to physically make the words I want to come out come out… but if it’s just someone talking down to me because they think they know better it brings out my argumentative side, I HATE being spoken down to or spoken to like a child.

Are you very emotionally reactive? If so, are you emotionally reactive in public or just with those you are comfortable with?

Reactionary in an emotional situation: Big fat yes. I tend to pick up and carry other people’s emotions, if someone is unhappy with me instead of actually stepping back and trying to fix things in a rational manner I’ll pretty much do anything I can to make them feel better. Even at my own detriment. Sometimes I have overreacted to things in public and am intensely embarrassed about it afterwards.

Do you need a lot of attention in relationships?

Romantic attention no, it smothers me. i like a little bit of space in the relationship, then again I don’t want to be neglected… hmm, hard to please on that one, it’s just the right balance between letting me feel free enough to have my own space and do my own thing, but no so free that I feel the other person doesn’t care.

Are you really sarcastic?

Actually no. I can be obnoxious, but sarcasm not so much these days.

Are you silly?

I have spongebob squarepants stickers on my fridge and car. I am 29. Does that count?

Were you shy as a child?

It depended on the situation, but more often than not yes.

I have horrible anxiety about meeting new people as an adult, apparently I do very well at it and don’t seem to have problems making friends, it just makes me feel horrible and almost physically ill trying to keep all the nerves inside.

Do people mistake your reservedness for aloofness?

Yes, but at othertimes I can be incredibly unreserved… there goes my interchangeability….

Do you have a hard time expressing yourself verbally?

When someone is angry at me or I think they might be angry at me if I say what I want to or if it will lead to conflict yes, otherwise nope I’m pretty good at it.

Have you always felt as though you were at the same mental age as your chronological peers?

No, when I was younger I felt older than my peers, now I feel much younger..

Are you a talented writer?

I hope I’m at least an okay writer, considering it’s what I’ve gone back to university to do (journalism major).

I enjoy it immensely and after finally getting my prose back after years and years of writers block, nothing relaxes me more when I have bouts of insomnia than to write down all the stupid stuff that happens to me outside of my control or because I don’t think enough before acting. Like accidentally flashing my real-estate agent my boobs, getting petrol/gas in a towel or the ongoing saga of someone stealing my garden bin and me stealing it back in pre-dawn raids... stupid, stupid things...

What do you want to be when you grow up (career)?

Happy. In a job I don’t absolutely despise.


New member
Apr 22, 2009
So, I'm basing this off of my brother, the only INFP I'm close to.
If you are not an INFP:

Do they ever talk too much or too little?
Far too little. Though the things they say probably wouldn't be nearly as interesting if they weren't such rare little gems.

Do they seem stuck up?
No, just have their own goals in mind, and don't really care about anyone else's. A bit happier to assume things about others than they'd like to admit.

Do they seem aloof or just quiet and reserved?
There's a difference?

Do you think they come off as emotionally unstable?
Until they're forced into facing the consequences of their actions. Brother dearest had a terrible temper. Now he's in the military and much easier to deal with.

In general, how would you profile a male INFP?
annoyingly astute, and a bit frat-boyish when partying

What do you think of INFPs as coworkers, subordinates, or authority figures?
Coworkers- impossible
Subordinates- reliable, but a tendency to goof off in creative ways when they don't see the point of the work
Authority Figures- excellent leaders, but leave the field marshalling to us :)


Apr 10, 2009
Looks at INFP *Sees knife and calls suicide hotline*.
Sarcastic LOL.


Seriously Delirious
Aug 2, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Heh, yeah. I thought about replying, but I don't think anyone is reading anymore.