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[INFP] Questions for and about INFPs.


New member
Jul 17, 2007
Ok, so I am one, but to be honest my knowledge of the MBTI and its types is very limited. I've been reading over MBTI Central for a couple of days now and I can see that many of you have a good bit of knowledge about the different preferences and types. Basically I just have some questions, if any of you are at all interested in answering any of them (as many or as few as you'd like, and if you have any other information about INFPs to share I'd be interested in reading it!).

If you are an INFP:

How do you respond to authority figures in your life? Do you generally question authority or are you pretty submissive?

How do you respond to someone talking down to you?

Are you very emotionally reactive? If so, are you emotionally reactive in public or just with those you are comfortable with?

Do you need a lot of attention in relationships?

Are you really sarcastic?

Are you silly?

Were you shy as a child?

Do people mistake your reservedness for aloofness?

Do you have a hard time expressing yourself verbally?

Have you always felt as though you were at the same mental age as your chronological peers?

Are you a talented writer?

What do you want to be when you grow up (career)?

If you are not an INFP:

Do they ever talk too much or too little?

Do they seem stuck up?

Do they seem aloof or just quiet and reserved?

Do you think they come off as emotionally unstable?

In general, how would you profile a male INFP?

In general, how would you profile a female INFP?

What do you think of INFPs as coworkers, subordinates, or authority figures?

How do you view INFPs in romantic relationships?


Doesn't Read Your Posts
Apr 18, 2007
*Dr. Haight uses Noel as a test case*

What do you think of female [male] INFPs? Nice fellows

Do they ever talk too much or too little? Too little. But then I might want him to talk less after he begins to talk more. So I'm not sure.

Do they seem stuck up? Not at all.

Do they seem aloof or just quiet and reserved? Quiet and reserved. And mostly drunk.

Do you think they come off as emotionally unstable? Yes. But seems aware of that fact . . . which is nice.

In general, how would you profile a male INFP? Read above.

In general, how would you profile a female INFP? n/a


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
1. Do they ever talk too much or too little?
I've seen both. They usually come alive if you get them one-on-one with someone they actually know, otherwise they hold back a bit, not wanting to accidentally offend.

Do they seem stuck up?
They can seem stuck up, if they are feeling uncomfortable. Basically, they won't talk at all, then talk to someone they know well who walks in and seem like a completely different person -- and this could get read by a stranger as them not WANTING to talk to the other people because they aren't good enough. And the fact that many INFPs are moralistic (strong internalized viewpoints) and can seem very "good" on the outside could sometimes put up a wall between them and people who are "not as good."

Do they seem aloof or just quiet and reserved?
Either, depending on context.

Do you think they come off as emotionally unstable?
:shock: Ummm... only when they wave that knife in the air...?

In general, how would you profile a male INFP?
In general, how would you profile a female INFP?

Some traits that help me guess INFP:
  • Low-key, sometimes even reserved; hates to intrude; soft-spoken.
  • Very careful with their words; comments about others are usually as kind as possible, even when the situation doesn't seem to warrant it. Corollary: Often apologies profusely for being negative, when everyone else only heard a minor criticism. (!)
  • Often loves talking about their dreams, morals, visions, values in life, what's meaningful.
  • Often has a creative streak in some genre... or at least aspires.
  • Can talk in personal conceptual terms easily.
  • Easily articulates the essence of people, in casual conversation
  • Usually likes fiction, also enjoys a lot of books of conceptual broad knowledge (history, culture, religion, philosophy, literature)

There are more, but those are just some obvious ones that help. (Note: Readings are always based on context and many features working in conjunction, not just on a few isolated points.)

What do you think of INFPs as coworkers, subordinates, or authority figures?

INFPs shine at respecting other people's "voices" -- they take great care, usually, that all people are treated with dignity, are listened to and considered, and go out of their way to not offend others. They also seem to be very good at seeing people in positive lights.

However, they are usually not good at wielding power and/or asserting their leadership, because they hate to push people. They would rather encourage and motivate in order to get others to act autonomously. Again, this is part of making everyone "have a voice."

They can sometimes be passive-aggressive in their behavior. They don't want to have direct open conflict but will drag their feet or make things difficult by just not doing what is expected of them. The two working extremes seem to be "fluffy" versus "productive." Those who focus on Ne don't get much done but they have wonderful imaginations and love to discuss their values and dreams. Those who have developed Te often go into "work" mode and are very productive but can also become very nitpicking, critical, and anal if under too much stress-- the perfectionist tendencies definitely come out.

What do I personally think? Usually people I would aspire to be like, they tend to be "that good" (i.e., a good moral example!) However, I usually do not like being led by them where they have to give orders; unless they've worked on their inferior Te function, they can often be wishy-washy, non-authoritative, and sometimes don't see the negatives of a situation or person.

How do you view INFPs in romantic relationships?
I wish I could help you, but I've never been in one with an INFP. Sorry. :)


✿ڿڰۣஇღ♥ wut ♥ღஇڿڰۣ✿
Apr 24, 2007
following haight's example 'cause why not, i'm going to answer this with carebear and noel in mind. they're the only two i've spoken to one on one.

If you are not an INFP:

Do they ever talk too much or too little?

can get lost in tangents sometimes, but then charmingly apologize. even though it isn't necessary. because they make me laugh by accident a lot but then don't get offended when i do. so the answer is, sometimes, but it's enjoyable for the most part, and if it isn't, it can quickly get enjoyable just by teasing them about it.

Do they seem stuck up?

god, no. they see both sides too much to be that way.

Do they seem aloof or just quiet and reserved?

say, "hi" and that's all it takes to find they aren't aloof. quiet and reserved? at first, yes, but then once comfortable, they're very open and warm.

Do you think they come off as emotionally unstable?

emotionally questioning, more like. self-analyzing seems to be constant, but they seem very aware of doing it. they'd probably get unstable and begin to climb the walls if you tried to stop them from thinking about (attempting to make sense of and come to terms with) emotions.

In general, how would you profile a male INFP?

very comfortable with what's beneath the surface of people... including themselves. and, if not, they analyze until it makes sense enough. so, that equates to having a very real strength. sometimes too hard on themselves which can make you want to smack them, but only because you care. up for anything once they're comfortable with you. laugh easily. fun-loving. easy to talk to. very accepting. they get sarcasm amazingly well too and seem to like it. which works for us "jerks" who are only teasing, but usually get misunderstood. if they don't get that you're teasing, they don't just pretend they do and sit and hurt, they speak up... thank god. that way the other person gets a chance to clear things up.

summary: i, for one, adore the two i mentioned.

In general, how would you profile a female INFP?

haven't talked to one in depth enough. so far though, i really enjoy the ones i like, or work to avoid the ones i don't. it could be that way with the males too, but i'm not sure as the sample is too small.

What do you think of INFPs as coworkers, subordinates, or authority figures?

no clue.

How do you view INFPs in romantic relationships?

as far as the males i've talked about here, and what i know of how they are with the girls they're with, they're amazing. for the reasons i gave above and more.


New member
Apr 25, 2007
How do you respond to authority figures in your life? Do you generally question authority or are you pretty submissive?

I was ridiculously unquestioning of authority figures as a kid, but these days I've swung totally the opposite way.

How do you respond to someone talking down to you?

Usually I walk away.

Are you very emotionally reactive? If so, are you emotionally reactive in public or just with those you are comfortable with?

I'm very emotionally reactive, but very rarely visibly volatile, and then only when under great stress, or genuinely outraged. Usually it happens slowly, unless someone corners me and won't let up. Generally though I will take drag whatever it is I'm reacting to off to a quiet, solitary place and chew it over for hours. I don't like to take immediate reactions at face value, so I like to give things due consideration and analysis. This isnt to say that I decide what my reaction will be, I just like to take time to decide how I feel exactly, why I feel that way, and if it's right to feel that way.

Are you really sarcastic?

I'm very dry, but almost never in a way that demeans anyone other than myself. I'd characterize sarcasm as biting, which I very rarely do.

Are you silly?

Sometimes. When I'm with friends. I usually need a receptive audience, unless I'm doing it to irritate someone. In the latter instance, I'm silly in an extremely straight-faced way, and never when there are other people around who might laugh at the object of my goading.

Were you shy as a child?

No, not really. I learned to be reserved when I went to high-school after repeated ridicule for my INFPy ways. During primary school and before that I was pretty outgoing. My family were all convinced I was an extrovert as a child, actually. I personally think I acted that way because I didnt really make a distinction between my inner world and the outer world.

Do people mistake your reservedness for aloofness?

Maybe briefly. I'm pretty approachable when I'm in any mental state other than extreme depression. I've been told that I come across as intimidatingly intelligent (no really) to people who don't know me that well, but I have too many obvious psychological flaws to intimidate anyone for long.

Do you have a hard time expressing yourself verbally?

Sometimes I do. When I'm trying to express Fi judgements which I feel but do not completely understand, for example. Sometimes Ne can be hard to articlate as well. Usually though if I can articulate it to myself I can articulate it to others. That's often a pretty big "if", of course. I frequently correct myself and verbalize my constant internal self-analysis, which probably causes me to ramble a lot and go off topic. When I realize I'm doing this I immediately break off what I'm saying and attempt to return to the topic under discussion.

Have you always felt as though you were at the same mental age as your chronological peers?

I remember often enjoying listening in to the conversations of adults more that participating in conversations with people my own age as a child. I can't remember ever considering kids my own age as being beneath me or younger than me, though. I never considered it an issue of me being more or less mature than them so much as just being totally different.

Are you a talented writer?

That's pretty relative. I used to write creatively a lot, and got good marks for it. Then I made the mistake of studying English Literature, and creativity was abandoned in favour of a more analytical worldview.

What do you want to be when you grow up (career)?

No clue.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2007
If you are not an INFP:
(My twelve year old appears to be an INFP.)

Do they ever talk too much or too little?

Do they seem stuck up?
Not really.

Do they seem aloof or just quiet and reserved?

Do you think they come off as emotionally unstable?

In general, how would you profile a male INFP?
Quiet, sensitive flirt

In general, how would you profile a female INFP?

Passionate, kind, charming

What do you think of INFPs as coworkers, subordinates, or authority figures?
Don't have experience in all these areas, but you want to keep them away from the mean people because they might either need to attack them or get sick from holding it in. Can be a little high maintenance, but the intentions and motivations are usually of the purest and best quality.

How do you view INFPs in romantic relationships?
Same as in everything else, but that's just a guess.


New member
Jul 17, 2007
I'm really enjoying this thread! I appreciate the responses so far...especially the thought being put into them. Many of the characteristics and perceptions that have been expressed of INFPs thus far are pretty much descriptive of me.

I'm going to go ahead and answer the questions I've listed for INFPs. :)

How do you respond to authority figures in your life? Do you generally question authority or are you pretty submissive?

When I was a kid, I was extremely well-liked by my teachers because I was so polite and respectful. As I got into high school, that quickly went away. I was still quiet and respectful, but secretly I had very bad opinions of my teachers. Now I do well with authority figures who treat me as something of an equal. I have had a hard time with work since most of the jobs I've done are minimum wage. It's bottom-of-the-totem-pole work which usually involves being treated like crap by all the people you encounter (managers, customers, coworkers). I am pretty confident in my intelligence and waitressing or cashiering jobs can be very upsetting for me. I hate confrontation so I won't say anything to a manager who is intentionally demeaning. When I was working those kinds of jobs I typically felt as if my superiors were actually very inferior to me, and I hated biting my tongue and doing as I was told. Now I have a job where I LOOOOVE my boss, and it has been the best work experience I've had.

How do you respond to someone talking down to you?
It's not tolerable to me. I don't always react, but I will usually try to give off some indication that the person has offended me (usually by giving attitude). I think I generally get my point across without having to be straight-up confrontational. Sometimes, though, I'll end up analyzing the situation later on and wishing I had spoken up and told them not to treat me that way.

Are you very emotionally reactive? If so, are you emotionally reactive in public or just with those you are comfortable with?

My emotional reactiveness at work has settled. I got used to the whole customer service thing and quit caring so much when people got angry at me over nothing. Actually, I think in general my emotional reactiveness has settled. It was at its worst when I was 18 or 19. I was pretty emotionally reactive with my SO and parents. For some reason it has now become a more subdued part of my personality, although admittedly it is still there. My feathers can be easily ruffled.

Do you need a lot of attention in relationships?

Are you really sarcastic?
Nearly everything that comes out of my mouth is sarcastic in the company of those I'm comfortable with.

Are you silly?
When I'm comfortable, absolutely.

Were you shy as a child?
Ridiculously shy.

Do people mistake your reservedness for aloofness?
I think they do and it drives me nuts. People tend to treat me like I don't know what they're talking about, or as if I don't understand some concept or instruction they're trying to give me. So I assume I must come off as aloof to them, when really I'm just reserved and somewhat nondescript.

Do you have a hard time expressing yourself verbally?
To the point where I get tongue-tied, yes. I hate it.

Have you always felt as though you were at the same mental age as your chronological peers?

No, I've always felt older. It was pretty bad in middle school and high school because I really cannot stand the way teenagers/tweens act. The lack of consideration they have for other people, their blatant lack of depth...

Likewise, my peers often don't understand some of my convictions (I don't drink or smoke, have little interest in partying, and prefer long-term, committed relationships to casual dating).

Are you a talented writer?
I think so, although college has temporarily drained my interest in writing. My creativity is all but gone. I was once interested in pursuing journalism in college and as a career, but instead chose social psychology as my major. Now I'm working in the realm of photography and graphic art.

What do you want to be when you grow up (career)?
Gosh, I don't know. Originally I wanted to be a journalist but after working for a newspaper found that it wasn't for me. Being forced to write with time restraints sucks all of the enjoyment out of it for me. I am fascinated by psychology but I'm not too thrilled with how much education it takes to work in the field. As I said, I'm working with photography and graphic art now. It's another field I've always been interested in, but have no educational or professional background in it. We'll see where it takes me. I just know I want work to be fun and creative, and free of harsh deadlines and time restraints. I honestly think I've found that type of job!

Another thing I'm noticing about myself, which may have something to do with type, is how I feel being an authority figure. I've never been in such a position until now. And really, I'm still not in a position of authority, but I do have the leverage to ask/tell others what to do. I find it difficult. And I'm realizing quickly that I have a hard time being stern. I have a hard time telling people no even though I should. I almost profusely thank people for doing what I ask of them, and try to make them feel good about the work they've done. I don't notice other people doing that as much as I do. I have a hard time seeing my military counterparts at work get in trouble for reasons I deem as petty or unnecessary, and I am very vocal about it to one of their superiors. Oftentimes I'll voice my disapproval of how they are treated both in front of them and their Sgt. I go back and forth with their Sgt a lot, and we get into very heated discussions over it (somehow we still really like each other and get along well, lol). I keep telling myself I need to learn to shut up about military dynamics since I'm just a civilian working with them. I can't help myself though, and I think that has to do with being an INFP.

Hmmm...so it's been very interesting to read what you guys have responded with, as I'm seeing a lot of myself in your descriptions.


Glowy Goopy Goodness
Jul 11, 2007
If you are not an INFP:

Do they ever talk too much or too little?
Depends on the circumstances. If they don't know you they tend to be quiet. When they feel comfortable they can talk a lot, especially if you touch on a subject that they feel strongly about.

Do they seem stuck up?
Most of them do not. I have met one that did seem a little that way.

Do they seem aloof or just quiet and reserved?
They can seem all three until you get to know them.

Do you think they come off as emotionally unstable?
No, most I've met are pretty stable, and if they aren't they usually seem to hide it.

In general, how would you profile a male/female INFP?
Bunch of hippies mostly. That's ok though since I like hippies.

What do you think of INFPs as coworkers, subordinates, or authority figures?
I don't think I've ever worked with one.

How do you view INFPs in romantic relationships?
Can't say from personal experience.


Senior Membrane
Jul 5, 2007
Instinctual Variant
If you are not an INFP:

Note I am really only going by 2 IRL examples here (INFP male my age, known him since 8th grade, and an INFP female who's older, known her for a year and a half), so it's a bit limited in scope...

Do they ever talk too much or too little?
They don't talk too much, but get a bit sensitive if you're ignoring them.

Do they seem stuck up?
Not too much, maybe sometimes. Not any more than others I would say.

Do they seem aloof or just quiet and reserved?
Quiet and reserved, sort've hanging around but with a purpose. And if they feel uncomfortable in any way, they don't hesitate to get the fuck out of dodge, quietly urging their friend(s).

Do you think they come off as emotionally unstable?
That, as always, ends up being a function of maturity. But my one INFP male friend has definitely exhibited some instability, and significant vulnerability, which has gotten better over the years but you can tell there is still a 'kernel' of vulnerability always present inside. My (3-years-older) female INFP friend keeps a strong facade, but you can tell that breaks down when she's tired or really stressed out. When truly stressed, she clams up and stares at people in the same way I do when I am stressed. Luckily, she's married to an ENTJ male, a very outspoken one at that (over the top at times), and he is definitely her prince savior, sword with shining armor to protect her when she's being taken advantage of in any way, shape or tiny sliver of a form. (They are so good together, when they're not bickering about stupid shit--but of course that is par for any marriage :))

In general, how would you profile a male INFP?
Nerdy, but sensitive, with a keen internal passion driving him forward.

In general, how would you profile a female INFP?
Also a bit nerdy, but you'd never guess unless you really got to talk to her. Also sensitive, possibly battle-hardened by the hardships of life (and badgering from others) with a keen sense of passion.

What do you think of INFPs as coworkers, subordinates, or authority figures?
Never had the pleasure of experiencing this.

How do you view INFPs in romantic relationships?
Vulnerable to hurt, and definitely in dire need of an absolute genuine connection with their partner.

My INFP male buddy is so similar to me in some thought processes, especially regarding matters of the opposite sex, and we are trusted dump targets for each other's problems, who genuinely listen, care and relate to one another. My INFP female buddy is very caring too, she's always observant of my mood and (she and her husband both) always makes me feel 'included' in the group. She extends a small part of Keirsey's "soulmate" concept to all of her close friends, and cares about all of them.


heart on fire
May 19, 2007
If you are an INFP:

How do you respond to authority figures in your life? Do you generally question authority or are you pretty submissive?

Extremely submissive as a child and question everything as an adult.

How do you respond to someone talking down to you?

Depends on who it is. Either firmly tell them that I know what they are doing or firmly assert my own agenda, or if it is an unimportant relationship just stand there and laugh at them in my head and mark them as a A hole for future reference.

Are you very emotionally reactive?

If so, are you emotionally reactive in public or just with those you are comfortable with?

Tend to be more emotionally reactive in important relationships.

Do you need a lot of attention in relationships?


Are you really sarcastic?
Yes and cynical too.

Are you silly?

Only with certain people who are close to me. I tend to be too serious with most other people. I have a hard time warming up to people.

Were you shy as a child?

I was so shy I could have been called disassociated!

Do people mistake your reservedness for aloofness?

Yes. I have also been called cold and unfeeling and also arrogant.

Do you have a hard time expressing yourself verbally?

Yes, more so now than ever. I would much rather type than talk.

Have you always felt as though you were at the same mental age as your chronological peers?

When I was a child I felt older than my age and now I feel more immature than my age.

Are you a talented writer?

I write but I think it is all crap. Some people who know me think I am a good writer. It is so hard to say, I mean doesn't everyone these days think they are a talented writer?


Jun 23, 2007
Instinctual Variant
How do you respond to authority figures in your life? Do you generally question authority or are you pretty submissive?
I used to be too easy, but now you have to be a little more reasonable or an authority figure will find some trouble with me...

How do you respond to someone talking down to you?
Roll my eyes then either try to ignore the tone or make my exit depending on what needs to be done at the time.

Are you very emotionally reactive? If so, are you emotionally reactive in public or just with those you are comfortable with?
Only with those I'm comfortable with and that varies with how much I should I really feel needs to come out. I internalize a lot more than what I let out.

Do you need a lot of attention in relationships?
Depends on what is meant by attention. I'm actually quite content cuddling on the couch with someone while not really paying any attention to each other at all.

Are you really sarcastic?
Sarcasm, cynicism and pessimism; I use them in times of humor, frustration, and exasperation.

Are you silly?
At times...:blush:

Were you shy as a child?
Still am...

Do people mistake your reservedness for aloofness?
Yes, and I'm getting better at not giving a shit. ^_^

Do you have a hard time expressing yourself verbally?
Yes, especially when I'm dealing with the falling in love crap; I swear my head shuts off around the object of my desire for next to two weeks and it pisses me off!

Have you always felt as though you were at the same mental age as your chronological peers?
No, and it makes it hard to find a girlfriend.

Are you a talented writer?
Not sure yet; I may start indulging soon though.

What do you want to be when you grow up (career)?
Fucked if I know; it's changed several times since I was 10.


New member
Jul 14, 2007
If you are an INFP:

How do you respond to authority figures in your life? Do you generally question authority or are you pretty submissive?

It depends, as a child I was teachers pet, fathers pet (if anyone could ever be that). Nowadays I question all authority, if it is someone who's judgement I trust, or someone who I know has only my best interest at heart then I will respect their authority, if not I won't. I respect the laws of the land only so much as they fit with my beliefs.

How do you respond to someone talking down to you?

It depends again, if you are someone I like, look up to and respect and you speak down to me I can find it a bit difficult to broach the subject with you, but I will do, it will just take me a bit of time, then I will simply tell you not to talk down to me anymore (explaining my reasons, and the golden rule)

If your someone I don't know, like or trust, then my response will be barbed instantly, as I don't like being talked down to.

Are you very emotionally reactive? If so, are you emotionally reactive in public or just with those you are comfortable with?

I react emotionally wherever those emotions hit me, be it outside, or with my friends, if I am reacting, I am reacting, and I am not too fussed about it.

Do you need a lot of attention in relationships?

Yes and no, I am kind of confused about how much attention I require, I find myself longing for attention but then hating it when i get it, I can feel claustrophobic in a relationship in which I am being suffocated in attention. Yet I hate to be ignored also.

Are you really sarcastic?

Yes, very much so, and depending on the target, ie a joke audience or someone I dislike, it can be sarcasm that hurts or doesn't.

Are you silly?

Yes, I was nicknamed clown of the class.

Were you shy as a child?

No, not really, I was someone who made friends easily and had no problems with being in the limelight. My shyness developed later in life.

Do people mistake your reservedness for aloofness?

Many people who have begun speaking to me have confessed afterwards that i came across as stuck up and rude before they got to know me, even so far as telling me that they were afraid of me. I don't know why as I am only quiet, not menacing. :huh:

Do you have a hard time expressing yourself verbally?

Yes, I find it hard to get my ideas across verbally, I find it easier to write it, I am rarely at a loss on how to explain myself on paper.

Have you always felt as though you were at the same mental age as your chronological peers?

Yes, when I was too young to be aware of differing mental ages within my own age group, however the moment I became aware the differences between myself and them became more pronounced, in the last 3 years especially I have become more critical of the people I associate with.

Are you a talented writer?

That's debatable.:D

What do you want to be when you grow up (career)?

Editor/Publisher, and writer. Oh and a J type, I want to be a J type when I am older.:smile:


New member
Apr 19, 2007
Sometimes I think I might be INFP, but I'm probably an INFJ. So I'll answer the second set. I have, like, five billion INFP friends. Srsly.

Do they ever talk too much or too little? They talk exactly the right amount for me, usually. Most of the INFPs I know do tend to talk to work stuff out in their heads. As this doesn't bother me, I don't label it "talking too much." I suppose that if someone wasn't interested in what goes on in the minds of these INFPs, it might be a bit much.

Do they seem stuck up? Never. Seriously. INFPs can be a little floaty and mystical, but the ones I know are really kind and accepting people.

Do they seem aloof or just quiet and reserved? Quiet and reserved. I think INFJs might seem more aloof than INFPs.

Do you think they come off as emotionally unstable? Not unless they actually are. I do have one friend who is not emotionally unstable but does tend to cry a lot... just because she's super-emotive, and that's one of the ways that emotion leaks out of her.

In general, how would you profile a male INFP? The male INFPs I know tend to be quite independent but very warm and loving. I'm thinking of two of them in particular. One of them (who is 57 years old) seems to have a lot of control and restraint with emotion (though he has a healthy ability to experience it, I know), and one of them (who is 25) is quite effusive and very visibly passionate. I know this isn't very general. Sorry.

In general, how would you profile a female INFP? Sensitive, independent, creative, sometimes hurt easily.

What do you think of INFPs as coworkers, subordinates, or authority figures? I will think about coworkers because I can imagine that best. INFPs can, quite frankly, drive me crazy in this capacity. All of the INFPs I know are gifted at what they do, but have a really hard time getting stuff done because they tend to spend a lot of time exploring tangential threads of thought (which I admire as a general characteristic, but get frustrated by when there's something specific that must be done). If I were on a team with an INFP, I would probably feel that I had to direct that person in order to produce whatever we were responsible for producing in the time that we were given.

How do you view INFPs in romantic relationships? I don't think I've ever dated an INFP. However, based on my observations, they seem to be seeking love above all, and they want very much to be with someone who can understand them and all of their lovely complications.


Well-known member
Jun 11, 2007
I think I'm an INFP I figure I'm always going to question my type, and it fits me the best, but still not 100% sure. Anyways

"How do you respond to authority figures in your life? Do you generally question authority or are you pretty submissive?"

Only if their authority is worth questioning. Most trouble I've ever really been in with the law is a speeding ticket and I was speeding, and the guy knocked off 10 miles so I didn't see the point in questioning him. I've also found from watching others deal with authority if you're nice and treat them with respect less likely you are to get in to trouble. Unless they're douches. I've always gotten along with authority figures, such as teachers and parents, I have friend parent's who are excited to see me. I'm not that interesting/good of a person.

"How do you respond to someone talking down to you?"

I usually stand their and take it, but in my head fantasizing me kicking their ass( which would never happen as I'm a wimp and awkward). or some heavy object from above falling on them.

"Are you very emotionally reactive? If so, are you emotionally reactive in public or just with those you are comfortable with?"

Depends on the situation, if I'm nervous or feel strongly for something I will be, but if not I normally keep to myself, and not really care. If a friend or someone I know such as a room mate even if I hate her (which one of them I do) I would still feel terrible if I saw someone taking advantage of them.

"Do you need a lot of attention in relationships?"

Yes and No, when I'm not getting any I do, If I am then I'd rather be left alone, I'm sure this confuses people. I'll decide I want to go shopping with my mom then I'll get excited then I'll all of sudden want nothing to do with her, and want to go into a dark room with a book/movie/ipod/or computer.

"Are you really sarcastic?"

I can be, most people don't get it because I'm more dry but if you listen to what I say in conversations you'll realize what I was saying would make no sense unless I wasn't being completely serious. Of course I'm only sarcastic dealing with incomptense it's either that or me going off on them.

"Are you silly?"

Around my friends, yes

"Were you shy as a child?"

Yeah, fortunatly all my friends were extraverts so they would do all the talking for me. I use to get in trouble for not talking enough, or speaking up for what I wanted. The truth was I would speak up if I felt strongly enough, otherwise I didn't see the point.

"Do people mistake your reservedness for aloofness?"


"Do you have a hard time expressing yourself verbally?"

Yea, especially if I'm nervous I tend to stutter and forget what I'm saying. Of course this might be that I'm always light years ahead or somewhere else in my head compared to my mouth.

"Have you always felt as though you were at the same mental age as your chronological peers?"

I either felt 10 years older or 10 years younger, I always either felt overly mature or very immature, I'm sure I'm more immature then mature. Besides I don't know what It's like to be 30 since I've never been 30 but I do remember what it's like being 10.

"Are you a talented writer?"

I use to be

"What do you want to be when you grow up (career)?"

I don't know I think I want a family, and take classes at the local college and learn different skills and do different projects, I want to write, but I don't want to feel like I have to write or that I have to earn money from it. i find that as soon as those restraints of a paycheck and going to work everyday opens up my creativity. If I can't do that I want to travel the world making documentaries. (I'm not sure that made any sense)


Apr 23, 2007


:hi: :cheers:

How do you respond to authority figures in your life? Do you generally question authority or are you pretty submissive?

In my younger years (gosh, that makes me sound terribly old), I wasn't too much of a trouble maker. I try my best not to upset the powers that be by staying under the radar. For the most part nowadays, I abide by law when it suits me -- there are some laws I just don't agree with and stay out of the spot light.

How do you respond to someone talking down to you?

I usually don't say anything and gaze into your soul. At this point, I'm in disbelief of why you are doing this. Of course, this all depends on context. If it's a joke, I usually praise the person, if it's applicable or was an excellent joke. Constructive criticism hurts a little bit, but it's helpful. Opprobrious criticism hurts. If the following becomes frequent, I usually analyze the value of our friendship and if needed, make an ultimatum to either stop or we're done. One dude quit being an Ass and the other, I couldn't care less about him.

Are you very emotionally reactive? If so, are you emotionally reactive in public or just with those you are comfortable with?

In public, I'm very unemotionally reactive. A male INFJ I met at my old coffee shop job, guessed my type as an INTP. He said I came across as INPish, but very T, but disproved his observation once we began talking to one another. We got along famously. Around my close friends, I'm a textbook F (ha!).

Do you need a lot of attention in relationships?

I like touching. A lot. Alright, since that is out of the way, I don't require that much attention. I like to retreat and chill in my labyrinth. I'm more of a partner pleaser than myself. I like the phone call every other day or hanging out, but I just can't do it everyday. I like some time with my buddies and most importantly, some Noel time. But if you want attention, watch out, cause your going to get it.

Are you really sarcastic?

I try to be, but I always seem to mess up the most important part: Tone. I'm usually at my best, sarcastically, when I don't try. My humour for the most part is really dry, plays on irony and self-deprecating. I like to use lots of references (books to video games to the internet, etc) and make call backs. Mitch Hedberg is my hero! I seem to pick up on sarcasm on the internet better than in real life. Wow. How counter-intuitive is that!

Are you silly?

What do you think, billy? To the point that I've accepted that most NT's tune out-ok, that's only when things get really weird.

Were you shy as a child?

Absolutely. I still am to this day. Comparing my shyness to my childhood, I'd say I've improved somewhat.

Do people mistake your reservedness for aloofness?

I'd say so. It expends a lot of energy to meet new people or put into situations outside your comfort zone. I've learned to use the absolute bare minimum *small talk toggle switch* when in need. I like to think and sort out my feelings before saying most things.

Do you have a hard time expressing yourself verbally?

Yes. I think that stems from the fact that I don't have a dictionary/thesaurus near by to get that perfect sentence or rather, feel as if I possess a firm grasp on what I want to say (e.g. I know what I want to say, but lack that one vocabulary word for that given instance, which equates to me abandoning the idea or sounding convoluted. Imagine the 5th grade science project of two plastic soda bottles connected together, filled with water, to demonstrate a vortex. I have a lot of water that needs to get through the small mouth of the bottles and if I let the water drain by itself, it becomes inefficient, violent and unstable to the point of compromising the entire apparatus. With the help of a helping hand, one can manipulate the water inside by gyrating the bottle to create a efficient, smooth and stabilized structure. In other words, I feel I express myself better through written communication than verbal communication-I like seeing the words in front of me: whether to play with them, see how they flow, the overall diction, etc.

Have you always felt as though you were at the same mental age as your chronological peers?

Perhaps a little older. At certain things, I feel as if a child may be more mentally developed than me and at others, I feel as if I were a wise Zen master. I suppose everyone's mileage may vary.

Are you a talented writer?

People say that I have a good voice, but I can't spell for the life of me. I get really embarrassed when doing an in-class writing exercise. My hand writing can, at times, contain something interesting or insightful, but that is if you can decipher a message from the ww2 Enigma machine.

What do you want to be when you grow up (career)?

True to my friends. Closer to finding myself as [and has always been] complete. Comfortable. Ideally, writing prose or possibly teaching; the latter, I am unsure of how well of a teacher I would make. I haven't ruled out being a Ski Bum yet.

*please no edits please no edits please no edits*
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New member
May 29, 2007
I was ridiculously unquestioning of authority figures as a kid, but these days I've swung totally the opposite way.

Usually I walk away.

I'm very emotionally reactive, but very rarely visibly volatile, and then only when under great stress, or genuinely outraged. Usually it happens slowly, unless someone corners me and won't let up. Generally though I will take drag whatever it is I'm reacting to off to a quiet, solitary place and chew it over for hours. I don't like to take immediate reactions at face value, so I like to give things due consideration and analysis. This isnt to say that I decide what my reaction will be, I just like to take time to decide how I feel exactly, why I feel that way, and if it's right to feel that way.

I'm very dry, but almost never in a way that demeans anyone other than myself. I'd characterize sarcasm as biting, which I very rarely do.

Sometimes. When I'm with friends. I usually need a receptive audience, unless I'm doing it to irritate someone. In the latter instance, I'm silly in an extremely straight-faced way, and never when there are other people around who might laugh at the object of my goading.

No, not really. I learned to be reserved when I went to high-school after repeated ridicule for my INFPy ways. During primary school and before that I was pretty outgoing. My family were all convinced I was an extrovert as a child, actually. I personally think I acted that way because I didnt really make a distinction between my inner world and the outer world.

Maybe briefly. I'm pretty approachable when I'm in any mental state other than extreme depression. I've been told that I come across as intimidatingly intelligent (no really) to people who don't know me that well, but I have too many obvious psychological flaws to intimidate anyone for long.

Sometimes I do. When I'm trying to express Fi judgements which I feel but do not completely understand, for example. Sometimes Ne can be hard to articlate as well. Usually though if I can articulate it to myself I can articulate it to others. That's often a pretty big "if", of course. I frequently correct myself and verbalize my constant internal self-analysis, which probably causes me to ramble a lot and go off topic. When I realize I'm doing this I immediately break off what I'm saying and attempt to return to the topic under discussion.

I remember often enjoying listening in to the conversations of adults more that participating in conversations with people my own age as a child. I can't remember ever considering kids my own age as being beneath me or younger than me, though. I never considered it an issue of me being more or less mature than them so much as just being totally different.

That's pretty relative. I used to write creatively a lot, and got good marks for it. Then I made the mistake of studying English Literature, and creativity was abandoned in favour of a more analytical worldview.

No clue.


You will probably get freaked out and think I am stalking you, but everything you wrote above is me--if so, we are even because it freaks me out a little bit that someone else is so similar to me in some ways, especially someone of the opposite sex.

When I first ever posted last January at INTPc, about whether my freind was just setting me up to be laughed at and humiliated--your response turned out in hindsight to be the only one that was true--he turned out to be a truly honorable, beautiful person--I think he is the only decent person I have met. I always think of that whenever I see your name.


New member
May 8, 2007
If you are not an INFP:

Do they ever talk too much or too little?
Can one talk to little. I like the fact that I can sit in silence with them, in comfort aswell.

Do they seem stuck up?
No, I can see why some people would think that, but no.

Do they seem aloof or just quiet and reserved?
The latter, once you get them talking they are very intelligent and sincere.

Do you think they come off as emotionally unstable?
No, emotionally intense.

In general, how would you profile a male INFP?
Sensitive, honest, intelligent, in a word, awesome. :nice:

In general, how would you profile a female INFP?
See above....+a vagina.

What do you think of INFPs as coworkers, subordinates, or authority
N/A -- but I see them being very merciful leaders.

How do you view INFPs in romantic relationships?
This is were they seem to shine, I like seeing my INFP friends in relationships. Although they are easily hurt, and it's not nice to see them pick up the pieces when the shit hits the fan.

I know quite a few INFP's(my brother?, and three of my closest friends) and along with ENTP's they are probably my favourite type. You can cut through alot of the bullshit social games people play, they remind me of puppies....I mean that in a good way.


Jun 19, 2007
If you are an INFP:

How do you respond to authority figures in your life? Do you generally question authority or are you pretty submissive?

When i was a kid, i asked my older brother why they didn't make solid easter eggs. He said if they did, it would cause a nuclear reaction and destroy the earth. For along time i was terrified someone would do it and kill us all.

Now though, i question everything, absolutely everything. Right now am questioning whether I question everything, also asking what a question is.

How do you respond to someone talking down to you?

Entirely depends on who, why and what mood i'm in. Most likely response is to ignore them, or embarrasse them.

Are you very emotionally reactive? If so, are you emotionally reactive in public or just with those you are comfortable with?

Very reactive yes, even when deeply depressed and detatched. Never publicly though, and definatly never around any people, even the ones i'm close to.

Do you need a lot of attention in relationships?

I need to be reminded that i'm loved about once a week for me to be happy. In my limited experience in this area, my partners have always wanted more attention than me.
I'm all up for open and long distance relationships, and am happy to only see each other every month or two, so i would guess i really don't.

Are you really sarcastic?

Nope. Enjoy sarcasm from others, but never use it myself.

Are you silly?


Were you shy as a child?

Yes, especially around girls much older than me.

Do people mistake your reservedness for aloofness?

Yes, even one of my best friends who's INTP, obsessed with MBTI, and well aware of the INFP description does this.

Do you have a hard time expressing yourself verbally?

Yes, i've never once been satisfied with what i've said.

Have you always felt as though you were at the same mental age as your chronological peers?

I adapt very well to the age of people around me, only when i'm dealing with much older people do i struggle to adapt.

So yes, i always have.

Are you a talented writer?

Not really, not a bad one though.

What do you want to be when you grow up (career)?

Something supernatural. The natural is just too boring.

I am an 18 year old male, am quite sure i've been INFP all my life, and have never really given in to the pressure people put on me for my INFP qualities. I apologise for my grammer too (i'll have to do something about that sometime).
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