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Watch any of these celebs?

Porcelain Hearts

New member
Jan 4, 2012
I'm guilty of getting sucked into interview after interview so I can enthrall myself of someone's background and values... I've linked a personal interview to each celebrity listed below. Some with commanding/eccentric personalities I had no trouble typecasting, but it's the understated personalities that could use more analysis. Of course I did not base my finding on a single interview alone. These are celebrities I have been watching for quite some time.

It's also interesting to note the discrepancies in one type between two people; for example the ESFP flux between Robin Williams and Jim Carrey. Very different comedic styles doing what they do best. (Most MBTI websites cast Jim Carrey as an ENTJ, which doesn't resonate with me at all. I don't necessarily agree with those celebrity profiles so that's why I made my own list).

Here are other personalities I know for certain. :D

Kathy Griffin - ENTJ

Sarah Silverman - ENTP

James Lipton - ENFJ

Alanis Morisette - INFP

Beyonce Knowles - ISFP

Can I get your thoughts on...

Robert Downey Jr. - ENTP or ENTJ

James Franco - INTJ or INFJ

Angelina Jolie - ENFJ the closest I can come to, but honestly the most balanced type to assess. Her humility however, puts other ENFJs I know to shame. Her poise is impervious, her voice softspoken, thoughtful yet fearless at the same time. Her life is occupied with children, traveling, humanitarian work, directing, acting; very full tasked and action oriented. Actually what can I say, maybe her type is perfection...
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Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Aside from the fact I don't think Williams or Carrey are ESFPs, your main list that you are "sure of" seems either accurate or plausible (I don't know enough about Morisette or Knowles to categorize them, but your type reads don't immediately jar me, they sound like good places to start for each).

I could see an INJ read for Franco, I'm just not sure which either. I'd think him to use engaged Te more than analytical Ti, though, if you tossed a situation in front of him and asked him to explain how he would go about solving it.

I think you'd do better approaching Angelina as an SP type with a well-founded F and/or altruistic side, than trying to class her as an ENFJ who somehow seems to evoke physical presence and is totally immersed in her environment despite being etheral in her core nature.

Porcelain Hearts

New member
Jan 4, 2012
Really? Williams is an extreme type of ESFP I've ever seen... you can hardly get a serious answer out of him. I could take Carrey as an ESFP or ESTP. Both in my mind are very improv and externally focused people, which probably makes them exceptional at what they do.

Angelina oh my word, I've been back and forth from SP to SJ, then ENFJ (with the altruism aforementioned, the only NF type I can see her as). I knew there was more of S in her because she's knowledgeable of life's harsh realities and details them quite factually; it was the easiest to pick up. E, I can agree with. She used to draw a lot of attention to herself when she was younger, being unrestrained and promiscuous. She does have a well developed F function, but it's possible her decisions are more T based. If this is true though, I'm taken back when I see her get emotional in interviews, having seen her weep impromptu. The J/P is hard to figure out; on one hand, I can understand her "guardian" type occupying the stability of her family or world views, but on the other hand, she's a hypotraveler and too much of a free spirit to be considered an SJ. My second bet was ESTP.

and Franco... :wubbie: -oh, we were discussing someth- right, his personality. I pulled some quotes from the Washington Post article.
Wikipedia said:
Franco has been described as having "an unusually high metabolism for productivity...a superhuman ability to focus".
James Franco said:
I go to school because I love being around people who are interested in what I’m interested in and I’m having a great experience… I’m studying things that I love so it’s not like it’s a chore
Seeing as NFs are more people focused, they shouldn't have any trouble finding someone to connect with. James is a scholar that would find great satisfaction attending classes (getting his Masters, PhD, etc.) to work on his craft and surround himself with people of similar interests. He must be an INTJ.

Porcelain Hearts

New member
Jan 4, 2012
Now that I've added Kathy Griffin as a very clear ENTJ, I feel unsure with Robert Downey Jr.'s type. Griffin's display of overt egotism overshadows Downey... now he seems more like a P to me!
Jul 3, 2008
Instinctual Variant
entj or estp, intj or istp, istp or isfj. It can be hard to tell the difference.

I think Griffin is an so/sx e78 estp.

Lipton sp/sx e19 istj.

Downy a so/sp e34 entp? He'd have more ants in his pants if e76.

Speed Gavroche

Whisky Old & Women Young
Oct 20, 2008
Instinctual Variant
I'm guilty of getting sucked into interview after interview so I can enthrall myself of someone's background and values... I've linked a personal interview to each celebrity listed below. Some with commanding/eccentric personalities I had no trouble typecasting, but it's the understated personalities that could use more analysis. Of course I did not base my finding on a single interview alone. These are celebrities I have been watching for quite some time.

It's also interesting to note the discrepancies in one type between two people; for example the ESFP flux between Robin Williams and Jim Carrey. Very different comedic styles doing what they do best. (Most MBTI websites cast Jim Carrey as an ENTJ, which doesn't resonate with me at all. I don't necessarily agree with those celebrity profiles so that's why I made my own list).

Here are other personalities I know for certain. :D

Kathy Griffin - ENTJ

Sarah Silverman - ENTP

James Lipton - ENFJ

Alanis Morisette - INFP

Beyonce Knowles - ISFP

Can I get your thoughts on...

Robert Downey Jr. - ENTP or ENTJ

James Franco - INTJ or INFJ

Angelina Jolie - ENFJ the closest I can come to, but honestly the most balanced type to assess. Her humility however, puts other ENFJs I know to shame. Her poise is impervious, her voice softspoken, thoughtful yet fearless at the same time. Her life is occupied with children, traveling, humanitarian work, directing, acting; very full tasked and action oriented. Actually what can I say, maybe her type is perfection...

Kathy Griffin: ENTP or ESTP 7w8 So/Sx, the tertiary Fe is very visible.

Sarah Silverman: ENTP, yes, 6w7 So/Sp.

James Lipton: is indeed ENFJ, 9w1 Sp/Sx.

Alanis Morisette: INFP, yes, 4w5 Sx/So.

Beyoncé: ISFP, or maybe ISFJ, 9w8 Sx/Sp

Robert Downey Jr: quintessential ENTP, 7w8 So/Sx, I'd say.

James Franco: don't really know that guy; but I'd say INFP 3w4 Sp/Sx.

Angelina Jolie: ESTP 6w7 Sx/Sp. Tough girl, smooth entrepreunarial operator, like to feel overhelmed by activity, logical and non-nonsense approach to life.