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How I Met Your Mother/Friends Show


Travelling mind
Jan 15, 2009
Instinctual Variant
:doh: at some of the typings.
Ted is pure NeFi. He is an ENFP.
Marshall is ENFJ
Lily is ENFP
Robin is IXTJ
Barney is ENTJ.


Babylon Candle
Feb 10, 2008
Instinctual Variant
:doh: at some of the typings.
Ted is pure NeFi. He is an ENFP.
Marshall is ENFJ
Lily is ENFP
Robin is IXTJ
Barney is ENTJ.

I gave reasoning. Rather solid reasoning based on interaction styles and temperament. Can I see your reasoning? (ENFJ lecturing the INTJ about reasoning and evidence :D).

PS: my child hood best friend is ENFP (taken tests, talks about it, is ENFP to the core) and Ted is wayyyy too normal, reasonable and not totally nutzo to be ENFP. He has Ne and Fi, but its not the dominating force of his personality.


Travelling mind
Jan 15, 2009
Instinctual Variant
I gave reasoning. Rather solid reasoning based on interaction styles and temperament. Can I see your reasoning? (ENFJ lecturing the INTJ about reasoning and evidence :D).
Alright. I'll start with Ted then.
Ted - Temperament is NF. Why? He is Idealistic and always looks at where he sees himself in the future. He is not a traditionalist(SJ), experiencer(SP) or intellectual(NT). He fits the NF temperament most. He uses the Te function but not as much as he uses the Ne function. His Ne is what makes Ted's character interesting.
Ted's Ne:
(What type of professor shall I be?)
(The idea of stealing a 'smurf penis')
(When he decides to be a detective)
(His overused metaphors)
There are many examples I can give for Ted being Ne. Just can't be bothered to remember them right now.
There is very little sign of Si so it would be more appropriate to consider he uses it at a much lower rate then his other functions. His NeFi gives him the ability to talk in his smooth (nice guy) manner. Basically Ted's comedy in the whole show is Ne, NeFi, or NeTe ("How can you not like (insert interest of Ted)").

Robin is more easily an IXTJ. She is not a perceiver. She is a strong Te user as you can easily see from her arguments. I haven't seen her use Ti or Se at all. This concludes she is a TJ whereas the first two are much harder to solve for her and thus I conclude Introvert because she likes to be alone more than with her friends.

Barney is ENTJ. I had concluded ESTJ at a point before. The S and the N aren't that apparent. However, he loves being around people, E, he makes his decisions based on logic, T, and he is a very clear judger. Anyways his out of the box ideas, bro code, magic tricks, etc. would make him more of an Ni user and thus TeNi fits quite well for Barney.

Little mischievous Lily who works underground with her intuitive ideas to manipulate everything to her liking is a definite N. Her concern is peace and harmony for the group and doesn't like it at all when anyone does anything immoral or unethical. She protects her values quite well. She is far far from a T. Definitely an F. She creates situations in her mind and tries to match reality with the her mind situation. This could indicate Ni but then again she also uses quite a bit of Ne. She also has a lot of Fi so the J and P have me quite confused with Lily but she is more of a P I think. It's quite obvious though that she's an extrovert so I'm not sure on your stance on why you think she is an introvert.


New member
Oct 12, 2009
Instinctual Variant
Little mischievous Lily who works underground with her intuitive ideas to manipulate everything to her liking is a definite N. Her concern is peace and harmony for the group and doesn't like it at all when anyone does anything immoral or unethical. She protects her values quite well. She is far far from a T. Definitely an F. She creates situations in her mind and tries to match reality with the her mind situation. This could indicate Ni but then again she also uses quite a bit of Ne. She also has a lot of Fi so the J and P have me quite confused with Lily but she is more of a P I think. It's quite obvious though that she's an extrovert so I'm not sure on your stance on why you think she is an introvert.

I'm pretty sure the bolded parts are very Fe+Ni rather than Ne+Fi. It's definitely not impossible for an ENFJ to, well, have values and ethics, and I'd say that her values are primarily concerned with how the world/community should be, and she works towards it. As I've already said, she uses tons of Fe for example in her kindergarten job, while she sometimes takes this "little children's teacher" persona even into her adult life - I think this is typical for Fe users, who like to nurture people and discipline them.

Maybe what you think is Fi isn't really the ENFP-ish Fi... Perhaps you actually might be confusing it with Ni working through Fe? If she was an ENFP, her Fi would be working through her Ne (Ne would be kind of "more important") and as she's extroverted, her more prominent functions would be Ne+Te, but I'd say Fe+Se are more clearly observable in her.


Travelling mind
Jan 15, 2009
Instinctual Variant
I'm pretty sure the bolded parts are very Fe+Ni rather than Ne+Fi. It's definitely not impossible for an ENFJ to, well, have values and ethics, and I'd say that her values are primarily concerned with how the world/community should be, and she works towards it. As I've already said, she uses tons of Fe for example in her kindergarten job, while she sometimes takes this "little children's teacher" persona even into her adult life - I think this is typical for Fe users, who like to nurture people and discipline them.

Maybe what you think is Fi isn't really the ENFP-ish Fi... Perhaps you actually might be confusing it with Ni working through Fe? If she was an ENFP, her Fi would be working through her Ne (Ne would be kind of "more important") and as she's extroverted, her more prominent functions would be Ne+Te, but I'd say Fe+Se are more clearly observable in her.
Hmmm. Yes, you're probably right. I had thought about it that way too. What gets me confused is the Ne and Ni she uses. She uses both and that's why it was harder for me to figure out whether she is P or J. A fair argument.


On a mission
May 30, 2007
Alright. I'll start with Ted then.
Ted - Temperament is NF. Why? He is Idealistic and always looks at where he sees himself in the future. He is not a traditionalist(SJ), experiencer(SP) or intellectual(NT). He fits the NF temperament most. He uses the Te function but not as much as he uses the Ne function. His Ne is what makes Ted's character interesting.
Ted's Ne:
(What type of professor shall I be?)
(The idea of stealing a 'smurf penis')
(When he decides to be a detective)
(His overused metaphors)
There are many examples I can give for Ted being Ne. Just can't be bothered to remember them right now.
There is very little sign of Si so it would be more appropriate to consider he uses it at a much lower rate then his other functions. His NeFi gives him the ability to talk in his smooth (nice guy) manner. Basically Ted's comedy in the whole show is Ne, NeFi, or NeTe ("How can you not like (insert interest of Ted)").

Robin is more easily an IXTJ. She is not a perceiver. She is a strong Te user as you can easily see from her arguments. I haven't seen her use Ti or Se at all. This concludes she is a TJ whereas the first two are much harder to solve for her and thus I conclude Introvert because she likes to be alone more than with her friends.

Barney is ENTJ. I had concluded ESTJ at a point before. The S and the N aren't that apparent. However, he loves being around people, E, he makes his decisions based on logic, T, and he is a very clear judger. Anyways his out of the box ideas, bro code, magic tricks, etc. would make him more of an Ni user and thus TeNi fits quite well for Barney.

Little mischievous Lily who works underground with her intuitive ideas to manipulate everything to her liking is a definite N. Her concern is peace and harmony for the group and doesn't like it at all when anyone does anything immoral or unethical. She protects her values quite well. She is far far from a T. Definitely an F. She creates situations in her mind and tries to match reality with the her mind situation. This could indicate Ni but then again she also uses quite a bit of Ne. She also has a lot of Fi so the J and P have me quite confused with Lily but she is more of a P I think. It's quite obvious though that she's an extrovert so I'm not sure on your stance on why you think she is an introvert.

Ted's a traditionalist--ISxJs need not be boring people. He wants to settle down, have a family and then reminisce about it. The entire show is based around the fact that Ted in 2030 feels the need to re-live every tiny detail of his earlier life. And aside from the main premise of the show (his love life misadventures) Ted doesn't want to leave what is familiar to him--he and Robyn broke up because of this character trait. Ted complains when Barney wants to go to a different bar. Ted complains when people try to pressure him to have a different routine than wearing the same hallowe'en costume every year, going to the same event every year... Ted complains when Barney wants to take him on any new adventure... Ted is clearly an ISxJ.

Also, Robyn as a Te user baffles me. She's clearly an xSTP--hates to plan ahead, hates to plan in general, wants to be free to act upon her impulses as she sees fit, when she sees fit. TiSe combo.


New member
Oct 12, 2009
Instinctual Variant
Ted's a traditionalist--ISxJs need not be boring people. He wants to settle down, have a family and then reminisce about it. The entire show is based around the fact that Ted in 2030 feels the need to re-live every tiny detail of his earlier life. And aside from the main premise of the show (his love life misadventures) Ted doesn't want to leave what is familiar to him--he and Robyn broke up because of this character trait. Ted complains when Barney wants to go to a different bar. Ted complains when people try to pressure him to have a different routine than wearing the same hallowe'en costume every year, going to the same event every year... Ted complains when Barney wants to take him on any new adventure... Ted is clearly an ISxJ.

I think these are indicators of strong tertiary Si, not primary Si. Ted might act in a Si way (sometimes), but he thinks in a Ne way, and in my opinion, if one thinks Ne that means they're Ne. *shrugs* I don't see why an INFP shouldn't have the desire to re-live every tiny detail of their life. I sure do very often, and I also like my routines. Perhaps this is a little controversial opinion but I think this is a serious flaw of MBTI - it associates cognitive functions with characteristics, but I think that cognitive functions are mainly about the thought process. I really don't see why there shouldn't be a traditionalistic NFP; their Fi might easily be mainly concerned about traditions, especially when it comes to relationships.


New member
Nov 13, 2009
On Robin: Being P or J is not all about planning.

On Ted: Being I or E is not all about being sociable.


New member
Nov 13, 2009
I think these are indicators of strong tertiary Si, not primary Si. Ted might act in a Si way (sometimes), but he thinks in a Ne way, and in my opinion, if one thinks Ne that means they're Ne. *shrugs* I don't see why an INFP shouldn't have the desire to re-live every tiny detail of their life. I sure do very often, and I also like my routines. Perhaps this is a little controversial opinion but I think this is a serious flaw of MBTI - it associates cognitive functions with characteristics, but I think that cognitive functions are mainly about the thought process. I really don't see why there shouldn't be a traditionalistic NFP; their Fi might easily be mainly concerned about traditions, especially when it comes to relationships.

agreed completely


Barney is ENTJ. I had concluded ESTJ at a point before. The S and the N aren't that apparent. However, he loves being around people, E, he makes his decisions based on logic, T, and he is a very clear judger. Anyways his out of the box ideas, bro code, magic tricks, etc. would make him more of an Ni user and thus TeNi fits quite well for Barney.

Aha.. Could be his tertiary Ne which comes up with ideas.


Ruler of the Stars
May 6, 2009
Instinctual Variant
Robin: ISTP.
Barney: ENTJ
Lily: ENFJ
Ted: Weird, but I don't remember Ted all that well, all the other characters stood out more than him. You'd think you'd remember an extrovert, them being open and all. I can see him being an intuitive for sure. Can't tell when it comes to T/F, P/J. I'd have to think/watch more.


New member
Oct 20, 2009
After watching more episodes...

Robin- ISTP for sure. Gun nut, noncommittal, secretive...

Ted- ENTP He's a rational. He's an architect who dreams of driving into New York, seeing a building, and being able to say " I built that". Also, he always corrects people. I don't really see anything pointing towards F except that he's a nice guy. Obviously with women he seems F, but every NTP male that I've known is exactly like him with women. If he were an NFP he'd be way more flirty and open minded, appearing like a player. He's just really picky, and doesn't see the point in playing around. He has a list of criteria that the girl he marries has to meet. That's all very NTP like behavior.

Barney- ENTJ Kind of looks like an ESTP with the womanizing, but it's actually really calculated and thought out. In one episode he reaches the 200 woman mark and says " Well, I did it. I reached 200. Now what." He's extremely goal oriented and organized... He has to challenge everything... Nonconformist who doesn't go with the croud... makes his own rules and strategies and changes them if a knew/ better method presents itself...

Lily- ENFP
Marshall- ENFJ

Not sure about the last two


Ruler of the Stars
May 6, 2009
Instinctual Variant
After watching more episodes...

Robin- ISTP for sure. Gun nut, noncommittal, secretive...

Ted- ENTP He's a rational. He's an architect who dreams of driving into New York, seeing a building, and being able to say " I built that". Also, he always corrects people. I don't really see anything pointing towards F except that he's a nice guy. Obviously with women he seems F, but every NTP male that I've known is exactly like him with women. If he were an NFP he'd be way more flirty and open minded, appearing like a player. He's just really picky, and doesn't see the point in playing around. He has a list of criteria that the girl he marries has to meet. That's all very NTP like behavior.

Barney- ENTJ Kind of looks like an ESTP with the womanizing, but it's actually really calculated and thought out. In one episode he reaches the 200 woman mark and says " Well, I did it. I reached 200. Now what." He's extremely goal oriented and organized... He has to challenge everything... Nonconformist who doesn't go with the croud... makes his own rules and strategies and changes them if a knew/ better method presents itself...

Lily- ENFP
Marshall- ENFJ

Not sure about the last two

From your description, Ted sounds like a hardcore INTP, funny that he's even an architect ;)

what the deuce!?? I didn't know Robin was a gun nut?


Babylon Candle
Feb 10, 2008
Instinctual Variant
After watching more episodes...

Robin- ISTP for sure. Gun nut, noncommittal, secretive...

Ted- ENTP He's a rational. He's an architect who dreams of driving into New York, seeing a building, and being able to say " I built that". Also, he always corrects people. I don't really see anything pointing towards F except that he's a nice guy. Obviously with women he seems F, but every NTP male that I've known is exactly like him with women. If he were an NFP he'd be way more flirty and open minded, appearing like a player. He's just really picky, and doesn't see the point in playing around. He has a list of criteria that the girl he marries has to meet. That's all very NTP like behavior.

Barney- ENTJ Kind of looks like an ESTP with the womanizing, but it's actually really calculated and thought out. In one episode he reaches the 200 woman mark and says " Well, I did it. I reached 200. Now what." He's extremely goal oriented and organized... He has to challenge everything... Nonconformist who doesn't go with the croud... makes his own rules and strategies and changes them if a knew/ better method presents itself...

Lily- ENFP
Marshall- ENFJ

Not sure about the last two

I think these are great. I still dont see why Ted couldnt be ISTJ from that description...just think of d@ve... :rofl1:.


New member
Oct 20, 2009
I think these are great. I still dont see why Ted couldnt be ISTJ from that description...just think of d@ve... :rofl1:.

He just isn't the strong silent type. I know ISTJ's and I know E/INTP's and Ted is way too similar to the NTP's. Besides that I'm pretty sure he's an extrovert...


Yeah, I can fly.
Mar 10, 2010
Instinctual Variant
Barney- ENTJ
Robin- ESTP
Marshall- ENFP (IE. has no business in law school)
Lily- ESFP

Joey- ESTP
Chandler- ENTP
Rachel- ESFP
Phoebe- ISFP
Ross- INFJ
Monica- ISFJ


Aug 7, 2009
Ted - XSFJ (and how!)
Barney- ENTJ
Lilly - ISFP
Marshall - ENFJ
Robin - ENTP


New member
Nov 15, 2009
^totally what I thought, except for Marshall.

This really cracks me up.



New member
Jul 6, 2010
Actually I like to watch all the comedian TV shows. How I Met Your Mother and Friends two of my favorite shows. I like to watch these TV shows online. ..Both shows are outstanding.