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If God doesn't exist then how was everything/the earth created?


Mar 27, 2017
I always love the nonbelievers and their reasons why God doesn't exist.

I struggle at times to believe in a god, but I do know there is some sort of higher being out there...after all, the earth and life itself came into existence from nothing.

When people start blaming God for every bad thing that happens in their lives, that's where they fail to realize God gave everyone free will in how to handle their trials.
They can either stay mad at Him for giving them such a harsh life or do something about it to get their lives to where they want to be.

There's also Satan out there so if people are questioning why there are bad people who do bad things who don't care what they do...that's from Satan, not God.

And some people allow their demons to over power themselves.

If God doesn't exist then how did this very earth and everything living come into existence?


New member
Nov 16, 2016
Instinctual Variant
I always love the nonbelievers and their reasons why God doesn't exist.

I struggle at times to believe in a god, but I do know there is some sort of higher being out there...after all, the earth and life itself came into existence from nothing.

When people start blaming God for every bad thing that happens in their lives, that's where they fail to realize God gave everyone free will in how to handle their trials.
They can either stay mad at Him for giving them such a harsh life or do something about it to get their lives to where they want to be.

There's also Satan out there so if people are questioning why there are bad people who do bad things who don't care what they do...that's from Satan, not God.

And some people allow their demons to over power themselves.

If God doesn't exist then how did this very earth and everything living come into existence?

The issue with the "God" argument is that nothing can ever be sufficient enough because no matter what you say, there will always be a question as to ".. But who created that/him/her/it?" The argument about God tends to be a circular one that I like to engage in, frivolously. I don't like when the discussion starts to get hurtful or argumentative where feelings are getting hurt.

I will say this...

I don't officially subscribe to this view but I believe for the most part that the Universe created itself, somehow. Even if you do believe in God, the question, "..but where did he come from" will always come about , the same way "but where did the universe come from?" .. will always come about... If you get outside of tangible reality, it becomes Theosophical by default....

As far as Satan, God, Good/Bad and why people do bad things and don't care and all of that: Good and Bad don't exist. There's only an opposition. Life is ambiguous. People are not obligated to care, though that is the more noble way. People do bad things because they want to and giving the ability away to "Satan" makes others feel less responsible for their actions. This is why so many murderers tried to pull this in court. "The devil made me do it." - Put in a mental institution and deemed as crazy, when they're really just heartless or did the crime simply for some egotistical motive or because they wanted to for whatever reason.

Good/Bad is subjective and couldn't have been known without the other coming into existence. The same is with God/Satan. They are two sides of the same coin and therefore, are either trolling or the Biblical story is crap... and has hidden meaning in it. I'm leaning towards the latter.

What is clear with the "creator of humans" is that they don't give a crap about our cries about sickness, dying children, and any of that crap people choose to pray for. What makes people think they care if you're grateful or not? You are still going to get sick, die, and so are your children. Praying doesn't do anything but we sometimes trick ourselves into believing in certain things.. until and unless.. we find the audacity to test them out in others ways. If I prayed to a shoe, I'd bet I'd get the same results as I did when I used to be a Christian. The mind is a very powerful thing and we can manifest sensations with our minds if we believe in something strongly, enough.

We treat our fellow man worse than we treat "GOD" who we're not even sure of his character or not. You'd expect your mom to have grabbed your two year old, had she seen him running in the middle of the street, as a huge truck was speeding right in his direction... but if she just sat there, staring at your baby and did nothing, you'd blame her for the death. Well, this is exactly what "God" does and people still find the audacity to pray to, worship, and argue in the name of this so-called, "God" who gave us "free-will." It doesn't make any sense. Some of us will do for our loved ones what God won't but we get held up to higher standards. That makes no freaking sense.

You don't even KNOW WHO THAT IS WHO MADE YOU. You don't have the facts to create a logical argument for the way you go about things. Yet, you go around with your heads held high as if you're mightier and holier than those around you because you believe in a higher power who clearly doesn't care that much about you.

Free will doesn't conflict with being Omniscience , So this "God" should have chosen angels that would CHOOSE to do the right thing. He KNEW all of this was going to happen in the future, according to that book before he put the "angels" and "Satan" in charge of crap and he proceeded. He is either a troll or an egotistical tyrant.. but neither matters because the Bible was written in code and to control the masses.


By the way, when I used the word, "You" I didn't literally mean "you" at times but I mean all people with those viewpoints.
If I'm becoming offensive with my views, just let me know and I will exit your threat, respectfully.

However, I believe your tone in what you wrote was kind of an invitation to speak as blunt as I could.. because you spoke bluntly.... :blush:


AKA Nunki
Apr 7, 2009
Instinctual Variant
Existence is infinite and has no beginning or end. It never came into being nor will it ever pass out of being.

Why is there something rather than nothing? If you understand that nothingness is imaginary, the real question is why is there nothingness?

Gunboat Diplomat

New member
Apr 16, 2017
I always love the nonbelievers and their reasons why God doesn't exist.

First, most non-believers don't need any reasons why gods don't exist. Most of them are technically agnostic. You are confusing lack of belief in gods with a positive belief that gods don't exist, which are two different things and only the second position requires any justification (and very few people take that position). It is your job to provide reasons for your belief, and an argument from incredulity ("the earth and life couldn't come from nothing") is a logical fallacy.

Now, don't misunderstand me, I don't expect you to provide any reasons. Faith doesn't require reasons. Unless you claim that your position is somehow philosophically more sound than mine, that is.

When people start blaming God for every bad thing that happens in their lives, that's where they fail to realize God gave everyone free will in how to handle their trials.
They can either stay mad at Him for giving them such a harsh life or do something about it to get their lives to where they want to be.

It sounds so simple and clean.

Google Robert Latimer. A farmer, with a 12 year old daughter, Tracy. Tracy had severe cerebral palsy. A mind of a 3-4 month old. Seizures, that were progressively destroying her body. Her hip became permanently dislocated, she underwent several operations to cut her muscles and insert a metal rod to strengthen her spine. Towards the end, she was in constant pain, preventing her from sleep. When Latimer learned that the doctors wanted to cut out a part of her femur, so her leg would not flail so violently during seizures, he decided to "use his free will and handle their trials". He couldn't stand Tracy's suffering so he killed her when the rest of the family had gone to church to praise God.

Ozzie Osbourne has written a song about that, Latimer's Mercy.

Now, you are saying that God gave Tracy free will and she could have used it in her infant brain to get her life to where she wanted to be. That God gave Latimer free will, so he could decide whether to kill his daughter and ruin his life or watch her slow agony. Could you explain in more detail how this works?


Si vis pacem, para bellum
Staff member
Apr 18, 2010
Instinctual Variant
If you define "whatever caused the universe to come into creation" as God, then you are setting up a tautological condition. Much depends on one's definition of God.


Mar 20, 2008
If God doesn't exist then how did this very earth and everything living come into existence?

We are slowly answering this question, and we have made some headway. For instance, we know the origin of species over the last 4,000 million years. And we know the origin of the Earth and the solar system. And we know the origin of our galaxy, the Milky Way. And we know the origin of the universe 13.4 thousand million years ago. And we now know how the universe will end.

And we have an interesting hypothesis about the origin of consciousness. And we have an interesting hypothesis of how our universe began in String Theory.

All of this is result of critical thinking using evidence and reason. And we know the origin of critical thinking, using evidence an reason, was the Western Enlightenment of the 17th century.

Red Ribbon

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May 14, 2017
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It's a philosophical argument, whether God exists or not, not a scientific one. Science doesn't concern itself with that question. True, we don't have the exact details of how the universe was created or what existed before it but Science doesn't assume it was god.

As for why I personally am an atheist, I don't see a reason to believe in God so I don't.


Mar 20, 2008
It's a philosophical argument, whether God exists or not, not a scientific one. Science doesn't concern itself with that question. True, we don't have the exact details of how the universe was created or what existed before it but Science doesn't assume it was god.

As for why I personally am an atheist, I don't see a reason to believe in God so I don't.

Dear Red Ribbon, whatever we worship, we become. So would you like to tell us what you worship and what you are becoming?

Red Ribbon

New member
May 14, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Dear Red Ribbon, whatever we worship, we become. So would you like to tell us what you worship and what you are becoming?

I worship money and I become a greedy capitalist.

Red Ribbon

New member
May 14, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Do you think we have an innate desire to worship?

I would think so. I assume people like having something to anchor them in life, to give a purpose, value of sorts and that's why so many religion exist and so many believe in god. There's nothing wrong with it at all but I'd rather anchor myself to things that are real and objective, that I can see and feel for myself, that I can measure.

I'm not sure if this is what you meant with the question?

Siúil a Rúin

when the colors fade
Apr 23, 2007
Instinctual Variant
There is the well-known question that results from assuming God created the universe, and that is 'how did God originate'? I think those are equally difficult questions - I can't answer how the universe came into being, but I also couldn't answer how God came into being. Saying that God created the universe provides a similar sense of temporary resolution as saying the universe created God.

For me the question of God is a question of the role of sentience in the universe. Why does the universe generate beings that are conscious? Is consciousness a fundamental force in the universe like energy, matter, electromagnetism, gravity, and light? If awareness is an inherent force in the universe, is this what we think of as God? What is the relationship between consciousness and the universe?

I don't have answers, but those are questions this topic brings to my mind.


New member
Jan 14, 2008
It's a philosophical argument, whether God exists or not, not a scientific one. Science doesn't concern itself with that question. True, we don't have the exact details of how the universe was created or what existed before it but Science doesn't assume it was god.

A very important point! It is a philosophical argument. Though scientific arguments could be made regarding a need for an intelligence behind some aspects of the universe, science could not ever identify what or who that intelligence was.


Mar 20, 2008
I would think so. I assume people like having something to anchor them in life, to give a purpose, value of sorts and that's why so many religion exist and so many believe in god. There's nothing wrong with it at all but I'd rather anchor myself to things that are real and objective, that I can see and feel for myself, that I can measure.

I'm not sure if this is what you meant with the question?

If we become what we worship, rejecting religion opens up new possibilities for worship and for becoming.

Religion does offer us a ready made object to worship and so a ready made way to become. So giving up religions still leaves us as becoming, but what shall we become, what shall we worship. Will we worship money as you suggest, or will we worship ourselves, or will we worship an ideology, or will we worship our identity as in identity politics, or will we worship our ancestors, or will we worship our ideals, will we worship property, will we worship social status, will we worship a totem animal, or will we worship our nation?

What shall we become? And what shall become of us?

Kanra Jest

Av'ent'Gar'de ~
Jun 30, 2015
Instinctual Variant
I don't subscribe so much to "Does God exist?" ... such a thing is beating a dead horse. There is no solidity. There is no end. There is only subjective opinion ... Or, in some cases, subjective experience. I'm more interested in "what" God is? Not to mention, why is he called God? That is not his name. That is a title. Not to mention gender specific. "Goddess" should work just as well, for it has no gender. It is not physical ... Or is it?


The more you know..
Oct 6, 2015
Instinctual Variant
The typical scientific methods will never be able to answer these questions, but I know two things:

1. There IS an entity beyond our understandings that created this universe, wether the scientific evidence will be able to discover the entity or not...
2. I have free will, blaming everything on God is lazy, I am grateful for him for everything I have, and work on those that I don't..


New member
Dec 4, 2008
Instinctual Variant
What created God? Saying God created the world answers nothing. It just creates a mental starting point. Same as big bang.

Agent Washington

Softserve Ice Cream
Jan 24, 2017
Reading your posts literally always makes my IQ go down. The subject title itself is just circular logic.

...Which won't be a problem if it didn't actually push less stupid posts down.