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Do you believe in love after love? (Or anything actually)


New member
Jul 7, 2015
Instinctual Variant
"Belief systems are the stories we tell ourselves to define our personal sense of "reality". Every human being has a belief system that they utilize, and it is through this mechanism that we individually, "make sense" of the world around us" ~ Google

Taking MBTI for what it is (fundamentally, how/what information certain people take in and what they decide to make of it)
I ask you guys to summarize your belief system in anyway you see fitting. If you decide that it's easier to go into specifics, how do you exactly come to your conclusion? Or to explain in different words, what makes your belief "true"?

Here's a random example: (it's just to give you an idea and it doesn't have to relate this context or format)
I believe that the seven deadly sins (wrath, greed, sloth, pride,etc) are wonderful, if and only if they are moderated. As long as they don't get out of hand, they can be wonderful sources of motivation, if that makes sense.
(Envy can be a great tool for self-improvement, ect.)
Through experience I've come to the conclusion that it's all about having a balance, if you take these as a absolute guide to what to avoid, realistically you are setting yourself up for failure. As long as they are identified and brought to ones awareness to be sorted out positively, they're fine and nothing to be ashamed of.

So I ask because well, I think I need to clairfy and strengthen my own belief system. I act a bit to much on impulse for my liking. Examples of other perspectives im sure can ultimately improve my own

Luke O

Super Ape
Mar 25, 2015
I wouldn't say I have a belief system. I question things too much for that. I'd say more of a tenet/guideline system because of my goddamn rationality and my general aversion to applying additional rules to my life. It basically revolves around being a good person. Ish.


New member
Dec 7, 2014
I believe in life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

I believe that the best kind of morality is motivated by empathy, and guided by reason.

I may have more, but this is all that comes to mind at the moment.

Siúil a Rúin

when the colors fade
Apr 23, 2007
Instinctual Variant
I'm working on changing my belief system about humanity because the one I have has made me a bit depressed after seeing a lot of hurt happen.

The belief system that I value is to remain open to continually evolve internally as I learn more about reality. I don't want a closed mind, but to be like a river that continually watches and embraces the new.

I also believe humanistically about people. I think that deep down we all possess some innocence, just like we started off in life. There is a reason why people cause pain. There is always a cause-and-effect, and this can give hope because if means if you change the cause in people's lives, you can change the effect. If you help people when young anyone can grow up to be kind. I also don't hate tyrants and cruel people because on one level they are imprisoned to watch the cause-and-effect of pain. I don't know how much people can choose who they are or what they do, so if we are observers of the processes of our lives, then the cruel experience the punishment of having to watch the process of a terrible life. That is my abstract take on it, but in application I get really depressed about the rigidity of people doing harm and feel it is impossible to correct such a person once they reach that point. In the concrete realm I feel hurt, angry, and hate when I see cruelty.

My belief for happiness is that ultimately truth is about deep empathy. I agree with the Buddhist philosophy that everything is One. When in nature, with an animal, or a safe person, I can feel that connection. When experiencing that, absolutely everything becomes beautiful. When I let go of my own personhood and melt into a quiet scene in nature, I become the beauty I see around me, whether it is the lovely colors of a sunset or a rusted tin can on the ground. It is all magical and meaningful. My hope is that if I can help more people see that, connect to that, through communication in art, that maybe that will help with the hardness and hurt in the world. When you feel the connection and see the beauty, you cannot be cruel, at least not in that moment.


Nov 19, 2009
"Belief systems are the stories we tell ourselves to define our personal sense of "reality". Every human being has a belief system that they utilize, and it is through this mechanism that we individually, "make sense" of the world around us" ~ Google

Taking MBTI for what it is (fundamentally, how/what information certain people take in and what they decide to make of it)
I ask you guys to summarize your belief system in anyway you see fitting. If you decide that it's easier to go into specifics, how do you exactly come to your conclusion? Or to explain in different words, what makes your belief "true"?

Here's a random example: (it's just to give you an idea and it doesn't have to relate this context or format)
I believe that the seven deadly sins (wrath, greed, sloth, pride,etc) are wonderful, if and only if they are moderated. As long as they don't get out of hand, they can be wonderful sources of motivation, if that makes sense.
(Envy can be a great tool for self-improvement, ect.)
Through experience I've come to the conclusion that it's all about having a balance, if you take these as a absolute guide to what to avoid, realistically you are setting yourself up for failure. As long as they are identified and brought to ones awareness to be sorted out positively, they're fine and nothing to be ashamed of.

So I ask because well, I think I need to clairfy and strengthen my own belief system. I act a bit to much on impulse for my liking. Examples of other perspectives im sure can ultimately improve my own

The title of this thread drew me to it, and now I can't seem to place it in the context of your particular post... Although I feel compelled to combine the two, although they don't correlate in any obvious way.

I don't think a system of belief can directly manage how you navigate a new love interest after an apparent failure with someone else. Its possible that a belief system could do that, if you have one, that when articulated: manifests as resulting in immediate notions of how to feel about whatever should happen to you;- but my belief system literally only councils caution on that particular dimension of belief. Meaning its imperative to be cautious of your internal sense of how things should be feeling (I think this is also a primary source of a delusion for many who do not practice this way of discerning).

Generalizations are always dangerous, these can also be what makes it hard for people to look forward to the advent of something as good as what they've experienced in the past; because they've generalized those good feelings into the definition of a particular bond[ing with someone in particular]. The only way to overcome such frightened angst is to notice the absurdity of your choice to wait in silence for your past feelings to return to you, which through that silence has: but a pathetic & meager hope of ever coming to visiting you. Instead you must become the only force that might have ever saved you (if it could've ever found you hidden in the corner); by giving true speed to your will. What I mean by "speed to your will", is actually living out your beliefs, and not having beliefs that you don't actually live by (cutting the fat off your mind). And this will lead your internal sense of how things should feel, to be more discerning in what you can choose to feel, based on what is actually present to be believe on. Put simply: notice the beliefs you are choosing to live by, and only choose to keeps the ones your able to consciously observe;- and then see that your generalizations about how to feel about things are just dead weight/anchors that you should be more cautious about when making sure that your're no longer observing[/living under] them any longer.


New member
Jul 7, 2015
Instinctual Variant
i am so sorry oh my god.

My title was just a horrible joke actually, you know that catchy song that sings " do you believe in love after love"? Yeah, then I added the "or anything actually" sarcastically referring to do you believe in anything. You were absolutely correct that they do not correlate at all. :sorry:


New member
Jul 7, 2015
Instinctual Variant
Generalizations are always dangerous, these can also be what makes it hard for people to look forward to the advent of something as good as what they've experienced in the past; because they've generalized those good feelings into the definition of a particular bond[ing with someone in particular]. The only way to overcome such frightened angst is to notice the absurdity of your choice to wait in silence for your past feelings to return to you, which through that silence has: but a pathetic & meager hope of ever coming to visiting you. Instead you must become the only force that might have ever saved you (if it could've ever found you hidden in the corner); by giving true speed to your will. What I mean by "speed to your will", is actually living out your beliefs, and not having beliefs that you don't actually live by (cutting the fat off your mind). And this will lead your internal sense of how things should feel, to be more discerning in what you can choose to feel, based on what is actually present to be believe on. Put simply: notice the beliefs you are choosing to live by, and only choose to keeps the ones your able to consciously observe;- and then see that your generalizations about how to feel about things are just dead weight/anchors that you should be more cautious about when making sure that your're no longer observing[/living under] them any longer.

Despite the confusion this second paragraph was very helpful,Thank you for your response


New member
Jul 7, 2015
Instinctual Variant
I'm working on changing my belief system about humanity because the one I have has made me a bit depressed after seeing a lot of hurt happen.

The belief system that I value is to remain open to continually evolve internally as I learn more about reality. I don't want a closed mind, but to be like a river that continually watches and embraces the new.

I also believe humanistically about people. I think that deep down we all possess some innocence, just like we started off in life. There is a reason why people cause pain. There is always a cause-and-effect, and this can give hope because if means if you change the cause in people's lives, you can change the effect. If you help people when young anyone can grow up to be kind. I also don't hate tyrants and cruel people because on one level they are imprisoned to watch the cause-and-effect of pain. I don't know how much people can choose who they are or what they do, so if we are observers of the processes of our lives, then the cruel experience the punishment of having to watch the process of a terrible life. That is my abstract take on it, but in application I get really depressed about the rigidity of people doing harm and feel it is impossible to correct such a person once they reach that point. In the concrete realm I feel hurt, angry, and hate when I see cruelty.

My belief for happiness is that ultimately truth is about deep empathy. I agree with the Buddhist philosophy that everything is One. When in nature, with an animal, or a safe person, I can feel that connection. When experiencing that, absolutely everything becomes beautiful. When I let go of my own personhood and melt into a quiet scene in nature, I become the beauty I see around me, whether it is the lovely colors of a sunset or a rusted tin can on the ground. It is all magical and meaningful. My hope is that if I can help more people see that, connect to that, through communication in art, that maybe that will help with the hardness and hurt in the world. When you feel the connection and see the beauty, you cannot be cruel, at least not in that moment.

I relate to almost all of your points!! Thank you so much! You translated many of my unsure thoughts into words


Jun 9, 2014
Seven deadly sins
Seven ways to win
Seven holy paths to hell
And your trip begins

Seven downward slopes
Seven bloodied hopes
Seven are your burning fires
Seven, your desires

miss fortune

not to be trusted
Oct 4, 2007
Instinctual Variant
everything has a price and you must eventually pay it


Jan 25, 2014
I can't really define my belief system. It's too nuanced with too many checks and balances for me to summarize cleanly. The simplest way I can put it, is that I want things to be "right". Though that's not a substantiating way of describing it.


New member
Jul 7, 2015
Instinctual Variant
Seven deadly sins
Seven ways to win
Seven holy paths to hell
And your trip begins

Seven downward slopes
Seven bloodied hopes
Seven are your burning fires
Seven, your desires

I know this from somewhere


New member
Jul 7, 2015
Instinctual Variant
I can't really define my belief system. It's too nuanced with too many checks and balances for me to summarize cleanly. The simplest way I can put it, is that I want things to be "right". Though that's not a substantiating way of describing it.

Oh, man tell me about it :/ and yes me too

Kanra Jest

Av'ent'Gar'de ~
Jun 30, 2015
Instinctual Variant
I am not sure how to put into words.
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