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Does your energy ever get drained around certain people?


A wannabe dog
Aug 5, 2013
Do you find your energy getting drained around certain people?

Why does this happen? What is the phenomenon behind this? Sometimes, I will encounter someone who seems like a nice person on the surface, but after interacting with them, I start feeling very agitated and upset. Why do I feel this way after interacting with them?

Like I have a teacher who seems like a nice person on the surface, he is always asking questions about my life, always showing concern for me, but I don't know why, after every interaction with him, my energy start getting sapped out and I start feeling very agitated and upset with him.

What does this feeling mean? Why does my energy get drained whenever I am around him?


A wannabe dog
Aug 5, 2013

Not sure why but I seemed to feel vibes from people everywhere I go. There are some people who energised me, and then there are others who drained me. I wonder why I feel this way.
Could my subconscious be trying to tell me something? If I feel energized around someone, is it because they are a good-hearted person deep down? If I feel drained around someone, is it because they have some evil intentions toward me that I am unaware about? For example, I always feel emotionally drained around that particular teacher of mine, is it because deep down he actually dislike me and my subconscious actually managed to feel it? Then I have one classmate of mine who is always nice to me on the surface but I always felt cautious around her for some reason.
My energy didn't exactly get drained by her, but I've always felt uneasy around her. I wonder why I feel this way around her.


Jan 25, 2014
Not sure why but I seemed to feel vibes from people everywhere I go. There are some people who energised me, and then there are others who drained me. I wonder why I feel this way.
Could my subconscious be trying to tell me something? If I feel energized around someone, is it because they are a good-hearted person deep down? If I feel drained around someone, is it because they have some evil intentions toward me that I am unaware about? For example, I always feel emotionally drained around that particular teacher of mine, is it because deep down he actually dislike me and my subconscious actually managed to feel it? Then I have one classmate of mine who is always nice to me on the surface but I always felt cautious around her for some reason.
My energy didn't exactly get drained by her, but I've always felt uneasy around her. I wonder why I feel this way around her.

It's because you're insecure, don't know yourself nearly as well as you think, and are excessively suspicious of others (i.e. paranoid).


New member
Mar 14, 2014
There are certain people who just make me feel so lifeless. I'm normally really low energy and I like to relax, so I despise it and feel drained when I'm with a person who just seems to require energy to interact with. It's like they're forcibly dragging the energy out of me.
But then there are other people who are kind of relaxed and they slowly bring my energy out and then I feel like a goofball around them. This doesn't happen all the time; my best friend and I are low energy and sometimes we'll spend hours together just laying down doing our own thing and not even say a word to each other.
It's mostly just a personality thing for me.

Not sure why but I seemed to feel vibes from people everywhere I go. There are some people who energised me, and then there are others who drained me. I wonder why I feel this way.
Could my subconscious be trying to tell me something? If I feel energized around someone, is it because they are a good-hearted person deep down? If I feel drained around someone, is it because they have some evil intentions toward me that I am unaware about? For example, I always feel emotionally drained around that particular teacher of mine, is it because deep down he actually dislike me and my subconscious actually managed to feel it? Then I have one classmate of mine who is always nice to me on the surface but I always felt cautious around her for some reason.
My energy didn't exactly get drained by her, but I've always felt uneasy around her. I wonder why I feel this way around her.

I'm always kind of skeptical of subconscious detection of other's true intentions. I just don't really see it as a thing. I can easily read people's expressions, tone, and body language, but all of that is explainable.
But hey, maybe you do just get bad vibes, y'know?


Mar 20, 2008
There are certain people who just make me feel so lifeless. I'm normally really low energy and I like to relax, so I despise it and feel drained when I'm with a person who just seems to require energy to interact with. It's like they're forcibly dragging the energy out of me.

But then there are other people who are kind of relaxed and they slowly bring my energy out and then I feel like a goofball around them.

It seems to me that many of us wear a mask or a personality in order to do our job. This means we are cut off from our natural feelings. And being cut off from our natural feelings we tend to cut others off from their natural feelings. And when we are cut off from our natural feelings, we feel drained.

On the other hand some of us are delightfully in touch with our natural feelings, and we tend to call forth the natural feelings of others. When this happens, we feel enlivened, playful and happy.


The Devil of TypoC
Aug 29, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Do you find your energy getting drained around certain people?

Why does this happen? What is the phenomenon behind this? Sometimes, I will encounter someone who seems like a nice person on the surface, but after interacting with them, I start feeling very agitated and upset. Why do I feel this way after interacting with them?

Like I have a teacher who seems like a nice person on the surface, he is always asking questions about my life, always showing concern for me, but I don't know why, after every interaction with him, my energy start getting sapped out and I start feeling very agitated and upset with him.

What does this feeling mean? Why does my energy get drained whenever I am around him?
Sounds like something you may want to introspect about. I suspect this has nothing to do with the people in question, and everything to do with you.

Do you react that way whenever people you don't know that well try to get close to you?


A wannabe dog
Aug 5, 2013
Sounds like something you may want to introspect about. I suspect this has nothing to do with the people in question, and everything to do with you.

Do you react that way whenever people you don't know that well try to get close to you?

It depends on how they try to get close to me.

My teacher just seems like a very shady type of person. Always asking me all sorts of personal questions.
He asks me what I do in my free time, he asks me what job I work, he asks me why I appear to have a poor memory at times, and he also asks me whether I have any illness.
His questions made me feel really uncomfortable, no other teachers has ever tried to "connect" with me until this extent. And also, when I asked him why he asked me those questions, he just replied "nothing".
And btw, I know this isn't type related but I just wanna add that this teacher of mine is an INTP if I didn't type him wrongly. I actually feel more comfortable around my ENTJ teacher than this INTP teacher of mine. My ENTJ teacher can be blunt at times but at least he keeps everything professional and he doesn't try to probe too much into my personal life, unlike my INTP teacher, who always ask me a bunch of probing questions and make me feel really uncomfortable.


cute lil war dog
Nov 18, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Like I have a teacher who seems like a nice person on the surface, he is always asking questions about my life, always showing concern for me, but I don't know why, after every interaction with him, my energy start getting sapped out and I start feeling very agitated and upset with him.
A feeling of intrusion? That can be pretty draining.

The truly empathetic have a sense of when they're about to cross the line.


The Devil of TypoC
Aug 29, 2008
Instinctual Variant
It depends on how they try to get close to me.

My teacher just seems like a very shady type of person. Always asking me all sorts of personal questions.
He asks me what I do in my free time, he asks me what job I work, he asks me why I appear to have a poor memory at times, and he also asks me whether I have any illness.
His questions made me feel really uncomfortable, no other teachers has ever tried to "connect" with me until this extent. And also, when I asked him why he asked me those questions, he just replied "nothing".
And btw, I know this isn't type related but I just wanna add that this teacher of mine is an INTP if I didn't type him wrongly. I actually feel more comfortable around my ENTJ teacher than this INTP teacher of mine. My ENTJ teacher can be blunt at times but at least he keeps everything professional and he doesn't try to probe too much into my personal life, unlike my INTP teacher, who always ask me a bunch of probing questions and make me feel really uncomfortable.
The bolded really doesn't seem shady to me at all. Sounds like a friendly teacher who cares about you and is concerned for your well-being. So I agree with Hard that you're being unduly suspicious.

five sounds

Jul 17, 2013
Instinctual Variant
I hate the feeling of being grilled. I am an extrovert and get energized by people, but some people absolutely do drain me. When I feel I need to keep up with conversations that require me to be some less relaxed, less authentic, compliant and cooperative version of myself I get agitated. I've also hd the feeling that people are prying for reasons of fault finding or dirt digging. This makes me feel hurt and resentful. I think it's natural to be drained by certain types of interactions. The way you deal with it though is a matter of maturity. At my worst, I become defensive and emotional or ignore a person. At my best I try to redirect or accommodate my own needs by putting myself in a different place either mentally or physically.

alcea rosea

New member
Nov 11, 2007
Do you find your energy getting drained around certain people?

Why does this happen? What is the phenomenon behind this? Sometimes, I will encounter someone who seems like a nice person on the surface, but after interacting with them, I start feeling very agitated and upset. Why do I feel this way after interacting with them?

Like I have a teacher who seems like a nice person on the surface, he is always asking questions about my life, always showing concern for me, but I don't know why, after every interaction with him, my energy start getting sapped out and I start feeling very agitated and upset with him.

What does this feeling mean? Why does my energy get drained whenever I am around him?

Yes, this has happened to me a lot. I have no idea what it is and why it happens. It happens around very negative or depressed people.


A wannabe dog
Aug 5, 2013
A feeling of intrusion? That can be pretty draining.

The truly empathetic have a sense of when they're about to cross the line.

Yes!! You described exactly how I was feeling. That feeling of intrusion. :dry:
And also, he didn't really ask those questions because he is concerned about me. He only asks those questions because he is trying to figure out what makes me tick so that he can change his teaching methods. But in the process of doing so, he asks a bunch of intrusive questions and neglected how uncomfortable he is making me feel.

alcea rosea

New member
Nov 11, 2007
It's because you're insecure, don't know yourself nearly as well as you think, and are excessively suspicious of others (i.e. paranoid).

I disagree. Some people are simply more sensitive towards other people than others.


Aug 28, 2008


But seriously, people who are tired make me tired. People who whine constantly tire me out. Kids. All kids. And people who are overly serious bug me.


Well-known member
Jun 11, 2007
I don't think it's anyone in particular but a lot of time a person simply in the same room as me drains my energy and it's not them it's more me and my annoyance of their existence


The Devil of TypoC
Aug 29, 2008
Instinctual Variant
The people who drain me the most, by far, are 1) people who seem to expect and require a lot of unspoken rules to be followed, and 2) people who require a lot of spoken empathy. In both cases they require me to be very, very careful with everything I say or do, oftentimes planning out my sentences word for word before I say them -- scanning constantly for unspoken approval or disapproval.

TLDR: people who make me fake Fe.


Well-known member
Jun 11, 2007
The people who drain me the most, by far, are 1) people who seem to expect and require a lot of unspoken rules to be followed, and 2) people who require a lot of spoken empathy. In both cases they require me to be very, very careful with everything I say or do, oftentimes planning out my sentences word for word before I say them -- scanning constantly for unspoken approval or disapproval.

TLDR: people who make me fake Fe.

If I'm getting annoyed by you, it be better if you left, because it's not rules it's more of I don't want to see your face and it's not just you it's any human

plus faking Fe would annoy me, so it might appear that I want you to, but I really what I want is you to go away.
Mar 20, 2014
Instinctual Variant
It depends on how they try to get close to me.

My teacher just seems like a very shady type of person. Always asking me all sorts of personal questions.
He asks me what I do in my free time, he asks me what job I work, he asks me why I appear to have a poor memory at times, and he also asks me whether I have any illness.
His questions made me feel really uncomfortable, no other teachers has ever tried to "connect" with me until this extent. And also, when I asked him why he asked me those questions, he just replied "nothing".
And btw, I know this isn't type related but I just wanna add that this teacher of mine is an INTP if I didn't type him wrongly. I actually feel more comfortable around my ENTJ teacher than this INTP teacher of mine. My ENTJ teacher can be blunt at times but at least he keeps everything professional and he doesn't try to probe too much into my personal life, unlike my INTP teacher, who always ask me a bunch of probing questions and make me feel really uncomfortable.

Yes!! You described exactly how I was feeling. That feeling of intrusion. :dry:
And also, he didn't really ask those questions because he is concerned about me. He only asks those questions because he is trying to figure out what makes me tick so that he can change his teaching methods. But in the process of doing so, he asks a bunch of intrusive questions and neglected how uncomfortable he is making me feel.

The teacher doesn't seem like an INTP. In my experience, INTP's aren't invasive in connecting with people. INTP's are Fe users, so he should be concerned about appropriateness and your feelings. His answering "nothing" to your question shows a disregard for those things. That seems like a Te-Fi user. They're the type who act strangely without feeling like they owe anyone an explanation for it.

Does your teacher act this way with other students?


A wannabe dog
Aug 5, 2013
The teacher doesn't seem like an INTP. In my experience, INTP's aren't invasive in connecting with people. INTP's are Fe users, so he should be concerned about appropriateness and your feelings. His answering "nothing" to your question shows a disregard for those things. That seems like a Te-Fi user. They're the type who act strangely without feeling like they owe anyone an explanation for it.

Does your teacher act this way with other students?

He occasionally act this way with other students, but he mostly act this way around me. And I've been observing him for quite awhile, and I am pretty sure he is either INTP or ENTP.
He is pretty much an IT and technical guy, he is very good at things that are related to IT and technical stuff, and at first sight he comes across as nice and diplomatic and laidback to people. It's only after you knew him for quite some time then you will realize he actually has a blunt side beneath his nice and diplomatic exterior. There is this possibility he could be xSTP too, but I noticed that he is quite daydreamy at times and he isn't really good at noticing details in his surroundings.
I also noticed that he also has this Ne style of thinking, he has this tendency to expand possibilities, instead of narrowing down possibilities. He also has this tendency to come up with lots of random ideas from nowhere all the time.

And also, INTPs have Fe in their inferior function, so they only Fe in the sense that they hate conflicts and they will go to great lengths to avoid conflicts, but in terms of being aware of appropriateness and feelings, they aren't really good at this. If they offend someone, most of the time they won't even realize it themselves and they need the other person to be blunt with them before they realized it.