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Ask a Pagan.



1. If we are talking about *looking* then I see its aura. If I touch it, I feel a spark, a life force, as such
2. I try to avoid that, as most animals consider that to be a threat by a predator. I will with my handraised kitten though..adn even she will blink at me to reassure me that she means me no harm (direct staring..). I'll blink back to indicate the same.


Ah, I didn't imply they had to stare back, I usually only do it with animals that are already placated. Something about the eyes being so... fascinating. I feel an aura, like how you can feel a tree's aura.

Though I find when I attempt to placate animals unfamiliar with me I stare at their face anyways. A quick google search just showed I enjoy maintaining an "alpha" presence around animals. Hm.


Hotel California
Nov 5, 2008
Instinctual Variant

Ah, I didn't imply they had to stare back, I usually only do it with animals that are already placated. Something about the eyes being so... fascinating. I feel an aura, like how you can feel a tree's aura.

Though I find when I attempt to placate animals unfamiliar with me I stare at their face anyways. A quick google search just showed I enjoy maintaining an "alpha" presence around animals. Hm.

...normally the animal would look down then, to show its submission, no? I work mostly with cats, and they don't really do submission, so staring at them tends to be considered hostile. Blinking however helps to break up the stare, allowing them to relax.

And yeah. Animals have a *definite* presence and a very vibrant aura :)


...normally the animal would look down then, to show its submission, no? I work mostly with cats, and they don't really do submission, so staring at them tends to be considered hostile. Blinking however helps to break up the stare, allowing them to relax.

And yeah. Animals have a *definite* presence and a very vibrant aura :)

Yes, dogs get very submissive. I've never been around another animal with such intelligence, though I recall hearing once it works with bears, too... maintaining that 'big' presence.

Interesting, blinking. I'd never thought of it, though I normally am unable to approach unknown cats lol. Too finnicky I guess.


Hotel California
Nov 5, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Yes, dogs get very submissive. I've never been around another animal with such intelligence, though I recall hearing once it works with bears, too... maintaining that 'big' presence.

Interesting, blinking. I'd never thought of it, though I normally am unable to approach unknown cats lol. Too finnicky I guess.

Hehe, one does not approach a cat. One lets a cat approach at its own pace, preferably blinking or even better...looking away ;)

This is why people who do not like cats or are allergic to them (and therefore avoid drawing its attention!) usually get picked as the lap to be when they visit the homes of their friends with cats :laugh:


Hehe, one does not approach a cat. One lets a cat approach at its own pace, preferably blinking or even better...looking away ;)

This is why people who do not like cats or are allergic to them (and therefore avoid drawing its attention!) usually get picked as the lap to be when they visit the homes of their friends with cats :laugh:

But they're so cute, I wanna pet them nowww =(

I've tried sitting down near them and just chilling, they still don't seem very interested. Maybe they can feel my presence of wanting them being too strong, or so I've decided.

Lol, funny theory. Makes sense though! Cats just don't like being fucked with, do they? So naturally, that's where they'd go... lol.


Aug 28, 2008
When you look at a tree, what do you feel?

Do you stare into animal's eyes, from time to time?

Everything. Trees remember everything. People are quick to forget, we move and we're explosive and dramatic, and we forget and fall away easily. Trees are stability, they don't operate on time the way we do. Everything isn't hurdling into one single direction, from birth to death and past to present. Sun, and water, and dirt, these are the things trees rely on. Time is measured in that sense. When I come across a tree, I see power in a way I will never feel and touch.

When I look into the eyes on an animal, I learn. They are so different from me.. and they each hold a small aspect, and token, of the pieces that make up the world around us. They play a role just as we all do, and learning from them helps me in my own role. There is intelligence there even when the animal itself is not.


Hotel California
Nov 5, 2008
Instinctual Variant
But they're so cute, I wanna pet them nowww =(

I've tried sitting down near them and just chilling, they still don't seem very interested. Maybe they can feel my presence of wanting them being too strong, or so I've decided.

Lol, funny theory. Makes sense though! Cats just don't like being fucked with, do they? So naturally, that's where they'd go... lol.

Yeah, that 'urge' you have to pet them and control the situation? They tend to react badly to that :laugh:
Cats dont care for alpha personalities. That kind energy just means= crazy, potentially dangerous person ahead, to them :devil:


Everything. Trees remember everything. People are quick to forget, we move and we're explosive and dramatic, and we forget and fall away easily. Trees are stability, they don't operate on time the way we do. Everything isn't hurdling into one single direction, from birth to death and past to present. Sun, and water, and dirt, these are the things trees rely on. Time is measured in that sense. When I come across a tree, I see power in a way I will never feel and touch.

When I look into the eyes on an animal, I learn. They are so different from me.. and they each hold a small aspect, and token, of the pieces that make up the world around us. They play a role just as we all do, and learning from them helps me in my own role. There is intelligence there even when the animal itself is not.

Your thoughts on trees reminds me of Slaughterhouse Five, for whatever reason. The main character becomes 'unstuck in time', experiencing all realities at once instead of procedurally, as us humans tend to do. I've had similar sentiment as you, though I believe I have related it more to the flower than the tree, as undifferent as they are.

Yes. Whatever makes us 'us' is certainly churning in their minds as well.

Yeah, that 'urge' you have to pet them and control the situation? They tend to react badly to that :laugh:
Cats dont care for alpha personalities. That kind energy just means= crazy, potentially dangerous person ahead, to them :devil:

Lol, I was going to call my energy evil, before deciding maybe it was too far =X

Scott N Denver

New member
Apr 25, 2009
Ooh, I haven't posted in this thread in a long time! <woot> I think my first entry was on page 5 or so.

I wanna ask a couple of questions.
As I've said before, I don't think it will be fair to call me pagan and my background lies elsewhere, particularly in things Eastern. In some ways I see a lot of overlap with pagans, and in others I see sizeable differences. I think Taoism is the most similar of the eastern traditions to things pagan, for example focusing on chi and what natural things generate chi and various things about feng shui. The largest difference I see relates to motivation and morality. When people here a word like "pagan" I think that some of the words that come to mind next are things like "magic" "spells" "spirits" and nature/outdoors. And then maybe swords, nakedness, weird rituals, candles, and maybe more weird rituals. Most people I've met in person who were interested in wicca, pagan, or whatnot were clear that this whole "spells" things was one of, if not the largest of, their biggest motivators to get into it. Morality usually stops [as in culminates] with the wiccan rede. By contrast, few people I've met who were interested in eastern stuff were so because of "powers", and the ones who are usually get a talking too, and if you study with someone more advanced or read about more advanced stuff there are often warnings about ethics/responsibility just generally. As I've said before, eastern things are much more strict about their understanding of morality. There are things I've heard from wiccans or read saying they frequently do whatever thing [for example having spirit guide save them parking space for car] that I can show you things eastern that call that not ethical. Sure, we can quivvel and interpret about whether its always unethical, or maybe just in some cases, but my point is its an example of differences in morality and that eastern stuff is stricter. Spells is a topic that has always been on the edge of making my skin crawl. When I meet people who are just into wicca, pagan, whatever, they are there cuz they wanna be psychic and throw spells around, and some of them are not even at the morality level of the wiccan rede [these love spells that even wiccan, pagan, people tell one not to do for ethical reasons, for example], well lets just say I don't have a positive perception.

For the most part I think the wiccan rede is fine, not stellar by any means, but fine. I think some people think they are following it, well I hope they think they are following it, but I still think there is sometimes grey area where people make "poor" choices. Grey areas would include things like "what qualifies as harm", and "I'm actually really doing harm but am not aware of it" [as a metaphor closing your eyes and then punching someone in the face then saying "well I didnt know you were there, my eyes were closed!"]. For example, are you helping or harming someone by "toughening them up"? THrowing a kid in the deep end of the pool and forcing them to swim, helping or harming? How do you know you didnt just traumatize them? If you are emotionally retarded and the kid you threw in the deep end idsnow scarred, does your emotional retardedness somehow "excuse" the fact that you just scarred them ("ie I didnt *realize* it would scar them?"). What about "I see a weakness in your personality that you wont correct, so I will force you to correct it, or throw you into a situation that will make you confront it?" "I know better than you do so the ends justify the means so I'm still being ethical"? "I know better than you do, and someday you'll thank me?" "Your just a wimp who wont do what the situation needs, so I will force the issue?" See, these are all grey areas. Throw in someone who is emotionally retarded or not concerned about/aware of, someone else's emotional or other well-being. Find someone who doesnt realize they are throwing thought-form/spells around that is constantly going around being negative and critical and demeaning others in their mind, but they are throwing spells/thoughtforms around in the process.

Most of those are examples that from where I sit are clearly lacking morally/ethically, and from where I sit would be violations of the wiccan rede. But to someone with a less comprehensive viewpoint, they may not see it that way.

I do not wish to give personal examples, but I'd be lying if I said I haven't been on the receiving side of some other person(s) lack of adequate moral development.

So, with that long preface, Amar and Kyuuei I would like to ask some general questions: Having done stuff for longer now, have your thoughts on what is or is not moral/ethical changed in terms of things that wiccans, pagans, etc do, particularly spells? Have you seen any wide range of variation of ethics or morals amongst different practitioners? Do you wish that pagan spent less time "publicizing" that it does spells, rituals, and spirits? Do you feel that the moral implications of doing such things are adequately presented/trained or would you prefer something different? Do you wish that such things were emphasized less, or maybe their training wasnt provided until further into being wiccan, pagan, etc? Are there any personal "morals about spell usage" that you use or follow that you would be willing to share here?

Like I said, eastern things take a stricter view on what is or isn't ethical behavior, and my biggest single "issue" with pagan things is taking someone without necessarily all that much moral development and then training them to have "psychic power" if you will.


Aug 28, 2008
They're great questions.

Having done stuff for longer now, have your thoughts on what is or is not moral/ethical changed in terms of things that wiccans, pagans, etc do, particularly spells?

Not at all actually. I figured it would, but my ethics are deep-rooted.. while my morals have changed in the sense of what I allow, or what I allow others in my presence to do, but what I cast spells for? Never.

The crazy thing about Paganism is that there is no bound morals. You receive what you get.. that's about it. If you cast out harm and illness, expect it back, and not nearly as nicely as you dished it out. Spell casting is different from prayer in the sense that for Christians, there is an ultimate God. Just one. With just one set of rules. That God listens, and sometimes says, "You're being an idiot. I know, because you're young, but you'll thank me one day that this prayer goes unanswered." Paganism doesn't quite work the same way. There are several Gods, of all shapes and rules.. when you cast out and appeal to a particular God, that one may not answer you.. but there is a chance another will. There is a chance that being vague means being open. And different spirits, energies, and Gods will all take hold of that spell in a different way.

For me, I pray directly to nature.. No God per say, just the energy of the Earth and spirits that drive it. That doesn't mean that the Earth lacks shadows.

Have you seen any wide range of variation of ethics or morals amongst different practitioners?

Very much so. While many feel it appropriate to spell cast for things like money, and a better job, and such, I feel this is unethical and simplistic. You should not cast spells for shallow things like this.. instead, to me, one ought to cast for divination and introspection.. Asking for answers within yourself for the solutions to things like that. Meditation and divination are the two most simple, and most powerful, spells one can cast, and the safest imo. I would argue that casting for things like Love, and for someone to leave you alone, are at least more emotionally driven and have deeper inner roots.. but I still typically would not cast a spell like this. Instead, I would cast a spell praising things I already have, like love, in hopes that that praise would be returned to me in kind.

Do you wish that pagan spent less time "publicizing" that it does spells, rituals, and spirits?

No more than I wish Christians would stop publicizing how cool their churches are or all the cool events they do. It's the 'sexy' part of our religion--rituals, and spells, and spirit calling and such. It's the appealing part.. the way music during ceremonies and christian-rock-concerts appeal to Christians. There's something mysterious about it all that calls to people. What I *do* wish people would not harp on as much is the gaudy aspects of it all.. Overpriced t-shirts and stickers with cutesy saying on them. But I dislike that about Christianity too. It just isn't my personal style.

Do you feel that the moral implications of doing such things are adequately presented/trained or would you prefer something different?

I think advertised 'spell kits' and such keep people on the right path. Someone who is tampering in such things, which I believe to be very powerful in practice, cannot really go astray by lighting some candles and singing the parrot's song on a piece of parchment. Maybe something will work, maybe not.. but they don't expose themselves to some of the dangers that come from tampering in muck that they have no guidance on at all. There is a capital gain on it, money is involved, but not much harm is done to the caster, which is the main concern.

I'd rather have advertised uniform kits that don't 'work' or do well, than a bunch of kids running around lighting things on fire because they read it once on a blog.

Do you wish that such things were emphasized less, or maybe their training wasnt provided until further into being wiccan, pagan, etc?

Not really. Some things you just have to jump into and learn for yourself--Paganism is very much so one of those things. We were just complaining about the fact that there isn't much 'advanced' knowledge outside of Covens. You have to learn how to work the deeper aspects of the religion yourself. There is no graduated programs the way Christians have them--Sunday School, Catechism, Adult Learning, Priesthood, etc. You learn on your own.. it's the hardest part of the whole thing.

There are some books I find genuinely good foundations, like Wicca: A Year and a Day. But books will always have a bias--it is someone else's morals, ethics, and reasons. It's like reading a recipe.. you have to know how to adapt the recipe to your taste and needs. You read:

1 cup olive oil
2 cups flour
1 tablespoon vanilla extract

and at first, you follow the recipe to a T. It's good, and you like it and try again. After that, you realize you want orange flavored recipe, so you substitute vanilla for orange and you love it. Then you read on a website you can substitute the oil for applesauce and make it healthier. So you try it. Eventually, the recipe becomes your own creation.. something uniquely suited to you, influenced by ideas you heard and inspirations from others.

Are there any personal "morals about spell usage" that you use or follow that you would be willing to share here?

1. I never name names unless I am praising a person.
2. I never do any unsafe acts. Either physically or mentally. I don't dwell on issues that will rot a spell, and I don't light candles next to cloth or work on surfaces that catch flame easily. I always have safety items nearby. Flowy clothing is beautiful, but doesn't do well for many candles.
3. I never cast for shallow things. I usually only divine, acknowledge existence (in the case of holidays), and meditate. Occasionally I will create something, like a talisman, but this is few and far between. I find such things to be powerful influences that require care and responsibility, and I'm a very lazy person. I can take my thoughts with me where ever I go without a single breech in security. A talisman poorly cared for is just a sad thing.
4. I don't involve others without their permission.
5. I don't make things over elaborate. Fancy words, and lengthy spells, and lots of steps I think takes away from the process, the same way presents and decorations take away from the spirit of Christmas. Nothing can be a sad process, though doable. Too much just creates a stress out of something meant to take away stress.


Do you believe in the Law of Attraction?

-if so-

Do you believe it is metaphysical in basis, or can it be substantiated via measurement? Or something completely different?


Unapologetic being
Jul 1, 2011
Instinctual Variant
Do you believe in the Law of Attraction?

-if so-

Do you believe it is metaphysical in basis, or can it be substantiated via measurement? Or something completely different?

I believe in LOA hardcore.

metaphysical...is that like a philisophical stance you mean...Because I believe it's proven by science. Therefore not only a philosophy anymore a truth. But I'm not sure what you're asking lol so i don't know if i'm answering correctly.

I believe in this so much to the point that if everyone would follow the law, everyone would take responsibility for themselves for EVERYTHING that they attracted. Most people attract things and are not concious of what they're attracting. ie attracting the people in their lives and such. Stop complaining about those people...they're in your life for a reason...you attracted them there


Jul 5, 2012
[MENTION=6839]Scott N Denver[/MENTION]

Wujin Chang, a nun, asked the Sixth Zen patriarch, Hui Neng, for help in understanding the Mahanirvana Sutra. The master answered that he could not read, but if the nun would read it aloud for him, he would do his best to help her.

The nun then asked, "If you can't even read the words, how can you understand the truth behind them?"

"Truth and words are unrelated. Truth can be compared to the moon," answered Hui Neng, pointing to the moon with his finger, "And words can be compared to a finger. I can use my finger to point out the moon, but my finger is not the moon, and you don't need my finger in order to be able to see the moon".


Jul 5, 2012
...normally the animal would look down then, to show its submission, no? I work mostly with cats, and they don't really do submission, so staring at them tends to be considered hostile. Blinking however helps to break up the stare, allowing them to relax.

And yeah. Animals have a *definite* presence and a very vibrant aura :)

I can relate to that, having tamed feral cats before.

How can I tame a cat that doesn't want to be tamed? A lot of people go about it the wrong way. It's not really doing something to the cat as it is letting the cat be itself and being a good thing for the cat (giver of food who respects the cat - cats know it)

I give the cat her privacy. I make a den that is just hers and do not approach it when she is inside. I bring food bit by bit through the day, and sing or whistle or talk to the cat as I approach so that she always knows I'm coming - it also becomes a 'food noise'. Slowly day by day I can get the cat to eat food closer to me, then eventually out of my hand. Then eventually she will let me touch her carefully, eventually pick her up, and so forth.

I do not stare at the cat. I don't try to grab or touch the cat until she is ready to accept that. I don't sneak up on the cat, or stand over her. I don't invade her space or let anyone else do so until she is willing to share it.


Aug 28, 2008
Do you believe in the Law of Attraction?

-if so-

Do you believe it is metaphysical in basis, or can it be substantiated via measurement? Or something completely different?

I believe the easiest way to measure it is placebo effects during testing.. It is a difficult thing to measure though, for certain.

I find it hard to be spiritual and not have this as groundwork for one's self. The idea of "however you think is what you will attract to yourself".. it is something I measure at all times. To see if I am on the right track, or if I am being too whiny lately, etc. If you have low self-esteem, people who take advantage of that will come into your life.

What I think people mistake this for is some sort of absolute divine intervention. This Law is a law among men, not supernatural in nature. It is a piece of common sense when dealing with one another. So when someone says, "Im going to think positively and get this job!" And they don't get it.. they blame the Law. It doesn't work that way--like it is some power to wield have the world around you yield to whenever you please. You don't think happy thoughts and then win the lottery. It isn't a Wizard of Oz trick. People try to apply it at will, then promptly blame it afterwards and go back to their sour ways.


Si vis pacem, para bellum
Staff member
Apr 18, 2010
Instinctual Variant
After all these years though..as lonely as it is, I've come to realize that my answers are within myself, and not out there :shrug:
I believe that is true for everyone, regardless of path. Some religions just make it harder for followers to figure that out, and then make them feel guilty or irresponsible or even sinful when they do. As the Charge of the Goddess states:

To thou who thinkest to seek Me, know that thy seeking and
yearning shall avail thee not unless thou knowest the Mystery.
If that which thou seekest thou findest not within thee,
thou wilt never find it without.

As for Scott's questions, I agree substantially with Kyuuei. I would add:

1. Pagan practice generally receives far less publicity that Christian practice, partly because there are relatively so few pagans, and we are not associated with large, visible organizations. Our practice is also inherently more personal and less public, perhaps just an outgrowth of necessity, to avoid misunderstanding and harrassment.

2. The Wiccan Rede is an ideal that no one can live up to. It is impossible to go through life never doing harm. For one, we cannot always predict the harm that may result from our actions, including inaction. The rede thus serves mainly to focus our attention on our actions so we do consider them very carefully, and do our best at least to minimize any resulting harm. This is a bit like the habit of some Native American groups who consider the consequences through to the 7th generation.

The other half of the Rede is just as important, though: "do as ye will". In doing our best to consider the impact on others, we must still understand and follow our own Will - capital W to distinguish our heart's desire, our dreams, in contrast to the whims of the moment. If we have no dreams, no guiding goals or principles, we will forever be pulled hither and yon by the demands of others. This comes right back to the realization that when we say "harm none", we must include ourselves.

3. We do spells to effect change in the world, but the most ethical and often the most effective way to accomplish that is to effect change in ourselves. I may want more money, or a better job, or for my friend not to marry his bimbo golddigger girlfriend, but any spell I do in that regard will focus squarely on helping me get what I need from the universe to address the issue. I may get an inspiration on how to earn more money, or spend less; or gain the confidence I need to do well in a job interview; or understand how to advise my friend with objectivity and compassion. Just the focus of spellwork can help one become more aware of and open to opportunities that present themselves.

4. The idea of getting someone's permission to do a spell involving them, even for their benefit, generates quite some discussion, especially among those new to pagan circles. People wonder, how could it be wrong to do a spell to help someone recover from serious illness, or get a job after months unemployed? This is a hard one, especially for those who are used to Christians praying for everyone and his brother at the drop of a hat. The principle here is that we cannot know what the best outcome for someone is. Yes, it is a hardship to be sick or out of work, but is the person going to learn something or somehow gain from the experience? When I want to include a friend in need and haven't asked first, I make the working very generic, simply asking the universe to send them what they need to address their current situation - essentially sending them some positive energy.


Jul 5, 2012
I believe the easiest way to measure it is placebo effects during testing.. It is a difficult thing to measure though, for certain.

I find it hard to be spiritual and not have this as groundwork for one's self. The idea of "however you think is what you will attract to yourself".. it is something I measure at all times. To see if I am on the right track, or if I am being too whiny lately, etc. If you have low self-esteem, people who take advantage of that will come into your life.

What I think people mistake this for is some sort of absolute divine intervention. This Law is a law among men, not supernatural in nature. It is a piece of common sense when dealing with one another. So when someone says, "Im going to think positively and get this job!" And they don't get it.. they blame the Law. It doesn't work that way--like it is some power to wield have the world around you yield to whenever you please. You don't think happy thoughts and then win the lottery. It isn't a Wizard of Oz trick. People try to apply it at will, then promptly blame it afterwards and go back to their sour ways.

This is why I say positive thinking is different from positive energy.

Some times what you want is not what is in store for you. Positive energy is useful in any direction, come what may. Optimism is ok too, but some times it leads to disappointment if you hold on to it too hard.

There's sensible optimism and then there's the point where you just go "come on. seriously? I think it's reality check time."


Mar 20, 2008

The last beautiful pagan was Hypatia (335-405 AD).

Hypatia was the last librarian of the great pagan Library of Alexandria. And Hypatia was a rational scientist, and in particular, an astronomer.

And as a rational astronomer Hypatia would regard astrologers with contempt.

And Hypatia would regard the fake pagans of today with their astrology and spells as beneath contempt.

No wonder the Christians skinned her alive, dragged her body through the streets, and burnt the greatest library of the ancient world.


Si vis pacem, para bellum
Staff member
Apr 18, 2010
Instinctual Variant
And Hypatia would regard the fake pagans of today with their astrology and spells as beneath contempt.
Yes, fake pagans certainly give the rest of us a bad name, just like fake christians do to their honest and earnest church-mates.


I believe the easiest way to measure it is placebo effects during testing.. It is a difficult thing to measure though, for certain.

I find it hard to be spiritual and not have this as groundwork for one's self. The idea of "however you think is what you will attract to yourself".. it is something I measure at all times. To see if I am on the right track, or if I am being too whiny lately, etc. If you have low self-esteem, people who take advantage of that will come into your life.

What I think people mistake this for is some sort of absolute divine intervention. This Law is a law among men, not supernatural in nature. It is a piece of common sense when dealing with one another. So when someone says, "Im going to think positively and get this job!" And they don't get it.. they blame the Law. It doesn't work that way--like it is some power to wield have the world around you yield to whenever you please. You don't think happy thoughts and then win the lottery. It isn't a Wizard of Oz trick. People try to apply it at will, then promptly blame it afterwards and go back to their sour ways.

Cool, so you believe in its existence but do not believe it is metaphysical in scope. Neither do I, for the most part...

Quantum physics understanding leaves much to be desired, however =X