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IFP comparison


heart on fire
May 19, 2007
This thread is for comparison of the differences and similarities between ISFP and INFP.

Questions for those generous enough to participate:

1. name your five favorite fiction books (and why).

2. your favorite subjects from school that you would actually read for pleasure.

3. are you fascinated in the duality of good vs. evil, light vs. dark?

4. do you want to understand how evil works?

5. what are the topics of some of your favorite daydreams?

6. what is fascinates you most?

7. what do you think about the interconnection between humans and all that is?

EDIT to add :

8. What's your impression of the other IxFP type? (from SciSki)

9. If someone asks you what clues to look out for in deciding if someone is ISFP or INFP, what would you say?

10. What activities do you like to do outdoors? (from Placebo)
or What physical activities do you like to do?

11. - How would you describe this picture (briefly)? http://www.norcalwater.org/images/ncwa_painting.jpg

12. - Do you have a personal philosophy of life? if so what is it?

13. Who do you think's going to win the Texas v. OU game? (from Jeffster)

14. Do you believe that some people are born evil, or is it a reaction to the environment in which they were raised in? (from Neo-Genesis)

15. If you were a tree, what kind would you be, and what would you like hirsch to make out of you? (by Hirsch)

Please add questions to broaden the comparison!

Good grief already had one complaint that the questions are INFP biased, duh, I am INFP, that's why I am asking for other's input! ;)


If you looked at this post and said "ugh, I'm not answering" please respond with quick remark as to why! :)


New member
Jan 7, 2008
8. What's your impression of the other IxFP type?

9. If someone asks you what clues to look out for in deciding if someone is ISFP or INFP, what would you say?


veteran attention whore
Jun 7, 2008
Instinctual Variant
This thread is for comparison of the differences and similarities between ISFP and INFP.

That's cool, just last night I was thinking of something that I thought would be perfect for a topic with this very subject. Of course, now I don't remember what it was, but if I think of it,. I'll be sure to post it. :blush:

Questions for those generous enough to participate:

1. name your five favorite fiction books.

Guh, you would start with a hard one.

Time Warp,...uhhhhhh...Berenstain Bears do something or other...some other Choose-Your-Own-Adventure books...those porn books I found in my dad's bookcase..I don't remember any of the titles.. one of them might have been "Sister and Brother" but I can't remember.

2. your favorite subjects from school that you would actually read for pleasure.

I don't understand this question.

3. are you fascinated in the duality of good vs. evil, light vs. dark?


4. do you want to understand how evil works?


5. what are the topics of some of your favorite daydreams?

hot women, the beach, Disneyworld, Texas Tech winning the Big 12 in football, me making a weird acceptance speech at an award show, me running a radio station or a restaurant

6. what is fascinates you most?


7. what do you think about the interconnection between humans and all that is?

I don't, I don't know what that means.

Please add questions to broaden the comparison!

Who do you think's going to win the Texas v. OU game?

I'll come back and add my responses later.



heart on fire
May 19, 2007
^ What kind of resturant would you like to run?

[quote="jeffster']That's cool, just last night I was thinking of something that I thought would be perfect for a topic with this very subject. Of course, now I don't remember what it was, but if I think of it,. I'll be sure to post it.[/quote]

Please do and I hope Sunshine and Sarah come in with some too and broaden the field some.


heart on fire
May 19, 2007
1. name your five favorite fiction books (and why).
1. the Horatio Hornblower series --Fasinating study of the life of a very interesting character and all the changes and challenges he goes through.
2. A book called Voyager...total examination of human evil and goodness through the eyes of Marco Polo
3. The Godfather--- you'll never look at human beings and their nature the same again.
4. Jane Eyre
5. the Kent Family Chronicles--- my first exposure to adult historical fiction, loved it.

2. your favorite subjects from school that you would actually read for pleasure.
1. literature because it's fun
2. biology to understand how life works

3. are you fascinated in the duality of good vs. evil, light vs. dark? Obsessed with it

4. do you want to understand how evil works?

5. what are the topics of some of your favorite daydreams?Mostly weave stories about other people who would live very different lives than I do.

6. what is fascinates you most?
Good vs. Evil
the shadow self vs. conscious self
Human hypocrisy vs. higher ideals and good intentions
The interconnection between the higher human mind and the animal human body and the battle between.

7. what do you think about the interconnection between humans and all that is?We're all interconnected and yet not the same. Differences are as important as similarities. We live in hollarchy not a hierachy but humans want to impose hierachy.

One life
With each other
One life
But we're not the same
We get to
Carry each other
Carry each other

"Without Contraries is no progression. Attraction and Repulsion,
Reason and Energy, Love and Hate, are necessary to Human existence.
From these contraries spring what the religious call Good & Evil.
Good is the passive that obeys Reason. Evil is the active springing
from Energy. Good is Heaven. Evil is Hell."

William Blake

"Separated the stars from the mountains, and the mountains from man.

And left man groveling root outside himself that created negations where there had been "contraries":

Negations are not contraries: Contraries mutually exist but negations exist not. "

William Blake

"Such is the very death of the created being. We die to the extent that we fail to discriminate. For this reason the natural impulse of the created being is directed toward differentiation and toward the struggle against the ancient, pernicious state of sameness. The natural tendency is called Principium Individuationis (Principle of Individuation).

This principle is indeed the essence of every created being. From these things you may readily recognize why the undifferentiated principle and lack of discrimination are all a great danger to created beings. For this reason we must be able to distinguish the qualities of the Pleroma. Its qualities are the PAIRS OF OPPOSITES.."

Carl Jung

8. What's your impression of the other IxFP type? Delightful, fun and emotionally deep. Loyal. Value driven.


New member
May 11, 2008
These questions so far are very INFP-biased. Maybe ask

- What activities do you like to do outdoors?
or What physical activities do you like to do?

- How would you describe this picture (briefly)? http://www.norcalwater.org/images/ncwa_painting.jpg

- Do you have a personal philosophy of life? if so what is it?


heart on fire
May 19, 2007
These questions so far are very INFP-biased.

That's why I asked for ISFP input. :rolleyes: I can only ask from my own perspective, trying to assume from the ISFP perspective would be rather assumptive and possibly offensive if I asked sterotypical S v. N type questions.

But really I asked those questions because I *think* they delinate the difference but I don't really know if that's an assumption I make based on my own eperiences that may not be exactly correct and this board is a place to interact and ask those questions of the ISFPs directly whereas in offline life it isn't easily done.

- What activities do you like to do outdoors?
or What physical activities do you like to do?

People go outdoors?

I like to dance but I get vertigo now so dancing usually makes me sick, lol.

- How would you describe this picture (briefly)? http://www.norcalwater.org/images/ncwa_painting.jpg


- Do you have a personal philosophy of life? if so what is it?

Be true to what you believe in and heal yourself as much as you can and try to align as close to the inner conscience as possible. Help those who want it and leave the rest alone. No one can force change on others. The world can only heal by each individual healing internally on their own time.


New member
Sep 30, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Add more thoughts...

1. name your five favorite fiction books (and why).

Incarnations of Importality - For love of Evil (specific book in series)
I liked how it humanizes and shows the essential nature of evil. Without evil being a choice, how can you tell who is truely good and who is just acting good etc. Being evil with a purpose vs creating evil through slefishness (evil being the goal vs evil being a side effect). What causes people to become evil, what makes them stay that way?

Riftwar saga (series)
Good storytelling and believable characters and caharacter development.

Deathgate cycle (series)
I liked the complexities and plot twists, the character development and backstoryies are also well developed and intiricate.

Myth Inc (series)
A good just for fun book series. It was the series that got me into reading books (other than comic-books) at a fairly young age, and age may be a factor in my fond memories of it, but I suspect I'd still enjoy it if I re-read them now too.

Discworld (series)
In particular the book that introduces Mortimer, but all the books I've read in the series were great (but strangely, I don't really feel like I remember a whole lot about them other than doing a great job of making me laugh).

2. your favorite subjects from school that you would actually read for pleasure.

Japanese. I don't remember much of it now (aside from a few basic words and phrases), but I would read manga and watch un-sub-titled anime a lot when I was younger to try to see what words and phrases I could pick out.

Current world affairs is probably what turned me into a news/politics junkie (and a lot of that probably had to do with having a great enthusiastic charasimatic teacher for the class). But I don't actually read much news, and get it more through television, so I don't know if that applies to the question.

In school (both K-12 and College) I did not take any actual courses in humanities and only took the English course I absolutly had to to graduate, but I suspect if I had taken classes like Philosophy, Psychology, and Literature AND had a good teacher for those classes, I may have discovered those interestes much earlier in life than I did when I found how much they interested me from exploring on my own.

3. are you fascinated in the duality of good vs. evil, light vs. dark?

Yes, see first book choice above. :) The whole incarnations series I found to be great books, but I singled that one largly out for that reason (the one about god (good) also had soem memorable thought provoking ideas in it too).

4. do you want to understand how evil works?

Hehe, see above. And I answered these quesitions sequentialy before reading the next question too.

5. what are the topics of some of your favorite daydreams?

A lot of my daydreams to some degree revolve around creating of that which does not exist but could. Sometimes its a tangible world or archetecture building or exploration thing, but sometimes its more along the lines of what the world would be like if x, y and z were true and/or a, b and c were false. In general imagining what could be. Sme more specifc but generic examples

Exploring a virtual world and building it as I go along.

Imaginign what a world would be like where automobiles were highly regulated and rare (not somethign available to the masses) but mass transportation was common and efficient.

Imagining what paths human devlopment might take if a group of humans could be raised for several generations without knowledge of the past and without religion (take something like "The Vilage" and set it in space on a newly colonized planet and remove any religios component to their upbringing)

Daydreams about coversations are common for me as well. Conversations that could potentialy occur, replaying past conversations and imaginign how things might have been different if I said/did different things as well as imagining conversations with people/creatures both real and fictious that I will probably never meet.

6. what is fascinates you most?

Motivations - the question of why people/animals do things and make decisions - what inputs/factors were important to them in their decision/reaction and how much thought have they givent he implications of their actions/wrods etc.

7. what do you think about the interconnection between humans and all that is?

I do think about it, but have no answers or anything I can truly say I beleive to be absolutly true about it. It is a question that leads to more questions and those questions also usually don't have specific answers, but they are important to ask. Even if we will never know the right answer (or even if there is a right answer), we can find/create an answer on either an individual or collective leve that give us reasons to do things and help us create a framework to act within that our conscience will help us shape and adapt to (of course a lot of people follow a system others have established that does not align with their conscience and I consider that unfortunate when they might be much more happy/content if they found or created a system that matches their values).

Please add questions to broaden the comparison!

Thats enough serious thinking for one day for me, but maybe later as another message. :)
Last edited:


Jun 30, 2008
1. name your five favorite fiction books (and why).

I haven't really read much fiction since school. I read a lot of non fiction. Mostly laymans psychology stuff on creativity, engagement, flow, intuition etc.
In school I loved the Conan series.
Why? He was very strong.

2. your favorite subjects from school that you would actually read for pleasure.

Tech drawing, biology, sex ed :newwink:

3. are you fascinated in the duality of good vs. evil, light vs. dark?

Does reading and watching The Power of Myth with Joseph Campbell count?

4. do you want to understand how evil works?

Yes and No.
Isn't it humans are expedient and some have screwed up mental models?

5. what are the topics of some of your favorite daydreams?

Sex and fighting.
I'd never hurt a fly but these two fill my daydreams.

6. what is fascinates you most?

Sex and fighting. Creativity, psychology.
How to achieve full engagement in daily life.

7. what do you think about the interconnection between humans and all that is?

I just tried but I thought my head might explode.
THAT reminds me! My favourite books in school were the Hitchhikers Guide books.
Why? The world that Adams created was very cool.

8. What's your impression of the other IxFP type?

ISFP, Dude you're just like me.
INFP, I'm sorry I'm just not that deep.

9. If someone asks you what clues to look out for in deciding if someone is ISFP or INFP, what would you say?

Look at what they talk about. Concrete and abstract.

10. What kind of resturant would you like to run?

A small restaraunt way out in the country.
A Pizza/Bakery Shop.
Pretty much the same customers coming everyday.
Laid back atmosphere. 2 or 3 reliable helpers.
Time to develop new items when I feel like it.
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Neo Genesis

New member
Oct 7, 2008
1. name your five favorite fiction books (and why).

The Ender Series, Wrinkle in Time series, Chronicles of Narnia, and others that I can't remember the names right now. Mostly, I like epics.

2. your favorite subjects from school that you would actually read for pleasure.

Psychology, Astronomy (although that drive is gone now), Astrology, and Religious Studies.

3. are you fascinated in the duality of good vs. evil, light vs. dark?


4. do you want to understand how evil works?

How? No. Why? Yes.

5. what are the topics of some of your favorite daydreams?

Typically, me fighting this epic battle against some evil oppressor (it varies, and can get quite in depth), being an ideal huspand/father, what it would be like if I was sent back in time to when I was three, yet kept my mental facilities, and some others. I daydream alot.

Texas Tech winning the Big 12 in football,

Same here. I have one where I'm this unstoppable running back (Think Earl Campbell, Barry Sanders, and Walter Payton rolled into one), who just absolutely shatters every possible running record, leading Tech to 4 straight National Titles.

6. what fascinates you most?

I'd have to say Good vs. Evil in a well written story. That includes twists, rhythm, vocabulary (somewhere in the middle, so the words don't dampen the anchor the story).

7. what do you think about the interconnection between humans and all that is?

:cheese: Typical Shakespearean viewpoint.

Who do you think's going to win the Texas v. OU game?

OU 34 UT 20.

Do you believe that some people are born evil, or is it a reaction to the environment in which they were raised in?


New member
May 11, 2008
That's why I asked for ISFP input. :rolleyes: I can only ask from my own perspective, trying to assume from the ISFP perspective would be rather assumptive and possibly offensive if I asked sterotypical S v. N type questions.

But really I asked those questions because I *think* they delinate the difference but I don't really know if that's an assumption I make based on my own eperiences that may not be exactly correct and this board is a place to interact and ask those questions of the ISFPs directly whereas in offline life it isn't easily done.

- What activities do you like to do outdoors?
or What physical activities do you like to do?

People go outdoors?

I like to dance but I get vertigo now so dancing usually makes me sick, lol.

- How would you describe this picture (briefly)? http://www.norcalwater.org/images/ncwa_painting.jpg


- Do you have a personal philosophy of life? if so what is it?

Be true to what you believe in and heal yourself as much as you can and try to align as close to the inner conscience as possible. Help those who want it and leave the rest alone. No one can force change on others. The world can only heal by each individual healing internally on their own time.

Good point, you are an INFP, but I don't think it's impossible to try to invent questions that may be more in between. It's difficult I suppose, I am an INFP too, but just because we are INFPs doesn't mean we can't imagine something else. I wasn't meaning for it to sound like a huge complaint, mainly an observation. :rolleyes:

1. name your five favorite fiction books (and why).
So far (because I haven't read a ton I would like to):
- Brothers Karamazov (Never read fiction like this with such philosophically and psychologically engaging plot and conflict and insights)
- The Pillars of the Earth (Very fun plot to read and enjoyed the historical aspect of it, especially descriptions of cathedrals)
These aren't really my favourites, but ones I really enjoyed, so close enough:
- Pride and Prejudice (mostly because I think Mr Darcy is great haha)
- Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (I actually didn't want to put it down, or for it to end. I dunno, it was so fun to read)
- Cat's Cradle (Fascinating, I loved the idea of the Bokonists, however I didn't really understand the entire novel when I first read it, and it's something I want to reread)

2. your favorite subjects from school that you would actually read for pleasure.
Psychology/Anthropology/Sociology, Philosophy

3. are you fascinated in the duality of good vs. evil, light vs. dark?
Not quite, but I am vaguely fascinated on what ethics is and how we determine what is ethical or not.

4. do you want to understand how evil works?
I want to understand what makes something considered 'evil'

5. what are the topics of some of your favorite daydreams?
Love :)

6. what is fascinates you most?
People, and life itself.

7. what do you think about the interconnection between humans and all that is?
It exists.

EDIT to add :

8. What's your impression of the other IxFP type? (from SciSki)
I don't know if I know other ISFPs or how well I know them, but I suppose they are quite likeable. I can be rather close to an ISFP myself, so yea... haha

9. If someone asks you what clues to look out for in deciding if someone is ISFP or INFP, what would you say?
How deeply do they like to go into some matters? INFPs tend to like to analyse things a bit more deeply than ISFPs I think. Otherwise... beats me.

10. What activities do you like to do outdoors? (from Placebo)
or What physical activities do you like to do?

11. - How would you describe this picture (briefly)? http://www.norcalwater.org/images/ncwa_painting.jpg

12. - Do you have a personal philosophy of life? if so what is it?

I don't like answering my own questions... heh :p

13. Who do you think's going to win the Texas v. OU game? (from Jeffster)

Uhh.... :D?


14. Do you believe that some people are born evil, or is it a reaction to the environment in which they were raised in? (from Neo-Genesis)

Reaction to environment largely


New member
Dec 4, 2007
1. name your five favorite fiction books (and why).

[I]Jane Eyre-I enjoy well drawn characters.
Persuasion- as above
Our Mutual Friend- beautiful language
Steppenwolf- familiar....
Mythology of any sort...[/I]

2. your favorite subjects from school that you would actually read for pleasure.

[I]Art, History, Government, Sociology...[/I]
3. are you fascinated in the duality of good vs. evil, light vs. dark?


4. do you want to understand how evil works?


5. what are the topics of some of your favorite daydreams?


6. what is fascinates you most?

Naturally occuring patterns

7. what do you think about the interconnection between humans and all that is?

I have been working on this most of my life...

8. What's your impression of the other IxFP type? (from SciSki)

From what I've read, interesting.

9. If someone asks you what clues to look out for in deciding if someone is ISFP or INFP, what would you say?

Ask heart.
10. What activities do you like to do outdoors? (from Placebo)
or What physical activities do you like to do?

Gardening, landscaping, fishing, Archery,kayaking, walking.

11. - How would you describe this picture (briefly)? http://www.norcalwater.org/images/ncwa_painting.jpg

Patchwork landscape, last quarter 20th century.

12. - Do you have a personal philosophy of life? if so what is it?

Stay away from my crossword.

13. Who do you think's going to win the Texas v. OU game? (from Jeffster)

The vendors and broadcasters.----------------------------------------------------------------------

14. Do you believe that some people are born evil, or is it a reaction to the environment in which they were raised in? (from Neo-Genesis)

I've been working on this for about 25 years. I hate to admit it but my impression is that it is inborn...

Please add questions to broaden the comparison!

If you were a tree, what kind would you be, and what would you like hirsch to make out of you?

Apparently I am too dim to figure out how to multi-quote...and I don't think that I can blame it on being ISfp...


heart on fire
May 19, 2007
To Hirsch: I agree. The older I get the more I tend to think evil is inborn, waiting for catalyst.

Agree about vendors and broadcasters.

I am curious if you would have answered any of the questions differently ere turning 35-40?


Jun 30, 2008
These questions so far are very INFP-biased. Maybe ask

- What activities do you like to do outdoors?
or What physical activities do you like to do?

- How would you describe this picture (briefly)? http://www.norcalwater.org/images/ncwa_painting.jpg

- Do you have a personal philosophy of life? if so what is it?

What activities do you like to do outdoors?

Tramping, ball games, drinking, barbecue meat.

What physical activities do you like to do?


How would you describe this picture

Mountains in the background. A river running through the middle. Various types of fields of who knows what kind of crops. Kind of abstract.

Do you have a personal philosophy of life? if so what is it?

Not really. Let's have fun. Let's work together and do something cool.


veteran attention whore
Jun 7, 2008
Instinctual Variant
^ What kind of resturant would you like to run?

Burger place or taco place or hot dog place or pizza place or sub shop or seafood place..there's lots of possibilities

Please do and I hope Sunshine and Sarah come in with some too and broaden the field some.

You're right, we do need to hear from some broads.


Jun 30, 2008
From Hirsch: If you were a tree, what kind would you be, and what would you like hirsch to make out of you?

I'd be a Kauri. I'd have you make wooden toys out of me.


New member
Sep 11, 2008
1. name your five favorite fiction books (and why).
I guess 1984 was the only fiction book I've read in recent memory that I liked at the same time.I don't read much books unless I have a burning desire to do so. Other than that, I do enjoy Calvin and Hobbes.
2. your favorite subjects from school that you would actually read for pleasure.
History was the only one that extended out of the classroom I suppose.
3. are you fascinated in the duality of good vs. evil, light vs. dark?
Somewhat. It's more focused on policing myself instead of observing it in the world.
4. do you want to understand how evil works?
What's not to understand?
5. what are the topics of some of your favorite daydreams?
Usually having imaginary conversations, concocting up some dream videogame, or just wondering what a SO would be like...
6. what is fascinates you most?
The most? That would surely have to individuality. Not only in myself but in others too (and the lack thereof). Nothing seems to hold my interest more than seeing someone attempt to define themselves by external standards and all the while you can't help but have pity for them because you know they're going through a crisis of identity.
7. what do you think about the interconnection between humans and all that is?
They can connect with each other as much as they like as long as they leave me alone when I will so.
8. What's your impression of the other IxFP type? (from SciSki)
I haven't had much experience with ISFP's much really, just one acquaintance and a co-worker is all. From what I could tell, both were honest and genuinely nice people.
10. What activities do you like to do outdoors? (from Placebo)
or What physical activities do you like to do?
Walking to and from cars.
11. - How would you describe this picture (briefly)? http://www.norcalwater.org/images/ncwa_painting.jpg
Eclectic? *shrugs*
12. - Do you have a personal philosophy of life? if so what is it?
Be true to self, I guesss.
14. Do you believe that some people are born evil, or is it a reaction to the environment in which they were raised in? (from Neo-Genesis)
Born evil definitely. Otherwise we are just soulless organisms that are only reacting to stimuli.