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Which function does this sound like?


A wannabe dog
Aug 5, 2013
I am very focused on the future, and I tend to live more in the future than in the present. Whenever I plan a goal, this goal is for the long-term. I tend to plan many years ahead into the future, and I would visualize the possible outcome of each options that I chose, then from there, I select the option that I believe will yield the best results.
I am very stubborn when it comes to my goals. Once I set my mind on a goal, I will never give up on that goal until it becomes a reality. I don't care whatever methods I use to achieve my goals, by hook or by crook, that goal has to manifest into reality.
My goals in life is pretty fixed. But I would often change my methods. If Plan A fails, I start moving on to Plan B. If Plan B fails, I start moving on to Plan C.

I am also attracted to power. I admire powerful people and authority figures, and I often wished I could be like them. I often daydream of accomplishing big things in life and having everyone around me look up to me for my achievements. I also often daydream of moving away from my current country because I find the people in my country really superficial. Everybody here is so focused on materialistic things such as money, status, branded goods etc, and it irks me so much. Is life supposed to be this superficial?

I am very good at reading people's emotions just by looking at their facial expressions, their body language, their voice tone etc.
For example, there was once when my friend called me on the phone. When I heard her voice on the phone, I immediately knew she was feeling down and so I asked her if she is feeling down, and she said yes how did I know etc.

My views toward love: I believe that love = caring about the other person's well-being more than your own well-being. If you have a crush on someone and you noticed that your crush liked someone else, you will actually help your crush to get together with their crush because this will make your crush feel happy

I am also a little stingy when it comes to spending money. I often budget my money all the time to prevent myself from over-spending, and I often buy things from thrift stores because the things at those stores are al low costs.

I tend to hate it whenever people try to move my stuff. My house tends to be pretty messy most of the time, but I am always able to find my things. It's only when people move my stuff then I started losing stuff. And this is why I hate it whenever people move my stuff.

I have this tendency to withdraw from people and go into hermit mode whenever I am feeling stressed. During this time, I'd ignore all emails, phone calls from everybody around me. Basically I shut off from the outside world around me whenever I am going through stress.

Which functions does these above sound like? Which functions do I use?

Most people here pegged me as INFP, but I also have a few INFPs here saying I am INFJ. So I am rather confused about my type. Which functions am I using here?


May 15, 2014
I can only figure out F and J from this, and you do kind of give off introvert vibes from other posts around the forum. The sense of and desire for closure is not a P trait. Ps think that learning is good in and of itself. Whereas a J...must do something with what they have uncovered. There is a certain impulse and direction in the J, which you appear to be expressing.

The Forer effect (along with N/S proportions) has led me to refuse to type someone as an iNtuitive or Sensor based on self reporting. Your information-processing is not something I can perceive, and vice versa, so I believe N vs S is really a honest process of self discovery. I encourage others not to indulge, as well.

Also: I would strongly question your Enneagram if your OP post accurately depicts your core values and drives, and would root for 1w2. Only you can really make a decision about that, though.


Well-known member
Sep 17, 2014
I am more used to socionics lately, so I may not be too true to MBTI in this.

I am very focused on the future, and I tend to live more in the future than in the present. Whenever I plan a goal, this goal is for the long-term. I tend to plan many years ahead into the future, and I would visualize the possible outcome of each options that I chose, then from there, I select the option that I believe will yield the best results.

Ns are supposedly more future oriented. Maybe Ne with the selecting from options thing.

I am very stubborn when it comes to my goals. Once I set my mind on a goal, I will never give up on that goal until it becomes a reality. I don't care whatever methods I use to achieve my goals, by hook or by crook, that goal has to manifest into reality.
My goals in life is pretty fixed. But I would often change my methods. If Plan A fails, I start moving on to Plan B. If Plan B fails, I start moving on to Plan C.
I associate stubborness with a dominant introverted judgement. You also describe yourself as a socionics Strategic type, but I'm sure you know this?

I am also attracted to power. I admire powerful people and authority figures, and I often wished I could be like them. I often daydream of accomplishing big things in life and having everyone around me look up to me for my achievements. I also often daydream of moving away from my current country because I find the people in my country really superficial. Everybody here is so focused on materialistic things such as money, status, branded goods etc, and it irks me so much. Is life supposed to be this superficial?
I think this is Te valuing (authority) and Se devaluing (materialistic)

I am very good at reading people's emotions just by looking at their facial expressions, their body language, their voice tone etc.
For example, there was once when my friend called me on the phone. When I heard her voice on the phone, I immediately knew she was feeling down and so I asked her if she is feeling down, and she said yes how did I know etc.
Feeling. Tone of voice is associated with Fi.

My views toward love: I believe that love = caring about the other person's well-being more than your own well-being. If you have a crush on someone and you noticed that your crush liked someone else, you will actually help your crush to get together with their crush because this will make your crush feel happy
I don't know what type this indicates, but I dig it.

I am also a little stingy when it comes to spending money. I often budget my money all the time to prevent myself from over-spending, and I often buy things from thrift stores because the things at those stores are al low costs.
This most sounds like Si to me. It may indicate an extroverted judgement function, or it may indicate a judgement dominant process. I'm not sure here.

I tend to hate it whenever people try to move my stuff. My house tends to be pretty messy most of the time, but I am always able to find my things. It's only when people move my stuff then I started losing stuff. And this is why I hate it whenever people move my stuff.
The "messy but able to find things" notion seems to me like a P trait.

I have this tendency to withdraw from people and go into hermit mode whenever I am feeling stressed. During this time, I'd ignore all emails, phone calls from everybody around me. Basically I shut off from the outside world around me whenever I am going through stress.

Which functions does these above sound like? Which functions do I use?
Summing up: INFx, with Ne Si Te and Fi values. Fi-Ne.

Most people here pegged me as INFP, but I also have a few INFPs here saying I am INFJ. So I am rather confused about my type. Which functions am I using here?

I see you as INFP, but as I mentioned, this is more socionics based and I believe one's MBTI and Socionics types to be generally different. So I would say EII.

Also, your post is easy for me to digest and resonates with me, indicating perhaps a socionics delta quadra. Again, EII.

I may or may not come back to this when I get more oriented with respect to the differences between MBTI and Socionics.


A wannabe dog
Aug 5, 2013
I can only figure out F and J from this, and you do kind of give off introvert vibes from other posts around the forum. The sense of and desire for closure is not a P trait. Ps think that learning is good in and of itself. Whereas a J...must do something with what they have uncovered. There is a certain impulse and direction in the J, which you appear to be expressing.

The Forer effect (along with N/S proportions) has led me to refuse to type someone as an iNtuitive or Sensor based on self reporting. Your information-processing is not something I can perceive, and vice versa, so I believe N vs S is really a honest process of self discovery. I encourage others not to indulge, as well.

Also: I would strongly question your Enneagram if your OP post accurately depicts your core values and drives, and would root for 1w2. Only you can really make a decision about that, though.

I am not sure if I am an IxFJ type though, I am not exactly sure if I use Fe. I care about people deeply, but I am reserved in expressing it. I often help people quietly behind the scenes, unlike Fe types who openly show their care and concern for people. I am not as emotionally open as Fe types, I rarely even confide my feelings in anyone. And also, I tend to keep most of my motivations and my goals hidden from people for fear of people criticizing my goals, and I attribute this to Fi. Perhaps that J impulse and direction that you saw from me is from my Fi?
Fi is a judging function afterall.
Although INFPs often appear laidback on the surface, but internally we can be pretty serious people. I often appear like a laidback daydreamer on the surface, but nobody would guess that I have a workaholic side to me. When I immerse myself in a project or work, I can actually work for hours without resting.
I also noticed that I have an allergic reaction to strong Fe types, such as ExFJ for example. Whenever they use too much Fe on me, I start feeling pissed off.
My mum is an ESFJ for example, and it bugs me how she tries to involve herself in every aspect of my life. Did I ever mention before that whenever I am looking for jobs, she would go cut out jobs from newspapers and then tell me to apply me for those jobs? How annoying, I am not a baby and I am capable of looking for jobs myself :mad:
And it's not just this, she would often urge me to quickly find a steady boyfriend and then get married and settle down, and she has even told me to invite my male classmates to my house to help me out with my assignments. Don't you find this entire situation very strange, why did my ESFJ mum keep telling me to invite my male classmates to my house and not my female classmates?
It's very obvious that she is trying to matchmake me with those guys from my class.
Not only does my ESFJ mum try to choose my career path for me, even my future husband also has to be choosen by my ESFJ mum huh.....how annoying :mad:

I also value independent thinking rather than group thinking. For example, my teacher wasn't very well-liked among students in my school because he isn't the most diplomatic person ever, and as a result, the xNFJs and xNTPs classmates in my school are always badmouthing about him behind his back, they think he is an asshole etc. Whereas the Fi types such as myself, and a few other ENFP and IxFP classmates didn't badmouth him behind his back and there were also a few times when we also spoke up for him. I value independent thinking more than group thinking, I wouldn't hate on someone just because everybody view that person as an asshole, the only time I hate someone is when they keep being an asshole toward me and they constantly make me feel bad about myself. But even when I hate someone, I would just keep those feelings to myself and avoid that person, I wouldn't go around influencing everybody to hate that person like the way Fe types do. To Fe types, if they think someone is an asshole, they would end up disliking that person and go around telling everybody about it, this is their way of "protecting" the entire group from being "harmed" by that person, but to me, this is a way of ostracizing someone and it's not a really nice thing to do to someone.


New member
Sep 12, 2014
The first bit about goals and power is very Ni. INFPs are stubborn about their preferences but followthrough is not their strong point by any means.

I don't know, INTJ fits what you wrote. Ever considered it? Granted, i still wouldn't write off INFJ anyway since you say you are a feeler. Being a Fe user doesn't mean you love Fe, and remember that all of one's functions are modified by their other functuons, they never act in isolation, and Ni is intensely personalized as well. I'd need to know more.

But you don't immediately strike me as INFP, true enough.

How do you experience your Fi?


A wannabe dog
Aug 5, 2013
The first bit about goals and power is very Ni. INFPs are stubborn about their preferences but followthrough is not their strong point by any means.

I don't know, INTJ fits what you wrote. Ever considered it? Granted, i still wouldn't write off INFJ anyway since you say you are a feeler. Being a Fe user doesn't mean you love Fe, and remember that all of one's functions are modified by their other functuons, they never act in isolation, and Ni is intensely personalized as well. I'd need to know more.

But you don't immediately strike me as INFP, true enough.

How do you experience your Fi?

I am Fi in the sense that I am very individualistic in my thinking and I don't really care much in adopting group values. I have my own opinions and I marched to the beat of my own drum.
I also have this "live and let live" tendency in myself. I don't really try to push my own values onto people. I live my own life, and I let others live their own lives.
I also have difficulty understanding why people feel upset with me at times. For example, there was a period of time when I was going through depression and I withdrew from everybody around me, I also withdrew from my ESFP best friend, we usually speak to each other every few days, but because of my depression, I ended up withdrawing from her for like a month, my ESFP best friend ended up upset at me, wrote me an emo blog post, and told me to inform her beforehand if I wanna withdraw from her again like this in future.
I have a difficult time understanding why she felt upset over this, because if I were in this situation, I wouldn't feel upset at all. In fact, I can go months without contacting someone and still consider them a friend. To me, a friendship isn't about how often we keep in contact with each other. To me, a friendship is about how we are able to pick up from where we left off even if we haven't seen each other for long periods of time.


New member
Sep 12, 2014
So INTJ still fits quite a lot. What do you think?

Doctor Cringelord

Well-known member
Aug 27, 2013
Instinctual Variant
I'm leaning INTJ. The poet scientists (or scientist poets) of the MBTI.


A wannabe dog
Aug 5, 2013
So INTJ still fits quite a lot. What do you think?

hmm but INTJs are often described as blunt, and I am not really a blunt person. Could I be INFJ with a well-developed Ti? INFJs with well-developed Ti often appear like INTJs lol.

Based on the stuff I wrote below, do you think I use Te or Ti?

If I have to purchase a laptop for example, I will buy a laptop that isn't too costly and is within my budget, but at the same time, the size of the laptop must be small and convenient for me to carry around, and also, the laptop must have certain functions in it, for example, internet, youtube, Microsoft word, anti-virus software etc.

If I have to go overseas for a holiday, I will make sure to plan the entire trip a few months in advance. I will check out the food, accommodation, prices of the place that I am travelling to.
I will also book the hotel in advance. And I will also make sure to either carry a map with me or purchase a bus guide when I reached that country to ensure that I won't lose my way when I am in there.


Apr 19, 2011
Instinctual Variant
I can only figure out F and J from this, and you do kind of give off introvert vibes from other posts around the forum. The sense of and desire for closure is not a P trait. Ps think that learning is good in and of itself. Whereas a J...must do something with what they have uncovered. There is a certain impulse and direction in the J, which you appear to be expressing.

The Forer effect (along with N/S proportions) has led me to refuse to type someone as an iNtuitive or Sensor based on self reporting. Your information-processing is not something I can perceive, and vice versa, so I believe N vs S is really a honest process of self discovery. I encourage others not to indulge, as well.

Also: I would strongly question your Enneagram if your OP post accurately depicts your core values and drives, and would root for 1w2. Only you can really make a decision about that, though.

The cognitive function expressed in the OP is Ni.


New member
Sep 12, 2014
hmm but INTJs are often described as blunt, and I am not really a blunt person. Could I be INFJ with a well-developed Ti? INFJs with well-developed Ti often appear like INTJs lol.

Based on the stuff I wrote below, do you think I use Te or Ti?

If I have to purchase a laptop for example, I will buy a laptop that isn't too costly and is within my budget, but at the same time, the size of the laptop must be small and convenient for me to carry around, and also, the laptop must have certain functions in it, for example, internet, youtube, Microsoft word, anti-virus software etc.

If I have to go overseas for a holiday, I will make sure to plan the entire trip a few months in advance. I will check out the food, accommodation, prices of the place that I am travelling to.
I will also book the hotel in advance. And I will also make sure to either carry a map with me or purchase a bus guide when I reached that country to ensure that I won't lose my way when I am in there.

INTJs don't have to be blunt. That's just some stereotype. If it helps, keep in mind that more INTJs are men than women and, realistically, socialization and gender roles probably factor into that. I doubt female INTJs are as blunt as male INTJs.

You're not blunt, but you're live and let live, you're honest and straightforward. That's the root of bluntness. And it's definitely not Fe-ish.

I don't see how your description demonstrates Ti. You get/do what gets the job done, that only makes sense and that is perfectly reasonable Ni-Te behavior.

Ti is less practical, deeper, less action-oriented. Remember, it's like Fi, but without value judgments. You can't have both Fi and Ti, the stuff you're attributing to Fi is either being done by Fi or Ti and I'm pretty sure it's the former.

But the functions are whatevs. Don't focus on them too much, you'll lose sight of the question you're even answering here. Basically... you don't seem like an INFP, do you seem like an INFJ? Not imo. You're chill and thoughtful, you value concrete, deeper connections with people, you're an individualist, live and let live, no-nonsense, no fluff. Not much Fe.

Okay, that's my thoughts on that....

You know what? I had sort of the opposite thing happen in my type journey. I used to think I was INTP before I knew much about MBTI, and often tested INTP. I eventually realized I was INFJ when I stepped back and said honestly, wait, am I anything like an INTP?

Ni is tricky. You don't feel its presence, it's a perceiving, and really more of a facilitating function than anything. You have to feed it, y'know, break it in a lot to really notice it at all. But as you get older, you get more efficient, you bridge gaps and extrapolate from all these random things you've done, you become more efficient at almost everything you do and you also gain a kind of focus, even ambition.

And the 2nd function is a slightly weaker extroverted function... the one you're really gonna feel and notice is that third function. Ti for me and, imo, Fi for you. Especially because it's kind of crude... so you could feel like an INFP and I could feel like an INTP.

Anyway, think about it, yeah? :)

Remember that your type is an effort to describe you, not the other way around. It doesn't have to be a perfect fit or anything, just sort of a compass.


Apr 19, 2011
Instinctual Variant
hmm but INTJs are often described as blunt, and I am not really a blunt person. Could I be INFJ with a well-developed Ti?

Yes. For whatever reason, INFJ is one of the types to show the most tertiary, and this causes type confusion. Ni and Fe are conflicting types. The INFJ develops Ti as the function that best cooperates with Ni. ENTP exhibits the same confusion of different personality dimensions, developing Fe makes the ENTP seem more like an ENFP.


A wannabe dog
Aug 5, 2013
INTJs don't have to be blunt. That's just some stereotype. If it helps, keep in mind that more INTJs are men than women and, realistically, socialization and gender roles probably factor into that. I doubt female INTJs are as blunt as male INTJs.

You're not blunt, but you're live and let live, you're honest and straightforward. That's the root of bluntness. And it's definitely not Fe-ish.

I don't see how your description demonstrates Ti. You get/do what gets the job done, that only makes sense and that is perfectly reasonable Ni-Te behavior.

Ti is less practical, deeper, less action-oriented. Remember, it's like Fi, but without value judgments. You can't have both Fi and Ti, the stuff you're attributing to Fi is either being done by Fi or Ti and I'm pretty sure it's the former.

But the functions are whatevs. Don't focus on them too much, you'll lose sight of the question you're even answering here. Basically... you don't seem like an INFP, do you seem like an INFJ? Not imo. You're chill and thoughtful, you value concrete, deeper connections with people, you're an individualist, live and let live, no-nonsense, no fluff. Not much Fe.

Okay, that's my thoughts on that....

You know what? I had sort of the opposite thing happen in my type journey. I used to think I was INTP before I knew much about MBTI, and often tested INTP. I eventually realized I was INFJ when I stepped back and said honestly, wait, am I anything like an INTP?

Ni is tricky. You don't feel its presence, it's a perceiving, and really more of a facilitating function than anything. You have to feed it, y'know, break it in a lot to really notice it at all. But as you get older, you get more efficient, you bridge gaps and extrapolate from all these random things you've done, you become more efficient at almost everything you do and you also gain a kind of focus, even ambition.

And the 2nd function is a slightly weaker extroverted function... the one you're really gonna feel and notice is that third function. Ti for me and, imo, Fi for you. Especially because it's kind of crude... so you could feel like an INFP and I could feel like an INTP.

Anyway, think about it, yeah? :)

Remember that your type is an effort to describe you, not the other way around. It doesn't have to be a perfect fit or anything, just sort of a compass.

This is really informative, thank you!! :)

And I think you are right, I am really INTJ. I went to google up more about Ni-Te and I came across this:

INTJ’s are led by their inner visions which they try to realize in the world through established, logical systems.
INTJs are all about getting things done. They have a vision through their Ni use their Te to make it a reality. They are methodical and deliberate in their actions. They create lists, draw up plans, and systematically work to achieve their ends. How their plans will affect others is generally not taken into account. INTJs care more about rationality and efficiency.
Some INTJs are so obsessed with getting things perfect or achieving their goals that they forget to take into account the feelings of those working alongside them.

INTJ: I must accomplish my goals at all costs.
INFJ: I hope my goals don’t negatively impact anyone.

INTJ: Speaks for themselves
INFJ: Speaks for the group

I have confirmed that I use Ni, Te, and Fi.
I am definitely an INTJ. I am so glad to have finally found my identity, thank you for the help!! :)


Apr 19, 2011
Instinctual Variant
"My views toward love: I believe that love = caring about the other person's well-being more than your own well-being. If you have a crush on someone and you noticed that your crush liked someone else, you will actually help your crush to get together with their crush because this will make your crush feel happy."



A wannabe dog
Aug 5, 2013
"My views toward love: I believe that love = caring about the other person's well-being more than your own well-being. If you have a crush on someone and you noticed that your crush liked someone else, you will actually help your crush to get together with their crush because this will make your crush feel happy."




May 15, 2014
The cognitive function expressed in the OP is Ni.

What makes you so sure?

I am going on OP's posting around the forum, keeping this thread in mind. It is best to observe creatures as they behave in the wild.

INTJ is not an option (<--- typical Te. Strong Te users use a lot of direct orders and imperatives in our posts, this is one of the best ways to spot us).

From what I've seen elsewhere OP is more likely INFJ or ISFJ than INTJ, but whatever...


Apr 19, 2011
Instinctual Variant
What makes you so sure?

I am going on OP's posting around the forum, keeping this thread in mind. It is best to observe creatures as they behave in the wild.

INTJ is not an option. It is either INFJ or ISFJ, and I am yet to make a decision between those two.

I agree that INTJ is not an option, but I've settled on INFJ because the OP is more conceptual and future-oriented than concrete and present-minded.
"I am very focused on the future, and I tend to live more in the future than in the present."
"I also often daydream of moving away from my current country because I find the people in my country really superficial. Everybody here is so focused on materialistic things such as money, status, branded goods etc, and it irks me so much. Is life supposed to be this superficial?"
The latter (money, branded goods, etc.) are concrete status symbols.

"I am very good at reading people's emotions just by looking at their facial expressions, their body language, their voice tone etc.
For example, there was once when my friend called me on the phone. When I heard her voice on the phone, I immediately knew she was feeling down and so I asked her if she is feeling down, and she said yes how did I know etc."
I don't know anybody who can't read emotions, even over the phone. People sound sad and it comes through. But the OP's focus on this as almost a special power indicates a preference for Ni.

"My views toward love: I believe that love = caring about the other person's well-being more than your own well-being. If you have a crush on someone and you noticed that your crush liked someone else, you will actually help your crush to get together with their crush because this will make your crush feel happy."
This is a far more idealized view of love than even an ISFJ is capable of.

The other paragraphs of the OP are more indeterminate yet indicate a preference for Ji.


New member
Sep 12, 2014
What makes you so sure?

I am going on OP's posting around the forum, keeping this thread in mind. It is best to observe creatures as they behave in the wild.

INTJ is not an option (<--- typical Te. Strong Te users use a lot of direct orders and imperatives in our posts, this is one of the best ways to spot us).

From what I've seen elsewhere OP is more likely INFJ or ISFJ than INTJ, but whatever...

Maybe, I'm just going by what OP said. I think real life behavior is a lot more telling than posts online. Then again, I have to reiterate that type is imperfect and very broad/general. People don't fit perfectly in these boxes.

Anyway, glad if I could help [MENTION=19552]Complexity[/MENTION] :) at the very worst, it's not bad to be wrong, it points you to what's right.


May 15, 2014
Maybe, I'm just going by what OP said. I think real life behavior is a lot more telling than posts online. Then again, I have to reiterate that type is imperfect and very broad/general. People don't fit perfectly in these boxes.

Anyway, glad if I could help [MENTION=19552]Complexity[/MENTION] :) at the very worst, it's not bad to be wrong, it points you to what's right.

I dislike these type-me threads because they often have leading statements and are subject to the Forer effect, as I mentioned. Who doesn't want to be creative, for example? Si users think about the future a lot, too, the difference is the time scale. Many Ni users are shit planners (I am incapable of keeping to a schedule) and tend to brood on an abstract level about what will come to pass in the coming decades. Si users are thinking "OK, I have to do A by this time, B by that time, C by then. Good. Let's do it.".

So in a way, both are future orientated. It is just that Ni users are way out in Never-Never Land for a fair chunk of the time, INFJs for example spend a fair bit of down time dreaming about eradicating racism and misogyny seeing their Intuition isn't coupled to a Thinking function.

I find it hard to tell Si and Ni users apart, especially, from just one or two posts. The differences between types become clearer once you get to know the person and understand the reasons why they believe what they do, how they approach a problem to solve it. Ne and Se users are very easy to tell apart (as are Ni and Ne). A strong Ne user is like the ginger amongst the brunettes - you can't not notice them :D

Once you have around 100 posts under your belt people have generally had enough time to figure shit out though.


Apr 19, 2011
Instinctual Variant
I dislike these type-me threads because they often have leading statements and are subject to the Forer effect, as I mentioned. Who doesn't want to be creative, for example? Si users think about the future a lot, too, the difference is the time scale. Many Ni users are shit planners (I am incapable of keeping to a schedule) and tend to brood on an abstract level about what will come to pass in the coming decades. Si users are thinking "OK, I have to do A by this time, B by that time, C by then. Good. Let's do it.".

So in a way, both are future orientated. It is just that Ni users are way out in Never-Never Land for a fair chunk of the time, INFJs for example spend a fair bit of down time dreaming about eradicating racism and misogyny seeing their Intuition isn't coupled to a Thinking function.

I find it hard to tell Si and Ni users apart, especially, from just one or two posts. The differences between types become clearer once you get to know the person and understand the reasons why they believe what they do, how they approach a problem to solve it. Ne and Se users are very easy to tell apart (as are Ni and Ne). A strong Ne user is like the ginger amongst the brunettes - you can't not notice them :D

Once you have around 100 posts under your belt people have generally had enough time to figure shit out though.

"My views toward love: I believe that love = caring about the other person's well-being more than your own well-being. If you have a crush on someone and you noticed that your crush liked someone else, you will actually help your crush to get together with their crush because this will make your crush feel happy."

ISFJ? Never.