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Introverted intuition


I want my account deleted
Jan 20, 2014
Ni is not a quick process. The ‘end’ shows up first- and not even clearly, but there will be the distinct feeling that there’s an ‘end’ which doesn’t match what I’m being told the ‘end’ is or what others generally believe the ‘end’ to be. That initial feeling is instant, yes- but waiting for the reason why I don’t feel like I can go along with something is anything but instant (as Hard initially explained on the first page, there’s an urge to go back and retrace all the steps that lead to the conclusion- a conclusion that sometimes/often isn’t even clear to me to begin with, I'll only know the conclusion being presented to me is 'off' somehow).

[MENTION=20531]yeghor[/MENTION], the above pretty much gets at a crucial difference between Ni and my (aux/tert) judging functions in my experience.

So for INFJs, Ni function allows them to see nuances...whereas their Fe and Ti balances the ethereal nature of N with some rigidity...They corporealize its spirit...Provide a vessel for it to take form and survive and exist in the material world?

It's not the material world, IMO. It's the external human-systems world. For example, there is unfortunately a difference between the flow and logics of this planet's ecosystems (which as far as I can tell, aren't inconsistent with the physics of my Ni landscape), and the human systems created from/within the culture/society in which I live.

Conflating the external human world with "the material world" seems to be one of the illusions of cultural systems that assme things like mind/body splits and/or remove intuition from some sort of "real" reality, and can seem very true when there is a hard disconnect between Ni and Se-inf.

That said, I think the underlying idea in the above quote from you is interesting. In my experience, Fe-aux and Ti-tert feel artificial and constraining, but seem to be one obvious way I can interact with the layer of human narratives (both kinds of judging function) that seem to be necessary around me in what I'm starting to believe is a judging-function-heavy society. (I started thinking about it when reading this quote from this comment in the discussion, and especially the bolded part of quote from that comment):

Originally Posted by Carl Jung
From an extraverted and rationalistic standpoint, such types are indeed the most fruitless of men.
But, viewed from a higher standpoint, such men are living evidence of the fact that this rich and
varied world with its overflowing and intoxicating life is not purely external, but also exists
within. These types are admittedly one sided demonstrations of Nature, but they are an
educational experience for the man who refuses to be blinded by the intellectual mode of the day.
In their own way, men with such an attitude are educators and promoters of culture. Their life
teaches more than their words. From their lives, and not the least from what is just their greatest
fault, viz. their incommunicability, we may understand one of the greatest errors of our
civilization, that is, the superstitious belief in statement and presentation, the immoderate
overprizing of instruction by means of word and method.

Which leads me to this comment, with which I wholeheartedly agree:

The point I was trying to make is that sometimes it's not worth the effort. Sometimes communication is more work than it's worth, that doesn't mean there's anyone to 'blame'.

I've been giving myself permission to follow my actual energy needs on this point in most if not all of my participation on this site. I kind of dual-track situations, meaning I know when and how I am supposed to allow an energy drain in order to be more comprehensible (Fe or Fe-Ti) or polite (Fe) to others, and at the same time, I keep making the decision to see what happens when I don't allow that. It's an interesting experience.

Z Buck McFate

Pepperidge Farm remembers.
Aug 25, 2009
Instinctual Variant
Btw did you see my previous reply to you? I guess you didn't get the time yet to respond?

I swear to God. Pe: Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?

I'll get to it when I get to it.


New member
Jan 1, 2014
Instinctual Variant
I swear to God. Pe: Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?

Actually, no. I was simply making sure it didn't get skipped accidentally.

So fuck the pigeonholing ;P

I'll get to it when I get to it.

Which is exactly what I was speaking of here: "I guess you didn't get the time yet to respond?"

I have no idea how I could've been more explicit about how I'm not trying to be impatient and not trying to place time related pressure on you.

But yes I saw before that people never notice when I am as explicit about it as possible.

Anyway, feel free to take your time to respond, obviously.


New member
Feb 13, 2014
This function evokes the most of the interest around people as I noticed and is bounded by a certain mystery. So what Ni realy is?
Jungs himself sad that Ni can't be really described and put into box, because it functions more like a "mind power." Jung describes the ablity of Ni to spot future happening out of the thin air, just based on hunches. Ni users don't know how they've come to the realization and often have troubles explaining this. The realizations of future happening and meanings happen sudden. The Ni user experiences these hunches and is led by them in his life.
Now time for a bit of thinking...Jung really described Ni users as freaks with super powers, that have magical hunches and believe them in real life. This way of viewing person with such visions as psychologically healthy seems rather controversial, more, when we realize that Ni users often fail to logically explain their visions, or proove them in sense of physics. So the type based on this description seems to rather suffer from schizophrenia, or other schizoid based illnes.
If we want Ni to sound less as a diagnose of shizophrenia and more as real cognitive psychological function, that can develope in mentaly healthy individual, the description could be further more descriptive about the real cognitive process.
The Ni can be seen as a function that allows the user to see patterns and symbols, that are hidden to other people, but this necessarily doesn't mean the pattern is not here. The Ni user with his ablity to see through objects, to its real core, might notice symbols and meanings within the object, but this doesn't have to happen consciously. The user can notice a lot of these meanings and symbols inside of the object unconsciously and process the realization of objects only latter, without knowing where the realization comes from.
This might make Ni to seem a bit less super-natural and more acceptable for people to understand it.
If anyone wants to add something, or correct me, feel free to share your informations.
I think there is nothing special about Ni. Its just big picture thinking.

Also Jung definitions of rational and irrational functions are from a very specific psychological point.
But from a traditional stand point, or from a normal point if you want, there is nothing irrational about Intuition.
Intuition observes the patterns, and based on those patterns is able to predict what it already saw in the past happening. Its nothing special...just careful observation and than a quick appreciation of the outcome.

I mean...even magic is rational...you got the magician and the stick...magic conforms to the laws of reason.


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2013
[MENTION=20531]yeghor[/MENTION], the above pretty much gets at a crucial difference between Ni and my (aux/tert) judging functions in my experience.

My experience is similar too...

It's not the material world, IMO. It's the external human-systems world. For example, there is unfortunately a difference between the flow and logics of this planet's ecosystems (which as far as I can tell, aren't inconsistent with the physics of my Ni landscape), and the human systems created from/within the culture/society in which I live.

Both are different strata of the material world I believe...Humans are also a part of the eco-system...What you refer as the "external human system" is the Fe or Te strata I believe...whereas the planet's ecosystem is about the Se strata...I can't pinpoint the difference between Se and Te strata unfortunately...Te is also tainted with human influence whereas Se is more instinctual\primal...?

Perhaps Te assigns some utility\use to objects (including humans) in the environment and tries to arrange them somehow whereas Se is more about the inherent value\purpose\flow of external objects and tries to adapt to them rather than trying to re-structure them...? So Se strata of the external world is the part that is independent of human influence...and it gets tainted somehow by human-made frameworks?

So what would be the ideal human and earth eco-system overlap?

OTOH, Ni landscape is an imprint (model) of the external world perceived\cognized thru our external functions...Our external functions signify the strata of the external data that we are more attuned to I guess...

So Ni landscape in INFJs would be an imprint of external Fe and Se data...consider Ni like a camera and Fe and Se are the lenses that it receives light thru...The photograph taken varies in apperance (like a distinct hue or tint) if different lenses (such as Te for instance) are used...Don't know yet if the imprint analogy can be expanded to other internal functions...

Conflating the external human world with "the material world" seems to be one of the illusions of cultural systems that assme things like mind/body splits and/or remove intuition from some sort of "real" reality, and can seem very true when there is a hard disconnect between Ni and Se-inf.

Building on what I've said above, Ni and Ti are removed from reality in that they are isolated within the person...they need and outlet to express the ideas and concepts generated within the individual...They process the reality from within based on the data perceived from the environment...

Ni-Ti deductions would be geared\focused towards identifying and rectifying particularly the Fe strata (i.e. human interactions, society etc.) of the external world...

About the mind body split, a dominant introverted function coupled with an inferior S I think is the closest one can get to paralysis without actually being paralyzed…When there’s already data waiting for analysis inside of me, I need to shut down inflow of further S data cause otherwise it paralyzes, suffocates or overloads me…I get irritated at those times…

Not really related but as a sidenote, I think when in dialogue with people I keep my perceiving mode open until I can reach an accurate enough understanding of what’s being said…I believe I have this reactionless and wide eyed look in my face at those times, and due to lack of feedback on my end, some of the time people start doubting my intellect and misconstrue it as my failure to understand what they are saying, and even start treating me if I were stupid…whereas I am actually trying to keep the data flowing in before coming to a consclusion…

That said, I think the underlying idea in the above quote from you is interesting. In my experience, Fe-aux and Ti-tert feel artificial and constraining, but seem to be one obvious way I can interact with the layer of human narratives (both kinds of judging function) that seem to be necessary around me in what I'm starting to believe is a judging-function-heavy society

What do you mean by human narratives?

(I started thinking about it when reading this quote from this comment in the discussion, and especially the bolded part of quote from that comment):

Originally Posted by Carl Jung
From an extraverted and rationalistic standpoint, such types are indeed the most fruitless of men. But, viewed from a higher standpoint, such men are living evidence of the fact that this rich and varied world with its overflowing and intoxicating life is not purely external, but also exists within. These types are admittedly one sided demonstrations of Nature, but they are an educational experience for the man who refuses to be blinded by the intellectual mode of the day.

In their own way, men with such an attitude are educators and promoters of culture. Their life teaches more than their words. From their lives, and not the least from what is just their greatest fault, viz. their incommunicability, we may understand one of the greatest errors of our civilization, that is, the superstitious belief in statement and presentation, the immoderate overprizing of instruction by means of word and method.

So these people lead\instruct by example\deed rather than words? They should still be externalizing their internal deductions somehow so that others can be inspired...?

I've been giving myself permission to follow my actual energy needs on this point in most if not all of my participation on this site. I kind of dual-track situations, meaning I know when and how I am supposed to allow an energy drain in order to be more comprehensible (Fe or Fe-Ti) or polite (Fe) to others, and at the same time, I keep making the decision to see what happens when I don't allow that. It's an interesting experience.

So you choose not to accommodate people? How does it make you feel? Why does it feel draining otherwise? I try to accommodate people so long as there’s a reciprocal effort by the other party…and it kinda energizes itself without draining me…

In cases where there’s no or relatively less reciprocity, I wish to be able to follow my actual energy needs but the Fe-pull to accommodate is too strong and if I go against it, it creates an internal friction\stress in me…

And what have you deduced from the overall experience so far?


I want my account deleted
Jan 20, 2014
So what would be the ideal human and earth eco-system overlap?

I don't do "ideal" scenarios. They feel fake/artificial to me.

What do you mean by human narratives?

For the purpose of this discussion, it's easiest for me to say that human narratives come out of the application of Jungian judging functions (all/any judging function). F narratives are concerned with values, T narratives are concerned with logics.

So these people lead\instruct by example\deed rather than words? They should still be externalizing their internal deductions somehow so that others can be inspired...?

I didn't like the rest of the quote all that much because of how it discussed the people under scrutiny. Leads to all sorts of "shoulds" and quite frankly intellectual/values masturbation IMO (I wish I had a better word for it but there you go. So I almost cut the first part because of it, and it seems like that's the part you're looking at here. My interest in that quote was the bolded part, so will put it out by itself here but with the first part of the comment in which it was quoted:

I don't think Ni can be understood intellectually since doing so requires some kind of reasoning. Ni are sort of like the Zen koans which required the subject to suspend all kind of reasoning and instead reconcile contradictions in order to reach an intuitive understanding of the nature of reality. Jung stated that introverted irrational functions(Si,Ni) were the hardest to explain to others since it stand in glaring contrast to our current mode of operation that values logical and rationalistic processes.

Carl Jung said:
From their lives, and not the least from what is just their greatest
fault, viz. their incommunicability
, we may understand one of the greatest errors of our
civilization, that is, the superstitious belief in statement and presentation, the immoderate
overprizing of instruction by means of word and method

For me, what's relevant about that quote is that it shines light on a value set in the society in which I live: an over-valuing of what Jung calls statement and presentation (narratives), an undervaluing of moving well without framing, explaining, rationalizing etc.

So you choose not to accommodate people? How does it make you feel? Why does it feel draining otherwise? I try to accommodate people so long as there’s a reciprocal effort by the other party…and it kinda energizes itself without draining me…

In cases where there’s no or relatively less reciprocity, I wish to be able to follow my actual energy needs but the Fe-pull to accommodate is too strong and if I go against it, it creates an internal friction\stress in me…

And what have you deduced from the overall experience so far?

I don't know if accommodate is correct for me. Maybe it is. Mostly what this looks like for me is that I choose not to try to communicate specific things or in specific ways or sometimes with specific people because I can feel the energy drain it would take to deal with their frameworks, agendas etc. A fair amount of the time, people who interpret what I say get it at least subtly wrong. They run it through their filters, their experiences, their reference points, their needs, their agendas etc etc, and feed it back to me in ways that have little to do with what I was trying to say. At that point, I have a choice: do I continue to engage, or do I not? If I continue to engage, how?

As for why it's draining - There's a LOT I just don't bother to say these days in general and on this site in particular, because for me it's like tedious work that I finally don't feel hardcore obligated to do. Dealing with mostly unacknowledged external (to me) frameworks and filters and and agendas feels like a pull away from my core perception (Ni and Ni-Se) into what I experience as a plastic/artificial relatively shallow world where we're having to deal with meanings or words or frameworks (and/or, indirectly, agendas) instead of the deeper resonances. I guess I feel like I've spent so much of my adult life dealing with these artificial/shallower levels of frameworks and filters and agendas that I want to minimize that process in certain arenas and certain ways now. I mean, in interactions where there are strong narrative frameworks, agendas etc, I can almost "see" or "feel" the shape of them, but bringing them into consciousness and articulation takes energy (Fe and Ti) for me.

As for what I have learned (not deduced) so far from my experiences with this - I think this shift is actually a good thing for me. I can integrate aspects of this approach into various parts of my life in different ways.

As for this part of what you wrote in particular:

In cases where there’s no or relatively less reciprocity, I wish to be able to follow my actual energy needs but the Fe-pull to accommodate is too strong and if I go against it, it creates an internal friction\stress in me…

Yep. I can still feel that in myself, but somehow it's gotten far less loud/overwhelming. And I don't know if this is relevant, yeghor, but here's what comes up for me to say about this: When I first began the process I called re-opening my perception (what I could refer to now, on this website, as a return to trusting Ni and, increasingly, Ni-Se perception as guides for my actions), I identified a couple of strong fears about what could happen if I did this. One of those fears was, I was afraid I'd end up completely alone. Not just romantically, but in general. I was afraid that my perception would put me into a different world somehow, afraid that I would become incomprehensible to others .. afraid that this shift would mean that that I wouldn't be able to have human connections in my life. As I type this, it becomes obvious to me that this fear came up because I had learned to have connections with others based at least partly on my willingness to accommodate all sorts of frameworks and narratives and agendas that are, for me, artificial and sometimes even alien. I was afraid that if I wasn't willing to do that, I would be completely alone, afraid that me doing that was required for me to connect with other people.

Well, it's been almost 15 years since I started this whole thing, and my fear hasn't come true. I haven't lacked for human connection at all as I've moved along this trajectory. I find that the quality of my connections feels better to me now. I know I'm not done with the trajectory, I know that this current new-ish thing of deliberately not bothering to communicate certain things in various situations is part of the ongoing process. I'm just not afraid anymore that any of this will mean I must be alone. That fear has shown itself to be false so far and it doesn't have a hold on me anymore.

So I don't know if that's relevant for you or not, it just popped up into my consciousness, so I decided to share it.


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2013
For the purpose of this discussion, it's easiest for me to say that human narratives come out of the application of Jungian judging functions (all/any judging function). F narratives are concerned with values, T narratives are concerned with logics.

Judging functions try to structure the environment...that stems from an inability to go with the flow of things perhaps...Se and Ne manipulate their environment as well but they are perhaps focused more on the immediate environment rather than an entire framework...

I didn't like the rest of the quote all that much because of how it discussed the people under scrutiny. Leads to all sorts of "shoulds" and quite frankly intellectual/values masturbation IMO (I wish I had a better word for it but there you go. So I almost cut the first part because of it, and it seems like that's the part you're looking at here.

He considers such people to be a valuable but overlooked\untapped asset\resource for a better narrative in the collective...and the thing about being seen as an asset\commodity somehow feels like being preyed upon, boxed\forced into a specific role...?

For me, what's relevant about that quote is that it shines light on a value set in the society in which I live: an over-valuing of what Jung calls statement and presentation (narratives), an undervaluing of moving well without framing, explaining, rationalizing etc.

Wouldn't it run the risk of rendering the person less accountable to others in absence of a narrative? Perhaps Jung wasn't dismissing all narratives but aiming to replace some with others that he deemed to be better for the collective...

Relationships should have a natural feel to them...shouldn't (most of the time) cost too much upkeep...

It feels like acting to you...that's why it costs energy...and you want to act as natural as the circumstances allow...? I feel similar too...In my case the draining thing is caused by not being able to find a feel-good sweet spot between my Ni perception about how I should ideally act and how my Fe dictates me to act...

As for what I have learned (not deduced) so far from my experiences with this - I think this shift is actually a good thing for me. I can integrate aspects of this approach into various parts of my life in different ways.

Why the distinction between "learned" and "deduced" ?

It used to be relevant but rather in my teens and early 20s (though it rears its head from time to time)...My fear most of the time has been less related to ending up alone but rather being hurt by others if I do not allow them to drain my energy...i.e. if I do not accommodate their negative behaviour but act more assertive...it's related to my distrust of my Se capabilities...It would be an achievement for me to be able to wield Se (to manipulate my environment) even at a tertiary level...I think your fear seems to be stemming more from Fe...

I don't want to jinx it but I envy you...and am happy for you...hope I can conquer my fears some day...

So I don't know if that's relevant for you or not, it just popped up into my consciousness, so I decided to share it.

It is...thanks...:)


I want my account deleted
Jan 20, 2014
It feels like acting to you...that's why it costs energy...and you want to act as natural as the circumstances allow...? I feel similar too...In my case the draining thing is caused by not being able to find a feel-good sweet spot between my Ni perception about how I should ideally act and how my Fe dictates me to act...

No, it doesn't feel like acting to me. Though I hear you that it feels that way for you. For me, it feels just exactly as I described it the first time: like a pull away from my core perception (Ni and Ni-Se) into what I experience as a plastic/artificial relatively shallow world where we're having to deal with meanings or words or frameworks (and/or, indirectly, agendas) instead of the deeper resonances. To expand a bit, it feels to me like I have entered a world where everything is made of some sort of thin plastic and nothing really resonates (for example, picture a bell made of thin plastic, I don't think it could ring).

Why the distinction between "learned" and "deduced" ?

For me, deduced is a technical term related to a particular kind of logic, deductive in contrast to inductive. In this association, deductive is top-down, overly theoretical. Learning, for me, is ground-up process based on experience.


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2013
No, it doesn't feel like acting to me. Though I hear you that it feels that way for you. For me, it feels just exactly as I described it the first time: like a pull away from my core perception (Ni and Ni-Se) into what I experience as a plastic/artificial relatively shallow world where we're having to deal with meanings or words or frameworks (and/or, indirectly, agendas) instead of the deeper resonances. To expand a bit, it feels to me like I have entered a world where everything is made of some sort of thin plastic and nothing really resonates (for example, picture a bell made of thin plastic, I don't think it could ring).

Deeper resonances such as?

How do the people inside that world\narrative look from your Ni-Se perspective?

Isn't centering on Ni-Se perception another human narrative in itself (even though it exits on a relatively smaller scale at the moment)? I think, on a broaders scale\framework, that narrative would look something like the way of life of a native american (or similar) culture...

Edit: a hunter-gatherer culture perhaps...


I want my account deleted
Jan 20, 2014
Deeper resonances such as?

Such as I experience in Ni and Ni-Se perceptual arenas. I don't have much more to say about it than that.

How do the people inside that world\narrative look from your Ni-Se perspective?

My attention is on the world and its parameters.

Isn't centering on Ni-Se perception another human narrative in itself (even though it exits on a relatively smaller scale at the moment)?

I really don't like rhetorical questions. Anyway, even though it seems verty much like a rhetorical question, my answer is - no, not from my perspective. If you don't have a lived reference point for what direct perception is like (apart from judging narratives), I can't help with words or dialogue.

I think, on a broaders scale\framework, that narrative would look something like the way of life of a native american (or similar) culture...

Edit: a hunter-gatherer culture perhaps...

As for native/indigenous cultural systems, I haven't had lived experience as a member of such a system so I can't speak about that. And, too, there's the matter of ongoing attempted cultural genocide.

You may be trying to get at whether there could be a human cultural system that doesn't devalue Ni-Se perception. If so, I myself don't know. But from my perspective, it's important to separate the perception itself from if and how any given cultural group values the perception. These are two different things in my view, and it's relatively obvious to me that they are.

As a note: I have been trying and trying to be patient with, correct for where it's most intense, and kind of "go around" an ongoing pull I feel from you in the dialogue starting when you posted the blank canvas data ... I don't know how to describe it, something about theoretical debate, proving points, trying to take my lived experience and use it to support your points or something like that. I can feel the shape of it but probably am not describing it accurately. In any case, I don't like it, and my patience and energy is wearing thin. (And to be clear, the fact that I personally don't like it doesn't mean I think there's anything wrong with you or how you're approaching the discussion. It just means it's not where I'm at).
Last edited:


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2013
I really don't like rhetorical questions. Anyway, even though it seems verty much like a rhetorical question, my answer is - no, not from my perspective. If you don't have a lived reference point for what direct perception is like (apart from judging narratives), I can't help with words or dialogue.

It's not a rhetorical question...It conveys my thought, expecting a response back...It was raised with a chuckle but with no ill feelings like sarcasm or condescension...

You may be trying to get at whether there could be a human cultural system that doesn't devalue Ni-Se perception. If so, I myself don't know. But from my perspective, it's important to separate the perception itself from if and how any given cultural group values the perception. These are two different things in my view, and it's relatively obvious to me that they are.

I am trying to understand how that perception may look like in in practice...It feels to me like going back to basics somehow...

As a note: I have been trying and trying to be patient with, correct for where it's most intense, and kind of "go around" an ongoing pull I feel from you in the dialogue starting when you posted the blank canvas data ... I don't know how to describe it, something about theoretical debate, proving points, trying to take my lived experience and use it to support your points or something like that. I can feel the shape of it but probably am not describing it accurately. In any case, I don't like it, and my patience and energy is wearing thin. (And to be clear, the fact that I personally don't like it doesn't mean I think there's anything wrong with you or how you're approaching the discussion. It just means it's not where I'm at).

You are right about the pull you've noticed...There are things about your experience of Ni, and particularly your focus on Se and dislike of human judging narratives (Fe and Te) that I stand apart from you, and I am trying to put them forward without allowing my Fe to hold me back...

Holding my mouth about them offends me...and I can see that the other extreme may irritate you or cause you to disengage...I am trying to find that "sweet spot" that I mentioned...And, I don't want to go along with "your pull" either...

And I can see that the overlap is wearing thinner and thinner...and you are shutting down...

It feels like trying to decide whether to win an argument but lose a friend in the process or not open my mouth at all...


I want my account deleted
Jan 20, 2014
yeghor, I really appreciate your response here, acknowledging the previously unspoken dynamics. So you wrote:

You are right about the pull you've noticed...There are things about your experience of Ni, and particularly your focus on Se and dislike of human judging narratives (Fe and Te) that I stand apart from you, and I am trying to put them forward without allowing my Fe to hold me back...

Holding my mouth about them offends me...and I can see that the other extreme may irritate you or cause you to disengage...I am trying to find that "sweet spot" that I mentioned...And, I don't want to go along with "your pull" either...

Why can't it be simply that my experiences are mine, yours are yours, and we don't have to have overlap in order for both to be valid? That's a real question.

And I can see that the overlap is wearing thinner and thinner...and you are shutting down...

It feels like trying to decide whether to win an argument but lose a friend in the process or not open my mouth at all...

Maybe the same question as above but from a different angle, but IMO worth asking anyway: Why do our differences of experience and focus feel to you like an argument that must be won or lost?

(note: just FYI, in the background for me here is a conversation I had with my INFP partner last night, about shifts she has seen in me in the last year or so, that I'm mulling over. I suspect that something in this exchange might link into that, but am not sure. Will post anything relevant if it does connect)

Z Buck McFate

Pepperidge Farm remembers.
Aug 25, 2009
Instinctual Variant
I am comparing it to my own experiences, are you trying to say that's a wrong thing to do?

It doesn't mean I can't focus on your point at the same time and/or not be receptive to further explanation on what your point is like. That is, yes, I'm glad to focus on whatever you say, process it in my own way and be receptive for more information from you. It would be unreasonable to expect I will understand everything perfectly right away and I certainly don't expect others to understand everything right away of whatever I said. I'm not a patient person by default but when it comes to discussing stuff, I am very patient in this sense.

Also, would it be less "wrong" if I came to this forum claiming I am Ni-dom? Do not assume that my experiences are all invalid just because I don't have "Ni-dom" in my profile. Sorry though if you weren't doing that; Werebudgie did that before.

It’s not that I think it’s ‘wrong’. It’s a relatively common occurrence in this forum for people to say, “That’s not a <whatever function> thing, I do it too.” Sometimes it gets frustrating because it interferes with being able to discuss commonalities.

Or in other words, it’s one thing to say, “I relate to this too.” It’s another thing to say, “I don’t think this is related to being Ni dominant because I relate to it too.” The latter requires the commonalities conversation to stop long enough to explain a whole bunch of things that I don’t especially have the patience to stop and explain, because my focus is already on something else. I think that for Js, the way Ps want to pick apart the micro details that stand out to them- it’s like being expected to stop the car every 15 feet to check the air on the tires; after the first few ‘air checks’, it’s easy to forget what I got into the car for in the first place (which is why Js get angry with a lot of interruptions). So depending on how important the ‘destination’ of the original convo is- I’ll be proportionately agitated by distractions. [irl, I’m rarely as focused on conversation as I am here in the forum, I’m more focused on the people and I’m far more patient with side tangents. It’s much harder for me in written conversation though, to change gears.]

So this “I relate to this too” business- it’s not that I think it’s wrong. I’ll just say that I too understand what it’s like to be in a GIT ER DONE (!) mode….but that doesn’t mean that it isn’t a stronger characteristic of Te doms than it is of Ni doms. <-I hope that suffices as an explanation.

[There are times in the forum when I think certain characteristics are wrongly attributed to a function- but people do tend to be a little too trigger happy with the whole “I do that too” argument around here.]

By quick I meant you see the "end" without thinking through an unconscious process and it's relatively fast because you don't have to take the time to flesh out steps to arrive there. Just as you said, there's an instant initial feeling. I also talked about "scrambling around" to find the steps to it and I think it pretty much implied that that is a slower process. I described the same urge Hard talked about too. And yep I also get the feeling at times that whatever others say is "off" and then I will have to figure out why which does take longer.

Are we on the same page now, if not, let me know. I think we are talking about the same thing here.

What may not be the same is that I thought this was part of Judging Ti (in my case at least). This instant feeling of the conclusion. So you don't categorize it as Judging then? I always had a bit of trouble clearly differentiating between the concepts perceiving and judging functions. The most sensible distinction I've ever heard came from Jung himself; perceiving = will see everything, all the world, while judging = will only see what can be "rational", that is, only part of the world. The above "conclusion thingie", it could be either honestly, if going by that distinction.

I agree that "conclusion" can be either, and I think that's the crux of the misunderstanding here. I think- while the “scrambling around” description may resonate- Pe does the ‘scrambling around’ work aloud. [And before you argue this point- obviously it isn’t 100% every single fragment of every single thought must be spoken aloud. That’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying in comparison, Pe processes information by bouncing fragments off of others almost in real time as those fragments occur or relatively soon after they occur.]

Someone around here once said that Pi does it’s “churning” of information internally (I think ‘churning’ and ‘scrambling around’ probably mean the same thing), and that seems true to me. I have to scramble internally, my own way- whereas PeJi/JiPe is inclined to want to bounce immediate fragments of the churning/scrambling process off of others. The process may not feel “immediate” to PeJi/JiPe- but it is from a Pi perspective. Think of it like a microwave- if all you ever use is a microwave, then it might sound ridiculous when someone claims food is “instantly” heated: sometimes it takes as long as 5 minutes to cook something. But in comparison to a conventional oven- it’s pretty instant.

No, here I didn't say the same thing. :/ I was talking about how Se doesn't get flooded with ideas. You said Pe types get flooded with ideas. Nope that's not me and I'm most likely Se > Ni but I no longer know even that honestly. So anyway, my point was maybe the flood of ideas is true for Ne types but not for Se types or at least not all Se types because it's not true for me.

Where I do agree and do please note that I didn't even dispute it, because I was only disputing the "flooded with ideas" part, is that limbo thingie. I just don't focus on the limbo much so I don't feel it, only the "wall" that signals to me that right now it's pointless for me to attempt to go on with whatever I'm trying to "see" (when trying to "see" the "end" of whatever). Make sense?

I do agree that "flooded" probably applies more to Ne.

Btw, it may matter where the Pe or Pi is, for example, a Te-dom is a Judging dominant and thus may just reject the whole thing if it doesn't sit right even though they do have Pi as aux. Of course if Te-doms experience it as putting the information away and only pulling it out if it does start to make sense, then okay, but that's just not how to seem to be. ;)

Yeah, it looks that way to me too. One of the problems with the internal ‘churning’ is that having someone bounce a bunch of fragments of thoughts off of us can sound like a bunch of gobbledy-gook if some strong bullet points are not presented as staples to frame that information. While Ti generally makes sense to me (in spite of the fact that it gets exhausting to get pummeled with Ti fragments, I can still usually follow), that’s not so much the case with Fi. I need a context in which to place the fragments or they will go in one ear and out the other.

And so with Te doms- I’m starting to think a lot of times (when I thought they were dogmatically rejecting anything they didn’t already agree with) they reject Ti because there’s no staple or no framework ready to hold the fragments in place.

May I ask what you meant by Ni-doms not listening? Not being receptive to other people's opinions? I thought of this interpretation because of the below text from you:

I have been comparing Ni to a Rube Goldberg contraption for a while now (it probably applies somewhat to Si as well): if you put a marble in the top, it has to progress through a series of mechanisms before it hits ground zero. That’s what happens to information: it has to run the course through a series of diagnostics before I give it much weight. People tend to want to bypass this metaphorical Rube Goldberg contraption. It’s pretty common for people to feel like we’re “not listening” if they can’t say something and have it instantly bounced back at them in the way they bounce things back themselves. Pe dom/aux are much better at directly interacting with the information being presented in the moment (whether or not they’re actually giving it a chance is another story- sometimes they only take enough in to be able to shapeshift it into something more self serving before they throw it back, but that’s a whole other topic).

o_O How do you know without actually ASKING your mother if she truly liked the music. Or how do you know whether someone else is incapable of "getting" whatever idea you have? Too many assumptions seriously. I'd prefer to figure out if the assumption is actually true.

Also you mention that you could have continued to yell louder each time if you really wanted to get the point (the name) across to your mother. But you didn't do that because it wasn't classical music. So it means it wasn't only her fault that she didn't hear the name right if we must resort to fault finding.

Really? It's unreasonable to make an assumption about what kind of music someone likes after having just lived with them for 20 years?
Yep :) to me :)

This is the sort of thing I absolutely don't make judgments on :D Like, preferences can be totally irrational so it's certainly possible that someone doesn't like X but likes Y for god knows what reason, even though Y shares some traits with X (but of course is not the exact same thing as X or it would be called X right :p ) It's also possible that someone's tastes change, they start to like something for some reason that they didn't before.

So let me get this straight: after spending years around a woman who asks “Who is this?” every single time there’s music playing (Every. Single. Time.) and who only ever later asks “Who was that musician…” or establishes any deeper interest where classical music is concerned- you wouldn’t pick up on that? Ever? It’s unreasonable to assume that this particular instance of asking is probably going to be no different than the (literally) thousands of times that preceded it?

She isn’t always asking because she’s interested in the artist- she’s asking because she’s expressing interest in the person playing the music (it is possible to reasonably figure out- after being around someone for 20 years- the difference). She incessantly asks questions as a means to feel connected to people and/or just to be talking. Because some people are like that. There aren’t many people who can handle being around my mom very much because of it- it never stops, she never runs out of things to ask questions about.

And in short, (sorry but) I find it annoying to have someone point out that I’d made too many assumptions when their own observation about it- in itself- is actually based on too many of their own assumptions. It feels like it creates too much work for me communication-wise, and it’s actually a good example of the point I’ve been trying to make (about how there’s no one to ‘blame’). Sometimes, with some people, I can tell blanks are getting filled in with information in such a way that’s too difficult to keep track of and communication starts feeling like it’s more trouble than it’s worth. [I do think Ni- or at least NiFe- is especially sensitive in this way.]

I don't know if accommodate is correct for me. Maybe it is. Mostly what this looks like for me is that I choose not to try to communicate specific things or in specific ways or sometimes with specific people because I can feel the energy drain it would take to deal with their frameworks, agendas etc. A fair amount of the time, people who interpret what I say get it at least subtly wrong. They run it through their filters, their experiences, their reference points, their needs, their agendas etc etc, and feed it back to me in ways that have little to do with what I was trying to say. At that point, I have a choice: do I continue to engage, or do I not? If I continue to engage, how?

Yeah, can totally relate to this. [And I actually found this paragraph after writing that response just above- though it's basically saying the same thing, I think.]

Conflating the external human world with "the material world" seems to be one of the illusions of cultural systems that assme things like mind/body splits and/or remove intuition from some sort of "real" reality, and can seem very true when there is a hard disconnect between Ni and Se-inf.

Have you ever read any R.D. Laing? I think you'd really dig Politics of Experience- because of this^ in particular, but also a lot of what you're saying. [I'm just throwing this out there to take or leave. Like maybe look up Laing on youtube if you're bored sometime. :) ] He’s all about how there’s a ‘reality’ that people collectively take for granted- and how individuals that catch glimpses of it are sometimes considered “crazy”.


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2013
yeghor, I really appreciate your response here, acknowledging the previously unspoken dynamics. So you wrote:

Why can't it be simply that my experiences are mine, yours are yours, and we don't have to have overlap in order for both to be valid? That's a real question.

Because we both are trying to define the same\common things but I can see that they are not converging but diverging...if I define "red" and it doesn't sit with your definition of "red", then what's "red" actually? And, what is the thing that I've been (mis)-perceiving as "red" so far? It throws me off...

It stems from my desire to "arm" myself with "correct" knowledge...if it turns out I was right, all is well internally...it makes me feel safe somehow...if a reference point in my internal thinking system turns out to be wrong, I start doubting the soundness of the entire system...and then I get obsessed till I can acquire the correct information to modify that reference point...

I am also sensitive to dissemination of incorrect information (either by me or by others) in the sense that I fear it may propagate into some negative consequences in the long term...so I have this urge to provide people with correct information whenever I feel confident of my knowledge...

Maybe the same question as above but from a different angle, but IMO worth asking anyway: Why do our differences of experience and focus feel to you like an argument that must be won or lost?

(note: just FYI, in the background for me here is a conversation I had with my INFP partner last night, about shifts she has seen in me in the last year or so, that I'm mulling over. I suspect that something in this exchange might link into that, but am not sure. Will post anything relevant if it does connect)

Because I can sense that what I perceive to be true doesn't overlap with what you perceive to be true...and it drives you away somehow when I put them forward...as if I am negating your perception...

I don't focus on winning it but trying to convince the internal critic\buzz in me to stop, thru finding what the real perception is...on some certain issues, this may turn into a win\lose situation if the issue is somehow tied to core values of either individual...and it puts me in a conflict of interest in the sense that I would rather reach a consensus\overlap than trying to turn out to be right\correct...

I feel I must be able to put all these in simpler terms but it's the best I can do at this time...


I want my account deleted
Jan 20, 2014
Thank you for the reply, yeghor.

My perspective is this: We're clashing. This is truth, whether we speak it or not. And IMO the conflict is not at its core about what the topics at hand but about a clash between some pretty basic things about where we're each at at this point in our respective lives. From my end, I am less and less okay with having my experiences translated through other people's frameworks and thus distorted from what those experiences actually are. I can tell you I was much more willing to accept that kind of translation earlier in my life, but in the end it doesn't matter: This is where I am now and this is what is truly well for me personally at this time. On your end, there are the dynamics you described in your reply quoted below. My experiences seem not to mesh with what you need them to be to feel okay. Your need for that meshing leads to a response to my experiences that doesn't feel okay to me. IMO whether we speak it or not, there is a clash here. And I personally think it's better to openly acknowledge it than not and I appreciate your replies.

So I want to be clear that to the extent that you need my experiences to fit into your frameworks, it won't be well for me to engage with you. I hope you will keep in mind that any silence on my part due to this situation is because I'm doing what is best and most well for myself. I understand that you need to do what's best and most well for you and even if I can't assist you in that, I think it's a good thing for you to do whatever is truly well for you. At this point it seems that what's right for you pulls against what's right for me, and vice versa. This is my view: It happens. It's really okay. It's just how things are sometimes.

Because we both are trying to define the same\common things but I can see that they are not converging but diverging...if I define "red" and it doesn't sit with your definition of "red", then what's "red" actually? And, what is the thing that I've been (mis)-perceiving as "red" so far? It throws me off...

It stems from my desire to "arm" myself with "correct" knowledge...if it turns out I was right, all is well internally...it makes me feel safe somehow...if a reference point in my internal thinking system turns out to be wrong, I start doubting the soundness of the entire system...and then I get obsessed till I can acquire the correct information to modify that reference point...

I am also sensitive to dissemination of incorrect information (either by me or by others) in the sense that I fear it may propagate into some negative consequences in the long term...so I have this urge to provide people with correct information whenever I feel confident of my knowledge...

Because I can sense that what I perceive to be true doesn't overlap with what you perceive to be true...and it drives you away somehow when I put them forward...as if I am negating your perception...

I don't focus on winning it but trying to convince the internal critic\buzz in me to stop, thru finding what the real perception is...on some certain issues, this may turn into a win\lose situation if the issue is somehow tied to core values of either individual...and it puts me in a conflict of interest in the sense that I would rather reach a consensus\overlap than trying to turn out to be right\correct...

I feel I must be able to put all these in simpler terms but it's the best I can do at this time...


I want my account deleted
Jan 20, 2014
Yeah, can totally relate to this. [And I actually found this paragraph after writing that response just above- though it's basically saying the same thing, I think.]

*nods* seems so to me. I'm not accustomed to having anyone share my brain even in a limited way, so this is an interesting experience for me.

Have you ever read any R.D. Laing? I think you'd really dig Politics of Experience- because of this^ in particular, but also a lot of what you're saying. [I'm just throwing this out there to take or leave. Like maybe look up Laing on youtube if you're bored sometime. :) ] He’s all about how there’s a ‘reality’ that people collectively take for granted- and how individuals that catch glimpses of it are sometimes considered “crazy”.

I put Politics of Experience on hold at the library. Supposedly there's one copy "in storage." I'll believe it when I see it, but am interested in taking a look. Thanks for the recommendation. (I'm also on the waiting list for Blink...)


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2013
Thank you for the reply, yeghor.

My perspective is this: We're clashing.

Yes, I disagree with your definition of red...and fear others' will end up with a false description of red...there's a visceral feeling about this in me that compels me to act against it...and I can foresee that it will put me in a conflict with you...

And I can feel but can't understand why you are getting irritated with it...I can sense a temper behind it...a conlict brewing...cause under similar circumstances I would try to prove my point or learn from the discussion rather than brushing the other off...I don't expect others to validate my thoughts or experience but rather filter it thru their own framework, challenge it and give feedback...

The way you brush off other people's thoughts feels too dismissive to me as if you are devaluing the other and considering them to be below your caliber...it feels wrong somehow...it irritates my Fe I guess...

From my end, I am less and less okay with having my experiences translated through other people's frameworks and thus distorted from what those experiences actually are.

But that defeats the purpose of sharing them...and once they are shared publicly you are opening them up to public scrutiny...why the need to get irritated when others do not interpret them the way you expect them to...

My experiences seem not to mesh with what you need them to be to feel okay. Your need for that meshing leads to a response to my experiences that doesn't feel okay to me. IMO whether we speak it or not, there is a clash here. And I personally think it's better to openly acknowledge it than not and I appreciate your replies.

I appreciate it too...but I also feel a need to go against my Fe and tell about my Ni conclusions...so I will end up not respecting your wish to disengage...you will anyway though...

So I want to be clear that to the extent that you need my experiences to fit into your frameworks, it won't be well for me to engage with you. I hope you will keep in mind that any silence on my part due to this situation is because I'm doing what is best and most well for myself. I understand that you need to do what's best and most well for you and even if I can't assist you in that, I think it's a good thing for you to do whatever is truly well for you. At this point it seems that what's right for you pulls against what's right for me, and vice versa. This is my view: It happens. It's really okay. It's just how things are sometimes.

I appreciate it...though I fear I will end up looking bad by following my own pull, which consequently will leave me and my thoughts isolated...

You' ve been irritated with others a few times before when they assumed ownership of your thoughts or distorted/misinterpreted them...I think you are possessive of your thoughts and ideas...they are your prized possessions...your craft...and how you value your self worth...

And the way you've dealt with those occassions felt alien too me...in comparison, it felt to me as if you had disengaged too easily and without too much remorse...Even though I aspire to be able to set boundaries like that in future it feels somehow wrong to me at the moment...I cannot identify with...You are my senior but I still cannot see myself acting that way in future...

And the temper thing and Se focus etc...All those accumulating data keeps raising this question in me..."If she's an INFJ, then what the hell am I?" I now fear someone will come along and ascribe this to my desire to be unique but it's not...

So long story short, I think you are a Ti-dom with a vey well developed Ni...that's why you are sensitive about your ideas, thoughts...they are your prized possessions...just like how a Fi-dom takes pride in his/her feelings...and dislikes it when others misinterpret their feelings or try to dictate them what to think feel...

Your focus on Se domain I believe stems from your Se-aux and irritation with human social constructs from your Fe-inf...It may also explain how you are able to disengage without too much qualms, and perhaps the temper I sense in you...

I've enjoyed sharing my thoughts with you WB...thanks for that..I'll continue responding where I deem necessary whether you respond back or not...I don't want this to be misconstrued as harassment or something...

All in all, I believe you are an ISTP with a well developed Ni...and also just another human being trying to find her way in the world...

So I wish you a untroubled and joyful journey...and all the best...


I want my account deleted
Jan 20, 2014
All in all, I believe you are an ISTP with a well developed Ni...and also just another human being trying to find her way in the world...

Pulling this out because ... I want it really highlighted that this is what you assess based on your perspective, this is where your need for correct information leads you. Amazing. Simply amazing.


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2013
Pulling this out because ... I want it really highlighted that this is what you assess based on your perspective, this is where your need for correct information leads you. Amazing. Simply amazing.



New member
Dec 3, 2013
So long story short, I think you are a Ti-dom with a vey well developed Ni...that's why you are sensitive about your ideas, thoughts...they are your prized possessions...just like how a Fi-dom takes pride in his/her feelings...and dislikes it when others misinterpret their feelings or try to dictate them what to think feel...

Possession of thoughts and ideas is indicative of both Ji and Pi. Pi is more focused on ideas and patterns (specifically Ji and Pi dominants, yes, this includes Si)*, Ji is more focused on frameworks and idiosyncratically categorized information.

*Just watched Zero Dark Thirty, and a demonstration of this would be the protagonist's (can't remember her name, mostly sure INxJ) steadfastness for her own prediction/assessment about Bin Laden.