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How has developing your secondary function changed you?


Tenured roisterer
Apr 23, 2007
Instinctual Variant
I find myself no longer tied to my Ti ideals and logical structure like a dog to a chain..

My obsession with clarity and accuracy of thought does no longer prevent me from trying to express myself...

I can easily go with the flow without feeling mortified at the thought of suspecting that I'd have to accuse myself of engaging in mindless conformity or being slightly unreflective..

I can easily carry on a discussion..regardless of how frivolous or casual and when arguing about ideas I can stay on the same wavelength as the other person and understand where they are coming from... not only their ideas but also their personal background and a variety of other things that come implicitly... basically... the big picture as a whole...

I can easily walk into new and awkward environments and feel entirely comfortable and knowing exactly how to act... what to say... how....when and to who..and what can be expected of that..

I can look well into the future and be confident in my estimations of what will happen as well as I know... I at times find myself understanding how my actions will make others feel and what I must do to smoothen things out after another tactless Ti blunder as well as know how to handle situations diplomatically..and how to resolve/avoid an impending/incoming conflict...as well as I now know how to explain what I am thinking to just about anyone..regardless of whether they are interested in all of these esoteric abstractions that I am fascinated or that they are an XNTP or that they understand how the mind of an INTP works..in short I am not stuck in my head any longer..

And I could hold my own in just about any discussion..regardless of how crowded it is or how many observers there are (this used to freak me out a ton earlier on) without alienating the other person or the audience because I can just adapt so easily... --of course I cant do this very proficiently... as you will see that I've alienated my audience and my debating partner many times on this site...yet there have been situations just recently in my life where I've handled it well

I am not apprehensive about new encounters because for some reason that I dont understand (and I am ok with not understanding it) I have supreme confidence that I can handle them just fine and greatly enjoy all novelty...

I've become much more eclectic and my field of interests has enlarged greatly...and I can appreciate many of the things that I've before been indifferent or even antagonistic towards...

I no longer ponder and overanalyze people and their motives because I can get a better understanding now intuitively of them and the situation and I am no longer paranoid about their motives because I know whats going on and can actually start thinking about formulating a trust..

And the last but not least I can write not for the sake of exploring ideas... but for self-expression also and can well keep it on the personal level... second guess myself less frequently (for the sake of accuracy and clarity of thought)... and can write much more succinctly and convey my ideas to the full while having confidence that others will understand exactly what I have in mind..

What about you?


~*taaa raaa raaa boom*~
Apr 23, 2007
what's my secondary function?

ah yeah

I think it's my Fi.... *sigh* I am still trying to differentiate between my Ne and my Fi....

I suppose as of late I have spent more time 'dwelling ' in my Fi and forgetting my Ne. Though I have been more aware of my Ne. Most of all my Fi makes me think before I speak, makes me more aware that not all people can 'handle' me. I think I am more cautious of others than I was before, and calmer.... I watch Niffer bounce through the forums and I think I was once like that.... *sigh*


New member
Apr 19, 2007
Honestly, I don't know the answer to this question because I'm not really sure what my function order is. Sometimes I think it's FiNe, and sometimes I think it's NiFe. I had settled on the former, but I recently read a description of Ni (I don't know where it is right now--I'll have to look later) that really seemed to fit. I feel that I have extremely weak Fe, though.

At the same time, I tend to think that it's not the order or strength of the functions that is important but the ways in which we use them. And I still don't know the answer to the question based on that.


shoshaku jushaku
Apr 19, 2007
Honestly, I don't know the answer to this question because I'm not really sure what my function order is. Sometimes I think it's FiNe, and sometimes I think it's NiFe. I had settled on the former, but I recently read a description of Ni (I don't know where it is right now--I'll have to look later) that really seemed to fit. I feel that I have extremely weak Fe, though.

At the same time, I tend to think that it's not the order or strength of the functions that is important but the ways in which we use them. And I still don't know the answer to the question based on that.

If you are INFJ, then your function order is NiFeTxSe.

(Yup, you have to develop Texas as your third process. Don't worry, we're concerned about your secondary.)

FiNe would be INFP, not INFJ. :) Just like INTP is TiNe.


New member
May 13, 2007
Ne really blossomed when I started hanging out with an ENTP and an INFP a lot. A trio of Ne-able people led by an extrovert is an excellent configuration for Ne development.

It's allowed me to go with the flow and pick up things as I go, be less critical with some surfacing thoughts and be more outwardly creative. Most of all, I trust some instincts more (not enough yet for my taste) and hop into uncharted territory with Ti always around and in charge, acting like an arbiter, but letting Ne boosts pass from time to time.

A trust relationship is starting to establish itself:
Ti admires Ne as long as it is allowed to comment upon Ne's actions and analyze them. Ne is allowed to put his hands on the steering wheel at times and tell Ti: "take it easy, will ya'?" without Ti locking Ne in a cage.


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
My problem is that the only function I shared with the world and lived in for a long time was Ne -- Ti was kept under the surface, because it only caused unresolvable friction with the people in my outer world.

(Ne usually doesn't cause direct friction; at worst, people just see you as an irrepressible dreamer, and most people like those with imagination.)

But not exposing or applying Ti in the outer world causes some real problems. It left me very ineffective, undisciplined, unassertive, undirected ... all the things that a judging function is commonly used for. So I have almost had to go in reverse -- learn how to integrate Ti into daily living, rather than keeping it so isolated from my interactions with others and with myself (aside from the "super-critical self-condemnation" factor I was so good for using it for).

I do find it very hard for Ne and Ti to work together -- or at least in my situation they were (since they had taken command of opposite spheres). Usually Ne is the "idealist/optimist" and the Ti is the "realist/pessimist." So they would war, especially in creative expression. I would get very inspired and just GO with it, the idea blossoming just like a magnificent tree coming into bloom... and then Ti would eventually get engaged and point out every mar, blemish, potential misturn, and fluff... discouraging Ne from continuing. It takes much effort to get them to work together.


Well-known member
Apr 24, 2007
I find myself no longer tied to my Ti ideals and logical structure like a dog to a chain..

Is this a new development? :D


Contrary to MBTI, I have always had Ne as a dominant function (NP, that is). I'm strongly biased towards the outer world in that I dislike theories that simply do not reflect reality. Even as a child, I was searching for patterns, meaning and very much in tune with nature and chaos. I have a strong need to create and tinker... Ti has always been a weaker function compared to Ne. My dominant traits, expressed by my friends, has always been playfulness, both in ideas and otherwise...

The only real expression of Ti that I had as a child was a rigid sense of how things get put together. I guess today (28 years old), the TiNe has embraced the rationalist approach, however I remain far more driven by the outer world... to see, explore and create than by the internal world of structure and order. I do find myself needing to catalogue information more now, to put it together... but I've always done that. I can't really say that I see significant difference in my nature... more just like learning and adapting what works for me.


New member
Apr 27, 2007
Well, being ancient, as I am, I'm actually on my fourth function, Te.

I think I always had a very strong Ne and Fi. I can't remember not having a healthy dose of both. Maybe that's due to my INFP father, who encouraged both of those things.

I've now a pretty good S, but, of course it's not as strong as a dominant S person, but it's good enough to serve me rather well, and I still find myself attracted to developing it more.

It's weird, but I've followed the MBTI type development theory to a t. And only because I've gotten attracted to that function at the time. And by that I mean, I've developed both Fs and Ns first, then toward midlife began on the S's, and now Te is the most difficult. I already developed a good Ti, from all the academia I've been through.

Te, is still a huge bother. Te for me, means not taking what people say and do personally. To use objective analysis on the outside world, or basically when dealing with people. I'm much better now, but far from where I'd like to be.

Here is my cognitive processes test, I took a while back. Maybe I'll take it again. As I said, I have a very strong Ti and Ni, which is out of the 8 sequence tract. But it makes total sense. I totally agree with this sequence of functions I have here, in terms of development. I really don't agree with the 8 sequence thing anyway, but that's another thread.

Fi- 46.6
Ni - 31.2
Ti - 30.3
Fe - 29.2
Se - 27.2
Si - 15.6
Te - 11. 6


New member
Apr 19, 2007
If you are INFJ, then your function order is NiFeTxSe.

(Yup, you have to develop Texas as your third process. Don't worry, we're concerned about your secondary.)

FiNe would be INFP, not INFJ. :) Just like INTP is TiNe.

Well, I think function ordering is debatable. I'm not necessarily convinced that MBTI does it right. So I'm a little more interested in considering whether I am NiFe or FiNe than I am being stuck to the label of INFJ.


shoshaku jushaku
Apr 19, 2007
Well, I think function ordering is debatable. I'm not necessarily convinced that MBTI does it right. So I'm a little more interested in considering whether I am NiFe or FiNe than I am being stuck to the label of INFJ.
Ok, let's call that "traditional MBTI Type" ordering, which is based on Jung's theory. *

Spoto certainly would agree with you. He even argues that different orders exist, like FiNi or TiFi.

* Jung's theory says that whatever attitude and function is dominant, the auxiliary will be the opposite in both attitude and function. So if the dominant is Extraverted Judging, the secondary will be Introverted Perceiving. The idea is that you have to have a way to deal with the outside world (Extraversion) and to synthesize stuff (Introversion), and you need a way to gather information (Perceiving) and a way to make decisions (Judging).

More recent Type theories, like Spoto's, suggest that having a dominant and auxiliary share an attitude or a function, challenge/reform/complicate Jung's theory.


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Do you have a list of pertinent books you could recommend, RC? I'd like to read up on some of the Spoto things you're referring to.


shoshaku jushaku
Apr 19, 2007


New member
May 2, 2007
Contrary to MBTI, I have always had Ne as a dominant function (NP, that is). I'm strongly biased towards the outer world in that I dislike theories that simply do not reflect reality. Even as a child, I was searching for patterns, meaning and very much in tune with nature and chaos. I have a strong need to create and tinker... Ti has always been a weaker function compared to Ne. My dominant traits, expressed by my friends, has always been playfulness, both in ideas and otherwise...
Uhh.... if you are INTP, you know we will have to debate this P...., and I think you are well aware why. Have you determined your interaction style?


Well-known member
Apr 24, 2007
Uhh.... if you are INTP, you know we will have to debate this P...., and I think you are well aware why.

I test incredibly I (as in, outside of type theories, this is my dominant trait... followed by N, with a weak T). I never showed significant traits from Ti, but always Ne, from a child. But I show utterly no indication of E and extreme indications of I. If you talk to my parents, their words back then were "very helpful", "agreeable", "supportive" and other F words. I simply am not that strongly Ti, not until I was a teen. (This is also a sign of Ne-Ti... except... I'm not E!) Everything points towards me being ENTP, except that I simply am not E, to such an extreme position that it isn't even feasible to say "maybe".

But anyway, that's not here or there... I'm just not sure if I worked on Ne or Ti as a 2nd function.

(edit: Interaction style)

I'm dominantly "Behind the scenes" and slightly "Chart the course". I'm not in-charge or get things going at all, except as absolutely needed... such as PM a project and the like.


Tenured roisterer
Apr 23, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Uhh.... if you are INTP, you know we will have to debate this P...., and I think you are well aware why. Have you determined your interaction style?

Behind the Scenes-Ti/Fi
Chart the Course-Ni/Si
Get Things Going-Ne/Se
In Charge-Te/Fe


New member
May 2, 2007
Behind the Scenes-Ti/Fi
Chart the Course-Ni/Si
Get Things Going-Ne/Se
In Charge-Te/Fe

Get Things Going: ENTP, ESFJ, ESFP, ENFP
Chart The Course: INTJ, ISTJ, ISTP, INFJ
Behind The Scenes: INTP, ISFJ, ISFP, INFP


New member
May 2, 2007
Everything points towards me being ENTP, except that I simply am not E, to such an extreme position that it isn't even feasible to say "maybe".
To the contaire, I was not implying ENTP.
Contrary to MBTI, I have always had Ne as a dominant function (NP, that is). I'm strongly biased towards the outer world in that I dislike theories that simply do not reflect reality. Even as a child, I was searching for patterns, meaning and very much in tune with nature and chaos. I have a strong need to create and tinker... Ti has always been a weaker function compared to Ne. My dominant traits, expressed by my friends, has always been playfulness, both in ideas and otherwise...

The only real expression of Ti that I had as a child was a rigid sense of how things get put together. I guess today (28 years old), the TiNe has embraced the rationalist approach, however I remain far more driven by the outer world... to see, explore and create than by the internal world of structure and order. I do find myself needing to catalogue information more now, to put it together... but I've always done that. I can't really say that I see significant difference in my nature... more just like learning and adapting what works for me.
You just jumped all over the Se type function.