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[MBTI General] Typology Central Members Personality Type Survey


New member
Apr 24, 2007
1. What is your personality type? INTP
2. Are you male or female? Female
3. What country do you live in now? What country are you born in? Born and living as a U.S. Citizen
4. What cultural background are you? Mixed
5. What religion are you? What religion is your family? Agnostic. My family is Christian.

6. What career are you in or looking to be in? What are you doing right now to help you achieve this career goal? Undecided for now. I'm currently in college, still quite unsure about what my major will be.
7. What is your friendships like with both genders? How many good friends do you have and why are you friends with these people? I have a fairly equal amount of male and female friends. Of my best friends, one is male the other female. It's always been that way, even when I was younger. Though as a child I was far less aware that there were any significant differences between males and females beyond physical features, even feeling detached from my own gender. It's pretty irrelevant to me. Though I did go through a period where I pretty much had exclusively male friends. That's just how the dice rolled for those years.
8. What paranoias do you have? None really. I grew up in a family of paranoid people. They had an effect on me to a point.
9. What are your vices? Procrastination, apathy, pride.
10. What are your fears? Mainly that I'll fall into poor health (deterioration of the mind, loss of autonomy etc).
11. What is your relationship like with your parents? siblings (if you had any)? I haven't had much of a relationship with my father (ISTP) in the past seven years or so. My parents divorced and he made some poor choices. The circumstances weren't really good for us to maintain a proper relationship anyway. I hold no ill feelings towards him. We had a great relationship while he was around. It might be awkward after so long, but possible to reconstruct some sort of a relationship. I don't relate very well to my mother (ISFP). We're just different people. She wants control (over my life), I want autonomy. She's also never understood why I just couldn't be a nice, kind, dress-wearing, church going girl as expected. My younger brother is autistic.
12. How are you with expressing emotion in public? I don't like to do it. I have no problem expressing amusement or other such light feelings. But affection, anger, sadness etc. I keep to myself. I come off as indifferent and neutral most of the time.
13. How do you think people saw you in high school? How do you think people see you now? Not sure, really. Some people thought I was a pretty cool person. Some people thought I was weird. Smart. Clever. Creative. Funny. Or not funny (offensive/annoying). Quiet (High-School mostly). Laid-back. I think it's still the same way now.
And finally....
14. What do you see as the point to your life and life in general? To live. That's all. My life has no real point, it's barely a dent in the fabric of time. That's fine by me. I'm just here for the experience.


Well-known member
Jun 11, 2007
1. What is your personality type?
The type that fits me the best is INFP but not 100% sure
2. Are you male or female? female
3. What country do you live in now? What country are you born in? US, Us
4. What cultural background are you? 50% Russian, Some Percentage Scottish
5. What religion are you? What religion is your family?Atheist, My mom's Russian Orthodox and my dad's southern Baptist (or use to be he doesn't practice religion)

6. What career are you in or looking to be in? I want to do something in film preferably documentaries
What are you doing right now to help you achieve this career goal?I'm going to a film school
7. What is your friendships like with both genders? Um I don't have many friends in either gender
How many good friends do you have and why are you friends with these people? probably about 4, I enjoy their company.
8. What paranoias do you have? The world plotting against me and me failing and becoming homeless
9. What are your vices?avoidance, forgetting, running away from the situation
10. What are your fears? Talking in public, confrontation, and talking to a stranger on the phone
11. What is your relationship like with your parents? siblings (if you had any)?I get along with parents, I always have, but I'm happier only visiting them a few times a year. Me and my brother are opposite in every way, but we do get along. I think it's because we realize we're opposites that we are able to respect each other. I don't always understand him, and I'm sure he doesn't always understand me.
12. How are you with expressing emotion in public? Not very good I tend to over express or not at all
13. How do you think people saw you in high school? How do you think people see you now? Saw my as a lesbian junkie who shot up heroin, I didn't shoot up heroin ( I know this for a fact based on rumours, teachers even thought this). I'm not really sure, probably that creepy bitch who doesn't say much.
14. What do you see as the point to your life and life in general? I haven't figured out the meaning of my life, but I think life in general is to question the meaning of it all, even the parts that don't have answers.

Thanks all for looking at this and thank you for those of you who answered the questions. Your welcome.

Ghost of the dead horse

filling some space
Sep 7, 2007
1. What is your personality type?
ENTP, but I can get into many other worlds.
2. Are you male or female?
3. What country do you live in now? What country are you born in?
Finland, Finland.
4. What cultural background are you?
Born Finnish, Urban, educated, rather well-earning family.
5. What religion are you? What religion is your family?
Jehovah's Witness, Jehovah's witness parents, non-religious brothers. I personally emphasize the moderate/intellectual/humanist/pragmatic views of our faith, often seeing the issues from the viewpoint of an agnostic.

6. What career are you in or looking to be in? What are you doing right now to help you achieve this career goal?
I'm looking forward to be a project manager or the head of HR in an IT sector company. I am taking jobs where I can build on my expertise on computer systems and to eventually supervise the work of others, and to continue from there. This is while I finish my studies to become a Master of Science.
7. What is your friendships like with both genders? How many good friends do you have and why are you friends with these people?
1 female, 3-5 male. I've been cool with female friends, altho in half of them, either one of us wanted it to be a romantic relationship, usually spoiling the friendship because of conflicting emotions. Some of the relations stayed as friendships also after the romantic feelings were discussed.
I now have a female friend whom I like because she is mature and considerate in her emotions, and likes to discuss things deeply. She cares for the people near her, and she's often joyful because of the little things in life, even tho she has some quite difficult things going on with her.
Then a psychologist, a male. He is the one who convinced me that the things in our faith might make sense; the only intellectual, moderate JW I had met in early 1990's. Since then I've found more. He is very well composed, calm, intelligent, responsible, really a profound thinker and considerate, a planner.. with great work ethics, one of the most balanced human beings around. We have enjoyed talking the most difficult issues together, in our faith and in our studies, psychology and computer science - and others, because we both know a great deal in wide variety of topic areas.
Those are the two I have most to say about, but others who've been, I've mostly appreciated girlfriends by the spontaneous, responsible and attractive lifestyle and the view of life they've enjoyed with me, with something that we can both connect to, with somewhat different views. The guys I've had as friends and that I do now, I'm mostly thinking them as friends on the basis how they view life, their place in it, and their interest in figuring out the things that matter. They are on the same kind of philosophical quest to uncover the meaning of life, either for themselves or for the bigger part. To uncover it, it must be discovered, thought of, expressed, discussed and experienced. Yep it's definetly the more philosophical types, or anyone who has a more developed view in life in some aspect we mutually appreciate.

8. What paranoias do you have?
That if I let myself to love, I will be taken advantage of.
9. What are your vices?
Procrastination, negativity.
10. What are your fears?
That I will not be able to recover from my burnout well enough to participate in the life fully. I also fear that my focus on survival and professional goals and my non-belief on love will leave my heart so void that I will be a cranky old loveless man.
11. What is your relationship like with your parents? siblings (if you had any)?
Parents, they're ok, I guess they love me. We can talk, I appreciate them somewhat, and I'm most happy they provided me with opportunities for growth, and that I was able to be very independent of them, sometimes to their sadness. I like them, but I'm troubled that they invested in the business I had that didn't work out, and I'm feeling guilt because it.

My older brothers never wanted me in the house and were almost always openly annoyed by having me around, giving the least mental support and the weakest support for good family atmosphere that could have been expected, or sometimes less. I haven't met them in about 8-9 years. They openly hated people and enjoyed about their problems, manipulated, held double standards, were possessive of what they had, abused verbally, etc etc etc. I grew up closer with the neighbour's kids than with my brothers.
12. How are you with expressing emotion in public?
I use a lot of tactical eye to judge what display is most effective, usually being inclined to the less emotional side. So then it's strictly business.

When my feelings are involved more than on the surface, I try to judge the situation. If I feel that the persons involved have a developed internal world and healthy level of feelings, I often talk about the feelings with the person, in depth. I still rarely get very emotional myself, even tho I do experience feelings and feel them in others and myself.

From my burnout-times and depression I learned that it isn't conductive to my social wellbeing to express unhealthy bad feelings openly. So I don't go into public to display my worst feelings; I instead handle them myself in a constructive way (or attempt to) or discuss them with few people.

I am not cool with displaying affection to any people in public. Yet I express positive feelings quite easily, not related to any one person so strongly.

I express sorrow and disappointment if I think it leads to good conclusion; if I think I would be ridiculed by show of weakness, I fake it not to care and distance myself from the people.
13. How do you think people saw you in high school? How do you think people see you now?
Somewhat nerdish, still fun, eager for adventure and crazy things, sometimes akward. Girls thought of me as something of a gentleman, reserved with them, but courteous. I think I placed partially in both the serious business-orientated gangs and the jokesters. Large part of how people thought of me was based on my talents with computer and math, in a positive way.

Some people see me as a force, and abusive or controlling people see me as unmovable. Manipulative or deceptive people find me as capable and revengeful. Some people find me intimidating. Happy people see me as somewhat of a loner, deep people find me deep, lonely people find me as a companion. Popular people see me as something to be ignored for the most part. Those trying to maintain surface conformity find me a rule-breaker and a provokateur. Introverted people with hearts in place find me approachable and personable.

14. What do you see as the point to your life and life in general?
It is to combine together the multiple threads, the multiple reasons for "meaning of life" that exist, in the best way. These reasons are:
-psychology of pleasurable emotions
-the fact that we live and we can do something with it
-truth, understanding and the appreciation of it
-to find out whether something is required of us, what is our moral or practical highest obligation to anything. Given a higher power, and seeing that it's/his/her higher power is morally and practically justified, we should review the terms and conditions of submitting to such power, as to decide whether to accept them, deny, or to ask more.
It's like saying to life, "hey, I'm Dave, take me to the top executive of the universe." In theory, perhaps the top executive could be god (what god?), evolution, ourselves, democracy, the city council of espoo, or the system could be like a distributed computing network without a central governance.
I'd place my bet on the god hypothesis, with my research going on as to how his governance is justified and how can his existence be inferred to, and whether the weight of evidence compels to believe this or that way, or whether it can be rightfully viewed as nonconclusive. Any way, I try to do the most responsible things. This I certainly consider an important thing in the life. Meanwhile, I try to invite other people to review the same evidence that I study.
-if there is no god, it's still useful for people to live. We experience pleasurable emotions and we find things interesting, we even like hatred sometimes. We find more complex societies intriquing, so we should fullfill such needs. Apparently we can combine many wants and desires of many people at the same time, but not others. Some processes show better chance in being the best in certain situations. In my opinion, I should therefore become an expert in life and to find out how it works, to support the pleasurable emotions and to minimize the negative. This must be done in accordance with moral standards, which have themselves been shown to be practically valid. When practical and/or moral reasons do not compel me to choose one thing, but they give several (perhaps uncountable) possibilities, I should choose among the best options according to my personal wishes and what I consider my free will.
-This process involves unlimited and infinite amount of actions and thoughts, making the base for an unlimited world view. It does not mean that all actions are on the same level; it rather means, that given practical restrictions to the life, we are still left with an infinetly expressible world and possibilities, altho we can point out some possibilities that may not be realized.


New member
May 14, 2007
Point of order: Wildcat, why did you include my entry in your post?


New member
May 18, 2007
1. What is your personality type? ENFP (borderline with ENTP)
2. Are you male or female? Male
3. What country do you live in now? What country are you born in? USA
4. What cultural background are you? Cultural or ethnic? I'm Irish, Scottish, Cherokee, and German.
5. What religion are you? What religion is your family? I am agnostic. My extended family is mostly Christian (Southern Baptist, Pentecostal, or Catholic).

6. What career are you in or looking to be in? What are you doing right now to help you achieve this career goal? I'm a commercial real estate appraiser.
7. What is your friendships like with both genders? How many good friends do you have and why are you friends with these people? I've had many friends of both genders, over the years. I tend to let friends drift after a while, perhaps because I get bored with them? Or maybe because it becomes too much effort? Probably a little bit of both. I've never put much effort into friendships. They either happen easily, or I don't bother.
8. What paranoias do you have? None
9. What are your vices? None/Too lazy to think about this question right now.
10. What are your fears? Loneliness
11. What is your relationship like with your parents? My parents often act very immature, so I find myself acting more parent-like, treating them like children. siblings (if you had any)? I have seven siblings, all younger than me. I have a good relationship with most of them. I'm not at odds with any of them. There are couple that I don't speak to very often, for logistical reasons, more than anything else.
12. How are you with expressing emotion in public? I wish I could be less expressive. You can see what I'm feeling by looking at my face, which makes me easier to read than I would prefer.
13. How do you think people saw you in high school? Intelligent, arrogant, independent, stubborn, and well-liked How do you think people see you now? I'm much more amiable than I used to be.
And finally....
14. What do you see as the point to your life and life in general? I used to spend a lot of time trying to determine a purpose, but I've come to realize that purpose, itself, is meaningless. I suppose you could say my most important goal is to produce effective offspring, but I don't bother digging deeper, anymore. I'm tired/lazy right now, so this probably makes very little sense.


Plumage and Moult
Apr 23, 2007
Eesh, I guess I'll jump on the bandwagon.

1. What is your personality type? Mostly ENFJ, sometimes ESFJ, Carping Hell Witch all the time. ;)

2. Are you male or female? Natural DDs

3. What country do you live in now? What country are you born in? USA/USA

4. What cultural background are you? Black, African-American. Am I the only black person on this forum?? We need more than diversity of MBTI types here.

5. What religion are you? What religion is your family? Non-denominational Christian, raised Pentecostal

6. What career are you in or looking to be in? What are you doing right now to help you achieve this career goal? I'm a CME program coordinator. I hope to attend graduate school within the next year and half for Education Policy or Public Policy. I'm trying to meet the right people to help me reach this goal because it's not what you know, but who you know. Sounds superficial but it's true.

7. What is your friendships like with both genders? How many good friends do you have and why are you friends with these people? Most of my friends are women. I'd like to have more male friends but I'm uncomfortable making friendships with men because when I've tried they've taken it where I don't want it to go. I'm friends with my friends because I can be silly with them and make all the mean and bitchy comments about people that I have the graciousness not to say out loud. They also check me when I get out of control, which I appreciate. I have about 5-7 friends arranged in a concentric circle of which I'm the nucleus. Not everyone I hang out with is a friend, but I can have a good time or decent conversation with most of the people I meet.

8. What paranoias do you have? I don't trust people.

9. What are your vices? I'm horribly self-indulgent. Rarely do I ever say no to myself and I'm very impulsive. This could get long and I'm already disclosing enough so I'll stop there.

10. What are your fears? That I'll die alone, that I'll be taken advantage of, that I'll go to hell, that something's under my bed or in my closet.

11. What is your relationship like with your parents? siblings (if you had any)? Excellent relationship with my family. My parents were open, told us the truth about the world, didn't hide life from us, and trusted God they were raising us right. I have a very solid family relationship and foundation. Excellent relationship with my siblings, we make each other laugh and I know I can depend on them for anything.

12. How are you with expressing emotion in public? I'm comfortable expressing most of my emotions publicly happiness especially. I believe that sometimes you need to show people tangibly and visibly what you're feeling, but I'm rarely out of control. I have a very good grip on my public emotions. Privately, not so much.

13. How do you think people saw you in high school? How do you think people see you now? Socially, I was of average popularity. I dressed fashionably and that kept a lot of people off my case. I tried harder to fit in in while I was high school, but I only went so far. I was friendly with everyone (students and teachers) although I did make some enemies. I was active in SGA and played softball. Now, I think I'm that person that's cool with mostly everyone. I don't think my social standing has changed all that much.

And finally....
14. What do you see as the point to your life and life in general? Wow, I'm going to have to think about this. I'm going to keep it simple and say we are to love everyone as ourselves. In addition to that I've always enjoyed this idea: "Each one, reach one." That is much harder than it sounds.

Thanks all for looking at this and thank you for those of you who answered the questions. You're welcome! :D


New member
Oct 12, 2007
1. What is your personality type?
2. Are you male or female?
3. What country do you live in now? What country are you born in?
4. What cultural background are you?
5. What religion are you? What religion is your family?
Agnostic / Baptist

6. What career are you in or looking to be in? What are you doing right now to help you achieve this career goal?
7. What is your friendships like with both genders? How many good friends do you have and why are you friends with these people?
Generally, I don’t have many close friends, and those I do have been friends for a very long time. We are friends because we know each other well and we give each other room to be who we are. We place no demands on one another and don’t have grandiose expectations of our friendship.
8. What paranoias do you have?
None that I can think of
9. What are your vices?
Eating too much ice cream
10. What are your fears?
Not being remembered after I die
11. What is your relationship like with your parents? siblings (if you had any)?
Parents; distant and strained. My father is not a likable person and my mother is too subservient to him.
Siblings; distant. I am the middle child with two sisters. We are separated by many years and so the gender & year gap has resulted in few bonds between us.

12. How are you with expressing emotion in public?
I don’t express emotion in public.
13. How do you think people saw you in high school? How do you think people see you now?
Frankly, I don’t think anyone actually saw me in high school, I was pretty invisible. Now, I think people see me as inscrutable. Generally I am quiet and stay to myself. When the situation requires it, I will step up and do what is necessary to make things happen. I think that people respect me, and think that I'm sharp – but they don’t know how to categorize me, or how to approach me.
And finally....
14. What do you see as the point to your life and life in general?
The point of my life now is to do what I can to make sure that my son is well cared for and will have a good future. As far as the point to life in general…the point of life is to remain alive. It is the imperative of any living organism to prolong it's existence as a living organism as long as possible.

As far as all of the existential, philosophical stuff…I'm with Douglas Adams – 42.


New member
Apr 26, 2007
So please tell me:

1. What is your personality type? INFJ.
2. Are you male or female? Female.
3. What country do you live in now? What country are you born in? United States in both cases.
4. What cultural background are you? Metropolitan/Suburban, Southeastern American. (Yes, I have to be that specific.)
5. What religion are you? What religion is your family? None...at best somewhere between agnostic and buddhist. Family is Methodist Christians...happily open-minded people.

6. What career are you in or looking to be in? What are you doing right now to help you achieve this career goal? Illustrative things...comics, concept art, books. In college refining my abilities.
7. What is your friendships like with both genders? How many good friends do you have and why are you friends with these people? I actually don't have many male firends, eventhough I enjoy their company. The two close male friends I have are my brother and my boyfriend...and in both cases they aren't just friends. I have a handful of close female friends, though they are decidedly less girly than most females. The three people I live with right now, I'd be ready to call them almost-close friends. Mostly because we all think similarly and come to similar conclusions, but using completely different processes...discussing those processes makes me happy for some reason.
8. What paranoias do you have? It depends on the situation. I can easily become overaware of all the things that could possibly go wrong.
9. What are your vices? Video games...and soda. And cookie dough.
10. What are your fears? Many and varied. The biggest is losing something I love very dearly. (And I don't just mean them dying...I also mean them excommunicating me from their life in some way.)
11. What is your relationship like with your parents? siblings (if you had any)? Close to my mother, just starting to open up to my father...and I'm practically the weirder, more gullible half of my brother.
12. How are you with expressing emotion in public? I don't know. I'm not very good at not expressing emotion when something excites/annoys me. Otherwise I've been told I have a "poker face".
13. How do you think people saw you in high school? How do you think people see you now? Weird, nerdy, really weird. Still weird, nerdy, and really weird, but less angry or depressed.
And finally....
14. What do you see as the point to your life and life in general? I don't know. I'm alive because I just am. My purpose is to enjoy what time I have, I guess. I don't expect to make any huge contribution to the world or to anyone I know, but if I can die knowing I did what I wanted to do...that will be enough. I don't know what the point of life is. It just is there...and it won't always be there, so maybe all living things should just try to make the best of the time they have to live.


New member
Oct 12, 2007
1. What is your personality type?
2. Are you male or female? Male
3. What country do you live in now? What country are you born in? USA
4. What cultural background are you? Half-white/half-Japanese
5. What religion are you? What religion is your family? Christian/Buddhist background. We were never really very religious however

6. What career are you in or looking to be in? What are you doing right now to help you achieve this career goal? Management/consulting
7. What is your friendships like with both genders? How many good friends do you have and why are you friends with these people? I have good relationships with both genders. My female friends however all tend to be very strong ENTPs/ESTJs/ENTJs types who defy gender stereotypes.
8. What paranoias do you have? Honestly? That a group of idiots out there has access to technology they don't know how to use.
9. What are your vices? Occasionally I enjoy a little too much red wine.
10. What are your fears? That I will die before I do everything I've set out to do
11. What is your relationship like with your parents? siblings (if you had any)? My sister and I get along great. My parents have always been very supportive and probably spoiled us as children.
12. How are you with expressing emotion in public? Never. I find it tacky to be so exhibitionistic.
13. How do you think people saw you in high school? How do you think people see you now?
And finally.... In high school- the smart kid who never studied but always did well. Now- guy who was somewhat of a womanizer but settled down with the right girl
14. What do you see as the point to your life and life in general? There's not just one point but several interstices

Good survey. I enjoyed reading all the other responses. :)


Well-known member
Apr 24, 2007
1. What is your personality type?

ISTP. Yes, ISTP. Leave me alone :p

2. Are you male or female?


3. What country do you live in now? What country are you born in?


4. What cultural background are you?

If Canada had a culture, I'd be Canadian. I don't identify much with any culture.

5. What religion are you? What religion is your family?

Atheist/Agnostic (both). Family is combination atheist and some form of Christianity, which has faded into a very non-denominational belief in God rather than any form of religion.

6. What career are you in or looking to be in? What are you doing right now to help you achieve this career goal?

No real career. I work as a project coordinator, working on my courses to do... something, who knows what, else.

7. What is your friendships like with both genders? How many good friends do you have and why are you friends with these people?

No female friends really, but a fairly decent circle of male friends. Unfortunately I'm at that age where life differences are taking a toll - married, families, moving away. The price of the big city, I guess. I'm far more big city and far more selfish (no family, etc) than my friends, which results in my life becoming incompatible with theirs.

8. What paranoias do you have?

Nothing really... slight ochlophobia, if that counts. I guess you could say I have a fear of "the man", of being caught (even doing nothing wrong!).

9. What are your vices?

Food. And computers. And games. I love working things out... anything from finance to psychology, I see all of life as a gigantic strategy game... every situation I ever come into needs to be engineered, solved and acted upon. Everything is a problem I need to solve. The vice there is that I can't turn it off!

10. What are your fears?

Of being insecure - money, relationships... everything. I have a huge fear of failure as well, except that it doesn't really hold me back much. Being trapped, for sure. If I see a choice as limiting my options in the future, I pretty much have a panic attack.

11. What is your relationship like with your parents? siblings (if you had any)?

Neutral to positive now, I guess. Nothing really strange there.

12. How are you with expressing emotion in public?

I don't. I wish I could, sometimes, but I just can't.

13. How do you think people saw you in high school? How do you think people see you now?

Nerd in school... maybe outcast. And now... overly shy, probably more on the creepy side. I find that when I get burnt out, I get very very introverted. When I try to break through I come across as being a bit strange. It doesn't help that even in the best of cases, people don't really 'get' me.

I guess I would also be seen as the guy who has the most varied knowledge around - often the shy eccentric smart guy.

14. What do you see as the point to your life and life in general?

To you make you happy dear!

And to survive as long as possible on the hope that death can be cheated.

Oh, and to oppress enough people so that they spend their lives tolling for my enjoyment. (AKA saving and investing until free from slavery).


New member
Jul 20, 2007

1. What is your personality type?

ISTP 5w6.

2. Are you male or female?

3. What country do you live in now? What country are you born in?

4. What cultural background are you?
Western European mutt with a pinch of Native American for flavor. No cultural influence other than bland American blandness.

5. What religion are you? What religion is your family?
Atheist, raised baptist. Baptist.


6. What career are you in or looking to be in? What are you doing right now to help you achieve this career goal?

Slacker. Nothing (social anxiety sucks). :sadbanana:

7. What is your friendships like with both genders? How many good friends do you have and why are you friends with these people?
I have no friends. I hate everyone with the exception of intelligent women.

8. What paranoias do you have?
Just a general wariness of the state and anyone with the authority to fuck up my life.

9. What are your vices?
Coffee, pr0n, video games, Fark joke cliches.

10. What are your fears?
Pain, physical harm, death, commitment, confinement, authorities, losing my stuff, arthropods.

11. What is your relationship like with your parents? siblings (if you had any)?

12. How are you with expressing emotion in public?
I don't.

13. How do you think people saw you in high school? How do you think people see you now?
I was a high functioning burn out who knew all the answers but didn't do any work because I didn't care which seemed to annoy some people. I was a goof, people thought I was weird but nice since I didn't bullshit anyone or tear people down unless they deserved it.

14. What do you see as the point to your life and life in general?
I'm a nihilist, I intend to live as long as possible and leave a slightly used corpse. We should enjoy and understand life as best we can and be excellent to each other.


My termites win
Aug 6, 2007

1. What is your personality type?

INTP, 5w6 or 5w4

2. Are you male or female?

3. What country do you live in now? What country are you born in?
USA. India.

4. What cultural background are you?

5. What religion are you? What religion is your family?
Hindu. Hundu.


6. What career are you in or looking to be in? What are you doing right now to help you achieve this career goal?

Engineer. Somewhere between an Electrical and Computer Engineering. Currently working in the field working on a M.S.E.E from one of the top ranked Universities in the field.

7. What is your friendships like with both genders? How many good friends do you have and why are you friends with these people?

I don't like making an exclusive list of good-friends. For me friends are people who I have a lot of shared experiences with. I have good friends that I have known through high-school and college and beyond. I am an introvert, but I have more than 10 people I would call friends.

8. What paranoias do you have?
I am paranoid about people trying to control me.

9. What are your vices?
Pride, information, lustful activities.

10. What are your fears?
Anything that I think/feel could potentially cause me harm (hieghts especially).

11. What is your relationship like with your parents? siblings (if you had any)?
OK. I have good parents, who may have set very high expectations(or rather allowed me to set high expectations for myself). My Dad was away for a significant part of my youth, but I know why he did it.

12. How are you with expressing emotion in public?
I am becoming more open. But generally hide the ones I think will limit my opportunities.

13. How do you think people saw you in high school? How do you think people see you now?
I went to a high-school where people's perceptions changed as I changed. I was on the Math Team, JETS, the Computer Club, ran track, and played football. I tried student gov't, future problem solvers, and various other crap too. I was sometimes seen as a slacker, sometimes as a high achiever. It varied with my mood.

14. What do you see as the point to your life and life in general?
I don't know. But I believe everyone has some point to their life. Perhaps I will discover mine.


New member
Oct 15, 2007
1. What is your personality type?


2. Are you male or female?


3. What country do you live in now? What country are you born in?


4. What cultural background are you?

Boring old European mutt.

5. What religion are you? What religion is your family?

Atheist, but spiritual.

My mother used to be an angry atheist, and is now a Catholic. My father is an agnostic. My brothers?

6. What career are you in or looking to be in? What are you doing right now to help you achieve this career goal?

I'm working in a neuroscience laboratory at a university now, in the midst of applying to PhD programs in Ecology (I have the GRE tomorrow morning, wish me luck!)

7. What is your friendships like with both genders? How many good friends do you have and why are you friends with these people?

I went through a phase during high school when I wasn't close friends with many guys. Now my friends are nicely distributed between both genders. I have 2-3 good friends (who I see, or at least talk to very regularly) and several other pretty good friends, who I like to see every couple of weeks. I used to surround myself with extroverts when I was younger, maybe because their constant chatter kept social situations easy for me. Lately, my good friends all are a lot like me, which means the friendships took awhile to blossom, but are now all incredibly rewarding.

8. What paranoias do you have?

That people are silently mocking me, or dislike me.

9. What are your vices?

Also a big coffee drinker. I love the internet (Wikipedia!). Music counts as a vice, because I spend entirely too much money on it. And I'm also -ahem- an occasional smoker.

10. What are your fears?

That I'll lose my intelligence or creativity. That I'll lose my mind. That something bad will happen to my family or friends. That I'll die alone.

11. What is your relationship like with your parents? siblings (if you had any)?

After a rough patch when I was a teenager, I consider my mother to be a good friend, although I live 1000 miles away from her. We speak sporadically on the phone (maybe once a month), but when we do, it's like the floodgates have opened. As much as I love her, I think I'll always remain a bit of an enigma to her, and I'll never understand her need for tradition and her conservatism. I'm guessing that she's an ISFJ, because she has always been emotionally needy and really quite exhausting to me.

My father and I are working on establishing a relationship with each other.

I love both of my brothers dearly, and they look up to me as their older sister who will always be there for them. One lives 1000 miles away, and I don't speak to him as often as I'd like. The other recently moved near me, so I think I'll start seeing the little brat more often;)

12. How are you with expressing emotion in public?

I laugh and smile all the time. If there isn't something amusing going on around me, then there's often something interesting going on in my head. Other than that, I'm often very reserved in public.

13. How do you think people saw you in high school?

I was a bookish bad-ass (not really). I was moderately popular, hanging out with the more alternative kids, and also with the academically motivated ones. People tend to be drawn to me (for some strange reason) in academic and work settings, I quickly make friends with many of the people in my classes.

How do you think people see you now?

On first introduction, I think many tend to think I'm a bit aloof, a bit indie. Once they get to know me, they realize that I'm actually quite friendly, goofy, and a complete nerd. So really, it depends on how well the person knows me.

And finally....
14. What do you see as the point to your life and life in general?

I guess I'm still going through the mid-20s life crisis, but I'm beginning to solidify my plans. I don't know if there's any one point to my life. I want to always keep learning new things, I want to help the environment, I want to travel and experience nature, I want to make lasting, meaningful connections with people.

And, not to sound like too much of a biologist, but I think the point to life is simply self-perpetuation.

All right. I guess it's time to get back to studying for that damn test...


Apr 26, 2007
1. What is your personality type?

Either INTJ or INTP. They both fit pretty well, INTJ fits better when I'm achieving things well, INTP better when I'm not doing so well.

2. Are you male or female?


3. What country do you live in now? What country are you born in?

U.S., U.S.

4. What cultural background are you?

Middle class U.S. Back a couple generations, my mom's side of the family was rural, lower class midwest, my dad's side was upper-middle Northeastern U.S.

5. What religion are you? What religion is your family?

Agnostic for me, family has various mixes of protestant types and non-religious.


6. What career are you in or looking to be in? What are you doing right now to help you achieve this career goal?

I'm currently a chemical engineering student.

7. What is your friendships like with both genders? How many good friends do you have and why are you friends with these people?

I don't really have good friends of either gender. I have hung around some other people, but for some reason I don't seem to really "stick", so don't end up in friendships. I have an easier time with males than females on average.

8. What paranoias do you have?

None that I can think up at the moment (mental block.). I don't like revealing this type of stuff about myself, so would likely leave some of these out anyway.

9. What are your vices?

Procrastination (by far the biggest one.), bits of laziness, over interest in computer games.

10. What are your fears?

See Paranoias.

11. What is your relationship like with your parents? siblings (if you had any)?

One brother. I get along fine with my parents and brother nowadays, did not used to.

12. How are you with expressing emotion in public?

I prefer not to reveal much.

13. How do you think people saw you in high school? How do you think people see you now?

A smart guy. I think it was seem in a cool way, given how other people interacted. I wasn't really hated or disliked by anyone apparently, so high school was fine.

14. What do you see as the point to your life and life in general?

The enjoy it, find out as much as possible, things like that.


homo-loving sonovagun
Jul 9, 2007
1. What is your personality type? INFP

2. Are you male or female? girly-girl

3. What country do you live in now? US of A
What country are you born in? Canada

4. What cultural background are you? Northern Irish, French Canadian

5. What religion are you? Evolving
What religion is your family? That's their problem

6. What career are you in or looking to be in? Wannabe troubadour-monastic-mystic slogging at social work day job...
What are you doing right now to help you achieve this career goal? Putting in my 9-to-5 and paying off grad school student loans for the next 25 years.

7. What is your friendships like with both genders? Ambivalent toward both... historically better with XX, lately close with XY (and all variations thereof... ;) )
How many good friends do you have and why are you friends with these people? "Good?" As in "lifelong, be there for each other in our direst moments good?" Fewer than I can count on one hand. Why? Because we've proven ourselves to each other.

8. What paranoias do you have? The usual... fascism, global warming, corporatocracy.

9. What are your vices? I don't use that label anymore.

10. What are your fears? See 8.

11. What is your relationship like with your parents? My mother died too early to comment. My father... is no longer a problem.
siblings (if you had any)? Distant

12. How are you with expressing emotion in public? Appropriate

13. How do you think people saw you in high school? Geek, drama/choir hag
How do you think people see you now? Geek, drama/choir hag

And finally....
14. What do you see as the point to your life and life in general? I think that's for you to decide for yourself.
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New member
Oct 19, 2007
1. What is your personality type?
I have been classified as an INTJ, although I am a weak NT. My enneagram is (predominantly) 4w5.
2. Are you male or female?
Male, with feminine tendencies. ;)
3. What country do you live in now? What country are you born in?
4. What cultural background are you?
British, Indian, Sri Lankan, Irish, French, etc.
5. What religion are you? What religion is your family?
I'm a moderate Catholic. My mother and brother are zealous Catholics. My father comes to church with us, although he was raised as an atheist.

6. What career are you in or looking to be in? What are you doing right now to help you achieve this career goal?
Accountancy. Will do a commerce degree.
7. What is your friendships like with both genders? How many good friends do you have and why are you friends with these people?
My best two friends are male - ESTJ and ESFJ, respectively. Due to messed up social skills, my relationships with females are limited (not necessarily bad, though).
8. What paranoias do you have?
Of being exploited, superstitions, etc.
9. What are your vices?
Good food, music and knowledge. Competence is important,too.
10. What are your fears?
11. What is your relationship like with your parents? siblings (if you had any)?
Mother (ISFJ) - I am closest to my mother and speak out all of my problems with her. She is always affirming and supportive, although she can be provocative and hypersensitive when she's in a bad mood. She has smothered me, although I understand why she has, although I really feel bad for essentially being the cause of most of her worries.
Father (ISTP) - I'm close to my father, although not as close to him as my mother.
Brother (ISTJ) - Despite us having the same personality type, my brother and I don't get along as well as you'd think. We get along better than most siblings, but still, there are aspects of his personality I dislike. For instance, he's a strong sensate and thinker, whereas I'm not, leading to me getting angry at him. Our relationship has gotten better, though.

12. How are you with expressing emotion in public?
Depends. At school, I rarely express emotion, but I am prone to crying hysterically once in a while. At home, I let all of my feelings out.
13. How do you think people saw you in high school? How do you think people see you now?
I am still in high school.
And finally....
14. What do you see as the point to your life and life in general?
You know, I often wonder about that. To live it as best as you can? :huh:
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New member
Apr 23, 2007
1. What is your personality type?
INTP, 5w6

2. Are you male or female?

3. What country do you live in now? What country are you born in?
Born and live in Australia

4. What cultural background are you?
Maternal side - Austrian and Scottish. Lots of good English stock from the First Fleet from my father's side of the family.

5. What religion are you? What religion is your family?

Everyone in the family was born and raised a catholic.

6. What career are you in or looking to be in? What are you doing right now to help you achieve this career goal?
I work in IT. I enjoy the work that I do and am not looking to change roles.

7. What is your friendships like with both genders? How many good friends do you have and why are you friends with these people?
I have more male friends than female friends - I tend to not understand women very well. I have 3 close male friends; I am friends with them because I enjoy their company and they provide me with lots of intellectual stimulation.

8. What paranoias do you have?
None that come to mind.

9. What are your vices?
Peanut M&Ms!

10. What are your fears?
Being without books or pen and paper for too long.

11. What is your relationship like with your parents? siblings (if you had any)?
I come from a close family. I speak to my mother daily and to my brother a few times a week.

12. How are you with expressing emotion in public?

I am comfortable expressing emotion in public, it just doesn't happen very often.

13. How do you think people saw you in high school? How do you think people see you now?
I think people in high school saw me as a quiet nerd. I think people see me the same way today.

14. What do you see as the point to your life and life in general?
Who knows? That's such a big question and something that I will continue to contemplate.


New member
Oct 19, 2007
1. What is your personality type? INFJ

2. Are you male or female? Female

3. What country do you live in now? What country are you born in? United States, and United States

4. What cultural background are you? Greek and Indian (Indian as in from India. Hence my avatar)

5. What religion are you? What religion is your family? I'm a Lutheran, but I grew up Greek Orthodox. My mother (ESFJ) was Greek Orthodox, but later became an Episcopalian after the Greek church basically chewed her up and spit her out. My father (ISTP) is half Muslim and half Zoroastrian, but he has never been religious. My younger brother (also ISTP) is agnostic but he likes to go with my mother to church sometimes.

6. What career are you in or looking to be in? What are you doing right now to help you achieve this career goal? I would like to become a psychologist. I am currently working for a company that will pay for my graduate school.

7. What is your friendships like with both genders? How many good friends do you have and why are you friends with these people? I have always had both male and female friends, even in those "Boys/girls are gross!" junior high school years. I have a number of good friends, whom I mostly know through church and through a German language club I belong to.

8. What paranoias do you have? That I'll get hit by something that fell off a tall building.

9. What are your vices? Fancy tea and expensive French perfume.

10. What are your fears? Losing a loved one tops the list.

11. What is your relationship like with your parents? siblings (if you had any)? Quite good on all counts.

12. How are you with expressing emotion in public? It always gets ugly.

13. How do you think people saw you in high school? How do you think people see you now? In high school, I was the band geek and the teacher's pet. Now I'm the nice, quiet one who gets suprisingly talkative when something important to her enters the conversation.

And finally....

14. What do you see as the point to your life and life in general?
I wish I knew. I'm still grappling with that one.