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Tell-Tale Signs of the Types

Sep 8, 2007
Okay, since I'm still just trying to learn to type people, and finding it quite difficult (especially in older people, as is expected) I found myself wondering... Rather than me trying to familiarize myself with all the types... Is there a shortcut? Or... are there specific tell-tale signs of type?

For example, in my blog, you guys picked up on my habitual reading of nutrition facts as a tell-tale ISTJ trait. What would you say are some tell-tale signs of the other types?


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2007
INFJs can tend to look somehow serious, but stoned at the same time.

The Ü™

May 26, 2007
Instinctual Variant
How do you spot INTJ or ENTP? I honestly have no idea.


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2007
INTJs are quiet and they act like they are surrounded by idiots. :peepwall:


New member
Aug 11, 2007
How do you spot INTJ or ENTP? I honestly have no idea.

Ah, that's easy: the INTJ is the evil guy who secretly wishes to control the world using the new massive biological weapon and the ENTP is the guy who actually designs the weapon, without knowing how will the INTJ use it :D


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Interesting, how can you guys spot an ENFj?

Usually someone who seems like they are seeing into people rather than just their outside, is very friendly in a warm way, and yet seems focused and orderly in a low-key, quiet way. Usually project clarity.

Not all of them fit this, but it is a typical trend. I usually narrow them down in the space of a minute to ENFx, and they are more low-key than the ENFP, possessing the focus and are more sedate.


On a mission
May 30, 2007
INTJs are quiet and they act like they are surrounded by idiots. :peepwall:


but seriously, that's not me at all. i'm often exuberant and extra-encouraging of people's intellect around me.
(on the outside ;) )

i don't think there's a shortcut. these are all just very person-specific hints that will really get you nowhere. just read 'em all and re-read once you have a better grasp on MBTI.


New member
May 2, 2007
Okay, since I'm still just trying to learn to type people, and finding it quite difficult (especially in older people, as is expected) I found myself wondering... Rather than me trying to familiarize myself with all the types... Is there a shortcut? Or... are there specific tell-tale signs of type?
Short cut? That seems a bit ironic for someone claiming to be ISTJ, to ask that. The old measure twice tale was probably dubbed by an ISTJ. If you take short cuts, then you will annoy people who have been studying for some time, when you make stupid and sterotypical statements. Besides, you can't read people, since you never know whether they are showing a persona or playing a role. The only way you will know is get to know that person intimately, which most likely will not happen with introverted types. As for anyone picking up on any SJ being concerned about nutrition is nothing impressive, since the majority are.


✿ڿڰۣஇღ♥ wut ♥ღஇڿڰۣ✿
Apr 24, 2007
Ah, that's easy: the INTJ is the evil guy who secretly wishes to control the world using the new massive biological weapon and the ENTP is the guy who actually designs the weapon, without knowing how will the INTJ use it :D

ha! yeah, i've never been inspired enough to create anything on my own. i've always waited to invent things until some phantom INTJ entered my life and placed an order for it, then i did so with a blank stare and handed it over no questions asked. 'cause questions, what good are they?

as for the OP, i don't think there is a secret singular way to tell without getting to know the functions, and of course the person in order to get a good enough idea of how they're more apt to use them. sowwy!

though i suppose you could slip in a few telling questions from MBTI tests as 'conversation topics', and tentatively test them that way.


Glowy Goopy Goodness
Jul 11, 2007
Here are a few ways that I can recognize different types. This assumes you are seeing the person acting as themselves and not projecting some persona. (warning: these are not sure fire, but they will usually point you in the right direction.)

ENTP - Very quick in their thinking and clever in putting their words together. Often do things differently for no apparant reason. Unconventional.

ENFP/ENFJ - Both are very charismatic and usually have tons of friends. Almost everyone loves these types. ENFJ's tend to be more focused and goal oriented. ENFP's are less focused and a bit more hands off in their approach to things compared to ENFJ. The tell tale sign of either is huge charisma.

ENTJ/ESTJ - They really want to be in charge, especially ENTJ. Both are very goal/achievement oriented. ENTJ's tend to be more open minded about things and aren't bothered by unusual behavior slide as long as the work gets done. ESTJ's are like ENTJ's but tend to want everything done a certain way.

INTP/ISTP - These can be hard to tell apart. Both are very aloof. Both can seem easy going, and yet both can seem overly critical. Both tend to not have much sympathy for overly feeling types. Usually the way I tell them apart as an ENTP is to start talking about hypothetical ideas. INTP's usually like to talk about these things, while ISTP's will not see much use to talking about these things.

INTJ - You have to get them to open up about what their thinking and then you'll get a glimpse into the unusual mind of the INTJ. They tend to make plans or schemes about everything. They also naturally look for the most efficient way to do everything even in cases where it would make no sense to most other types (like in their relationships to other people). They also speak with certainty but are more willing to change their minds than most other J types.

INFP - They often talk about the way things "ought to be". They are reserved, but optimistic. Actually their optimistic view on life can often seem unrealistic and they will often avoid/retreat away from you if you try to confront them on their unrealistic rosy view.

ISFP - They are often quiet and keep to themselves, but they tend to have concrete ways of expressing their creativity/individuality. Tatoos, a motorcycle, hanging their artwork everywhere...something. Be on the look out for outward expressions of who they are.

ISTJ - They seem the most grounded practical type. They can get irritated easily by what I would consider minutia. Very detail oriented people in general.

ISFJ - Like ISTJ but more polite.

ESFJ - Very warm caring individuals. They are traditional, but try to use the traditions to make people feel special, cared about and lifted up.

ESFP - Like to party and socialize. High energy, expressive and creative. Can seem ditzy and impractical too.

ESTP - Very action oriented. Also likes to party and socialize. Really a lot like the ESFP, but more logical.

INFJ - I'm married to an INFJ, but really I think tell tale signs are the hardest to discern with them. They can appear to be a variety of other types until you really get to know them well.


New member
May 14, 2007
I'm married to an INFJ, but really I think tell tale signs are the hardest to discern with them. They can appear to be a variety of other types until you really get to know them well.
Elaborate, if you please. In spite of the generality, are there inimitable characteristics?

Since we're asking, a recurring question of mine is whether I am an INFJ after all but acting out a pretense, an ENTJ who has finally come back from a long time in the wilderness, or in fact an INTJ.


Glowy Goopy Goodness
Jul 11, 2007
Elaborate, if you please. In spite of the generality, are there inimitable characteristics?

Since we're asking, a recurring question of mine is whether I am an INFJ after all but acting out a pretense, an ENTJ who has finally come back from a long time in the wilderness, or in fact an INTJ.

Other than my wife I've only known one other person to be INFJ, and I only knew that this other person was INFJ because she told me. INFJ's are private but they can often appear as extraverts when in public. My wife appears ESFP to many people and the other INFJ appeared more as an ESFJ/ESTJ to me, at least on the surface. Although I got to know her a little better and I can see how she is an INFJ now. Eventually I found out she has a variety of interests, but she's really private. She has a definite artistic side, and puts a high priority on close family and friends. These are all characteristics that this other INFJ shared with my wife.

Other than that what I look for is strong Ni in a feeler. I think this can look like jumping to wild conclusions, or being able to read someone very effectively. INFJ's also seem to absorb emotions from people. They feel the same things that people close to them feel. Other than that I don't know what I can tell you. I've only known 2 INFJ's so I'm not really sure how strong my patterns are from just the two.


On a mission
May 30, 2007
Here are a few ways that I can recognize different types. This assumes you are seeing the person acting as themselves and not projecting some persona. (warning: these are not sure fire, but they will usually point you in the right direction.)

ENTP - Very quick in their thinking and clever in putting their words together. Often do things differently for no apparant reason. Unconventional.

ENFP/ENFJ - Both are very charismatic and usually have tons of friends. Almost everyone loves these types. ENFJ's tend to be more focused and goal oriented. ENFP's are less focused and a bit more hands off in their approach to things compared to ENFJ. The tell tale sign of either is huge charisma.

ENTJ/ESTJ - They really want to be in charge, especially ENTJ. Both are very goal/achievement oriented. ENTJ's tend to be more open minded about things and aren't bothered by unusual behavior slide as long as the work gets done. ESTJ's are like ENTJ's but tend to want everything done a certain way.

INTP/ISTP - These can be hard to tell apart. Both are very aloof. Both can seem easy going, and yet both can seem overly critical. Both tend to not have much sympathy for overly feeling types. Usually the way I tell them apart as an ENTP is to start talking about hypothetical ideas. INTP's usually like to talk about these things, while ISTP's will not see much use to talking about these things.

INTJ - You have to get them to open up about what their thinking and then you'll get a glimpse into the unusual mind of the INTJ. They tend to make plans or schemes about everything. They also naturally look for the most efficient way to do everything even in cases where it would make no sense to most other types (like in their relationships to other people). They also speak with certainty but are more willing to change their minds than most other J types.

INFP - They often talk about the way things "ought to be". They are reserved, but optimistic. Actually their optimistic view on life can often seem unrealistic and they will often avoid/retreat away from you if you try to confront them on their unrealistic rosy view.

ISFP - They are often quiet and keep to themselves, but they tend to have concrete ways of expressing their creativity/individuality. Tatoos, a motorcycle, hanging their artwork everywhere...something. Be on the look out for outward expressions of who they are.

ISTJ - They seem the most grounded practical type. They can get irritated easily by what I would consider minutia. Very detail oriented people in general.

ISFJ - Like ISTJ but more polite.

ESFJ - Very warm caring individuals. They are traditional, but try to use the traditions to make people feel special, cared about and lifted up.

ESFP - Like to party and socialize. High energy, expressive and creative. Can seem ditzy and impractical too.

ESTP - Very action oriented. Also likes to party and socialize. Really a lot like the ESFP, but more logical.

INFJ - I'm married to an INFJ, but really I think tell tale signs are the hardest to discern with them. They can appear to be a variety of other types until you really get to know them well.

i have no complaints about this INTJ description. nice job!


pathwise dependent
Aug 13, 2007
ENTJ/ESTJ - They really want to be in charge, especially ENTJ. Both are very goal/achievement oriented. ENTJ's tend to be more open minded about things and aren't bothered by unusual behavior slide as long as the work gets done. ESTJ's are like ENTJ's but tend to want everything done a certain way.

I disagree completely with this definition.

ENTJ telltale: quick walking, sexual jokes.


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2007
I always thought that was because the are...
Well, yes, but most of the other types tend to try to hide it a little better. Or maybe like Usehername says, they hide it too, but if you are close to them or pretty good at reading people you can see it. I don't know. My daughter's teachers don't seem to pick up on the surrounded by idiots thing, but I've noticed it since she was old enough to roll her eyes.