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[so] Out of the Closet - so/sx?


The Devil of TypoC
Aug 29, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Aren't ALL so/sx types self-pres last? :laugh:
:laugh: Yeah that was my first thought. Is there some fourth instinct that we didn't know about?!?

And [MENTION=15607]The Great One[/MENTION] I see so/sx as more like this guy in the driver's seat.



Active member
May 22, 2010

Okay, in truth, I was under the impression for a short period of time that Lady X & I were in fact posting in this thread last night...until it became obvious we were not (I do not know which thread Lady X originally thought she was posting though...or if our comments fit what was already there haha.)

I have a hard time believing 95% of the people here can be Sx-doms.

I agree we have our share of 'mistyped sx' here... but another trend I've noticed: Actual sx-doms mistyping at first on a "there's no way I'm that awesome" basis (<-now multiply that by 2 in order to understand why so many actual e7 sx's don't see themselves as e7 sx's.)

Still, I would expect a higher than normal representation of sx-doms here. sx/sp is common for INTPs (original members), ISTPs, INFPs...as well as INTJs I believe. Likewise, sx-doms report experiencing greater levels of internal conflict... with the ongoing push/pull to search out the missing piece so...

What if you were "BALANCED" sx vs. so? :thinking:

fwiw Chanaynay - what Halla says above is what I've always believed about you. And yes, I believe you are a so-dom.


Nov 23, 2012
Instinctual Variant
fwiw Chanaynay - what Halla says above is what I've always believed about you. And yes, I believe you are a so-dom.

Hmm, I'm not sure what this means exactly! Could you elaborate how I could be balanced sx vs so while still being so-dom? :thinking:


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2008
Instinctual Variant

Okay, in truth, I was under the impression for a short period of time that Lady X & I were in fact posting in this thread last night...until it became obvious we were not (I do not know which thread Lady X originally thought she was posting though...or if our comments fit what was already there haha.)

haha so funny you say this...i did think i was posting here for awhile and was like wait why is this conversation happening here?? then i realized i think elfboy mentioned something about instinctual stackings. that was funny tho.

Chad of the OttomanEmpire

Give me a fourth dot.
Jun 9, 2013
Instinctual Variant
I agree we have our share of 'mistyped sx' here... but another trend I've noticed: Actual sx-doms mistyping at first on a "there's no way I'm that awesome" basis (<-now multiply that by 2 in order to understand why so many actual e7 sx's don't see themselves as e7 sx's.)

Still, I would expect a higher than normal representation of sx-doms here. sx/sp is common for INTPs (original members), ISTPs, INFPs...as well as INTJs I believe. Likewise, sx-doms report experiencing greater levels of internal conflict... with the ongoing push/pull to search out the missing piece so...
Ha, this is a great point. I typed as sx-last for a really long time because "I'm not good at that sx-first stuff", "I hate sx-first stuff", and, yes, "There's no way I'm that awesome". I am not fond of most online descriptions of the sexual stackings--they make sexuals sound like these wild charismatic beasts, when in fact, I am a mere humble 4w5 shadow on the wall in most public circumstances. I know a verifiable sx/soc 4w3 who initially typed as sp/sx for these reasons as well.

The point is, the primary instinct is NOT the one you enjoy, and it's not the one you're good at. It's the one that gives you hangups, potential self-esteem problems, and draws out the worst of your core type. So, [MENTION=17131]Chanaynay[/MENTION], look at which instinct makes you do that. The second instinct should be the one that you know how to indulge. You have fun with it; it supports the first instinct.

Also, is there a particular reason you're changing it? I read your OP, but it was a bit unclear to me--it sounds like you're thinking soc/sx because of your general bubbliness? I'd imagine that would be true for any 7w6 regardless of stacking. Unfortunately, I don't know you well enough to comment beyond this. You're likely a sx with a very strong social, or a soc with a very strong sx. You can't really be balanced (one will always be more neurotic), but you can have two of about equal strength.


Nov 23, 2012
Instinctual Variant
Also, is there a particular reason you're changing it? I read your OP, but it was a bit unclear to me--it sounds like you're thinking soc/sx because of your general bubbliness? I'd imagine that would be true for any 7w6 regardless of stacking. Unfortunately, I don't know you well enough to comment beyond this. You're likely a sx with a very strong social, or a soc with a very strong sx. You can't really be balanced (one will always be more neurotic), but you can have two of about equal strength.

Stepping into unfamiliar territory for me seemed to showcase my true nature imo. The dominant instinct being "overfocused" on or "overemphasized", I constantly worry about looking like a loner and not having people with me. I always have to schedule things with my new friends over a group text so I know we're all going at the same time. Even though I know no one's really judging that much, I hate just standing around with no one with me while I wait. In that case I usually pull out my phone and either text them asking where they are or text someone else. No matter where I go, I always have to be with people so texting is my substitute when I'm out by myself. Also the group text in general, as silly and stupid as it may sound, can definitely sway me greatly. Two of them, while nice in person, text very abruptly and it makes me feel bad about myself as if I did something wrong. I'm thinking that when I was more comfortable with all of my friends like in high school my so-dominance wasn't as reactive as it is now because it was constantly being satisfied?

Either way, I definitely have both strong so and sx. This is why I'm waiting eagerly to hear what skylights has to say since I think she struggled with a similar issue. I agree with what Elfboy said about me being darkside so/sx since it has strong sx due to pulling from sx/sp. I never really related to coolside sx/so pulling from so/sp. I used to think of myself as flirter sx/so, which has some kind of similar "vibe" so/sx. It sucks though, I love to flirt. But when it comes to telling someone I like that I like them, I'm too scared whether I'll ruin my relationship with them or not. I wish I could just tell the guy and not give a fuck, but when I like someone that much I do all I can to preserve the relationship.

Thanks for the response. :) I forgot I should have mentioned you since a common topic you seem to discuss is instinct variants.


Does Drake seem So/Sx (start at 3:30)?

[MENTION=15607]The Great One[/MENTION]


That's ExxP + 6w7/7w6 So/sx

Interesting. My husband is ESFP 6w7 so/sx and this is his idea of music/comic perfection:

(But he would never attempt to juggle a chainsaw. He's not stupid.)

What I notice more than anything with self pres last people is this disdain for those who are boring, mention that they are tired, are the first to leave a party, those who don't know how to let go and 'live a little'.

I think the great way to tell what instinct is last for a person is the instinct that they tend to complain about in people- the one that really gets on their nerves/ bugs them.

The Great One

New member
Apr 27, 2012
Aren't ALL so/sx types self-pres last? :laugh:

Yes, I know they are all self-pres last. I just wanted to emphasize this point in order to make that video funnier.

That's ExxP + 6w7/7w6 So/sx

I'd say more like counter-phobic 6 and 7w8. I think that it should be mandatory for all 7w8's to have life insurance to tell the truth. They do the craziest shit.

:laugh: Yeah that was my first thought. Is there some fourth instinct that we didn't know about?!?

And [MENTION=15607]The Great One[/MENTION] I see so/sx as more like this guy in the driver's seat.

Would you do some crazy shit like that?


The Devil of TypoC
Aug 29, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Would you do some crazy shit like that?
I've done a lot of shit that ended up being dumb -- though not that crazy (or else you'd have to revoke my SJ license!) -- with a sunny smile and a positive attitude and the words "Oh, it's no problem, it'll be FINE!" :doh: :laugh:

A recent forum meetup is a good example: I figured it would be No Problem to buy cheap bus tickets to and from Boston, to meet a big group of forumers I'd never met irl -- with the bus there being all day, and the bus back being overnight. (20 hours total of travel time, over a 3-day period.) Booked it like three days in advance, didn't really pack a change of clothes, stayed in a hostel with average to mediocre reviews, and never packed OR purchased a sweater for those ice-cold buses. And guess what? The trip was still awesome! (Not all that comfortable :laugh: but awesome anyway.)

The Great One

New member
Apr 27, 2012
I've done a lot of shit that ended up being dumb -- though not that crazy (or else you'd have to revoke my SJ license!) -- with a sunny smile and a positive attitude and the words "Oh, it's no problem, it'll be FINE!" :doh: :laugh:

A recent forum meetup is a good example: I figured it would be No Problem to buy cheap bus tickets to and from Boston, to meet a big group of forumers I'd never met irl -- with the bus there being all day, and the bus back being overnight. (20 hours total of travel time, over a 3-day period.) Booked it like three days in advance, didn't really pack a change of clothes, stayed in a hostel with average to mediocre reviews, and never packed OR purchased a sweater for those ice-cold buses. And guess what? The trip was still awesome! (Not all that comfortable :laugh: but awesome anyway.)

But that's not really hazardous to your health though.


i love
Jul 6, 2010
Instinctual Variant
Hey [MENTION=17131]Chanaynay[/MENTION], thank you for the mention!

I really apologize for taking so long to reply. I wanted to write something good for you and I felt anxious about it, so I procrastinated.

Chanaynay said:
I do relate to the bubbly, energetic, playful descriptions of so/sx [...] the whole "people love you or hate you" aspect that comes with being sx/so I just didn't understand. [...] I mean, I think that if you want to make connections, you should at least try to keep them in a happy mood so they won't get annoyed by you. If you annoy them, to me, the effort and energy used to meet people was wasted. I want to make sure all that energy was put to good use and I can say that I made meaningful connections afterward.

I absolutely, 110% am on board with you here. I do think your energy comes across as somewhat gentle, though still bright and assertive and playful. I don't relate to the aspect of being "loved or hated", either, or having a strong enough presentation to potentially quickly drive others away. My personal preference is to be at least neutral to everyone, to be liked by as many as possible, and to be hated by no one. To me, it is generally not worth alienating some people to have a better chance of obtaining the affections of others.

My only exception would be in the case of a romantic interest; I have lost myself to that trade-off before. I regretted it. In retrospect, I should never have subverted my own value system to gain affection, because later on my romantic interest was offensive to someone very important to me, and then I was left with the realization that not only had I lost the affection of quite a few people who I very may well have had good relationships with, were it not for me kowtowing to this other person, but I also no longer cared to have the affection of that person after discovering that they weren't going to reciprocate for me the prioritization I gave them. It was a lose-lose situation, but I did learn a very valuable lesson.

Chanaynay said:
Stepping out of my comfort zone really made me reevaluate what kind of person I am. I was under this whimsical childlike wonder that I would always be with people I was close to, but when college started I was a little freaked out. I missed my best friend, I cried to her on the phone for a good hour. Then I cried to another one of my friends over a Skype call. It sucked because all the people I knew and loved with all my heart were so far away, and all I wanted to do was share my new experiences with them. In fact, typing this now is making me tear up. I don't know if it's just me, but saying what I'm feeling or putting it out to the world just makes the emotions so much more real to me. Yeah, I feel things internally all the time, but when I vocalize it to the rest of the world that accentuates the intensity and impact of those emotions for me.

:cry::hug: I understand this. Me too. Voicing it makes it more real, somehow.

I also feel that sadness with people that I thought would be close friends forever and haven't been. I thought it of my friends in elementary... then middle... then high school... then college. It's been interesting to see who's stayed and who's moved on. I'm not close to anyone from my elementary or middle schools anymore. I have a handful of lasting high school friends, most of whom I don't see often but I am so happy to have. And then I have the same with my college friends - again, not as many have stayed close as I hoped but I'm discovering the nature of long-term friendships as opposed to the short-term ones. They're not as consistently close as I would have chosen, for the most part, but they're good. It's like you just pick up where you left off.

Chanaynay said:
I think one reason (albeit a stupid one) I typed as sx/so was because of how much this forum talks about sx-dominance and it's rarity. I love being special and unique, and some posts by sx-doms actually resonated with me but I realize now that it was probably just speaking to my secondary sx. I enjoy being talked about and getting attention and to be honest so or sp never really gets talked about as much here.

It's true. For me I don't know if it was even the rarity, but it just sounds so much better than the other instincts. It's exciting, thrilling, captivating, magnetic, risky, deep, raw, electric. As suits the instinct proper, it's an attractive notion to be a Sexual dominant. It seems that often Social is regarded as a superficial, cliquey instinct, and Self-Pres is stereotyped as boring.

However, I love this content from runningfather.wordpress.com regarding the instincts and Social dominance -

lee said:
The dominant variant is the one given top priority. What gets conscious attention, what causes those sleepless nights. Where your buttons get pushed and you start decompensating. Thus taking an elevator trip to a lower level of health. A lot of this behavior is unconscious. Self-growth happens if you can be present to when you act out of the instincts.

The secondary variant provides support to the first or is where you go on vacation from neurotic stuff. [...]

Social – is not the same as socializing. There’s concern about the well-being of the other, caretaking, adaptation. This instinct is aimed towards species survival and evolved with mammals and some insect species. Species where society is organized to protect the vulnerability of mother and child. Organisms with more complex nervous systems take longer to be viable. The social instinct provides a holding environment.

Emphasis on cooperation and roles aimed at mutual survival. A need to be involved and contribute. A desire to be wanted and accepted. This is an instinct—hardwired. Need a group viability for a sense of well-being. Reciprocity. Attunement to hierarchy, political awareness. Ability to read people. A recognition of when behavior is damaging to group survival. Formation of unconscious clusters where mutual support is an issue. Can manipulate the environment. Has an understanding of what groups can accomplish. [...]

Dominant and blind spot expression of the instincts

Social instinct

Dominant—neglect other things in favor of focus on contributions—workaholic. Being included is important. A need to be plugged in to something. Finding a place in the world. One can manipulate people to get this need met. Can be a narcissistic need. Focus on politics, jockeying for position and role. This can be pathological. Issue of willingness to pay the price of admission. Danger of over- accomodating. You may not want to join in but are aware of the issue—do I participate or not? A focus on “what will I get out of this?” “Is this worth my while?” One is dancing with the issue of one’s place in life. Likes gossip. Want to know what’s going on with people—this is a way to uncover the hierarchy. Talk is currency. (Sp and Sx don’t care so much.) Discourse is a social instinct thing. Exploring—how can we bond? Are we on the same team? Who can I trust? Healthy expression—how can this help everyone? Unhealthy expression—what’s in it for me? Issues can turn into warfare—the darker side of politics.

Russ said that the life script of a self-pres dominant tends to emphasize continuity, organic development. Sexuals tend to have chapters, and have sometimes “gone down in flames’ with what they’re attracted to. Socials tend to have “pods of affiliation”, that is different groups or activities they’re involved with.

I think I've posted this one elsewhere, but this is my absolute favorite-ever explanation of variant-type thinking and the stackings. It's from the same site. I condensed the paragraphs to be more forum-friendly; I've also bolded a few things.

DigitalCrash said:
I’ve said this before in other topics, but the way I see it, the variants represent your needs and priorities. The types are more like your internal issues. Your own problems. The internal problems you focus on (the conflict between ego, superego and id). The variants, by contrast, focus on the outside world. The outside problems you focus on.

Therefore, the social type focuses on society as a whole, and… well… social problems. That is – your job, your school, whether you have homework to do, whether you don’t have homework to do, how well are you doing in life, how well are other people doing in life, how well are you doing in life compared to how other people are doing in life, your role, etc. It compells you to desire to interact with others, and focus on the interactions between you and others, as well as the interaction between you and… things even. It’s a thought that’s very… gear-like. Very… mechanic. There’s always movement. They are aware of also the interactions between others and others, and others and the environment as well as themselves and others and themselves and the environment. It’s being aware of interactions in general. How everything interacts with each other. That’s what makes it very gear-like. One gear affects another, and their aware of how they can harm and help this whole entire process (of interacting with others and stuff). When they lose someone, they feel that a gear was just lost. They can’t interact with it anymore, and it’s gone. That something’s missing (and they know what it is).

Sx-firsts, on the other hand, aren’t as aware of the interactions between them and others and the environment, rather… their more aware of the chemistry. So while the so-firsts are more “mechanical”, the sx-firsts are more “chemical”. Focusing on sx-first issues involve: Am I close to my gf/bf? Am I close to my family? How much in common do we all have? Do I really like this thing? Am I attracted to it? Is that person attracted to that other person? etc. They’re more aware of the bonds and the chemistry between them and people, as well as environment, and other people and other people, as well as other people and the environment. They really like being close to their intimates, and are generally passionate about things. Likewise, they fear that those chemical bonds could be broken, and when they are, they are emotionally hurt. They feel literally separated, and ripped away from the other person or object.

Finally, sp-first issues revolve around: Am I healthy? Do I look good? How are my financial issues? How is that person’s financial issues? Am I hungry? etc. In other words, sp-firsts worry more about fitness. Fitness in general, of course, not necessarily just body fitness. Therefore, they worry more about how fit they are in their environment, as well as how fit other people are in their environment. They want to be fit. I guess this represents more of… potential energy, rather than mechanical and chemical energy. When someone leaves them… I guess perhaps they feel more unfit, since I’m sure they may rely on others to keep them fit. Though, its still more important for they themselves to be fit on their own.

Therefore… now… stackings:

So/Sx- Mechanical energy -> Chemical energy(-> = then)
Focus on the interaction of things, and how their “chemical energy” influences these interactions. They use their “chemical energy” to help them interact better. They seek a bond with everything they interact with.

Sx/So- Chemical energy -> Mechanical energy
Focus on the chemistry of things, and how their “mechanical energy” influences the chemistry between them and others. They may rely on interactions to help their “chemical bonds” remain stable (such as asking a friend for advice on the relationship, as well as interacting with the right objects to help the relationship remain stable).

So/Sp- Mechanical energy -> Potential energy
Focus on the interaction of things again, but then they also focus on their fitness, and how fit those interactions are. Use their fitness as a away of reinforcing the strength of the interactions as well (“I will do better at work if I am well-suited”).

Sp/So- Potential energy -> Mechanical energy
Focus on their fitness, while also focusing on the interaction of things. How those interactions affect their fitness. They may, for this reason, seem more business oriented. (“If I take that offer, it might help me more”).

Sp/Sx- Potential energy -> Chemical energy
Focus on their fitness, as well as the chemical bonds they’ve developed with people. They also focus on how those chemical bonds affect their fitness.

Sx/Sp- Chemical energy -> Potential energy
Focus on their chemical bonds, as well as fitness. Basically, the fitness of those chemical bonds, and what they can do to make them “fitter”.

Like I said, this REALLY hit home with me. It became SO clear that I am a "where does it fit" thinker before a "how well does it fit" thinker. It was always my impression that thinking about how well-matched my partner and I are was a very Sexual sort of thought process - ha. Turns out, at least in this interpretation, that's more of a Social thought. Sexual, on the other hand, would be checking in on how well we're interfacing at all times, and while I do that some, it's not anywhere near as much. I'm far more concerned with our overall, lasting fit, and I assume that for the most part, if I get our fit right, the quality of interfacing will work itself out - and that is totally Social first.

It also suddenly becomes clear to me, realizing this, why many Sexual dominants tend to have shorter, more intense romantic involvements: I assume that the bond is foundational to the chemistry. Sure, you have to start out with a certain degree of chemistry, but I also feel like I have chemistry with a lot of people and it takes a heck of a lot more than good chemistry to make a good relationship, and more chemistry is created through the existence of that bond. Whereas someone who is Sexual might see things more in the light of the chemistry being what allows you to make the bond in the first place, and if you don't have good chemistry, there's no real point in keeping the bond. I now understand, I think, the So/Sx and Sx/So prioritization difference, and why the16type.info mindset descriptions are, respectively:

Sx/Sp - "I can have merging/intensity without having to leave my orderly & pleasing lifestyle."
Sx/So - "If I can maintain position and inclusion in the group/world, I can keep up and escalate all this merging/intensity."
So/Sx - "If I can get close to people with merging/intensity, I can make sure of and keep improving my position and inclusion in the group/world."
So/Sp - "If I can establish an orderly and pleasing lifestyle, I can make sure of and keep improving my position and inclusion in the group/world."

The So/Sx one put me off at first; I don't value my "position" in the world more than I value my close relationships. But that was looking at it through the lens of not understanding that bonding is more Social than Sexual, and close relationships are not Sexual. Close relationships are human, really, just like sex is human, and none the instincts have a monopoly on either.

To put in wording I personally understand better:

Sx/Sp - If I take care of myself and my resources, I can obtain the maximum intensity and stimulation possible.
Sx/So - If I attend to my social connections, I can obtain the maximum intensity and stimulation possible.
So/Sx - If I create intense stimulation, I can retain and improve my bonds and connections.
So/Sp - If I take care of myself and my resources, I can retain and improve my bonds and connections.

So I think for myself, the crux of understanding my true stacking was to see that my overall goals are way more Social than Sexual - much more to hang onto lasting bonds and connections than to retain stimulation. My main problem had been associating "close relationships" with Sexual, and also mistaking my emphasis on the "fit" in relationships for Sexual. In reading about the instincts, the single word I identified with most was "immersion" - getting absorbed in something - a hot shower, for example, or the experience of listening to a concert. The term "immerse" comes from the Latin "to dip in", and the key element is the overwhelming harmony of the experience. I thought this was Sexual because of the "energy" being right, but I was looking at it the wrong way again. Sexual wouldn't measure the harmony of the atmosphere, but the intensity of the energy. Again, not Sexual.

There are a handful of other ways I see what I believe now to be my Social dominance show up:

Stereotypically, I got very involved in student organizations in college. I know I've mentioned before that one of those groups was a sorority, which I loved, but I didn't always get as attached to the people as I was to the idea of the group itself. Some people I did connect incredibly with and I know we will be lifelong friends; but to some extent I also really enjoyed my involvement because I believed in the cause of having a large stable social group working together to fulfill lots of goals - academic support, philanthropy events, social enjoyment, organized recreation, and emotional support. The synergy of a group is wonderful to me - that you can achieve more together than you can individually. This also means you can harm more, but in general, it can be used to great good. I do put a fair amount of attention into "roles" in life, and the duties that accompany them. I think this is a Social 6 thing, so it may well not apply to all Socials, but the underlying assumption is very Social, in that if all the roles are correctly fulfilled, then the whole group can act with maximal synergy, and it is each person's responsibility to fulfill the duties of the roles they choose (eg, parent, manager, political representative, etc.).

Thinking of those people, I occasionally will peruse Facebook and check in on my peers, old friends, current friends, etc. I like to see what they're doing, especially where they're working and who they're in relationships with. I like to see how people "fall in place". It's really neat to see, for example, a girl from middle school who was sort of snobby and in the popular clique, who is now a fun-loving and very compassionate bartender covered in colorful tattoos. She totally came into her own and has found a role where she can self-express and enjoy herself and provide a (relatively, lol) constructive service to society, too. I think that's really neat. I don't have any desire to pigeonhole anyone, but I like to see how people fit in the grand scheme - and certainly there is room for change and growth in that.

With my romantic relationships, like I mentioned before, I concentrate very much on the "fit" of things. I want us to be well-matched, and I assume that the perfect connection will grow out of that plus us working to make it so. I do have a strong desire for face-to-face direct interaction in the relationship - for looking "at" one another - but I have a stronger desire for us to do things together. Being companions is really my first priority. I think for a while I was under the impression that I wanted to completely lose myself in the other because I thought that would make for the best relationship quality, and to affirm that I have "The One". As it turns out, I don't really like completely losing myself in the other, for the reasons I described in that lose-lose situation earlier. I still have to retain me. My desire, instead, is for him to fit perfectly with me... for us to be perfect companions. I want us to be able to choose a mutually appealing living space, for us to do activities together we both enjoy, for us to complement each other in our strengths and weaknesses, for us to balance one another, for us to get along with each others' families and create a happy, stable unit. There is lots of stability here, more than intensity. Some of that comes from my 6, I think, while some comes from not Sx.

Relatedly, I think about when my life is over, what I really want is to have made happier and more fulfilling lives for the people I love - my parents, my brother, my future spouse, my future children, and to make the world better through whatever sort of work I do. I don't have major aspirations for becoming famous or leaving a lasting mark on the world because from a bird's eye view, we are all fairly insignificant in the passage of time. That doesn't bother me very much. It just says to me that the sphere of my window for spreading love is relatively small, and cozy, and right here right now. I feel like it will be more productive and lasting to do good in my small life and have that echo out in ripples affecting everyone I touch, rather than to aim for a big effect and go all-or-nothing, potentially wasting it all. I don't want to spend my life obsessed about one singular thing, though I have the tendency to do so sometimes. I want to be able to cherish everything.

Anyway, Chanaynay, I hope some of this can be helpful.

It's good to hear from another person who is on the same journey of reflecting and re-assessing priorities and definitions and it's flattering to be summoned. :) :heart:


Russ said that the life script of a self-pres dominant tends to emphasize continuity, organic development. Sexuals tend to have chapters, and have sometimes “gone down in flames’ with what they’re attracted to. Socials tend to have “pods of affiliation”, that is different groups or activities they’re involved with.

This is so true. I thought of one word descriptors for each instinct yesterday and then looked up their synonyms:

Social- affiliation (synonymous to: association with, connection with/to, alliance with/to, alignment with, link with/to, attachment to, tie with/to, relationship with/to, fellowship with, partnership with, coalition with, union with; amalgamation with, incorporation into, integration into, federation with, confederation with)

Self preservation- management (syn: regulation, administration; superintendence, care, charge, conduct, guidance, treatment)

Sexual- charge (syn: thrill, tingle, glow; excitement, stimulation, enjoyment, pleasure, kick, buzz, rush
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i love
Jul 6, 2010
Instinctual Variant
This is so true. I was thinking of one word descriptors for each instinct yesterday and then looked up their synonyms:

Social- affiliation (synonymous to: association with, connection with/to, alliance with/to, alignment with, link with/to, attachment to, tie with/to, relationship with/to, fellowship with, partnership with, coalition with, union with; amalgamation with, incorporation into, integration into, federation with, confederation with)

Self preservation- management (syn: regulation, administration; superintendence, care, charge, conduct, guidance, treatment)

Sexual- charge (syn: thrill, tingle, glow; excitement, stimulation, enjoyment, pleasure, kick, buzz, rush

:yes: These synonyms are great. They give me a really good mental picture for each.


Active member
May 22, 2010
...the whole "people love you or hate you" aspect that comes with being sx/so I just didn't understand... I mean, I think that if you want to make connections, you should at least try to keep them in a happy mood so they won't get annoyed by you. If you annoy them, to me, the effort and energy used to meet people was wasted. I want to make sure all that energy was put to good use and I can say that I made meaningful connections afterward.

To me, it is generally not worth alienating some people to have a better chance of obtaining the affections of others.

I was camping at the time this thread was created. Out experiencing the wilderness... centering myself away from all the noise. And really taking notice for the first time that, yes. I have some sort of addiction to full-internet access & espresso. I now know beyond a shadow of a doubt, that I could live out the rest of my days...deep in the woods...no toilet or pillow...sustaining myself and the forest creatures I've attempted to make into pets on berries, tree bark & dirt...just so long as I had the internet & cappuccino. *sigh* We all have our flashes of insight.

What I'm attempting to get at here is when I first read the OP...it was after having trekked to a lodge...and I'm now under the impression I was just too happy to be looking at a lit screen...to notice anything that seemed 'off' or misinformed with regards to dominant sx. But I'm home now haha...and with skylights' response have read the OP a second time and feel compelled to make a couple of comments/corrections.

It would be incorrect to think of a sx-dom as an individual that wishes to establish multiple connections with others...but, either knowingly or unknowingly, refuses to do what it takes to maintain interpersonal harmony and thus fails in this regard. <-You actually provide an example of this phenomenon in the brief behavioral description of the flamboyant guy... and use it as a way to distinguish yourself from the qualities of sx/so that you just couldn't relate to. Ironically though, if I were to type that guy based solely on the details you provided... I would type him as so/sx (7w8.) And I would especially type him as so/sx if there was a huge cash prize available to me for landing the correct answer (why does that never happen?). Your description is reminiscent of 'flamboyant, harmony-killing so/sx' and yes, it exists. There's no way a sx/so is going to 'try and be everyone's best friend' <-which is precisely the complaint put forth in what I quoted at the top right? Sucking at transforming every human into a new best friend is not an obvious sign of sx dominance...which is due in large part to the fact that an sx-dom doesn't want and will not put energy towards transforming every human into a new best friend :)

It would also be incorrect to assume, if I'm understanding skylights' statement properly, that a sx-dom will purposely malign some individuals in an effort to impress others. <-Like the thought of someone doing that to another person actually makes my blood boil and I can't even tell you how many times I've spoken-out, lashed-out, acted-out against this very thing...which, since I'm not attempting to make sure everyone likes me, is probably an easier thing for me to do in the moment. I've also always associated that kind of behavior with the 'socially savvy' tbh (an unhealthy expression of things like Fe, social-variant, etc. but I could be wrong.) My point is...I would imagine (?) sx-doms as the individuals speaking-out against this behavior as opposed to the perpetrators of it.

Anyway, from a 'social-domcentric' position...(I guess) I can see how you guys could arrive at the conclusions you did but they do not reflect the reality of the sx-dom's experience. What you are witnessing and assigning intentions/social meaning to is far more simple I believe. I really do think the behavior and actions of a sx-dom merely reflect the natural flow of things when 'harmony' is not the primary goal/concern. We like harmony...but so much thought must go into it's ongoing maintenance and we are too busy insisting the stars shine brighter... Or demanding the thunder crash louder... We're just here trying to find our lost tribesmen is all and then I imagine we'll be on our way :wink:


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2008
Instinctual Variant
yeah i don't even feel like i seek it out at all. i'm drawn to it when i feel it but otherwise i'm in off position. i'm pretty much good with my one favorite person but say i was out somewhere met some people and clicked with someone and our conversation was super interesting and my neurons are firing and i'm all excited and feeling the energy buzz...then i just want more...i don't want to go home etc and i'll have to get persons number and make plans to hang out again.

but...i wasn't seeking it out. i had my one favorite person with me and i was content.


Nov 23, 2012
Instinctual Variant
It would be incorrect to think of a sx-dom as an individual that wishes to establish multiple connections with others...but, either knowingly or unknowingly, refuses to do what it takes to maintain interpersonal harmony and thus fails in this regard. <-You actually provide an example of this phenomenon in the brief behavioral description of the flamboyant guy... and use it as a way to distinguish yourself from the qualities of sx/so that you just couldn't relate to. Ironically though, if I were to type that guy based solely on the details you provided... I would type him as so/sx (7w8.) And I would especially type him as so/sx if there was a huge cash prize available to me for landing the correct answer (why does that never happen?). Your description is reminiscent of 'flamboyant, harmony-killing so/sx' and yes, it exists. There's no way a sx/so is going to 'try and be everyone's best friend' <-which is precisely the complaint put forth in what I quoted at the top right? Sucking at transforming every human into a new best friend is not an obvious sign sx dominance...which is due in large part to the fact that an sx-dom doesn't want and will not put energy towards transforming every human into a new best friend :)

The thing is, though, that to me it just seemed like he was trying to be everyone's best friend. But if I stepped outside of my own perspective and looked from another's (I actually talked to a few people about this guy), it seems he's very "all about me." He has that sx/so energy that either pushes people away (in my case) or draws people in (in other cases). He never really focused on maintaining lasting connections, rather he was jumping around from one person to the next just looking for that intensity or rush that comes from connecting or merging with others. I think someone here described the sx instinct as "flighty" in that regard. :thinking:

But I do see what you mean, Starry. Just because someone is disrupting or breaking down social barriers doesn't rule out that someone could be an so-dom. In fact, I did this myself when I told some idiot yesterday to "shut the fuck up before I punch you in the face" after he called Ariana Grande talent-less while he was going on and on about how he didn't like her after he saw I was wearing an Ariana shirt. I mean, it's fine and all not to personally like her and everything but if you let your subjective views judge someone's actual vocal ability that's a different matter. She sang on Broadway, she's had training since she was at least 8 years old, she can whistle (something I find incredibly hard), she's got a nice range, etc. You can not like her music, but you can't deny that she has at least SOME talent. Anyway, I'm getting off-topic. The point is that not all so-doms are spineless and indecisive about their beliefs or actions to maintain harmony. Some cause some disruption here and there, which I believe is what the general point of your post was? Although I still think so-doms would not disrupt social harmony as much as sx-doms.

Another part of sx descriptions I never related to was living in excess. I do believe there is such a thing as "milking it." I feel some things are best appreciated when they're rare occurrences or short-lasting as that may be what makes them special and magical. I'm not hoping the thunder will roar louder or the stars will shine brighter as I believe those things can best be appreciated as the world presents them. :yes: Of course I do love to enjoy myself and surround myself with various pleasures of life, but I simply don't have the energy to keep it up and keep asking for more. Eventually I get drained, as I'm sure everyone - even sx-doms - does, but I never really tried to escalate or intensify anything.

For example, I spent my summer with Leah, an ESFJ 1w2 sx/so (I only figured out her type this summer, being an sx 1 always made me think of her as an 8), and Tal, an INFJ 4w3 sp/so (I considered him being so/sp at one point, but he concerns himself more with sp matters and the so-ness just comes with being a heart center core). I was living with the INFJ's family in their house as they've been my close family friends since I was 7. The ESFJ is their neighbor. But that's not really important. I just thought it'd be a good example given that Leah is sx-dom and Tal is sx-last while I am somewhere in the middle. Leah got mad at Tal because he slammed the door on her fingers by accident when he was upset with her. Being an athlete, Leah got pissed off at Tal for "being a baby" and let her anger keep escalating further and further. She kept talking to me about all her ideas to get her revenge, while I just wanted her to calm down. She just kept intensifying her anger and trying think of ways to get a reaction out of him. All I did was just keep encouraging her to calm down and try to make up with him. Tal, on the other hand, seemed very calm and tame throughout the whole thing. I kept encouraging him to try and make up with her but he just kept saying "I will eventually." It honestly annoyed me more than Leah being a bitch, as he seemed apathetic about making up with her. I knew he considered her his best friend; he said so a few days earlier. So I was honestly baffled how he could just force himself to not go with his natural inhibitions try and mend what had been broken. She may have check-punched him beforehand, but if it were me I would still go to her and try to repair things if I held her as close to me as he did (this is probably sp-dom vs sp-last).

tl;dr: Tal refused to talk to Leah because she punched him and slightly punctured his cheek (sp-dom reacting) and kept postponing making up with her every time I asked him (sx-last refusing to honor his passions and keeping intensity as low as possible). I didn't get how he could refuse to try to make things up with one of his closest friends and why he was so upset about being punched. Leah just kept increasing her anger and letting the fire burn brighter (sx-dom intensity and trying to get a reaction out of Tal). All I wanted her to do was calm down and try to make up with him instead of letting their relationship crumble from the fire.

Alright, now I'm gonna try giving [MENTION=10496]skylights[/MENTION] a response worthy of such a nice reply.

(lol I had to split this into two posts because it was too long)