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Multiple Enneagram Subtypes/Instincts Instincts and faces


Active member
May 22, 2010
The latter is the correct definition of Demisexual. The default for most people is to just want to fuck at first sight.

I’m not sure that’s the default for most people. I can experience sexual attraction for hot dudes...but the thought of actually doing someone without having a deep emotional and even spiritual connection is...ew


Jun 28, 2013
Instinctual Variant
I’m not sure that’s the default for most people. I can experience sexual attraction for hot dudes...but the thought of actually doing someone without having a deep emotional and even spiritual connection is...ew
I’m the same way, though I’m closer to the asexual end of demisexual where the strong emotional connection has to be there first to really feel anything towards another person, but even then, I’m so kinky it scares people.

I used my lucid dream interface and reread some of my old journals, and I can piece together the psychology of my fetishes easily. It seems I fetishized a symbolic representation of my childhood struggle of self-control and repression vs following primal desires and abandoning my rather restrictive identity. It was originally a nonsexual fantasy to wake up as a different person so I didn’t have to obey the thousands of rules a regulations levied upon me by my mother and my childhood organization. It was also seen as an escape from the physically and emotionally abusive men my mom would bring home. Abusive monsters are definately her type. This branched out into being enthralled by the physical changes involved and soon included sex and species changes.

Having this fetish now doesn’t make sense now that I’ve embraced chaos in the world and in my own life. Coming to me with demands to conform to tradition and join “good” against the forces of evil is now to be met with laughter and a lefture on how “ethics” and “morality” are social contructions built upon nothing and since we are specks on a tiny blue planet floating in a great vacuum whose existence is meaningless to the universe and our time is short, we should enjoy ourselves and our brief time before we plunge into the infinite abyss.

After abandoning the excessive focus on order I was raised with, I tried for a time to sacrifice some of my desires in the name of “the greater good”. I soon witnessed that helping others usually only results in pleas for more help at best, and prideful revenge at worst. Also, people get worked up over petty bullshit that leaves me scratching my head asking “why do people take this shit so seriously?” I began focusing on maintaining my boundries and not giving more than I have. Around this time, a bunch of money appeared in my bank account due to events unrelated to any effort of mine. My world travels have confirmed the moral relativism I thought I percieved. I can go anywhere, and somewhere in the world, there is a place I can follow my whims without being harassed. I’ve learned several languages and am no longer bound to one place. I always return to my origin, though, since part of me was so worried about losing my money that I started that teaching job I accepted just so I have a backup plan. Part of me resents having any kind of anchor or restrictions, but having this small impediment gives me something to conflict against, and I need at least some small conflict in my life to not just randomly kill myself out of boredom. I’m now free to choose my actions, but such freedom breeds fear of my limitations and boredom due to the lack of a clear villain. Of course, the villain I’ve chosen to fight is idiocy. Idiocy is prevalent in the world and makes everything worse. Idiocy’s cousin is foolishness, and though I engage in foolishness from time to time due to my authentically fey-like demeanor, I also say foolishness aould be limited by rational self-interest, and my gift to others is teaching them not to let less scrupulous others take advantage of them and to build up individuals to fight the tyranny of the masses.

Its late and I’m going to bed.

I Tonya

Rythym of the night
Jun 24, 2018
Instinctual Variant
So dom I tend to have an innocence face


But give me a chance and So/Sp I'll have a dull expression. All in all there's nothing appealing about me.