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[sx] You know you're an sx-dom when...


perfect person
Sep 12, 2009
Instinctual Variant
material things definitely aren't my main focus, but nothing makes you appreciate money and things more than having to go without. people who say money doesn't matter to them probably haven't been poor.i do have a bad tendency of judging people for how they spend their money, because i can always see a million better, more exciting uses for it. i'm super broke and wasted money upsets me :(

i am very oblivious to my surroundings a lot of the time, and unaware of my body if i'm more focused on something else. if i'm busy with something i'm really interested in, i can forget to eat, forget about being sick/body pains. and i like being in nice , clean places, but messes don't bother me 99% of the time.


Hotel California
Nov 5, 2008
Instinctual Variant
@marm: I love the same things you do, good food, luxury, beautiful things..but I don't *need* them. And I'm not at all motivated to put myself through hardship to obtain them, and that includes working a job I do not enjoy. I find it much easier to live without them then :)

Otoh, I can really get giddy about any of those things and relish them when I do have them handed to me.


Secret Sex Freak
Apr 22, 2011
Instinctual Variant
You know you're an Sx-dom when you feel compelled to respond to > 80% of the material on this thread. :laugh:

Another thing I want to add to "You know you're an Sx-dom when..." is:

When you are not repulsed at all by hypersexuality, teenage sex, porn, etc., and when you secretly are turned on by (some) sexual jokes that are meant for purely comical purposes. :yes:


...when all you wanna do is experience life intensely before your time comes


You're sx-so when (and sp-tarded!):

...when you haven't even thought about whether or not it'll rain, be cold, if you have to bring drinks or not and are daydreaming about who you're going to meet and what you're going to be experiencing.

Mmm, not really. I worry very much about being cold or if it will rain. For one, I HATE being wet (and I thus hate the rain), and I definitely dislike the cold. In fact, that is one of the factors of determining of where I choose to live: the place must NOT be cold.

...when money is so uninteresting, it's no even funny as it's a fucking necessity in this society

I know, right?!?

when you try to get everyone you know enthuasitc about an idea or something that's going on in the world that you really think matters, and they look at you as if you're crazy and you feel disappoint : (

Unless it is shameful, yes! :biggrin:
Though, admittedly, I intentionally (though shamefully) get people to realize what it is that's bothering me or what it is I'm so excited about without being direct about it (it's hard to articulate). For example, I sometimes intentionally put on a very noticeable 'mopey' face to get people to notice that there's something wrong with me so that they can ask me and I can tell them that I'm in love with this girl and I can't do anything about it. They usually don't care, though. Not like it matters much, anyway. I'm not trying to get advice on what to do (I've already got enough of that from another source lol), I simply want them to know the intensity that the crush brings to me.

When socialites loath your uncompromising and honest opinions on what matters to you.


- When you like something or someone YOU REALLY REALLY LIKE IT.

- You're relieved that the person you're currently focused on wasn't scared away by the intensity and honesty of what you said last night.

I relate to that as well. :yes:

so and sp is also more 'useful' I'd wager.

Fuck that! :biggrin:


You know you are Sx-dom when you love that song:

[youtube=WF_-DST-6oA]that's Sx![/youtube]

Just the title by itself suffices. :biggrin:


My my yes. Conversely, when you hate something or someone, you really really hate it. Although I wouldn't say hate (i am a 9, after all) more like repulsed. Things or people attract me or repulse me and I am immediately aware which is which. I try to not be judgmental in that fashion, but if there's something repellant, there's no changing it.

Same, although I have no capacity to hate anyone.

The fear of losing favor with your infatuation or confessor... The most terrifying thing for me.

YESSS!!! I have a specific instance, actually, that demonstrates this perfectly. For a little over a year now, I've had an INTENSE crush on this girl at my school, and it got to the point where that's all I would ever think about. It was a roller coaster of emotions: one minute I felt on top of the world if I had reason for hope, the next minute I felt the lowest of the low because I had reason to be hopeless. Anyway, I don't mean to derail from what I'm trying to say here, so what happened was I became so desperate to find a solution that I actually joined an online forum community specifically for intense infatuations -- but what I didn't realize that it was a support forum to "move on" rather than help you attain your object of affection. So basically the whole time I was there -- from December of 2010 to March of 2011, daily -- I would frequently find myself disagreeing with most of the members there that it was something horribly disruptive and unhealthy and that it needed to be resolved -- I embraced it. I didn't care if it was (don't care if it is) unhealthy or not lol.

You know you are when seeking intimacy is the number one driving force in your life....

Mhmm. :yes:

Just any area where I don't need a car to get around and there's a party every night.

This one is interesting. I agree that I'd rather live in an area where I didn't have to drive a car hardly at all, BUT there's also an Sp reason behind that, and that is that I have a fear of driving. :yes:

You know you're sx-dom when entering a room unnoticed isn't an option, nor is flying under the radar.

I don't relate to that at ALL. I think that's more of an extravert vs. introvert thing. :laugh:

you know you're an Sx dom when
- you snuggle with a pillow if you're lonely :cry:
- you have a split personality between flamboyant/magnetic and sweet/nurturing
- you love romantic stories...and you're a guy
- you feel a constant "longing" for something. you wish it would go away, but it doesn't.
- you know how to get someone comfortable and close to you in a very short amount of time
- you catch every sexual joke, whether the person meant to say it or not
- people frequently compare you to elements: fiery, electric, icy, breath of fresh air
- you walk into a room and completely change the energy
- people either love you or hate you, but everyone has an opinion about you
- you always make sure you're lookin' fly when you head out the door
- you related to the main characters from Night at the Roxbury

Agreed with the bolded.

- you have long, obsessive and downright painful crushes on people

Yes, yes, double yes!! ^_^


Well, I've talked to an Intuitive who has sp last, and I don't relate to her at all about the physical world...I don't know if it's because she's so intuitive, so sp last, or what...but it has nothing to do with her social class or attitude toward money. I mentioned that because that is why *some people* say "oh money doesn't matter" or "money shouldn't matter"...it's because they've never had to worry about money in their life.

But anyway, yes the N/sp last person said she can forget to eat and forget her body and has a harder time staying in her body all that kind of stuff that is stereotypically N...but I think it may also have to do with being sp last in enneagram.

I don't relate. I don't forget to eat. I like to eat. If I don't go outdoors regularly, I get depressed. If I don't get enough physical activity, I can get depressed. I can "get into" my body easily, though I'm also in my head, and I can go through phases where I'm very "prepared" or over-prepared like an sp dom...but I'm much more of an sx dom, and I honestly think my sx/sp shows up the most in my defensive, emotionally reactive behavior.

Well, yes, of course it matters, Marm. But this is a result of a capitalistic society. :D

And I'm not at all motivated to put myself through hardship to obtain them, and that includes working a job I do not enjoy. I find it much easier to live without them then :)

Agreeeeed! :laugh:

If you're with a group of people, you forget to talk to anyone else, and you don't hear their conversations.
- When mediocrity, esp of feeling, is scary.
when you assume because you want it it's how things should be, and when you can't let go of things you want fast enough and as a result end up not handling disappointment too well

Agreed to all three.

So one question for anyone who has read this... does it still mean I'm Sp-dom if the biggest characteristic of Sp I have is that you worry immensely about feeling physical pain and discomfort? Because that seems to be my trouble, which is why I often shy away from doing intense experiences. It might just have to do with me being 6, though. I can't tell.


Apr 19, 2011
Instinctual Variant

Here's a question for sx-so's vs sx-sp's. Could it be that sx-sp's are blunt and direct with people and are perceived as an 'intensity attack' whereas sx-so's often feel frustrated, but will put in the effort of 'cushioning' their full frontal intensity attack to try and ease people into it?

What say you, my intense horde of lovelies?

As someone who has been questioned about choosing Sx over Sp as his dominant, the intensity of the reasoning behind my comments should be noted. Nobody has ever explained exactly why I have to be Sp based on my comments here. Too much intuition and not enough reasoning goes into making judgment calls. Intuitive thinking is lazy thinking.

If some of my comments seem repelling, that is just the negative side of the Sx dom. These intuitive-dominant types around here easily neglect little details such as the fact that the Sx can be both an attractor and a repeller depending on the person. The website I go to for this information calls it a negative pheromone, or something like that.

One mustn't forget the So at the bottom of the stack. When I first came onto this forum I brought the social side to the fore, but after a few tastes of the crazy trolling that goes on around here I moved it back to the bottom again. You won't be seeing that part of me again. Maybe some of you will, in private.

Speed Gavroche

Whisky Old & Women Young
Oct 20, 2008
Instinctual Variant
You know you're an Sx-dom when:

_You believe you can put anyone in your bed, or go in their bed, and if you belive you can't, you iresistibly solve the problem by highly flirtatious behaviors, alpha male/femme fatale attitude, auto sujetion or plastic surgery.

_Especially if you are Sx/So, when you read tabloids you think Lindsay Lohan is misunderstood for her constant partying: after all, she just live life to the fullest.

_ again, if you are Sx/So, you love money in the literal sense, not because it's useful, but because it's beautiful.

_you think about death every day and see that about a very important step of your life, that doesn't scare you, you must live life to the fullest before the game is over (again, especially if you are Sx/So)

_you crave intensity and/or orgasm in everything you do, and the day is not complete until you get it at least one time.

_you have a natural energy wich lead you to be agressive until you are at the top of the food chain. For you, sex is power, and you demand both.

_you don't value stability and security, you value destruction of boundaries and impulses.

_you get more pleasure and satisfaction from exhibitionism than form isolationism.


Secret Sex Freak
Apr 22, 2011
Instinctual Variant
You know you're an Sx-dom when:

How 'bout when you don't need to get to know a person better to be comfortable with and/or to want to get close/have sex with them? You know how some people say, "This relationship is going to fast"? I'm like, "What's too fast?"


Certified Sausage Smoker
Nov 26, 2008
Instinctual Variant
You know you're an Sx-dom when:

_You believe you can put anyone in your bed, or go in their bed, and if you belive you can't, you iresistibly solve the problem by highly flirtatious behaviors, alpha male/femme fatale attitude, auto sujetion or plastic surgery.

_Especially if you are Sx/So, when you read tabloids you think Lindsay Lohan is misunderstood for her constant partying: after all, she just live life to the fullest.

_ again, if you are Sx/So, you love money in the literal sense, not because it's useful, but because it's beautiful.

_you think about death every day and see that about a very important step of your life, that doesn't scare you, you must live life to the fullest before the game is over (again, especially if you are Sx/So)

_you crave intensity and/or orgasm in everything you do, and the day is not complete until you get it at least one time.

_you have a natural energy wich lead you to be agressive until you are at the top of the food chain. For you, sex is power, and you demand both.

_you don't value stability and security, you value destruction of boundaries and impulses.

_you get more pleasure and satisfaction from exhibitionism than form isolationism.

as in you need to either have sex or masturbate once a day? :D

Speed Gavroche

Whisky Old & Women Young
Oct 20, 2008
Instinctual Variant
How 'bout when you don't need to get to know a person better to be comfortable with and/or to want to get close/have sex with them? You know how some people say, "This relationship is going to fast"? I'm like, "What's too fast?"

To feel confortable does'nt equal as Sx. It's Sp who seeks confort, Sx are intense quickly, but are not truting quickly. Different thing.


New member
Apr 26, 2011
Instinctual Variant
You know you're an sx when:

You feel entitled to piss off other people, but when they do it back, you get your feelings hurt and become "emo".


Secret Sex Freak
Apr 22, 2011
Instinctual Variant
To feel confortable does'nt equal as Sx. It's Sp who seeks confort, Sx are intense quickly, but are not truting quickly. Different thing.

But wouldn't an Sp-dom be slow to get close to someone? I would think an Sx-dom would get attached easily. :thinking:

If not, then what about if you don't like to take relationships slow and you know very quickly if you like a person or not? Is that Sx?


Hotel California
Nov 5, 2008
Instinctual Variant
You know you're an sx when:

You feel entitled to piss off other people, but when they do it back, you get your feelings hurt and become "emo".

ISTPs confessing to being emo...this thread just got interesting :popc1:


New member
Apr 26, 2011
Instinctual Variant
ISTPs confessing to being emo...this thread just got interesting :popc1:

LoL, I think all sx'es are to a certain degree. I don't think I go as emo as other types, but I think the sx adds emotionality to a type, moreso than the other stackings.
My entj S.O. calls me "emo".... we laugh because I get all sappy in a Hallmark aisle or when a Lionel Ritchie song comes on in a restaurant. Also, I will tell him that sometimes he hurt my feelings, and it will seem kindof silly how I am getting my feelings hurt over something that isn't that bad. Sx'es can be comical in the way that they get their feelings hurt over petty, shallow stuff that other people really don't understand. In my case, I know it sounds silly, but it's still present, nevertheless. I really am kind of sensitive, when it comes down to it..... I just usually don't show anyone that side of myself. When I was a kid, I would just lay in bed alone and cry when it hurt. LoL..... I wouldn't show anyone.

Speed Gavroche

Whisky Old & Women Young
Oct 20, 2008
Instinctual Variant
_When you walk in the street, you often look strangers directly in their eyes, and even try to intimidate them sometimes. You also often feel a compulsion to destroy the car, crash the shop window, hit on people etc.

_Your eyes are big, intense, bright and wide opened.

_You are attracted to drugs because it's dangerous.


New member
Feb 1, 2009
_When you walk in the street, you often look strangers directly in their eyes, and even try to intimidate them sometimes. You also often feel a compulsion to destroy the car, crash the shop window, hit on people etc.

_Your eyes are big, intense, bright and wide opened.

_You are attracted to drugs because it's dangerous.

1st bolded - I thought that was just depression, lol
2nd bolded - I hit on them on my mind.
3rd bolded - I was thinking about LSD this evening while watching woodstock AGAIN. Ohhh pretty colours but its bad.


Secret Sex Freak
Apr 22, 2011
Instinctual Variant
LoL, I think all sx'es are to a certain degree. I don't think I go as emo as other types, but I think the sx adds emotionality to a type, moreso than the other stackings.
My entj S.O. calls me "emo".... we laugh because I get all sappy in a Hallmark aisle or when a Lionel Ritchie song comes on in a restaurant. Also, I will tell him that sometimes he hurt my feelings, and it will seem kindof silly how I am getting my feelings hurt over something that isn't that bad. I really am kind of sensitive, when it comes down to it..... I just usually don't show anyone that side of myself. When I was a kid, I would just lay in bed alone and cry when it hurt. LoL..... I wouldn't show anyone.

Interesting, a fellow ISTP Sx-dom, Speed Gavroche, insists that Sx-doms aren't usually "emo".

When I said:
Whenever I'm around someone I really like, I get VERY paranoid about how attractive I look to them. If I'm going to meet with them somewhere, I go the extra mile to look good. But in general, everyday life, it's not that important to me.

He said:
Another proof that you are not Sx! When you are Sx, you are in a constant alert mode like there was an opportunity for sex and intimacy at each second. Listen, as an Sx-first, I never go out in a appearance that could make me look ugly and not attractive, and when i do, i consider it at a risk. Of course, as many Sx, I often indulge in neglect, the most extreme cases of horrible neglect come from Sx/So, but I take on me that I'm taking a risk for this time, and then, I look at me in a mirror and I think something like "eh, actually that make look like an adventurer, pretty interesting, hello honey, wanna fuck?".

If you don't care about intimacy as a general rule but are obsessed with someone from time to time, it's a typical clue nat you're not Sx, Sx-last are even more like this. And Sx is not about "find love", damn! Are we suposed to be emo shit or something ?!!

And in response to my relation to Sx:
Sexual: I wouldn't say that I'm that aware of my connection and desirability amongst individuals, but I would say that I'm generally not attractive and desirable (though my low self-esteem may skew this opinion). I've been told numerous times by different people (and I've heard from other people) that I'm not attractive, both personality-wise and appearance-wise. Nor have girls bothered to talk to me (which is why most of my friends are guys), and I've never had a girlfriend. I would say that my lack of a partner over the years and my failures with biggest crushes over the years has left me crushed more than anything else, but, although I mope and cry over this, I don't do much about it -- half because I think it's no use, half because I'm too lazy and uncomfortable to commit myself to making myself more sexually attractive. Does that still count?

He said:
Actually that has to do with being Sx-last. :laugh: Sx-second is possible, but Sx-first is absolutely not.


Active member
Nov 19, 2008
He's right, your dominant instinct subconsciously pervades every thought and action - it's not something that just turns on and off when the situation dictates.

This is the whole point of things like the enneagram - to help you identify things about yourself that you would not have otherwise noticed, precisely because they're below your normal self-awareness moment to moment.

Speed Gavroche

Whisky Old & Women Young
Oct 20, 2008
Instinctual Variant
1st bolded - I thought that was just depression, lol
2nd bolded - I hit on them on my mind.
3rd bolded - I was thinking about LSD this evening while watching woodstock AGAIN. Ohhh pretty colours but its bad.

I can guarantee you that your eyes are big, brights , intenses and wide opened, saslou. :)


pathwise dependent
Aug 13, 2007
_When you walk in the street, you often look strangers directly in their eyes, and even try to intimidate them sometimes. You also often feel a compulsion to destroy the car, crash the shop window, hit on people etc.

_Your eyes are big, intense, bright and wide opened.

_You are attracted to drugs because it's dangerous.

Lol. Totally true.