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New member
Jun 14, 2007
Benadryl (antihistamine) can help, but gradually your body can become accustomed to it so then it won't work unless you increase the dosage. However, increasing the dosage is likely to make it addictive, although certain people can become addicted to it at smaller dosages as well. My doctor recommended it to me because she said that it should work well, and I'm young enough that sleeping pills would be a last resort, because they have more side effects.


only bites when provoked
Apr 24, 2007
Melatonin. I OD'd on it when I was at dad's place (now parent's) where people kept waking me up every 30-60 minutes all night long before that. I slept hard.

Schedules help a bit, but you need to get your body accustomed to it first and then stick to it... I don't know your situation, so I couldn't help beyond that.


Sep 11, 2007
Takes on to know one

I am seeking a cure that doesn't require a trip to the doctor.

I am a night owl with bad habits = insomnia. Insomnia in itself is not the problem, the problem is that the rest of the world doesn't run on night time schedule nor does work or school or friends and family smile fondly upon people who look like lazy ass mofos who are always late and groggy.

I get tired around 6pm-10 pm and get my 2nd wind which pushes me to 6am bedtimes. I don't need as much sleep as when I was in my late teens/early 20s, but still not good for the mind or body.

My tips?

If you seriously don't want insomnia -- work out. A LOT.

I lost 25 pounds this year (to be discussed in another forum) and when I was working out 2-3 hours a day and forcing myself not to nap during the day --

1) I thougt I seriously was going to die the first few weeks.

2) Eventually my body got on its own NORMAL rhythm and I went to bed by 10:30pm every night and woke up by 8am at the latest.

For the first time in basically EVER I consistently had energy during the day and felt very awake and alive and WITH the rest of the world.

It was wonderful.

Now months later and it's 3am my time, I've gained back about 6 pounds, and my schedule and bad time managament skills push me back into insomnia.

The truth is, as much as I like being witih the world and awake from 9am-5am, I love even more the familiarity of the night. I like how quiet and surreal it is and I can study/work/rant/play in peace. Especially since the weekends are meant for binging on drink/dance/parties/socializing till the break of dawn...

So...I don't even pretend that I'm trying to NOT be an insomniac anymore.

If you are what you are, just embrace it. Because fighting insomnia when you aren't serious is like constantly complaining about being fat and yo-yo dieting. You will waste the time you are awake complaining and focusing on a problem we both know you will not fix.

But -- if you ARE serious, again -- take the plunge and work out. Force yourself not to nap. Make yourself wake up 10 minutes earlier every week until you are up when you are supposed to.

Insomnia is like breaking any other bad habit and making a fundamental change in the way you live your life. It is HARD man and you have to commit and be disciplined. That is the ONLY way short of medication to fix it.

Hope this rant helps. :)

From one insomniac to another.


My termites win
Aug 6, 2007
Damn it! I stayed up too late. I have insomnia.

EDIT: Damn it! Have it again.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Jun 11, 2007

so I haven't been sleeping for the past couple of weeks, and been trying so hard to. Last night I took 3 OTC sleeping pills that had minimal affect on me, I took them between 5 & 8 as my room mate suggested since I have an 8:30 am class this morning. I was still up til 2:20 and still woke up at 6. I would go to the doctor but then my parents would find out and I don't want to worry them. I could try talking to someone, but I have nothing to really talk about. I just want sleep. I'd skip class today but unfortunatley I'm doing a project with someone and I need to be their to do my share of the work. Anyone have any ideas what to do, I've tried excersing (not right before bed) I don't know what to do. I can deal with this once or twice a week but 14 days of this really sucks. I really need sleep but nothing seems to work and last night I woke up about every hour.

I'm trying to avoid medication as in the past prescription sleeping pills made me even more drowsy during the day then when I just stayed up all night.


Apr 26, 2007
If something is stressing you out, deal with it in some way.

Otherwise, you could try to make the insomnia productive, at least. Trying to get something done while being unable to sleep, instead of just sitting around or watching T.V., may be enough to tire you out and help you go to sleep again.

The Ü™

May 26, 2007
Instinctual Variant
My computer has insomnia (specifically insomniac syndrome). A lot of the times I set it to hibernate and it will shut off and boot right back up. It happens a lot when I use AIM.

The Ü™

May 26, 2007
Instinctual Variant
But anyway, doesn't warm milk help put people out? If you don't like warm milk, I don't see why you can't use it in some Campbell's clam chowder soup. It's quick, easy, and it should put you out.


New member
Oct 24, 2007
I go through periods of insomnia. Usually for a couple weeks I just can't get any good sleep. I don't understand it or what triggers it really. I assume it's anxiety but normally I can't trace the anxiety to anything in specific.


Well-known member
Feb 1, 2008
I feel for you. I've had Chronic Insomnia since I was a kid due to various reasons and one particular. At it's worst I'm up three days at a time, crash, repeat. That lasted overall years during HS. Since last week I've been up 'two days' with one 'three day' patch. Even when I 'crash' and sleep, I wake up randomly throughout the night lol Fall back asleep or...not.

I know that meditation has worked in the past. You could try it. Just a few minutes or ten and build up each day until it lasts longer. You can take a hot bath before going to sleep. Cup of tea some time before. You can ask your room mate to give you a (full body or part) deep tissue massage, if you feel comfortable, and offer to give in return. And do it as long as you shall both live---together. Massage is wonderrrrful when done well. And massage yourself too, during your bath/shower and any time to 'prepare/accustom' your body to relax when you massage yourself before trying to sleep. As you didn't cite possible reasons as to why, I'm going to ask if you might have personal issues that might be a factor of your insomnia? Is it that you can't stop 'thinking' at night? Are you in a new enviornment? New people? New term?

And yea, stick off the meds. They wreak havoc with your body. I went against my reasoning years ago to 'try' them at 15 or so. Nearly put me to sleep forever - k, that was for effect keke :D . It just didn't work and really mucked me over.

Btw, why would your parents find out? Your doctor should treat everything confidential unless you're a minor deliberately harming yourself. It'd be illegal if otherwise (unless it's a different policy where you live).


Well-known member
Jun 11, 2007
well I'm still on their insurance and they're gonna see I went to see someone when they get the bill, and so yeah.


ish red no longer *sad*
Apr 23, 2007
insomnia due to stress... aka sympathetic activation? If medication isn't doing the job, perhaps you should try dealing with it psychologically. Find a way to relax more... I dunno would a bubble bath and a good book before bed help? :unsure:


Sep 11, 2007
I've had chronic issues with insomnia but mostly it's self-induced and then gets ahead of me. I'm just naturally a nightowl.

When I had a very very stressful job that made me very very unhappy I was in a state of constant anxiety so I would crash as soon as I got home (anytime between 8pm-1am) and wake up by 5am.

When I quit that job, I did not sleep. Period. I couldn't. It was the strangest, most frustrating feeling. I was awake but exhausted and my brain felt heavy and exposed if that makes sense.

I realize now my room had a southern exposure and was WAY TOO bright and messed up my sleep patterns. And the depression and anxiety messed up the rest.

I think I already posted here, but I'll repeat it. I firmly believe that most insomnia can be cured naturally, really through routine and persistence.

Eat healthy, balanced meals. Cut out sugar and caffeine. Drink lots of water. Do some kind of exercise everday. NO NAPPING. Wake up at the same time every day, preferably before 10am. At least 1 hours before bed, start winding down. Dim the lights. NO TV, no video games. Make a ritual if it helps. Light candles. Put on background noise and put your head down. Trying to concentrate on a really dull book can help. Find out what temperature and light level induces sleep for you. Generaly the darker the better. Eventually you'll fall asleep.

Rituals can really help. Habits trigger your brain for 'sleepy time'.

I find I fall asleep much more easily on a massage therapists table (this is even before any massage starts mind you) or in the car (not when drivin, har har) or in class than I do in my own bed. Basically, something about having to "go to sleep" really makes you NOT want to. But if you catch your body off guard, the latent fatigue comes through and you sleep. So the other tactic is to stop thinking about sleep so much and tricking yourself into sleeping. Because really, your body does want to sleep.

For me 2 things have really cured my insomnia.

1) Strict regimen of diet and exercise. Basically it tired me out. I naturally started getting sleepy and going to bed before 11pm and waking up around 7 or 8 am.

2) Fasting. You will SLEEP. But it's easy to abuse or do fasting 'wrong' so I wouldn't necessarily recommend it to everyone. During the fast I was so fatigued I slept practically through the week and off the fast, I find that I still get very sleepy before 10pm (which is HIGHLY unusual for me) and I wake up naturally before 10am, without the need for an alarm clock.

Both of these things basically made me physically tired to the point my body overpowered my MIND and I couldn't fight sleep -- which for me is really the only way to get to beat insomnia.


Jun 21, 2007
Listen to Mama CzeCze ;)

3's too many. What did you take? I once took an ambien and it knocked me out within 10 minutes so I can't imagine taking three and actually ever waking up. Were you drinking as well.

You seem depressed and seeing a psychiatrist would be your best bet imo. Not being able to sleep is usually caused by stress and anxiety and if that is what's up with you, you may need anti anxiety medication. Diet and exercise
can also work wonders too.

Keep us posted and stay well. :hug:


New member
Nov 10, 2007
I've had insomnia for 3 years straight. Sometimes I have felt I was going crazy. I've taken up meditation recently and, although it doesn't make me sleep, I feel very rested and centered afterwards. I have to take medicine to sleep. I go to sleep at 12:00-1:00 and wake up at 7:30-ish.


New member
Dec 14, 2007
CzeCze's advice is excellent. Try to establish good "sleep habits."

I have also suffered from insomnia my entire life and there are two things that have helped me tremendously.

1. Take 3 mg of melatonin about 30 minutes before bed. Melatonin has the added benefit of being an antioxidant. This regimen has also been shown in recent studies to decrease the frequency of or eliminate migraine headaches altogether for those who suffer from them (myself included).

2. Buying a Tempur-pedic mattress, or any other evenly supportive type of mattress (sleep number bed, etc.) This may not be possible for you since you live at home and those suckers are expensive, but when I finally took the plunge and got one... The first couple nights, we slept so hard we were sore the next morning. We had not moved the entire night.

Even so, I still have the occasional sleepless night. Insomnia can be a sign of depression, but in my case, it's just a matter of too many things running through my head when I try to go to sleep. My brain replays events of the day, I contemplate future plans, have sudden flashes of insight (and then forget them later ;) ), etc etc.


Well-known member
Jun 11, 2007
So I finally got sleep I didn't do anything special, Oh and my computer crashed so I'm not dead I'm taking it in tommorow to be looked at.

Ooh and no I wasn't drinking at least not the night I took the sleeping pills.


Jun 21, 2007
We just watched a show on HBO that I recorded last year called Wide Awake. Now this guy is neurotic so it's no wonder why he can't sleep. Anyway it's definitely worth watching.

Here's a song that was written about insomniacs. It's so beautiful. I :heart: REM. *chills*

R.E.M. Daysleeper


New member
Nov 20, 2007
I think you have to determine whether it's insomnia due to mental issues such as stress, anxiety, depression, etc. versus a body clock/circadian rhythyms issue (you are a night owl). If it's the latter it might be a good idea to simply skip a nights sleep and not allow yourself to go to bed even if you feel sleepy. Then go to bed the next night at an appropriate time. You will probably be sleepy by then and doing this should reset your body clock. Do not to try make yourself go to sleep if you are not sleepy (can't fall asleep within 15-20 min. of going to bed). Your body needs to get into the habit of being able to fall asleep quickly after going to bed. If it's the former and it's been going on for many weeks, then you need to talk to a doctor about it.

Good luck with it - I hope you find something that helps.


New member
Jun 8, 2007
I've had chronic issues with insomnia but mostly it's self-induced and then gets ahead of me. I'm just naturally a nightowl.

When I had a very very stressful job that made me very very unhappy I was in a state of constant anxiety so I would crash as soon as I got home (anytime between 8pm-1am) and wake up by 5am.

When I quit that job, I did not sleep. Period. I couldn't. It was the strangest, most frustrating feeling. I was awake but exhausted and my brain felt heavy and exposed if that makes sense.

I realize now my room had a southern exposure and was WAY TOO bright and messed up my sleep patterns. And the depression and anxiety messed up the rest.

I think I already posted here, but I'll repeat it. I firmly believe that most insomnia can be cured naturally, really through routine and persistence.

Eat healthy, balanced meals. Cut out sugar and caffeine. Drink lots of water. Do some kind of exercise everday. NO NAPPING. Wake up at the same time every day, preferably before 10am. At least 1 hours before bed, start winding down. Dim the lights. NO TV, no video games. Make a ritual if it helps. Light candles. Put on background noise and put your head down. Trying to concentrate on a really dull book can help. Find out what temperature and light level induces sleep for you. Generaly the darker the better. Eventually you'll fall asleep.

Rituals can really help. Habits trigger your brain for 'sleepy time'.

I find I fall asleep much more easily on a massage therapists table (this is even before any massage starts mind you) or in the car (not when drivin, har har) or in class than I do in my own bed. Basically, something about having to "go to sleep" really makes you NOT want to. But if you catch your body off guard, the latent fatigue comes through and you sleep. So the other tactic is to stop thinking about sleep so much and tricking yourself into sleeping. Because really, your body does want to sleep.

For me 2 things have really cured my insomnia.

1) Strict regimen of diet and exercise. Basically it tired me out. I naturally started getting sleepy and going to bed before 11pm and waking up around 7 or 8 am.

2) Fasting. You will SLEEP. But it's easy to abuse or do fasting 'wrong' so I wouldn't necessarily recommend it to everyone. During the fast I was so fatigued I slept practically through the week and off the fast, I find that I still get very sleepy before 10pm (which is HIGHLY unusual for me) and I wake up naturally before 10am, without the need for an alarm clock.

Both of these things basically made me physically tired to the point my body overpowered my MIND and I couldn't fight sleep -- which for me is really the only way to get to beat insomnia.
Candles are dangerous. They cause fires.