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IQ and patience.


My termites win
Aug 6, 2007
Gifted Adults

Gifted adults can misinterpret their complex and deep way of thinking as craziness. They can mistake their emotional intensity for emotional immaturity or see it as a character flaw. Because they have never been given information to explain what is "normal for gifted" they frequently experience frustration in the world, alienation, anger, self blame and emptiness. Without an adequate explanation of their gifted difference, they develop a façade with which they cover their authentic self; a face that they show to the world in order to fit in and so avoid disapproval or sanction.

Many gifted people consult a professional because they have difficulty deciding what to do with and in their lives. The traditional approach is to do what you are good at. But what if you are good at many things and don't want to miss out on exploring as many of them as possible? What if you don't think you are good enough at anything? What if you feel immobilised by the thought of not picking the "right" career? What if you feel that your life should have meaning and want a vocation and not simply a job? What if you are scared by the thought that no job will provide the stimulation, challenge and new learning that you crave? What if……..?

Because of their unique characteristics, gifted people need a different approach to counselling and career guidance; one based on the individual gifted self. When gifted adults are given information about what is "normal for gifted", they realise that, while they are statistically in the minority, they are not alone in the world. When gifted people have knowledge about themselves and what they need in order to lead a satisfying life, then they can use their intellectual abilities on ensuring that life provides these needs.

When gifted adults work with a professional on their career, the number one priority should be to construct a theoretical framework within which it is OK to be themselves. Gifted adults have a complex intellect and a burning desire for information. They have high levels of energy, intensity and sensitivity, set exceptionally high standards for themselves and others and are extremely hard on themselves. They are very independent and perceptive, like to be in control, are frequently driven, full of self doubt and often feel they must be self sufficient.

Despite the enormous diversity within the gifted population, the goal of professional work should always be the same: for the gifted adults to re-encounter, explore and value the gifted self and allow it to grow in its own unique way. It is the professional's job to provide whatever each gifted individual needs in order for this to happen. Working with gifted adults ideally requires specialised theoretical knowledge, intellectual flexibility, emotional strength, spiritual development, high levels of sensitivity and empathy, a love of spirited discussion and above all, a great sense of humour. Professionals working with gifted adults strive for this ideal even though they will never attain it and so they continue to learn.

I like to think the gifted style is what leads to the type of accomlishments more so than raw intelligence. I see it as beeing true of both Richard Feynman and John Bardeen, though distinctly different eccentreties were involved in both.


New member
Sep 9, 2008
There is a difference in knowledge and intelligence.

Intelligence denotes the ability to learn and contemplate situations to come up with your own ideas.

Whilst knowledge is merely the ability to remember information.

Someone can appear to be inteligent, when they are merely reciting information.

School is merely a piece of paper to let employers know how much you know. I find it to be a waste o time, but it is a neccessary waste of time.

I fully agree with this post. I realised from an early age that school was just an arbitrary system moulding individuals to what society needs rather than really being centres of learning and development (more so now that subjects are taught to specific tests). I undertook a deliberate policy of non-participation, much to the annoyance of certain staff. The irony is that I now work as a lecturer and encourage my students to achieve the highest grades in order that they might have a better opportunity to escape the deprived area they live in and to live more comfortable lifestyles.

As you can imagine, I need to be very patient with students: to try to explain topics repeatedly in order that they gain an understanding. It is very challenging for me to explain abstract concepts such as variables or objects in programming and I find it really tests my understanding of a topic (e.g. what do I really understand it as, how did I come to understand it). However I am driven to do it because I want the students to learn and improve (especially if they show interest), I believe I am doing something positive, and I am driven to be competent and successful in whatever I do.


Mar 20, 2008
I think it is well worth emphasizing that the gifted are very, very tiny in number. And that almost everyone else is normal.

Also, for the gifted person, the most important thing is to realise they are gifted. So that they can then set about developing their very unique self.

So it is important to pay to have yourself measured by a professional psychometrician.

And it is important to join a group of gifted people - and this probably excludes Mensa.

And it is important to find a counsellor who speciallses in gifted people.

And MBTI Central is just a chat group for normal people.


Mar 20, 2008
That describes me rather accurately, especially towards the end. I think it's difficult to describe oneself as "Gifted", however, because the implication is pretentious. I will definitely look into this more.

Just as a writer is someone who can't help but write, a gifted person is someone who can't help being gifted.

It is not a question of describing oneself as gifted, or worrying about being pretentious.

It is a question of being.

So if you are sincere in wanting to know whether you are gifted, pay a professional psychometrician to test you.

Self testing on MBTI will only mislead you. This doesn't matter for normal people because it is a party game like astrology. But if you are gifted, you are wasting your time testing yourself with MBTI.


Arcesso pulli gingerios!
Apr 26, 2007
Why all the need for competition? If you hoard what you know, it doesn't matter how smart or dumb you are, you'll always be able to make a profit off of it ;).

Little Linguist

Striving for balance
Jun 23, 2008
Instinctual Variant
I'm a dumbass and impatient. So there goes that theory----:cool:

The Ü™

May 26, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Gifted Adults

I like to think the gifted style is what leads to the type of accomplishments more so than raw intelligence. I see it as being true of both Richard Feynman and John Bardeen, though distinctly different eccentricities were involved in both.

That article knows me. Seriously.

A lot of my teachers told me or at least implied I was gifted, but I still got put into special ed classes, which ended up making me more self-conscious than anything and stunning my academic growth.


My termites win
Aug 6, 2007
That article knows me. Seriously.

A lot of my teachers told me or at least implied I was gifted, but I still got put into special ed classes, which ended up making me more self-conscious than anything and stunning my academic growth.

I could have been in remedial instead of gifted classes too. Luckily, I actually found the types of puzzle that were on IQ tests interesting as a kid. I had friends who weren't so lucky.


New member
Aug 29, 2008
Yay, look what I've done! You all get to brag and sneer at me at the same time, while seemingly contributing to a discussion!

I admit, it was foolish of me to base the idea of intelligence entirely on IQ from the word "go". However, had I simply said, "Intelligence and patience," I would have had unreliable results. Everyone can say that they are intelligent, but not everyone can say they have a high IQ- not that it matters, ultimately. IQ /= Intelligence. IQ might equal probability of intelligence.

That said, this thread is not a place for bragging. It's an honest discussion regarding the correlation between intelligence and interpersonal patience. Really, all that is required in a reply, in its most basic form, is "Yes, I'm smart. No, I don't have that problem." Granted, a more detailed response would be preferable, but not if it's given to the detriment of anyone else, or this thread. Come on people, saying, "I'm so much smarter than you and I don't have this problem. You're just a jerk," is not helpful. It's at once boastful and belittling.

On impatience:
I think this has as much to do with personality type as anything else. I'm INFJ and my IQ is higher than yours. I rarely grow impatient with discussing difficult topics with others, indeed, I enjoy helping others grasp hard concepts (such as the law) so they feel more empowered and in control of what is going on in their situation.

I do not have patience for narrow-mindedness, however. I bow out of such discussions because I do not believe it is productive... people don't often change their opinions based on a discussion. (They usually don't understand enough of the topic to be moved by new or different information.)

On the validity/purpose of IQ scores:
I do not believe that high-IQ is necessarily an indication of potential success, either. IQ is a gift or talent, just as artistic ability, musical talent, or ability to understand others is.

I don't like studying for fun. School has always been a struggle for me, in part because I was anxious and avoidant. The law itself is almost lost on me; it takes great effort for me to understand legal concepts. I consider myself a law idiot. :) Others grasp these things as naturally as they breathe. It makes sense to them, they deduce and conceptualize the principles as easily as I negotiate and work with people.

Thus, IQ and behavior is, to me, inextricably linked to personality. I'm a typical INFJ with a high-IQ. My husband is a typical INTP (impatient!) with a high-IQ. (He doesn't understand why law is so difficult to me; I don't understand why it's so hard for him to use euphemisms and be nice!)


New member
Jul 21, 2008
Intelligence is often described as quickness; a rapid extrapolation of base ideas into cohesive intellectual towers of knowledge.

With this quickness, its likely one will eventually uncover anxiety - an urgency to move these so-called towers into an exact sequence, if to build even more magnificent structures. More towers mean more knowledge. Higher intelligence is the expression of this arrangement.

Yet, this impatience can create oversight. Oversight can fold into stress. Stress into mistakes. The desire to move can often lead an impatient mind to stumble...

Wisdom helps to correct this. It disavows us from the desire to uplift ourselves into our intellectual monuments. It protects us from ourselves, as existence aloft is often a very lonely place. Makes some reconsider their intellect.

Experience is this realization.

Helping others find their intellectual identities, the manifestation.

This is beautiful, almost poetic. Very philosophical. :wubbie:


Aug 28, 2008
The OP itself, when read just like it is, makes me want to say that I'm sure there are plenty of people that have to translate what they say, or end up talking to people who are uninterested in grasping a deeper sense of the english language, cannot follow some concepts being talked about, or don't bother to spend the time thinking on whatever subject matter was at hand thus creating impatience with those who do these things because you're the one having to adjust.

.. But what I feel when I read this is someone whining and complaining that the world isn't the way they want it to be. So you have to translate your thoughts sometimes.. I don't see why your patience would be so outstandingly thin that you get upset about it. The truth of the matter is not everyone is going to think, or talk the same way you do.. though I'm not sure this has anything to do with intelligence, playing into the game and saying it might I think being the more intelligent one of the conversation gives you the responsibility to not only understand what's being said, but so in return have everyone understand you.

A Harvard graduate and a GED 18 year old both ask how the weather is the same way. Just my thoughts on this, but you sound kind of childish complaining about such a simple task. You don't like it? Don't talk to those people, and just associate with people you deem "on your level" of intellect. Either you'll find no one else and be alone and free of the 'burden' of socializing, or you'll have a select group of friends with equal haughty intellectual thoughts with no one of 'lesser' intelligence allowed.. OR.. you can just accept things the way they are and continue to talk with whomever you please.. instead of thinking those you socialize with are a burden on you because you have to 'dumb yourself down' just to have a simple chat.

Little Linguist

Striving for balance
Jun 23, 2008
Instinctual Variant
The OP itself, when read just like it is, makes me want to say that I'm sure there are plenty of people that have to translate what they say, or end up talking to people who are uninterested in grasping a deeper sense of the english language, cannot follow some concepts being talked about, or don't bother to spend the time thinking on whatever subject matter was at hand thus creating impatience with those who do these things because you're the one having to adjust.

.. But what I feel when I read this is someone whining and complaining that the world isn't the way they want it to be. So you have to translate your thoughts sometimes.. I don't see why your patience would be so outstandingly thin that you get upset about it. The truth of the matter is not everyone is going to think, or talk the same way you do.. though I'm not sure this has anything to do with intelligence, playing into the game and saying it might I think being the more intelligent one of the conversation gives you the responsibility to not only understand what's being said, but so in return have everyone understand you.

A Harvard graduate and a GED 18 year old both ask how the weather is the same way. Just my thoughts on this, but you sound kind of childish complaining about such a simple task. You don't like it? Don't talk to those people, and just associate with people you deem "on your level" of intellect. Either you'll find no one else and be alone and free of the 'burden' of socializing, or you'll have a select group of friends with equal haughty intellectual thoughts with no one of 'lesser' intelligence allowed.. OR.. you can just accept things the way they are and continue to talk with whomever you please.. instead of thinking those you socialize with are a burden on you because you have to 'dumb yourself down' just to have a simple chat.

EXACTLY. Really good point. It is all a case of your thinking: Do you have a positive tape or a negative tape running in your head? A positive person realizes everyone has something to offer. A negative person judges others. You can choose.


New member
Oct 6, 2008
138, extremely impatient with people, not really arrogant but I tend to hurry others too much and finish their sentences.


New member
Jul 15, 2008
To continue that point I find it terrible when people take the negative route and just look for ways to assert their brilliance. That is NOT constructive, when you are intelligent and positively interested in sharing some of your thought that is absolutely phenomenal and I will gladly be a sponge and try and get as much knowledge and insight as possible.


New member
Jul 20, 2008
The OP itself, when read just like it is, makes me want to say that I'm sure there are plenty of people that have to translate what they say, or end up talking to people who are uninterested in grasping a deeper sense of the english language, cannot follow some concepts being talked about, or don't bother to spend the time thinking on whatever subject matter was at hand thus creating impatience with those who do these things because you're the one having to adjust.

.. But what I feel when I read this is someone whining and complaining that the world isn't the way they want it to be. So you have to translate your thoughts sometimes.. I don't see why your patience would be so outstandingly thin that you get upset about it. The truth of the matter is not everyone is going to think, or talk the same way you do.. though I'm not sure this has anything to do with intelligence, playing into the game and saying it might I think being the more intelligent one of the conversation gives you the responsibility to not only understand what's being said, but so in return have everyone understand you.

A Harvard graduate and a GED 18 year old both ask how the weather is the same way. Just my thoughts on this, but you sound kind of childish complaining about such a simple task. You don't like it? Don't talk to those people, and just associate with people you deem "on your level" of intellect. Either you'll find no one else and be alone and free of the 'burden' of socializing, or you'll have a select group of friends with equal haughty intellectual thoughts with no one of 'lesser' intelligence allowed.. OR.. you can just accept things the way they are and continue to talk with whomever you please.. instead of thinking those you socialize with are a burden on you because you have to 'dumb yourself down' just to have a simple chat.
You see, you're becoming part of the problem. My problem is not that I have to adjust what I say to make sense to people. My problem is that most people's minds are too small to fully grasp what I'm saying (yourself included, as it seems). You're giving advice to an irrational person. You're giving advice to a person who is not me. For you to give advice to me, you'd have to understand me.

I think circles around people. I'm not a genius, but I am quick and bright. I figure people out so quickly that over the course of a single conversation, I often start feeling drained of energy. I can anticipate their actions five steps in advance, and nothing remains a mystery to me, nothing remains for me to explore. Maybe another ENTP could elaborate.

And to clarify: I am not inherently a negative person. While I don't necessarily think that everyone has something to offer, I give them the benefit of the doubt. It's only after I've exhausted their potential offerings that I become bored. I become frustrated when I try offering them something in return and they don't understand. I'm not out to assert my intellectual dominance on anyone. I was initially questioning whether there were others who experience the same phenomena as me, and it seems that it's predominantly a type trait.


Apr 24, 2008
Characteristics of Gifted Adults

- has an unusual sense of humour

we are so in with the gifted traits @ Mein Überführer :D