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Well-known member
Aug 9, 2009
Flow: “How does one enter flow?

“How does one enter flow? What's your given life enhancing zeal or life mission in life? What are enemies of having zeal in our lifetime?How do we tap into and enter flow? What is your gift? Have you found your own unique Gift, what is it as well barriers to actualize and ignite the gift? How do goals interrelate with having zeal? What gives you meaning? What is the passion and love in your life that makes life worth living? What gives urgency and Purpose in your lifetime?

Flow: (features)

(1) "...controllable but challenging tasks...activities...skill...intrinsically..." Csikszentmihayi and Csikszentmihayi, 1988.

(2) "There must be clear goals and immediate feedback."

(3) "...sense of self disappears when involved in these tasks and paradoxically the sense of self emerges as strengthened after the task is completed."

(4) "Time perception is altered during flow experience."

(5) "...in a loss of awareness of the self. We stop thinking of ourselves as separated from the tasks which are involved."

(6) "...flow experience with intellectual activities by having a commitment to lifelong learning...to maintaining an inquiring mind."

"How To Help Children Experience The Lifelong Process Of Flow"

(1) "Provide...with clear goals...positive informative, non-critical..."

(2) "...interests....than exclusively focusing on what might be good for them in the ...future."

(3) '...them opportunities...choices about what they...be good for them in the..."

(4) "Encourage...try their best at activities...choose."

(5) "Offer them opportunities to face bigger challenges as they get older."

Positive Psychology: by Alan Carr' 2004
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Well-known member
Aug 9, 2009
"Sharing, feelings, thoughts and experiences help to fortify a spirit de corps. It is no mistaking it.
It is how I feel at times when I write. It is as if tapping into a universal well filled brimming with wise sayings from the Collective Unconscious. I am in a state of flow. I certainly feel creative and feel an ecstasy if you will. As such it adds spice to life.

To achieve flow in life, (1) Finding one's gift. (2) Discovering any illusions and fears holding us back. (3) Ultimately finding balance between pursuing your gifts and dealing with external responsibilities. The entire time you will be juggling life and in danger of being swept to the vortex of falsehoods things which are not the true self. We were meant to feel flow in life, or at the very least the opportunity is there. We have to get past the illusions, or the lesser things in life to both fully experience it and live it. Flow apparently is to act or do without thinking. That is to let the right creative side take over.

When thinking we seek to control the end rather than have a preliminary thought or concept and let it unfold naturally from one's unconscious. When we over think, we can end up spoiling the end result.
It could also be called runners high. It also is what the (psychologist) Maslow called peak experiences. I can get it running and feeling free, immortal, and young. I can get it by writing and getting it in a rhythm and flow. One can get it feeling in love and can't wait to see and hear a beloved. The point is that it seems to be a human experience.

Generally it is very positive and creative. It is what I pursue instead of the mind numbing triviality that the advertisers want you to see and be hypnotized. The point is that this wonderful feeling is open to all of us in different pursuits. It is heaven on earth. Balance has that euphoria of finding one's gift and working in that area of one's gift. We were meant to actualize and find our gift. If one has not found their gift, then they exist in a shadow land of life's experiences, the entire time trying to find meaning and failing.

We chase illusions in the world to make us happy. We are like gerbils on a treadmill wheel working ourselves to death as well trying to control ourselves, others, our children, our spouses, our work space and the external world instead of learning to get in the Flow of life like in Taoism. Stop trying to control life and start living it instead and "Taking the time to smell the roses." I believe we have a special gift. I believe if we followed it we would be more complete and whole as well as more fully healed in all our areas of life. I feel that we get too many messages that conflict with our inner self that is in need of discovering.

False desire then comes into play. It is a false desire of expectations put on us. Somehow, we have to realize this inner voice and be true to it. Thus we become fulfilled, happy, and content. Doing this gift one achieves a sense of happiness as well as utter timelessness. Finding one's gift will allow the spirit the freedom to soar. Listening to this inner voice is an internal compass to perceive and pursue activity where one can enter into a state of Flow. This is to discover one's inner gift. What one was made to do and to become? We as a human species seem to have a built in mechanism to actualize our self. That is to be the best that we can be at whatever our gift is or special talent.

The trick is to find that hidden seed, that special uniqueness about our self. The next hurdle is get past lesser distractions that can impede our growth. These distractions are anything in life that occupies a lot of our time but is not an activity where one achieves a state of Flow. A state of flow is felt as timelessness and is a bit of heaven on earth. A person is not in a state of flow; one may resort to distractions and the illusions of this world to fill a black hole in the human spirit. These people do these things as an out of balance passion: sex, food, drugs, alcohol, a work addict, an approval addict, a love addict, shopping, video games and anything out of balance.

These people would do these activities constantly in order to feel good for the moment and get through life. It brings no true lasting satisfaction. Generally there is no learning or growth in these activities. This is what life is. Find your gift and thus you find yourself. I happen to have a penchant for writing as well as an oratory skill when giving speeches. Doing your gift and also benefitting the world upon which we live on called earth is a life worth living by reaching a heightened state of consciousness called flow.

For each of us are interrelated with every other life form. Combining our gifts we can also produce the added benefit of a byproduct called synergy or the synergism of which the sum is greater than the parts. This experience is as rapture, which is beyond heavenly words to describe. Only for one moment do we feel like we have experienced a little slice of heaven on earth. It is confounding as it is in effect beyond description. Too many times we may ignore the inner universe, searching for peace, as well happiness when these lay within us.

If one are miserable inside, then all the money, riches, all the members of the opposite sex (or whichever sex one is attracted to, fame, material possessions, food, and travel will not soothe the soul, most certainly not for long. It is a search for inner peace that is a mantra of an INF/ENF. This inner universe is so crucial. This is why one needs to develop self-esteem and a healthy self-concept to truly know and acknowledge the beauty of the world. For an ISP/ESP, it may be different. This is why for greatest harmony to occur both inner and outer realities need be balanced. Listen to this inner voice. I call it the universal consciousness."


Mar 20, 2008
“How does one enter flow? What's your given life enhancing zeal or life mission in life? What are enemies of having zeal in our lifetime?How do we tap into and enter flow? What is your gift? Have you found your own unique Gift, what is it as well barriers to actualize and ignite the gift? How do goals interrelate with having zeal? What gives you meaning? What is the passion and love in your life that makes life worth living? What gives urgency and Purpose in your lifetime?

Flow: (features)

(1) "...controllable but challenging tasks...activities...skill...intrinsically..." Csikszentmihayi and Csikszentmihayi, 1988.

(2) "There must be clear goals and immediate feedback."

(3) "...sense of self disappears when involved in these tasks and paradoxically the sense of self emerges as strengthened after the task is completed."

(4) "Time perception is altered during flow experience."

(5) "...in a loss of awareness of the self. We stop thinking of ourselves as separated from the tasks which are involved."

(6) "...flow experience with intellectual activities by having a commitment to lifelong learning...to maintaining an inquiring mind."

"How To Help Children Experience The Lifelong Process Of Flow"

(1) "Provide...with clear goals...positive informative, non-critical..."

(2) "...interests....than exclusively focusing on what might be good for them in the ...future."

(3) '...them opportunities...choices about what they...be good for them in the..."

(4) "Encourage...try their best at activities...choose."

(5) "Offer them opportunities to face bigger challenges as they get older."

Positive Psychology: by Alan Carr' 2004

I really like my walking meditation. Normally I walk to go somewhere externally but as I do my walking meditation, I walk to go somewhere internally, so I walk back and forth in the same spot, going nowhere externally, but moving internally. First I walk back and forth slowly, and as my steps slow, my mind follows suit and slows as well. First my thoughts slow, then they become more enjoyable and take on on imaginative quality, I become suffused with the beauty around me and become the beauty, time disappears, and I start to see the world from a different perspective. I have my fill and am left relaxed and refreshed.


New member
Oct 14, 2009
Instinctual Variant
How does one enter flow? Flow is simply the by product of encountering the present moment for what it is vs. seeking with intension.

What's your given life enhancing zeal or life mission in life? Life is life. Being content with whatever the circumstance or what it presents seems to be the ultimate strategy for avoiding self-induced states of misery.

What are enemies of having zeal in our lifetime? There are people throughout the world who live in conditions that are foreign and would cause misery to the western mind, yet they have each other and a community to share with and exist within.

How do we tap into and enter flow? Being present with the experience of simply doing and being.

What is your gift? The people and experiences that simply flowed or arose in life of their own accord.

Have you found your own unique Gift, what is it as well barriers to actualize and ignite the gift? Finding a gift, implies the sort of seeking that makes receiving nearly improbable if not impossible.

How do goals interrelate with having zeal? It's the embrace of the journey vs. the destination. While flowing with the impulses that are instinctively noticed as signpost pointing to whatever happens to be next and derived from within.

What gives you meaning? Not requiring for meaning to exist, noticing it's the most devoid of meaning spaces and experiences of life, that precede the natural cycle of death and rebirth...where a sense of meaning naturally occurs.

What is the passion and love in your life that makes life worth living? Humans are social creatures, that passion cannot be stained or found being absorbed by and into an LED/LCE.

What gives urgency and Purpose in your lifetime? Surrender and acceptance vs. seeking.


Well-known member
Aug 9, 2009
“Can you describe the state of flow, and a sense or state of timelessness in your own words? Are you creative and do you reach this state? If so, then in what creative endeavor?”

“If I have seen farther it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” Isaac Newton

“My brain is only a receiver. In the universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength, inspiration. I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists.” Nikola Tesla

“The picture is symbolic. I am a caffeine addict and drink tons of coffee to achieve my insights. I do have humility. All of this that I write is symbolic and only meant to be taken metaphorically.

When I write I feel a connection to the universe and enter into the state of flow-consciousness. I have told my friend Faith that when I have an insight I will not rest until it’s fleshed out.

That means I will not stop to eat, drink or take a bathroom break. I don’t care how long it takes. It can be 15 minutes, 30, or 45, whatever.

It is in my own view I through effort achieve a heightened mental plateau. This is the Flow state. Achieving these insights I attribute them to different terms. I am invested with the Holy Spirit, Insight, Carl Jung’s Collective Consciousness.

Using my own term I tap into The Universal Well of Wisdom sipped at by Jesus, Buddha, Carl Jung, Joseph Campbell, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Martin Luther King Jr. and Gandhi amongst a pantheon of giants.

I dive deep down into the depths of the ocean of my unconscious. I dive ever deeper. I strive and head toward the light of a shining insight. I will not ever stop striving into the depths of my unconscious until I can reach and touch the insight.

I then rise toward the surface carrying the insight represented by a torch. A torch of profound insights I then share with my Soul Brothers and Soul Sisters and all who wish to make this a better world.” LightSun

#Flow #Insight #CarlJungsCollectiveUncinscious #UniversalWellOfWisdom #Creativity #Writing