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Are psychologists worth it?

two cents

New member
Oct 31, 2013
I think you are projecting.

At this stage you're just desperately trying to save face.

It's funny how everybody else is doing those things all the time around you. Apparently you are gifted with perfect insight into other people's motivations, and never wrong.

Yeah, I dont believe you're right about this, although you've been honest about personal baggage you bring to the thread already and I would have expected a post like this one.

What personal baggage? Are you calling my saying that I had a few worthless therapists and one good one baggage? I know you have professional pride and all, but it's taking it a little too far to think that all therapists are as perfect as you must be and if a client feels they are deriving no benefit from the therapy, clearly, the client is in the wrong.

No, lets not. Your view about harm is seriously eschew, by encouraging what's likely to be a flawed and typical way of relating to others, including the therapist, you're likely to make the therapy that's already unway unsuccessful, by encouraging the sort of behaviour exhibited already to remain typical you're likely to make Danseen miserable in his relationships with more people than his therapist and by encouraging complaints and reports, which will be investigated, you're also jeopardising the livelihood and career of what could be a very good therapist with a very difficult client. By you're own lights you're seriously wrong.

Um yeah, let's defend the therapist at all costs, because you are also a therapist and terrified that a problem client might hurt your career. No, no personal baggage here. No need to be a compassionate human being either. Also, you have taken the perfect measure of the situation and know exactly what Danseen's problems are from just a few posts limited to this thread, and know exactly the course of action needed here. If nothing you say to him produces any positive results, it is also clearly all his fault.

I'll also thank you not to my remarks upon my career or my duties when you so obviously know so, so little about it.

Pardon me. Only you can know everything about people's lives motivations from a few posts.

Now you're welcome to reply to this post, you seem a little compulsive about it so far but I'm not going to reply because I seriously suspect that you're trying to make sport and that is very unworthy.

By all means, save face. You are clearly being compulsively persecuted for sport.


Mar 20, 2008
It's their culture, as is similar in China. Not all cultures view suicide the same way.

It's not even my place to say it's healthy, since it's not for me to say how the Japanese should structure their society.

C'mon, Japan surrendered unconditionally to us and we occupied their country and wrote their Constitution.

Japan is one of our biggest trading partners and we have good relations with the Japanese military. So we have a deep and profound vested interest in Japan.

And it is plain to us that one of the reasons Japan has such a huge suicide rate is the almost complete lack of psychologists.

Also Japan finds self criticism difficult and so relies on external criticism to progress.


New member
Oct 30, 2013
C'mon, Japan surrendered unconditionally to us and we occupied their country and wrote their Constitution.

Japan is one of our biggest trading partners and we have good relations with the Japanese military. So we have a deep and profound vested interest in Japan.

And it is plain to us that one of the reasons Japan has such a huge suicide rate is the almost complete lack of psychologists.

Also Japan finds self criticism difficult and so relies on external criticism to progress.

er.. no. Read up on WWII, and frankly every era since the Jomon period. Suicide is part of their culture.


New member
Oct 30, 2013
You sense? That does not appear to be working out for you there.

I'd pity the fool who would be threatened by you because you're largely, if not completely, unknown here and in little over two pages of a thread you've suceeded in acting appallingly.

For a while I thought there'd be a point to discussing it with you and point out how you are projecting and appearing very insecure but now I think its only going to result in more posting like this. Very poor. You fail. At life.

haha.. again, you judge me, I judge you back. and you say you are not hostile. You're weird, you don't get basic norms of human conduct.


New member
Oct 30, 2013
Oh I know you would contend that, although there's ample evidence to the contrary but its pretty much been established, although by all means dont hold yourself back from posting some more, that you arent good with evidence and prefer to go with what you, er, sense.

No one said or affirmed GTFO of here, there's rules against that sort of thing here, by all means make a complaint to the mods if you think there is any substance to what you've just alledged at all. I'll be waiting a long time for any notification of an infraction of board rules and I'm pretty sure the other posters in the thread will be too.

I never said you were ill, honestly how we're meant to take you seriously when you keep making things up is beyond me, although I do think, from your on going posts, that you exhibit traits which mean you'll be unable to benefit form any helping relationship.

What if the world is not in conflict with you? What if your psychologist and everyone else isnt out to get you? What if they all dont give a shit and you're not worth a second thought to anyone who's not being paid to?

Man, what a trip that'd be? Reality check coming in one, two, three....

eh? What you said doesn't make sense. Though you don't even operate in an honourable profession, so why must I care?


Mar 20, 2008
er.. no. Read up on WWII, and frankly every era since the Jomon period. Suicide is part of their culture.

And psychologists are not part of Japanese culture today.

However the suffering of those Japanese with the mental illness, Clinical Depression, will be alleviated by Japanese psychologists and many Japanese lives will be saved.

Apparently you believe in cultural relativatism, but I prefer to alleviate suffering and save lives.


New member
Oct 30, 2013
Two years is a very long time, although some psychoanalysis can go on for two to three years but that is two to three years or meeting perhaps a single time a week or fortnight or month.

There's different arrangements about time, resources and pricing/costing any service, its been considered in the course of developing practice too, Freud thought that the costs of sessions and penalties for non-attendence were important because it would concentrate the minds of those in therapy and also act as a deterrence to simply dropping out if psychological resistance was building up before a possible break through. Although I think others, like Alfred Adler, didnt feel the same way.

I know that there's been discussions about whether or not a therapy is proving that it will be terminable or interminable, ie whether it can be concluded or will just carry on perpetually, Erich Fromm believed there was such a divide and that therapists had a duty to inform clients or families of their suspiscions as soon as they arose, as opposed to simply draining bank accounts.

There is also solutions focused brief therapy, I've been trained in that and its interesting, it would or could well be labelled life couching instead of therapy. When it first emerged it split the therapeutic community in half and lead to walk outs of conferences and all of that kind of thing.

A case study was presented in which someone presented saying they were ill because they couldnt sleep and that their neighbour upstairs was beaming a lazer down into their head preventing them sleeping. The therapist never mentioned or responded to the comment about lazers and simply concentrated upon sleep disorders and task centring around getting sleep. With that done the patient got more sleep, felt better and never mentioned lazers again. For some therapists that is job done, for others the symptoms were never even tackled.


OK, so:

- you claim to be a therapist

- you support flagrant violations of your profession's moral/ethical code

- you dismiss things that the many partake in as an illness. Either you and your ilk are disingenuous or you have schizophrenia. Look, something either is or it's not, it cannot be both. If i lived in India, I'd expect to get punished legally and socially if I hit a cow with my car. If I lived in the USA, I cannot make racist or sexist comments (though your ilk reckons they're just a mass conspiracy, even the black and female ones no less, so perhaps the South will rise again and those black psychologists will be slaves, get beaten, whipped, raped and chained up and be literal property, right?) Your ilk is stupid, since you all don't get the innate contradiction in your beliefs.

- Your ilk most likely selects who receives ethical treatment. I'd bet if a woman entered your practice whom you think is hot, all the ethical codes in your country would be steadfastly adhered to, right? If something cannot be perceived to be an illness, you don't treat it or even mention it, period. Protestations as to how "it's not an exact science" don't really cut it...


New member
Oct 30, 2013
And psychologists are not part of Japanese culture today.

However the suffering of those Japanese with the mental illness, Clinical Depression, will be alleviated by Japanese psychologists and many Japanese lives will be saved.

Apparently you believe in cultural relativatism, but I prefer to alleviate suffering and save lives.

er... most in my culture do. Though psychologists hate modern values and don't comprehend/run away from it, so there you go...


i love
Jul 6, 2010
Instinctual Variant
This thread has sort of turned into a shitshow.

@danseen, I'm sorry for the bad experiences that you have had; clearly you've been treated unfairly. But at least in the United States, where I live, the Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards (ASPPB) and the American Psychological Association (APA) both set ethical standards and address malpractice complaints. Before licensure is granted, psychologists here must take ethics coursework and pass ethics exams, and licensure can be revoked on the basis of unethical practice. Lying, cruelty, mockery, telling you that you deserve harm, informing you that your beliefs are wrong, and personally targeting you are all fair game for complaint to the professional associations that monitor psychological practice. If you feel like you were wronged and that it has caused lasting damage, I would gather all the factual evidence you can and present it to whatever the professional regulatory association for psychologists is in your area, and file a formal complaint.

Beyond that, though, I do not think it is fair to group all psychologists as hating or not comprehending modern values, or as being out to get you. I am friends with quite a few psychologists who are not at all like the people you have described. They are open and compassionate about their work.


New member
Oct 30, 2013
Prove that all psychologists don't hate modern values, kindly?

Also, as most by definition practice them, why does it make me bad to engage in them? It's clear that psychology should be outlawed.

I hold total right to hate all psychologists. if they think modern beliefs/actions are a sin, why do millions use the internet, get a Galaxy note/S4/iPhone 5C, believe racism is wrong, and don't scorn casual sex? yet it's bad for ME to do these things? haha!! fools!!

It's clear your "ilk" select who receives good treatment. It's silly and ill-advised to deny it.


New member
Oct 30, 2013
This thread has sort of turned into a shitshow.

@danseen, I'm sorry for the bad experiences that you have had; clearly you've been treated unfairly. But at least in the United States, where I live, the Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards (ASPPB) and the American Psychological Association (APA) both set ethical standards and address malpractice complaints. Before licensure is granted, psychologists here must take ethics coursework and pass ethics exams, and licensure can be revoked on the basis of unethical practice. Lying, cruelty, mockery, telling you that you deserve harm, informing you that your beliefs are wrong, and personally targeting you are all fair game for complaint to the professional associations that monitor psychological practice. If you feel like you were wronged and that it has caused lasting damage, I would gather all the factual evidence you can and present it to whatever the professional regulatory association for psychologists is in your area, and file a formal complaint.

Beyond that, though, I do not think it is fair to group all psychologists as hating or not comprehending modern values, or as being out to get you. I am friends with quite a few psychologists who are not at all like the people you have described. They are open and compassionate about their work.

I doubt that. They all hate modern society, yet I bet most of them use the Internet or balked in rage at the Zimmerman case haha..:D:D


Well-known member
Jun 11, 2007
if you hate therapist so much why the fuck do you see one? this is just a hateful thread and want to just bitch to bitch


New member
Oct 30, 2013
lol.. ok, so everybody must like all others. gotcha... and bitch yes, since complaining is evil, as the PC culture says.

Though why do YOU post here, if you don't like this thread so much? tell me this thread means shit? And? Must I listen to your opinion? Do you think your word means everything and that all others must take heed of what you say? I sense insecurity in your statement on SO many levels...


New member
Oct 30, 2013
No, if you're already a patient, then they really ought not to abuse you. I must admit, I'm curious as to what you consider "abuse", because until then, I'm not sure if we can even initiate a clear dialogue.

Patients aren't entitled to information that would break the ethics of a psychologist. For instance, psychologists aren't hired to disclose information about other patients. Breaking rules of confidentiality can get them fired, and at worst, can lead to a revoke of their license.

So mocking interests that the MANY partake in is not "abuse"? lolol..


Temporal Mechanic
Staff member
Sep 28, 2008
Instinctual Variant
lol.. ok, so everybody must like all others. gotcha... and bitch yes, since complaining is evil, as the PC culture says.

Though why do YOU post here, if you don't like this thread so much? tell me this thread means shit? And? Must I listen to your opinion? Do you think your word means everything and that all others must take heed of what you say? I sense insecurity in your statement on SO many levels...

Prove that all psychologists don't hate modern values, kindly?

Also, as most by definition practice them, why does it make me bad to engage in them? It's clear that psychology should be outlawed.

I hold total right to hate all psychologists. if they think modern beliefs/actions are a sin, why do millions use the internet, get a Galaxy note/S4/iPhone 5C, believe racism is wrong, and don't scorn casual sex? yet it's bad for ME to do these things? haha!! fools!!

It's clear your "ilk" select who receives good treatment. It's silly and ill-advised to deny it.

No one said you weren't entitled to your feelings about anything/anyone here.
Just because some may not agree with your broad generalizations about a particular profession, it doesn't mean they expect you to/are demanding you feel the same way.

Moreover, practically everyone here agreed that, based on your description, your specific therapist behaved inappropriately.

Most of us only ask to try to understand where you're coming from, however, open-ended questions appear to trigger your defenses and make you uncomfortable. of course I could be wrong, I don't know you. I'm not judging your character, merely sharing my perception thus far. Most people here aren't judging. Just asking to understand & sharing their own experiences in hopes you feel better after your own unpleasant experience. No one here is insisting you have to like anyone else, or that you see a shrink, dude. You're basing those conclusions solely on your own emotional reactions to what others say (&/or don't say), it seems.

Honestly, my impression now is that perhaps you've come here to flesh out/finish an argument you may have had, or wanted to have with your therapist, but perhaps didn't/didn't feel you could. Like you showed up here, set on keeping people & genuine interaction at a distance, by placing yourself in a perpetually persecuted position (say that one 3x fast, haha). Even when others overtly empathize with you, or try to.

Of course, by all means, correct me if I'm wrong. That's what healthy communication's for, right?

You'll notice this community has a lot of active members. Generally this is because a lot of people here have interesting (or at the very least, entertaining) discussions, & manage to establish intra/interpersonal support systems, and friendships beyond the forum itself. You'd do well to throw down the armor & explore that aspect further, I think.


No moss growing on me
Jun 12, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Do psychologists make sense?

I thought the basis of treatment was they help clients on any terms they want, resource/knowledge dependent of course.

So why do most restrict treatments at whim? I don't get it.:bye:

Most of the time, I would say no, but I think in some cases it is.

two cents

New member
Oct 31, 2013
Prove that all psychologists don't hate modern values, kindly?

Also, as most by definition practice them, why does it make me bad to engage in them? It's clear that psychology should be outlawed.

I hold total right to hate all psychologists. if they think modern beliefs/actions are a sin, why do millions use the internet, get a Galaxy note/S4/iPhone 5C, believe racism is wrong, and don't scorn casual sex? yet it's bad for ME to do these things? haha!! fools!!

It's clear your "ilk" select who receives good treatment. It's silly and ill-advised to deny it.

I'm sure I'm not the one you are soliciting proof from, but, nonetheless, let's talk about sets for a second. You claim that ALL psychologists hate "modern values". In that case, pointing to a single psychologist that does not disproves your claim.

Well, I've had more than one psychologist, and while I did not find them to be equally helpful, I did find them all to be equally professional. If any of them secretly hated "modern values", none made me even suspect they did. And let's just say casual sex was the least eyebrow-raising/consternation-inducing lifestyle choice I've shared with them.

Clearly you've run into a psychologist who was both unprofessional and a dick. Possibly more than one. :troll: That's bad luck, but hardly makes all psychologists unprofessional dicks, just all the one's you've had the honor of dealing with. That might justify your desire to stay away from all psychologists in the future, but it doesn't justify blackening the entire field or all of its practitioners.
Last edited:


i love
Jul 6, 2010
Instinctual Variant
I doubt that. They all hate modern society, yet I bet most of them use the Internet or balked in rage at the Zimmerman case haha..:D:D

:shrug: If you want to believe they're all hateful people, that's up to you... I don't think it's true, though, and I'm not sure I understand why you would want to see it that way.

I do encourage you to look elsewhere for professional assistance if you think you could benefit from it, though. You could try a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, for example - an LCSW is a social worker by vocation but trained in counseling and therapy. Or if you're seeking more medically-oriented assistance, a psychiatrist may be more useful.

For the record, I do not think your thread "means shit". I just note that there has been a fair amount of misunderstanding and accusation, hence "shitshow". It's not a negative judgment about either your thread or you. Just a neutral observation of what has transpired. I think it's a fine thread though I do not understand what you are gaining by grouping all psychologists together and choosing to think they are all bad.

danseen said:
Prove that all psychologists don't hate modern values, kindly?

A friend of mine who is a psychologist says she is fine with people choosing to have casual sex as long as it is done with an awareness of personal safety and wellbeing, including caution about emotional attachment and protection from STDs.

It's clear that psychology should be outlawed.

I feel like it is a very large leap from "several psychologists told me that casual sex is bad" to "psychology should be outlawed". All psychology technically is, is the study of the mind. Do also bear in mind that a large portion of the population of the world believes that casual sex is bad. While I completely agree that a psychologist should not be pushing their personal ethical views in a clinical setting, I don't think it's reasonable to desire a global moratorium on studying the mental processes of humans because a handful of practitioners pushed beliefs you don't agree with.