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What do you feel of the facebook?

Ghost of the dead horse

filling some space
Sep 7, 2007
I think it's a big glorified support group for the verbally incompetent.

No, not "challenged".


Perhaps disabled.

I've evaluated some of the people I know from both RL and FB, and I am getting quite confirmed that the Facebook is for people who want to be able to communicate and be together, but can't do so just as well because of their lacking communication skills in real life.

I just understood that the friends who most have anything to say (and have the ability to tell it) don't bother with the facebook.

The rest of them - many of whom I wonder why I keep them as friends in the first place - are active in facebook, although they are just unfunny and meaningless in their communication in the real life. Perhaps they're nice as humans, have good qualities unrelated to communication, but it's all the same. Ok. Some of them are great. It's just that I have to utilize endurance tactiques to withstand the situation of talking to them.

Pretty much the same as what you have to utilize to withstand my long yapping in this internet forum. No, I'm no good with the internet forums. I think that's quite clear.

In any case:

I think the key word is communication.

Those who are really good with it in real life, don't generally bother with the facebook.

Only a selected few talk of heavy facebook users talk of anything else than the kind of porrige they ate that morning. Most of those people won't speak of anything more interested in real life. Their instant messaging is weak, their communication sub-par. Pictures of kittens anyone? The daily weather?

Facebook, along with rest of the internet, might lessen the gap of advantaged and less advantaged people in communication, but so far the results don't seem promising.

Then, facebook is different from people on the internet in general. Many people on the internet seem to have important and interesting things to say. I don't think many active people on the internet make very lively conversationalists, though. Perhaps some do. It's ok. You write better than I. We can live with our differences, and mostly have a mutual respect and enjoy for what we have.

I love the internet for many reasons.

Still, facebook isn't one of them.

I can't understand that more people don't more loudly tell how much it sucks.


Super Senior Member
Dec 20, 2008
Instinctual Variant


Maybe you are right...



New member
Jan 26, 2010
I'm not on facebook myself, but that's pretty ridiculous. There's over 500 million members there, I think. Not all of them could fall into any category or have the same desires.

Ghost of the dead horse

filling some space
Sep 7, 2007
Nit-picking isn't going to make the thing go away. The people who are skilled in facebook and real face-to-face communication are extremely damned rare. I am surprised to see one who is half-skilled with both.

Edit: one guy I know is today both good in person and good facebook. Now that's the exception. He's not only half-good but he's good. Still, not as good as the good, specialized people. Evidently the site doesn't attract such people. The verbally able people are so hugely lacking from that site.. huh.


Coolatta® Enjoyer
Apr 22, 2008
I've never gone there and I don't plan to.


New member
Jan 26, 2010
Nit-picking isn't going to make the thing go away. The people who are skilled in facebook and real face-to-face communication are extremely damned rare. I am surprised to see one who is half-skilled with both.

I think it's more likely that you're just an asshole. You should consider the possibility. Statistically speaking, that's less rare than people without communication skills. Of course, I'm pulling that out of my imaginary hat of statistics. I'm not sure if there's been a study.

Such Irony

Honor Thy Inferior
Jul 23, 2010
Instinctual Variant
I think it's a big glorified support group for the verbally incompetent.

No, not "challenged".


Perhaps disabled.

I've evaluated some of the people I know from both RL and FB, and I am getting quite confirmed that the Facebook is for people who want to be able to communicate and be together, but can't do so just as well because of their lacking communication skills in real life.

I just understood that the friends who most have anything to say (and have the ability to tell it) don't bother with the facebook.

That's a bit extreme statement to be making. Maybe you've just got the wrong Facebook friends but not everyone is like that. Sure there will always be some posters on Facebook who discuss mundane stuff and nothing of substance but that's by no means everybody who uses the site.

Ghost of the dead horse

filling some space
Sep 7, 2007
Perhaps people like you would be among the extremely rare group whom I'd talk well with both in real life and .. well.. perhaps in facebook, but I don't got any skills in that, so that can't be tested.

Facebook brings up my assholeness.

Sometimes this forum, but this forum has it's merits.

Real life hasn't brought up my assholedness much. People often describe me as a "gentleman" with no intention of parody or sarcasm.

The media (medium) is wrong. Not me. Probably not them either. It's that ghastly creation of mr. Zuckerberg.

Rail Tracer

Freaking Ratchet
Jun 29, 2010
Instinctual Variant
Nit-picking isn't going to make the thing go away. The people who are skilled in facebook and real face-to-face communication are extremely damned rare. I am surprised to see one who is half-skilled with both.

Edit: one guy I know is today both good in person and good facebook. Now that's the exception. He's not only half-good but he's good. Still, not as good as the good, specialized people. Evidently the site doesn't attract such people. The verbally able people are so hugely lacking from that site.. huh.

Nope, I know a lot of people who are good at real life interactions as well as use facebook. If all else, many times better than me. You might just know the wrong people.

Besides, communication of any kind is still communication. Knowing what kind of porridge someone else ate isn't something you like (not something I like either,) but it is still communication.


Klingon Warrior Princess
Aug 4, 2010
Dont have a Facebook, don't want a Facebook, don't have friends to add anyway.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Feb 16, 2011
I disabled mine about a month ago as I decided it was something that wasn't producing anything fruitful. It's just a medium in which people gather to talk about mundane bullshit, and received false praise for mediocrity from a legion of faceless "friends". I also think social networking is taking massive strides in diluting the depth of our interpersonal relationships.


New member
Feb 8, 2009
facebook - don't hurt your precious head over it :)

it's an new quick and easy way to stay connected - "what's your facebook", instead of phone number.

and the easy way to find acquaintances, "WOW look how many people i knew before that i can find on facebook!!"

i think it appeals to the older generation. "i wonder if i can find [someone-they-haven't-met-for-50-years]!"

the easy way for organizations, musicians, artists, etc, to update their news and for people to connect and communicate with them, since so many people use it.

and when lots of people do it, people get curious.. or are bored, make an account, get bored again and get on to update occasionally - gives people something to do when they get bored in their long, long life.

not much thought involved, leaves something to be desired, bit lacking in content. because just like you, no one cares much about facebook. :)


Though Facebook isn't a medium through which everything about a person comes across, most of the Facebook friends I have correspond pretty well to their "real life" counterparts.

Obsessed about dancing in real life? Obsessed about dancing on Facebook.
Quirky in real life? Quirky on Facebook.
Talkative and poignant in real life? Talkative and poignant on Facebook.

As one huge counterexample to the OP, one of my mentors, who is a motivational/public speaker by nature, uses Facebook as well. So do my realtor friends, who have to speak fluently and clearly in real life. Hell, it's the "socialites by profession" who end up greatly utilizing Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. in their lines of work.

Really, I've observed that it's just another medium through which people express themselves, consciously or not. I haven't seen many who have a "personality" on Facebook that deviates too far from their real personality. There may be alterations or exaggerations here or there, but then, there are in real life as well.

If all of your friends bore you with minutia, then you need to get better friends. I "Hide" the mundane or boring people. And only people I truly give a damn about can see what I post. So that's a plus.


New member
Jan 6, 2010
Dont have a Facebook, don't want a Facebook, don't have friends to add anyway.

Yeah, I guess that is the better approach than to have Facebook but no real friends (only people I knew in past but which I mean shit to nowadays) to add like me, lol.