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[Type 8] An INFP with an enneagram 8?


friendly and accessible
Sep 24, 2014
Instinctual Variant
sx variant 4 would probably come across as 8-like to some extent.

I think the main types that you'd expect to see as 8s are


I generally associate it with Te and Se.


Super Senior Member
Dec 20, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Not an expert, but I wanna give my opinion :tongue:
Because (if I'm not mistaken) being an 8 is about being rational and not accepting bullshit. The sort of things I'd associate with Te. The intricate feelings of Fi would be so far out for the "non-personal" logic that is associated type 8. Wouldn't you think? It doesn't mean that all type 8's need to be Te dominant. I can definitely see INTJs as 8...but there, they have objective logic, Ni followed by Te. It is so bizarre to associate type 8 with Ne-Fi, these are both "subjective", "irrational" functions, their main concern isn't logic and impersonal, objective analysis, quite the opposite.

Naranjo called the type 8 as the "sadistic character and lust". That goes incredibly against Fi, I think.

Isn't the enneagram about what is problematic for an individual? For example, type 7s fear pain and deprivation, which lines up well with the inferior Si of ENxPs. Similarly, 8s fear being controlled. Jung has this to say on Fi-doms
Although this tendency to overpower or coerce the other person with her secret feelings rarely plays a disturbing role in the normal type, and never leads to a serious attempt of this kind, some trace of it nevertheless seeps through into the personal effect they have on him, in the form of a domineering influence often difficult to define[......]whereupon her influence becomes debased into a personal tyranny. Whenever the unconscious subject is identified with the ego, the mysterious power of intensive feeling turns into a banal and overweening desire to dominate, into vanity and despotic bossiness. This produces a type of woman notorious for her unscrupulous ambition and mischievous cruelty.


New member
Dec 4, 2014
Alright this post is insanely long sorry for that ! and my english is not perfect, specially in grammar and spelling so please don't mind too much and this is way too big ang too much time consuming for me to read it all over again !

I'm intrigued by the possibility of an INFP 8.
[MENTION=23603]B1lly_B1lly[/MENTION], have you considered enneatype 6? Seems like a fairly common enneatype for INFPs and I can see why 6 types might mistype as 8s.

The person I was with when I took the enneagram test is a 6 and her description was sincerely of the mark for me, where the 8 was fitting almost perfectly.

I don't get how INFP and 8 is such a contradictory combination. Maybe some of the experts can speak out here? I know someone said something about 8s having their emotional center repressed but does that necessarily mean that feeling as a function is repressed? If this were true then only T-dominant types could ever be type 8?

"emotional center repressed" That's exactly it ... "repressed" which means it is active but the rest of the survival instinct tries to shut it down to let place for a more rationnal and logical type of living.
For your information, I found a study that seems to show that even an IFTP is higly incompatible with 8 as much as IFNP the point seems to not be there at all and I don't think it is but I'll get deeper in that point later. (Personality Types: Enneagram and Myers Briggs Type Correlations - Enneagram and Myers Briggs)

Hi, you INFP person :hi:

With all due respect to you being INFP and type 4.......I'd be more likely to think it would be an INFP with an enneagram that disintegrates into an 8...I just checked, so that would be enneagram 2. Because I associate 8 with Te, right? That would mean an INFP under severe stress as it's the opposite function to your dominant.

If I take my case as an example, being under severe stress is my day to day bread, I have been telling my relatives for many years now that I feel constantly in a fight with myself trying to figure out my decisions in life between my guts and my head. Maybe that's what you are saying right now ^^ but once again it does not seems that all T combinations of mbti fit in the 8 either, and also keep in mind that you are never only one type of personnality either in enneagram or in mbti you are probably like 50 % of one and 30 and 20 % of two others or any other combination.

An INFP 8 is either a mistyped INFP or a mistyped 8.

I might cop to ISFP 8, though.

Thansk for your intervention, very interesting points and arguments. Once the other one said, if what you have to say is not shiner than silence then you should not say anything ... to meditate

Not an expert, but I wanna give my opinion :tongue:
Because (if I'm not mistaken) being an 8 is about being rational and not accepting bullshit. The sort of things I'd associate with Te. The intricate feelings of Fi would be so far out for the "non-personal" logic that is associated type 8. Wouldn't you think? It doesn't mean that all type 8's need to be Te dominant. I can definitely see INTJs as 8...but there, they have objective logic, Ni followed by Te. It is so bizarre to associate type 8 with Ne-Fi, these are both "subjective", "irrational" functions, their main concern isn't logic and impersonal, objective analysis, quite the opposite.

Naranjo called the type 8 as the "sadistic character and lust". That goes incredibly against Fi, I think.

I'm incredibly far from your point of view, I tend to believe that the best logic is not impersonnal and general. The best way, in my opinion, to think of people and try to understand them and their actions is to get down to a very subjective and personnal level of theirs. A lot of modern theories in social sciences and economics will be trying to modelize the subjectivness of a decision.

What I mean is that considereing the feelings of one person to try to understand them is central, and to me chaos theory along with probability and relativism are the best tools to understand someone. Here I'm only talking about understanding but from there to "accept bullshit" as you say, it is really different. If I understand what you mean behind that I would resume it as, everybody should try to deeply understand the point of view of the other one but strongly defend is own and not accept anything that goes against is ideal/values.

Then your last sentence is again far from my point of view. sadistic character and lust goes against Fi ????? whatttttttt ????? it's totally the opposite, note that the description of an 8 also include the fall into huge and deep anger when the subject is under stress ! Once again I relate to all those realy easily (slightly less on the sadistic tho^^). All those 3 points (sadistic, lust and anger) are only motivated by Feelings and not by Thinking, if it was T that would motivate that, it does not make any sense. Being sadistic as no point in a logical mind, you damage something without doing any good to your own situation and you might even start to get hated or create blow back for your future, Lust is a huge spending of your time for a short term satisfaction and can ask you a lot of effort for something that does not build any good, logical and rationnal outcome for your future. And finally anger is the worst way to communicate with your environement putting yourself and all you cherish to the line. It is all linked to a very strong expressions of feelings to me not thinking at all.

And that goes, in my case, very well with what I said earlier, if I am in a good and safe moment in my life I will probably not fall into those, but if the stress I am feeling gets to overcome me, I will find myself in the excess usage (which is also another exultation of the 8 apparently) of all those 3 points, specially sexuality and anger, with some sadistic sexuality traits coming in play ^^

It isn't like it's totally impossible foreverz. They just don't go together. Like oil and water. Sure an emulsifier would put it there (i.e. degenerating into an 8 from type 2) but they're not really so compatible long term. I'm sure there's someone in the world somewhere that's INFP type 8, healthy, and living the dream. But he's probably in an Amazonian jungle somewhere and their internet is down right now.

And it's important to remember that types have little tidbits of other things in them. An INFP isn't just a cat-loving hermit. You can exhibit traits that are just part of your personality.. an outlier of the norm, but still part of the equation and data nonetheless.

INFPs aren't undriven people. They aren't unmotivated automatically, or striving for independence.. these are things humans in general tend to need and want. So naturally, if they want to find type 8 elements in themselves, they definitely will. Type 8 is one of those types that sounds really sexy to be (especially for young feeler dudes who want to feel a bit manlier and more validated by the macho sounding descriptions of the type 8) and gives everyone something to relate to just a little (like wanting possession over your own life, liking independence, and other cool things) but in reality is just a massive pain in the dick personality that requires constant honing, refining, and tailoring to not be a total uneducated stuck up asswipe to everyone around you.

If you're INFP and typing as an 8, and you're young.. I think I'd look long and hard as to why before I'd be likely to accept that. If 60 year old sociology Professor INFP said he was type 8, well.. I wouldn't argue with him. It's.. possible. I guess.

It's hard to argue with what you just said as you only give reasons to discreditate someone who will disagree with you, and you say in your last sentence you will aknowledge the person more than what they are saying ... You start with words like "healthy" and "living the dream", that's easy to defend as it has no meaning in itself at all, what is it to be healthy ? As for being attracted to the macho points of the 8 you are absolutly wrong in my case. I feel like I am like this and I want to get away from them, as said before the anger/kind of arrogant and heartless outlook is harming me a lot but those traits that have becomes part of my personnality now were made to protect some deeper and more sensible traits that have been put at suffer earlier in my experience.

I will completly admit that I am quite versatile and changing from the perspective of other people, but those different reactions and way of being, answer to a very precise logic in my mind that has been built to protect some other parts of me.

I can only repeat what I already said, I really relate to the description of both IFNP and 8 as I read other descriptions (both in mbti and enneagram) I could not check as many boxes as I did with those.

But please ask questions if you feel like or tell me precise points that would make it clear if I'm not one of those two types... "look long and hard" that's exactly what I am trying to do here.

No. I would say that 9 is the most common Enneatype for INFPs, then 4 and p6. There are also a few INFP cp6s, 5s (mainly male) and 2s (mainly female).

As others have said...an INFP 8 is probably either an INFP cp6 or an ENFP 8.

Once again very interesting points to defend your point of view...

sx variant 4 would probably come across as 8-like to some extent.

I think the main types that you'd expect to see as 8s are


I generally associate it with Te and Se.

Good points.... (although it seems like you are right for the first 4 and wrong for the last two Personality Types: Enneagram and Myers Briggs Type Correlations - Enneagram and Myers Briggs)

Isn't the enneagram about what is problematic for an individual? For example, type 7s fear pain and deprivation, which lines up well with the inferior Si of ENxPs. Similarly, 8s fear being controlled. Jung has this to say on Fi-doms

Although this tendency to overpower or coerce the other person with her secret feelings rarely plays a disturbing role in the normal type, and never leads to a serious attempt of this kind, some trace of it nevertheless seeps through into the personal effect they have on him, in the form of a domineering influence often difficult to define[......]whereupon her influence becomes debased into a personal tyranny. Whenever the unconscious subject is identified with the ego, the mysterious power of intensive feeling turns into a banal and overweening desire to dominate, into vanity and despotic bossiness. This produces a type of woman notorious for her unscrupulous ambition and mischievous cruelty.

That's how I would say that the 8 and IFNP could be together. And that will be my conclusion for this answer (sorry for the very huge post but I really wanted to answer everybody).

That's how I retrospectivly see how I ended up in this contradiction. If young enough you start to work and understand who you are, and see in front of your very eyes the consequences and the wrong sides of your own personnality, because you see people like you making those mistakes. Then you will start to focus and grow other parts of your personnality and by conditioning yourself you turn them into actual traits of your character. Those new traits developed start to give you satisfaction, not only because it protects you and prevent your bad sides to show up frequently, but also on other parts of your life that you were not expecting. Like social abilities and recognition, then you integrate those traits deeply and start to see yourself as equipped with different tools that you bring up in different situations.

I am truly an introvert, as I refill my energy on my own and doing my own stuff in a cat-loving hermit mode if I have the chance to have that person around me, and going out and relate to other people cost me energy. But I do it a lot now because I saw the balance and the positive things that it brings to me. I do acting and go out a lot with a bunch of friends, but my room is a cave and my deep feelings and moments a treasure that I don't show very easily. I travelled alone around oceania and asia for more than a year, backpacking around going places to places meetings tons of people but never holding too long with them as I wanted this experience to be on myself with myself, yet I would not work alone and I am being really carefull with those moments where I start to isolate.

I am genuily curious and willing to answer questions on how, why it would be possible or not, for the sake of conversation first of all and to know myself and the others better. Let me know !

P.S: I read the description of 5 and I saw what was close to the 8 under some specific situation and stress, what made me going away from it was that the description of how 5 react to a positive environment does not fit really where the 8 one is. The first 8 description I read was saying that 8 is, in a positive situation tending towards simplicity and peace of mind which is the reverse side of the anger and excessive behavior of the stress conditions.

As I am wrinting about that how many of you saw the movie about the robot Jhonny 5, to cut it simple, it's a robot with a programmed base spirit so higly logical and mathematical, but yet with a strong sense of feelings and connection with others that overcome is thinking base, and in the movie, with a very huge propention to anger when it feels endangered for himself or for what he holds to hea... motherboard ! That's how I feel with the only difference that I feel like a sentimental based person who developped logic later on and with a strong sense of sexuality and lust in general (as lust if you enlarge the definition can be adressesd to more things than sex, like alcohol, food, gambling games ... all the things I love ^^)

Another thing that came to mind, is the image that this trailer give of the Grey guy in 50 shades of grey, keep in mind that I have not read the book or seen the movie I just saw the trailer on the web and yeah that's how I could put together and IFNP and 8 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fns7oJeQmZ8). It's obviously a very basic aprroximative and naive vision of a way more complex thing but that's of it feels to me.


friendly and accessible
Sep 24, 2014
Instinctual Variant
Good points.... (although it seems like you are right for the first 4 and wrong for the last two Personality Types: Enneagram and Myers Briggs Type Correlations - Enneagram and Myers Briggs)

Eh, depends on the the resource you look at. I've seen ones that name the ISxP types as the only introverts with access to an enneagram 8. Others also naming ISxJs. I'd consider types leading with intuition (Ni or Ne) to be least compatible with type 8, and the gut centre in general.


Apr 19, 2011
Instinctual Variant
Not an expert, but I wanna give my opinion :tongue:
Because (if I'm not mistaken) being an 8 is about being rational and not accepting bullshit. The sort of things I'd associate with Te. The intricate feelings of Fi would be so far out for the "non-personal" logic that is associated type 8. Wouldn't you think? It doesn't mean that all type 8's need to be Te dominant. I can definitely see INTJs as 8...but there, they have objective logic, Ni followed by Te. It is so bizarre to associate type 8 with Ne-Fi, these are both "subjective", "irrational" functions, their main concern isn't logic and impersonal, objective analysis, quite the opposite.

Naranjo called the type 8 as the "sadistic character and lust". That goes incredibly against Fi, I think.

Naranjo also thought all gay people were type 4s, so...


New member
Dec 4, 2014
Eh, depends on the the resource you look at. I've seen ones that name the ISxP types as the only introverts with access to an enneagram 8. Others also naming ISxJs. I'd consider types leading with intuition (Ni or Ne) to be least compatible with type 8, and the gut centre in general.

That makes no sense at all ! the intuition is by definition coming from your guts ! where the Sensing form is coming from your brain and and the receptors of your senses ... The gut center is the intuitition and the intuitition is from the gut center.

Enneagram Central - Centers

the gut center type "They have a different approach than thinkers; they have an intuitive "gut feeling" way of making their way through the world...they also are often highly intuitive"

Clearly an NF and not an ST


Nov 23, 2012
Instinctual Variant

CP6s mistyping as 8s seems to be a common trend around these parts. :thinking: I'm sure 4s (especially sx) could mistype as 8s as well.


So she did.
Feb 8, 2013
Instinctual Variant
Is this thread still going on?!

[MENTION=23603]B1lly_B1lly[/MENTION] Forgive me if this is redundant of what others have already said. I agree with the sentiment that INFP and Enneagram 8 do not correlate. I'd even be as bold to say that I think it never happens. What could happen though, is similar to my own typing situation-- I am a Sx-first 4 with an 8 fix. I have 8ish tendencies, mostly centering around control, survival, and destructive themes.

As you said just a few posts above, no individual is 100% one Enneagram type (that's where a concept called tritype comes into play). When we take the Enneagram test, the results include our ranked scores so that we can see what other types we scored high in. Our highest heart, gut, and head type scores equal our tritype (which basically explains how we are different than others of our same core type).

If you are certain that you are in INFP, I think that only leaves these options:
1) You are 8 fixed (which means it's still a high score and heavy influence on who you are) but have a different core.
2) It's a health thing (integration/disintegration), because of the stress you've mentioned I'd lean more toward 2 disintegrating to 8 as others have said. Truthfully though, I don't know many 2's who introspect the way you are doing here.

I believe the first possibility is the strongest, which only leaves you to investigate your core. Have you thought about starting a Type Me thread, so we can assist by asking questions, suggesting links and material, etc? If anything, it will help you get to the bottom of your typology (even if you are an 8).


Aug 28, 2008
It's hard to argue with what you just said as you only give reasons to discreditate someone who will disagree with you, and you say in your last sentence you will aknowledge the person more than what they are saying ...

To clarify, I wouldn't argue with you on proclaiming your type. If you say you're INFP/8, then sure. People tell me at times I'm not ENFP, or I'm not type 8, and it irritates the fuck out of me. So I wouldn't say that to you. I don't know you, and if you say you're an elephant that's gained the ability to type and understand English, I wouldn't argue with you necessarily. Even if I would think it highly improbable.

As for being attracted to the macho points of the 8 you are absolutly wrong in my case. I feel like I am like this and I want to get away from them, as said before the anger/kind of arrogant and heartless outlook is harming me a lot but those traits that have becomes part of my personnality now were made to protect some deeper and more sensible traits that have been put at suffer earlier in my experience.

The fact you're trying to move away from this attitude because it's doing negative things to your lifestyle is another reason why I'd strongly argue you are not type 8. Rather than instinctively adapting to your personality style, you're saying yourself here that something is WRONG with the way you're performing. These traits of wanting to protect and be controlling are manifesting poorly.

This is a common mistype for a disintegrated 2, especially males, often due to a desire to seem like a more "manly" or powerful personality type. However, there is nothing innately more masculine or powerful or more feminine or weak about any of the personality types, especially when healthy. There are only different inner motivations and different resulting patterns of behavior.

An 8 or 8-winger disintegrating can actually look quite different from a 2 disintegrating. The 2 needs to see his enemies writhing in pain and he feels entitled to it. He doesn't plan so much as to manipulate and cajole for awhile before letting his heart lead him to outbursts of anger when he just can't take it anymore. The 2 manipulates warmly or fiercely, while the 8 positions coolly and coldly. When the 8 explodes, it is his anger at the situation caused more than out of exasperation that he recieves no gratitude. Beneath the disintegrated 8's aggressiveness is a cold, heartless, thinker-killer. He will enact revenge without needing to watch the person suffer like the embittered 2 may desire.

Source: The Enneagram Blogspot: Type 2: Love-Seeker

I know you just stated that you're not trying to look more manly.. I believe you when you say that. So don't disregard the entire post just for the beginning sentence. It is a common symptom of young feeler men. Let's get straight to the meat of things.

While this description isn't attractive at all and a bit extreme, it is easy to see standard daily scenarios of the differences. While an 8 would walk into the DMV prepared to deal with a little bullshit, realize a lot of bullshit is getting thrown at them, and look for calculating ways to bring control back to the situation... the type 2-turned-8 would be angry, indignant, and seeking validation for that anger through his acts, disguising it as justified/helping others/themselves in any number of ways, and manifest that anger in a generally negative fashion. The 8 isn't angry at what was done to them, they are angry they lost control of the situation and cannot regain it despite preparation and effort. The 2 is angry that the DMV screwed them over in the first place, deflating their ego and invalidating their intentions as a result.

Like I said, a 2 can mistype as an 8 by displaying so many of the same traits to the point where it seems absolutely logical that an 8 would be the choice even for an INFP--but the real, deep down reasons behind why those traits are manifesting are what create the types in the first place.. and it is that motivation that sets them apart.

I've mentioned before on the forum I see tons of flaws with MBTI in general.. I like the ennetype system and prefer it, but it is also unreliable and as others have written about on here the wings seem very arbitrary and lacking focus on why a '2' is in the '2' slot at all versus being closer to the 8 with the ability to grab a wing there. So it isn't flawless.

But a good rule of thumb is to see the absolute negative things. Think of yourself at your worst.. the self-awareness you have about when you were just a terrible, asshole of a shitbag and probably didn't deserve anything nice from anyone ever in that moment--even if those moments were only thoughts in your own head and you're actually a good person. THEN read the negatives of the types, the description of the types at their absolute worst.. relate that to you. Could you see yourself slipping into that? Becoming that monster in the description? If not... I'd say the type isn't yours. And the thing about INFPs is.. they're great people. It's a great personality type. The negative type 8 description is just a monstrosity.. to me, it's the worst of the bunch in terms of potential damage done to the self and others. I just don't see INFPs being capable of slipping into that sort of monster. A different one, sure.. but not that one.

I'm not trying to convince you to not be type 8 or anything. You are what you are. I just want to cast some light on the real potential for alternatives. The types only help us understand if we actually know our true types. If we don't.. then we didn't get the system at all, and then it's useless as a tool of any sort.


New member
Dec 4, 2014
Alright kyuuei ! very interesting points you are bringing out I'll try to dig into that ! Which source do you think would give the most accurate negatives descriptions of the types 2 and 8. I'll try to do that exercise of thinking of the worst of me ^^

Thanks small.wonder, I believe it would be interesting to go deeper with the tritype and try to get the global picture ! I think I will try to dig more around the general enneagram theory and then redo a complete test to see what's coming up ! and also the type me thread is interesting but I doubt it would be very effective looking at how others threads went ! It's seems to go in every directions since everybody is tryting to say something more or less useful ^^

Thanks again guys for your patience and advises I'll let you know what I found out after following your suggestions !


friendly and accessible
Sep 24, 2014
Instinctual Variant
That makes no sense at all ! the intuition is by definition coming from your guts ! where the Sensing form is coming from your brain and and the receptors of your senses ... The gut center is the intuitition and the intuitition is from the gut center.

Enneagram Central - Centers

the gut center type "They have a different approach than thinkers; they have an intuitive "gut feeling" way of making their way through the world...they also are often highly intuitive"

Clearly an NF and not an ST

Ni and Ne are both functions with a very mental energy. I'd see INTxs most comfortably sitting in 5 territory and most INFxs in 4 territory. You are clutching at straws and misdefining and misaligning the jargon to suit your purposes here.

Aurora James

New member
Dec 2, 2014
Instinctual Variant
It might work out if both the Eight and the INFP were self-actualized people. Healthy Eights seem like they would actually do very well with an INFP, esp. if they had a Nine wing.


New member
Mar 6, 2016
Instinctual Variant
Must. Reply! (this topic is one of the reasons I joined TypoC in the first place)

It's possible to be an INFP 8. But it was more likely to happen if the intro/extro rate is quite balanced (between 51-65% of introversion). More than that, they would be too, "soft-hearted" and thus doesn't fit into 8's act of bluntness.

INFP 8w9 has more chance of happening in real world.
INFP 8w7...if they do exist, I think of them as heartful adventurers hiking a mountain. And when they've reached the top, they'll shout, "WORLD IS MINE!!!1!", not realizing their shouting (Disney logic incoming) shatters the snow on the mountain. (sorry)



philosopher wood nymph
May 25, 2012
Instinctual Variant
It's true that admitting to the weaknesses of the Eight "position" does seem to create a vulnerability contrary to an Eight's predisposition. However, there are a few things I've learned in regards in my search for coming into my 'higher' self. One is that having secrets or hiding vulnerabilities (even, and especially, from one's self) is in itself a weakness. Another is the reality that despite my desire to be strong, the reality is that I do have vulnerabilities, even if it appears that I don't in comparison to others. Another is that by exposing my "weaknesses" or that which I'm ashamed of, I can cause the shame to evaporate - by facing the truth of myself, and befriending it, I take away the power it has to control me, and empowers me to make choices instead of acting impulsively from a place of repression.

Several years ago, I watched the movie "Monster" which was about Aileen Wournos, a female serial killer. I found that labels like "monster" create a false separation in one's mind - a Me vs. Not Me, and this is not helpful. Empathy for her, rather than condemnation, seems to be in order, because the reality is that she was imprisoned by her own suffering, which caused her to act out from her place of disempowerment. If we cannot find a place in ourselves with which to be empathetic for others who have done horrible things, then we cannot find a place in ourselves to forgive those acts which are damaging to others, or ourselves. This is, to me, the ultimate weakness. So, my willingness and ability to see those "darker" parts of myself, really comes from a place of the Eight: to find a way to be strong and gain/maintain control and power. Which means, in some ways, that I have not fully transcended my Eightness.

I can relate to this as a (mostly) CP 6. :yes:

Doctor Cringelord

Well-known member
Aug 27, 2013
Instinctual Variant
This type would become a famous artist or musician. They would be loved in the public world, but would have burned many, many bridges in every personal sphere. They have multiple ex-spouses who have each written tell all books about the hell they endured while married to these mutants.

I imagine they'd present kind of like a Sean Penn.

They would either start their own successful art gallery, or their own record label for which they would function as both CEO and new talent scout.

This type is likely a unicorn, but these odd, rare combinations are IMO what makes typology interesting, rather than the predictable combos.


Pseudo-delusional Rebel
Sep 18, 2018
Instinctual Variant
Never saw an Eight with F.

I know/have known Eights who were :


Not telling 8-INFP is proven to be absolutely impossible, but I can't really imagine that case.

If I do think of 8 and INFP, I think it may look like a probable mistyping, because if such combination does happen, it has to be as rare as a cop's dismissal :D.

Maybe that case of INFP is a 4sx. Because some people do think mistyping 4 as 8 is quite frequent, and also because "everyone with a gun is an 8".


May 30, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Old thread, but the suggestion of associating MBTI functions with Enneagram types is absurd, there are patterns between the two entirely separate systems, not rules.

Burning Paradigm

Vibe Curator & Night Owl
May 16, 2020
Instinctual Variant
Never saw an Eight with F.

Not to derail the thread, but a strong case could be made for Martin Luther King being an ENFJ 8w9 so-dom. An 8 Feeler would just seek to lead and exert power more based on either strong personal morals (Fi) or shared values (Fe), which is why Fe-heavy 8s (I think), would be relatively more common.