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[Tritype] Philosopher Archetype: Tritype 1-4-6/4-1-6/6-4-1/6-1-4/4-6-1/1-6-4

Chad of the OttomanEmpire

Give me a fourth dot.
Jun 9, 2013
Instinctual Variant
e1 sounds right.

I can't decide with the head fix. I'd possibly say 6w7 based off those descriptions.

Thanks for the input.
It's prolly your last fix, then.

Same for me, and I thought I would be 5- or 7-fixed at first, and based on that, I'd still type that way. But I've seen myself go through endless ruminations when confronted with an unknown situation, once in a blue moon. Observe yourself for these tendencies.


Decided it's likely mine. I guess it fits the most of any of them. I am definitely a philosopher, and I related the most to this of any of the blurbs about the tritypes:

you have strong emotions and are inclined to voice your feelings and intuitions. You care deeply and want to help others improve the expectations they have of themselves.

Your life mission is to find truth and help others understand what has intrinsic value. A true philosopher, you are happiest when you can use your intuition to help others find meaning.

I don't think of myself being overly moral and not particularly diligent, but I do have strong values, and I hate looking like an idiot/like I'm doing things wrong. The idea of making a mistake/ not being my ideal self in front of others kills me. I have high expectations of myself and can be critical of others. I have a temper, but I feel bad when I blow up. I thought possibly nine as a fix but I am very in touch with my anger. Eights seem a little too out with their anger/strong-willed for me. Mine erupts, but I try to contain it.

As far as six goes, this has been a hard one for me. I very much identify with my five wing, but I read somewhere that sixes can be just as curious and inquisitive but they find security in their relationships moreso than in their mental constructs. If my closest, most intimate relationships feel insecure (and that's all that really matters to me as an sx/sp), I completely lose my shit and am terrified they are going to leave me. (I might not show it, but that's what is going on in my mind, total panic.) All fours desire a savior and fear abandonment, but I think for a sexual four with a six head fix it's really apparent, as in they are going to feel a little borderline. That said, the five still holds a lot of influence in me and I can be very self reliant, resourceful, and independent. I find a lot of security in information as well as in relationships. I also think that six, due to being sandwiched between five and seven possesses qualities of both, and I can see all three head types active in myself. Similarly, I have a very strong two component to myself- as well as an element of nine, so I think it makes sense that my gut type would be positioned between two and nine.

That said, I'm still not sold on the point of tritype, but if I'm going to go with the theory, this seems to be the most likely result.


So she did.
Feb 8, 2013
Instinctual Variant
I'm 486 myself, and can share my experiences with you if you are interested. I don't have much more information on 461, however. The rule of thumb I've been taught is to ascertain what you do with rage (your gut-fix) and what you do with anxiety (your head fix).

1-fix will try to justify anger before taking action and may feel guilty for being angry later. Strong values system.
9-fix tends to suppress rage and doesn't perceive self as "angry" very often
8-fix tends to explode, then get over it. There is more comfort with one's own anger.

Of course, your core type will also influence this--a reactive type is more likely to see oneself as angry than, for instance, a positive outlook type. Many 1-fixed 4s embrace anger.

As to the head fix--

6-fix gets set off by the unknown and tends to has and rehash possible future scenarios when threatened in order to feel "safe"
7-fix tries to outrun, lighten up, or take one's mind off the source of worry.
5-fix withdraws and detaches and tries to gather information when feeling overwhelmed. The anxiety isn't always obvious to themselves or others.

Hope that's moderately helpful.

I do see the 5 in myself but bahaha the 8 description is so horribly, hilariously true of me! :D

This is a great description that I'll definitely file away. Do you have the heart fix descriptions as well?

Chad of the OttomanEmpire

Give me a fourth dot.
Jun 9, 2013
Instinctual Variant
I do see the 5 in myself but bahaha the 8 description is so horribly, hilariously true of me! :D

This is a great description that I'll definitely file away. Do you have the heart fix descriptions as well?
Sadly, I do not, but I was writing that for a core image type. I may be able to fix something up at a future date, however.


So she did.
Feb 8, 2013
Instinctual Variant
Sadly, I do not, but I was writing that for a core image type. I may be able to fix something up at a future date, however.

Oh, I didn't realize you wrote these! Right on, great job! :)

Let me know when you add the Image/Heart descriptions, in the meantime I'll just improvise if I use it to help anyone determine tritype. :whistling: Credit to you (or your username really), of course.

Chad of the OttomanEmpire

Give me a fourth dot.
Jun 9, 2013
Instinctual Variant
Oh, I didn't realize you wrote these! Right on, great job! :)

Let me know when you add the Image/Heart descriptions, in the meantime I'll just improvise if I use it to help anyone determine tritype. :whistling: Credit to you (or your username really), of course.

I'll let ya know.

Sunny Ghost

New member
May 28, 2010
Decided it's likely mine. I guess it fits the most of any of them. I am definitely a philosopher, and I related the most to this of any of the blurbs about the tritypes:

I don't think of myself being overly moral and not particularly diligent, but I do have strong values, and I hate looking like an idiot/like I'm doing things wrong. The idea of making a mistake/ not being my ideal self in front of others kills me. I have high expectations of myself and can be critical of others. I have a temper, but I feel bad when I blow up. I thought possibly nine as a fix but I am very in touch with my anger. Eights seem a little too out with their anger/strong-willed for me. Mine erupts, but I try to contain it.

As far as six goes, this has been a hard one for me. I very much identify with my five wing, but I read somewhere that sixes can be just as curious and inquisitive but they find security in their relationships moreso than in their mental constructs. If my closest, most intimate relationships feel insecure (and that's all that really matters to me as an sx/sp), I completely lose my shit and am terrified they are going to leave me. (I might not show it, but that's what is going on in my mind, total panic.) All fours desire a savior and fear abandonment, but I think for a sexual four with a six head fix it's really apparent, as in they are going to feel a little borderline. That said, the five still holds a lot of influence in me and I can be very self reliant, resourceful, and independent. I find a lot of security in information as well as in relationships. I also think that six, due to being sandwiched between five and seven possesses qualities of both, and I can see all three head types active in myself. Similarly, I have a very strong two component to myself- as well as an element of nine, so I think it makes sense that my gut type would be positioned between two and nine.

That said, I'm still not sold on the point of tritype, but if I'm going to go with the theory, this seems to be the most likely result.
This seems accurate.

(Sorry, just now seeing it!)

Sunny Ghost

New member
May 28, 2010
Decided it's likely mine. I guess it fits the most of any of them. I am definitely a philosopher, and I related the most to this of any of the blurbs about the tritypes:

I don't think of myself being overly moral and not particularly diligent, but I do have strong values, and I hate looking like an idiot/like I'm doing things wrong. The idea of making a mistake/ not being my ideal self in front of others kills me. I have high expectations of myself and can be critical of others. I have a temper, but I feel bad when I blow up. I thought possibly nine as a fix but I am very in touch with my anger. Eights seem a little too out with their anger/strong-willed for me. Mine erupts, but I try to contain it.

As far as six goes, this has been a hard one for me. I very much identify with my five wing, but I read somewhere that sixes can be just as curious and inquisitive but they find security in their relationships moreso than in their mental constructs. If my closest, most intimate relationships feel insecure (and that's all that really matters to me as an sx/sp), I completely lose my shit and am terrified they are going to leave me. (I might not show it, but that's what is going on in my mind, total panic.) All fours desire a savior and fear abandonment, but I think for a sexual four with a six head fix it's really apparent, as in they are going to feel a little borderline. That said, the five still holds a lot of influence in me and I can be very self reliant, resourceful, and independent. I find a lot of security in information as well as in relationships. I also think that six, due to being sandwiched between five and seven possesses qualities of both, and I can see all three head types active in myself. Similarly, I have a very strong two component to myself- as well as an element of nine, so I think it makes sense that my gut type would be positioned between two and nine.

That said, I'm still not sold on the point of tritype, but if I'm going to go with the theory, this seems to be the most likely result.
This seems accurate.

(Sorry, just now seeing it!)


May 15, 2014
I thought this thread would be a good one to revive seeing some months have passed and there are some new members, myself included.

I'm either a 641 or a 461 sp/so (leaning 641 at the moment).

Anybody else with this tritype want to chime in?


Level 8 Propaganda Bot
Nov 19, 2009
Instinctual Variant
Thought I'd revist this thread and post what little information there is on the 461 tri-type.

146 – The Philosopher Archetype

Diligent, intuitive, and inquisitive. Wants to be ethical, original and certain. Morally focused, you have strong emotions and are inclined to voice your feelings and intuitions. You care deeply and want to help others improve the expectations they have of themselves.

Your life mission is to find truth and help others understand what has intrinsic value. A true philosopher, you are happiest when you can use your intuition to help others find meaning.

You can be so identified with what you perceive is the morally correct way of being that you can come across as overly prudish, rigid and inflexible.

461: Inquisitive and discerning 4. Most compliant and rule-oriented 4. 6ish. Tends to run high anxiety especially if self-preserving.

David Fauvre also said that 461's have a bit of a 'bite' to them."

The expectations people have of themselves resonated with me. People who negative self talk, "I can't do X, I'll never be good at X" really gets me going internally. Whether or not I share that with them is directly proportional to the level of trust I have with them. Shooting yourself in the foot limits ones potential by discouraging us from trying new things and that 'thing' might just be the thing we've been searching for to give/add meaning & purpose to your life. If you can't say it, you can't do it.

Being agnostic/neutral about what we can do or will be good at just makes sense. Until we learn otherwise from actually trying.


Silver and Lead
Mar 12, 2013
Instinctual Variant
This is my home now.

Peter Deadpan

phallus impudicus
Dec 14, 2016
Any other 461s out there currently? I feel this tritype has a lot of inner turmoil; a push and pull dynamic so to speak. That whole wanting to stand up for what is just but also feeling shame over expressing our anger is quite a balancing act. I sometimes even feel bad for being outspoken but not necessarily angry. Philosopher tritypes with the 4 first have more shame I think, and still look pretty 6-ish because of the whole asserting our values thing/being a rebel on top of having 6 as our head type. I want to know: How do other 461s deal with the constant self-criticism? Do you have a negative internal voice? How do you manage that and learn to give yourself credit and grace? How do you learn to do the same with those that you love? Have your closest loved ones told you that they feel like they can't do anything right or that they aren't good enough in your eyes? How do you think 461s are as parents? Any tips for lowering your expectations to a more realistic level?

I hope to hear from some other 461s or at least people who know them well.


New member
Mar 20, 2017
Any other 461s out there currently? I feel this tritype has a lot of inner turmoil; a push and pull dynamic so to speak. That whole wanting to stand up for what is just but also feeling shame over expressing our anger is quite a balancing act. I sometimes even feel bad for being outspoken but not necessarily angry. Philosopher tritypes with the 4 first have more shame I think, and still look pretty 6-ish because of the whole asserting our values thing/being a rebel on top of having 6 as our head type. I want to know: How do other 461s deal with the constant self-criticism? Do you have a negative internal voice? How do you manage that and learn to give yourself credit and grace? How do you learn to do the same with those that you love? Have your closest loved ones told you that they feel like they can't do anything right or that they aren't good enough in your eyes? How do you think 461s are as parents? Any tips for lowering your expectations to a more realistic level?

I hope to hear from some other 461s or at least people who know them well.

Can I ask you were you got those detailed test scores you have on your footer?
I am thinking I may be a 461... Lately I test mostly like 6 but my 6-iness is on fire lately. However, I think the core of my personality relies in the fear of number 4 but, hey, I don't know how much difference there would actually be.
I would love to know more. Have you been able to gather more info?

Peter Deadpan

phallus impudicus
Dec 14, 2016
Can I ask you were you got those detailed test scores you have on your footer?
I am thinking I may be a 461... Lately I test mostly like 6 but my 6-iness is on fire lately. However, I think the core of my personality relies in the fear of number 4 but, hey, I don't know how much difference there would actually be.
I would love to know more. Have you been able to gather more info?

My tritype analysis was done by [MENTION=29179]Rouskyrie[/MENTION], who created the "Updated Tritype Test," which you can take here: http://www.typologycentral.com/foru...type-test.html?highlight=updated+tritype+test

However, to get the percentage breakdown, you'll need to copy the questions and let him know your answers, as opposed to clicking the test link which will only give you your tritype (and not in specific order).

(Sorry I keep volunteering you [MENTION=29179]Rouskyrie[/MENTION], feel free to tell me to stop, haha!)

461s are said to have "a bit of a bite" to them, and they are also said to appear very 6-ish. 641s are a "perennial hothead." If you are experiencing a lot of stress or depression right now, you may not test accurately. When I first came here, I tested as 649 sp. I was not in a good place at all and was functioning at pretty poor levels, overindulging in Se and stuck in neurotic Ni-Ti loops, giving me a very anxious overall look and feel. I have since come a long way and been able to settle on 461 sx/so (it's interesting how we jump to our weakest variants and such when we are in crisis).

If you need anymore help or someone to talk to, I am here for you!!! Welcome to the forum :)


New member
Mar 20, 2017
My tritype analysis was done by [MENTION=29179]Rouskyrie[/MENTION], who created the "Updated Tritype Test," which you can take here: http://www.typologycentral.com/foru...type-test.html?highlight=updated+tritype+test

However, to get the percentage breakdown, you'll need to copy the questions and let him know your answers, as opposed to clicking the test link which will only give you your tritype (and not in specific order).

(Sorry I keep volunteering you [MENTION=29179]Rouskyrie[/MENTION], feel free to tell me to stop, haha!)

461s are said to have "a bit of a bite" to them, and they are also said to appear very 6-ish. 641s are a "perennial hothead." If you are experiencing a lot of stress or depression right now, you may not test accurately. When I first came here, I tested as 649 sp. I was not in a good place at all and was functioning at pretty poor levels, overindulging in Se and stuck in neurotic Ni-Ti loops, giving me a very anxious overall look and feel. I have since come a long way and been able to settle on 461 sx/so (it's interesting how we jump to our weakest variants and such when we are in crisis).

If you need anymore help or someone to talk to, I am here for you!!! Welcome to the forum :)

Thanks for the welcome!
I've been testing 6 often lately but I can say I am experiencing a level of "fear of the unknown" which is unusual for me to such an extent. It's a sort of Se grip, yeah. But I am really pondering that my main fear is more related to 4... but I will take the test and see If I am not fooling myself. (Not that I would want to be 461, I've read people feel for us being the most messed up LOL!)

Peter Deadpan

phallus impudicus
Dec 14, 2016
Thanks for the welcome!
I've been testing 6 often lately but I can say I am experiencing a level of "fear of the unknown" which is unusual for me to such an extent. It's a sort of Se grip, yeah. But I am really pondering that my main fear is more related to 4... but I will take the test and see If I am not fooling myself. (Not that I would want to be 461, I've read people feel for us being the most messed up LOL!)

Oh there are plenty of "messed up" tritypes, but all types have their strengths and weaknesses, just different flavors. I personally DO find it a hard tritype to be because of internal conflict. 4 wants individuality, 6 wants to relate to others, 1 is perfectionistic and very critical of self and others. I suspect most 461s have a very negative internal voice and often make their loved ones feel like they aren't good enough, even though that is not our intent.

But on the flipside, 461s are very insightful and strive to understand others. We are very warm (once cracked into, lol), and extremely loyal. We aren't afraid to stand up for ourselves and especially others. Honestly, we're an awesome fucking companion to have, we just feel a lot. Self-care is really important for us, as is learning to be gentle with ourselves and accepting the differences or perceived shortcomings of others.


New member
Mar 20, 2017
Oh there are plenty of "messed up" tritypes, but all types have their strengths and weaknesses, just different flavors. I personally DO find it a hard tritype to be because of internal conflict. 4 wants individuality, 6 wants to relate to others, 1 is perfectionistic and very critical of self and others. I suspect most 461s have a very negative internal voice and often make their loved ones feel like they aren't good enough, even though that is not our intent.

But on the flipside, 461s are very insightful and strive to understand others. We are very warm (once cracked into, lol), and extremely loyal. We aren't afraid to stand up for ourselves and especially others. Honestly, we're an awesome fucking companion to have, we just feel a lot. Self-care is really important for us, as is learning to be gentle with ourselves and accepting the differences or perceived shortcomings of others.

So true. I feel like I make people around be feel like they are not enough A LOT but then again, I don't feel enough either. I have been trying to control (i.e. stop as soon as possible) my negative internal dialogue all my life (I am slowly getting the hang of it, though) and yeah... I also feel I am awesome to have as a companion, let's face it :D But everything is just so hard sometimes.


The more you know..
Oct 6, 2015
Instinctual Variant
[MENTION=31348]RareBird[/MENTION] good questions, I am 641, but I would provide you with some answers which I hope would be.. Beneficial, perhaps..

How do other 461s deal with the constant self-criticism?
*I actually lashed myself enough in the past, I pushed myself beyond my limits that I'm learning to try to be more gentle to myself, focusing on how I can improve, how can I stand up for myself without making mistakes..

Do you have a negative internal voice? How do you manage that and learn to give yourself credit and grace?
*Yes I have this voice, I try to focus and figure out to improve what needs to be improved..
I used to never give myself any credit, I still don't think I'm doing enough or that I'm perfect, I believe maybe in other circumstances I would be much better, and given all that I have faced in my life so far, I'm doing my best even if it is not good enough from my perspective..

How do you learn to do the same with those that you love?
*I usually give others more credit than myself..

Have your closest loved ones told you that they feel like they can't do anything right or that they aren't good enough in your eyes?
*No one cares about my opinion lol

How do you think 461s are as parents? Any tips for lowering your expectations to a more realistic level?
*I think I am a good parent, not perfect though, but I'm doing what I can..
My expectations regarding what? I mean when it comes to children, expectations doesn't matter, encouragement, embracing, and unconditional love is what matters..


New member
Mar 27, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Hi guys. Anyone have good resources on this tritype? I watched the Fauvre video, and I read up on the types individually, but I'd be curious to see how they work as a tritype.

I'm 4-6-1 with the phobic part of 6 manifesting at work, and counter phobic in personal life. Mostly.

Peter Deadpan

phallus impudicus
Dec 14, 2016
Hi guys. Anyone have good resources on this tritype? I watched the Fauvre video, and I read up on the types individually, but I'd be curious to see how they work as a tritype.

I'm 4-6-1 with the phobic part of 6 manifesting at work, and counter phobic in personal life. Mostly.

I don't have extra resources but I'd love to see the video. Is it on youtube? Feel free to post whatever you find here, and welcome to the forum!