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Overrated Movies, Books, Musicians, etc.


New member
Apr 19, 2010
Juno: She's pregnant and she's a badass. Cool story bro. I like the stink-eye the Mother Teresa reference and that's about it.

Ooh, I didn't like that movie either! I went to see it with my friends, and they were laughing their heads off the entire time...I didn't see what was so funny, honestly. There were only about two or three things that made me chuckle. But, that's it, just chuckling. I didn't fall into a hysterical fit of laughter. :shrug:


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Ooh, I didn't like that movie either! I went to see it with my friends, and they were laughing their heads off the entire time...I didn't see what was so funny, honestly. There were only about two or three things that made me chuckle. But, that's it, just chuckling. I didn't fall into a hysterical fit of laughter. :shrug:

Just because a movie is popular doesn't mean it's overrated, and just because a movie is not popular doesn't mean it's good or bad.

I loved Juno, I found it pretty refreshing AND consistently funny (and esp seeing Jason Bateman in a role where he finally seemed to be natural)... but I understand it might not be someone else's cup of tea. What's that have to do with whether it's overrated or not?

Then again, I just saw Scott Pilgrim last night and thought it hilarious. But I've see movies like Zoolander or There's Something About Mary or Father of the Bride and thought they were as exciting as cold stale generic-brand toaster pastries. Whatever.

And, yes, I'll also add Glee to the list. I especially hate when they cover classic songs and then everyone thinks that that show is where the songs originated from. :doh:

I'll warn you now that it only gets worse, the older you get.

I got it beaten out of me when people who never read Lord of the Rings saw the movies and didn't even realize there were books.

Glee's better when they actually cover the song in a new way (e.g., Poker Face) rather than just mimicking the old.

It's not supposed to be any of those things. It's supposed to be entertaining. And I found it damn entertaining. You can take issue with Dan Brown's writing skills if you want to nitpick, but the concept and the plot are utterly compelling.

Never saw/read it, never wanted to see/read it... but I agree with this. It's entertainment that I just don't happen to be much interested in while some others will enjoy it.

I only got irked that some people can't tell the difference between entertainment and historical fact... or that they learn all their history from fictional movies/books.

Up: Charming movie but doesn't have that much substance.

Maybe it's different after you've grappled with a long marriage and imagine what it might be like if your spouse dies before you realize all your dreams together... and what a hole it will leave in your life. (While the middle is more fun and fluffy, true, the opening and ending left me in tears.)

Twilight series: It sucks and most people know it sucks. The first book was interesting and it goes down hill from there.

Never read the books, but since I was expecting a piece of crap trendy movie, I was surprised to find it merely bland instead. The baseball game was kinda cute, and having a vampire boyfriend who can fly you around and defend you against your detractors is sort of the secret dream of all starry-eyed teenage girls.

I liked Titanic. I didn't think Avatar was the most boring movie I've ever seen, but definitely overrated. Sure, it had cool effects, but it's the same story we've heard a thousand times.

It was what it was. I enjoyed it for what it was... and it was awesome in3D... but when I was done enjoying it, I haven't had any interest in watching it again.

The Lovely Bones

I enjoyed the book immensely, but it's more her style that I enjoyed rather than the book itself, and I'm not sure why it took off in the mainstream.

... all in all, I don't really have much to contribute to the list because I think most of the items would be decent/worthwhile if they just weren't hyped, and I hate the impression that is given that there is something inherently wrong with something just because it's been overhyped by others.

Even Katy Perry or Lady Gaga have value if they are just seen as what they are -- women who know how to write songs with catchy hooks and how to control their media image for maximum splash. They're talented in that way, and their music is fun for what it is.


New member
Apr 19, 2010
Just because a movie is popular doesn't mean it's overrated, and just because a movie is not popular doesn't mean it's good or bad.

I loved Juno, I found it pretty refreshing AND consistently funny (and esp seeing Jason Bateman in a role where he finally seemed to be natural)... but I understand it might not be someone else's cup of tea. What's that have to do with whether it's overrated or not?

What the people in your location are like make all the difference. Here where I live, it's certainly overrated. Everyone RAVES about Juno. Apparently, it's the greatest film ever made, and how did we ever survive before it? I don't think it was the greatest movie ever made. It was just "o.k" and that's it. Strictly my own opinion. I loved the soundtrack. But, I wouldn't watch the whole movie over just to hear the music. (I'd buy the soundtrack!)

I'll warn you now that it only gets worse, the older you get.

I got it beaten out of me when people who never read Lord of the Rings saw the movies and didn't even realize there were books.

^ Yes! That would irritate the crap out of me. Same with people who see movies like "Across The Universe" and "Mama Mia!" and don't realize that they were real songs by a real group of people...Not original songs made up by the people who wrote the screenplay.
Jun 6, 2007
It's not supposed to be any of those things. It's supposed to be entertaining. And I found it damn entertaining. You can take issue with Dan Brown's writing skills if you want to nitpick, but the concept and the plot are utterly compelling.

Is the book as ridiculous as the film?

The film was not as successful as the book, in my opinion. I'm not one who thinks the book is always better than the movie by default, but in this case I think it's true. The book was very cinematic and could have made a very entertaining film if it didn't take itself so seriously. Actually, I think that's a source of a lot of the criticism of Dan Brown's novels. They're really pulp fiction, but are presented as more than that.


Feb 19, 2008
The film was not as successful as the book, in my opinion. I'm not one who thinks the book is always better than the movie by default, but in this case I think it's true. The book was very cinematic and could have made a very entertaining film if it didn't take itself so seriously. Actually, I think that's a source of a lot of the criticism of Dan Brown's novels. They're really pulp fiction, but are presented as more than that.

I was surprised at how much I liked the book. It was fun and interesting and kind of read like a smart action movie. The movie lacked the exciting pace of the book, though, and got bogged down in its explanations of references, etc. I thought the Angels and Demons movie was much better, like they learned their lesson from the first outing.


meat popsicle
Jul 4, 2009
lady caca
stephanie meyer's existence
i'll jump on the bandwagon and say catcher in the rye is some trite garbage


New member
Jan 19, 2010
This thread is awesome:D

Twilight: overrated only because some consider it a "saga"

Titanic: worth seeing one time before you die

West Side Story: spare me whimsical gangsters, please.

The Wizard of Oz: I like it. I pooped my pants one Christmas while it was playing...:doh::D

Harry potter: not as violent to be as popular as it is. and does Voldemort know what he's missing by not having a nose?

haha Catcher in the Rye: waste of time when I realised I was surrounded by people in similar situations. still worth reading tho

Katy Perry/Lady Gaga (how has no one mentioned this creature?): They are overrated because their music is DEFINITELY overrated

Anyone who stars in any show for MTV: overrated.

Avatar: Whack as shit! I was embarassed when so many people saw it in 3D in theaters. But then I soon realised I wasn't missing out on much. Too much hype to live up to.

Dane Cook: hahaha... overrated. How did he get a movie role opposite Jessica Simpson? Speaking of which...

Jessica/Ashley Simpson: crappy music destines you for overrated-ness

Man Vs Food: overrated because its the same guy. the same flavor-descriptive glutton of a guy...

I can see I am beginning to rant. Sorry.:steam::blush:
Last edited:


Strongly Ambivalent
Apr 18, 2007
It's not supposed to be any of those things. It's supposed to be entertaining. And I found it damn entertaining. You can take issue with Dan Brown's writing skills if you want to nitpick, but the concept and the plot are utterly compelling.

You're right that it's not supposed to be any of those things- but that's one reason I found it overrated. The reason I read it was because people were "rating" it as intellectual, factual, and enlightening, and it was none of the above. Plus, it was just badly written. You're correct that the concept and plot were cool on a macro level, but on a micro level, the writing was just straight up bad. I was compelled to finish it, though. I kept thinking "This book is terrible! I wonder what will happen next?" *flip flip flip stay up all night reading*


One day and the next
Mar 7, 2010
i'll jump on the bandwagon and say catcher in the rye is some trite garbage

yea that book sucked for chrissake

i've also asked some of my friends why they like twilight, supposedly they're terrible books but a guilty pleasure at the same time


Sep 5, 2009
Instinctual Variant
Gwyneth Paltrow I don't think she's a horrible actress, but I don't think she's anything special. Critics always seem to be creaming their pants in their rush to praise her, I think it's ridiculous.

Yes ma'am!

300. Maybe nobody said it but you were all thinking it.

This. Along with every other DUDE movie you can think of (Superbad, Pineapple Express, The Hangover, etc.)

Also, whoever said Glee was overrated I'd like to shake her hand.

Never got Catcher in the Rye, never got The Notebook (or the Nicholas Sparks craze in general), never got Kerouac, never got Harry Potter (I know, I suck).

But I actually... kinda... like... Woody Allen... films.... :doh:

I mean how can you hate Annie Hall!

In terms of music, the two bands I've seen mentioned [Arcade Fire & Radiohead] are not ones I can crusade against. I remember the days when Arcade Fire was The Little Canadian Band That Could and it's hard for me to think of them any other way, even as they've become popular & have signed to a bigger record company. Also, the members of AF are real musicians (violinist, cellists, pianists, etc.), so for them to have the kind of support they have from such a young audience is pretty amazing and I applaud them. And I grew up on Radiohead! So can't do that one either.


Dec 13, 2009
I've listened to all their albums, and don't get me wrong, I do listen to them when I'm in the mood... but, The Beatles.

(Plz don't hurt me. I've got so much to give).

Also, the mountain goats.


New member
Jun 21, 2009
Even though I like to say the word, 'overrated' is overrated. - I wouldn't think Harry Potter is overrated, - the books are actually better than the movies, and the movies are doing pretty fine, - half the stuff you guys said aren't overrated but overlooked.

Things and people who are ACTUALLY overrated:
Che Guevara is overrated(he's a communist, people!).
Giving conformity bad value is overrated.
Giving non-conformity good value is too.
Extremists, 4chan-ers & Hackers are overrated.
money is overrated.
racism is overrated(bullying isn't).
cars are overrated('cause walking isn't).
Drugs are overrated.
Looks are overrated.
Celebrity news is overrated. (I honestly don't care about Lindsay Lohan's issues, I have enough of my own)
Intelligence is overrated(hang out with a bunch of idiots if you want to know why)
Fame is definitely overrated(You might at one point struggle with having your family depend on you, imagine over a billion people).
Expectations are overrated.
Approval is overrated.
The meaning of life is overrated.
MBTI is overrated. (SNAP)

... and apparently your own happiness is overrated, - but what the hell! lets go look at some LOLcats.


Post Human Post
Jul 30, 2010
Instinctual Variant
Even though I like to say the word, 'overrated' is overrated. - I wouldn't think Harry Potter is overrated, - the books are actually better than the movies, and the movies are doing pretty fine, - half the stuff you guys said aren't overrated but overlooked.

The thing with Harry Potter is that judging it as a children's fantasy series, there are others out there that I believe deserve to be more famous than it. Otherwise, it was enjoyable series, but overrated.


New member
Jan 19, 2010
Celebrity news is overrated. (I honestly don't care about Lindsay Lohan's issues, I have enough of my own)
Intelligence is overrated(hang out with a bunch of idiots if you want to know why)

Expectations are overrated.
Approval is overrated.

MBTI is overrated. (SNAP)

... and apparently your own happiness is overrated, - but what the hell! lets go look at some LOLcats.

Intelligence is under-rated. Sorry, but as the world grows more complex, we have to make sense of it. Popularity is over-rated. Be yourself, not the spotlight. oh nice snap. You could just as easily add twitter to this list as well :D


New member
Jun 21, 2009
The thing with Harry Potter is that judging it as a children's fantasy series, there are others out there that I believe deserve to be more famous than it. Otherwise, it was enjoyable series, but overrated.

Agreed, but there are probably billions of story ideas that are out there, that triumph over Harry Potter, but just 'cause they're overlooked, dosen't mean Harry Potter is overrated. The Twilight series is in my opinion overrated, it's not alluring and the creativity used just demeans years of work on vampires and other folk lore, so the writer(whats-her-name), can 'spice' up her story..


New member
Jun 21, 2009
Intelligence is under-rated. Sorry, but as the world grows more complex, we have to make sense of it. Popularity is over-rated. Be yourself, not the spotlight. oh nice snap. You could just as easily add twitter to this list as well :D

I should change that to wit.

And another thing, Complexity is overrated, not blindly following Einstein's quote about how "a smarter man can make something simple while a smart man can make something complex", - but it's true, we're not really actually technologically advancing if we make things more complex, harder to use, and harder for other people to understand. I mean it's like a maths problem, the result is better simplified.

But I agree with you on Intelligence & popularity(fame is on the list).

(Twitter is stupid and dosen't deserve to be on any list. :D)


Dec 13, 2009
Twitter is fantastic, used in the right way. It's a great medium for concise wit.

I agree. I find it much more titillating than facebook too. Tweets are less self serving and focused on the self like on facebook, "just woke up, lol", and are more often used to link others to some other source that you are likely to find interesting given you've decided to follow that person for a particular reason.

I used to hate the conciseness necessary for tweeting, but I think the character limit is very functional.

I think it's very possible to become immersed in twitter. Tweet tags are simple, yet the concept in action, has proven to be ingenious. They give people the platform to talk about the same thing, which is what many people really jump on.

sui generis

don't fence me in
Jan 3, 2008
Instinctual Variant
I agree. I find it much more titillating than facebook too. Tweets are less self serving and focused on the self like on facebook, "just woke up, lol", and are more often used to link others to some other source that you are likely to find interesting given you've decided to follow that person for a particular reason.

I used to hate the conciseness necessary for tweeting, but I think the character limit is very functional.

I think it's very possible to become immersed in twitter. Tweet tags are simple, yet the concept in action, has proven to be ingenious. They give people the platform to talk about the same thing, which is what many people really jump on.

This. All of this. You said it much better than I could have.

I also used to hate the conciseness, but now I view it as a fun writing challenge. :D